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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Sleeping Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh how I wish we had a round table were we could meet everymorning for coffee <or whatever> so we could have conversations. I read everything then start forgetting what I read. So be gentle

    Oh Kim what a day u had <added with others> that;s a terrible thing for that nurse called out cuz of her "feelings" toward another, so stupid and she know it screws up so much. Thank goodness for Sadie she's ur wonder-pet <more like a person> but our furbabies can make us feel so good so quickly. I'm glad ur getting some nurses in what a mess, but Kim hardly anyone is like u so....I'm sure all that's going on has to be crazy for ur mom and Dick, so good ur mom can still get around tho.

    Sandy I do understand how u feel, but ur fearing something that hasn't happened yet. U take great precautions so if u can thinkof all of that rather than the other. Believe me I know it's hard but ur creating a scenario that could be not happening at all. I know it's not easy, think of all these years u've worried about so much and nothing happened. I hope ur fear lessens this week and everything will be good for you.

    Illi glad ur doing so much better. STOLEN oh yea convenient Is it considered their fault ,I mean insurance wise??? Glad u got a rental but still. And .yes waiting for pics as usual. Enjoy u've so earned it .

    Misty this whole school thing is crazzy. No one knows what to do. No one wants their kids to be sick, then again noone wants their kids to bring it home and yea distancing, but they're kids who can predict anything. And 9 MORE MONTHS, WTF, all of this is just so confusing and scary.

    Lori glad ur DH doesn't have any clots. Oh no they r talking about different meds for you that are worse than chemo. U still amaze me at all u do and keeping a great attitude about it. I just don't like so many things for eating anymore, plus remember my dental work.. So many teeth have fallen out and to get everything fixed is a fortune so I can't even eat what I want a lot of times just soft things so it does explain weight loss but Drs. like to make sure, that's all.

    Key nice to see you, come in more often please.

    Jodie will be here today but right now I'm feeling weakish so I hope I feel better for a shower...Oh Oh I was called for jury duty. <that will be distanced> very interesting. The last time I was on a jury there wasn't room to distance anyone. Not comfortable with this at all. I really don't mind the jury duty part but NOW.??? And I'd need a wheelchair for all that walking. Oh well and let's face it, if I gave my true political beliefs I'd be out the door and shunned.

    I do hope everyone has a good Saturday, see I know I can tell by what's on TV, I can connect somethings.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    BabyGirl, I don't know if they would go to TX to move you to FL! Swallowing therapy, who would have thought! But glad you are still able to try new things. Oh my, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your trailer. It certainly does sound fishy. Was it insured with you guys and with the storage place? Wouldn't they be responsible?

    Cami, I think one of the reasons you are weak is because you don't eat! Jury duty is easy peasy to get of. Your health...period! There's lots of things to get that would be easy to chew. And I do know how expensive it is to have that dental work. My MIL had it done and all of those are falling out now. You can have eggs, toast, soups, steamed veggies, mashed potatoes, fish. You might find how much better you feel if you eat.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Goldie, it was insured with our home and auto policy but I don’t know if the storage place has any responsibility, DH signed up with them a few years ago and we can’t find the contract. We did have every expectation that it would be secure with the cameras and coded gate entry, plus we had a hitch lock on it. A big problem is that other tenants/site manager could have been aware of the camera issue due to on site repairs and their entry would easily be explained. I doubt the police do any real investigation, I think they just enter the license plate number to their database.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Lovely warm day here, nice breeze, some clouds when I would prefer to have the sun, but hey, you don't get everything you want in life, do ya? Sadie has been happily supervising the neighborhood.

    Misty--The new place does sound good for Mom. We'll see how it works out over time. The decisions about sending kids back to school or not must be an extremely hard one for some families. At least the COVID-19 mitigation practices will also decrease the spread of other diseases, too. It's going to get very confusing come flu season, no way to tell the 2 illnesses apart other than testing. Part of me hopes a COVID-19 vaccine comes along soon, part of me fears the long term effects of a vaccine rushed through the checks and balances system.I can't see COVID going away anytime soon, if ever.

    Chi--oh my, what a conundrum! Maybe you should get out and stock up on frozen and canned foods before going in, just in case? How scary!

    Keywest--it's a hard line to walk these days, being safe from disease and being generally safe due to having other people around in case something goes awry.

    Goldie--glad DH has no clots. Why is there ALWAYS another test to wait for the results of? Sounds like the organs are holding up well. That nurse that called out will not be working with us any more, just as soon as we get enough staff online that we don't absolutely need her. The interim Director of Nurses has already spoken to the Agency that nurse works through, and given a Traveler is starting Monday, Friday may have been that nurse's last shift with us, assuming she even showed up. I wasn't working so I don't know yet if she showed up or not. I'll find out on Monday. However it worked out it's going to be a relief not to have her working, she can create more work for other people and create more confusion and chaos in 12 hours than most nurses can in a year of full time work!

    Illi--oh my goodness, what a terrible thing to have your RV stolen like that! It does sound awfully convenient that it happened while the security cameras were down. I'm glad you are not letting the thieves steal the trip, too, even if it means renting an RV. Perhaps insurance will cover the rental given yours was stolen and it sounds like you weren't informed?

