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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Happy birthday, Lori!!!

    Cami, I'm getting déja vu from Aug. 10 about tomorrow--we're getting storms, and "enhanced risk" for them being severe; ch. 7 meteorologist said "a tornado cannot be ruled out." Oh, boy. You remember on the 10th the Chicago area had 15 tornadoes touch down, including an EF-1 just a mile north of me in Rogers Park. They're selling "I Survived the Rogers Park Tornado" T-shirts to raise money to plant trees to replace the ones uprooted by the twister. Anyway, Bob will be home in time for dinner tomorrow...but I'll have to cook it or order out, because al fresco restaurant dining is not happening in a storm (and I'm not ready for indoor dining except for a very, very special occasion like a wine dinner).

    The biopsy isn't necessarily "inconclusive," just that the results are not in yet. If the sample was too small, they may not go back in, just keep observing periodically to make sure the tumor eventually shrinks and doesn't grow bigger again. I have an online "ocular melanoma buddy" in the person of an Imerman Angels mentor--I'm also mentoring an IDC patient through that organization. His tumor was discovered 22 years ago as a choroidal nevus; they didn't biopsy it when it finally developed into a melanoma a year and a half ago. The location of my tumor makes it risky to do a wider repeat biopsy, lest it get cells into the bloodstream.

    Too close to bedtime for a DOTD--alcohol tends to disturb my sleep if I drink it too late.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Good morning friends- I am heading to an early morning car service, the first for this vehicle since last Nov. Because like, who is going anywhere?

    I grew up in southern CT and yesterday, there were severe storms and tornadoes along the coast line and up inland including to my home town. Tornadoes in CT you say? No there were never those things growing up there, but in the past few years there have been tornadoes there more regularly. My home town and one nearby had one just two years ago and saw the damage from that during my last visit there in 2018. The coastline got a big hit and many of the communities along coastal CT have many trees down, power lines down everywhere (huge number without power), flooding, and more. CT got some of the left over hurricane from earlier this month that came up the east coast and left a lot of damage, and many were without power for weeks. I hope the remnants of Laura don't go that direction.

    I am glad to hear our friends along the Gulf Coast here are okay. We have natural disasters from coast to coast including bad wildfires here in the west, hurricanes and tropical storms to the south and tornadoes on the east coast. 2020 is the gift that keeps on giving.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Clean your toilet with Alka-Seltzer. | Funny cat videos, Funny cats, Cat gif

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I love the look on that cats face. LOL

    Sandy ur right, I did forget. Well they're calling for rain but a cool down after and not to much around here, I hope. So still waiting or are u telling us something that I'm not understanding, let's face it sounds like me. Well start preparing earlier dinner, have to get the DOTD in.

    Jazzy, all the fires are just horrendous. All these poor people and the men fighting them. It's a mess. I pray all are safe and far enough away. There is so much turmoil all over the place that this is just adding a nitemare to everything.

    Not much more is happening today except I thought it was Saturday, these crazy days and they're not stopping. My mom use to say <in Italian> have patience my little one, or Dgtr, It really sounded better when she said it, but it still stands true today for so much.

    My phone has been going so I came back, hoping everyone has a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Welcome back from the land of the lost Lil Doity Butt. How in the world does one lose a website? Happy Birthday to your little Sophia and glad you don't have to drive so far. All of my appts have been via facetime, I love it!

    BabyGirl, glad you were missed by Laura.

    NM, funny you mentioned the emergency undies. I would need more than that! But I'm way ahead of you, I put a bottle of water, wash cloth, spare undies in a trash bag in the car. Thinking now I better put a pair of jeans in there. Have undies for DH too.

    JCS, still sorry you having problems with your furbaby.

    Jazzy, weather here about the same. A few sprinkles, hot and hoping for lower temps next week. Your sister's MIL has done a lot of bouncing around. That is what happened with my mom until we finally got her in the nursing home. Hmmmm, cottage cheese with scrambled eggs, not sure about that one, tomato yes.

    Cami, my MO has never mentioned my potassium being low. One time a few months ago my labs showed me dehydrated, so I got some stuff for that. It's tasteless electrolytes, you just put some in your water, I don't like Gatorade, Pedialite, etc. Don't like the ingredients. I'll add a little cran/raspberry juice to the water to add a little flavor and some sugar.

    See the source image

    Sandy, hopefully you get those results soon and they are good.

    Glad all my friends here escaped Laura and glad it wasn't called Lori....LOL. Still busy here, for me. I have cut back the dose on my meds, not gonna live that way. I also started taking the pills and dumping them in water. Didn't seem like they were disolving, I discovered that during one of my accidents, 2 in one day. Then the other day out shopping I had to make 2 emergency runs to Home Depot to use their restrooms, glad I made it each time, it was a little sketchy. We are waiting for a container to come in, once it does, I have close to 100 order to put out!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Oh, earlier there was some talk of the Redwoods, we were there in 2015. Here are a few to enjoy.

    That's me standing at the end of that fallen tree.









  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Fling Craft Cocktails Blood Orange Vodka SodaSomething different, sounds good to me over ice.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Cami, that "Fling" looks yummy. I think I will make Aperol spritzes for "happy hour." (Maybe make Bob's with hard seltzer). Gonna storm tonight, so will figure out what to cook for dinner (Bob is sleeping in, and I get the sinking feeling he will use that as an excuse to work late again tonight). Tomorrow & Sunday look to be cool(ish) and lovely, though. Meanwhile, it's not just a weather alert but an allergy-alert day: the trifecta of molds, ragweed and total weed pollens all high. Bless Nasalcrom & Nasacort! (And antihistamine eyedrops).

    Lori, I was relieved to hear that the fires spared most of the redwoods. I hope someday to be able to go back and revisit them--though the tent-camping, sleeping in bags on foam pads on the ground, of our youth simply will NOT be happening. Easier-to-set-up "pop-up" umbrella tents and lightweight cots may be the way to go, though. We found that the key to getting good sleep while tent-camping is to bring a real pillow from home, not one of those little camping or travel pillows.

    I will confess, BTW, that ever since the end of my third trimester of pregnancy 36 yrs ago I always use an incontinence pad in my undies. I've switched to "Always Discreet Boutique," which also offers leakproof panties. (The only problem is that some modern microfiber panties' crotches just won't allow the adhesive of a pee-pad or panty-liner to stick--so I won't wear those undies any longer than the couple of hours it takes to go out somewhere special).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! I worked overnight Thursday night, came home Friday ayem and crashed and slept until time to go pick up the Farmer's Market order (glad I set an alarm to remind me!), came home, put the goodies away, fell asleep watching TV until Sadie got me up to go to bed properly, and then she and I slept wonderfully all night long! Needless to say, I feel pretty good this ayem. It's cloudy and supposed to rain this weekend, which is actually good since I'm off work from the Nursing Home and teaching a test prep class instead this coming week and need to finish prepping. I'm looking forward to the change in pace and change in mental gears. And not having to wear a mask all day!

    I hope everyone in the way of the storm is doing ok and didn't get any damage or major inconvenience. The "unsurvivable storm surge" predictions I saw were very frightening. I haven't dared look at any reports to see what really happened.

    Librarian--Poor kitty! I hope things either sort themselves out or declare themselves one way or the other soon, for kitty's and DH's sake. You are right, it is going to take time for people to get settled. Lots of big changes going on.

    Morning, Karen!

    Happy Birthday, Lori!

    Jazzy--sister's MIL will need a little time to resettle now that she's back inAssisted Living. Any kind of change is hard for someone with dementia, and that many changes in so short a time is positively disorienting and upsetting. Being back in her familiar surroundings and routine will be a big help. So glad you got some spa time in! I really have to find myself something like that around here, it sounds so wonderful!

    Morning, Beaver!

    Illi--Wow, that was a close shave!

    Cammy Cat--It did cool off fast here, that's often the way it happens. Miserably hot and sticky to cool and breezy literally overnight. I hope Mom gets good neighbors, too. I don't really like the way Dick's daughter is moving in and taking over his life, but it's not my place to even have an opinion, let alone make any judgements. He clearly can't manage it all by himself, but I do think he could manage many more of the choices if given enough time to process info. But, again, not my place, not may concern. So I'm keeping quiet. Sadie says WOOF for the belly rubs, she loves your belly rubs almost as much as she loves mine!

    Chi--the very idea of being only a mile away from atornado terrifies me! I bet having and being a mentor is a lot of comfort and a great source of information. Still praying for as good a biopsy result as possible and rapid healing for you.

    Jazzy-- it truly has been an active weather year, hasn't it? Like you said, coast to coast disasters. Maybe it really is the end of the world?

    Cammy Cat--having patience is a wonderful thing,your mother was right about that. I just wish it wasn't so hard to hold onto patience!

    Goldie--It seems as we get older that we do resemble small children more and more. Babies need diaper bags full of emergency supplies. Now we needcar stashes of emergency supplies, and many of the same supplies as go in a diaper bag!

    WOW! Those pics are AMAZING!

    Cammy Cat--that is something different, and it sounds good to me, too!

    Chi--I would consider camping with a pop up tent and camp cots, but not a pup tent and sleeping on the ground like my family did when I was growing up. But it's been a very, very long time since I've been camping.

    Summer Storm


    1. Combine all ingredients in a Cheater Tin
    2. Dry Shake all ingredients for 15 seconds
    3. Add Ice
    4. Shake again to chill and Dilute
    5. Fine strain into a bucket glass filled with fresh ice

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Made jt to Cellars for dinner last night--storms never materialized. DsOTD were (with dinner) Lonng Little Dog rosé (Vin de Pays d'Oc) 2019; and at home as dessert, my first Aperol spritz in over a year!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I thought it was supposed to be dark and rainy today, like it was yesterday, but the sun is shining quite brightly this ayem. The computer or the internet is giving me trouble this ayem, not sure which. I keep getting "unable" messages--can't find the server, can't load the page, secure connection failed, taking forever to even try. I've done all the usual shutting down and restarting, but it's still going on. So I guess today will be a minimal use of internet day. In fact, I've been typing this note in OneNote while waiting for the BCO site to open up our thread. It's been something like 3 minutes already and still working on it. Maybe it's time to make a second cup of coffee and take it out on the back deck with a book and let the technology sort itself out!

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--glad the storms held off for you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Contemplating the Cat | UCL Researchers in Museums

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    WOW Lori those pics are amazing and u look like a little person <very little> How beautiful they are. Oh Lori having that damn D is to long. But it's true u have to have a lot of gear when u go out. It's a PITA in more than one way for sure, no matter what u eat it doesn't help.I've told u the only thing that stopped mine were the codeine and morphine and I'd rather take this than have D all the time. I hope it starts easing up for you. OK scrambled eggs and cottage cheese, I don't think so, but for the most part I can mix that with any fruit or jello.

    Kim u must have been exhausted <I'm not saying anything>. And of course ur right about any decisions made for Dick, there's nothing u can do. But if u were in charge everything would work out better, I know. Good thing Sadie got u to bed, see how she takes care of you. I'm jelly about that.

    Sandy did I miss something. I don't remember about hearing any news about ur procedure and what's going on. Your DH sounds super busy, which doesn't make me happy actually. But he must love what he does.

    Teka, Beaver, Illi, JC, Celia and busy, busy Jazzy Hope ur Sunday is good.

    My kids will be coming home this afternoon, again I have to say I really didn't miss them much. Joey and I had a great time, even tho his friend kind of moved in, it was fine with me. They love movies, books and some games. So I know he wasn't bored. Now of course the house has to be cleaned. Jodie will be here soon. She had an emergency with her plumbing yesterday and she freaks out cuz of the money and crap. So I asked Bob about it and he went right over there and fixed everything for nothing. I told him not to do that, then he went to my GF and fixed her problem for nothing. He's such a good guy. At this stage of my life God has blessed me with him and Dan. But I actually talk to him much more, he doesn't have little kids, so he does have more time.

    Happy Sunday everyone.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Good morning friends- happy Funday Sunday. The shift in the air I am always waiting for here in late August has come and this morning it was cool and had the feeling of fall moving in. I love this time of the year just for that very reason and this August has been HOT with some temps to 100 which is not a typical thing. But it is cooling down now with some monsoonal rains that have returned and this week it should only be in the 80s for a high. September is my favorite month here, and it's right around the corner. I bought a bunch of plants to give my yard a late summer facelift, including a plethora of mums that I am working to integrate in the pots and gardens.

    My yoga class got cancelled this morning, and I was going to go to a big outdoor sale with my fav thrift shop, but decided instead of doing all that, I am going to stay at home today for the most part and work on the yard and garden. I have some green chili stew I am going to make with some fresh roasted green chili (now the season) and some gazpacho soup too. YUM!

    Cami- I am glad you had some good company with Joey and the friend. You crack me up with the "I really haven't missed them" comment too. I think with all the together time families have had this year, everyone can use a break. So glad Bob was able to come help with the plumbiong problem and for free too. Your boyfriends always watching out for you.

    NM- sounds like a busy end of the week for you. I love the farmers market this time of the year and using up some things from my last visit but may go again midweek this week. Hope you got some yummies. Hope you and Sadie are having a nice weekend and maybe there is some water activity going on today.

    I have been following the story on my home town and the tornado. Seems that New England is having more of these and think it's related to our ever changes climate. Lots of clean up to deal with in the eleven miles that it traveled, but heard my people got their power back with the help of Canadian companies that came down to help. There were no injuries and no deaths (it was an EF1) but they will have a lot to clean up now for awhile.

    Goldie- love the photos and have not been to that area of Cali yet, but heard a lot was saved. Hope DH is continuing to heal well and your D is a bit better this weekend.

    My sister's MIL was moved to this assisted living from TX a year ago and had done very well there, but we both think that when she had to self isolate in her assisted living, she lost a lot of her mobility and that is why she fell and broke her hip after the allowed them out to move around again. More collateral damage from the pandemic, which has been so hard for the elders. The MIL has a heart condition and was offered some type of procedure a few years ago but she said no to it and think her surgery was a lot for her 90 year old body. I hope that she will be able to settle in back to her assisted living now and be okay for awhile. But I also know having been through this with our mother that sometimes these things just increase in frequency until something cannot be recovered from.

    Chi- it sounds like you are still waiting on your results. Been almost two weeks and hope you hear something soon. Continuing to think good thoughts for good outcomes on all this.

    Ill- hope you are doing well this weekend. Enjoyed seeing your post on the gardening thread and as that is one of my fav hobbies, happy to help. I have done a lot of trial and error in drier climates figuring out what can survive and even thrive. Anything good to eat this weekend?

    Teka- hope it's a nice weekend in north country.

    CeliaC, Mistyeyes, Karen, MinusTwo- hope your weekend is going well.

    Hard to believe Labor Day weekend is already here. No big plans but may take a little day trip somewhere next Monday. Labor Day weekend is my favorite summer weekend, but like all the other holidays this year, we just modify our plans in the pandemic.

    Have a good day ladies and stay well!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2020

    Morning DahhhLinKs,

    Good to see that most are doing OK even with the storms, it's still ungodly hot here, 110 and above some days.

    Well I fell again today gettin out of the shower, thank goodness hubs was home and he helped me get up. I feel like such a wuss.

    I think my Bella babie is gettin better. she is using that back leg more and more so we're hoping the glucosamine works so we won't have to put her down.

    I'm still trying to get a pic of Sofia transfered to this site so ya'll can see her.

    well, gotta go, miss ya'll and LUBSLUBSLUBS YA'LL

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited August 2020

    Jazzy, I’m doing good, it’s a relaxed weekend. Thanks so much for the gardening tips, I’m a planner, so trying to get a jump on things.

