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how about drinking?



  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Oh dear, Sandy! Melanoma in your eye!?!?! Fingers crossed the radiation treatments work. Is there no end to the way our bodies can turn on us?!
    Mammogram went well this morning. The technician was good so while painful, it was not outrageous. I am 98% sure things are all ok.
    DS#2 has decided to stay with the local bike company. They have promised some changes and he feels good about it. I wish he would think also about the possibility of ownership a few years down the road. He could not come to the mountains with us as his geriatric dog now has a growth on her head. The fun never ends!
    Yes to whoever asked if I had been to Chimney Rock. It is quite the view of Lake Lure from there.
    Watching the storms move through now. Justlove the view from up here!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Chi- sending much love around this situation at hand. Praying for good outcomes on that biopsy to not be melanoma.

    Will be in your pocket sister Hug

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, I love blue bell, crazy cookie dough is my favorite, it had different colored dough balls and the ice cream itself tastes like cake batter. It’s so good that I cuss when I eat it, lol.

    Tomorrow I’m having lobstah! Yippie!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Sadie says Woof to everyone. She's happy the humidity has moved out, as am I. I was going to take her swimming when I got home from work, but she was already swimming in her wading pool! Talk about a wet doggo. She got me thoroughly wet saying hello when I got home. Things are settling down at work. I noticed yesterday that the overall vibe in the place was much less tense than it has been for some weeks. It was disappointing to hear about a couple of people who were hired but never showed up for orientation. Still, better to weed them out now than later, right?

    Goldie--I don't think Sadie's time clock is messed up, I think she's decided that this household will run on HER time clock no matter what is going on with MY work hours! I'm glad it worked out inmy favor this last time. Please be careful in the heat and make sure you stay hydrated. With all the COVID stuff going in people are forgetting the other risks that are out there.Sorry to hear about DH's uncle. Pray he recovers. The resurgence across the country is getting scary.I hope people will rethink wearing a mask, but I'm afraid many won't.

    Jazzy--I think you have a point that cell phone are disruptive in our lives. There is such a thing as being "too available" and it's not good for us or for the people around us. They are great for emergencies, and I have some apps I use regularly for work and some I use for myself but I can leave it in the car or leave home without it and not go into a total panic like I see some people do. The kayak hasn't hit the water yet, but it has gotten pulled out of it's corner and dusted off and the spiders evicted. I'm thinking I'll take it out later this week.

    Beaver--wow, you really covered the gamut of teaching! Which did you like best?

    Chi--oh my goodness, I did not realize that the eye spot is suspected of being melanoma. The placement sounds frightening. I'll be praying that the best possible outcome happens for you. And I can see where that would drive anyone to drink! It is very discouraging how people just will not listen to science and reason and just wear a mask. How did we get to be such a self-centered culture? Spoiled brats is just what they are. I wonder if they'll catch on if this thing explodes and everything has to be closed down entirely because of their selfishness?

    Librarian--Glad the mammogram went well. And glad DS#2 has made his choice. Hopefully he will realize the future potential in the position as time goes by.

    Illi--enjoy the Lobstah!


    Massimo Bond


    • 2 oz Olive oil gin*
    • 1/4 oz Mancino secco vermouth or Martini extra dry Italian vermouth
    • 3 drops Pink Himalayan salt solution**
    • 4 leaves Sage
    • Garnish: Olive
    • Garnish: Sage leaves


    1. Add the sage leaves into a mixing glass and crush slightly with a muddler.
    2. Add the olive oil gin, vermouth, salt solution and ice and stir.
    3. Strain into a chilled coupe.
    4. Garnish with a skewered Taggiasca olive and 3 sage leaves.
    5. *Olive oil gin: Combine 750 mL gin and 200 mL extra-virgin olive oil (such as Villa Manodori Taggiasca extra-virgin olive oil) in a Mason jar with a seal-proof lid. Shake mixture, then leave at room temperature for 7-9 hours to allow flavors to infuse. Place jar in the freezer overnight to solidify fats. The next day, use a knife to break up coagulated fat at top of jar and strain spirit through a coffee filter or a cheese cloth. Strain again as desired to remove any leftover fat. Reserve in bottle until ready to use.
    6. **Pink Himalayan salt solution: Add 1/2 cup pink Himalayan salt and 1/2 cup water into a small bowl. Stir until salt dissolves and reserve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    For Cami


