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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Beaver, I'll let you stay in my pocket rent-free!

    Lori, hope you're feeling better, and that your M.O. can help titrate a dosing schedule for Verzenio that will both spare your gut and still remain effective against the "RB."

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2020

    Sandy 👍

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Just me,

    Lori I wish I had some ideas to help u with ur D but I tried everything so I can't help u at all. It's cray cuz ur afraid to go anywhere and it knocks u out horribly that why I mentioned calling ur D. They do have scripts for it, maybe one would help u, u can at least ask.Wow this is a season where everyone has all kinds of tests. Crap I hope all goes well with everyone. There's a lot coming up.So lots of prayers going ur way.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited July 2020

    Lori - so what do I do about lack of calcium for the tomato plant? I picked 3 green ones today and one last week that is slowly turning red. I hope they task good. So far no peppers - I see flowers, then nothing happens. They are both in clay pots. DH feeds and waters them. My petunias look awesome though. Hope you are feeling better

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Karen, your pepper plants likely have the same problem as my zucchini--no pollination. Zucchini blossoms can be either male or female, but only the female blossoms produce fruit. My plant seems to make only male blossoms--they have the pollen on the stamens, but nothing to which to transfer it. Unless the ovules of a female blossom get pollinated, it won't fruit.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Yesterday was an interesting day at work. Started out shorthanded, can you believe that one aide showed up not feeling well, had 5 symptoms of the 8 on the screening list and was sent home. Why she even showed up I can't figure out. Then the State surveyor showed up to investigate a complaint. I've inherited the job of tracking the annual staff tuberculosis testing (this was one of the jobs of one of the people who was let go recently) and discovered that 33 people, myself included, are overdue for testing. So, got to get that started today and see how fast I can play catchup.And I agreed to cover a night shift tomorrow night. BUT, there are 2 new nurses starting, and at least one more nurse will be coming back to our facility as soon as the COVID outbreak in the facility where they currently work is cleared up. Never a dull moment!

    Sadie says Woof to everyone!

    Goldie--I hope the cramping has eased up by now. Praying for you.

    Cammy Cat--we could be getting much the same weather. The humidity has eased off a bit today, but is coming back, then easing again for the weekend. I am so grateful for the window AC in the bedroom just now!Haven't turned on the AC in the living room yet, doing ok with the fans so far.

    Morning, Karen!

    Jazzy--Mom is looking to go into a senior complex, but they all have waiting lists. She wants to be out of Dick's place by September, so that means finding an apartment somewhere until she decides on a senior complex and gets on the waiting list, some of which are 3 years long. I know that she'll be bumped up pretty quickly since she'll be privately paying and not using insurance or any income/rental assistance program. Of course, she is insisting on a 2 bedroom unit, which is harder to come by. And she's ranting about how expensive they are, despite everyone reminding her that the rent includes snow removal, grass mowing, maintenance, and other services, that she keeps thinking she can do herself "to save money" but I know she really isn't capable of doing safely now. Mostly I worry about how she will adapt to living alone. Whenever Dick's kids take him for the day she wants me to spend the day with her. But I guess time will tell. Don't you love how tests get scheduled without consulting you? It sounds like the merger of the doc's office and imaging center created total chaos. I hope you can at least get your appointments sorted out and you don't fall through cracks and get the scan an nothing else.

    Chi--hugs and prayers

    Jazzy--glad to hear that everything is working out, finally!

    Beaver--glad you found an answer for the HVAC work. I don't usually get things with all the latest bells and whistles, either. It's amazing how much less it costs to go with something one or two generations earlier than the current one, and generally does everything I want it to do. Praying the other unit keeps working.


    A mug of coffee with a shot of your choice!

    Mine is a shot of Kahlua

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Thank you everyone, I'm feeling better. Started back on my meds after being off for 4 days. It wasn't the "D" that was bothering me, it was cramping in my tummy, it was also tender to touch. But it's better now.

    Who has stuff going on, Jazzy, Sandy, Cami....anyone else? Of course wishing nothing but good results for all of you.

    Beaver, hopefully you can get that AC sooner than later and YES, for the one working to continue working!

    Karen, I don't know if you can do anything now. Google blossom end rot. I know one of the things I saw was to put an egg shell in the hole with the plant. Not sure what else helps.

    NM, glad you will be getting more help at work. I don't know how you manage to jump into these night shifts and are able to do it. Hopefully your mom will find a place and be happy with it. I'll have some Bailey's in my coffee.

    We are in another heat wave here, temps in the triple digits with no rain in sight.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Funny Vacuum Cat - CUTE CAT GIFS

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh Lori glad ur feeling better, pray it sticks. Boy this heat is giving everyone problems. We don't get enough cooler days in between. My own kids won't let me go swimming outside when it's so hot. Jeez when did they become my mother.

    Kim 3 of my friends live in an assisted living place and once they got used to it they love it. The apts aren't to big, but they get their meals with other people and have made some friends and come and go as they please and have company for dinner if they want to. Yea it does cost but they have the money so it works out for them. They play cards and other things, they are busy if they want to be. But normally if they're 1 person they get a 1 bedroom apartment. If I had the money that sounds ideal to me.

    BTW can u still eat the tomatoes if they they that thing on the top, or are they bad then.

    My tests aren't till next week but whoever has them this week u'd better check in and tell us what's going on.

    I talked to my sister yesterday and she has c-diff again it seems, It seems like once u get it it'll reappear whenever it wants. An my legs aren't clearing up at all they are always bleeding so we're both on antibiotics again. I think being on them a lot weakens the immune system, who knows.

    Teka are u cooler up north than the rest of us.

    Misty, Celia where are you gals, OK I hope.

    I'll chime in latah ♪♪♪


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    I used to get blossom-end rot on tomatoes--cut & discard enough of a margin below them and they'll be perfectly fine to eat. You can put cut tomatoes--and now, acc. to America's Test Kitchen--even fresh ripe ones into the fridge and they won't get mealy! So much for conventional wisdom. Feel better soon, Cami & Lori!

    My ocular onc e-mailed me yesterday and said the chance of my eye tumor spreading is "infinitesimal," even if we chose "watchful waiting" for 6 mos.--but it's better to nuke the little RB into submission ASAP while it's still small. Unless the seeds & plaque arrive sooner, we're looking at Fri. 8/14 for insertion and Tues. 8/18 for removal. There is now an upscale hotel (actually two--a Hyatt House & Hyatt Place) a few blocks away from UIC Hospital/IL Eye & Ear in the old Cook County Hospital bldg.--if I can have someone take care of the kitties, it might be a nice alternative solo staycation, especially with room service and delivery (Tuscany on Taylor has reopened). Of course, it'd have to be solo since Bob & I would have to stay in separate beds--unless we get a twin-bed room and he wants to. Otherwise, I will be at home, sleeping in the guest room w/o the kitties on my chest. I will likely feel a bit fatigued from the rads, and my eye will be swollen & feel irritated beneath the patch. But if I do the hotel thing solo, Bob could drop me off on the Fri. and pick me up Tues (or have my HK do it if he can't take time away from Union Health), and I wouldn't have to drive home one-eyed (much less amass a fearsome parking-garage tab).

    Meanwhile, I got an e-mail message from my derm's office up in Lake Bluff telling me it's time to reschedule my pandemic-cancelled full skin exam. But because of massive call volume and hourlong+ hold times, she said to reply to the message and she'll send me a list of dates. But there's no "reply" button on the app; and when I try to access my Inbox on the web version on my computer, it haaaaaangs and then gives a "server error" message. N.ShoreConnect's tech support just says "we're aware and we're working on it." Geez--phone and internet problems? Absoluely no way to communicate with them, short of personally driving 20 miles up there (assuming there'll even be someone there yet). Greetings from "Healthcare Hell...."

    Not sure what tonight's dinner will be (nor if it's à deux or solo, because of Bob's schedule), so not sure what I'm gonna drink. Maybe a real mojito, no matter what--I have mint and limes galore, plus rum. But I think I will drink something other than water or coffee. Tomorrow, of course, is Cellars' socially-distanced Aussie/Italian wine dinner--and because the weather will be delightful, we can dine outdoors (which is a relief--even socially-distanced indoor dining is scaring the heck out of me. If Fauci's not doing it yet, neither am I. So you can be assured that if I toss a baseball, it won't cross the plate).

  • runneresther
    runneresther Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2020

    Janie - I was here, in August 2004. My fav beverage was a 1998 cabernet, with all the chunks of grapes, chocolate, cherries, and coffee........mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    With sea bass (from UK!), DOTD was a 2019 Secateurs Chenin Blanc from the Swartland region of South Africa.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Hold on Janie, did u start this thread. If so it's a great one if not it's still great. And it's going pretty strong again. Come join us either way, but please tell us about urself.

    Sandy u must have everything written down in a journal to keep track, that's the only way. Can ur HK take care of ur kitties and u can stay in a nice place for a few days just relaxing. Sounds good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    I Gathered All the Funniest Cat GIFs So You Didn't Have to ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin ladies

    Jeez I'm coming and meeting myself here.

    I have a semi-medical- Questionto ask so here goes. What do u use to put on a derriere sore, I've tried peroxide an some lotions and it just stays there. It's hard to sit very comfortably lately and I really forgot to ask the Dr. Any suggestions???


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited July 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Yesterday at work I got called into the Director of Nurses office, went along wondering what I've done wrong, only to be given $100 worth of gift cards as a Thank You for covering tonight's shift and pitching in yesterday ayem (we were short 1 nurse) and the other morning (we were short 2 CNAs) and "everything else you've helped with that you thought no one noticed." It's been a while since anyone made a point of saying "thank you" to me like this! I don't see myself as doing anything particularly special, it's what nurses do when there is a need. But it makes me feel good and I'll take it! Sadie wanted to know what I was going to get her with the bonus!Still thinking on that, maybe a very blingy collar. Going to have to look around and see what's available.Two nurses coming on staff in a couple of weeks. More being recruited. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Goldie--glad you hear you are feeling better. Did you find out what was causing the cramping? I manage jumping into a night shift by making sure I don't have anything I need to do for the couple of days after so I can sleep when I want and get myself caught up on rest.

    Cammy Cat--I think my Mom would be very happy in a senior complex, she doesn't need assisted living (yet), and she has the money but doesn't want to spend it. She still compares the price of everything to what it was in the 1960's. She was appalled when I told her what I pay for plowing and lawn mowing, and what I am paying is very low for this area! I keep reminding her that all that stuff in included in the rent, along with having someone to call for repairs and problems. Mom wants a 2 bedroom apartment so she can set up one as a craft/hobby room. Which I understand. But, she has shoulder problems and sleeps in her recliner in the living room, not in a bedroom, so I keep telling her she will "save money" and still have everything she wants in aone bedroom place. Time will tell on that one, I suppose. You are right about C-diff, that bacteria lives in everyone's gut, but can take over when the balance gets upset by antibiotics. And it doesn't always take much to upset the bacterial balance in the intestines. You be sure and do as your doc tells you about your legs, don't want them getting infected!

    Chi--I am glad to hear there is so little chance of the eye tumor spreading. I'm in agreement with getting it treated now rather than watching and waiting and maybe giving it a chance to do something nasty in the meantime. The communication issues with the derm office don't surprise me, I'm sad to say. Health Care has a long history of only adopting part of a publicly used technology out of fear of HIPAA violations or because it costs the least to get the bare-bones program. And I'm with you, not ready for indoor dining yet. Outdoor, yup, but not indoors. Not sure why, since the quidelines are pretty clear, maybe because we can not yet allow our nursing home residents to eat together in a dining room yet.

    Hi, runneresther!

    Cammy Cat--what to put on the derriere sore depends on what the sore spot looks like.If it's red but the skin is intact, or if only the very top layer of skin has come off (like when a blister pops) a thick layer of a cream or ointment with zinc in it (think thick white, diaper rash cream or ointment, like Desitin, Ammens Medicated, Balmex, Boudreauxs Butt Paste, generic name is Zinc Oxide Ointment.The least expensive way to find it is to look in the baby care department, find Desitin, and look for a nearby generic or store equivalent. The stuff in the first aid department will be the exact same thing with a different name on it and will cost more. Put some on every time you goto the bathroom. DO NOT SCRUB IT OFF! When you go potty, wipe off the top layer and then put more on. If the sore spot goes through the skin, you will need to cover it with a sponge or foam dressing, often called a silicone dressing, the most common (and expensive) brand name is Mepilex. Most drug stores carry an equivalent, easiest probably to ask the pharmacist for help. Clean the sore spot with plain soap and water, pat it dry, put on one of the dressings, and do that every other day until it heals up. The other thing you need to do is keep pressure off the area. Change position every couple of hours. If you are sitting, stand up for a few minutes every hour. While sitting, shift from one butt cheek to the other every half hour or so. Putting a cushion or pillow on your chair will help decrease the pressure, too. Make sure you eat some protein every day, and make sure you are drinking enough fluids. Like, get up every half hour or every hour and go get and drink 4 ounces of water or something. That will help with preventing dehydration AND decreasing pressure on your sit-down AND help it heal up. You better be listening to me!!!

    Royal Butt Recipe | How To Make | Cocktail Builder>

    Royal Butt

    1/2 oz of Crown Royal canadian whisky

    1/2 oz of dekuyper buttershots liqueur

    Shake with ice and strain into a shot glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2020

    Cami, the tomatoes are fine to eat, just cut off the bad part. Sorry to hear about Lu, I hope she recovers quickly. Do you know what tests you are having? Where in the world are your legs bleeding? And now a sore on your bum? Is it like a bed sore? Good grief woman, you are a hot mess! That gal that started this thread, back 06 is Janie. But she has been around in a long time.

    Sandy, surely you will get it all figured out when the time comes with your DH, HK and kitties.

    NM, you said " I don't see myself as doing anything particularly special, it's what nurses do when there is a need." Of course you would say that, but not all nurses are like that, as you well know. YES, you are SPECIAL and YES, you deserved that little gift. I think the cramping was my meds, we shall see as I'm back on them, same dose. RE Cami, you tell her!

    Canning some salsa today.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited July 2020

    Cami, please do ALL those things NM told you to do!! Sores can become a real problem.

    I spent a nice afternoon with a dear friend. It is wonderful to talk with someone else face to face other than my DH. I leave tomorrow to go back to the mountains! This time with my girlfriends. Again, it will be great to talk face to face with other people.

    DH and I started watching a biography of Frank Sinatra on Netflix. He was so very handsome when he was young. Also quite the bad boy! Also amazing how he was able to restart his career numerous times. I recommend watching it if you have any idea who Frank Sinatra is.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited July 2020

    Kim - well deserved. Enjoy spending :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Hi ladies- quick pop in. MRI did not happen yesterday, machine down and rescheduled to August.

    I did have my mammo and US today and the radiologist came in to say everything looked good. Fingers crossed the next imaging will say the same!

    More tomorrow. Have a good evening!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Just me poopin' in.

    Kim I read everyword why do u think I asked. A big Congrats but I still think ur worth much more, but they sure appreciate u and it's about time. U do so much more than so many nurses, ur not average we all know that. Oh Sadie would love that.

    JC have a good time but still be safe, Oh I've read about Frank sinatra and very interesting actually, I think most of us know who he is. My fav. song was MY WAY that I think Paul Anka wrote for him. I cry when I hear it.

    Lori my legs bleed from about 6 in. from the knee down and are all scabby but still bleed IDK the anti-b didn't seem to do anything. I need some different blood test and some kind of imaging thing and some kind of x-ray thing. U know I never know exactly what's going on.

    Dan came over tonite, he always makes me feel better somehow. It's funny but when he left I said Thank you for coming and he said why do u thank me I love spending time with you, I just wish I had more time. It was cute, I just love him and he makes me feel smart.LOL Bob stopped over earlier so I had a full day with my guys. But Dan gave me a 200.00 gift Cert. with my pay. I told him not to do that cuz I get a little crazy with them, now I'll buy stupid things I just know it. Oh well I didn't deserve it like Kim does that's for sure. Thanks again KIMHeart


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Good morning friends- happy Friday, another week come and gone. Been busy getting more donation deliveries set up for my collaborative, and all the rest that goes with the week. I was glad to get the first part of my imaging check up done yesterday and get a thumbs up. The MRI is what usually comes with more surprises, more lumps and bumps found and ended up with biopsies the past two years after they started doing these annually. Everything was okay, I am just not up for an new suprises this year. I know you know what I mean.....

    ChiSandy- it sounds like your procedure is scheduled but that you are going to be waiting. Waiting for apts is hard, waiting for results even more so. Stay positive while you wait friend, which I know is easier said than done.

    NM- what a nice surprise to get those gift cards. I can relate to those times you get "called in" and wonder what you have done wrong, only to find out you are begin recognized. I can't wait to hear what nice thing you do for yourself.

    I am not surprised your mom wants you to spend your free time with her when you are not working. With my mother, she used to try to fill up my plate with a lot of nice to dos so we would talk about what she really needed my help with the most. Be watching for things you can hire people for, including if she needs help cleaning, hire a cleaning company, set up perscriptions to be delivered vs. her expecting you to pick them up and bring them. Outsource what you can, many free or low cost services available. She will want your company too and if you can create space for that vs. having to do the chores, it will go better for you.

    Cami- your legs bleeding sound serious and you don't want any of those sores to get infected. And NM gave you some good info on what sounds like a bed sore type thing to me. You get that checked out sister and get some things to help you. Sorry to hear of the troubles here. Glad one of your boyfriends came to visit.....

    JCS- it is so nice to have a real visit. In June, I had a couple friends over to my patio as the state was opening up and we would visit for HOURS when they were here. We all agree we are socially deprived after months of having to stay away from each other. As our cases have risen here in July, I have pulled back again from spending time with people outside of the one friend I met last Friday at the new food court.

    Goldie- yay for salsa. I am glad the D is better along with the cramping. You may have had a stomach virus, but hopefully you are good now. Our rains have stopped and it was up to 100 again here yesterday (yuck) and I am ready for summer!

    Ill- how has your week been and anything good to eat? I went to have a late lunch after my apt yesterday and treated myself to some lemon icebox cake to celebrate my good imaging results.

    Teka- where art thou? How are things in north country?

    Mistyeyes- how is your summer going?

    Celia C- I know you just retired recently and thinking this was NOT what you planned for your start to this. Hope you and your family are staying well during this time.

    Our current health orders expired yesterday and the Gov and health secretary came on to give updates on our status. We still are in the higher zone, more prison cases, but everything will stay the same with the current orders. I think it is the right thing to do and New Mexico continues to be surrounded by very high cases and hospitalizations in AZ and TX. They are postponing any on site school decisions until after Labor Day, at least for the public schools. Private/charter schools may have to do the same, but are deciding their own plans for the school year. I am glad I can keep doing what I am doing and that my pool will stay open so I continue to swim for fitness and to keep my sanity.

    Into August we go, wishing everyone a good wrap up to the week and a good start to August. As Cami would say, LUBS U ALL

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Last night was DIY cantina time with homemade haddock fish tacos and a semi-frozen margarita!


    Next weekend DH and I are heading about 3 hours away to RV at the river for a few days. Out German friends will join us for the day on Sunday for her birthday. They’re young, travel often and work in public places, so I’ll be distancing a bit more than usual but we miss them, so....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Enjoy With This Funny Cat Gifs Downloadfeast Funny Cat Animated ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Jazzy the year is more than half way over and not much was done as the usual year goes and it's still all crap. It seems like it's getting started all over again in some places, getting old. I'm glad u can still work and do what u like for the most part. It's funny but when people don't check in here we all just hope everything is OK, it usually is but it's just good to know. The weather is much nicer right now, who knows how long that will last tho. and yes I ordered my stuff that Kim said right after I read what she told me,

    I don't have much to say since last nite so I'll probably be back later. Exceppt Lori don't overdo u canning, u always do so much.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    Ill- that taco and margarita look great. Dang, now I want both. I am glad you are going to get out of dodge and do some safe camping and social distancing. I have no doubt you need a change of scenery.

    Cami- I have been through enough ups and downs to know this chit won't last forever, and doing my best to stay well. I got a whole lot done the first few months of the year but my inertia to finish some things has not been there. That being said, I may get in to the garage this weekend, got some things to finish reorging and purging.

    Is Dara doing okay with her recovery Cami? Maybe she is lurking and will pop in to the pewl soon.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2020

    Ladies, just got some very sad (non-cancer, non-COVID) news this morning: my former boss and mentor passed away in his sleep early this morning at age 91. He had a massive stroke in 2012 that caused him to retire (and the law office to cease operations after I could complete unfinished cases); four years later, his wife (with whom I shared both an MO and PCP) died suddenly in her sleep. Earlier this year, age, grief and the stroke began to combine to take its toll on his body, and he entered home hospice in the past few weeks. His mind was sharp up till the end, and his family--who had been unable to see him due to the pandemic--was finally able to be with him since he moved to his son's house to be on hospice. May his memory be for a blessing. (Funeral will be private, shiva--condolence visits to family--will be virtual).

    Jazzy, surprised they still want to do an MRI since your mammo/US were "all clear." Congrats for those results. IL's situation is similar to NM's: cases & positivity rate (now up to 3.9%) are on the rise, though surrounding states' rates & cases are twice as high. WI, IA & MO have been added to Chicago's "no-no" list (requiring 14 days quarantine upon return for anyone returning from them--except for those who only passed through for <24 hrs., must commute across the state line daily, do child custody visitation, or go there for medical purposes). Our next-door neighbor & his family returned yestrday from spending the summer at his in-laws' Lake Geneva cottage just in time to not have to quarantine--but they were basically self-quaranting there anyway. He can still work from home, and it's highly unlikely his kids will return to school, except online, any time soon. Suburban Cook County, which had enjoyed the state's slightly more relaxed standards, today will adhere to the stricter Chicago standards because its positivity rate has ticked up to 5.8%. (Chicago's is 4.7). I anticipate that w/in the next few days IN & OH will be added to our "s#*t list" (as IL is now on NY's).

    I'm not exactly waiting on results, as I know my diagnosis and what's next. (Plaque insertion 8/13, removal 8/17). The biopsy will be for genomic analysis, to see both if gene 3 on a certain chromosome is missing or mutated--which can be a marker of heightened metastasis potential--and if, should mets happen, I would be a candidate of the trial of a combo of MEK/FAK inhibitors conducted via Wills Eye Hosp. in Phila.

    Yum on that taco-rita meal, Ilona!

    OK, back to the "drinking" thread. Last night was Cellars' wine dinner (Italian varietals grown in Australia), postponed from late March. The weather cooperated, so we were able to dine outside. (Wed. night it rained, so everyone had to move indoors--some had to be placed at existing tables that had fewer than 6 people at them so that the 25% capacity limit and social distancing could still be maintained). I must admit I was immensely relieved that we didn't need to risk indoor dining. So here were the DsOTD: aperitif/welcome drink was an NV brut Prosecco from Alpha Box & Dice; next a Unico Zello Fiano--a varietal usually grown near Naples, dry & austere remeniscent of Gavi; then an Alpha Box & Dice Rosé--unusual in that it was made from only white grapes that were allowed to briefly sit on Grenache skins, just long enough to turn pink; then a Unico Zelo Nero d'Avola, a red varietal usually grown in Sicily--a lighter-bodied version served chilled so it went with grilled shrimp; a Unico Zelo Dolcetto--usually grown in the Alba area of the Piemonte--robust with soft tannins; and with dessert, Kopke white Port--I didn't hear what varietals they used. Except for the Prosecco, of which I drank the whole flute, I had about 1-2 oz. of ea. of the wines.

    Still & all, the ounces piled up, which is why I had to wait till today to write the wine post!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited July 2020

    Sandy, I’m sorry about your former boss, losing people is always hard.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited July 2020

    I can' figure out how to make this smaller - but it's certainly on topic. HOORAY.

    image alt="">

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited July 2020

    Well I obviously can't even figure out how to make it stay in the post. Trying again. "The benefits of a bit of booze."

    image alt="">