    I had tacos yesterday (1 beef, 1 shredded chicken), they were delicious. I picked up curbside from a local restaurant and oh boy was it good, I had even forgot the goodness of chips/salsa. It’s like tasting everything for the first time again.

    I have CT and Bone scans tomorrow, results on Tuesday, feeling ok about it. No new issues or pain but waiting is always a little nerve racking.

    How everyone is doing well.

    Happy belated birthday Goldie, love the pics :)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    In your pocket for the scans, Ilona!

    Fantastic pics, Lori! (not posting mine, not that there's anything amiss--will wait till my eye looks absolutely normal. Getting there).

    Cami, what I had was a surgery to insert a little 24K gold plaque--looks like an old-school beer-bottle cap--lined with radioactive iodine seeds--sutured against the eyewall directly below the tumor; followed 4 days later by surgery to remove it. No, I didn't get to keep the plaque: the seeds get reused for the next patient, and the gold gets melted down. UIC Radiation Oncology actually uses a physicist to calculate the size of the plaque, number of seeds, and angle of implantation. Makes this little STEM-challenged ex-English major's head spin just to think about it.

    Jazzy, hoping for the best for your sister's MIL.

    DOTD: cava with my brunch Benedict & salad. Letting the espresso machine heat up for Bob's and my after-brunch lattes. BBQ tonight, but will drink just seltzer--too loopy already (had a glass-and-a-half of cava. Bad Sandy).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited August 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday! I've got to admit to being a little nervous about teaching the test prep class at a new location. This one is more local, so only 20 drive time compared to the 1 hour I usually have. I know it will be fine once I get there and get set up. Sadie is telling me that I'm being silly to be nervous just because I haven't had a class for almost a year. She also suggested I take her with me, but I didn't think to check the college's pet policy, so I better not take her today!

    Cammy Cat--Yes, the world would run better if everyone would let me take over, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. And Sadie does take good care of me! And good for you getting Jodie taken care of! Sounds like you and Joey and his friend have had a great time, and that is a very good thing.

    Jazzy--sorry the yoga class was cancelled, but it sounds like your Plan B is just great! There do seem to be more tornadoes in New England than there used to be. Fortunately, they don't tend to be any bigger than EF1 and injuries are very rare. Power outages, however, are a totally different story. Your sister's MIL is one of the many suffering collateral damage from the virus. It takes so little time for an elder to lose mobility and strength, and it's so much harder for them to get it back after.

    Mema--Glad you weren't hurt when you fell.And glad to hear Bella is doing better.

    Illi--glad to hear you are enjoying food so much! Prayers for good scan results.

    Chi--that plaque treatment sounds more complicated every time you talk about it!

    In honor of most of the schools in Maine opening today:

    Back to School-tini


    • 2 ounces Titos vodka
    • 1/2 oz Malibu Coconut Rum
    • 1/2 oz apple juice
    • Splash of Grenadine
    • apple slice for garnish


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice.
    2. Pour in the vodka, coconut rum, and apple juice. Add a splash of Grenadine.
    3. Shake well and strain into a martinis glass.
    4. Garnish with an apple slice.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    Mema- I am sorry about your fall friend. I hope there is nothing lingering from that but think you may be a bit sore today and tomorrow. Feel better friend.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020

    Dancing Cat GIF | Gfycat

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited August 2020

    Oh Boy! Another month closer to this crazy year being over. I do wish the violence in the various cities would stop. There was a small protest here over the weekend, but all was peaceful. There was also a very large “pool party” at one of the college apartment complexes. The police did shut it down for too many people, no masks and no social distancing. The COVID-19 numbers have gone up since our state university opened up with on-campus living. Now that the students are back restaurants and stores are definitely more crowded.

    Goldie, sorry I missed your birthday. Loved the pics of the redwoods. I do wish I could go there to see them in all their glory. Maybe some day!

    Not much going on this week. I need to get out in the yard to pull weeds, edge and tidy up. It is still really hot so pretty sure that is not going to happen! I am so lazy anymore. I need to get some projects on the calendar! I will let you know when I come up with something.

    Take care!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2020


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2020

    JCS- I think the various school openings are a national experiment, depending on where you live. Here in New Mexico, most of our K-12 schools are remote, some have decided to stay there through end of year as it is too hard for teachers to shift gears and move to in classroom. Everyone I know who has had to adapt to on line teaching said it was a hurdle, but they did it but going back and forth is way too hard. The universities here are mostly remote too. I hope if rates go up, other decisions can be made.

    Oh and parties, my sister got invited to one in Las Vegas with some good friends, but conflicted about going. She is wanting to see friends but also knows it is probably not a good idea. I told her to get all the info about infection rates, how many are invited to the party, etc. I know these particular friends have some big blow out parties. She has her partner and MIL to watch out for along with herself. There are many starting to talk about what they will do for the holidays this year. No out of state travel, visitors or parties for this girl this year.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2020

    Hello Loungettes, sorry I haven't been posting much lately, just been too busy, with more than what I can do in a day! DH is coming along well, but it will be long process. Thank you all again for the lovely birthday wishes.

    BabyGirl, good luck with everything today and tomorrow, glad you are feeling good about things and looking forward to more eating!

    Sue, can't wait to see a pic of Sophia and glad Bella is doing better. Been a really hot summer here too. Oh my, and you fell again? GIRL, what to do with you! Do you have grab bars? DH wants to put some in our shower for him.

    NM, don't doubt yourself about the class, I'm sure you will rock it, you always do.

    JCS, I think things will continue to get worse as more things keep opening and with the schools especially. The Redwoods are truely breathtaking.

    Cami, I'm telling you Ctrl/Z works. I've even used it in other applications. Did the kids get home? Looks like they had a wonderful time.

    Jazzy, I think you are one of the bizziest goils I know! You sure make the most of a day. Good advice for your sister, I hope she takes it. As for travel, I know I'm a bit nervous about flying to MI the end of Sept....yikes!

    Gotta run, lots to do, on top of trying to get some canning in. Zucchini relish today. I grated it with the onions last night and it's sitting in the fridge with salt on it to draw the water out. Sorry (again) for not replying to all.

    Happy Monkey Day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    I don't get all the COVIDiots partying their keisters off and saying mask mandates violate their "freedom." Maybe it's my being nearly 70 and having had cancer twice over, but perhaps they don't appreciate just how precious life is--and how many more years they'd have (eventually, living "free") if only they don't waste that chance because they can't delay gratification.

    Didn't feel like alcohol tonight. My eye is healing more slowly than I'd expected and I have to resume using the prednisone drops twice a day for yet another week. (Today was supposed to be my first drop-free day). Then next week, once daily. At least I have permission to use artificial tears.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! First day of class went well yesterday, which is good, cuz the rest of the day was a bit of a bust. I stopped to get some donuts for class, put my wallet on top of the car while I was opening it up and putting in the donuts, then drove off with the wallet still on top of the car. I did see/hear it fall off but didn't realize what it was until I got to the school. Went back looking for it, but I lost it in a part of town that is sketchy, so the chances of my seeing the wallet again are pretty small. I've already gotten the debit card and gas card shut off, and I'm praying that the $200+ in cash ends up doing someone some good. Today I can activate the new debit card and start the driver's license replacement process, and then replacing all the loyalty cards and such. What a pain in the anatomy! Sadie told me that I need to quit being stupid and stop taking my wallet out of my purse, to carry it in my purse, especially when I know I'm going to come out with full hands. She has a point!

    Librarian--it's going to interesting to see how the college and university opening will affect COVID numbers. There are positive cases here in Maine, and students who have already been disciplined for violating COVID rules. On the news this morning was a university spokesperson advising positive testing college students to stay on campus and not go home and spread the virus to their family and community.

    Cammy Cat--oh no, the post eating gremlin bit you! So not fair! What are you eating for protein?

    Jazzy--I think you have a point about school openings being experimental in many areas. We really just do not know what to expect, particularly since testing children has been done so little up until now. Lots of assumptions were made early on about how readily kids catch/spread the virus, but no real data was collected. I guess we'll find out now. It's looking like the holidays are going to be very different this year.

    Goldie--nothing wrong with being busy, it means there is more to life than bc! Glad to hear DH is progressing, even if it will be a long process. Thanks for the positive words, first day of class did go well, it was just first day of class jitters. Have fun with the canning!

    Chi--I'm sorry to hear the eye isn't progressing as you wish. That must be frustrating.


    Lost Lake


    Serving: 1

    • 2 ounces Jamaican rum, preferably Appleton Signature Blend
    • 3/4 ounce lime juice
    • 1/2 ounce pineapple juice
    • 3/4 ounce passionfruit syrup
    • 1/4 ounce maraschino liqueur, preferably Luxardo
    • 1/4 ounce Campari

    Garnish: pineapple fronds, edible flower, cocktail umbrella


    1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing tin and shake with 1 cup of crushed ice.
    2. Roll all ingredients into a Collins glass.
    3. Top with an additional cup of crushed ice.
    4. Garnish with pineapple fronds, an edible flower and a cocktail umbrella.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Why Does My Cat Get the Zoomies After Pooping? – Meowingtons

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    . Oh I hate Mornin ladies,

    I'm baaaack Oh I hate Social Media, just thought I'd get that out of the way first.

    Kim Tuesday already,??? Yeow. Joey starts school today. His school doesnt require it but most are saying get up and get dressed and do this at a desk. He does stay buried in his room for so many hrs. tho, so I think he's going to start, he's always ready. Kim u make me LOL I'm eating now just on purpose but getting an upset stomach after sometimes. But my stomach is like a balloon, I'm disgusting believe me.

    Jeez I'm sorry Sandy about ur eye taking longer than expected, it has to start soon. wishing u luck and good results.

    I'm still so tired I have to stop, so I'll check in later.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Sandy, love the play on COVIDiots. This virus is going nowhere fast. The kids that think they are invincable, the ones that think it's all political, the high and mighty whose rights we denying. They just don't get it. Sorry things are taking longer than expected with your eye.

    OH NO NM, I'm so sorry about your wallet, darn it. Good way to look at it, that someone else needed the $200 more than you. Why are you carrying that much to begin with??? I did something similar, back when my DD was a baby. I carried her out to the car in one of those little rocking chairs with a handle. Put her in her car seat, but I had put that rocker on top of the roof. My neighbor saw me pull away and it go flying off the roof. Yep, you guessed it, she thought Jennifer was still in it!

    Cami, you are NOT disgusting, you have health issues. Joey will do just fine with his studies, he is one smart young man. Sorry you are tired the this morning, get some rest lady.

    I made 7 half pints of salsa. I put a note on a local FB page that I was looking for some zucchini, growing zucchini you usually have a bunch that you don't need. So looking if anyone has some to give away, the bigger the better! I picked some up the next day. Also made my zucchini boats, that I LOVE.



    This kind of seat.

    See the source image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    KIM, I can't get my mind off your donuts. It's been 18 months (!) since I've had one. If ever I do give in, it's gonna be Do-Rite, Stan's, or a chocolate-iced cream-filled (not custard) from Krispy Kreme. Cake donuts and Dunkin' (sorry, you Boston gals) just don't do it for me.

    Cooler out today, rain predicted--so a nice latte or cappuccino is on tap today. Wine will depend on what Bob brings home or I cook. (Bubbles with the arancini, of course--sparkling wine, the drier the better, with anything deep-fried & crunchy; conversely, with soup as well).

    Seeing a bit more of my sclera (white) steps! Saline drops do help, and I'm glad I've been cleared to use them.