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Kim, it's not just "suspected" of being melanoma--the chances are infinitesimal that it's benign. The biopsy is to determine just how aggressive it is.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Last day of the work week for me, and Sadie and I are looking forward to a nice, long 4 day weekend. Much less drama at work this week, and I've made good progress getting a major electronic medical record change up and running. Nothing fancy like Jazzy does, this is functional, moving the documentation of a lot of resident care from the nurse to the CNAs who are actually doing the care. And I'm getting a detailed process/directions/instructions document put together for admissions so there will be a written reference for newbies and so everyone knows what is supposed to be happening, when, and by whom. Changes I've wanted to make for over a year, but haven't been allowed to until now. Sadie is very happy with the progress, too!

    Jazzy--oh, my, the mighty hunter provides for the family!

    Chi--oh, dear, I guess I didn't want to really hear how bad it is. Praying for a lesser aggressive biopsy result.

    RumChata Limon | Beverage Dynamics>


    2 ouncesRumChata Limon

    2 ounces seltzer water

    Serve over ice.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020


    Life is good

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Good morning all! DH and I are having a great time in the mountains. We drove to a state park and lake yesterday. It was hot, but we managed to complete one hike, then have a picnic lunch in a pretty spot. There were people around, but not many. Got back to the cabin in time for DH to have a nap and I watched a thunderstorm roll in. Today we plan to drive to a little town to see what is open. It is nice to have an outing. Then we sit on the porch and listen to the birds.

    My thoughts are with those having tests and treatments. Life has its ups and downs. Our choice is to deal with them in the best way possible.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    JCS- now that is what I am talking about. Beautiful views and some tasty wine to boot. Glad you are having a wonderful time!

    NM- enjoy your nice four day weekend. Maybe you will get out out for some water fun?

    Ha, I sent my sister that meme about the cat & mouse yesterday as her young cats are always catching things like beetles, butterflies, lizards, etc. Yesterday her 2 year old male came in with a mouse! LOL.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, I AM IN THE MOUNTAINS, and it's HOT! Tuesday night I got hardly no sleep at all. I can not sleep uncovered. I so miss bike riding, but I would need flat concrete streets/sidewalks to ride on! I bought a cheap mountain bike years ago, not sure what I was thinking....LOL. We've only had 2 little rains so far, temps in the high 90' and sometimies hitting triple digits. Doesn't look like we will get to do our meet n greet this year, does it? Really bummed about that.

    Beaver, we also own our own business, so having to do more with that as well. We sell irrigation on the internet. Sometimes I just run myself ragged, and pay for it the next day!

    JCS, think no matter how old our kids get, they still won't listen to mom or dad! Good luck to your son in staying where he is. Good news on the mammo front. Love the picture....LOVE LOVE LOVE!

    BabyGirl, cussing when you eat ice cream! Lobstah, wish it was so readily available here. I wouldn't have any idea how to cook it.

    NM, glad things are falling into place at work you and you have a 4 day weekend. Make the most of it! Not sure you have totally been able to enjoy your "part time" position yet. How's that rocker? Doesn' Sadie go with you when you take your kayak out? I wouldn't think so. So how does that work? Do you go solo?

    Went to town today, Wally World is making mandatory to wear a mask to enter and they were watching. Some take them off when they get in the store tho. And I see parents wearing them, but not the little ones. I know it's hard to make them wear them sometimes, so get a sitter...or stay home! Not sure if we will get to go camping or not. Our friend in Moab has to haul our RV for us, as we no longer have the truck. Well, he doesn't have cell service where he lives and he hasn't gone out to check his voice mails. We don't want to just show up, he has an elderly mother in her 90's in a home there, and you never know if something has happened with her.

