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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Hi everyone,

    Oh Illi u must look like a stick. It's to bad u had to loose weight going thru what u did, but after it feels good. Ur right tho eat healthy so u get all of ur strength back and immune back <I don't even know if immune is a word> but u know what I mean.

    Jazzy my parents were born in the villages around Naples and I never heard of a couple of those. But they all sound good to me and really make a nice display. Let us know how yours turns out. Verrrry interesting.

    When I woke up this morning until around 10am I really thought it was Sunday, so when I answered my phone I told people we were closed today. OOOHHH. I should absolutely get a raise for being on top of things. After a customer told me it wasn't Sunday I actually questioned him,,,Are u sure.... Then I realized I had a similar feeling when that movie Dumb and dumber came out except it all came out in one person. ME, Well I can't tell anyone what my IQ was without expecting loads of laughter so I'm better off saying I never knew.

    Hi Minus we now have 2 nurses aboard so I'm interested in knowing what they both think. This is so confusing. They're saying younger people have a much less chance of catching this, but they can still pass it along so to me it's good that they can't really be so fearful of it, but horrible if their parents are compromised with anything. And now it seems like women have children older so by the time they are teenagers they are already in their 50's, where things seem to start happening <well at least in this house> my oldest DD is 54 and has diabetes her DD is 19 and my other one is 50 an her DS is 16 and she already had cancer and more. So this has become a circle.

    It's supposed to be HoT Sunday ugh, here we go again. We have a trampoline, I wish the word was pool.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    I read an article today (on AppleNews) by an HIV+ man who is finding anti-maskers' behavior strikingly similar to his own refusal to wear a condom during the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. His ex-lover (who'd lied to him about his HIV status) did die of AIDS; but for the introduction of protease inhibitors, he too would be dead today. As it is, he is HIV+ without developing the disease, but he is still terrified of every cold, scratchy throat, cough and even cuts & scrapes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Sandy that does make sense, I certainly remember that time, I don't blame the guy for his fear, but I get it

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Yesterday turned out to be a pretty interesting day. Got up to a beautiful clear blue sky, agentle breeze, enough to keep the bugs down but not to ruffle up any waves on the waterways, so I decided to take the kayak out after I got the new phone working. Finally got the new phone working, (another story for another day), called my Mom to let her know. She asked me what my plans were, I told her, and her reply was that since I had the day off and Dick's kids were taking him to look at an Assisted Living place, why don't I go with her to check her property and Dad's grave in the morning and go kayaking in the afternoon? OK, except that driving to the property and back is more than a morning's trip, especially the way Mom drives, but hey, maybe this time will be different, right?So I go to Mom's, and we head out. The drive from Mom & Dick's place to Mom's property is about an hour straight driving. We left Mom & Dick's place about quarter to 10. Then Mom decides she wants to look at some housing places and some apartment buildings she's seen advertised on the way. By the time we got to her property it was 1 peeyem. By the time we got back to Mom & Dick's it's 4:30 peeyem. And the wind is picking up. So, no kayaking yesterday. Then when I got home to Sadie at about 5:30 peeyem, and pick up the phone that I forgot to take with me, I had a message that one of my cousin's grandson committed suicide Friday morning. He was 15. Spent the evening taking with cousins and trying to figure out what happened and what can be done to help the immediate family. Might take the kayak out latertoday, if the threat of thunderstorms blows through even if the sun doesn't come out. Is it bad that I kind of resent losing an entire perfect kayaking weather day to family stuff?

    Goldie--Actually, there is room in my kayak for Sadie. Mine is a touring kayak, so it's quite a bit larger than the ones most people think of or see doing white water on rivers. But I don't know if she would sit still, or if she would even get into it.I'm with you on the mask not over the nose thing. I spend more time at work catching someone's eye and pointing to my nose to remind them to pull their mask up that I wonder if I don't do it in public, too, and just don't think about it. So sorry to hear about the cramps and "D", I hope it's passed completely by now.

    Beaver--uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes seems to have done the trick, the new phone is now fully operational and all the data/apps/etc from the old phone transferred over. Now I need to go through and get rid of some of the apps and stuff I don't really need or use. I worry about smart appliances, too. I like the idea of remote control but those things seem to cost so much more to fix when they break down. Sadie says thanks for the belly rub!

    Cammy Cat--kayaks are actually more stable than canoes, and thus a bit safer, most of the time. But I hear what you are saying. One of my worries about taking Sadie is that she is a chaser, and if she decides to chase a duck or loon or something, would she launch herself out of the kayak and dump us? I know my limits and don't go so far from shore that I can't swim back, and kayaks generally float even when full of water, they just don't move so well that way, and I could hold on and kick it back to shore, but would I be able to keep up with Sadie? Or would Sadie get too tired? Hence the need for a life vest for her if she were to go out with me regularly. About the dehydration--told you so! I listen to you about work, you listen to me about fluids, ok? How was the orange chicken and pot stickers?

    Morning, Chi!

    Jazzy--glad to hear the derm appointment went well. Hugs for the upcoming imaging and such. Wow, those pastas look amazing!Glad to hear you are getting rain and cooler temps.

    Illi--what a way to lose weight, but glad you are happy with where you are.

    Minus--while the legislators have a point that the isolation can be harmful to Nursing Home residents, they are still protected, because the rules we follow are not state government but Medicare's. It's Medicare that has not allowed nursing homes to reopen to general visitation, and since Medicare is the one who controls the money and certification process, that's whose rules we will follow. Medicare's rules are more stringent than the CDC's even. And as long as Medicare is going to punish nursing homes that "let the virus in" with fines and potentially being cut off from all funding, we aren't going to start letting visitors in anytime soon. The going feeling right now is that general, open visitation will never again be allowed in nursing homes. I think it's part of the general movement to get rid of nursing home entirely, but that's just my opinion. But your concern is a real one. People who have not been able to visit with grandma or a spouse will come visit, lie on the screening questions to get in, take off masks and kiss and hug once in the room, and there will be an explosion of COVID cases. But, it's already been established that if COVID gets into a nursing home it will be brought in by staff, because we are all so uncaring, don't follow guidelines, and are generally careless, so families won't get any blame.

    Cammy Cat--the thought is that younger people are less likely to get the severe form of COVID than older people, but as time goes on more younger people are getting severely ill, but in different ways. It's a tricky little virus, and it's going to take a long time to get it truly figured out.I think Coronavirus is going to be like HIV--a very big deal for a few years, changing the way we do a lot of things in health care and general, and then will become more of a chronic or recurring problem like flu. Only time will tell, though.

    Chi--there are a lot of similarities between the emergence of HIV and Coronavirus. The one that bothers me the most is the shift from treating and managing the illness as a medical concern to a political concern. HIV case tracing and condom use was undermined by turning it into a gay rights issue. Coronavirus contact tracking and mask use is being undermined by turning it into a civil rights issue. The end result will likely be the same, a disease that could be control and possibly eliminated will become widespread and common. Another similarity is the public focus on the homosexual community in the early HIV pandemic, and the current public focus on nursing homes in the coronavirus pandemic. Neither virus confines itself to one portion of the population, but that focus is skewing the public perception and, ultimately, the research foci, since public perception drives where the research money goes.And I get that guy's fears. I think we all do.

    camp cocktails for summer

    The Docktail


    – 4 oz gin

    – 2 oz lemon juice, fresh squeezed

    – 2 oz simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water, heated until sugar dissolves)

    – 6 oz of an IPA beer

    – 2 toothpicks

    – 6 blueberries

    – Ice


    – Measure out your gin, lemon juice and simple syrup, and pour into the shaker.

    – Add ice to almost fill the shaker, leaving enough room for ingredients to mix.

    – Put the cap on and shake vigorously for 30 seconds.

    – Strain the drink into two glasses.

    – Pour 3 ounces of beer into each glass.

    – Put a couple blueberries on a toothpick, float on the top, and drink up.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Good morning friends- happy Funday Sunday. We had another nice round of rain last night and into the night. Nice to wake up to the cool air and a moist yard. I finally planted a new trumpet vine in the back yard where another shrub was diseased and had to be removed. I got it right before the really extreme heat two weekend ago, and kept it in the pot/shade until it cooled down. Now that it's raining and cooler, it's in the ground and hoping it settles in and thrives. My yard overall is looking really happy with all the rain.

    ChiSandy- my sister worked back east during the very earliest years of HIV/AIDS and used to go to the Yale Univ. campus to talk to young people about the importance of wearing a condom (I got lectures about being sure I told any partners to wear one too). After a decade of working with HIV patients and so many losses, she ended up moving away and just refocused on internal medicine. I remember that time well and the struggles that followed to get people to practice safe sex. I often wonder what will happen to all the healthcare workers who are struggling to save the lives of so many in this pandemic and witnessing so much. Our city here seems to be good about wearing masks.

    Cami- kitty says "if it fits, I sits", lol. Hey, any of us can have a hard time figuring out what day it is in this pandemic, right? I hope your DD's and related family are staying safe. How are all your boyfriends? I know it must be hard to see any of them in this pandemic.

    The young woman who owns that pasta shop said her grandma came from Naples, so there have been a few generations of that family here and possibley a twist on what they do for their pasta offerings? I remember buying chocolate pasta once in Italy when I visited. She told me sometimes pasta with cinnamon can be a desert too? I am going to make something today with shrimp and capers with that lemon pasta, stay tuned.....

    NM- I wanted to say how sorry I am about that young man's suicide. I have heard more than a few of these stories about teenagers who have taken their lives (there was a young man here that did that recently as well). It is really hard on the young people to loose their social time/friends during all this. My condolences to your family.

    Oh boy did your mom ever hijack your whole day yesterday! I can remember my mom doing things like that too when I lived back east or even visited my mom after I moved away. I call that the "accrued needs" visits where they ask you to do one thing, then it turns into a whole day of their list of things they have been wanting to do. Well hopefully that day with her will make things good for a bit and you can get out with the kayak today for your own restortion. I am rooting for you, Sadie is too.

    Ill- you lost 75 lbs, but don't weight 75 lbs, correct? Anything interesting you are eating this weekend? I will share my pasta pics here today for you and Cami too.

    Teka- what is going on in North Country?

    Goldie- I think you are in the mountains and said it was still hot. I know southern AZ gets some of the monsoonal moisture but think you are up too far to get any rains. Are you enjoying your time away? Everyone doing okay with the camping trip?

    My swimming activities are done for the week and going to spend some time at home today to catch up from the week and more coming up this week. August is on the horizon and it seems time goes by quickly even though life still seems at a slower pace. Some of that I like, other things I am really missing this summer. I am calling 2020 the lost year, but have had those in the past too....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    This balloon was right in the back yard cruising through today


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Zoomed In: Smile even it's hurt

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin ladies.

    Oh Kim don't feel guilty for a second. U are always willing to help ur mom, just seems like she wanted you longer than thought. Sorry u missed out, but I have to say now that u have explained it all, it doesn't sound as scary to me, BUT I don't like it for Sadie, she barely can control herself on land for things, imagine all she'd see in the water. I like ur writing for HIV/CORONA. Of course I can understand it but I could never repeat it but I do get it.

    Jazzy I'm looking forward to seeing how u make the pasta. So ur yard is looking good now, but more really hot weather is coming there right??? Cuz it's happening to us. And yep August is right around the corner, I can't believe it. really doing nothing and yet it's flying by. And it's looking like all the schools will be open soon here, but anything can change. Everyone is confused. And of course money is playing a part in this too.. I know I have a different feeling but it's cu of Joey. I think they shoul wait a little longer, not cuz I know anything except things are picking up again. I just worry, that's all. And yes I miss my guys, the other nite Bob and I talked 45 mins. just talking so that helps, but it's not like seeing him and I see Dan a very little and not much talking either. Believe it or not I really miss these guys. We do have fun together. Oh well.

    Illi u r really good at pics. of drinks so get going with them. No more resting with that. LOL

    Oh my kids sat me down to talk to me seriously about my Drs. visit cuz Les doesn't think I look well at all. So I told them cuz of weight loss that she said if I ever have a taste for anything at any time someone should go get it for me, and that's about it. I don't think they believed me, Jeez it's hard to get away with these things I should have left out the any time part.

    Lori how r u guys doing??? Will u be home soon.I'm sure it's still hot tho. At least here, but Sandy u might be getting some good breezes from the lake, hope so.

    OK for now, I'll check back.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Lemon papparadelle pasta with shrimp & capers, garnished with chives & Italian cheeses and drizzled with olive oil. The pasta is so yum


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, my mouth watered just looking at the picture!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Beaver, we all wear out as we get older, just like an old AC unit!

    Cami, I'm glad to hear you went to the doctor, of course there is hardly ever good news us stage IV gals, but sometimes! Sorry about the low platelets, another thing we have to deal with. You know what they say, the gift that keeps on giving, but not so sure I consider it a gift. F'ing RB!!! I hope the anti b's help with the limpho, but you are bleeding? Did you eat the orange chicken and pot stickers? I'm worried about you not eating. I think most of us are forgetting what day it is, glad your customer was able to set you You haven't been to Jodie's to go swimming? How come? Sorry you are missing your boys and I too hope that schools stay closed. More time you get with Joey!

    Jazzy, looks like things are ging well on the work front for you and all is good with the dermatologist. Hopefully all will be good with the "girls". We have had a little rain, but mostly goes around us for the most part. Very interesting on the pasta, you will have to share your dishes. Chocolate and cinnamon pasta??? No camping, didn't pan out.

    BabyGirl, great on the weight loss, but now how it came about. I'm just glad you are able to start eating! Prayers for strength!

    NM, nice that you took your mom, sorry it ruined "your" plans, but that's ok, and I know you know so. Some day she won't be there for you to spend time with her, so cherish those moments, which I know you do. I sure miss my mom. Nice to see that Dick's kids are stepping up and looking for somewhere for him to go, it's just such a scary time right now. So very very sorry to hear about your cousin's grandson, so sad and so young. Prayers for all. RE Sadie and the kayak, I like the life jacket idea for her, since she is getting up there in age, do you wear one? What about some kind boat belt, to secure her in the kayak, like you would a car. Or perhaps there is no where to secure it? OMG, LMBO at you telling Cami now! Too funny!

    OH MY JAZZY, that looks SOOOOOO delish! My mouth is watering too!

    I'm home, haven't gone anywhere. Still cramping, but not as bad. Been taking anti D pills and quit my cancer meds. Supposed to take 2x a day. Last dose was Friday morning. Scared a little bit, know too many people that had tummy issues, go to the doctor and find out they are loaded with the RB. Trying to keep those thoughts out of my mind. HATE this damned disease. Triple digits here today, clouds are building, hope we get a little rain. My DD posted on FB "Sometimes just a simple hug is all a girl needs 🤷🏻♀️ mom hugs would be best 💓 but I'd settle 😅 Totally missing my family and friends back home tonight. See you guys soon🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 6 weeks and counting down."

    Really tugged at my heart and made me cry, cuz I don't know if I will be able to see her and that makes me really sad.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Goldie- you sound like you are not feeling so well today. I hope you can get the D under control. Sorry about the camping not working out right now. Cancer surely sucks. Hoping you feel better soon.

    Cami- your girls worrying about you is a good thing. Hoping you are staying steady despite a lot of things changing.

    NM- your commentary about HIV being aligned with a gay rights issue (at least initially) and now Covid being focused around minority communities (that are being so impacted by this) is very true. There always seems to be too much blame towards certain populations that are most impacted at first. HIV and Covid both don't discriminate and are looking for hosts, they just move differently? We are going to learn more and more about Covid and all the ways it impacts people. As several have commented, we don't have a public health focus in this country, it is more disease management. My hope is that we will have some better things in place in the future, as this probably won't be our last rodeo......

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, correct, I lost 75 but I was almost 300, so I had plenty to spare but it has been miserable. Tonight we had blacked snapper, scallops, roasted carrots and wild rice with a glass of red wine.


    DH and I heading out to a state park in 2 weeks to spend a few days at the river, I’ll post pics for sure.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Sadie and I are getting up to a very warm and sticky ayem, and very glad for the AC in the bedroom. We slept pretty well last night despite the stickiness. Yesterday saw rain and rumbles of thunder off and on all day, didn't even get to sit out on the deck but for a few minutes before the rain started. Oh, well, more days are coming, summer isn't near over yet, still chances to get the kayak out. Hard to believe that July is almost over.

    Jazzy--I like the "accrued needs" description! So descriptive of the situation. I'm starting to worry about what it's going to be like when Mom does find an apartment and starts living alone. Every time she has a "day off" from Dick she wants me to be with her. I think she's a bit afraid of living alone and hasn't realized or admitted that fact. If she doesn't move into a senior living place or similar situation right off (most have waiting lists, she hasn't put herself on any yet), I'm afraid I'm going to be On Call for everything she wants company for.Oh, well, will cross that bridge when, and if, it arrives.

    Wow, what a sight in the backyard!

    Cammy Cat--Don't be too worried about Sadie, she's a water dog through and through. She swims like a fish. If we ever get to the point that she is going out in the kayak with me she will be wearing her own life vest, just like me, for safety. Do any of your kids go with you to your doc appointments? That would give them a chance to ask the doc questions about things and might be reassuring for them.

    Jazzy--such a pretty dish! I would be tempted to eat around the shrimp, it looks so good!

    Morning, Beaver!

    Goldie--Yes, I do know that my time with my Mom is limited. She is 84, and remarkably self-sufficient, but I can see signs of decline and I know she won't be able to be totally independent forever. Yes, I do wear a life vest when kayaking. Sorry to hear the D is still a problem. Could it be a side effect of the cancer meds? Have you talked to your Onc about it? DD's post does tug on the heart strings! I pray you find a way to have a visit with her when she comes. The connection may be more important than the risk after all this time.

    Jazzy--we really do not have a public health focus in this country any more. I do hope better plans get put into place before the next pandemic, but I have my doubts. We didn't learn from H1N1, I don't see where we are learning from this one. And there will be another, and then another, and on and on until either we wise up or the viruses win.

    Illi--what a great looking meal! I hope you enjoyed it thoroughly!

    Black Monday | Domestic>

    Black Monday Ingredients

    In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Funny Cat GIFs - Home | Facebook

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Good morning! Here it is Monday already. This month has at times dragged and then flown by. I am not sure if I am ready for the dog days of August quite yet. We have had a number of afternoon thunderstorms, but that does not stop the humidity.
    Jazzy - That pasta looks soooo good. I need to loose about 10lbs, so am trying to avoid ‘white’ food. Also need to lay off the white wine. This is why dieting is difficult for me. I think of it as giving up what I like to eat.
    Cami - You need to eat what you want when you want. My DS gets too busy to eat. I think the not eating effects his moods, disrupts his sleep and makes him generally unhealthy.
    Goldie - So sorry you are not feeling well. Do let us know when/if you get info from the MO about the cancer meds. It is scary to feel so bad that you do not take them.
    Illi - You did loose weight the hard way! That fish plate looks healthy and yummy!

    NM - My husband wants me to canoe with him. I do not have a great deal of upper body strength and am concerned about paddling for very long. Not to mention, he enjoys scaring me by rocking the boat.
    Sandy - Still thinking about you! Did you have the procedure yet?

    I am off to start the chores. Take care everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Not much, the wearger us cMornin ladies

    I left that in just to show u how things really start around here. And why it takes me so long to write a post.

    It's going to be hot today again, OK this is getting tiring it's miserable. But I don't see any sun so who knows.

    I wrote t the Gov. last nite, now the Pres. is next and it'll be fine cuz this administration gave me no rules to stop writing so I;'m free to write anytime now, I'm sure I'm not on any list anymore. I'm sure no one reads them but I feel like I get stuff out of my system.

    Illi ur getting the hang of it again, pictures of food, now where's the drinks, that's part of the whole picture. U have no idea how worrisome u were, now it seems so much better. Ur on ur way back. Happy

    I already feel like it's Tuesday so this will be a fun week

    Hey Teka how's it going for you???

    I'll be back latah,


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    The procedure will be in early August. I am so frustrated with communication delays, even w/in the UIC Health system. My ocular oncologist e-mailed me last Sun. (as soon as I got the scan report from the day before) and said he would have his NP order the plaque & seeds on Mon. the 20th. Radiation Onc.'s sec'y called me on Wed., did an intake interview, and told me the Rad. Oncologist and her resident would formally phone-consult with me on Fri., which they did. But she (the rad. onc.) told me that her dept., not the ocular onc.'s, has to order the seeds and custom-make the real and "dummy" plaques (the latter for marking placement of the real one). I asked her how likely the delay would cause mets, and she said "not very." But then she said that if during the surgery the ocular onc notices that the base diameter of the tumor has increased, they'd have to close up and make a new set of plaques. And the needle biopsy would be to determine if the tumor has certain genetic features that would make it more aggressive and likely to metastastize, in which case I would be offered a trial of systemic treatment (most likely experimental immunotherapy) if I qualify. Chemo would be administered if spread has occurred, and it would likely be palliative. Oh, joy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Hi everyone,

    Jeez Sandy how do u keep all of this straight. It sounds like so much to remember plus so much to do and on top of that worries to go with it all. Wishing u the very best in results and having this over with. Sorry u have to wait til August. The waiting is always the worst, as u already know but they have to tell u the worst scenario so it might be an ordinary happening when they finish. And we all pray for this

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Cami, I've been a hypochondriac all my life, so medical terminology is my bread & butter. I also have an infinite capacity for useless trivia (had it been useful trivia I would have won my Jeopardy! match).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Sadie and I got to watch a nice long thunderstorm last evening. Actually, I think it was probably a series of t-storms moving through. Had some torrential rain and then some serious wind gusts. There was even a tornado warning for a bit! The power flickered once, but then stayed on. All in all, pretty exciting!

    Librarian--If you are canoeing with your hubby, you can always stop paddling and rest and let him do the work for a bit! But I would draw the line at rocking the boat just for fun. To me, that's just mean, and dangerous. It can get out of control way too easily and then you are both in the water with an upside down canoe.

    Cammy-Cat--hot and humid, here, too. The heat is ok, but the humidity is just miserable. I say go ahead and write and send your letters! I bet someone reads them,how else would they know what people are thinking?

    Chi--wow, this eye thing is getting more and more complicated!


    Double Jeopardy


    4.5 cl


    4.5 cl

    Black Sambuca

    1 Scoop

    Vanilla Ice Cream



    1. Combine all ingredients in a blender with ice.

    2. Strain into a highball glass.

    3. Serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, I was not feeling well. More scared than anything.

    BabyGirl, your fish meal looks yummy too. Look at those cute little carrots! A few days at the river sounds nice.

    NM, what I'm experiencing can def. be SE's from my meds (Verzenio) The cramping is new, so I quit taking them, it's been 3 days. So nice at 84 that your mom is so self-sufficient.

    JCS, I have not called my MO. I have appt. with him on 8/6, I'll let him know. Most he can do is order scans.

    Cami, I forgot about you writing to political people. OMG, LOL'ing. I remember when you were banned!

    Got a pretty good down pour yesterday and of course still hot here in AZ. Not much going on.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    The 15 Funniest Cat GIFs Of The Summer

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Kim I think we're getting a lot of the same heat thing going on. All humidity, no air.

    LC CANOE u r a brave one too. They're scary.

    Lori why don't u call the Dr. first anyway, I know ur seeing him next week but a call wouldn't hurt.Oh I member when Jodie got a call to stop me from writing. LOL

    Sandy I've been the queen of hypochondria from day one, so I understand but for reason when I got cancer it all stopped. I knew my Drs, then for yrs. and they all expected me to go over the edge <as did my family> but for some strange reason nothing bothered me, I stayed awake thru every test that they would allow me too, it even surprised me and my family thought I was going crazy but I was fine., even taking Joey every weekend and I never missed, so sometimes for whatever reason it can leave you and what a relief when it does.

    OK I have some things to do, yes I do so I'll tey to come back alter and see what's up.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited July 2020

    Lori - I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time. Tomato question - so far we've had 2 tomatoes turn red on the vine, but the top of the tomato has a yucky black spot on most of the top (not the stem side) - what are we doing wrong. We picked one green and it is slowly turning red in the house. Making me wonder if we should pick all green. Hugs to you my friend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Karen, I get that too. It's blossom end rot, lack of calcium.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is doing okay as this last week of July begins. NM had it's biggest jump yesterday in cases at 467 (which is nothing compared to most cases), and it appears the prisons here are having a real problem with rampant infection. No good answers about how to handle this one either.

