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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Looks like we're in for some interesting weather today and tomorrow as what is left of Isaias moves through. Should be just wind and rain, but many folks are taking boats out of the water just in case. We can certainly use some rain, but I'm not sure torrential downpours are the way to go, but what Mother Nature decides, she does. There was a very nice breezeyesterday after work, so Sadie and I parked our butts on the deck and I read while Sadie nosed around and supervised the neighborhood. It was lovely. I slept like a log last night except for the really weird dream I was having when the alarm went off. Can't really remember what was going on now, but I was trying very hard to get something done and it wasn't going well. I hope that's not a premonition of the day to come, yesterday at work was very productive and I hope to continue the trend today!

    Librarian--sounds like your mountain trip was marvelous! So happy for you. And an empty week, what a treasure!

    Goldie--you are a busy lady! Nothing like getting lots done in a day.

    Jazzy--Mom does have more help than just me when it comes to moving. Dick's kids have offered to help with the furniture and bigger things. I have a couple of friends who will help me help mom with bigger stuff, too. Mom will not even consider a moving company; it costs money and she doesn't want other people touching/moving her stuff, they might break something. When the time gets closer I'll make arrangements to rent a U-Haul myself, then Mom can supervise me and Dick's kids and anyone else who is loading and unloading. I hope she will do some purging, but I doubt that will happen, I get my hoarding tendencies from my grandmother through her. But at least she is labeling boxes and keeping lists of what is in the boxes, that's a major improvement. I am excited for her finding a brand new place to move into, she's lived in unfinished places for so long.

    Celia--wine is an underrated analgesic! I hope the tooth extraction wasn't too bad foryou and that you recover quickly.

    Minus--Mom is 84.She will not entertain the idea of using movers, she simply will not "waste money on something I can do myself" or put up with strangers touching her stuff. We'll see what things are like when move time actually comes.

    Chi--it is funny how different places are managing things like elevator use differently. Glad the indoor dining worked out, with only diner it was probably pretty darn safe!

    Cammy Cat--It does seem sudden that Mom found a place, doesn't it? I'm good with it, I'm hoping she'll be happier and easier to be around after the move. Being with her right now means listening to almost non-stop complaining about Dick's behavior (typical progressing early-bordering-on-middle-stage Alzheimer's Disease) interfering with her doing anything she wants to do.

    Morning, Teka!

    Smooth Mover

    2 ingredients

    25 mlSambuca

    1 pintDiet Coke


    Add all the ingredients into a highball glass with ice. Stir and serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Hi ladies- rocking and rolling into the new week and busy getting deliveries out to people that need them. I am bringing some hand sanitizer this weekend to a school in Santa Fe while I am up there, and although I do most of the delivery planning, it is always sort of fun to do a drop off as it is the closest feeling one may have to being like a Santa Claus. Getting some additional work done on that, but need to get to the store for some food too.

    NM- sounds like you have a lot of good help lined up for your mom's move. Our parents come from a generation of "do it yourself no matter what." There was a time my friends and I used to help each other with moves, and I still do sometimes but won't do the heavy stuff. If you are doing the truck rental, driving and supervising, you should be just fine. I hope your mom will like this arrangement, and perhaps she is looking forward to some peace and quiet too. I like Cami's idea of some fine young male movers with Lori's help.

    I heard the storm was a non event in FL via some family there, but it sounds like it is gaining steam and coming quickly up the I-95 corridor. Be safe sister!

    Cami- not working yet, but having more conversations about new work as more things seem to be happening. A lot of things went quiet with the pandemic, but more project work seems to be coming back. A couple things have not worked out so far mostly because of really low rate or terms they are looking for, but have some better things coming up that really have sparked my interest. In this time when many are looking, people are always trying to pay really low, I mean to the point like you would say you can make the same money going to be an Instacart shopper? Do you want a professional or a body in a job? The rate will tell you that.

    JCS- not sure how close you are to the coast, everything okay with the storm you way?

    Monsoons came back last night and only made it through 19 laps before I got kicked out of the pool. Oh well, that will be my short swim for the week. I think there was some hail over here too as it looked like some of the tree leaves got knocked down out front. Roof looks okay from all I can see. We like the rain but not the hail.

    That's all for now, have a good Tuesday....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    I just think you might love this!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited August 2020

    Oh WOW Jazzy. What a way to spend an hour. Fantastic. I ended up with tears in my eyes just like some of the audience.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Jazzy, my teenage years (12-18) flashed before my eyes--the Beatles really were the lead soundtrack to my adolescence. (All the other groups were "overdubs").

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    20 Cat GIFs Guaranteed to Make You Smile

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Hi ladies,

    Jazzy that was so enjoyable. Loved it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! There's a free luau lunch for staff at work today to recognize staff's hard work over the last few months. What was left of Isaias blew through last night, today is shaping up to be beautiful, so it will be nice to eat outside today. Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Jazzy--I'm glad you get a chance to experience the fun part of the supply delivery service! Mom very definitely comes from that "do it yourself no matter what" generation. She won't like it when I rent a truck, but since it will be a done deal by the time she finds out, it will be ok. I'll just get a day long lecture about wasting money, and I'll keep telling her it's my money to waste! The big storm was pretty much worn out by the time it got here. Some power outages from wind damage, but nothing more than usual for a good thunder storm. We just didn't get the fun of the thunder and lightning.

    What a fun video!

    Morning, Minus and Teka and Chi and Cammy Cat!



    – 1 part of "Strawberry Fields for Ever"

    – 1 part of "Apple Records "

    – A few drops of "Sgt Peppers"

    – A pinch of "Lemon Tree"

    – A great "English Spirit"

    Recipe equivalence:

    – 7 cl Strawberry Puré

    – 1 cl Giffard Strawberry Syrup

    – 7 cl Apple Juice

    – 2 drops of Hot Chilli Pepper Droplets

    – 0,5 cl lemon juice

    – 4 cl Bombay Sapphire


    Mixed in a Boston Shaker with plenty of crushed ice and served directly into a Collins glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited August 2020

    Jazz - thanks for sharing. I love Sir Paul. When I was little, I had Beatles Bobble head dolls and in one of our moves, I think to the US, I gave them away - can't imagine what they would be worth today. I saw Sir Paul in Denver twice - 2005 and 2014. The 2005 concert was one of the finest I've ever seen. In 2014, I saw him one night and the next night Carole King and James Taylor - and they were even better. I waited till this morning to listen - nice way to start my day :)

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    I haven’t watch it yet and wasn’t born until 1975 but Paul was my favorite. Anyway, I wanted to share a quick Beatles story. So, my DH drives a tour bus for Alan Parsons who produced Abbey Road. Once on tour, Ringo was on the bus, DH introduced himself, then said “and you are...?”, they both had a good laugh.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Well, Monday was a long day! Left the house around 8:15 and got home around 4:00, and about 170 miles driven to get to appts in 2 counties/3 cities! Did my labs, and as usual they went way up yet again. MO appt. tomorrow. Picked up 5 dozen ears of corn and shucked those yesterday. Today I will be blanching them, cutting off the cobb and freezing. I was just too worn out to get it all done yesterday.

    NM, your mom found a place FAST, wow. How is Dick handling all of this? Has he quit driving?

    Jazzy, we had a down pour the other night along with some hail. DH saw our PCP on Monday. Has to have a nerve conduction test and ultra sound on his leg to rule out a blood clot. Still hot here, in the 90's. Feeling like Santa Clause, good feeling. Plus you get to interact with other humans.

    Celia, how are you doing after that tooth extraction?

    Cami, we record the shows too and then FF through the commercials. I had to LOL when I typed FF, you know why! I don't understand the logic behind kids going to school for a couple days with the rest being at home. Seems about the same as wearing a mask but not covering your nose!

    I have not watched the video, but cute story BabyGirl re your DH and Ringo!

    These were the best movers I could find. But an actual company! They have one in Phoenix, so if I ever move, I know who to call....LOL. Unfortunately, none in Maine NM.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Hi ladies- just a quick pop in. Busy with the collaboration and working on some airlift deliveries, which is a new process for me. Got stuck around determining the weight of something going to Gallup as we don't have scales available to us. But we will get it figured out. We have stuff going all over the place from ABQ in every direction this week.

    There is so much I miss this summer, including the local farmers market, but have opted out of the normal trip on Sunday's because it is just super crowded and heard about their process of walking around in a circle, social distancing, etc. Just didn't sound like anything I wanted to do, but they started the midweek market today and moved to the morning and was able to go! I scored some much sought after peaches from my fav orchard, some fresh corn on the cob from another fav place and a bunch of flowers from the flower lady. I also bought some peaches for two other friends who were wanting them but can't go out and one had a procedure this week. Dropped off some flowers and peaches to my friend in the same town (she helped me through all my cancer stuff years ago) and she was more than thrilled. Met her husband for the first time in all this time (he is an orthopedic surgeon, but retired so now he is around more). Anyways, they were thrilled with the drop off and I will get the other peaches to my other friend on Friday. Just call me the peach fairy! The market was very do-able, hardly anyone there and will try to get there a few more times before the season ends. There are some delicious melons coming up soon I am watching for.....

    Glad so many here enjoyed that video clip, one of the best things I have seen out there this year. Paul was my fav too, and loved the story about Ill's DH meeting Ringo. I have never seen the Beatles in concert but think my sister may have (I was elementary school aged in the 60s). St Peppers is my fav album. How cool that some of you have seen some of them through time too. Can you imagine being at that pub for the suprise concert?

    Goldie- whew, a lot of running around. I am sorry to hear about the numbers being up again. I hope no clot for your husband too. And yes, we had a storm with hail on Monday night (there was golf ball sized hail up north too). Will be in your pocket for the MO apt this week. I wonder if those movers are in New Mexico too, lol?

    NM- thank you for the Beatles cocktail recipe. Love it. My father was the penny pincher in our family as he grew up in a poor rural Appalchian town and they had a pretty difficult time in the Depression. My mother's family had money so she was the spender. They taught me how to both save and enjoy money. And as you say, if you are paying for the U-Haul, she need not worry. Sounds like you did okay through the residual of the storm?

    Will post a photo of the flowers and peaches from my phone from the market today shortly to our thread here.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Jazzy, love the colorful flowers. The peaches look yummy.

    The new hvac was installed today, now waiting for the house to cool, which is a task since it has been so hot (96 at 8 pm). Installers did not wear masks while doing the work, so I have sanitized the half bath they used and am keeping fingers crossed for the next week or so that they didn't share anything we don't want shared. They came and went through the garage, into the back hall and up the stairs to the attic, so only a limited part of the house, but they were working on our air circulating system...

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Fomites (droplets on surfaces) are no longer considered primary means of transmission of the coronavirus--aerosols (smaller particles exhaled, especially during speaking or panting, that hang in the indoor air for up to 30 minutes) are now believed to be the primary means. So while you did the right thing by disinfecting everything the repairmen touched, the bigger problem was in the air they exhaled while in your home. But by the time you went into each room afterward, the aerosols had likely dissipated (especially sucked out the air ducts to the outdoors) enough to no longer contain enough viable RNA to transmit an infection. But your repairmen should have worn masks--ALL in-home service personnel must, in most states. Of course, TX is a world unto itself. You should nonetheless file a complaint with the repair company--your installers' behavior was dangerous and unacceptable.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, I really did not expect them to wear masks in the 90 to 100+ degree attic but would have preferred masks in the downstairs, even as limited as that was (the back hall is fairly short). Waiting to be certain everything is working before contacting the company in case we have other things to complain about. Just trying to be safe instead of sorry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Cute Sleeping Kitten - CUTE CAT GIFS

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Early mornin ladies,

    Oh Lori I'm sorry about ur numbers but they do vary sometimes. U really had to be tired. I'm glad u got to rest. Jee both ur DH and you have chit togo thru.<<<HUGS>>> my Dear for sure.

    I think ur mom will end up being happy with the u-Haul and I knew Lori would find the right ones, but not around u. Imagine all the moving those guys get. Ur mom will be able to visit Dick right, as often as she likes. Good score for a luncheon, u guys deserve a lot more, but it's nice that they acknowledge you.

    Jazzy again that's the type of video u can watch more than once. That basket looks peachy. Maybe a lot of people do not know they're open during the week yet. It's so nice you give up ur time for people. <so kind>

    Beaver I know it's hot <our guys are going thru that with HVAC ESPECIALLY> but ahard job when there's no air. Well u have it done now, so u should be more comfortable. I can't blame the people but I know it's a tough job.

    Celia I hope ur extraction is healing well and u feel more comfortable.

    Sandy they are learning so much more about this damn virus, but not enough and this school thing is recockulous, they're changing their minds daily, way to much.

    Illi ur DH is hysterical.

    Karen u were really lucky to see some great concerts. I enjoyed Carole King and James Taylor even on PBS.

    I go for my bloodwork today and actually made an appointment for my test with contrast/no contrast for next Thursday. Have really no idea what it is but I'll find out next week so my Dr. won't bug me anymore.

    Everyone try to have a good day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Just a fast poop in to say Hi. Got a call from work, a nurse called out sick at the last minute, going in to help cover. Not happy about this happening yet again on yet ANOTHER Thursday, need to get coffee into me and get out of the irritated mood before I get there.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Did someone say James Taylor? Here is a nice one for you:

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited August 2020

    Jazz - beautiful! thanks for posting

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    lazy cat gifs Page 2 | WiffleGif

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Early mornin' ladies,

    Not to busy today or else I missed a lot. I don't know this computer takes me all over the place when I come in. It use to take me back to the first one after me, now it does what it wants.

    Oh Jazzy one of my all time favorites, Thanks, Karen, Jazzy always comes up with great ones, doesn't she???

    My blood draw was great, walked in, called me in about 1 minute, of course takes forever to get blood, but still then done. Those r the kind of app'ts I always like. But I was suggested to trying to gain some weight. LMAO too funny so on the way home we stopped at Dunkin Donuts and got 4 just for me and ate every one today. I didn't want anything else tho except my jello. BTW I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks, oh I look horrible. I'm sure that put it back on.

    They r going back and forth with this school thing, every day they're changing something in Chicago and we seem to follow. But everything is going so fast and I don't think they know what to do either. It's so confusing right now.

    Have a good day everyone.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    P.S. Kim see I didn't say a word, just so you know it didn't get by me. And Thank You my ass is getting better.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Yesterday certainly did not turn out the way I was planning. Instead of kayaking or gardening I ended up going in to work to cover for a nurse that called out at the last minute (she's mad at the interim Director of Nurses cuz she's not getting all kinds of special treatment anymore) and created havok for the entire building. And, of course, it couldn't be a regular, routine sort of day. Nope. Unplanned admissions, a transfer to another facility that didn't have the prep work done the day before (courtesy of the same nurse who called out), a resident coming back from the ER that didn't want to come back in the building, a resident crisis that resulted in quite a puddle of blood on the floor, and all ended up with a relief nurse that decided to "give you an hour to get everything done before I take report." Arrgghhh.Thank God for Sadie cuddles when I got home! The good news is that 2 traveling nurses have been contracted, one starts Monday, the other the week after. 2 more CNAs have been hired and start next week. There is a good candidate for the Director of Nursing position and some interest in the Assistant Director of Nursing position. So some light at the end of the tunnel!

    Cool Beatles stories!

    Goldie, wow, that was a long day. I'm getting some corn later today at the Farm Drop.Mom did find a place fast, she's already put down first and last month's rent, too! Dick has pretty much stopped driving, Mom lets him drive to the end of the private road to pick up mail and newspaper, but he isn't allowed to drive anywhere else. I'm not sure exactly how Dick is taking all the change, I don't think he's very happy about it, but he also seems to understand that he can't live alone. I wish those movers were in Maine, I might be tempted to move just to ogle them at work!

    Jazzy--it must be wonderful to be the peach fairy! Those must taste so good, being so fresh. What was left of the storm did knock out power to part of the state, but not locally.

    Beaver--glad to hear the HVAC is fixed!

    Cammy Cat--Mom will be able to visit Dick whenever. She is also going to continue taking him to doctor's appointments so his kids don't have to take time off work, at least for a while. Glad you got the blood draw done quickly. That's an awful lot of weight loss for 2 weeks. You've got to remember to eat, woman!!!!The school opening thing sounds totally crazy.Some school districts here are asking parents what they want their kids to be doing--part time in class/part time virtual, full time in class, full time virtual. It sounds like a nightmare to organize.And I figured nothing got by you , but thanks for not pointing it out!

    How to Make a Chaos Cocktail Cocktail


    1/2 oz Everclear alcohol

    1/2 oz cherry brandy

    1/2 oz benedictine herbal liqueur

    1 oz Bailey's Irish cream

    1 oz cream

    1 maraschino cherry


    • Shake, strain, add the cherry and serve.

    From <>

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2020

    Hello all! I have been reading, but haven't posted in a while. We are a little shorthanded at work, 2 people have resigned to move to better/different jobs and one is recovering from surgery. It's great that some people who have health problems can work from home, but if anything needs to be researched it gets sent to those who are in office. I just keep telling myself…"Only 9 more months"

    Schools will be opening up here on the 20th.I feel for all of the people dealing with having to make decisions concerning what to do with this. My kids said they are sending their children to school because they all work. It is a hard decision, you don't want to put your children in danger. I wonder though if we are always putting our children in danger when we send them to school with other diseases and school shootings. Tough world we are in. I guess that every generation had their things to struggle through.

    Illimae- was so glad that you posted your fish taco and martini. It made me smile thinking you are finally getting back to your old self.

    Jazzy – love the music videos, it does take you back in time.

    Goldi-hope you feel better soon.

    Cami – Glad your bum is better. Don't let any sores get infected.

    NM- Glad your mom found a place and it sounds perfect for her.

    Sandy- will be thinking of you – it sounds scary what you have to go through with your eye.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    The anesthesia dept. nurse called me yesterday with screening questions--and informed me that first thing on arrival at the hospital next Thurs. I will get a rapid (15 min) coronavirus test. If it's positive, I get immediately retested--and if that also is positive, I will be sent home and have to isolate for at least 10 days. I'm terrified, because where could I isolate? My HK would have to stay away, of course. We don't have a habitable basement, and our attic is hot as hell with no internet, satellite or cable. Not just that, who will feed me? Bob would have to stay offsite or else not be able to work. The only other option is the guest room, which shares with the master bedroom the only bathroom that has a working shower (other than the handheld in the attic tub, which hasn't been used in years). I could try a hotel, but which one would take me?

    And the 10-14 day isolation would give my tumor more time to spread.

    Spoke to my singing partner up in Madison, WI today--he & his wife had to quarantine separately (they own a duplex) until their tests came back negative 10 days apart, because his immediate supervisor at work tested positive.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited August 2020


    I write this from our little rented house in Glencoe, but everyone I know in Independent Living at the Mather which is out of lockdown and consequently so many are running around now feeling free and several acting recklessly.I know about 10 who have been tested and are all negative, as I am quite sure you will be. But when I think of my hesitation about going back there in November, I think too of the way they bring the meals you have ordered if you’re sick and leave them at the front door and the guest rooms where you or spouse could isolate.And the nurse who is in her office if one is not going to the skilled nursing floor. I miss the community there, feel it a little lonely in the house, and I see the real advantages of being there. In our little house here I feel freer and a bit lonelier. Before the virus I felt safer there. As I would if I had the virus, which I bet you won’t. You’ve been very careful. J

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Ladies wanting to move, I think that company is only in 3 states, AZ, MN and FL. No clots for DH, dr said to wear his compression socks. MO appt was fine, keeping things the same as no change with me. He suggested having some blood work done that tests some kind of DNA, don't remember what it's called, but there are drugs to take if they find X, but it can be worse than IV chemo. Not sure I want that. It's just my TM's that are off. White/red cells ok, liver, kidneys ok. So, I guess I'm good!

    Jazzy, one of the things I miss this summer is getting to meet up with you! I was SOOOOO looking forward to that. Do you think there is a way we could do it but still "social distance"? I just don't know what there is in Gallup. As far as parks and such. Heck, we could pack our own lunch. Golf ball size hail would surely damage my solar panels! We are going to Moab mid October, I hope I can get some of the peaches. The ones in the store are rock hard.

    Beaver, hopefully all is ok after the installers left. Are ya cool now???

    Cami, glad you made it for your labs. Sounds like they are giving you CT scans maybe, w and w/o contrast. You make sure you go. And you need to eat something other than donuts and jello. And 4 donuts is not going to put 10lbs on. Why don't you eat? Will it make you sick? I know you just don't feel like it, but you must!

    NM, that nurse that called out, in my opinion, shouldn't even be working there. What a selfish biotch. Sorry....not! You went it because you care about your patients, you are a true nurse. In the dictionary, there should be a picture of you in the meaning of a nurse. Thank you. Glad there are some new hires coming on. Glad to hear that Dick is taking things pretty well.

    Misty, 9 more months! Not sure what I would do if I were a mom with school aged children right now. I'm not, so I say keep them home, but that could be because of my health situation?

    Sandy, sorry for what you are facing. But "who would feed me?", I don't understand that. And not having the HK shouldn't be an issue. And why wouldn't a hotel take you? I don't like the extra time for things to spread. Wishing you all the best.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Goldie, if I had to move with those choices I’d pick FL, although I am a total beach girl.

    Quick update: I’m still improving and eating small amounts of new things. I start swallow therapy classes next week after DH and I return from a long weekend trip to the river.

    On Wednesday, DH went to pick up our travel trailer from the storage yard, only to find it gone! Stolen conveniently during the week that their damaged cameras were being replaced. They also have a coded entry gate but there are lots of people in/out, so it means nothing without the camera. I don’t buy it and we’re still completely livid. A police report has been filed and insurance notified, for now we had to rent an RV for the trip because I refuse to let the thieves take that too.

    I’ll have some fun pics to share soon. I hope everyone is doing as well as possible 🙂