    Funny thing. I have 2 roasts in my freezer. I had told my DH if we go camping, I'll make a roast a day or so before, we can have dinner, left overs and sandwhiches for our travels. Today he buys 1 lb of roast beef at the deli, and then orders a roast beef sub at Firehouse Subs after shopping. REALLY????

    Hoping I can get some sleep tonight!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Goldie, hope you get some sleep! If our A/C would conk out, I would not sleep either, not that I sleep all that well anyway!

    NM, sorry,I forgot to answer your question about teaching. All of the positions were a good fit when I had them as I progressed through my higher education.

    Up early in the morning for a mammogram. I was fretting about it until a crisis arose in an organization where I volunteer--sorry about the crisis but happy to have something else to focus on!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Here is my lobster story:

    Years ago in Brooklyn, we would order lobster fra diavolo at Italian restaurants. (I was a weird kid--I liked spicy stuff). Fast forward to 1981. The supermarket (Dominick's) had a huge sale on Maine lobsters, I had The Joy of Cooking, and a jones for lobster fra diavolo. I opened the book to the recipe, assembled the ingredients, put the saute pan on one burner and got a stockpot boiling on the other. Started step-by-step. Crushed the tomatoes, minced the garlic, got the sauce bubbling, etc. But when was I supposed to put the lobster into the stockpot? (I had always thought you boiled the thing, extracted the meat and put it into the sauce). To my horror, there was NO "boil the lobster" step: turns out you put the LIVE critter into the sauce and cover the pan! It was absolutely unnerving: the lobster did not die when it hit the bubbling sauce, but instead kept trying to crawl out of the pan! I slammed the cover on, feeling it desperately banging its claws against the lid, hearing it squeak. My cat watched, fascinated, until the banging & squealing stopped. I must admit it (the dish, not the cat) turned out delicious, but not only didn't I ever make it again, I never ordered it either.

    I learned two things that night: first, you put lobsters into the pan belly up and head first. And second, you READ the effing recipe all the way through before you even gather ingredients, much less start the mise en place!

    In your pocket for tomorrow's "putting the girls through the wringer," Beaver!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    afternoon. Pretty sure it was left there by Silly Sadie!

    Goldie--so sorry to hear that you are having to deal with unreasonable heat, and in the mountains even! I have been enjoying the rocker on the deck, for a bit just about every day. I love coming home from work and plunking down in the rocker with a nice, cold glass of wine or cocktail, and tell Sadie about the day and get her report on the activities in the neighborhood. Sadie does not go with me when I go out in the kayak. I'm hoping to find a time this summer when a friend of mine can go with me and we can try Sadie in the kayak and see how she does, if she does well I'll get her doggy life jacket and would take her with me, but I'm not going to try it with her the first few times alone. I do kayak solo. It's incredibly peaceful out on the water like that most of the time.Sounds like DH is having a roast beef craving attack! The best way to get lobstah if you can't buy live ones locally is to go online and order canned or frozen lobster meat. That way's it's already cooked and will handle transport better and ready to use as soon as you get it. Crazy about people wearing a mask to get into Wally World, and taking them off once inside. Why bother? Not much in there you can't order online and have delivered and save yourself all the trouble AND avoid making someone else sick. Kids and masks have a lot of different recommendations: not for under 2, not for under 5, start getting your school age kids used to wearing a mask now before school restarts, just craziness. I keep reading that kids don't catch COVID, kids don't spread the virus, yet in places as many at 50% of kids tested have been exposed already! We truly do not know what is going on with this thing.

    Beaver--it's a good career with all the positions are a good fit at the time you have them! It is good to have something to focus on to combat scanxiety, sorry it had to be a crisis.

    Chi--oh my goodness, peppers on LOBSTER?SACRILIGEOUS!Tomato sauce on Lobster? EVEN WORSE! That dish would not go over well anywhere around here! But, yes, it can be unnerving when the critters bang against the pot, but at least you had the squeaking that told you the sauce was hot enough when you put the lobstah in! Reading the entire recipe is a very good tip, particularly if you like to use older cookbooks who sometimes don't list something in the ingredient list but mention it at the step it's needed. What was assumed to be in every wife's pantry is sometimes surprising.

