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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Cami, 'tis better to have "loved and lost" have lost a s**tload of $. I am constantly tempted to have fun by stringing scammers & spammers along, but they're not worth it. Seems like I had a Nigerian prince e-mail me offering to lower my mortgage interest rate by 8 inches and 3 cup sizes.

    Well, got the bundle of mail...the letter from UIC Health turned out to be a Patient Satisfaction Survey.

    DOTD: I think I owe myself a mojito, or at least a faux-jito. My garden is overrun with mint!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    So with pan-seared Alaskan salmon, a 2017 Campet Pinot Noir (Pays d'Oc). Then for dessert, a sugar-free mojito with a capful of rum. Gotta live a little--it's hot out.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Clean Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Where am I??? Sandy it's just us, I've never seen this before. Oh this is scary. WOW.

    Sandy u seem pretty good tho, I hope that's what's happening.Yea Igot bored with that guy way to fast, cu he asked for money way to early and I already was forgetting my lies. The only truth was the kind of movies I liked and when it came to hobbies boy did I lie, I have none and of course I put down sweet things, reading, baking, gardening. I don't even know how to preheat this thing.

    Well my kids leave today and Joey and I are already with what we need. And actually a couple of his friends have DL;s so it should be fine. Plus my real guys are on alert just in case, but I'm sure we won't need them cu Joey now that he's older and bigger can easily pick me up. This is so silly, I used to babysit him all the time now it's the other way around. Time changes so much, being old ain't for sissies.

    Wondering how everyone is now so I'll check back latah.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    Cami, I am still here! Busy doing nothing. I did make an appointment for my colonoscopy. I had a good time laughing with the scheduler. She said she didn’t usually enjoy setting up these appointments. Gotta grab your entertainment where you can! The kids are coming for dinner tonight. I will have to clean up some around here before they arrive. We are still having issues with the cat. Now he is sneezing, his balance is off and one eye is almost totally closed. His regular vet said to stop the Prednisone for a few days and see if he gets any better. She does not think it is a brain tumor. He is eating some, but still under furniture and not particularly social

    It is raining here and very humid. My DS in Conroe (north of Houston) is prepping for the hurricane. She remembers Hurricane Ike. That storm was supposed to be not so bad, but she lost several trees And went days without power. Even though these storms are predicted days in advance, we never seem to get the strength and damage potential correct.

    Stay safe everyone and find your fun where you can!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2020

    Cami - I am still here as well! Is that cat in your meme helping with dishwashing?

    Sandy - Glad to hear you had a nice DOTD, not to mention yummy salmon. Hoping you receive some good news on Weds.

    NM - Healing thoughts for your Mom's ribs. Broke a couple ribs when I accidentally connected with the boom (horizontal support for the main mast on a sailboat) while sailing a number of years ago and remember that pain well. (Sailor's joke: It is called a boom for the noise it makes when it connects with the your head or another part of your body.)

    Not much going on here. We are back into the 90s again after several cooler days last week. Hope those folks who may be affected by the storms are well prepared. Depending on how it tracks, we may get some weather effects. As for DOTD - Time for my spiked coffee!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Looks like yesterdays post didn't post:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! We're supposed to get some good thunderbumpers this afternoon as a front moves through. I hope we do, I like watching t-storms, but even more I like the way the humidity gets cleared out. Storms used to make Sadie uneasy, but over the years she's reacted less and less to them. I think it's going to be a bit of a long day today, I didn't sleep well last night, tossing and turning, not really sure why. I guess lots of coffee is inmy future!

    Cammy Cat--Dick is having a hard time dealing with the upcoming move, I think. His daughter has pretty much taken over all his affairs, and based on the conversation I overheard the other afternoon, she's making all the decisions without taking his thoughts, feelings and opinions into much consideration. BUT, I don't know his situation, other than that his financial situation is very good, so I really shouldn't be making judgements. I think all this is harder on Mom than she lets on, too. She hasn't lived alone since the couple of years after Dad died, and I'm not sure how that's going to work out. Time will tell, I guess. Sadie says "thank you" for the woofs and belly rubs!

    Chi--how disappointing to get a survey instead of results! I'd be inclined to fill out the survey and make a point of how wrong it is to get that before the biopsy results!

    Mint Russki Ingredients

    Place twisted or crushed fresh mint leaves into a medium sized cocktail glass. Add frozen vodka, and ice if desired. Stir briefly.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day!The weather front came through yesterday, gave us a great thunder boomer for a few minutes, now it's cool and fallish. Sadie likes this much better, so do I!

    Got a call from Mom yesterday, she got the x-ray report, no broken or cracked ribs. Good news, since that means the pain is muscle pain and will heal up a lot quicker!

    Cammy Cat--it must be funny to think about taking care of Joey and now he's taking care of you! But so nice that you have each other. Enjoy your time together!

    Librarian--your poor kitty.What does the Vet think the problem is? Hoping your DS gets through hurricane season without any trouble this year.

    Celia--I've heard the Boom joke before, and it's still funny!


    Smooth Sailing


    • 1 ounce vodka
    • 1⁄2 ounce peach schnapps
    • 3 ounces orange juice
    • 1 dash grenadine
    • 1 slice lime (optional for garnish)


    • Blend together the vodka, schnapps, and orange juice, and pour over ice.
    • Float the grenadine on top and garnish with a slice of lime.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    7 Best Cat Gifs Of The Week 26th January 2016 We Love Best Cat ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I came back yesterday a couple of times, but then my stupid phone rang.

    JC and Celia it was so cute reading I'm here.

    JC the weekend is coming up on you, so excitement reigns. How is your DS doing??? And ur Kitty, what's happening.

    Celia, today my cat is cleaning the floor. I enjoy these gifs, And like the idea of spiked coffee, always did.It's supposed to be 97 today with humidity UGH Too much for me.

    Wow Kim ur mom is tough, I know it will heal faster but it still hurts. I hope ur mom and Dick settle in where they're planning. This has to be a difficult time for his kids too, but glad they are taking over.I think in no time at all ur mom will have her own group. I hope she'll be happy. Now u have cooler weather, but ours is getting hotter so far.

    Sandy as u know today is wednesday, so let us know.

    My kids left yesterday, and already it feels different. Joey is the usual, what can I do for you. He had his friend over for the nite and they had pizza so that's always their favorite. they could have that every nite, hmmm good idea. One thing Joey can't make well is scrambled eggs <which I like> BUT Joe says his friend makes them great. So he's in charge of that for me this week, if ur here u have to contribute, right???

    Hope every one has a good Hump day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Good morning my Lounge Lizards. I'm just super busy these days, having to do my stuff and DH's stuff. Taking care of him, myself, the house, the business, packing orders and taking those the PO that need to be mailed. On top of running to the bathroom when needed. The other day I had 2 accidents where I had to change clothes. Had a dentist appt. yesterday and had to make 2 emergency visits to Home Depot to use the restroom. Was so scared I wasn't going to make it, but I did. DH is coming along quite well, not near as bad as he was expecting. The walker has been a God send, he uses that all the time he is up.

    I haven't even read yet, so I will do that now and perhaps just respond to a few. If nothing else, I DO like to read.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Well alrighty then, doesn't look like anything earth shattering going on up in here. Everyone seems to be doing well, just the storms/hurricanes to worry about. So hoping all in the path do well and it's not so bad. Laura ended up being just a tropical storm when it passed over the Virgin Islands, in fact not much rain at all and some wind.

    NM, sorry to hear that you mom broke some ribs from her fall. Well now, I guess she didn't, that is good news. I guess just thankful that nothing worse happened. I too have noticed the shorter days......Waaaaaaa!

    Cami, I know you and Joey will have a great time. How the heck does one mess up scrambled eggs? So you are done with the new BF already? Did you unfriend or block him?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Laura is now a Cat 4--with an "unsurvivable" storm surge as its intro, going as far as 30 mi. north (all the way to I-10). Forecast is for the entire town of Lake Charles, LA to be completely under water. No joke--anyone here between Houston & NOLA, please make it as far north & west as you can. This will be as bad as, or worse than, Katrina.

    Cami, I wish Happy would learn to clean up his own vomit like your .gif kitty.

    No news today on the eye front. Biopsy results still not in--might not have gotten a big enough sample. (Upside is that means the tumor is small; downside is that I might have to go back and have another). The ocular onc. says everything is looking good. No tumor shrinkage yet, although cancer cell damage has begun. (The tumor should eventually shrink to about 40% of its original size, but all of it dead). I can discontinue the atropine drops and my pupil will begin reacting within a few days, with my eye looking normal by about 2 weeks. I only have to take the antibiotic & steroid drops twice a day, and can sleep without the plastic shield (and just close my eye when I wash my hair). Eyesight is improving, and I can start driving short distances in familiar places when the sun is not too bright.

    Bob is working late again tonight...and tomorrow. He's happy because the practice is picking up. He promises to be home for dinner Fri night--but it'll be too stormy to dine alfresco and I'm not willing to risk indoor dining just yet. (We have a wine dinner next Wed.). Assuming the city doesn't ban indoor dining (as the state has in both Will/Kankakee Counties and the downstate Metro East regions), it should be a bit safer than before: new state mandate is to wear a mask--whether indoors or out---whenever interacting with a server, including bus boys, removing it only to eat or drink. Still, hoping it's both cool & dry enough next week to dine outside.

    Not sure about DOTD today.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2020

    Yay!!! My hubs found this site. I don't know what happened but I lost you and this posting weeks ago, so hubs found it for me.

    All oK here, am seeing a doc in St Geo now and I (and hubs) like it better. Only 40 miles instead of 90 each way. Saw a Dry Neddle acupuncturist today, gonna try twice weekly for my back, I got a shot in my spine sev weeks ago, didnt last but a few days, hope this helps more.

    Anyway, been ungodly HOT (109) here, so now smoking in the office, have an air exchanger going so it helps alot with the odor.

    My granddaughter, Sofia, just turned 1 year old on the 3rd, I've seen her 2 x's this month, she is growing too dang fast...but we're loving every second with her.

    Hope all of my breasties are doing ok....I pray for you all...and LUBSLUBSLUBS ya'allHeart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Welcome "home," Sue! Stay cool!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Hi all, storm ready here and now just waiting but our very good friends are in Lake Charles, we’ve offered and they know they can come here but they are in a safe building 15ft above sea level, I’m hoping it’s enough.

    No DOTD tonight, just in case the wind becomes a problem and I need to react.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Illmae, may you stay safe. Our two DSs are in Magnolia and hunkering down. Said they would head our way if utilities go out for any period of time. What part of Houston are you in?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    beaverntx, I’m in NW Houston and fortunately the power lines in our neighborhood are underground. We’ve picked up things in the yard and have our storm shelter room ready.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Illimae, those underground power lines make such a difference!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Doing fine, Laura missed us

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Fall has definitely arrived here, at least for the time being. The breeze has a very nice feel to it.It makes for cuddling with Sadie at night very nice!

    Cammy Cat--Think that kitty will come clean my floors?I'm pretty sure Dick will settle in once he meets people and makes a few friends. Mom has a few friends that she will be able to see more often once she moves. As long as she can drive she'll be ok, but I can see that she probably won't able to drive safely many more years. The apartment she's going to move into is half of a duplex, and I'm hoping whoever moves into the other half is someone she can make friends with. I bet the house feels different with the kids away, and I'm betting you and Joey are having a grand time!

    Goldie--You certainly are busy right now! A few years ago I got Dick some "emergency underpants" as a gag Christmas gift--he now keeps a supply in his car and in Mom's--might be something to keep on hand just in case.

    Code Brown Commandos Emergency Underpants in a Can 3 Pairs - Instant Undies in Compact Tin Container - White Elephant Joke Gift - Funny Over The Hill Birthday Gag - Great Underwear for First Aid Kit

    Glad DH is coming along well!

    Chi--Glad to hear the eye is healing and life getting back to normal again. If people would only wear masks when appropriate, this would be so much easier, but they won't. Glad Bob's practice is picking up.

    Mema!!!So glad you found us again! Sofia must be growing like a weed! I bet you are enjoying every moment with her.

    Illi--glad you are storm ready. That storm is sound so frightening. I hope your friends will be safe.

    Morning, Beaver!

    Hurricane cocktail



    • 2 ounces light rum
    • 2 ounces dark rum
    • 1 ounce fresh lime juice
    • 1 ounce fresh orange juice
    • 1/2 ounce passion fruit purée
    • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
    • 1 barspoon grenadine
    • Garnish: orange wheel
    • Garnish: preserved cherry


    1. Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake.
    2. Strain into a large Hurricane glass over fresh ice.
    3. Garnish with an orange half-wheel and a preserved cherry.

    From <>s

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    Good morning, all! The cat is still a mess. We stopped the Prednisone to see if that was exacerbating the sinus/sneezing problem. Cat is still sneezing, so may restart the meds. One eye is totally closed and his balance is still wonky. Not sure we are doing the cat any favors, but DH is not willing to let him go.

    Sandy - Sorry the biopsy is inconclusive. Hope the healing continues and you are back to “normal” soon. You do have the best attitude! Positive, science based care with results.

    Cami - There is a trick to good scrambled eggs. I am still searching for it, but enjoy eating them often.

    NM - I wish it would be fall-like here! Probably be another couple of months before our temps go down. It will take time for both your Mom and brother to get settled. Big changes like that are difficult on a good day.

    Goldie - How I wish that Big D would clear up. My heart goes out to you.

    I have a restful day planned. My DS in Conroe, TX was not affected by the hurricane. Time to get my day started

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2020

    Happy, happy birthday Lori! I hope its a feel good day and everything you want it to be! :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Good morning friends- checking in here to see how everyone is doing. Been a busy week and talking to more people about work. Got an interview for something FT next Friday that looks interesting, but not totally sure at the right level. Got a few other things in the works and things seem to be picking up. Still busy with my collaboration volunteer work too.

    Temps are a little cooler here this week, some nice rain last night. Think our anemic monsoonal season may be back on some level. We may be finally dropping out of the higher temps next week and down into highs in the 80s, but won't assume the hot won't be back before summer is officially over.

    Thinking of everyone here who may be affected directly or indirectly by the fires, hurricane and other problems that seem to be prolific everywhere right now. Too hot, too dry, too much water, too little water, sigh.

    Goldie- good to hear your DH is on the mend and with the aid of a walker. I am sorry you are still having the D problems sister. Sending big hugs.

    You often ask about my sister and her MIL went back to assisted living yesterday from rehab. She seems pretty disoriented about what is happening now, but her dementia does not make it too easy for her to follow everything. She has been in assisted living, to the hospital a couple times, back and forth to rehab and back to assisted living now in less than two months. They gave her a Covid test right before she left and results came back just in time to confirm she is negative so she won't have to quaruntine for two weeks upon arrival back to where she lives. I hope she can continue to recover.

    ChiSandy- I think waiting on path or other test results are one of the very worst part of things. I hope that they got enough sample so that you get a good answer about what is going on with your eye. It sounds like you are continuing to heal and vision is improving. Fingers crossed for good outcomes.

    Ill- I know the storm has gone on shore in LA and it looks like it is heading north. That does not mean you are not getting some of this in Houston based on the size of that thing. Let us know how you are doing when you can!

    Mema- you are back. Glad you found a doctor that is closer for you. Happy birthday Sofia and stay cool. What a hot summer this has been, yuck.

    Cami- I hope you and Joey are holding down the fort. Maybe the friend can help him to learn about how to make good scrambled eggs. I like mine with a side of cottage cheese and freshly sliced tomato. Something I used to have out in CA when I went to visit my sister and it's called a Fishermans Breakfast. Hope you are doing okay this week and that your family is having a fun safe time elsewhere.

    Well, I went to the spa last night for the first time since before the pandemic. They reopened about a month ago and had their annual August anniversary special and decided I was going to go for a long overdue massage. I was able to get their hot tub available to for a soak before hand (used to be communal, now by reservation only). Loved that and the massage was awesome too. It felt safe and think massages and other body work that is not close to my face (aka facials) will be fine for the future. I do home facials and think I will be good with that for awhile.

    Celia C, Mistyeyes, NM, Teka, and everyone else, waving to you from New Mexico!

    Our numbers are really good here again and restaurants opening up inside again for 25% occupancy and churches up to 40%.

    Hope everyone is having a good Thursday!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    Illimae and JC, good to hear that you/your relatives were "missed" by Laura!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    We were very lucky here, even though I'm retired from dealing with roadway and flooding emergencies, it's just such a pain. I'd much rather waste some time getting ready, than trying to clean up for days. It was close though and my friends in Louisiana are ok.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Blog | A Cat's Blog | Cats Walk

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Ill- so glad to hear things are good your way. Lake Charles sounds like it's trashed. Sent a text to some people I worked with on a project last year to see if they are okay and hope to hear

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Hi ladies, Wow almost everyone is here and now I won't remember anything.

    Jazzy again Busy, Busy Busy good for you and great that u volunteer that must make u feel good. U do get the right message for cancer people right??? Or they are licensed for people who have had cancer, that's really the best.

    Lori u are way busy, I hope ur feeling all right. other than that horrible D, I hate that for you. I know u know but make sure ur potassium is holding up and ur hydration is good. Did they give u something that might help you. Well ur DH sounds like he's doing OK so that's some good news.

    OMG all this crazy weather, but Illi if u need u sound like your all set up for it, Glad u missed the worst part.

    Beaver u were in a good spot right???

    Kim u got cool fast. How's ur mom feeling now and I hope she has good neighbors, that's so important. And even tho Dick's kids made all his decisions u r fine with all of that right??? Give Sadie a good belly rub from me.

    SUSYQ u found us again. GOOD. Sound like ur doing good and shaving that much time off of travel sounds good. What a difference that'll make.

    JC ur poor Kitty, I don't blame ur DH I know how that feels and it's sad to have to even think about it. They should all live long like those parrots, not fair.

    Sandy ur doing pretty good, that great to hear. When is all this weather supposed to happen here. I saw some rain coming in but I didn't think it was supposed to be very bad. IDK but I hope ur plans can go ahead and u can enjoy urself.

    Joey's friend has been here a lot, but it's fine with me. Joey takes care of everything, including me. He starts home school next week, we'l again see how that goes and how long.

    Everyone have a good nite. I have to check FB soon to see if the real arguing has stopped. I dodged a bullit my sister who loves to debate stayed in and my cousins ponced on her and I couldn't help cuz I really don't know as much as they do. A debate should be just that, but they really played dirty, yea our cousins. We're not that close but still. I told her to just stop and she has so far.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Happy Birthday | Happy birthday cat, Happy birthday animals, Cat birthdayA BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI