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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Plaque removal surgery was much faster than the insertion. But I hurt a lot more this time--whole lotta manipulation going on (removing the sutures that closed the conjunctiva over the plaque, then removing the plaque and the sutures that secured it, then re-suturing it. Burns and stings. Tomorrow I have to remove the dressing & plastic shell and resume the eye drops & ointment 4x/day. And I think they want me to keep the eye uncovered when I am awake & indoors--will wear a padded patch outdoors, and the plastic shell for sleep. I'm pretty sure it looks even worse than it did over the weekend, so I will be wearing tinted glasses even indoors. The drops really do sting. The sutures are either self-dissolving or will (eeeuww!) "fall out." My followup appt. is a week from Wed., and I am almost certainly not going to be ready to drive by then. My only option will be either to have whoever is taking me hang out in the parking structure for heaven knows how long, or risk my safety (and possibly life) by calling a rideshare. (Gordy takes Ubers & Lyfts, but I don't trust them, nor do I trust valet parking).

    And no alcohol till at least tomorrow night, especially if I have to take a painkiller. Haven't had a drop of wine since Wed. night.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Just a quick poop in Need to go in early for a CPR class and the power just went out. At least I got my cup of coffee made first

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    TEKA Oh that kitty, I love it. Oh so sorry about ur trip, hopefully this will all clear up so next time u''r all right to go. Great pics.

    Sandy sounds so painful, so sorry. But like I've said u r so vigilant maybe the pain so last to long. It's been a rough week for you, but now just heal.

    Ahem, Kim's in a rush for work again.

    Oh Lori having D when ur not home is horrid. It's bad enuff just having it at all. R u taking anything for it. I know not much helps but sometimes something might work for you. Oh I'm not eating healthy at all, after all what has the most calories yep things that are junk food mostly and ice cream any flavor. LOL And chocolate solves a lot of things. Cottage cheese can't.

    So excited to see my sister tomorrow for lunch and see my niece's new home. The bought a knock down home and she mostly designed it the way she wanted in a very nice suburb of Oak brook, but that's not very far from us. It's just been way to long, weve never gone this long. Covid sure didn't help. Supposed to be a nice day tomorrow, then hot on Friday so hope that happens. I mean good tomorrow.

    OK work time, UGH


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    NM, yeah for the coffee made before loss of power!!!I

    Sandy, figured the coming out might be worse than the going in since you could not have healed over the weekend. Having to do the drops, and having them sting is yet another kind of pain, isn't it? Knowing how a friend looked after eyelid surgery I suspect you have a very colorful eye area just now. Take care.

    Goldie, may you be safely home soon and may your DH heal quickly. Have your docs suggested anything to take for the D?

    To d everybody else, good morning- still working on my cup of coffee so rememberer not functioning well yet.

    Yesterday's DOTD was a glass of multipulciano from Duchman winery here in Texas.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    My eye actually looks (and sees) better this morning than before the removal surgery. Ocular Onc wants me to keep it open as much as I can, loosely covered with a gauze pad to keep the dust and cat hairs out. Ointment only at bedtime, and only for pain (glad, since it's gloppy, tough to apply and makes my vision even blurrier). Won't be able to drive yet for a few more days, but should be okay for that by a week from tomorrow. My hair is getting stringy, but no showers (except handheld sprayer) or shampooing for a few more days--can't say enough about how great dry shampoo has been. (I like Living Proof's "Perfect Hair Day" line). I think that fairly soon I can cover the plastic eye shell with a sandwich bag, sit back o a bar stool and have Bob or my HK use the kitchen sink sprayer. (Certainly not going to risk my health & safety going to a hair salon for just a shampoo & blow-dry).

    Kim, what happened with your electricity? Did you have a storm, or was it a rolling blackout?

    Beaver, where is Duchman--the Hill Country? I regret that the last time I was in San Antonio (spring 2016) we didn't have enough time to visit the wineries. So neat that TX can grow Montepulciano--very few U.S. wineries are growing any Italian varietals other than Sangiovese.

    Speaking of alcohol, wine tonight!!! Putting bubbly into the fridge in case Bob doesn't get home in time for al fresco dinner at Cellars (tonight they have their live jazz guitarist Andy Brown).

    Cami, love the kitty making the "heart sign." I agree about the healing properties of chocolate (having one a day of those dark chocolate salted caramels Gordy brought me on Sunday). But cottage cheese can be somewhat healing...mixed with vanilla extract and sweetener, sprinkled with cinnamon and broiled on toast. (My version of "Danish" from back in my WW days). Of course, ricotta is even more healing...piped into a cannolli shell...with an ice-cold chaser of Asti Spumante or moscato.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    HI ladies- I drove out to a nearby reservation this morning to drop off some PPE supplies for my collaborative. They were so happy to receive them. We are delivering to many reservations and pueblos this week.

    Checking in here on those having surgery or supporting those needing surgery. Chi- you sound good and glad you are through the second part. Fingers crossed for things to go in the right direction on this for you.

    Goldie- glad your DH is through surgery. Sounds like they need to keep an eye on him a bit longer. I feel for you being in a hotel during all this. Any room service there?

    Back again soon. Wishing better days for everyone.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, Duchman is near Wemberley, in Hill Country. They are helping fill the Italian varietal hole left by the closing of a favorite Italian style winery in California.

    Enjoy your DOTD!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Aha--would that CA "Italian-style winery" have been Signorello, which was destroyed in the Napa/Sonoma wildfires a few years back? We loved visiting it, and were members of its wine subscription club (which also included a quarterly subscription for American Wagyu beef to Snake River Farms). We still have almost a case left of its "Patrone" meritage blend, as well as some Cab. Sauv.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    No, it was August Ridge, a Central Coast winery. We had the opportunity to get to know the owners while we lived in the area. Not certain why they chose to close. We lived smack dab in the middle of the central coast wine regions. There were so many good wineries there that we never made it to napa!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Cami, I'm taking psyllium, it's what's in Metamucil, same thing just in a pill. Today was pretty uneventful, pretty normal and only 2 times! I had a feeling you weren't eating anything healthy! You need some meat girl. LOL at the cottage cheese, you silly woman. However, I'm so happy you get to spend some time with Lou and go see your neice's new house. How is Lou doing? Didn't she have C-dif again, not too long ago.

    Jazzy, brave of you to head to the rez, but I know you are very careful. How are things looking for those folks? There is room service, but I don't use it. I get free cooked to order breakfast, I go down and get it and bring it to my room. Everything is served in throw away stuff. Flagstaff is a college town, so lots of places to get carry out. I have some extra ham and toast from this morning, so I made a sandwich and that will be my dinner.

    I'm managing just fine at the hotel, it just would have been better if I could have went home. Not sure what I will do if they don't release him tomorrow. All depends on the drainage. He has had any pain meds since 10:30 pm last night and doing well with no pain.

    We didn't have a DOTD today, so I will offer one in Cami's honor to get to see some family tomorrow.


    Happy Days

    ¼ Vodka

    ¼ Peach Schnapps

    ¼ Pineapple Juice

    ¼ Grapefruit Juice

    Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain in chilled cocktail glass.

    See the source image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Lori, continued prayers for your DH's recovery and discharge from hospital. I hope you can enjoy the beauty of Flagstaff as best you can.

    My DsOTD: with lunch, raspberry seltzer with homegrown basil; out on the deck, a breve cappuccino; with dinner, cava.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Yesterday got off to an exciting start, about 20 minutes after I got up the power went out. At least I got my cup of coffee made and bagel toasted first. The rain really came down in buckets on the way to work and at times during the day, too. We badly need the moisture, but need it to come more slowly so it can be absorbed and not just run off like it was. There were some accidents caused by hydroplaning. People will not slow down, even when coming up on a clearly visible, obviously deep patch of water.Sadie was totally disgusted with having to go out and pee in the downpour. She said it's too much like being given a bath. And, I found out that a new Director of Nursing is starting on Monday, and a new Clinical Manager/Assistant Director of Nursing is starting at the beginning of September!

    Cammy Cat--I've checked in with Mom, she's still sore but not as much as she thought she would be. No bruising, which is amazing since she takes blood thinning medication. So how much weight have you gained?I don't think it's time for you to stop eating again yet.And what are you eating for protein? Sorry the guys caught a cold on their get-together. I hope they enjoyed their time together.

    Teka--what a pretty kitty! Lake Champlain must be a great place for a paddle! Sorry you couldn't get to Maine this summer. Hopefully you can next year.

    Jazzy--Mom would not go get checked out after the fall. Fortunately, one of Dick's granddaughters was there and she is a nurse, so she did as much of a check as Mom would allow. Mom was getting up from a folding lawn chair that was on the very edge of the dock, the chair moved and the leg went over the edge of the dock and, of course, Mom went, too. If the chair wasn't right on the edge of the dock she would have been able to get herself up and compensate for the chair moving. I just know Mom will be one of those stubborn old goats that falls, breaks a hip, and gets up and walks on it for days before finally giving in and getting it checked out.

    Goldie--I noticed that the nursing home kept right on functioning without me covering that 4 hours! Amazing! I wish there was a better answer for monitoring mets than repeated scans, and I wish were was a really effective treatment that would control mets without side effects. Glad to hear DH's surgery went well, sorry he has to stay extra days. Running back and forth to the bathroom can't be fun.

    Chi--glad the removal was faster than the insertion, sorry the result is more discomfort. I hope that it will pass quickly now that the healing process won't be disrupted by more manipulation. The idea of stitches falling out of an eye is pretty creepy!

    Cammy Cat--Hey, I wasn't in a rush for work, it was a planned early start complicated by a power outage and having to post via my phone! I'll have you know I left work an hour early, so I only worked 8 hours yesterday! So there!Now, what protein have you eaten today?????Can't wait to hear about the niece's new home. Hope you had a great visit!

    Beaver--yup, God was looking out for me, or at least for everyone around me!

    Chi- I think that the heavy rain short circuited something somewhere, given that there were over 1000 customers without power, or someone was driving too fast in the rain and took out a telephone pole and brought down a line. Interesting mock Danish recipe!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Goldie--yummy looking DOTD!

    Sunshine in the Rain Cocktail Recipe | Patrón Tequila

    Sunshine in the Rain


    1.5 oz

    Patrón Añejo

    1 oz

    Pineapple juice

    1 oz

    Lemon juice

    .75 oz

    Orange juice

    .75 oz

    Allspice vanilla syrup

    10 drops

    Tiki bitters


    Lemon wheel for garnish


    Orchid for garnish


    1. Add all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
    2. Shake to chill and combine.
    3. Pour contents into a collins glass.
    4. Garnish with a lemon wheel and an orchid.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Dancing cat gif » GIF Images Download

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Wow Beaver didn't know there was a winery in TX, especially. I don't know why just thinking it doesn't sound like a wine place.

    I have to say Sandy ur sounding good, oh I don't mean ur not hurting but u just sound like ur doing well and it's good to hear. Seems like ur doing more than u thought. Good for you.

    U gals crack me up about what I'm eating, it's basically pastas and sweets, it's good enuff for now.

    Wow Kim ur mom sounds stubborn, hmmm reminds me of someone, but as long as she feels good that's what counts. Sounds like a nasty fall to me.

    Oh Lori stayin in a room alone is crumby, takes any fun out of it at all. Is ur DH doing well enuff to go home today??? I hope so He'll fell better and u'll feel better. I didn't mean u were there for a good time, but I hope u know what I mean.....

    OK ladies I did the impossible stupid thing I could do. I accepted a friend fro Afghanistan, he's stuck there for medical reasons, on highly silent work and nice looking too. We've been talking more and more and he thinks I'm going to fall for this chit Why am I so mean??? Well I thought there doing this to so many women, why not let them waste there time thinking they are doing it for another woman. Sounds stupid I know, but u know how I am.

    OK shower time and getting ready for lunch.Weather is good so far so I hope it stays that way.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Cami, actually there is at least one winery in every state!. It made the national news several years ago when someone opened the first winery in one of the Dajotas-- in their garage if I recall correctly.

    Joining NM, Cami, where's the protein?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Hi friends- back from an early run to Sam's Club, to the midweek farmers market, and the PO box. To say I have some good food here is an understatement. Getting a few things done before I swim and on to the rest of my afternoon.

    New Mexico is doing really well with it's new infection rates. It is something like 0.7 now, and they wanted it below 1.5 but also know they are not doing as much testing as they had been. As of 2-3 weeks ago, they were testing both symptomatic and assymptomic people but there are not any testing supplies so they are back to those with symptoms or others who need it prior to getting a procedure done, etc. I expect we may hear something from our governor tomorrow on what may be happening after our current health orders expire end of August.

    NM- glad there was a medical professional there at the dock to check your mom out. I hope there are no more falls and that she will do okay on her own in the new place too. Hoping your week is going okay, hi to Silly Sadie.

    Cami- be careful with the on line strangers, lots of scamming going on. I constantly get requests on Facebook, but also on my professional page on Linked In, mostly by military doctors and generals? I don't do military work and don't accept as I think they are fake profiles, but made the mistake one time of accepting a invite from a surgeon that said he worked for my hospital client site here. But then he was trying to chat with me on the messenger and one thing I know is that busy doctor's are not looking to chit chat on any social media platform. Lately is it bitcoin traders trying to connect with me. Anyways, I can't believe you got yourself an overseas boyfriend, aren't the ones here enough for you girlfriend?

    Goldie- hoping your husband is getting discharged soon. The part of the Navajo nation I went to yesterday is an outlier about 30 min west of the city here, and it felt safe enough to go there to drop off and leave. I have not signed up to go out to Grants, Gallup or any other part of the bigger reservation where the really big problems have been this year. I think Canoncito where I went yesterday is doing okay, but they just have a big issue with water availability as does the larger reservation further west. There has been a lot in the news here about some work to get them running water out there and hope they do for so many reasons. I saw their little clinic and thought "wow, this is all they have for healthcare here." I got a nice note from the nurse manager yesterday too thanks us for the supplies. I did not go inside their clinic, just dropped off the supplies curbside and split. We have a lot of young medical students who take supplies for us for the native communities too. I saw that President Nez from the Navajo community was on the second night of the dem convention last night.

    Oh and you asked about my sister and her family. She is taking her MIL today for her second follow up with the orthopedic surgeon on her hip surgery and the MIL may be getting discharged end of August to return to her assisted living, but with a higher level of care. My sister also saw her partner a few weeks ago through a window at the rehab where she has been since last Nov, and they were not really able to communicate much outside of waving to each other. My sister sent me a photo by text of her partner and will just say the situation there continues to be a sad one. Thank you for asking about them.

    Chi and Beaver- I think there is a new fire in Napa as of late yesterday. Worried for the wineries there.

    Okay friends gotta run and back again soon.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    I haven't heard about Northern CA wildfires, but the dry season is in full swing...

    My best buddy from law school & his wife live just outside Moreno Valley, near Riverside/San Bernardino--but out there in the desert the sparse surrounding chaparral is a natural firebreak, so they're safe from everything except earthquakes.

    Those surprised that TX has a winery will be even more surprised to learn that it has more wineries than any states other than CA, WA, OR, NY or MI! (Yup, more than VA too). And like the W. Coast states, they're all vinifera (European varietal grapes, not hybrids, native labrusca or fruit) grape vineyards. First TX wine I ever had--in 1991 at Boudro's on San Antonio's Riverwalk--was a Cab. Sauv. from Llano Estacado. And Jazzy knows that one of the best sparklers in the U.S. is Gruet...from NM! (Love their brut rosé).

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Saw a news story about .Napa fire and wondered about the vines and wineries. Too much smoke can create grapes that makes smoky flavored wine.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Gives a whole new meaning to "fume blanc."

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, 😀😀

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Things in CA are worsening quickly. There are 30 major fires in CA right now, sounds like some of the worst in northern CA. My sister has a house in Newport Beach and also in Palm Springs and has talked about the fires between both locations. They are telling CA residents to have their cars parked and pointed to the road in case they need to evacuate quickly. Third plus year of devestating fires for CA.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    ボード「Funny Cat Gifs」のピン

  • veeder14
    veeder14 Member Posts: 273
    edited August 2020

    The Napa fire which is really 5 fires put together and covering several counties keeps getting larger with more mandatory evacuations. I’m up checking the news and are packed to go if we need to. Not sure what they do about the smoky conditions related to the grapes but major fires just keep happening here since 2017. I know wine is selling so maybe there’s a way to filter out the smoke smell in processing. Crush started last week so grapes are being picked on going.

    The entire San Francisco Bay Area is surrounded by fires started from lightening a couple of days ago. It’s pretty scary and with zero containment. Ok now, back to bed

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    OMG all the fires going on, they look terrible. And I thought the last few years have been awful for fires. Just hope they get them contained very soon. And I would think people keep their cars ready with things in them for a fast leave. I know u gals have a view of where they are, I have no idea. Just hoping people will be safe and their homes.

    Lori u must be home by now and I'm sure u feel much more comfortable and certainly hope ur DH is doing well. Lori u do an awful lot for being in ur position and I give u so very much credit.

    Beaver I see u know loads about wine too. Mixes well here.

    Sandy u sound <read> pretty well now I hope that's how u feel too. How is ur pain level???

    Jazzy ur sister still has her hands and heart full, this has to be horrible for her. Especially not being able to see closely about her partner. Jazzy oh I know this is a scammer, Joey hanged my email and other stuff too, I just thought I'd play along, but I don't know how much. For a man that's so busy with being in the service he has loads of time to be on here and I'm already tiring of this game. He should be asking for money pretty soon, we'll see.

    I had the best time with my sister and 3 of her girls who came. Her new home is magnificent. One of those 1,000,000.00 plus that she really designed and furnished on her own. 6 bathrooms, and tall ceilings with beautiful hanging chandeliers. A backyard with a pool and further down an enterance to waters for <get this Kim.> a kayak and a boat. We had a lovely lunch from Panera's and my sister and I didn't leave each other sides and looked at old pictures. Joey drove and he had a great time, they all went into the pool We got there about noon and got home about 7PM, really not knowing how late it was. It was funny tho anytime Lu and I just moved we'd hear a chorus of "ARE U 2 ALLRIGHT" We told them fine but someone always walked us to the bathroom, driving us nuts. Way to many steps to see upstairs or basement so Joe took some pics. for me. My sister hasn't seen those floors either.Our hair was the same style, WTF. My sister made me some food to take home and so did my niece. NO ONE ELSE IS TOUCHING IT, I'm a bitch I know;

    OK I can't believe it's Thursday already, these weeks fly by in some ways, hoping everyone good wishes and feeling good.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2020

    4 Wild fires raging in Colorado as well. None are really. contained. The one near Glewood Springs has closed I-70 in both directions through the Glenwood Canyon. There is also one in Grand County, near Fraser and RMNP. I'm not sure about evacuations, but the fires are affecting the air quality in Denver. The other night it smelled like smoke outside. They are asking people who live near fires areas to leave buckets of water out for the wild animals so they have water to drink. It is just so sad - I think 3 out of the 4 started by natural causes.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! A beautiful day shaping up for today. I do have to go in to work for a couple of hours to facilitate a pharmacy rep's talk about a new drug, but since the rep is having good food delivered and the facilitating is almost no work at all, it's practically getting paid to eat! Sadie says "Woof" to everyone and reminds everyone that her belly rub bank is always accepting donations! Cheeky little dog.

    Cammy Cat--pasta and sweets are good sources of calories. But what are you eating that has PROTEIN? Yup, Mom is stubborn. So was Dad. I've been told I inherited a touch of stubbornness. As for the friend from Afghanistan, as long as you know it's a scam, you never send money, and you enjoy stringing him along, I say go for it! Nothing like seeing a player get played!

    Beaver--thanks for the support!

    Jazzy--I think Mom will do well in the new place. It's all one level, so no stairs to worry about.Silly Sadie says "HI" back.Sounds like the MIL is recovering reasonably well, and not much change with the SIL. Window visits are hard, even when both parties have a phone and can talk and hear each other.

    Chi--I still have a hard time thinking about all the wineries in the US, still want to think of wineries as an Italian or German thing! The human mind is a funny machine.

    As if earthquakes weren't enough, now CA has to deal with wildfire season.So scary.

    Veeder14--back to bed? I'd be terrified! Way to scared to go back to bed!

    Cammy Cat--My goodness, it sounds like you had a wonderful visit! To have a private boat and kayak launch is the height of convenience and fun! I think I'm jealous! And the bathroom escorts and "ARE U 2 ALLRIGHT" calls must have been hilarious! Don't blame you for hoarding the good food, you get to relive all that visit with the leftovers!

    Thursday's Child

    An earthier Corpse Reviver inspired by Eartha Kitt



    Mezcal (non-smoky)



    Singani, Singani 63



    Aromatized wine, Cocchi Americano



    White grapefruit juice (pink will work)



    Absinthe, Copper & Kings Absinthe Superiore


    Maraschino cherry, Luxardo (garnish)


    Stir all but absinthe and cherry with ice. Strain into a chilled glass, rinsed with absinthe. Garnish with a Cherry.


    A couple pumps of an atomizer works best for the absinthe. Usually with citrus, you want to shake it, but this one has a better mouthfeel if it's stirred.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    We have a fire here in the Santa Fe National Forest this week too. Red skies this am


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Sandy, pretty much the only beauty I saw was the inside of my hotel room!

    NM, the people out here are completely opposite when it rains. They are scared to death and drive like theres a foot of snow on the ground. But then there are the idiots as well! Glad your mom is doing well, all considering. Ahhhh, getting paid to eat, can't beat that.

    CAMI OMG, dealing with that internet guy! I looked at him, yes very handsome, but I can tell you that is just a picture they pulled off the internet and not who you are talking to. But I'm not so sure this is a good idea. I know you are just playing with him. Has he asked you for money yet? Cuz that is where this is going, you know that right? Ok, we all want to know what you ate! I think I'm going to start a thread "Cami, what did you eat today?" So glad you got out with sister and nieces and with Joey! Sounds like a beautiful home.

    Jazzy, it is indeed a sad state of affairs how the Native Americans live. We drive through those big reservations when we go to Moab. Altho sad, thank you for the update on your SIL and her mom. This has to be so hard for your sister.

    Karen, our friends in Moab was telling me about the fires there in CO, and then in CA. So they are inbetween the 2 and told me how smokey it is there Utah from all the fires. It's pretty hazy here. The sun coming up this morning was bright orange through the smoke.

    Yes, we are home. My neighbor gave us a walker for DH to use. He's actually doing pretty good. Of course in pain, but he gets up and walks around every little while. I will have to watch him so he doesn't over do it. You all know I live out in the country, our road from the pavement to the house is a rough dirt road, 6 miles. Usually takes 20-30 minutes took almost an hour yesterday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Veeder, please stay safe! (I take it your "handle" comes from that particular mountain in or near wine country). Flashing back to that previous Napa/Sonoma/Lake/Mendocino super-fire a few years ago.

    Cami, so glad you got to hang with your sis! (Mine lives 800 miles away, so all we can do is talk or Zoom). Joining the "please eat some protein" bandwagon: can you get ricotta or hummus in your suburb? The ricotta, being cheese, might counteract some of the "dreadful D."

    With leftovers last night, my DOTD was Mumm Napa Brut Prestige. (I wonder if Mumm Napa is in the fire's path). Tonight will be a red, with the lamb chops I'm grilling.