    Rock Lobster #2

    1 partWhite Crème De Cacao

    1 partAmaretto Almon Liqueur

    1 partBailey's Irish Cream

    1 part l Cream

    1 dash Cinnamon

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Back from mammo, radiologist said everything looks "normal", should have full report on my portal by this evening. Went before breakfast so now enjoying my drink of the morning, coffee.

    I had to say something about A/C, didn't I? A/C for master bedroom was not working last night, fortunately the one for the rest of the downstairs was working so turning the bedroom ceiling fan on and leaving the door open kept it comfy. DH (retired engineer) thinks it is a problem with the compre$$or. Fortunately for us the folks who built this house installed 2 hvac units and the zone for the other bedrooms and main living spaces is on the unit that is working since it is already in the mid 80s with forecast for high 90s.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Kim, there are lots of ethnic lobster recipes (e.g.,, Cantonese, Singapore chili, etc.) that would be a sacrilege to any self-respecting New Englander. Personally, my fave way to eat lobster is plain boiled--even lemon & butter only optional. IMHO, if you need anything more than a rock and a toothpick to eat lobster, do you really even like the stuff?

    Beaver, yay for the normal mammo! As to A/C, I've never lived anywhere with central heat or A/C--only window units for the air and steam radiators or electric baseboards for heat.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Unfortunately, I was right, the A/C repair will be $$. Turns out our system is old enough to be Freon based. It has been diagnosed as a leaky coil with options 1. recharge the freon, knowing it will leak again just not certain how fast 2. hope to find a replacement coil and charge that with Freon or 3. replace the unit with a more efficient one. We are waiting for pricing and think it possible that 3 will be the most expensive up front but . likely to offer savings in the long run. And, of course, our feels like temperature today is in triple digits. Thank goodness at least part of the house still has A/C.

    Sandy, our last house in California did not have A/C as we were close to the ocean and benefited from those breezes. Our first house in Ohio did not originally have A/C but my allergist recommended we install it to better deal with my grass and pollen allergies. Otherwise, we have always lived where A/C was basically automatically installed. Enjoy the benefits of lake breezes!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    The walk-up apt. bldg. in Brooklyn where I grew up (and lived till age 13) was too old for its wiring to handle even window A/Cs. (NYC summers were the main reason for the Catskill Mts. "borscht belt" resorts & bungalow colonies). And our Seattle apt. (in one of those "California-style" two-stories with exterior stairs, balcony walkways and exterior unit doors) also had inadequate wiring (not to mention vertical casement windows). But our bedroom was shaded by a tall madrona tree; and it got hot only a couple of weeks a year.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Sandy, this truly supports location, location, location, doesn't it?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    NM, I didn't imagaine Sadie went with you in the kayak, is there even room for her? You mention trying with a freind to help if there is a problem. I so would have skipped the deli meat and the sub from Firehouse and went home and made a roast. It's one of my favorite dinners. RE the mask thing, the other thing that kills me are the ones that don't cover their nose! I so badly want to say something sometimes. I'll pass on the canned or frozen lobstah, maybe some day I'll get into a restraunt and order some, but I usually end up with shrimp! LOL peppers or tomatoes on lobster!

    Oh my Beaver, did I jinx you????? Almost funny, but not sleeping cuz it's too hot is plain miserable. Glad all seems ok from the mamo.

    Cami, oh Cami dear...where for art thou?

    Had to go get my Faslodex injection (75 minute drive), had cramping the entire time, only to get home and have it get worse. Double over cramping. Went to bed at 5:30. Had a small meal, a little bit of grilled chicken with some homemade mushroom rice. Had drank some warm lemon water to hopefully help with passing some gas. Not sure what time, but I was up twice puking my guts out and then starting around 9:30, up every 45 minutes with "D". Feeling better this morning, tummy muscles a little sore!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Looks like I cut off the top of yesterday's post, so here it is:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Sadie and I are getting up to some rain this ayem, hoping it will pass through and the sun will come out later. At least the humidity hasn't started climbing again. Probably going to be a pretty quiet day today, had a lovely sleep in but still feel tired. But that may pass with a couple cups of coffee.

    Librarian--life is beautiful in that pic, indeed! Sounds like you are having a great time! Good for you!

    Jazzy--hoping to get out on the water this weekend, got to see what the weather is going to do . I don't mind being out in the kayak in the rain, but I don't want to be on the water in a thunderstorm! And I can join the mouse club, found a dead mouse on the deck yesterday afternoon. Pretty sure it was left there by Silly Sadie!

    Now, Good Morning, Loungettes, Happy TGIF day! Just spent more than an hour with tech support trying to get my new cell phone activiated. It needs to be restored/updated and I can't connect through iTunes on my computer. PIA. Going to try removing and reinstalling iTunes, if that doesn't work I'll try it on one of the computers at work.Gotta luv tech when it work, real annoyance when it doesn't. And since I started this chore before getting breakfast, Sadie is becoming very insistent that I stop and feed her even if I don't feed myself. So , BRB! OK, Sadie is now happy, and I have my first mug of coffee going, so the world looks good!

    Beaver--Yikes, not a good time for the AC to go out! Glad you have a back up.Hooray for the good report on the mammogram!

    Chi--I know there are a lot of ways to eat lobstah, and people enjoy them all. I agree that a rock and a toothpick are enough, but I do like to dunk the chunks in melted buttah!Or in a toasted hot dog roll with just enough mayo to keep the pieces from falling out when I bite into it.

    Beaver--sorry to hear the AC fix will be Ah, the joys of home ownership and the ongoing repairs. Do I go for the quick and inexpensive fix right now, knowing I'll need to do it all again soon, or do I go for the more expensive but more permanent one? Sometimes the first is the better choice at the moment, sometimes the second. At least part of the house still has the AC.

    A Day at the Beach Cocktail | Recipe | Torani

    A Day at the Beach Cocktail


    1 oz coconut rum


    1/2 oz amaretto

    4 oz fresh orange juice

    1/2 oz Torani Grenadine Syrup

    Wedge of pineapple and a maraschino cherry, for garnish


    Mix coconut rum, amaretto, orange juice, and ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake and then strain into a chilled highball glass. Float grenadine on top and garnish. Adapted from Field Guide to Cocktails by Rob Chirico.

    From <>

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Re the A/C, not going for the quick fix on a 14 year old unit with a leak that won't be "plugged" and parts that are no longer manufactured! Working on deciding on which of the suggested ones to purchase. Did you know you can now get a hvac unit with wi-fi? We do not prefer that as our view is that all these so called smart appliances just increase your chances of getting hacked.

    Goldie, don't think you jinxed us! Think it was a 14 year old appliance that works really hard during Texas heat just wearing out. Slept well in the guest room last night and have fingers crossed the other unit keeps chugging along for at least a while! Hope you are feeling better now.

    NM, hope your phone's woes are soon over. Technology, a love-hate relationship! Belly rubs to Sadie who at least did not bring the critter into the house.

    Librarian, I grew up in WVa mountains. Loved your picture, it awakened some good memories of wonderful mountain views.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Cute Cat Gifs | Animals

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    ...aww, Cami--those look like our first and fourth kitties!

    Going to Cellars' patio tonight. Nice lake breeze (it's in the low-to-mid-70s, the last dry non-muggy day we'll have in quite a while). I see a salmon Caesar and a nice flute of cava or sparkling rosé in my very near future...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    OMG where have I been, u' think I was busy <well for work, yes>.

    Beaver get the most likely to not have all complications with the A/C u really don't need all the dodads. I think I have this right cuz I get so confused but ur son sounds like he gave it thought so wishing him good luck, Right Ur son. When it's been so hot it's horrible to sleep. I still remember when I was little and when it got so hot we would sleep outside, many years ago in Chicago it was completely safe. Sounds like a good mammo!!!

    JC U really enjoy the mountains and thanks for the picture perfect, the wine glass made it perfect.. U always have so much planned when u go there, it sounds great.

    Jazzy loved that picture of course., good swimming u've been doing.

    Lori I thought the mountains were cool. OMG how horrible to be in misery. And ur poor DH waiting for midd August for his operation, and u now have more to do. Please don't overdo. I know u really tend to.And I'm sure ur roast beef would have been better. Good to hear ur DD is doing OK.

    Kim u r so brave to be in a Kayak, oh my stars that would be one of the last things I would do. BRING SADIE oh no that seems scary. And u know she runs ur household, she always has and if she could talk would she's give u a few words. BTW smarty pants I saw my r. yesterday and ur right, dehydrated but not a lot so there. LOL about the lobstah being in anything other than butter or lemon. Especially since ur in Maine. The offiial home of Steven King and the Lobstah.

    Sandy ur eye sounds a little scary to me, but remember I know nothing about anything. But I know hos vigilant u r so I'm sure things will be all right. And watching a lobstah cook is horrible.

    Illi u've really come a long way, but so sorry it took so long.. U do have good taste with what u want and u should have anything u want. U must have lost a ton of weight so enjoy.

    I can barely member all I've read so I'm sorry if I got things mixed up.

    I did finally go to the Drs. office, so weird with all the places marked on the floor and so few people waiting. I got called almost immediately and then was stuck in there for 2 hjrs.She put me on an antibiotic for lympho, thing cuz of swelling and bleeding, whatever and I need another bloodd test in 2 weeks, she's following my low white count and platelets and if she doesn't like it again I go to the Onc.right away. I told her I was very unhappy with her for even saying the word Onc. and she was to beautiful to pass all of her classes without some extra help. She did say her sisters will like to hear that. See they must have told her that too.So I'm not particularly worried about anything. I'm sure it's fine

    OK dinner delivered orange chicken and pot stickers. Never had it, hope I like it.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Hi friends- checking in on this friday night. Life feels like it does not move at the same pace, but then suddenly, the weekend is here again! I had some more conversations with folks about work opps this week and was also busy with my collaboration volunteer work. I went to the dermatologist today for my annual check up there, and all was good with the visit; no areas of concern or biopsies. Next up is my annual breast imaging stuff that begins next week (ugh).

    Our state is finally getting some delicious monsoonal rain. It has been raining ALOT the past few days and expected to be raining every day and several times a day into next week. So needed here and it has cooled things down to the high of 80s, lows of 60s overnight. So much better than where we were into the 100s two weeks ago. My yard is looking happy again and hope this moisture continues.

    My highlight of this week was visiting a new food hall market that opened right around the start of the pandemic and then closed until very recently. I had plans to go there around my spring birthday, but parked it until this week as they just reopened again a few weeks ago. Went with a friend who I had planned to go with originally, and we enjoyed some great coffee and I delved in to a fresh croissant and she went for some savory waffle dish. They have a lot of outdoor covered and open patio space and we enjoyed our visit and the delicious food. She recommended this home made pasta from a family that lives here now (they came from Naples, Italy) and bought some lemon and red chili varieties to take home and cook with. Picture below of the display and bet Cami will really love this pasta pic. I plan to make some shrimp & capers with the lemon pasta this weekend. Now that it's cooler again, I am ready to cook more.

    I am needing to get to bed and will write more tomorrow or Sunday! Stay well my people.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Oh, I love that pasta pic!

    Cami, I’m down 75 lbs and planning to maintain my current weight. It’s nice to fit back into some of my favorite older clothes, now I just have to work on building my strength back up.

    Hi to everyone 😁

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Hi back atcha, Ilona! Congrats on hoping to maintain that huge weight loss. Always fun rediscovering older, smaller clothes.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited July 2020

    NM - can't resist since you're a nursing home 'expert'. And then there's Texas. ..."55 State Legislators wrote to the State Health & Human Services 'interim' executive commissioner... that... the isolation was worse than the virus itself....The fact is this disease is not what's hurting them (senior nursing home residents); it's the harmful restrictions that we have in place that are."

    Well there you have it. Watch for the State Gov't to capitulate or collapse or whatever. Nursing homes will be invaded by 'well meaning' family members bring germs from 'the outside'. Maybe they won't even have to wear masks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Tuxedo Cat GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY