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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Just a quick poop in, gotta go in early to teach CPR. My phone died yesterday, not sure what's wrong with it. Gotta get that fixed/replaced ASAP. Had a great visit with the Wednesday, Women and Wine group last night. Sadie says "Woof" to everyone.

    Illi--I'm glad future hubs realized his mistake so quickly. Sounds like he's tried to keep the pickles at bay since you moved in together.

    Minus--that struck me as really funny, too. Hmm, we appear to need a Pickle-Free zone in the Lounge!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Wow NM, work sounds like it's been cray cray, but maybe some of it for the good....getting rid of drama! Waiting to see if you get a lashing, from you know who!

    Jazzy, I missed that part in your post about about food poisoning. Glad it passed quickly and not covid related. Been too cloudy here to see the comet...bummer! I will keep trying too. NE sky huh? 4 am? Got it! Ahhhh, to be Santa Clause. Sorry to hear about the MIL, praying for peace for her, sounds like it may be her time.

    Cami, nothing but plants to show for the garden. I did get some beans and few summer squash. Bugs and birds are getting more than me. Quite disappointing, considering all the work we put in to the garden. Yay, you got your rocker. I'm sure it has been put to good use.

    LOL BabyGirl at the pickles!

    Karen, we only go out when we have to as well. Doctors, post office mostly, groceries about every 3 weeks. Unless we have some appt. and grocery store is right there, I'll run in and grab some things.

    Well, as Jazzy mentioned, my DH did NOT have surgery. I'll just copy/paste what I put on FB.

    Finally home, no surgery. Got to the hospital at 5:15 am, only to go pick him up and go back to hotel at 9 am. Back to the hospital at 11 am, walked out at noon. Doctors office was trying to get approval from Medicare which is NOT his primary insurance, Humana is. So they were trying just starting today to get that approval. Doctor called twice to apologize.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    DOTD: Kendall-Jackson Vintner's Reserve Chardonnay.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    DOTD here: August Ridge Nebbilo. We are savoring our August Ridge wines as the winery has closed so we know there will be no more!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    cutest cat gif ever! - GIF on Imgur

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Good middle of the nite ladies.

    SeeNM I told u that u have great ideas and now they are going to use them at some point.. But I'm glad u got 2 days off and got your rocker <BTW I do like rockers> that alone is calming. Especially after a long day. A nice glass of wine and just rock There is an awful lot going on at ur work, just do ur job tho and don't volunteer.

    But Jazzy u sound really busy and good for you doing so much. Such a nice thing to do. Oh we'll never see the comet here it's always cloudy at night lots of rain and now it's going to be auper hot again this weekend. We had a few nice days but they'll be gone soon.

    Illi super funny about ur DH and the pickle, he must have loved you from the moment he met you, what a nice match. And it sounds like ur starting to feel better and I won't mention pickles again. Glad to see an improvement. This is taking a long time for you.

    Celia I was thinking before all these people getting together without masks. I don't get it. Such an easy thing to do for such a good reason. I realize younger people think they're invincible but they can pass it around like popcorn and if it were their grandmother they'd feel horrible. I feel like it's all al part of working together to save lives, MINE, I'm old and compromised an now even younger people are getting sicker than before.

    Lori 'splain to me now. When will ur DH get this operation done. Is it all up to the ins. company now and u have to start this all over again. I'm sure he would like to just get this over with, waiting is chit we all know that.

    Karen I didn't realize u have 2 DD that live so far from you. That must be hard on all of you. My goofy older DD thinks I moved to far with my youngest and it's about 10 miles <Iused to live down the hall from her> And my sister is another why did I move so far, she's about 15 miles from us. I told u all we are a crazy family.

    Ah Beaver and Sandy good wines.

    Time for my blabbering. OK first they said schools will be open , now the teachers really don't want that and parent too so that's up in the air for now <I think> It's crazy cuz the mayor is getting mad at so manhy people going out without masks already so everything is starting to tighten up. Joey and I were talking the other nite and of course he wants to go back but thiswas my interesting part. As he was telling me what he was missing I didn't even know what he did. He's a tutor in science, he;s in the elite Spanish group and chemistry stuff. He's in some kind of high club for writing and literature and like 2 other things. I was surprised and asked him why he never told us, and all he said was it's just part of my school that I do this. They asked me to and I said yes. So of course I said doesn't this mean ur pretty smart, he said I guess but Mamma I'n no genius. see he takes after me before my brain started shrinking as we all do. Mine just faster. But I wonder if they'll decide on going cuz everything still sounds not so good. And starting is at the end of August, which is not that far away. hey I warned u I was blabbering, so if ur thinking jeezz was this boring, too bad I told you.Now for my GD, she'll be 20 and she just got engaged <oh way to young> plus she looks like she's 15. They have no wedding date set so that's good, my DD feels so sad cuz she thinks she's to young too so who knows how this will work out. I'm not sure about him yet, he's in his mid 20's and as I said she looks so young right away my min goes way stupid. Well we'll see.

