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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    DOTD, with grilled pork chops, was some more of that Box & Dice "Pink Matter" rosé.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Gonna be a long day for me, regular work schedule 8 to 4, then Wednesday, Women and Wine get-together, then back to work from 10 to 11 to do some education with the evening and night shift staff, then home. I'm going to be really glad to sleep in tomorrow ayem! Hot and sticky here, was very glad to have the AC in the bedroom last night. Cooler air should be moving in tonight. I just want the humidity to go away! Sadie appreciated the AC last night, too, she actually slept on the bed with me for the first time in quite a while!

    Jazzy--I'd say about half an hour for a bottle of wine is just about right!Too funny!

    Chi--ah, grilled pork chops! Sounds yummy, as does the rosé!

    Two glasses of red wine

    The Bishop Cocktail, A Rum and Red Wine Classic


    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
    3. Shake well.
    4. Strain into a chilled red wine glass.
    5. Enjoy!

    The Classic Bishop Punch

    The main difference in the punch recipe is that it inverts the rum and wine, which is a smart move for any party. If we were to pour an entire bottle of rum into the punch bowl we would have some very intoxicated guests. So, like a Sangria, the wine dominates this classic punch.

    It's a very easy punch to mix up and is better if you prepare it the night before. This gives the flavors a little extra time to meld and mesh to create a well-balanced drink.

    To make the punch, combine 1 bottle red wine, 3 ounces rum, the juice of 1/2 lemon, and 4 barspoons superfine sugar in a punch bowl or pitcher. Stir well to make sure everything combines and the sugar dissolves. When it's time to serve, add ice and any variety of seasonal fruits you wish.

    This punch will make about nine 4-ounce servings.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    BabyGirl, sorry about the RV. You'll have to share some pictures of your new one.

    Cami, I don't understand this only going to school 2 days and the rest at home. What, are there 2 days a week you can't get Covid??? My son is doing good. He is in a sober living house with some other men and he's been sober for 60+ days. Altho he told me the other day that he had a bad day, didn't know why, but wanted to take a nap on some train tracks.

    NM, good luck on herding the rest of the That Tornado cocktail, wowsa! Don't get too tipsy at your WWW before going back to work to do some education!

    The other day for the Covid test ended up being a 9 hour day and yesterday to town to get his brace and some groceries, not as bad, just 5 hours! We leave on Sunday to our hotel room, surgery on Monday. Hoping everything falls into place. I'll be taking my own sheets and wiping everything down, like I did last time.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Out my front door this morning


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Got my pre-op instructions: I am to be dropped off at 5:45am tomorrow! This will be problematic, as the city has closed Lake Shore Dr.--as well as the off-ramps we'd need on I-90/94--from 9pm-6am for looting/riot prevention; and the surface street we could use would take an hour (and might itself have some looting going on, as it did last time around). Bob suggested we go to the Marriott near the hospital overnight--but we'd have to get there before 9pm, it has no room service and its kitchen would be closed; and who'd feed the cats tonight? (Woke up this a.m. to find a little puddle of what may have been either urine or clear phlegm, faintly tinged with blood. No way of knowing which cat--Happy (inflammatory bowel disease) or Heidi (another kidney stone 4 yrs later)? No way to get to the vet either.

    He has NO idea what he's facing this weekend: he has never, ever lived alone (we both went to a commuter college and lived with our respective parents)--he has had women (his mom, me, office & hospital nurses, and our HK) feed and pick up after him all his life.They say I will be in & out in 3 hrs., but he would have to wait in his car or at his office at Union Health--where he can't see patients because he won't know how long before the UIC recovery room calls him to pick me up in front of the hospital. I only hope I am not in so much pain that I can't go down to the kitchen--don't know if I will have bending or lifting restrictions nor for how long. And I will call the hospital and ask that they send me home with a painkiller or at least a paper Rx: Tylenol may not make a dent, and I can't combine it with ibuprofen (nor any other NSAID) due to bleeding risks. I have only 1 5mg. Norco and 4 Tylenol #3s in the house. If my PCP/NP were to write me a paper Rx, I would have to pick it up in person (at the unsafe professional bldg. with only valet parking, which I don't trust) and have the office document my visit in writing. Gee, thanks, DEA.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, still hanging out here in your pocket thanks for the "no rent" option! Praying all works out well for you and Bob.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    In your pocket tomorrow ChiSandy, praying for good outcomes on all this. Hoping it is B9 as NM would say.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited August 2020

    In your pocket Sandy....for your medical procedure....I must have missed what is going on with your health.

    I have to have a Covid test on Friday morning at 9:05am at UW/Valley Medical Center.....then Monday I have the dreaded colonoscopy/EDG at 7:15AM......this weekend is "preppy time" fun fun


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Di, prep is the worst part of the colonoscopy.

    I will be COVID-tested first. My procedure will be to have a needle biopsy of the ocular growth to confirm it's melanoma (almost certainly), followed by a radioactive-seed-studded gold plaque sutured to the bottom of my eye-wall, abutting the base of the tumor. It will stay in till Monday. In the interim, I will have a dressing over the eye, covered with a lead shield held in place with a headband. Considering the other eye has a huge floater that creates blurs, reading will be extremely difficult. Once the plaque is removed and the radiation has done as much damage as it's going to do (likely opacify some of the vitreous) over the course of a few weeks to a couple of months, I can be refracted for a new prescription. Hopefully, I won't have double vision, so I will eventually be able to drive again.

    Bob has to drop me off by 5:45 am, and can't even wait in the hospital lobby (much less the family lounge in the surgi-center). Union Health (where he has an office nearby) doesn't even open till 8 am, so unless he can find someplace to eat breakfast outdoors or take-out, he will just have to sleep in the car in Union Health's parking lot till UIC calls him to come pick me back up. Were he to drive home, he'd have to turn right back around and head 10 miles south again. Sucks, but nothing we can do about it.

    Went out for an early dinner--had a flute of cava and a couple oz. of cabernet, with eggplant parm over linguine. (Huge portion, barely made it 1/3 of the way through). I want to treat myself to some ice cream, but I'm still full and have less than 90 min. to go before I'm NPO (and must drink 12 oz. of water just before that). Then I'm supposed to get up at 3am to take my allowable meds with another 12 oz. of water, then shower, and then try to wake Bob up so we can drive down to the hospital to get me there by 5:45 am.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited August 2020 your pocket for your surgery

    I have a polyp manufacturing colon.....I had one 3 years ago...... lots of polyps

    then, because I had a gastric bypass in 2001.....I get a EGD too......


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Cat Kitten GIF by Demic - Find & Share on GIPHY

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    I'm up early so Sandy ur getting ready now, wishing u all the best results and little pain, very little and hoping all goes well to even get there. What a mess going on, But Bob knows what to do. Hope ur kitties are OK. Let us know as soon as u can.

    Kim Ahem, I'm not saying a word. Another thing be careful with ur Kayak, jeez woman u'd better just listen to me for once. And yes this humidity is disgusting, but it pretty much ended here for a while anyway. But the weather we had the other day is still haunting a lot of people with no power and trees all over. again like I said we were lucky, just stuff all over the yard.

    Funny stuff Jazzy.

    Welcome Di, I don't remember you but hope u drop in again.

    Lori OMG all day again just doing some things, u must come home tired, anyone would be. I'm glad ur son is still with people, it has to help him. About school right Lori there is a rule Covid isn't contagious on Tuesdays and Fridays, how stupid everything is now. Joey still doesn't know what he's going to do. I don't really worry about the classrooms, I worry about the hallways between classes and the teachers too. UGH

    Hey Teka

    I miss my "boys" they won't be back til Sunday, but I didn't realize today is Thursday already. I don't know how the week goes by so fast when nothing much is happening here. Thank God. It's Leslie's BD and their Ann. <same day> so I ordered her a nice <I think> cardigan and a top, they should be here within the week. It's the following week and they're going to MI for 5 days, a friend has a home they r going to use and pretty much alone for the days <they're still in love>. Joey and I are looking forward to it tho.

    OK try to have a good day.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    We are having a terrible time with the sick cat. He will not eat the Hills canned cat food. Absolutely will NOT eat it. So, the vet said just feed him what he will eat. These broth packets are gobbled up, but cause pain in his gut. He then hides underthe furniture from the pain. Supposedly a compounding pharmacy is mixing up some Prednisone that tastes better than what we are currently using. Except when we spoke with the pharmacist yesterday he had not received any orders. Even though we had received a text from them saying they had received the prescription. And DH just is not handling any of this well. He wants his buddy back.

    Sandy - Hope your procedure is over and went well. Take the time to recover! Food will happen even if it is canned soup with toast. Fingers crossed recovery goes well and the plaque does it’s job.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, wishing you all the best today.

    Cami, nice that Les/Marty are going away and you and Joey will have your alone time. Happy Birthday to your baby girl. You said the guys are gone until Sunday, where did they go?

    JCS, sorry about your cat, how old is he/she?

    NM, hope you and Miss Sadie are having a nice sleep in this morning, I think you are off?

    Have to finish up some sketti sauce I started yesterday. Had some tomatoes, too many to eat but not enough to do some canning. So I'll make the sauce and either we will eat it or I'll freeze it. Then maybe pack up the bedding for the hotel.

    Fresh Tomato Bloody Mary

    Bloody Mary Mix*:
    4 cups ripe tomatoes, roughly chopped (about 4 medium tomatoes)
    1 teaspoon tomato paste
    ½ to 1 teaspoon onion powder (optional)
    ½ to 1 teaspoon garlic powder (optional)
    ½ teaspoon celery seed
    ½ teaspoon lemon juice
    ½ tsp Worcestershire sauce
    1 tsp hot sauce (your favorite)
    ¼ tsp horseradish
    2 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
    1 tsp salt

    Put all that jazz in a blender and liquefy. Taste as you go to adjust the spices to your liking


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Uneventful ride down to UIC. Bob was able to go home, as the surgeon called him with a time frame. I was awake for the whole thing (albeit with some "happy juice" in my I.V., and an anesthetic block to the eye). The block wore off around noon--and I am in considerable pain. But the surgeon told me what pain I will feel (especially when blinking) and why, so it's a bit easier to emotionally tolerate. He explained that the plaque was placed at the front bottom of the eyeball, and the gold edges are slightly visible along the lower lid. I look like a creature from Alien landed on the right side of my face (dressing, lead shield, pressure dressing held in place with a stockinet headband, which I clipped up above my L eye so I can see). I have my reading glasses on, so I can type & read via my L eye to some extent, but I'm still kinda tired (Sleep-deprived, though I did get in a brief nap when I got home). So I will be taking a break from posting for awhile (which is why I'm posting this on 3 threads). I got an Rx for Tyl. #3, but I am saving those for when the pain starts getting worse and I need to sleep (1 Tyl. #3 and 1 extra strength, q.6 hr. 4 hrs. into extra-strength Tyl. x2--counting the hours till 7pm....

    Have to keep the dressings & lead shield on overnight, then start the various drops & ointments tomorrow, with the lead shield in place, covered by a regular perforated stainless shield (like after cataract surgery). Mercifully, I have a slightly later arrival time for Monday's removal surgery. Surgeon/onc says I shouldn't have too much vision loss--maybe no worse than 20/100 and may improve down the line. I need to wait 4-6 weeks before being refracted. Of course, my depth perception is not great, so no driving till I get the go-ahead. (My follow-up appt. is 8/26).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Glad you are on the other side of this ChiSandy. Get some rest 🙏

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Hi ladies- just a quick pop in to say it looks like I am clear on the imaging results with thumbs up from the MRI. I got a call today that they had me scheduled for an apt tomorrow (what?) but that the doctor had some emergencies to deal with and they wanted to reschedule. I had no idea I had an apt (they are scheduling and not telling me, arrgh), second time this happened, but now will do my office visit late Sept.

    That told me the MRI may be available and went in to the portal to see if it was there and it was. Everything looks the same as last year, no changes. A nurse navigator called me while I was at lunch and said she could go over my report with me, and don't need that, but will call her back tomorrow just to say I read the report and see no further action and be sure there is nothing else to discuss.

    One weird thing this time, my MRI was very late in the day on Monday. I was just exhausted when I got home and crashed early, but then was extremely tired the next morning. Had a hard time waking up, getting myself moving, etc. I thought "is this from the MRI contrast, maybe the start of Covid, or life in general?" I went back to bed for awhile and slept another 3 hours, but also read up on the MRI contrast and they said it can cause fatigue but usully it's gone within 24 hours. I spent a lot of Tuesday just drinkig a lot more water, went to bed early again and woke up full of piss and vinegar on Wed and am back to my old crazy self.

    Thanks for your support as always ladies!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    When I had contrast MRIs of my ears & brain last month, I had some temporary fatigue from the dye too--it does affect the liver & kidneys. Glad your MRI was all-clear, Jazzy!

    DOTD was cranberry juice in the post-op room. No alcohol while on painkillers--just water, coffee or juice.

    OK, back to hibernation.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Hi ladies,

    Just poopin' in to check.

    Sandy u seem pretty good, hope all goes well and TAKE IT EASY is right. I would have gone for the Tyl.4, but then again that's me.

    Oh JC ur poor kitty. Yea cats tend to hide when they have pain, Sounds like he really needs those meds, hope u get them ASAP.

    Jazzy yea sometimes those MRI make u feel more tired than u should, but glad ur back to your old self.

    Ooo Lori nice drink, Kim must be resting today. My guys rented a house in MI. They do everything together, in fact Dan calls him Uncle Bob cuzz he's known him since he was little from church, u wouldn't know from their language but they're very Christian, I always enjoy talking about the Bible with them. They really know it and pretty much live by it. Oh my baby will be 50 this BD.

    OK like I said just checking in.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, I’m in your pocket too!

    I had my barium swallow test today and I did well enough that I have no eating limitations and the swallowing boot camp sessions are cancelled. My voice isn’t normal yet but it is improving.

    Hi to all

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Illimae, great news about your excellent progress!! Suspect it has been all too slow for you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Sadie told me to give myself a totally lazy day yesterday after the long day Wednesday, and I was not to leave the house for even 1 minutes, so, being the good doggy owner I am, I obeyed. Wednesday was a very long day, but I did get a lot done and had a good time with the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together, so it was worth it. Didn't get home until close to midnight. Had a wonderful sleep in. Lazed about the house all day long doing nothing more strenuous than ear scratches and belly rubs. And I'm getting up at the more usual time for a day off today and actually feel like I have some energy! Sadie does know best, sometimes! On top of that, the humidity has moved out, so even though it is very warm, it's also very comfortable on the deck in the breeze. Got lots of reading done yesterday.

    Goldie--I was careful about the WWW get together. I took one can of sparkling blueberry wine (which was one serving) and that was my limit for the evening, and I planned to stop drinking anything alcoholic at 7 peeyem (we meet at 5:30).I didn't even finish that, it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. So I switched over to the Fresca I had taken with me. We had a great gab fest outside around the firepit until the bat started divebombing us! Glad the COVID test part is over with and praying the rest of the plan goes as planned.

    Chi--I cannot imagine what it's like to live that close to rioting and looting and other major disturbances. Sounds like it's going to be quite the experience for DH. I pray you have adequate pain meds and don't need them.Yet another example of how all the restrictions on opioid prescriptions is only hurting the people who truly need them, and not really affecting the abusers. And I hope the cats are ok.

    Morning, Di2012!

    Cammy Cat--Yes, Cammy, I am careful while out in the kayak. I always were my life vest, and I swim like a fish anyway. I stay near enough to shore to be able to swim to land if I get tipped over, but I use a touring kayak, which is designed for camping trips, so is bigger to carry gear and more stable than the kayaks they use to run rapids. The humidity has moved out here, for which I am very thankful. Power got knocked out in some parts of the state here, but is mostly back on now. Nothing like a lot of wind to make a mess of things. Awww, how sweet that Leslie and Marty are looking forward to some alone time!And you get Joey time! Good for everyone!

    Librarian--it is so frustrating to get messages and then call and find out the info was wrong. I hope the pharmacy can come up with something the kitty will take easily. It's so hard when one of the fur babies is ill.

    Goldie--I don't drink Bloody Marys cuz I don't like hot spices like horseradish, but I always thought they had vodka or some sort of alcohol in them!Or maybe this is just the mix recipe? I do like tomato juice, maybe I'll mix up some of this without the horseradish and Worcestershire sauce, that sounds really good!

    Chi--glad to hear the surgery is over, although I cannot imagine being awake for it, even with a block! The mental pic I have of all the gear is amazing. It does help to know what to expect to feel and why, doesn't it? And having a time frame. I'm assuming the pain will be relieved, or mostly relieved, when the plaque is removed? Praying the vision loss isn't as bad as expected and does improve over time.

    Jazzy--I'm betting the fatigue you had was from a combination of scan stress, contrast effect, and COVID life in general stuff. Drinking more water was a great way to help flush out everything, good for you! And Hooray for the good news!

    Cammy Cat--I did rest up yesterday, and loved every minute of it! Glad the guys found a place to go for a bit. And the baby is going to be 50? Wow, that must make you, what, 65? Unless you are like my mom, who claimed to be 21 until I turned 50, then she claimed to be 25!

    Illi--HOORAY for the good barium swallow and getting out of swallowing boot camp! Glad to hear the voice is improving, too.

    Morning, Beaver!

    You Say Rosé, I Say Frozé

    1 Serving

    ½ oz simple syrup

    ¼ oz lemon juice

    4-5 oz rosé sparkling wine, chilled

    Raspberries, for garnish


    1. Fill a flute with ice.

    2. Combine simple syrup and lemon juice in a mixing glass. Stir to combine.

    3. Pour over ice and then top with rosé sparkling wine.

    4. Garnish with raspberries.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, sounds like all went well, good deal. Now to heal.

    Jazzy, good news on the MRI, woot woot! What the hey, making appts. and not telling you. I hope you were on them about that. Ya, like you said, this is the second time! Yeah for waking up full of piss and go girl!

    Cami, do you know where in MI they went. Is the business still running with them gone? Oh my, the big five O, she sure doesn't look it.

    BabyGirl, lol at "swallowing boot camp"! Glad you did well on the test and don't have to go now. And no limitations. did you have them before?

    NM, good for you for having a totally lazy day with Sadie. The Blueberry wine does sound good, sorry it was a disappointment. Oops, didn't realize no booze in the drink. I too thought vodka. And I too don't do spicey. If I get a "bloody mary" it's vodka and tomato juice, that's it! That's my morning cocktail when we would go to Laughlin.

    Nothing much going on for me. Have to take packages to the post office, I can do that on the quad, getting things ready for the ride on Sunday, surgery Monday. And of course there's always some cleaning or laundry to be done!

    Happy Fried Day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Cute Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    overview for totallynotdavegrohlYay ILLI

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Goldie, initially I was on purée only and had to add the nectar packets to liquids, I’ve been trying different things on my own in the last two months, some were ok, some not.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    TGIF is right.

    Kim I'm glad u took a great for you and Sadie day. See she agrees with me. And yea tomato juice and vodka with a good ole celery stick in it to stir is a nice morning drink, no hot stuff. U deserved a good day off

    Lori Monday will be here before u know it, I know u'll be all ready for it. Oh the business is carrying on as usual and when a bump comes along guess who gets called. Yep ME. I told the guys no one in their right mind would leave me in charge, somehow I'm struggling thru it, good thing nothing major has happened.

    And no more fabricating about any age it's worse since I lost weight, I have so many wrinkles an iron couldn't get them out.

    BTW Jazzy ur beautiful pics on FB are such awonderful thing to enjoy. There is so much friction on my FB with all that's going on, it's great to see peace and nature.

    Have a great day everyone. Hope Sandy is doing OK.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Good morning friends- where did the week go? Busy with talking to people about new work, and working on my volunteer project. Delivering a lot of supplies this week to various native communities all over the state. One of my favorite parts of this is working with young people who are smart, helpful and get to do a bit of mentoring as part of this too. Myself and another volunteer colleagues are the "oldsters" of the group, yet they welcome our ideas and expertise on how to get things done. One of my fav groups to work with are two different groups of medical students.

    The group that I am the Board of Directors for is having their first event this year with the pandemic, a panel discussion with health care technology leaders in the Covid world. We started talking about this early in the year, but with everything going on, it took awhile to be able to plan this and get the leaders available. Should be an interesting discussion and hope we can do at one more virtual event this year. It has been a real downer to not have in person events which is important for business networking, but safety first, right?

    Goldie- I do plan to let them know of apts being scheduled without my knowledge. Best way to do that is when the patient satisfaction survey comes after the BS office visit. Her office has always been chaotic, and now it's part of the imaging center but honestly worst than ever (although the imaging center is better with contacting me about the tests, etc.) No more doctor apts until the fall, I have had a ton of apts and tests this past month.

    Best wishes for DH's surgery on Monday. Hope things go smoothly and his recovery is speedy.

    Ill- that is super good news about you being able to eat a lot more now. Food is one of the guilty pleasures in this time of pandemic and glad you can enjoy more. I hope things are coming along with the insurance claim and think this weekend, you get a new trailer? Do you have any more tests coming up?

    Cami- I was a bit of a late adopter to Facebook, and joined upon the luring of some old high school friends. I really joined it though for music and yoga events (of which most are not happening this year). But we have some really beautiful scenery here and some great photographers too (professional and amateur). Which DD is turning 50?

    NM- glad you had a nice day of rest and also got to see your Women and Wine friends. You stayed late too! Every time I get together with friends, we find it can go for hours and hours. Yesterday, I had lunch with a friend and we can just talk about everything for a long time but agreed we needed to keep a time limit on things as we both had stuff to do. I think we are all very socially deprived this year. Phone calls, Zooms, etc. are good but not like an in person visit?

    ChiSandy- thinking of you and know you are taking time out to heal. Still in your pocket.

    JCS- sorry to hear about your kitty not being able to eat. Do you think there is a medical reason he/she may not be able to? Maybe needs a trip to the vet? I know my sister's pets sometime get tired of the same food and she changes things up to keep it interesting for them.

    How did we get to mid August already? Labor Day weekend coming up in a few more weeks? They say time flies when we are having fun, but I am not having fun, are you?

    Have a good weekend friends!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good afternoon, loungettes!Just a quick pooping After going out in the kayak for a while.Had a lovely paddle around the local pond.I forgotten how peaceful it could be out on the water, and I forgotten how many different kinds of birds could be seen! Of course the 1st thing to come across the phone when I got back Was it call from work wanting to know if I could cover from 3-7 this evening I got totally Selfish, and said no I had prior commitment. I also time to everything perfectly, now that I'm home it looks like a storm is rolling in.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,314
    edited August 2020

    NM, Goldie & Cami - If you really want to be braver than tomato juice for "blood marys", but still no hot sauce - my favorite is Vodka & V-8. Think I pour one in about about 30 minutes since I need the extra salt today. No celery in the fridge, but it will go down just fine.