    Cammy Cat--yes, things are crazy at work, but there is an end in sight, and having some of the current staff go away will be a big help. With the new people coming on we can get rid of a lot of drama and craziness, get some continuity going, and start holding staff accountable. Just need to ride things out a little bit longer. I think everything is more emotional from the ongoing COVID-19 stress and extra work, and there is no end in sight for that. OK, I can see how it's hard to eat healthy foods with missing teeth. I know it costs a lot to get dental stuff taken care of. You should still see a dentist and have him/her figure out what is the least that needs to be done to make it possible for you to eat real foods, that may be much less than fixing everything. In the meantime, try out some of the supplements out there, like Boost, Ensure, Equate, Myoplex, or the age-old, very effective and much less expensive generic version of Carnation Instant Breakfast Mix trick. There is surprisingly little difference between the commercial productsand instant breakfast mixes, and the mixes are way more adaptable and have a lot more flavors to play with. Mixing instant breakfast with part milk, part half and half increases the calorie count, as does mixing it with fruit juice or adding fruit to the mix and milk or water in a blender.Mix one packet with cream, pour into an ice cube tray or 4 small bowls and put in the freezer for something much like ice cream or chill in the fridge for a pudding like consistency.Although, if you like to eat ice cream, just go get your favorite and eat that and enjoy the heck out of it. Add a bit less milk or cream, or adding a couple of ice cubes in the blender make a milkshake.I've known people to use the mixes as a base for smoothies with various veggies and fruits, too. You'd be surprised how much taking one or two a day of something like this will help stabilize weight and provide a bit of energy. Buy one package at a time of different supplements to try them out, some will taste better to you than others. And I say go ahead and eat donuts, calories is calories!But do try to get some protein every day, too, and it can be from whole milk in a breakfast mix, or eggs rather than meats. Or if any of your guys are into body building they may be able to recommend a powdered protein supplement to add to the breakfast mix or take separately.OK, lecture over.

    Burly White Russian


    Vanilla Muscle Milk Powder, mixed extra thick

    1 shot Kahlua

    2 shots vodka

    Ice cubes


    Place ice cubes in small glass

    Add kahlua and vodka

    Fill with Vanilla muscle milk


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,314
    edited August 2020

    Cami - I discovered last week that Carnation Instant Breakfast (now called 'Breakfast Essentials') also comes in a High Protein version. Tastes the same but more expensive. Still....

    When I was in treatment I used Nestles "Beneprotein" every day. It's a powder that can be added to anything. This is the protein that MD Anderson recommends. I put it in instant oatmeal or added it to my Instant Breakfast. One friend who had esophageal cancer & couldn't eat any solids added it to baby applesauce. In fact he ate a number of the Gerber's Baby fruits and even added it to what we used to call "pablum" every day. (I think he mixed in the applesauce too) Back to the beginning!!! As an aside, one of my favorite things was Gerber Baby Pudding - until they quit putting salt in and ruined the taste.

    Available at Walgreens, Walmart, Amazon, Etc. I don't have any financial interest in this product, but wish I did.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Ilona, so sorry about your trailer. Having stuff stolen feels like being violated, doesn't it? It's like a leaky roof--makes one feel so vulnerable. Hope your insurance comes through (and you can find a more secure storage facility)!

    Cami, I second everyone's suggestions. But since you're Italian, there's also tiramisu, cannoli (and baba ricotta or au rhum filling), mascarpone, and full-fat ricotta (I like mine with monkfruit-sweetened apricot jam & rum extract). "Gnudi" (soft cheese dumplings, Lidia's Kitchen has a recipe) are soft and luscious. Heard of vitello tonnato? (Veal scallopine with tuna sauce). You can't chew the veal, but the tuna sauce is simply pureed tuna! You can probably eat lasagna and eggplant parm too. Look at the shelf-stable nukable Indian foods (I like the palak paneer--like creamed spinach--and various lentil & chickpea dishes. TastyBite is the brand I buy). If you can find them, hummus and baba ghannouj (smoked eggplant dip) are wonderful. The Israeli chain NafNaf (which has branches in suburban strip malls) makes great versions (though the Middle Eastern Bakery in Andersonville has the absolute best outside Jerusalem).

    Then there's scrambled eggs (YouTube has Gordon Ramsay's version of French-style; America's Test Kitchen has a video that uses no butter or cream--just water. But you need those calories, so feel free to add them). If you make a milkshake, a nice addition is malted milk powder (I so miss chocolate malteds!). Horlick's is the brand I (and the soda fountains of my youth) used back in the day. And bisque-style cream soups are "da bomb," according to Bob, whose nursing home patients love them (they have trouble swallowing the thinner ones). I suggest butternut squash, tomato-basil, crab or lobster, pureed New England Clam chowder, etc. And you can definitely eat chicken matzo ball soup!

    Why am I asking "who will feed me?" should I have to isolate? Not as in literally "feed me" with a spoon--but rather, how would I get food if there's nobody there to bring it to my room? (Bob works late and can't cook; my HK would have to stay away till--assuming if--I get the all-clear). If I'm isolated in a room in my home, I'd have no access to my kitchen. No hotel would take me unless my temp is normal (they scan now) and I lie my @$ off. (I am a terrible poker player--I have a massive "tell," especially if I feel guilty about it).

    Judy, thanks for the vote of confidence. Until that brachytherapy plaque goes in & comes out, I am staying home: having restaurant meals and groceries delivered "contactlessly" to my porch--venturing out only for medical appts. I don't want to risk catching the virus, because it is out there now. I hope you are doing okay up there in Glencoe, as much as you miss Evanston.

    Oh, yeah, DOTD: last night's was a lovely light 2019 "Innovaciòn" Argentinian rosé of malbec & syrah. Probably have it again tonight with last night's leftovers when Bob gets home.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Happy international cat day


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Bob didn't get home till nearly 1 am--the hospitals are getting backed up again, after weeks of a lull. Even though he doesn't go on the COVID wards or into the ICU, he has to do "rule-outs" for his cardiology patients. And the PCR test labs are experiencing 5-day delays in test results: that's right, even in hospitals for symptomatic patients. He left his shoes on the deck and is eating late dinner out there now. He used to go to a nearby hotel on weekends like this, but the suburbs have been letting their guard down (especially hotels) and their cases are rising faster than the N. Side of the city (where we live) so he (and by extension, I) are no safer with him at a suburban hotel than if he comes home, strips (after eating outside) and showers. So I'm stuck awake till after 2 am (the cats have to be fed at 10 am) so I can load his dishes into the dishwasher and run the load (he doesn't know how and is in no shape to have me teach him after a 15-hr shift). Hope tomorrow's not as bad. I think that the next weekend he has to do this he should stay at a city hotel, where the precautions are much stricter. (The southwest suburb where the hospital in question is located is becoming a hot spot, as is pretty much the entire SW Side).

    Again, it's selfish millennials and Gen-Zers partying (in bars and at illegal house parties) sans masks, then going home to their essential-worker and senior family members living in cramped quarters. If only those brats could infect just themselves and then get locked down till they test negative after 14 days...but the idiot libertarian right-wingers in Springfield (aided by a right-wing judge) are hauling our Gov. into court, contending that he had no right to extend an emergency order past 30 days (said order having been issued in April), nor reissue more emergency orders.

    (Sorry if this is the wrong thread for my opinions...but it really is a personal matter of life & death for us. Bob is in a vulnerable demographic--70+--and if either of us tests positive before Thurs. my eye brachytherapy procedure would have to be postponed, risking possible metastasis of my ocular melanoma--or at least growth of the tumor, necessitating re-ordering and re-making the brachytherapy plaque. Even though he's at least a decade older than the other docs, he insists that he can't turn over his cardiology patients to them. So those selfish careless hedonists really might be killing both of us).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Funday Sunday! Yesterday was a lovely, restorative day. I read two books, started a third, lounged on the deck, had steak and local corn on the cob for dinner, rubbed Sadie's belly and scratched her ears frequently. Nothing complicated at all. Opened a bottle of dessert wine from a local winery, berries and chocolate, to try. It was ok, not something I'll bother to buy again, though. Still, fun to try something different!

    Minus--thanks for the Beneprotein info, I didn't know about that one! Or that Carnation Instant breakfast had changed its name.

    Chi--Your mention of Horlick's made me think of Ovaltine! I love the malted flavor one in hot milk in the winter. Some really good ideas for soft, easy to eat foods, too, thanks! It's funny how it's the last few feet of getting food from the store to the person can be the hardest to manage. Wow, 5 day delays on COVID tests, that's scary. The risks and hot spots just keep moving around and around, so hard to feel in control and on top of things. These younsters that have grown up with no limits and no accountability are showing the results now, but it's others that have to pay the price. So not right, but what's to be done? There is a bar/restaurant here in Maine that reopened early and without any precautions, stating they can't be told what to do like that, got it's licenses pulled, then reinstated, reopened, and got the licenses pulled again for not following the guidelines. The restaurant people took it to court, saying it's unconstitutional for the Gov to shut down businesses. The court just ruled that the Gov did follow all the rules and the shut down was and is constitutional, and their licenses have been pulled again. Of course, the restaurant is appealing, but public opinion is pretty negative toward them right now. I'm waiting for the reports of vulnerable people being exposed by patrons of the restaurant to start emerging. Perfect example of the danger to people who weren't even there.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    lazy sunday cocktail

    Lazy Sunday


    • 1 1/2 oz Tequila
    • 1 1/2 oz Fresh grapefruit juice
    • 1 oz Cinnamon syrup*
    • 1/4 oz Turmeric tea**
    • Soda water, to top
    • Garnish: Grapefruit peel


    1. Add all the ingredients into shaker with ice and shake.
    2. Strain into a highball glass over fresh ice.
    3. Top with the soda water.
    4. Garnish with a grapefruit peel.
    5. *Cinnamon syrup: Add 2 sticks Ceylon cinnamon (crumbled and toasted in a pan), 4 cups sugar and 2 cups water to large pan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Remove from heat and cover. Let sit 20 minutes, then strain and chill.
    6. **Turmeric tea: Add 1 tsp ground turmeric powder and 2 cups water to a medium pan, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, then strain.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Cats Kiss GIF - Cats Kiss Cuddle - Discover & Share GIFs

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    Good morning! What a week this has been. We are all fine here. Just a few challenges we need to meet. Found out one of my cats has Irritable Bowel Syndrome. He had been vomiting frequently, hiding and being generally lethargic. Our regular vet could find nothing wrong. We were referred to a specialist that did an ultrasound. over $500.00 later, it is either IBS or small cell lymphoma. To determine that is yet another expensive test. So... We are starting a even more special diet. The cans of rabbit, duck or something can be ordered from Chewy for $70.00 for a case of 25. Yikes! There goes my pension. I am determined that this food not be wasted. That means training my DH to feed them small amounts twice a day. One can should last three feedings with none going in the trash. And we have to administer a syringe of Prednisone once a day for four weeks. Good thing this cat does not have any claws!

    Also spent most of the week ‘discussing’ with my DH which ‘new to me’ car I wanted to purchase. I had found one, but he did not want to pay the quoted price. We discussed and discussed while searching the Internet for pricing advice. The tipping point was that I wanted a navigation system and other luxuries. After three days, I was able to convince him and we purchased a car! A Subaru Forester with low miles, a nav system, leather seats, Bluetooth and moon roof. I also was able to convince him to buy the 7 year bumper to bumper warranty. That will help if any of the numerous electronic systems break. They will repair for free! I am enjoying learning about all the options. DH seems to enjoy the car as well. This one should last me until I maybe stop driving. LOL

    Next week DH has a stress test scheduled. Not sure how that is going to look. We have postponed it once, so might as well get it over with. I would like to hear what the cardiologist tells him after the test as DH is never able to give me the details I would like to know. I have an appointment with my MO for blood work and a chat. I am sure we will chat about the seroma found during the mammogram as well as schedule the next round of scans in October. And I have an appointment to get my hair cut. It is another week where if I don’t catch Covid-19, I might start to think I am immune! Still no cards or group gatherings.

    Take care, stay safe and carry on!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Whew u wonderful ladies have so many ideas for me thank you all for taking time for me. my platelets are still to low, pot low and WBC high, my Dr. made me LOL I finally made that stupid apt. for that test and she wrote me and thanked me for doing that, and said please don't cancel.And told me to see my Onc. anyhow.....

    Jazzy I should have known, but somehow I miss National Cat Day.

    Kim Im glad things at work seem to be going in the right direction. Sounds like it will be help for everyone. I told u my niece is a traveling nurse but it always seems she out in the west. So I doubt she will be there. She LOVES that.

    Illi as screwy as it it having ur RV stolen u'll still have a great time with ur DH. I just know it. And I have heard of the kind of therapy u have to go thru, but only ONCE in my whole life.

    Sandy I don't blame u about u feeling fearful from ur DH with all the hospitals he goes to. But he never seems scared about it, does he??? He's exposed to so much all the time but this is different, he has to feel sometimes like What am I doing here, don't u think??? He sounds so caring about his patients all the time.Are u having ur surgery this week, I hope so to get it over with.

    I hate to keep going with this, but it's just exhausting with all this Covid crap again. I've seen pics with all partying super close among young people and things around here are starting to go up. Why can't they go a little longer. Rights smights, it's just common sense and courtesy to other people. That's all. But they all seem entitled to do what they want with no consequences to any actions. Joey tells me a lot about some young people he knows <good thing he's a nerd now> his group believe in masks but so many don't and think it's stupid and he told me they stay way from those kids or maybe they stay away from them....well that's what he says....

    Bob called last nite and we talked about 1 and 1/2 hrs. again. He puts my mind at ease on so many things, I just enjoy when we have our talks

    OK it's Sunday and hoping it's relaxing for everyone.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Good morning friends- happy Sunday Funday. I am wearing a tank top right now that actually says that. I hope everyone is having a decent weekend. I had a busy week with my collaboration donations/deliveries this week and was off to Santa Fe for the day yesterday too related to that and for a little break. Got some house things, work things, volunteer work things and more to do today. It was hot here yesterday, and waiting for that shift down to cooler temps that usually comes mid August. Although last year it stayed in the 90s well into the end of Sept. A girl can still hope.....

    After a quick trip to the hair salon, I was off to Santa Fe to deliver some supplies to a charter school opening with hybrid on site and remote in another week or so. Met up with the school coordinator for a drop off and then on my way to play. It was tax free weekend and with some end of the summer sales, I scored on some things at some of my fav stores at up to 40% off and no . With my new grey hair, I find some things in the closet don't look at good as they used to and going to upcycle a few things to consignment and get some more flattering colors. Black, white, and bright colors (red, deep blues, greens, etc.) look better these days.

    Finding a place to eat before I headed home was tricky though, but went to the outskirts of the city to an area where I know there are a couple breweries with patios (no indoor dining here again) and found a great spot called Beer Creek with a big patio, not too many people there. Had the most delicious BBQ pizza (with smoked pork and bacon and extra to take home) plus some iced tea. As I had an hour drive home the back way, I did not want to have anything to drink, but got three kinds of their beers to take with to enjoy later. Had a delicous creme ale when I got home. I call the day a success.

    NM- sorry you got called in to work on Thursday. Are you off this weekend and getting out in the kayak? Hi to Sadie!

    Ill- I think I missed it earlier in the thread but it sounds like you had something stolen from your trailer that was stored somewhere? Will this impact the trip you were planning to see your friends? I have had my car broken in to twice here in the past 9 years and it always feels very violating to have people mess with our property. I hope you can get things worked out with insurance and won't be out of pocket too much with deductibles. Sorry for the troubles.

    ChiSandy- your procedure is coming up this week and we will be in your pocket for a good procedure and outcomes. Still REALLY hoping this is not what everyone is worried about, but you are prepared for the various scenarios. Sending good vibes for everything this week.

    I also can relate to the comments about younger folks who are living at home with older folks bringing things home. Here in NM, it is very common to have multi-generational families all living under one roof and that has devestated some of the communities here. It it is why our Gov is requiring kids to begin school remotely here now, and will decide about classroom time in the future. Even in most appropriate of situations where someone may be an essential worker, they can bring something home to their families unknowingly. We have all been repeatedly warned about not attending group gatherings, yet we know it happens. My sister says there are parties in her neighborhood all the time out in CA. I do remember being in my 20s and needing to be out all the time and know it is very hard on the young people and kids. But this pandemic is hard on everyone, especially the people who end up in the hospital. I have a cousin who is recovering from Stage 3 lung cancer, and her youngest daughter who lives near her in her early 20s) and out partying all the time so my cousin has refused to let her visit and/or move back in which she likes to do sometimes.

    Goldie- I can't do the Gallup meeting up this year. I will PM you. I am glad your DH does not have blood clots and hope he can remain healthy for the rescheduled surgery. Have you seen your MO yet on your numbers?

    Mistyeyes- good to hear from you. I am glad you have your sights set on retirement, I know you are more than ready. Been a couple difficult years for you and your family and know you will be ready to relax. Start writing down that bucket list of things you want to do!

    Cami- sorry you were not feeling well the other day as Jody was planning to visit. Did you get that shower done? I know you look forward to that and with seeing her too. How is everyone in her family doing? How is your buddy FF? I think you are doing better there. Joey goes back to school when? A lot of the schools here started this past week and more to follow, including the private schools.

    Tomorrow is my breast MRI (third attempt) and will be glad to get this done. Got my letter in the mail about the other imaging being okay (they come in to tell you directly with those tests). I will need to wait on the MRI result and will hear if the BS needs to see me or not. Hoping to be done with all this soon. It's always a grind with the mulitiple apts and often, they end up rescheduled too which always drags it out for a good month. Fingers crossed!

    Have a good week ladies!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    This one is for JCS and her DH. This is on James Taylors new CD on American Standards. From the 1950's Guys and Dolls

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    JCS, you're gonna love that Forester! When we were in the market for one back in 2014, the dealership (IL's largest) didn't have one with all the bells & whistles we wanted, but they had a lease-return (only 4K miles on it, buyer got a sudden job transfer to Europe) Outback that did. Best car I've ever owned. No blind spot monitoring--but Subaru didn't offer it back then. Bob has his (used to be my) 2011 Fusion Hybrid back in the shop at the dealership that fixed his A/C--now when he turns it on, all the dashboard electronics (including radio, nav system and even hands-free phone) go crazy. I warned him that if the cost to "repair the repair" is too high the dealership may insist he buy a new car instead--but to hold firm and NOT buy another Ford nor Lincoln, but instead get his keister to the nearest Toyota dealership and buy an Avalon hybrid. (He doesn't like driving my Subaru, unfortunately, because he can't goose the mpg to exceed 35--but maybe he'd like an XV Crosstrek instead. The Avalon hybrid, though much bigger, gets even higher mpg than the Fusion Hybrid and is much more reliable). Whatever car he buys, it'll likely be our last.

    Cami, my insertion procedure is set for Thurs., with removal the following Mon. Because of the tumor's location at the bottom front (behind & below the iris), and because I already have an artificial lens to replace the cataract, they say visual impairment from radiation should be less than if the tumor had been on the retina. But I will definitely lose that 20/20. Might be only as bad as 20/100. Still & all, a new Rx will be a lot pricier than anything Warby Parker or Zenni could offer, due to the difference between L & R and that the new lensed would definitely need to be "high index" to keep the weight down and avoid "Coke-bottle" appearance. Have to remember, too, that Bob's glasses are much stronger, as he is much more nearsighted than I.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2020

    Hi everyone. Trying to catch up here. Due to tooth extraction last Monday, have forgone adult beverages, but broke down & had irish cream liqueur in my AM coffee today.

    Cami - Hope some of the many good suggestions for foods will work for you.

    Jazzygirl - CBS Sunday Morning did a feature on sweet baby James this AM. Might take a few days for it to be available via podcast, if you missed it. In your pocket for the MRI.

    ChiSandy - Jumping in your pocket for your procedure. Have heard that Costco eyeglasses are a good bargain.

    JCS - Enjoy that "new to you" car. Sounds nice. Much better bang for your buck than buying totally new.

    Illi - Glad to hear your food/swallowing issues seem to be resolving. What a bummer about your stolen SUV. Re: Alan Parsons - I really enjoyed The Alan Parsons Project when they were active. Will have to pull out CDs and give a listen.

    NM - Hope you are having some relaxing time this weekend. Belly rubs for Sadie!

    Re: COVID - Agree with everyones' opinions. Neighbors across the street partying again last night. Mixed crowd of seniors, middle agers, millenials & GenZ. Do not understand what is wrong with people!

    Goldie - Healing thoughts for you and your DH.

    To everyone & anyone I missed - Hope you had a good Sunday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Costco glasses are reasonable (though pricier than Warby and certainly Zenni), but they require being fitted in person, at close range. I don't think I can simply send them the prescription my retinologist or ocular onc writes me; and they offer fewer lens material & coating options than do the online companies.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! The big job at work today will be chasing down the staff that is behind on mandatory education. Honestly, sometimes its like herding cats or nailing jello to the wall to get everyone to do what they need to do. It's the most frustrating part of my job.No job can be perfect, right? The humidity has built up again, and going to be an issue for a few more days again. Sadie is liking the wading pool quite a bit in this stickiness. Nothing like the smell of wet dog!

    Librarian--oh, my, your poor kitty! I hope the diet and meds straighten out the problem. Congrats on the new-to-you car! It sounds like it's going to be a good car for you. Can you have your DH record the cardiologist on his phone so you can hear what is said? Or maybe your DH can call you and put the phone on speaker so you can hear and ask questions?It's getting to be a more and more common to do that kind of thing the longer this COVID thing goes on.

    Cammy-Cat--I think I do remember you saying your niece is a travelling nurse. Heaven knows we couldn't survive without them! The whole COVID thing is getting very tiresome, isn't it? If only people could hold it together a bit longer we could get ahead of it, but it seems to be against human nature to put others ahead of themselves. I'm glad Joey and his friends are pro-mask and staying away from the anti-makers. Tell him to hold on, after high school it's the nerds who wind up being the bosses and the popular ones who end up working for them, and having to follow the rules.

    Jazzy--it's funny how flattering clothing colors changes over time. But it's a good excuse to buy new clothes, right? Yes, I was off this weekend. Didn't get the kayak out, should have Saturday but didn't, too cloudy, too much chance of thunderstorms yesterday. Going to try again this coming weekend. Many restaurants and breweries are selling "cocktails to go" here and it's turning out to be pretty popular.I haven't tried any yet, but think I will soon. Some places you have to buy food, too.Sadie says Hi!

    Chi--Will be in your pocket later this week. The increase cost in glasses will be a PITA, though.

    Celia--Sadie says THANKS for the belly rubs!

    frozen cocktail_Recipe Page

    Frozen Monkey Cocktail


    • 1 Large banana
    • 4 oz. Vanilla ice cream
    • 3 oz. Vodka
    • 2 oz. Coffee liqueur
    • 4 oz. Milk


    Add the banana, vanilla ice cream, vodka, coffee liqueur and milk to a blender. Fill with ice and puree until smooth. Pour into chilled cocktail glasses and garnish with a maraschino cherry, if desired.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited August 2020

    Start of the 20-21 school year today. Professional development either online or via zoom. Next week connect with students and ? Students start the 24th. Online/remote through October 16th. Time will tell what happens then. Cases in Denver (maybe Colorado) are below 3%. Let's hope the trend continues downward.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Karen- good luck with the new school year. Here in NM, the public schools have started and are remote until the next public health order expires around Labor Day. Private/charter schools are doing more of a hybrid model. We are at around 3% and on the way down and hope the same for CO too. What teachers have been asked to adjust to this year is nothing but heroic to me. Wishing you the best!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    Jazzy - Thanks for the video! We do love James Taylor.

    Karen - Our schools in three school districts will be virtual for the first three months. If I had a kid in school, I think I would keep them home. The testing rate here is at 12% so there is a lot of virus around. Our public library (where I used to manage a large branch) will keep the buildings closed until 2021.

    Sandy - In your pocket for the procedures! Glasses are just not inexpensive.

    NM - As a former manager of a 25 member staff, I can sympathize with trying to get all of them to do something. If DH was better at working his electronics those would be great suggestions. I will call the cardiologist office today and see what we can do. DH does not listen for information and forgets most instructions by the time he gets home.

    Cami - How is the eating going? Those suggestions were really good

    Gotta get going. Have to medicate the cat, walk three miles, start the laundry and tidy the house. There are other odds and ends, but have a new book to start at some point this afternoon. It is hot, humid with a possibility of storms this afternoon. I hope things get better by October

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    BabyGirl, hopefully you will be happy with what you get for the RV.

    NM, glad that nurse won't be working there anymore. LOL at nailing jello to the wall, never heard that one. Hopefully you can herd everyone you need to. Frozen Monkey looks yummy.

    Sandy, you can vent here anytime, we all do it. I had not heard of hotels checking temps.

    JCS, sorry hear about your fur baby. Wow, that's a lot of $$ for food indeed. Congrats on the new ride. Good luck to you and DH on your upcoming tests. My DH is the same, doesn't remember what the dr says. I have to go with him for everything.

    Cami, I sure wish you would start eating, even just little bits. Nice that you had a nice chat with Bob.

    Jazzy, I don't see it cooling down here anytime in the near future! You sure have been busy, gosh. And then some fun for the weekend. I have talked to my MO, we are keeping things as they are. Good luck on that MRI today.

    Celia, sounds like all is good after the extraction.

    Karen, glad to hear you are doing remote classes.

    Off today for a 5 hour round trip just for my DH to get a Covid test. Tomorrow into town to get his brace

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Even my nail salon checks temps!

    Chicago is on edge again: there was a police-involved shooting yesterday (the suspect was allegedly shooting at the cops while running away and a gun found in the alley where the chase happened is alleged to have been his); but someone then started a social-media chain to organize looting caravans in the Loop, Mag Mile, Gold Coast and even W. Lincoln Park (the Best Buy was trashed, and the Apple Store was breached but not clear if anything was stolen). Might have been deliberate disinformation by outside agitators (won't speculate here on their ideology--wrong thread) trying to foment race riots...or just opportunism. Bob had to take a labyrinth of side streets to get to Christ Hosp. and then his office today.

    Not just that, we're in for a fast-moving superstorm today, with winds of 75-100mph. (Gonna cover & anchor my tomato plants--if they get knocked down, at least the few tomatoes I have won't roll away).

    Bob had only his angina patients to see--40, spread among 3 hospitals. All COVID-negative. But there was a massive pileup on Lake Shore Drive due to a sudden unexpected downpour (same one that put the kibosh on grilling last night), so he was an hour late getting home. At least he was able to eat more heartily during the day than on Sat.

    Last night's DOTD was a 2018 Pinot Grigio. Not sure about tonight.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    So DH and I rented a travel trailer for the trip, the pictures were better than the real thing unfortunately. The water hook up is stripped, so the hose falls off, the “mattress” is 1-2 inches on wood and it’s generally kinda beat up but the AC and fridge works, so it is what it is. Spoke to the insurance adjuster today, she said the theft sounds fishy too but someone will call next week with the amount, then they’ll pay the loan off and we get whatever is left. Friday we go to make a deal on a new one.

    Dinner was roasted corn, chicken and sausage (I finished the whole plate!) DOTD was sangria in a plastic cup.

    Hi to everyone! 👋


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Best Cute Cat Gifs GIFs | Gfycat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Evening ladies,

    Here I am reading everything and forgetting again and read twice. So we;ll se what I remembered.

    Jazzy u r one busy woman and I'm sure everything u do is soo appreciated it's hard for people to say. Plus u always find good places to eat and drink wherever u go. Good for you.

    All right Kim that Kayak hasn't come out yet. We're all waiting. I looked it up for real reference, jeez I wouldn't ever go on one. Brave lady, u do go with other people don't you, I hope so. Work sounds the usual crazy to me, But Sadie is always there for you. Extra rubs for our girl.

    Oh Illi sorry about renting one that's not as good as yours, but Im just so happy ur doing so well, It's been such a struggle for you.

    Celia I so enjoy when u come in, we catch up on ur life.

    OK Sandy Thursday is the day, ur pockets will be full and certainly hoping all goes well.

    JC I envy you and ur books, I wish I enjoyed reading like you do. U can go into any time zone or scenario and enjoy ur day and u always seem to.

    Great video.

    Lori every time u have to go anywhere it's an all day trip. How the helldo u stand that. I'm glad things are going OK right now, but u know that. How is ur son???

    Karen it's got to be a crazy time for you. U more than most people. I wish u luck.

    Joey is still thinking about what to do. Go 2 days or stay home. He wants to go cuz of the kids but he figures the hallways will be full anyway. He's really over thinking, but I can't blame him. Then I thought about the bus drivers, don't they have to make many more trips than usual to keep distance. This is still a mess.

    And Sandy what's happening to Downtown Chicago is a disaster. Now it's even in the upper shopping places, looting, breaking in, just to break windows and all kinds of mayhem for what, no reason but just to be rioting and actually proving how dumb this whole thing. Can't they figure that out yet??? They're ruining honest protesting, soon that will be against the law and for prison time, it just gets worse.

    I slept so much today, and then the weather happened. Marty came to get me for us to get ready to huddle, a tornado was right in the next town and the winds were horrible. It was so dark I thought it was in the morning but I still fell asleep on the couch then. It dawned on me I didn't have coffee today, so I didn't have a chance to get scared. And it did pass by us. Thank God. Oh don't give my weight gain another thought I can gain weight in 2 days so easily, I always could.But making an app't with my Onc. will take forever with me so I have to get that done soon.

    Well my "boys" left today but Bob had to drop me off some money, cu I needed it. And the first nite I had a problem and had to call him, I felt so bad so I have totry to leave him alone this week so he can relax. Well they can both relax with their families. I just have to stop relying on them so much. I do more and more instead of the other way around.

    HUGS to all and'


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Cami, the looting was specifically aimed at the high-end businesses (especially corporate chains) because quite frankly, that's where the expensive stuff is and those businesses (by & large) can mitigate the losses through insurance. Unfortunately, the looters also hit small family-owned shops that only recently reopened, with insurers dragging their feet and likely beginning to refuse to cover civil unrest damage. Even the Ronald McDonald House--a shelter for families of kids with cancer getting treated at nearby Lurie Children's Hospital--got its doors smashed (probably because looters mistakenly thought it was part of McDonald's, Inc.). Many of those families inside were poor and minority.

    Local news showed a screenshot of the social media post calling for people to caravan down to the Loop, Mag Mile "and north" starting at midnight; instructions to leave the south, west & east sides alone; and "bring ya tools." (Direct quote). No idea whose account made the post (and started the false rumors that police "killed a 15-yr-old boy"), but I seriously doubt that it was the kind of spontaneous outpouring of enraged grief we saw on Memorial Day weekend. It's pretty telling that residents of the neighborhood where Sunday's police shooting took place condemned the looting--pointing out that many of their neighbors worked in those downtown stores. (The victim, a 20-yr-old on probation for a 2019 felony theft plea, carrying an unlicensed gun--retrieved along with a concealed one on his person--who was shot in the shoulder, had been shooting at police, who returned fire. If his prints are on the gun that was found on the ground, and the shell casings match....). There was no body-cam video (not enough body-cams to go around in the CPD), but alley "blue light" cameras did capture some of the pursuit.

    Adding insult to injury was the superstorm that raced through the city & suburbs. One neighborhood north of us--Rogers Park--was hit by an EF-1 tornado (110mph) that uprooted huge century-old trees, destroyed parked cars, exploded transformers and set power lines on fire. We spent a scary hour huddled in the basement watching the live weather radar on my laptop; when the tornado warning was lifted, we went back upstairs, not knowing whether the house was intact. So far, so good--but we weren't upstairs ten minutes when our power went out, taking the internet with it. Fortunately, my cellphone & iPad were fully charged, and we had flashlights handy. 15 minutes later--in the middle of a call to ComEd to report our outage--the power came back on. We lost a few tomatoes (a couple of small Green Zebra and a handful of cherry tomatoes) when the pots blew over, but were able to salvage them to ripen on the sill because the trash bags we'd put out to cover them contained them rather than letting them blow or roll away. But for the branches scattered in the alley, you'd never have guessed how high the winds were.

    And Bob's office down in Hickory Hills lost power, and won't get it restored till at least Sat. aft.

    DOTD last night was 2019 Box & Dice rosé from Australia.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Heat and humidity is going to be the order of the day today, with head advisory up for a good part of the state. I think I'm going to be glad I've got access to AC! Sadie has several places already staked out where she is lying under a ceiling fan or in front of the oscillating fan where she can keep cool, and has been in and out of the wading pool, so she'll be ok today.

    Karen--It seems like the start of school is a very confusing and scary process this year. I suppose time will tell how it works out. I admire teachers and everything you are going through!

    Jazzy--well said!

    Librarian--thanks for the sympathy. I wonder what is going to happen to test positivity ratings as school re-open and we start testing children in large numbers. I suspect we're going to find out that a lot more kids have it than we thought.

    Goldie--I made pretty good progress herding the cats yesterday, going to go in around the evenings/nights change of shift tomorrow and I should be able to get a big bunch of the remainder caught up. After that the admin is going to start disciplinary actions. I don't want to see that happen, but without consequences, I don't think many of the staff will take the problem seriously, and it's a matter of keeping the nursing home open and licensed.

    Chi--wow, lots going on whereyou are! And scary stuff, too!

    Illi--Sangria in a plastic cup, Yeah!I don't think there is anything wrong with a plastic cup, especially outside where broken glass is real possibility and a real problem. Sorry to hear the RV is not up to expectations. Glad the adjuster agrees the whole situation is fishy and is moving things along.

    Cammy Cat--hate to bust your bubble, but I do kayak by myself. If I waited to find someone to go with me I would NEVER get it out. I do wear a life vest. I have a touring kayak, so it's actually more stable than a canoe, so it's not as crazy as it sounds. This weekend is supposed to be beautiful, I'm planning to get the 'yak out come he## or high water, but not thunderstorms! Sadie says Thanks for the belly rub! I cannot imagine being able to sleep with a tornado so close by! I'd have been terrified! Glad you are safe. And I'm sure your boys and their families don't mind you reaching out when you need some help!

    Chi--OK, you were WAY too close to that tornado for comfort!Glad you could contain the tomatoes even though the pots tipped over, and the power failure was short. I do not think I could live where tornadoes are an ongoing threat! Those messages do sound rather planned, don't they.

    Tornado Mixed Drink Recipe

    Tornado: Create a Twister in Your Glass


    Steps to Make It

    1. Stir the liquors in a collins glass.
    2. Add sugar and stir again (but not too well).
    3. Add ice, then cola.
    4. Stir three times and serve with a straw.


    • Not Too Much. Don't fill your glass completely with cola, but leave a little room on the top. This will prevent splashes and spills as you get your twister spinning.
    • The Booze. The Tornado is more novelty than an impressive drink, so there's really no need to spend a significant amount of cash on the liquor that goes inside. Just as with any of the Long Island of drinks, use the bottles in your bar's 'well' for this one.
    • It's All About the Effect. Ingredients really don't matter much with the Tornado because the drink is a spectacle that just happens to be drinkable. That means you should care more about the visual effect and the taste will take care of itself.
    • Enjoy it While it Lasts. The ice and sugar will only last so long under agitation. The sugar will eventually dissolve into the drink and the ice will melt faster. We typically fill a glass with ice to slow dilution and those three lonely cubes have a lot of work to do. Add in the swirling and they'll be gone before you know it.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020