    We are still getting lots of rain and it rained a couple times yesterday, including over night. My yard is looking happy and want to replant some things in a few front yard pots that got cooked in the heat a few weeks ago, but the rains may be subsiding for a bit and going back in to the 80s. This past week of cooler weather and moisture has been so divine, and don't want it to leave. Monsoon season will go well into September and usually by mid August, it permanent cools to the 80s during the day and into the fall. Fall is my favorite season and ready for it......

    NM- if your mom is insistent on living in an apartment, a suggestion that may help is to try to steer her towards some type of senior living where she may have other people to socialize with. Many senior apartment places of them have community rooms, shuttles for shopping, etc. which allows them to have connection and independence. I have seen that work well for a few relatives, until they needed more advanced care. I went through something similar when my mom was in her house alone after my father went in the nursing home. You have your life, health, work, and home to keep up with too.....

    Goldie- I am sorry you are not feeling well and the feelings of being afraid. I am hoping you are feeling better every day. Sending much love over your way to the west.

    Chi- I am glad you have your procedure scheduled and it sounds like it is coming up soon. We will be in your pocket and praying for good outcomes from your procedure and path report.

    Cami- you make me proud writing those letters. You go girl, they need to hear what you have to say. Elected policitians work for US and they need to listen. Our representatives do a lot of town halls (now virtual) to listen to the constituents. The collaboration I work on has some of their staffers working with us and I learn a lot more about things going on politically from our calls.

    JCS- I am working on weight loss too, but doing a lot of swimming and building back up again after being out of the pool for awhile. Carbs around swim time are okay, but otherwise, not my friend. Now that my metabolism is ramped back up, I need to refocus on my diet. And tell DH, no rocking the boat when you go out canoeing.......

    Karen, Ill, Mistyeyes, Celia C and everyone else, hi!

    Tomorrow begins the annual imaging/breast check up. My annual BS visit is my least fav of all, not just because of the stress but it has always been chaotic. Last year, I got jerked around with the stuff with my thyroid and got my PCP involved (everything turned out okay there). Usually the BS office make your apts for the following year at the time of each visit, but not so last year.

    I got a prior auth in the mail for the MRI they now do with the mammo, and they scheduled it without telling me but it was at the same time as a dentist apt already I had already confirmed, so I told them when they called I had no knowledge of the apt and had a dentist apt at the same time so we moved it to tomorrow. I still have not been contacted about the mammo (which usually comes first) or the follow up apt. I decided when they ask me tomorrow about when I will be seeing her (they always do to be sure the films are read in time), I will tell them I have no mammo or apt scheduled with her yet. Her practice got bought by the imaging center and know last year's disorganization came with that, but this year it will be pandemia. In a few more weeks, I should be done with this. Wish me luck!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, in your pocket for the upcoming mammo. One upside to aging is that scheduling & approvals have become so much easier under Medicare and my Part B supplement than under my prior conventional insurance.

    My ocular onc e-mailed me that rad. onc. orders the seeds and gold plaque to be custom-built, and that takes 10-14 days. So we're looking at Aug. 14 (or the following Monday). I have 3 more weeks of normal reading, driving and TV watching ahead of me before it all goes (temporarily, I hope) blooey.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Thanks ChiSandy. I will be on my ACA plan for another five years until I reach 65, unless god willing, they drop the Medicare age which I heard someone might do if he gets elected.

    Funny, after I complained about not having the other apt set up yet, they called right after and now have a mammo and US the day after. So between tomorrow to Thursday, I will be getting all the imaging stuff done and then should probably get contacted about my follow up with her if she needs to see me.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Jazzy, in your pocket for your imaging to go as well as mine did last week.

    Sandy, having to wait until mid August is the pits. On the positive side, more time for your floater to shrink. Filing for long time residence in your pocket.

    Update on our hvac issue: after three bids and getting lots of information about details (did you know you can get hvac with wi-fi? And no, we are not!) we are going with the first company who are to do the work next week. We are doing a bit of an upgrade from the original system but not with all the available bells and whistles. Meanwhile, fingers crossed that the one working system continues to do so.

    Goldie, may you be feeling better. The big D is very wearing in more ways than one.

    To all, take care in this summer heat and strive to be safe.