    OK have a good Friday and Hey Teka how are u doing??? Misty shout out


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Cami, the gal at the doctors office was trying to get the surgery approved through Medicare. My husband has Medicare, but it's his secondary insurance. Humana is the Primary and that is who it has to go through. So it hadn't gone through Humana, because she didn't submit it through Humana. They were only trying to get it through Humana on the day of surgery. Which it did come through after we left. He is now scheduled for August 17th, as long as the hospital will allow it. Covid 19 is so rapidly growing here, the hospital can say no to the surgeons. That will also, most likely, mess with my trip to Michigan, so I will not get to see my kids or my brothers. Now that surgery is canceled, I think we may head back to Moab next week. My son is doing well, he's in a sober living house, been going to AA meetings and doing some side jobs. Doing so much better this time compared to last.

    Joey, is smart, you can tell. But he thinks it's no big deal "I just do it". That kid is something else.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Good morning! I am doing better today. Earlier this week I was feeling pretty down. I am very concerned with the Covid19 numbers, people not wearing masks, schools undecided about opening and on and on. I just cannot logically figure out anything! I stay home unless I need groceries or prescriptions. I always wear a mask. I do things I can control. I did have the kids over on Tuesday and we had a great time. It was fun to have a conversation with someone face to face!

    Now I am worried about #2 DS. He is on the fence about leaving the job he has with the local bike shop and taking a position with the company, REI. He is concerned about getting into a corporate situation. The owner of the bike shop has said he will do anything to get Charlie to stay. This is causing his general anxiety issues to really cloud his decision making. He would like someone else to make the decision for him! Then my DH gets annoyed because Charlie doesn’t talk with him about this stuff. DH is not a good listener. He tends to get pretty short with Charlie and does not understand the confusion. This from a man that only worked with family!

    DH and I are going to my friends mountain house next week after my mammogram. I do not look forward to the mammogram. I just generally dislike the pain and awkwardness of that test hence why I avoided it for a few years. Hopefully DH and I will be ok in the mountains. I have found a couple of drives we could do for entertainment. I could sit and read for days, but he gets antsy if he is not sitting around in his own home. I will try to be patient!

    Take care!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Glad you have a mountain house to which you can retreat (hopefully safely). Bob is frustrated that we can't use timeshare points--but what would we do in those hotels that we can't do better here? No B'way shows, gourmet dining, etc. would be available. We have far more books, TV, enjoyable outdoor dining, a much better kitchen & grill (and better grocery & dining delivery) than any of the rural resorts. He likes to use such vacations to read, watch TV sports (and in Vegas, to go to the casinos). Not gonna risk our lives for that, sorry not sorry.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    JCS - The mountain retreat sounds lovely and a great post-mammogram "reward". We always enjoy one of the "mountain towns" in NC when enroute to Isle of Palms, SC. Have you ever been to the top of Chimney Rock?

    Sandy - Sharing your frustration in re: lack of travel. As you say, though, you have an abundance of good options in Chi town. I have a lot of Delta SkyMiles I am hoping to use one day.

    Goldie - What a pain in re: the insurance snafu for your DH's surgery. Glad to hear your son is doing well.

    Cami - I enjoy your cat "funnies". Agree with your thoughts about the unmasked. Re: schools - just glad that I do not have any children or grandchildren to worry about. What a quandary! Your Joey sounds like a smart one to me. Sometimes those with "gifts" can be very humble.

    Stopped by the liquor store to replenish my Chambord and for some rosé. No Chambord, but they had a "knock-off", Chateau Monet (bottled in Louisville, KY) which was about $15 cheaper. Will give it a try once my current Chambord bottle is empty (uh, oh, time for that Chambord Spritzer!). Also, picked up a Torre Oria Cava Brut Rosado. Bye for now.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    DOTD: Vega Medien Cava. We have a boatload of Delta Sky Miles, Alitalia, American, SW and United we can't use--plus AmEx Reward points we had intended to turn into enough miles to get airline lounge access or restaurant gift cards.

    If I beat this thing, am not immunocompromised, and there's an effective vax, we're gonna travel our butts off.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Good morning friends- New Mexico is starting to get some rain from the summer monsoon season. Sometimes it is a good soaking, other times spotty over the city and/or state. It has started cooling things down though, more in the mid 90s now which is much more do-able to me than the highs we had last weekend topping 105. About this time of the summer, I find myself ready for fall. In about another month, we will end up having a drop down in temps to the 80s and always love that shift. I looked in my closet the other day and realized how few summer clothes I have worn.

    My sister's MIL rallied at the end of the week and is doing better. She is back in rehab and walking with a walker and doing well. She called my sister yesterday and said she had gotten my get well card too. It's a miracle really, but she has the will to live and perhaps get some more time with her daughter for visits, if that can happen. Unfortunately, CA where they all are is tightening up with a rapid rise in cases.

    We still have a rise in cases here, now over 300 days when a month ago we were below 100, but nothing changed this week with any more roll back or closures. I expect part of this is related to more tourists here, some fourth of July outings and some not wearing masks. In general, I see most people wearing masks and hear the city is doing better with this vs. other areas.

    I went for a dental cleaning yesterday which was a bit scary going in, but they had their processes well worked out and all felt safe. No issues, so I don't have to see them again until early 2021. Next up is a delayed derm apt this next Friday. Then I am starting my annual imaging check ups and found out the BS office scheduled an MRI for Friday during the dentist apt and did not notify me? Ugh. They are horribly disorganized and always dread this time of the year with them. Usually I have a mammo first but have not heard anything about that nor a BS apt.

    JCS- I am with you in that I never like to do my annual mammos but know it's important to do. It is how my cancer was initial found, and because of fat necrosis and other things, there always seems to be more things to do. I hope your tests go well and will be in your pocket.

    REI is a great company and they have a good co-op model. From everything I know about them, they take very good care of their employees. Maybe he can research on line to see what other people say about them? There are sites now (I think Glassdoor is one of them) that actually have places where employees can review their employers. Of course, one can never ensure those are "real" but think a lot of them are. I would want to know what happens if things shut down again. From everything I know, REI (and yes we have a couple here) just reopened again. They were closed longer than most.

    Cami- that is so cool that Joey is interested in science and that you found that out by querying him about the things he misses. My extracurricular activities in high school were something I loved too, mostly around music, but did some other things too. Does he have an interest to go to college? Even the community colleges have programs now for science and tech related ed and certifications which I think are a great way to go. Our parents sent all of us to college (state colleges and universities) but think if i were going now, it would be community college. Anyways, those are all my ideas for Joey right now. I love your cat memes too sister!

    Celia C- your trip to the liquor store sounded very productive! My summer drink continues to be flavored vodka and tonics. I had not had one in a couple weeks, I try not to drink in the intense heat here, but now that it's cooler....

    Goldie- I was glad to hear that your DS is doing well in rehab. I hope your daughter in da islands is doing well too and no more health problems. Now to get to your DH's rescheduled surgery and hope that you can get him in to get this done in August. I know AZ is really struggling with high case loads and also heard ABQ is going to be accepting some out of state Covid patients for care as of this week. I hope Moab is lovely, one of my fav areas.

    Ill- how are you doing this week? Any new things you have been able to eat and enjoy? Your pickle stories crack me up. We have a place here that makes pickle martinis which I like and you would HATE! Do you like things like olives, pickled peppers and other pickled things?

    Beaver- how are things your way in TX? What part of TX do you live in?

    Teka- what's up in north country this weekend?

    Misty- how are you and your family doing this summer?

    NM- I think you may be working this weekend, but hoping you can get out to the lake or do something else fun with Miss Sadie. Are you working FT still, or PT with additional hours as requested?

    ChiSandy- are restaurants open in Chicago for dining in? I too have a bunch of points, but mostly with Southwest. I hope to get some rescheduled travel in to see family and go to Ireland which I was planning for this year (again). When that is we shall see.....

    Will be back with some music for you soon. I have not done that here in awhile....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Took a look at the To Do list of errands for today and decided to Eff it, if it can't be done online it ain't happening today.The Cell Phone is clearly, most sincerely dead, tech can't say why. Ordered a new one on line this ayem, same phone I had, at half what the tech was trying to sell it to me for. Funny, but what I miss the most are the alarm and timer functions!On the up side, I have discovered a lot more can be done through the TV and the Fire Stick than I realized, including running Audible, that will help save on phone battery life tremendously. Sadie has decided that her schedule is the ruling schedule in the house now. No matter what time I am working or sleeping or whatever, 6 ayem is get up and feed Sadie time. If I am getting home at 7 or 8 ayem, it is immediately scratch behind the ears, give and get some cuddles, and then PUT FOOD IN THE BOWL. She will stand at the fridge and stare at me or woof at me until I feed her. She was never so insistent about getting fed as she has become since I changed over to Farmer's Dog food for her. She has more energy and less trouble getting around now, too.

    Goldie--yes, it has been cray-cray at work, but it is all working out for the better. Since the change in management a few really good people have come back to work, some things that made little sense are being changed to ways that make more sense, and staff is feeling like management is paying more attention and listening to them more. While it's pretty hard right now, I feel pretty optimistic overall that things are going to get noticeably better in the near future. Some things, like hiring traveling nurses and recruiting more staff, will take some time, but other things are being done now, which is a relief.

    Bever--so sorry to hear that a favorite winery has closed!

    Cammy Cat--Aww, that little kitteh is sooo adorable!I am enjoying the porch rocker tremendously! Nothing like a gentle rock in the breeze with a glass of something cool and relaxing after work, even if after work is 9 ayem! I am going to try very hard to not agree to any more extra time for the next couple of weeks, especially overnights. Partly cuz I'm tired of it and just don't want to do anymore, partly cuz I'm tired of the attitude I'm hearing every ayem by the day nurses of "why didn't you take care of this, that, and the other thing?" that they should have taken care of the day before.Management is very appreciative of my helping out, staff is starting to take it for granted that I'm there to make their lives easier. So, time to stop for a bit. I suppose how far away is too far away is an individual thing. To me, 10 or 15 miles is practically next door! I hear you about the school opening thing. Some of the Wednesday, Women and Wine group are school teachers, and one is a college professor teaching Physical Therapy. The college classes start this coming Friday for the PT group, and the college still doesn't have a plan in place for them. They have a plan in place for the students coming in end of August, but not for the ones coming in between now and then. The other teachers and schools are waiting for guidelines/instructions from the state and the CDC. Most are trying to make 3 plans, one for students coming back in person, one for online only teaching and one for a combination of 1 or 2 days in person and the rest online.

    Goldie--I am still shaking my head at the doc's office screwing up the insurance part. You'd think they would pay particular attention to that little detail since that's how they get paid, and likely get paid more through Humana than Medicare! Not to mention the inconvenience to you and DH. Glad to hear son is doing well.

    Librarian--the whole COVID thing is wearing on the nerves, isn't it? Hard to tell what to pay attention to, what is truly important and what is not yet proven important or relevant. Sorry to hear DS #2 is having a tough time. That's a hard decision to make, and even harder when there are anxiety issues. I hope he finds someone to talk it out with, maybe you or a friend that he can trust. Ultimately, he has to make the choice himself. Personally, I do NOT miss the mammogram routine. At the end it was all stress, pain and anxiety. Now I just shake my head and chuckle as I toss the yearly reminder postcard from the mammogram center into the trash. I could sit and read for days, too. A book, book and a half a day, with a glass of good wine, that is a nice day!

    Chi--I think vacationing and travel will be forever changed going forward. I can foresee a future where part of the info given about various destinations is the current COVID test positivity rate, hospitalization rate, and what level of community spread is going on.As the COVID spread rating goes up, vacation reservations will go down. New policies will be written guaranteeing deposit returns, 100% if the COVID positive test rate is greater than 1.5%. 75% return if it's 1 to 1.4%, etc.Discounts if you can prove you have had COVID and are immune. That sort of thing.

    Celia-- I've tried the Chateau Monet, it's good, it's just not quite as good at Chambord. Enjoy your spritzer!


    Fields of Travel



    1. Add the sake, liqueur and zucchini water to a shaker with ice, and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
    3. Top with the sake.
    4. Garnish with a skewered cucumber ribbon.
    5. *Zucchini water: Process 5 whole zucchinis through a juicer (which should yield 1 quart.) Add 1 oz. fresh lime juice, 1 oz. raw cane sugar and 1 barspoon vitamin C powder.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    cat gifs | *** Chosen Gifs ***

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, no pickled anything or olives for me, I think it’s the vinegar, except balsamic, which is good. I had a bag of Lays BBQ chips the other day and they were great! Last night was steak and yellow squash, still in small portions. I am relieved to finally enjoy food and maintain weight without supplementing with boost drinks. I think I’ll try a taco later 😁

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Lori I'm so happy to hear about ur DS, I think of him often. But what a screw up with ur poor DH and u too. Jeezz so much going on trying to get him his surgery. But if I read right he got it yesterday. I hope he's healing well and u2 can get some relaxation in.

    JC u soun yep a little down. Ur so use to just picking up and going, for u this has to be really asad time. I know we all want it over but there's not much we can do.To enjoy reading is such a help at this time but it doesn't replace just going. It's hard for me to know exactly how u feel cuz I do stay in so much, but I can imagine and hopefully this nitemare will be over pretty soon.

    Celia I mostly have concern for everyone working and around people so much. And for my experience I would hat being a teenager now cu I can't imagine staying home so much with my parents at that age and all this back and forth with what to do, it's just hard to hear there is no real plan.

    Oh Kim I'm glad ur seeing the light of watching how u work. Its just that u put so much into it I like to hear when u can relax with Sadie and just do some fun stuff. That's why I bother u so much and will continue to if I see it needed LOL And I agree with all about mammos, don't need them anymore so that one less miserable test to have at least.

    Jazzy I'm surprised about ur sisters MIL, I didn't expect that but it's nice to hear. I do hope ur sisters holding up OK this all has to be so hard for her.U always seem to be so busy finding things to do. U R a powered energy source that this country needs. Oh Joey is planning on going to community college for the first 2 years < so much cheaper> and he's already taken 2 college courses to get them over with. A couple of colleges have contacted him but still to pricey and he know that so he just does what he needs to do for now. U know he's always wanted to go to college but u never know how things work out for anyone so we hope his dream can come true. His strong courses are chemistry, science, Spanish and we figured he could be a Dr. with the bedside manner of talking history and if needed telling history stories in Spanish. How does that sound.??? Oh and clarinet and thanks to Dara the flute so he can even give a performance for his patients to relax. We have it all covered, But since one thing he likes is watching old movies and movies with sub-titles it seems to me he's just going to be strange as an adult.

    Jodie was here and gone so I had my shower and my phones are going and dammit I'm getting so boring with my writing so I'm blaming it on the Covid thing, it's not me I'm usually so much fun OK OK I even LOL at that one.

    Hey Beaver we're curios about u, well I am.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Illi u really sound so good right now, finally I'm so happy to read that. NO OLIVES TOO, I understand Pickles but I'm sorry OLIVES???Is that black and green, or is this <Oh I'm So CoNfUsEd> an incorrect political question

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    OK, to fill in a bit. I am a retired nurse educator, have two sons and DH, both sons are married with kids(8 total). Moved to South central Texas (a current hot spot for Covid-19) from California about 10 years ago to be closer to the offspring. Born and raised in West Virginia, went to Ohio for college and stayed until moving to California. After retiring in California, DH and I made friends with the owners of a couple of wineries and had the chance to help with bottling, etc. Think California law has since changed re winery volunteers and it would not matter just now because they have been shut down again!

    Re mammograms, I am scheduled for my first annual one since my cancer journey started, I've lost count of the number before last July when it was decided I could go on an annual schedule. Currently have no indications of any problems, but then I did not have any back in 2016/2018 either. Always a bit anxious re results.

    Have been staying home except for grocery and pharmacy trips. Masks galore!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Love the kittehs, Cami & Jazzy!

    Yes, Chicago restaurants have opened to indoor dining, but at 25% capacity, with tables spaced 8-10' apart. Everyone must wear a mask except while eating & drinking. I have yet to dine indoors (except at home), but if I do (and am not immunocompromised), it'll be at Cellars' wine dinnner--but only if the weather would not permit sitting outdoors (they don't have a tent or full canopy over their patio. I don't trust any other restaurant, and even there I prefer outdoors. When it's raining, we order out from there for delivery. The theme of this wine dinner (which, if Chicago or IL goes back into Phase 3 will be canceled) is "Italian varietals from Australia."

    DODT (thus far) was Brazil Serro de Cabral black coffee (pour-over drip), CT scan contrast (surprisingly, looked, tasted and felt just like water), and as much water as I can stand to flush the latter (and the IV contrast) out of my system. Not sure what to drink tonight with my leftover fish & chips.

    It's hot & sticky out, but not as bad as predicted.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Beaver- the first few years of imaging after cancer were nerveracking for me. I used to have mammos and ultrasounds and they would come right in and tell me how I was doing. Now they have changed it the last couple years to mammo and MRI, and then I find out usually at some point later when I see the BS. So I hope you get the info the day of, every place is different and think the waiting stuff whether it is imaging, biopsy results, etc. is the worst part of all. Fingers crossed for good outcomes.

    Cami- I think we have all been surprised about my sister's MIL rebound, but of course, I also know maybe she just was having a good day too. Recovery from anything has it's good and bad days, right? We all know this from our own recoveries. I pray she is on the path to wellness and can go back to the assisted living. She has made some friends there.

    That is great that Joey is already thinking about college. Community college for 2 years then finishing at a 4 year is the way to go. There may be some scholarships for a smart young man like him. I agree he would be such a great doctor, and love the comment about playing music for his patients too. He could look in to doing a music therapy degree too. There are many cool things available now that were nowhere on the radar when I was getting my higher education. Go Joey!

    Ill- so good to hear you are able to eat more now and tacos sound really good to me. Today I did an ice creme run on the way home and got three flavors and did a sampler; chocolate peanut butter dough, red velvet cake, and strawberry cheesecake (my absolute favorite). It was Bluebell which I am sure you know well from living in TX. They had all kinds of cool flavors today and a sale too!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie had be up at 6:30 for breakfast again this ayem, and now she is sleeping on the ottoman in front of the fan. She woke me up in the middle of a dream that was getting uncomfortable, so that was a good thing. Yesterday was a lovely, lazy day. Really need to get some stuff done around the house today though.

    Cammy Cat--I do put a lot into my work, and need to put just as much into taking care of myself and Sadie. I keep working on that!

    Illi--Ah, steak and Lays!Good foods!

    Beaver--Where did you teach nursing?I'm currently a staff development coordinator at a nursing home, and I taught in an Associate Degree program for 4 years. It must have been a lot of fun volunteering in a winery!

    Chi--here in parts of Maine indoor dining is open with tables 6 feet apart, up to 50% capacity (if able to maintain the distancing). Same with the mask, on until seated.

    Jazzy--sounds like some really fun ice cream flavors you have going there!

    Pencil Eraser- A Back to School Cocktail for Parents

    Pencil Eraser- A Back to School Cocktail for Parents


    • 1 lemon cut into 8 wedges
    • 3 strawberries, hulled and quartered lengthwise
    • 4 ounces simple syrup
    • 6 ounces vodka
    • 1 ounce cranberry juice


    Step 1

    In a shaker, muddle lemon, strawberries, and simple syrup. Add ice, vodka, and cranberry juice. Shake well and strain into three martini glasses. Garnish with a strawberry and serve.

    From <

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    The 46 Cutest Cat GIFs Ever

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Good Mornin' ladies,

    Cute pic Jazzy, u know how I love cats.

    Oh Beaver finally. Well I'm sure u know by now NM Kim is a nurse and she's fantastically giving and knowledgeable and teaches also. And she pretty much is our DOTD and always comes up with something clever. U have 8 beautiful grandkids too. Oh how lucky u are. I have 2 but wish I had more they grow so fast. And blessed with a good DH. And I don't blame you for that feeling of crap about Mammos especially when there has been a surprise along the way. And u sure know how to make the right friends. Cheers

    Kim there aren't many flavors of ice cream that I would turn down.

    Sandy I wasn't out at all but all I heard was is it hot out there, it's miserable. So it might not have been as bad where u live <closer to the lake, maybe> out here it was almost 105 heat index, just way to hot. Rain today probably so we'll see what that brings.

    OK everyone have a Sunday-funday, well something like that.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Morning & early aft. storms led to a nice cooldown here by the lake today. Yesterday we made it up to 91 (acc. to the readout in my car's dash as I drove home from my CT scans).

    Kim, elsewhere in IL restaurants can do up to 50% capacity indoors, with social distancing & masks, of course. But I seriously believe that at least Chicago should close bars & taverns that don't serve meals--that's where the young'uns (who are the largest cohort of new cases) congregate maskless and the staff doesn't enforce the rules.

    Speaking of the CT scans, no evidence of mets from either the eye or the breast! I do have some "fatty invasion of the pancreas" (Bob says it's from when I was obese), a 5mm left lower lung lobe nodule (M.O. says likely scarring from the brutal coughing I had for most of Dec., but follow up in 3 mos. just to make sure), and a uterine fibroid (asymptomatic, so no need to yank out the rusty baby carriage). Ocular oncologist says it takes 10-14 days to make the plaque and order the radioactive seeds, so we're probably looking at 2 weeks from tomorrow. So no eye patch at the wine dinner.

    Ordered out for brunch. DOTD: Mumm Napa "Santana" NV brut bubbly. (Yes, that "Santana:" he developed the blend, and donates all profits to music education in the public schools).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! It's been a very quiet and peaceful weekend without a working phone. I could get to like this being disconnected thing! New phone should be here tomorrow or Wednesday. The heat and humidity has moved in again, Sadie and I went for a swim yesterday peeyem. Boy did that feel good! There were some kids for Sadie to swim around and play with. Then we hung out on the deck drying off, me with a nice glass of rose. Given the weather prediction for today (Hot, Humid, Hazy) we may go again after work today. And I need to find her a special treat, she got me up at 5:30 ayem, so I'm not going to be late for work even though I set the alarm for 5:30 peeyem! Gotta love the way she takes care of me!

    Cammy Cat--you take care in all that heat and humidity, make sure you drink enough fluids and don't get dehydrated. Make sure you take care of yourself!

    Chi--good news from the CT scan, but I'm gathering the eye thing turned out to be something?

    Triple H - Drink Recipes - "Depth Charge" or "Bomber" Drinks

    Triple H


    1 part Hennessy®

    1 part Hypnotiq®

    1 Heineken®

    Shot glass

    Beer Mug


    1. Fill a shot glass with Hennesy® and Hypnotiq®.
    2. Fill a beer mug with Heineken®.
    3. Drop the shot into the beer and drink quickly.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Cami, NO SURGERY for DH. Rescheduled for August 17 now.

    LOL at Joey being a dr, talking history, in Spanish if needed and playing for them.

    JCS, sorry to hear that DS2 is struggling with a job decision.

    Celia, I hope your knock off is a good one, especially if you saved $15!

    Jazzy, amazing about your sister's MIL. That woman has a will for life, for sure. My DD is fine as well, thank you. When we go to Moab, we will actually be staying up in the La Sal mountains, much cooler! I love me some ice cream!

    BabyGirl, do you eat cucumbers? Yay for chips and working towards tacos.

    NM, perhaps Sadie's time clock is messed up from the crazy hours you are working? Glad to hear that things are looking up at work.

    Beaver, we are staying home as well, just out for groceries and doctors and post office. I also wear a glove on my right hand when pumping gas and pressing the numbers on the key pad. Left hand takes the cap off/on and inserts the credit card. I refuse to eat out. Have gotten carry out a few times, and I don't like to do that either.

    Been busy around here, in the house and the garden. With my DH limited as to what he can do, I do double. Saturday with the heat and all I did, I was totally exhausted. Took my BP 99/65 with a heart rate of 100! Spent some time down at my neighbors, 2 of her grands are visiting. The girls come running when I go over, yelling Nana Lori! So it makes me feel good. We made a desert and went riding. Just learned that my DH's uncle (father's brother) is in the criticle condition with covid and his wife also has it, but she is quarantine at home. He has or had prostate cancer. It's been horribly hot here, and Covid just going nuts. We are 7th in the country, just below Illinois.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Good morning friends- busy week ahead and popping in to say hi after a mostly quiet weekend. As they all are anymore, right? I managed to swim 4X this past week for a total of 200 laps too. I am working on getting my fitness back after not being able to swim much last year with all the eye issues, and then getting thwarted this year with getting back in the pool for about six weeks before everything shut down. So far, nothing more shutting down here and our case loads are dropping some. I got one of my bikes back this weekend and plan to start riding as things cool down.

    NM- I had one of the early (brick like) cell phones when I was commuting between CT and MA for a job back east in the 1990s. It was from the university where I was managing a grant and super cheap through the school and great for emergencies. When I moved out here, I did not have a cell phone for a good 8 years until a job I worked at wanted me to have a company one sometime around 2003. Eventually that became my own personal phone and is now my business phone. During the times I did not have a phone, I did not miss it. I think they are great for emergencies and know many who use them for only that. Being "too avaialable" creates issues for us sometimes, right? Has that kayak come out yet this year?

    ChiSandy- tell us more about your follow up tests on the eye. It sounds like you are okay but had a scare?

    Goldie- many folks here go up to the mountains to stay cool in the heat of the summer. We are starting to get more monsoonal rains now, and temps are back in to the mid 90s again. We are supposed to have more rain this week, which is good for the yard and gardens, and it cools things down. Enjoy your time up in Moab.

    Beaver- just a few tidbits about me. I am originally from the east coast and have been living in New Mexico for 24 years as of this month. I am a freelance IT consultant, love to swim, and play music too (although not this year). I love wine, and flavored vodka is my new fav cocktail in this pandemic.

    There was a really great documentary on PBS last night about cancer that included interviews with both the patients and doctors. There is a really good part up front about breast cancer, and it featured a few women but also a 23 year old who got diagnosed with it early. As the oncologist said "we expected this to be genetic but it's not". They talk about other types of cancers too, including pancreatic, prostate, multiple myeloma, and gioblastoma. Its two hours and well done and worth the time to watch if you are so inclined. Including a write up from our local paper on it for you and it may be running on your local PBS channel too.

    Wishing everyone a good start to the week!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    NM, I taught nursing in about every kind of program but community college. Started in a hospital based diploma program, then a BSN and graduate one, then RN to BSN to which we added a MSN degree.

    Jazzy, I never learned to swim although I tried. Got an ear infection when taking lessons as a youngster, took one term of swimming for PE in college and found I couldn't relax because I was so near sighted I couldn't see where I was in relation to the sides of the pool!

    Goldie, while there are things that have to be done, take care of yourself while picking up DHs chores!

    Sandy, still in your pocket and fingers triple crossed that by some miracle your eye biopsy in two weeks is benign. Knowing the small likelihood of that keeping them crossed that all goes well and that your tumor responds well to the radiation.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Kim, Jazzy--my "eye thing" is very, very serious, deadly serious in fact. My ocular oncologist--after imaging and thorough dilated bilateral eye exam--says the clinical signs make him "99% sure" that the growth in my R eye is melanoma. (How I got that I'll never know--my eyes are dark hazel, mostly brown; my natural hair color before the gray was dark brown; have always worn the darkest polarized sunglasses I could get when outdoors in daylight and sunscreen on my skin; and though I'm fair-to-light skinned I'm not among the palest of people). Not only that, but it's in the "ciliary body:" a muscle at the bottom front behind the iris that gets a lot of exercise and therefore is vascularized, which makes it the rarest but most aggressive eye tumor. Without the upcoming brachytherapy it has a 30-50% chance of metastazing w/in 2-6 mos.; with the brachytherapy, 5-yr remission rate is 95%, 10-yr is 87%. It's possible that it could take as long as 20 yrs. to start to spread--but it's about 1% possible that the biopsy might come up as a benign angioma, granuloma or nevus.

    So you can see why I might have been "driven to drink" (were it not for the calories & carbs). There's the temptation to say "YOLO" and eat & drink whatever I want--but chances are better-than-even I'll be around long enough to have to keep my immune system, blood sugar and weight healthy to protect me from COVID till (kinahurra, knock wood) I can get vaccinated.

    That "floater" in the L eye, which sent me to the retinologist in the first place? A whole lotta nothing: the "vitreous" (the proteinaceous liquid inside the eyeball) is beginning to turn jellylike from aging, with some of the proteins coagulating into spots & threads commonly known as floaters. The vitreous is beginning to very slightly detach, but no reason to do anything about it unless I get a sudden flood of floaters or see flashes of light. It can be drained and replaced with saline ("vitrectomy")--but that procedure does risk retinal detachment. If floaters interfere with activities of daily living, they could be lasered, which carries the same risk.

    Thus far, bloodwork & CT scans show no signs of mets from either my eye tumor or breast cancer. Fingers crossed.

    Not sure what if anything I'm gonna drink tonight besides water, coffee or seltzer. Gotta prepare for my weigh-in this Wed. (assuming I will still be able to do so in person rather than over the phone).

    Oh, and if those spectacularly selfish & spoiled 18-29 yr-olds keep spreading COVID in Chicago, Cellars' wine dinner might once again be "off the table." Though the state's rolling positivity rate was 2.9% as of yesterday, the city's has risen above 5%; so the Mayor has pulled us back into Phase 3.5: bars & taverns can serve only outdoors, and with masks & distancing; restaurants can serve parties indoors with masks & distancing, but only parties of 6 or fewer per table; all grooming services requiring removal of masks (shaves, facials) are banned; gyms, religious services, and indoor non-essential shopping are limited to 10 or fewer people; and residential property mgrs./concierges must limit guests to 5 or fewer per apt. to prevent partying.

    But those changes won't take effect till this Friday--so you know the entitled brats will be partying their @$$es off all week and endangering us all. They have the unmitigated gall to go on and declare that we at-risk folks "should just stay home" so they can exercise their "freedoms" to gather in crowds, maskless, and drink like fish (including on closed city beaches). What about those at-risk people who can't stay home--but instead have to serve them their booze, drive their Ubers/valet-park their cars, clean their restrooms, sell them their groceries, cook their restaurant meals, and deliver their stuff? Most of these essential workers are minorities (especially women of color) who will then bring the spoiled-brats' viruses home--riding on public transit--to their crowded & impossible-to-keep-distanced homes.