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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    NM- the paddling on the pond sounded delightful. So many beautiful birds around the waters. Glad you told the org that you were busy so you can enjoy the day off. You have a previous commitment and it is called YOU! And you go girl!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Extra dry vodka martini with blue cheese olives


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    On the topic of bloody Mary’s, I don’t like tomatoes or tomato juice but do like ketchup and tomato soup, weird, I know. Anyway, DH and our friends from Louisiana swear by Zing Zang as the mixer.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited August 2020

    And I have 3 small bottles of Simply Orange juice in the fridge. Maybe I'll have a Screwdriver instead.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Hey Guys.

    OMG KIM SAID NO TO WORK. YAHOO. It's hard to believe, but I'm glad u did put urself first for once. And now I think ur brave going alone. So glad u went Kim, u need this kind of stuff.

    Oh I forgot all about V8, I think I used to like it, but cant remember, so have to try it. Oh there are a lot of food my sister and I like in one form, but not another, my BIL always tells us we're both crazy.

    OK talk later.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! I am pleasantly surprised to be waking up without any aches and pains or stiffness from yesterday's kayak wrangling and paddle. I did leave the 'yak in the jeep, may go out again this afternoon if the sun comes out. I had forgotten how much I like being out on the water. Saw lots of ducks, snails, waterbugs and even a few fish! When I got home Sadie had been in her pool, and she was in and out all day. So funny to watch her jump in, flop over on one side or the other and then duck her face in the water!

    Goldie--I always thought a Bloody Mary was just tomato juice and vodka, but I suppose it can be doctored up any way a person likes!

    Cammy Cat--I do try to listen to you and Sadie!

    Illi--I can't help but feel badly for you, a pureed diet just does not look appetizing no matter what is done to it! I'm glad you are able to get off that, and off the thickened liquids, too. I'm sure a lot of trial and error is involved, but I'm glad you are restriction free now!

    Jazzy--it must be fun being the "oldsters" of the group! Young people have so much energy and enthusiasm, it's wonderful to see and interact with. I know video/virtual meetings aren't as socially complete as in-person meetings, but what must be, must be, at least for right now. The WWW get togethers rarely stay later than 9 or 10 peeyem, I went back to work for a couple hours after the get together. Managed to get a LOT of paper mess cleared off my desk and some organization imposed on the work flow again. I agree we are all feeling socially deprived, and as human beings, need that social contact to thrive. Praying things settle out and a bit more social contact is allowed soon, before I go completely off my rocker!

    Oh, boy, looking at my quick poop in post from yesterday, did it on the Kindle using dictation, I have got to remember to proofread before posting! Should have been "just a quick poop in", and "I also timed everything perfectly"

    Minus--Ooh, V-8 and vodka, what a great idea!I love V-8, as long as it's not the low-salt version. Funny, I'm not a fan of salty stuff, but I cannot stand the low-sodium V-8! Got to put that on my shopping list.

    Jazzy--thanks for the re-inforcement. I just could not bring myself to go in for 4 hours, knowing there was already an RN on duty. I know they don't like being the only RN on duty, but I've been doing it overnights, and afternoons, and any other time needed for weeks, it's time one of them stepped up and dealt with it too.

    Nice Martini!!!

    Illi--it's odd how our tastes will run. I absolutely detest cold coffee, coffee ice cream, iced coffee, but happily slurp down Kahlua and cream over ice! Go figure.

    Minus--the one time I got thoroughly drunk in college was on Screwdrivers. I couldn't drink OJ for weeks afterward! Hmmm, I need to get some OJ and peach schnapps and mix up some Fuzzy Navels!

    Cammy Cat--Yes, I said "no" to work. I have said "no" before, just not recently. So see, I do listen to you!

    Golden Cadillac - Galliano Cocktail selber mixen - Schüttelschule by Banneke - YouTube

    Golden Cadillac


    1 oz white creme de cacoa

    1/2 oz Galliano

    1 1/2 oz freshly squeezed orange juice

    1 oz cream or half-n-half


    Shake with ice until very cold

    Garnish with shaved chocolate or grated nutmeg

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Cami, if you ate those wrinkles would iron out!

    Jazzy, those appts. that they don't tell you about, I would surely hope that they would not charge you for a no show. Boy would that piss me off! You are sure busy with all your delevery stuff, so very sweet of you. Seems like summer just got here, and now it's almost fall. I was hoping it wouldn't be such a hot summer like last year, but it was! LOL are we having fun yet....NO!

    NM, glad you got out on the kayak for a peaceful paddle and natures scenery. And made it home before the storm. I hope you are able to make it out again today.

    -2, thanks for thought with using V8, not a fan of that either!

    BabyGirl, no pickles, no tomatoes....LOL! Do you like spaghetti?

    I had a horrible "D" accident yesterday. Just let me say I had to wash the floor, the toilet and then take shower. Brought me to tears. I'm half tempted to quit all treatment. In 6 years of being stage IV, I have felt fine, no pain. My TM's continue to rise no matter what treatment I'm on. Mets only in the bones, no organs. Why suffer through all of these treatments when I feel FINE. I told my MO, my only complaint is SE's from the drugs, NOT THE CANCER.

    This is for NM

    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Goldie, sorry about your accident, been there and it really sucks. And, yes I do like spaghetti and lasagna but I tend to go easy on the sauce.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Hi friends- just a quick pop in. Our virtual meeting went okay yesterday, but think they put in way too many speakers and content to make it useful for some good take aways vs. a big mind saturation. There were three presenters, with slides, then a brief Q&A and then two more presenters and right up to the time limit. I thought we were doing a panel discussion, which I have run before and you put together a couple key questions you give to them and then have open Q&A? I am the oldster of this group too and gave them my advice, but knew it was going to be ignored. They did a post survey and think that will speak volumes. Anyways, we live, learn and grow, right? They tried to get me to be president next year of the board but I said no. I have done so much running of things and not interested, I like being a helper.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    ▷ Cats: Animated Images, Gifs, Pictures & Animations - 100% FREE!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Afternoon ladies,

    Jee we all got on the V8 thing one wayor another. now I'm putting it on my list.

    Oh it's Leslie that will be 50, yes 50 OOOOO for me

    Kim u really made the waters sound great for you, I hope u can go again this afternoon. U really need this type of relaxation. And Sadie has a good time with the water too.

    And Lori ur right seems like summer just started and wham it's over and this was a very strange summer. They already changed the school thing around here now to not go at all. Everything is still all screwed up. I can't imagine how long this will be.It just keeps on going on and on.

    Jodie came over today, had my shower and she brought us breakfast. The funny thing is when she went to pay the people in front of her paid for her, so she paid for the next person, which really seemed liked people were showing kindness.

    Well nothing else is new escept the house Les and Marty bid on didn't work out and she was pretty sad about that. But there are others, it will all work out, I hope.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    Still struggling with the cat. We did connect with the pharmacy and will be receiving prednisone with some kind of flavoring. Just not until Tuesday at the earliest. I hate that we have to flush the cat out from under the furniture and then force liquid meds down its throat. The cat is 12 yrs old and is now very lethargic. At this rate, he will not make it the month we are supposed to be doing the meds. I am so very sad about the whole thing.

    I did meet with my MO’s PA yesterday. She is so very, very nice and will talk about anything. I asked her about scheduling a colonoscopy as my PCP has been bugging me to do that. She said yes since they are treating me with curative intent so I need to keep up with my other health tests. I could not help smiling when she said those words. So different from when I was first diagnosed and told I would be on chemo forever.

    Oh, Goldie! We have all been there and feel your pain. Which treatment is this? Is there something you can take to lessen the side effect?

    Proud of you NM for saying no. They have to learn to rotate through some other staff and not always call you first.

    Sandy - Hope the pain is getting better and you are counting down to Monday. Are you getting food? LOL!

    By the way, I am no fan of V8 and do not drink Bloody Marys. Prefer a Mimosa or Screwdriver for a morning beverage. Have a great weekend everyone

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    I do have to laugh, at how many of us have had "those accidents"! I have some psyllium pills I'm going to try. It's like Metamucil but in pill form. If it doesn't help, I will dose reduce my meds.

    BabyGirl, my stepdaughter is like you, won't eat tomatoes, I don't know about juice, but will eat ketchup, sketti, etc.

    Jazzy knows when to say no! How's sis, her mil and partner?

    Cami, did you EAT? Breakfast that Jodi brought over. Sorry the house bid fell through, I say it was meant to be. The right one will come along.

    JCS, they always call NM cuz she always says yes, but not this time. Still sorry about your furbaby, it's always hard when we lose one. We have no pets. I am currently on Verzenio, with Faslodex and Xgeva. It's the "V" that is the problem.

    NM, sorry to speak like you aren't there, but you are just too kind and easily taken advantage of. But I know you do for patients, not the rest of the staff. You are a Saint of a nurse and we love you....and Sadie too!

    Sandy, hope you are managing well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    JCS, I can commiserate about your kitty. Happy is 13 now, and after several months of "scarf & barf" the vet dx'ed him last year with likely IBD (inflammatory bowel disease, more serious than IBS, which is "irritable bowel syndrome") that may progress to (ugh) lymphoma. He sleeps a LOT except when I say the words "food" or "eat." Then he perks up, runs into the kitchen meowing like crazy and even trying to climb up the cabinets as I (and this weekend, Bob) dish up his canned slop. He wolfs it down (except for the prescription wet food, which both cats detest) and waits in the wings for Heidi (15) to finish so he can eat the crumbs, and sometimes even some of her kibble. If he sees I have bacon or butter on the counter, he leaps up on to it! I have to rotate Heidi's dish so she can see what she's eating--her cataracts are ripening and her peripheral vision isn't the greatest. If the food's not in her line of sight, it doesn't exist. And she is finicky about even the commercial stuff--no fish nor even duck, especially not the healthy grain-free versions. I figure that it's better for them to eat and enjoy their food, rather than for them to be miserable and gaunt. They're both at their ideal weights now. (They both like their prescription kibble, though: his is vegan hydrolyzed protein for gentle digestion; hers is "moderate-calorie" anti-kidney stone).

    Ilona, yaay for acing your swallow test! Now go ahead and eat whatever you like. Non-tomato options for pasta are white clam, primavera, alfredo, pesto; carbonara and alla Gricia (easy on the pepper, of course).

    I'm feeling a bit better today, though poor Bob is learning about the challenges of cat-care and shopping. (I told him for tomorrow night I need a sports drink or fruit ade that is transparent, non-fizzy and not red or purple--so he brought home raspberry-flavored seltzer and a bottle of watermelon-flavor Bai...which is hot pink. Sigh--gotta dilute it. For some insane reason, CVS & Walgreens were sold out of all flavors of Bai, Gatorade, PowerAde and G2 except the red and purple ones. Must be colonoscopy season). I have given up on telling him what to bring home for dinner--I wanted to grill lamb chops, but it's gonna storm again. His mixer of choice for Bloody Marys is low-sodium V-8, with a dash of Panola hot sauce.

    As for painkillers, I'm getting by during the day on just extra-strength Tylenol; at bedtime, I switch to one Arthritis Strength Tylenol and one Tylenol#3. (That's the only pain prescription UIC would write me). It's strong enough, but unfortunately it's also constipating. So I take it with a stool softener and have a bedtime snack of prunes or fiber gummies. (Miralax or Metamucil do nothing for me). Given my druthers, I'd have wanted Norco 5/325--but the opioid abuse crisis has doctors totally spooked. And in order to get some, you must physically visit your doctor, get a paper prescription, and fill it in person. Codeine is an opiate, not an opioid (I guess the distinction is "poppy-derived" vs. "synthetic," with the latter at the root of the crisis).

    I slept well last night--the ophtho-onc fellow said that as long as I sleep alone with neither people nor pets in the room, I can remove the lead shield and just cover my eye with a gauze pad and the perforated clear plastic shell taped over it. I am seeing a bit better out of my R eye, though still very blurry and teary; and it still looks AWFUL. I should hurt less (especially while blinking) and be able to open my eye more fully once the plaque gets removed, but healing will still be a long haul.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited August 2020

    Sandy - glad to hear your surgery is over & recovery going forward.

    No way can I keep up with you lovely ladies, but I'm glad you don't mind if I jump in now and again. I'll try to hold it to drinking. But just had to say -

    Cami - my son was 50 in May. Makes me feel old. Goldie - I've been there too and it really does make you want to just sit down & cry. I still plan to connect with you when I come see my cousin in Taylor. I'll likely base out of my brother's summer cabin in Munds Park. Jazzy - and I would have liked to meet you this summer too. I had one friend who just moved from Santa Fe back to the Olympic Peninsula, WA again. But another who moved from Sequim, WA back to Santa Fe. I have AQ friends who are getting well along in years and would like to see them again before they die, but obviously not this year. JSC - I'm always interested in what your reading. Mae - so glad you got your river trip, even if it was a substitute RV. It will be fun to see pictures of your new RV when it arrives.

    NM - strange coincidence. I was raised by a family that didn't drink so I knew nothing about alcohol (other than sneaking a taste of Manischewitz at a Russian Jewish friend's house). I was invited to go with a group on a hay-ride the fall of my freshman year and told everyone no thanks I didn't drink. Some guy said - well how about orange juice? I didn't have a clue and, like you, was sicker than a dog after I slugged those things down for several hours. Didn't drink Vodka for many years, let alone orange juice. But no doubt you can all tell that I've more than made up for all the years I lost.

    And for the coffee drinks - I really prefer Tia Maria over Kahlua. It's not as thick and slips down the throat so easily. I take it straight up.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Hope to see you too some day MinusTwo ❤️

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Sandy so glad ur up to writing, that's always a good sign. And hoping the pain meds are doing the trick for ur sleeping. I'm sure u have a ways to go but at least it's over with.,

    It's so nice to hear u all planning on a trip see see each other, I always love that.Talking to people year after year u get a connection, then meeting it actually is stronger. I hope it happens soon.

    LC I feel horrible about ur furbaby, u all know how I feel about them. I'm just hoping the meds get to him in plenty of time. It rough to see them suffer in any way but if he feels better it's all worth it.

    I went on BF and again may I say all of ur posts are eight informative, funny or beauty. Such a great change for all the political crap going on. I know there is a lot but FB just throws them in ur face and I'm tired of all this chit.

    Yes Lori I'm eating, pushing it down but I'll gain in no time.

    Minus I was raised in a hose that was a wine drinking house of all ages. It's a wonder no one became an alcoholic, I think we were all lucky. Wine was always on the table. Even young u could have a 1/2glass of wine, but nothing else.We didn't rush for it tho.

    Have a great late evening and a good nite sleep.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Image result for happy valentines cute cat images gif | Cat ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin' ladies.

    I kind of reread the posts.

    JC I think of ur cat everytime I put a post up hoping he's better, Again u all know how I feel about cats.

    And Minus don't think u can't just write about anything, it doesn't have to be drin king. Hell I don't even drink but I come here all the time. Basically this is the only one I post on now.

    Dara is doing so much better now, finally. It seems this operation has finally done the job for her. And Cheryl is still with her which is great.It would be nice if she came back soon.

    Sandy I know ur HK has her hands full, but I hope she could come by a little for u I'm sure it would be a huge help.

    Oh everytime on my kids BDs I retell the story of their births. Their eyes roll but they listen. I never heard one thing about mine so I figured they should never forget. So it's Leslie's turn, but she was so much fun. Her father and I LOLed thru the whole thing and the birth. I even ordered my lunch during labor so I woudn't get crap for lunch. I gained so little I deserved it. Did it natural cuz no one thought I was ready cuz we were having so much fun and that's when Les started thinking I was nuts. I guess I was and it just stuck around forever. The Dr. told me he never had so much fun delivering before. See I gave u the short story so she's in for a lot more, I don't care that she's 50 we have to go thru the whole story. I don't even know what hospital I was born in those days. So u see this is important for her to know and I have noticed she tells Joey about his birth. We were all there LOLing of course. Now that was my story and yet another boring piece of my life. U know I've got loads of them. cuz I'm old.

    So I will close with that snip-it, so Minus talk about anything u want, I do.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! A beautiful day shaping up here, not sure exactly what I want to do with it, but will be doing something, for sure. Sadie is happily supervising the neighborhood, so she's a happy camper, too.

    Goldie--so sorry about the "D" incident. So not fair. Has the MO ever said what would happen if you did stop treatment? Could you restart treatment if the mets began causing you problems? It's OK to say "no"?What a concept! Actually, I feel really good for having the entire weekend to myself and am very glad I did say "no" to that last request.Oh, and I forgot to tell everyone that things are beginning to ease up at work, COVID restriction-wise.We can now order food to be delivered to the building again! Have to pay on line, no contact drop off outside the staff entrance, no staff/delivery person contact,food has to stay in the break room, which keeps outside containers well away from the residential area. This is very welcome to a lot of staff!

    Morning, Illi!

    Jazzy--Sounds like a good first try for Virtual meeting. I agree that panel discussions are better than serial presentations. Sometimes less is more. I hope the evals will make that clear to the organizers. And sometimes being a helper is lot more fun and a lot less stress than being an organizer!

    Cammy Cat--I am a water baby, always have been. I need to remember that and make sure I get out on the water in some fashion regularly. So good to hear Jodie got caught up in a pay it forward chain! Those are fun. Sorry to hear the house bid didn't go.

    Librarian--your poor kitty. Can you mix the prednisone with something the kitty likes? Tuna juice or broth? It must be so hard to have to go after him and then medicate him. We'll make sure the Tenders keep OJ in stock in the bar right beside the V8 and tomato juice, just for you!

    Goldie--Things should be getting better on the staffing front now. The 2 overnight nurses who were out on leave are both back at work, and 2 travelers are working now. Now the task for management is to look at the staff pattern make some adjustments there. What got set up when we had to open an admissions unit isn't working out the way it was thought it would. Nobody's fault, nursing homes have never had to make this kind of total rearrangement before, so everyone is in a steep learning curve.

    Chi--Wow, your kitties are on some serious dietary management! So funny about having to rotate Heidi's bowl due to her vision. That happens to people, too. Where a drug falls on the Controlled Substances list depends on a combination of the drug's accepted medical use and it's dependency/abuse potential.

    Schedule 1 drugs have no accepted medical use/high abuse potential (heroin, LSD, marijuana, peyote, ecstasy).

    Scheduled II drugs have medical use/ high abuse potential/severe physical or psychological abuse potential (combo drugs with less than 15 mg hydrocodone per unit, cocaine, methamphetamine, Diluadid, methadone, demerol, oxycodone, fentanyl, dexidrine, adderall, ritalin)

    Schedule III drugs have medical use/mod to low potential for dependence, abuse potential less than Schedule II, but greater than Schedule IV (drug combos with less than 90 mg codeine per unit, ketamine, anabolic steroids, testosterone)

    Schedule IV drugs have medical use/lower abuse or dependence potential than Schedule III drugs (Xanax, soma, darvon, darvocet, valium ativan talwin, ambien, tramadol

    Schedule Vdrugs have medical use/lower abuse or dependence potiential than Schedule IV (cough syrups with less than 200 mg of codeine per 100 ml, like Robitussin AC, lomotil, lyrica, parepectolin

    The DEA sets the guidelines for who can prescribe the various controlled substances and sets the requirements, from how much can be prescribed at one time, in person picking up of scripts and hard scripts presented to the pharmacy backed up with electronic scripts from the prescriber's office,etc.

    Hope the eye is feeling better very soon!

    Minus--you know the rules, you aren't behind, don't try to ketchup, always jump in where you are at! Oh my, so not fair of them to get you drunk that way! At least I knew what I was doing that weekend! Tia Maria is very good, too, but given a choice I prefer the thickness of Kahlua. I don't drink either straight up, though, and that may make a difference.

    Cammy Cat--Glad you are eating. WHAT are you eating? Are you getting protein? I think there is less alcoholism in cultures where wine or other drinks are available and there isn't a strict "kids aren't allowed" attitude. When I was growing up my parents let me have a taste of anything they were drinking, and even let me have a small amount to sip along with them as I got older. It took the mystery away and I was never interested in drinking parties and such. It was funny, when I turned 18 I could legally drink in Maine, for a few months, then the legal drinking age went to 21 and I became "underage" again for a couple of years! I love family get-togethers when the old family stories get trotted out. I wish I had thought to record them in years past, many are lost to time as the grandparents are no longer with us and the dementia is setting in on some of the next generation.

    Sweet Memories


    How to mix

    Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2020

    Popping in for a quick hello. Trying to catch up on posts.

    NM - The Wine/Rum drink you posted awhile ago sounds very interesting. I am a big fan of rum drinks (left over from my sailing days) but would never think to mix it with wine. So great that you can go kayaking. Have always wanted to give it a try, and very frustrated that I missed the opportunity on vacay in Homer, Alaska. I stayed in an AirBnB on Manasota Key, FL that had kayaks available to use in the nearby bay. However, having never kayaked and being by myself, was scared to try.

    Illi - Glad to hear you are able swallow better. I think being hungry but unable to swallow what you wish to eat would be horrible. Healing thoughts.

    Goldie - Yes, the "D" episodes are really god-awful. Hope you are feeling better soon. Healing thoughts.

    Sandy - Glad to hear you are on the mend & braving your eye surgery quite well. Healing thoughts.

    Cami - Keep eating! (And, keep posting those cats, as they bring me a smile.)

    JCS - Hoping the vet comes through with some relief for your furbaby. Healing thoughts.

    Minus - I can, but rarely do, drink irish cream liqueur straight up rather than in my coffee.

    OK, that's it for now. Happy Sunday to Jazzy, anyone else not mentioned above, etc.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2020

    Just had to share this. Apparently, as part of its "reopening" plan, Cracker Barrel will offer beer and wine at some of its restaurants. Friend of mine who lives in another part of Kentucky posted the pic below on FB. Note the: "Make it a good morning with a mimosa". What's next? Mimosas at Waffle House?

    Image may contain: food

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Hi friends- just an end of the weekend hello before I finish some things around home and get ready for another week. I have had a nice weekend over all, was focused on home yesterday but got a swim in too, today I got up early to go to outdoor yoga at a farm (where I also go for music) and enjoyed the yoga, music and a beautiful tour of the gardens. So much in bloom in late summer, and they grow veggies and hoped they might be selling today but no such luck. I hope to get to the farmers market again this coming week. I plan to add this as a weekend ritual going forward now the the mornings are a bit cooler (still warm during the days, but fall is trying to creep in....)

    Chi-so glad to hear you are coming through this. Wishing you continued recovery.

    Celia C- I say go for that mimosa!

    NM - good to hear that things are easing up a bit with the restrictions. We have been in about the same place since June, outside of them opening and then closing restaurants. They did just re-open for nursing homes and the like to have visitors, but only outside and with social distancing. I hope you had a nice day off even if you and Sadie just hung out and enjoyed the nice summer weather.

    Goldie- hugs on the D accident. I hope you are doing better. I think tomorrow is DH's surgery and pray everything goes well and you are home soon and settled in for awhile. Praying for good outcomes on his procedure.

    Cami- I think it's interesting that you retell the birthing stories, the part of family folk stories that all families should do. My parents never talked that much about my birth, my sister told me she and my brother were excited about it though. All I ever heard was my father took my mother in the middle of the night and I was born at 4 a.m. in a snow storm in March. He went home and told my siblings they had a new baby sister. They all was sure I was going to be a girl, and said "what if I was a boy?" They knew I was going to be a girl (and this was in the early 1960s long before ultrasounds. My father was the one who always said "I came from the baby store." Who goes shopping in the middle of the night I ask you?

    JCS- so glad you like your MO's PA. I was seeing my MO's CNP more often for follow ups the past five years but learned when I went in April she left to go work for the other big cancer center in town. I get to see him now more often, he was part time for awhile, but now will see him twice this year. He is one of my fav providers here. I hope they find a good replacement. We don't have a lot of oncology expertise in this small city. Glad you are doing well sister.

    dara, Dara, DARA- Cami says you are doing better since your surgery, and hope you will be back soon when you are up to it. Continue healing well sister.

    Teka- what is up in north country?

    Attached is a photo of the beautiful gardens at the farm today. Have a good week ladies and stay well.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    So music for you. I bet you may remember this song from the 1970s and Bobby Caldwell has been in the smooth jazz community for a long time now (I love his music and have come close to see him in CA but not yet). This is a great live performance of What You Won't Do for Love. Enjoy!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    If Waffle House were ever to serve alcohol, it'd probably be Captain Morgan, Coors, Jack Daniel's or moonshine. They probably think mimosas are for Yankee Commies.

    Removal surgery tomorrow morning. Will have to cover my eye bandage with plastic, use the handheld showerhead and wash my face separately by hand. Not even gonna think about my hair. My kitties will be happy snuggling freely again. And I won't have to balance my glasses precariously (though probably continue to enlarge fonts where I can).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Didn't take the kayak out yesterday, it was showering off and on all day, so I puttered around the house. Got a call from Dick's son in the afternoon, Mom managed to fall off the dock into the water and onto some rocks, nothing broken, but she's very sore on one side and her phone went into the water. Hoping the phone in rice overnight trick will fix the phone. I'm pretty sure she would not have told me about it if David hadn't tattled on her. I imagine she's going to be a hurting unit today and for the next few days. Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Celia--I don't blame you for not wanting to try out a kayak for the first time by yourself. Doing anything new on the water is better with other people around just in case. Wow, alcohol must have a bigger profit margin than food!

    Jazzy--outdoor yoga at a farm sounds like a wonderful weekend ritual, and even better when the veggies go on sale! Sadie and I had a very nice day yesterday, and have had a very nice weekend off. I am feeling much refreshed. Beautiful farm, great music!

    Chi--good luck with surgery this ayem, in your pocket!

    Eye Candy Cocktail

    Eye Candy Cocktail


    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a cocktail shaker, muddle a few slices of ginger, mint leaves, and simple syrup.
    3. Add the liquors and juice and fill with ice. Shake well.
    4. Strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with fresh ice.
    5. Add a splash of club soda and garnish with a sprig of mint.
    6. Serve and enjoy!

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Cat Says Hi And Hello To You. Free Hi-hello eCards, Greeting Cards ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Celia good thing u didn't go alone, like Kim said it's always better to be with other people the first time. Ah mimosa sounds good to me, always liked that one,

    Good luck this morning Sandy and u do sound good.

    Good video Jazzy. Well u kept busy this weekend good for you. fresh veggies always the best. Pic. is great, I always enjoy them.

    Lori I hope u have a good day traveling today. I'm so sorry about the D but I can't give u any advice. After 10 yrs of having it and no one could figure it out , I do know it miserable so hope there's no sign of it.

    Kim ur poor mom, that sounds like a terrible fall. Good thing nothings broken but she's has to be hurting. Yea it sounds like she wouldn't tell you, hope she feel better very soon. And it used to be that all the restaurants made more money with liquor than food. I on't know any more but it was always like that. I'm eating ice cream, cake, bread well anything I can and like I said I'm sure I've gainednow so I'd better stop.

    I talked to Bob last night so the guys are home but his grandson brought a cold with him and they caught it, so I'm staying away for sure. Didn't sleep well last nite so I feel naps coming on today. Oh well

    Have a great day everyone and again Sandy I hop all goes very well.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Popping in and saying a quick hi. Prayers for Sandy and her procedure today and continued speedy recovery. Also for Goldie and her DH who was going in to surgery today too.

    NM- oh no about your mom falling into the water and on to some rocks. Did someone take her to get checked out? My mother had a fall once and fought going to the doctor, but then had swelling and found out she had a hairline fracture in her knee. She will be sore or sure, but it's worrisome too when they start falling....

    Teka- I think Cami is going to want you to give her that little kitten. Hopefully next year you will be back to Maine for a summer vaca, god willing.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, glad things are moving forward for you. Hope your removal went well.

    Minus2, anytime you are in my hood! Even if it has to be at a park!

    Cami yes, meeting a breastie is always a blessing, as you well know. I'm so happy I've had the pleasure of visiting you twice. Ok you're eating, but WHAT are you eating? I want to know daily!!!! LOL. Glad Wacko is doing better, I wish she would come back to post.

    NM, I have not discussed stopping treatment with my MO. And of course the only way to know of METS is with scans, and I"m not a fan of those either. Only get them like once a year, not every 3 months like some. And yes, it's ok to say no. And ya know what, the nursing home managed just fine, didn't they? Glad some things are easing up, and ones that don't seem like they will be an issue with spreading of the virus.

    Celia, you should try a Duck Fart. Baileys with some whiskey in, gives it a kick!

    Jazzy, mornings are cool for us too, but hitting the 80's and 90' pretty early. Cute story about your birth, especially the "baby store" part. Love the farm photo, especially the trough.

    OH NM, so sorry to hear about your mom's fall, oh my. Glad she's ok for the most part.

    DH had his surgery, was supposed to be 4 hours, ended up only 3. All went well, but he has to stay 2 more days in the hospital instead of 1. So I am stuck in a hotel for 2 more days....uhhhhh! I wanted to just go home and come Wednesday to pick him up. Ran that by him but he didn't answer, so I'm staying. Been in the bathroom about 12 times today. You should have seen me try to leave here to go to the post office. Out to the car, feeling things aren't right, back in the hotel and hit the bathroom. Did that 3 times!