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how about drinking?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited July 2020

    Well obviously I can't figure out how to insert this short article. I've tried the "insert image" icon and did what is said, but it doesn't seem to post. Can anyone give me a tip? Thanks

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2020

    MinusTwo- I have had that problem before. It seems BCO does not take all kinds of image formats. I cannot remember which one it does not take but think it may be .TIF file. Check that and try resaving it as a .JPEG format and think it should work. I only know on how to do this on a computer, not sure if you can reformat on a phone if you are trying that way. I believe there are size limits too on attachments, but not sure what that is. You can also try to compress the size with ZIP, did that recently to get some photos to e-mail.

    ChiSandy- I am sorry about the loss of your boss from long ago. I had several professors and early bosses in my professional career that believed in me and were instrumental in my educational and professional success. It is hard when we hear they are gone. Hugs sister

    The MRI thing is frustrating. I had an MRI when I was diagnosed 8 years ago, and that is how they found the DCIS on the other side. It was suggested, but not recommended I have them yearly after that, but my BS was not convinced I needed one yearly. We had been doing the mammo and US regularly, but the BS said we should redo at my 5 year mark. That was two years ago and they did one and found a lump in the tumor bed of the left side (IDC). Biopsied and no cancer. Then last year they did another MRI and found some lumps in the base of my thryoid. That turned into a huge cluster and another org biopsied and nothing. MRIs are not a good screening tool, and my least fav thing to do because I always end up with a biopsy and read they are known for leading to a lot of extra stuff. I am hoping I can go, be cleared and be on my way.....

    There is a hurricane on it's way up to FL. I am concerned for some family and friends on both coasts. Don't we have some FL babies here too? Be safe people. Pandemics and hurricanes don't jive.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited August 2020

    Minus - I can't post pictures here from my computer but I can from my phone. Go figure!!

    Sandy - so sorry for the loss of your mentor. May his memory be for a blessing

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited August 2020

    Thanks Jazzy & Karen. It is a .jpg file. Maybe I'll try to save as a 'word' file, but I'll work on it. It's a great 9 year study with 20,000 in the group that shows mental acuity is more clear for those who have several drinks a week. Testing shows higher cognition rate in three ares and significantly lower rates of mental decline.

    And on that, I believe I'll have a short dram of Tuaca before I toddle off to bed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Sandy I'm truly sorry for the passing of your dear friend. It doesn't matter how old they are it's still to soon, but he'll always be in your heart.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    He was an amazing boss, with quite a sense of humor. He knew--and likely eventually forgot--more about real estate and estates & trust law than I could ever learn. We meshed pretty well: he dreaded going into court but was a brilliant transactional lawyer; I enjoyed going to court and interacting with judges, but am not a good negotiator (perhaps because I never was much of a card player). He was such a kind and caring person--he hired me when his associate developed AIDS and was becoming too weak to appear in court. But long after that associate had to quit because he became unable to work (in fact until he passed away in late '92), my boss kept him on the payroll so that his medical insurance wouldn't lapse.

    Tonight I felt too spent to cook, so we basically had "antipasto as dinner." The DOTD was a 2010 La Spinetta Barbera d'Asti--I remembered the advice of David Rosengarten, host of the old Food Network show Taste: "tomatoes on my plate, Barbera in my glass." We bought that Barbera at the winery in Tuscany (the grapes were from the Piemonte but vinified at the La Spinetta winery).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sadie and I are getting up to a lovely, sunny, comfortable day. Not sure yet what I'm going to do today, but I will make myself do something outside the house, even if only puttering in the gardens. Going to take the second cup of coffee onto the deck, that's for sure. Sadie says Hi! To everyone.

    Goldie--Thank you for the kind words. I hope the cramping doesn't come back. Hope you had fun doing the Salsa thing!

    Librarian--ah, to be going to the mountains, what luxury! Enjoy your trip and your time with your girlfriends.

    Karen--thank you!

    Jazzy--praying the MRI can happen very soon and gets the same report at the other scans!

    Cammy Cat--OK, now that you read every word, make sure you DO every word! I like Frank Sinatra's My Way, too. Lovely song. And yes, you do deserve the treats Dan gives you, and you deserve to go a little crazy with them and get fun, stupid stuff!

    Jazzy--great advice about setting up things for Mom when she needs them rather than doing them myself. I really hope Mom gets intoa senior living center, she's very social and would make friends very quickly, and probably even end up helping take care of some of the less able people she finds as long as she is able to drive and shop and such.

    Illi--that taco looks good, the semi-frozen margarita even better! After all this time of quarantine and isolation, social distancing is the way to go, and it's time to start seeing people again before we all start going absolutely mad! In my mind a part of social distancing is controlling how many people and how often I visit. But that's just my thinking. The virus won't be going away, and social distancing keeps the new cases coming in at a manageable rate, and that's the purpose, to keep the case rate within the ability of the local hospitals to manage, and to keep it out of nursing homes and the like. We, as a nation, need to find that balance of protecting the vulnerable, keeping the infection rate at a manageable level, and still living our lives and making our livings.

    Cammy Cat--good girl, getting the stuff to take care of yourself.Now make sure you USE it all!

    Chi--so sorry to hear about your mentor's passing. I'm glad he could have his family with him at the end. The plaque insertion sounds like a horrible procedure; I hope that's just my imagination running away with me. How effective is the treatment, if you don't mind my asking? Wow, it sounds like you got to taste a lot of nice wines at the dinner! Such fun!

    Minus--are you trying to insert a picture or an article? If it's an article, try going to the article site, copying the address and pasting that into the post, that usually creates a link.

    Jazzy--I can't imagine the stress of getting MRIs and the attendant biopsies every year, or even every fewyears. I pray you can be cleared and sent on your way, too!

    Minus--that article sounds really interesting! Can you type the title and the name of the place it's published? Maybe I can search for it and help you get it posted.

    Chi--your boss sounds like a very kind and generous man. The world is lessened by his death.

    My Way

    1 oz / 25 ml Belvedere Vodka

    1 oz / 25 ml Italicus

    1 oz / 25 ml Lemon Juice

    0.5 oz / 10 ml Egg White

    Dry shake then wet shake all ingredients and fine strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with star anise.

    From <>

    Italicus is a Rosolio, an Italian liqueur made with rose petals dating back to the 15th century. Made at a family-owned distillery in Moncalieri, Torino, it begins with bergamot from the Calabrian region and cedro from Sicilia. The two ingredients undergo the sfumatura process – a traditional technique for manually extracting essential oils – before being blended with a neutral Italian spirit. After this, Roman chamomile from Lazio, lavender, gentian, yellow roses and melissa balm from Northern Italy are macerated together for several days before being added.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited August 2020

    NM - I just cut out the 'snippet' (yes, physically w/scissors & paper) and scanned into a .jpg file, so no longer can find the exact reference. But the NY times article below appears to be discussing the same study. Also you can open the full study as a .pdf with the open JAMA link in the article.

    Three areas associated with higher mental functioning & slower decline in the 9 years study of moderate drinkers: mental status, word recall and vocabulary.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    JCS, enjoy your mountain time!

    Jazzy, sorry about the snafu with the MRI, but at least good news on the mammo. I don't think I had a virus, I'm blaming it all on the meds. And because I'm back on them, the "D" is back.

    Oh Cami, your poor legs. I sure hope you can get that taken care of. Is it from lymphedema? Glad you got to see some of your boys, I know how much you enjoy them. And got a little bonus too! Not over doing it on the canning, I don't have much to work with.

    BabyGirl, a few days on the river with friends sounds devine. I'm bummed we couldn't go camping. Won't be until mid October now.

    Sandy, sorry for the loss of your old boss.

    Minus2, what is it you were trying to post? Nevermind, I see you explained! So, drinking is a good thing!

    NM, my MIL lives in a senior complex, but she doesn't go out and socialize!

    Did my salsa, I made 1/2 pints this time, as a pint was just too much. I would open a jar and we always ended up having some left over and I would throw it out. Got 11 jars of it. Our local corn is ready, so may take a ride out and get some of that. So freezing corn will be in my future for the weekend (if we go). My thermometer got up to 116 yesterday afternoon. I don't think it was quite that hot, as it does sit directly in the sun, but it had to be close!

    Starting to get a bit concerned with my DH. He does pretty much nothing anymore. We had to fill our solar batteries yesterday, I helped him so we could get it done quicker. He was in the house by 9:30 am. On the couch, only to get up to use the bathroom. He fell asleep sitting up, then later I saw him laying down and asleep again. He got up to eat dinner, and went to bed at 7. He will do orders, but things are coming to a halt, so not much there to do. Everything else on the computer, so that is more sitting. No wonder he has muscle atrophy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    PS....Jazzy, hoping your FL family and friends will be ok. I knew of the hurricane as it has to pass by my DD in the VI first. Fortunately, they got nothing. They need the rain, just like us, but not in the form of a hurricane. PR was flooded from the rains and they are not completely recovered from Irmaria! And of course there are more on the way.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Great Cats Be Funny BLOG: Funny Cat GIFS

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    It's Saturday looking like rain.

    Yes Kim I'm doing what u said, I listened to you and acted <which is unusual for me, as u know> But whenever I ask here I really listen and wish I could take u to my Drs. office and make sure I do what I'm supposed to do. It's funny cuz my sister who always listens and does what the Dr. says is always on my ass. She's 80 now and she is still beautiful and her Dr. even told her she doesn't look 80 at all, but her insides look 80, so she listens right away.

    Minus it's to late for me to start up this brain, my memory is horrible <my sister is worse> so our conversations are always so long spending some of this time trying to remember what we were going to say. She does drink her wine everyday and I don't drink, but she is older and I think we've evened out.

    Sandy antipasto always sounds good to me, wine as u know I know nothing but food yep I do.

    Kim u know it sounds like ur mom would be a perfect fit for a lifestyle like that. There are so many things to be social about it. I do know here they have big dining rooms to eat ur meals with others if u want to and functions planned if u want to. My friends have made new friends where they live and now eat their meals with a group of people and they all like the atmosphere. Just sounds good for her.

    All right stupid question time <really> Do any of u watch any of the reality shows. I admit Les and I do, they are so stupid but it's fun to imagine people being so successful being so stupid. OK done with that. Answer truthfully, I did.

    I hope everyone has a good day, and Lori I didn't see any pics. of ur canning like u always do.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    NM, I totally agree about the distancing/ living balance. Our inner circle consists of less than 10 people anyway and the ones we see regularly is about 6, so I feel safe enough this way. I won’t be at a place with my swallowing to go out to restaurants or bars anytime soon, so that’s not an issue for me yet. My biggest concern will be concerts, I love concerts but the idea of all those other people, I just don’t know.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    The plaque insertion procedure indeed looks gross (I actually watched a YouTube of it), but I should be out like a light during it (either general anesthesia or local + propofol; same with removal). Acc. to my ocular onc., there is a 95% chance that the tumor will remain shrunken & inert at 5 yrs. and 80% that I'll still be around in 10 yrs. Untreated, the 10-yr overall survival rate is only 50%. Fingers crossed. The toughest part of recovery (besides the discomfort) is that my R eye will look kinda scary and have limited function for several weeks to a couple of months, and the floater in my L eye shows no sign of abating--so the only eye I can effectively use will drive me crazy(er).

    The floater seems to have "calved" its tip off, so there's a tiny additional one; and as it moves back out of my field of vision it leaves a fleeting blurry spot resembling a smudge on my glasses or my bangs falling in front of my eye. When my R eye heals, its acuity will be much worse than it currently is (right now, 20/20, but possibly as bad as 20/100 or even 20/200). But its location down front and below my field of vision (so any radiation "leakage" into the vitreous and consequent damage thereof should be minimal), and the impossibility of the radiation causing a cataract as I no longer have a natural lens, may mitigate in my favor in terms of visual function. (Of course, the location so close to the muscle & vascular system also increases the chance of mets). This type of tumor always eventually spreads--but there are reports of that not happening till as long as 20-25 years out if initial radiation is successful. I'd just like to be able to stick around long enough for life-as-we-knew-it to become safe again, and to take advantage of it.

    The caveat is that it takes a few weeks for the radiation to fully affect the tumor cells, causing apoptosis (tumor-cell death) and shrinkage. But hopefully, not long enough for spread. (Knock wood).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    We have a very limited in-person "circle:" our HK, our son and his girlfriend, the landscaper, our neighbors (talking deck-to-deck) and the staff and other outdoor patrons at Cellars. (Bob has his office staff and hospital colleagues of course). My best friends are quite vulnerable--two are on immunosuppressant meds so even social-distancing with them is inadvisable.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Top 30 Funny Cat Gifs GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I think it's Sunday, The Golden Girls is on.

    Illi u said about a restaurant, do u have to eat very slowly or differently, sounds like it. But u are feeling good right.???

    Sandy that sounds so complicated, I've watched some operations and they didn't bother me but that one I know I wouldn't watch. Something about eyes being touched just makes me chill. My sister gets a shot in her eye every month and she purposely wants to tell me about it and I stop her and tell her actually feel it she LOL and continues, she's a brat tho.

    One of my guys called last night and we talked about 45 mins. He's so cute and then he asked me to go to his house for a BBQ or he'd BBQ here if I don't feel up to it. I don't want to ruin his day. But as usual the guys do cheer me up. Boy to be 45 again, yep I still looked good then LOL

    Joey starts school in 2 weeks, he goes just Tuesday and Friday and the rest from home. Good thing one of his friends has a DL so he'll be driving, better than the bus I think IDK. There are no school functions tho which for me was the best part of school but he's one of those nerdy people that likes to learn but he still hasn't heard about band. Oh he'll be a junior this year, I can't believe it and my GD won't even be a teenager anymore. WTF happened to all this time.

    I hope u all have a good Sunday.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Another beautiful day shaping up here, yesterday Sadie and I spent most of the day on the deck, me puttering in the plant boxes and reading, Sadie basking in the sun. Planning for more of the same today.

    Minus--thanks for the link, I've looked at the JAMA Open Network article. It's a well done study that does suggest that light to moderate drinking is more protective than harmful, although the study does admit it is observational and cause/effect can't be proven. Funny, that's the same kind of studies that link drinking and cancer, obesity and cancer, etc, but those studies are taken as showing cause and effect.

    Goldie--sorry to hear the "D" is back. Did your Onc give you any advice on managing it? Not everyone who lives in a senior complex goes out and socializes. It's too bad, too, those people miss out on a lot of the benefits of living in a senior complex. I can imagine you are worried about DH. It does sound like something isn't right. Could it be depression, or a reaction to the last many months of COVID crap? I don't like the look of those tropical waves coming off Africa. It reminds me of the summer that we had 5 hurricanes going at once and everyone was getting hammered.

    Cammy Cat--I'm glad your sister listens to her doc and yours, and I'm telling you to listen to your Sister after doc appointments!I, too, think Mom would really flourish in a Senior Complex. I know she likes to cook her own meals, but most places have a kitchenette that allow for some cooking, and she doesn't need to roast whole 22# turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore, or bake dozens of cookies at a time. I think she would really like going to the dining room for lunch or dinner and eating and chatting with some other people with similar interests. I think she'd like many of the activities, too. I'm still working on making her understand that she can take advantage of the activities and such and still drive herself wherever she wants to go and whenever she wants to, that it isn't a choice between being independent and attending activities or meals, but she can do both, as she chooses, day to day. I used to say I don't watch reality shows, and then I realized that I actually do from time to time. I used to watch Deadliest Catch ,Ice Road Truckers, COPS, Bondi Rescue, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State pretty regularly. I just never thought of them as being "Reality TV", I associate that withBig Brother and other Soap Opera-like shows.

    Illi--It's going to be interesting to see how the reopening works out. It's funny, I cannot bring myself to consider going to a restaurant and eating inside just yet, but I was thinking about going to a movie in a movie theater the other day. Like there is any big difference between the two settings! Distancing can be maintained in both, more mask time in the movies than a restaurant, but more overall time in the movies than a restaurant. Both can be well ventilated. Close contact with people I know in a restaurant, no close contact but around people I don't know at the movies. Talk about no logical sense thinking one is OK and the other isn't! I've decided to pass on the movie going for now, anyway. I've never been a big one for concerts as I do not like being in big crowds of people, but I have gone to some and enjoyed them and would love to do that again. Maybe someday.Like you, I just don't know right now.

    Chi--95% survival for 5 years, 80% for 10 years sounds pretty good compared to the untreated survival rate. The visual acuity change doesn't sound so good. Can it be managed with glasses or contacts? The 20 to 25 years to spread sounds a lot like bc's nasty little habit of hiding out for decades. I hope that means it's slow moving and the radiation will get to all of it before it tries to travel.

    Jazzy--yes, it does!

    Cammy Cat--Boy a BBQ sounds like fun right about now! Hard to think about Joey, or anyone, going back to school already. I wonder if all the other activities that won't be happening will mean that money will be shifted to academics? The High School I went to was very focused on football and basketball, those were way more important than academics, and it showed. Sports got money to do whatever they wanted, everything else managed as best it could with what money was budgeted or could be raised.

    image alt="Reality Check Cocktail Recipe">

    Reality Check

    5 fresh


    2/3 fl oz

    Ketel One Vodka

    2/3 fl oz

    Becherovka liqueur

    1/4 fl oz

    Lime juice (freshly squeezed)

    2 3/4 fl oz

    Budweiser Budvar

    1/3 fl oz

    Giffard Sugar Cane Syrup

    1 dash

    Angostura or other aromatic bitters

    How to make:

    MUDDLE raspberries in base of large shaker tin. Add ice and other ingredients then THROW (strain from a height into a second strainer). Repeat four times and then strain into ice-filled glass.

    Serve in a

    Rum barrel mug or pint glass


    Lime zest twist

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Cami, although I can technically eat now, I do eat differently until the vocal cords are back to normal. When I swallow, I must tilt my head down and turn to the left or risk food/drink going down the vocal cord gap into my airway. I also take small bites, so eating is a very deliberate and time consuming process.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Yesterday was indeed a beautiful day, if rather gusty and windy. Spent a good part of the day on the deck reading and watching Sadie play in the pool or bask in the sun. Got a call from Mom, she's found her new place. It's a duplex, still under construction, expected completion in September, maybe October. One level, apparently quite large, 2 bedroom, large back yard, will have a heat pump as well as propane heat. She's excited that everything will be brand new. It's also not far from where she is now. She also said that Dick has put a deposit down on an apartment suite in a local (high-end) assisted living facility, and he can move in anytime now. He doesn't plan to move until after Mom moves, he doesn't want her to be there by herself. So that's all been settled, all except the actual moving. For which I have been informed I should plan to be available, since so much stuff can be put in the Jeep and that will help minimize the number of trips necessary. In the meantime Mom says she is going to start packing up and moving stuff she won't need right off into storage. Of course, she's been saying she's going to do that for ages now, but maybe now it will actually happen.

    Illi--I imagine eating a full meal must take some time right now. I hope you are able to eat enough to maintain your weight/health, and, more importantly, I hope you are getting some enjoyment out of eating again!

    The Welcome Home Cocktail


    • 1 oz. gin
    • ½ oz. lemon juice
    • 4 oz. champagne
    • 1 oz. simple syrup
    • Ice
    • 1 brandied cherry


    1. Combine the gin, lemon juice, simple syrup and ice into a shaker and shake well for ten seconds
    2. Pour champagne into old fashioned glass
    3. Add mixture to champagne
    4. Add cherry
    5. Drink!

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    I am back from the mountains. What a great time! I took my shoes off once we got there and never put them back on. How crazy! We talked, read and ate. My three favorite activities. We also watched the Netflix show, Nurse Jackie. Very interesting and heart wrenching show about a good nurse with a drug addiction.

    When I looked at the calendar this morning, there was NOTHING for this week. I might go to a girlfriend’s and rearrange some furniture. I should clean the window screens and knock down some spider webs. Not too exciting, but are things that need doing.

    Also trying to decide about our trip to the state parks in Utah. DH is pretty down on flying. I am pretty sure I do not want to drive that far just to get to the start of a road trip. I am now thinking about driving to the Poconos and exploring that area. Any thoughts? We could drive through the Amish Country and see some mountains and waterfalls. We could take our stuff in our car and stay in fewer hotels. So many decisions!

    Take care and stay healthy

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    I'll be back latah! Busy day today, will be putting lots of miles on my vehicle! First stop Snowflake to pick up some local corn to freeze, then to Show Low, DH has to be fitted for a brace and I have to do labs, onc appt on Thursday. Then to Springerville, DH doctor appt there. Also stopping to pick up a few groceries and most likely a stop to eat.

    Reality TV, I think that's all we watch!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Good morning ladies- another week begins and lots to do today. Storms are back and one woke me up early yesterday morning with a big storm right over my house. Yesterday it was cloudy and got a few sprinkles in the afternoon, but nothing bigger. It is cooler this morning and starting to have that feeling in the air that comes in August with the shift down to cooler weather. Bring on the fall I say!

    JCS- my only advice is to recommended that with any states you are traveling to or through, that you know what the requirements are for travel in and out of those states and yours. A lot of states are enacting penalities if they catch you not adhering to their public health orders (aka, fines for not wearing masks). We have some pretty strict requirements here in NM and have heard that many tourists coming in here and being unaware of what is expected. Because every state is doing this differently, better to be informed vs. surprised. I would expect there should be a web site for the Poconos that can direct you to things open vs. those which may be closed for the season.

    Ill- I always think when one is recovering from anything, it is good to be around people who we can be ourselves with. I think you have a good plan to be able to get a break and see your friends carefully. I am so glad to hear you can eat a bit more as time goes on.

    NM- glad your mom found a place she likes and that there are plans for Dick in the works as well. I hope your mom has some additional plans for moving help besides you as I know for myself personally, I can't do that stuff anymore. Plus if she has furniture, it won't fit in your Jeep either. Be ready to help her find a local moving company with strong young bodies to move stuff. And hopefully she will be able to purge some things before she makes the move or put it in storage. Take care of yourself sister!

    Goldie- I am sorry about the D, and that your DH sounds out of sorts and am sure with having to wait on the surgery, Covid, etc. it may be hard for him. Does he have anything planned with his PCP soon? Might be good to get this checked out before he heads in for his surgery in August? Sending big hugs.

    Cami- sounds like your schools have the hybrid model for back to school. Glad Joey has a friend to ride with. I had two different friends in the neighborhood growing up that had cars, but rarely got asked to ride with them. I was at the end of the pick up for my route, so it was a short ride to school in the morning but the most agonizing long hour ride home in the afternoons. Anyways, I hope Joey has a good school year, the time does go quickly.

    Karen- are you getting any of this monsoonal moisture all the way up in CO?

    What happened to Janky?

    Celia C, Mistyeyes, Teka, ChiSandy and everyone else here, saying hi from over here in the southwest.

    No medical apts this week, yay! Lots to do though and hope to score some fresh peaches at the smaller farmers market on Wed this week.

    Have a good week everyone. Be back when I can!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2020

    Had 2 glasses of Bonterra Sauvingnon Blanc as an early anesthetic for 3pm tooth extraction. Went very well with large lunch of Chicken Marsala, Sauteed Broccoli & warm crusty bread with butter - not apt to be able to enjoy either food or wine later today.

    Hope everyone is doing well this Monday.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited August 2020

    NM - I too am glad your Mom seems to have settled. I agree with Jazzy. Check with something like the Maine version of '3 Men Movers' or 'Two Guys and a Truck'. Hope you can convince your Mom you'll be happy to take just things like her clothes in your jeep. Edited to ask - I can't remember - how old is your Mom?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Sat. night we had outdoor reservations at Cellars, but it began raining as we were walking. Went inside with some trepidation, but there was only one other diner in there. Bob is philosophical, saying he risks his life every day in crowded hospital elevators (one entire bank of them has been closed off). Ironic that office towers are limiting their elevators to 2 or 3 passengers, with social distance floor markers, but hospitals are letting doctors (and some patients) crowd into elevators. DOTD was an Argentinian malbec.

    Yesterday we went to brunch outdoors at Big Jones (a Southern-themed restaurant that started out as Carolina low-country cuisine). I had a glass of cava, and Bob ordered a Hurricane (which they served the last time we did Mardi Gras dinner there). The bartender came over and apologized that they didn't have the proper ingredients on hand to make a Hurricane (and they would never use a mix like Pat O'Brien's). So she made him an Artillery Punch (rum, tea, fruit juice, St. Germain), which he said was delicious. It showered a bit as we sat outside beneath the table umbrella, but for the rest of the time it was sunny and much warmer than predicted--good thing I'd slathered on the sunscreen. The rain held off till well after we got home, and then there were a few brief downpours. Much cooler today.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    cat gif cute cat kitten gif cute kitten funny cat sleepy cat funny ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Good evening ladies.

    Kim all of a sudden ur mom did it. Sounds like things worked out well for them, Are u all right with this move tho??? and I'm leaving it to Lori to find the perfect young bodied moving men for ur mom. She's so good at that,

    Sandy I would think with all the time ur DH spends in hospitals even before all these restrictions were set up that 1 customer wouldn't bother him at all, but honestly I would be hesitant on what he touched along the way.

    JC this time away from everything has to be a real nitemare for you. U luv to travel so much,Another good mountain time with ur friends too and another trip in the making. U know the Amish trip sounds interesting to me anyway. Oh I watched that show when it first came out. Oh but my sister and I thought it was hysterical, again of course we r both goofy sometimes.

    Lori ur doing all that in one day. Holy chit. It takes me 1/2 hr. just to get to the bathroom.

    Celia it's good to see you here.

    Jazzy ur not working yet are u??? Ur so so busy, but u always find a way to do things that u need or want to. Good for you.

    Oh I see some of u watch those shows. Well I watch all the trashy ones, of course Les and I tape them then watch them without commercials. We should have one for this house called Who's going to the Drs. today. today was Joey's turn just that bleeding nose thing that boys get more than girls. Then I had a theory, my oldest brother use to get bloody noses as did my cousin, also color blind and so is Joey, hmm interesting to me anyway. these are pearls of wisdom ladies. Just like I told u the possible cure for Covid. The medical field does not recognize me at all???


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    See why Teka has always made me LOL, she poops in when no one expects it, only says a few words, and u don't know when u'll see her again.HAHAHA