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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Another lovely day shaping up here. Sadie and I had a good day yesterday, got a lot of junk cleaned out of the garage and into the dumpster, played around with the new Instant Pot, that thing is more useful than I imagined, and now I wish I hadn't waited so long to get one! Spent a lovely afternoon on the deck reading while Sadie supervised the neighborhood.

    Librarian--sounds like you were quite the feminist, indeed! So sorry to hear about Earle. That is such a hard part of sharing our lives with pets. I'm glad it was peaceful, and I'm sure Earle is grateful both for his life filled with love and the loving release from illness. I, for one, truly believe we will see our pets in Heaven. It is getting to the point where we have to start doing some pre-covid normal things again, but with precautions. It's not risk-free, but life isn't risk-free.

    Cammy Cat--I am shaking my head at you, but that's because I am so different about wanting to know details. I'm glad you are eating some carbs, but I want to know specifically what protein you are eating, so spill! There are elements in protein that are not in carbs that the body needs to maintain itself. Make sure you give your body what it needs!

    Illi--Your description of the encounter with the bank teller reminds me of the beginning of The Handmaid's Tale, when all the women's money was given to the control of her husband or nearest male relative. Glad he was taught better, but annoying for you to have to deal with.

    Goldie--yes, the garage door incident was a couple weeks ago. I hit the remote to open the door, buckled up and started up Pearl, but didn't look before moving like I usually do. The door opener is a bit slow, I usually have to wait a few moments before it's clear move, and had driven in rather than backing in, so didn't see the door, and didn't look, and BANG, CRUNCH. Needless to say the garage door doesn't work anymore! Need to get it replaced before the weather really turns. It's ok leaving it open for now, but we all know what is coming. Why does summer seem to go by so much faster than winter????I remember those pics, quite a good result! Too bad this year isn't going as well. Boy, you were busy Thursday! I bet it feels good to get all that done, though.

    Jazzy--Good luck with the Zoom interview! Now that you mention it, my first car loan was not co-signed, but that was after I graduated from college. Sometimes things not working out is for the better, like your condo experience. What did proving you had a Master's Degree have to do with buying a condo, anyway? I do wonder if men go through this kind of grief. And it does still happen, when I go car shopping I used to take my brother with me, the sales peoplewould talk to him and pretty much ignore me, until they asked if he was interested in buying and he would tell them "Talk to my sister, she's the one buying, I'm just keeping her company." The looks on their faces was usually priceless!

    Chi--I never thought about checking to see if Eatily was online!I'll check it out today.

    Morning, Illi!

    The Asbury Hotel

    The Asbury Hotel's Asbury No. 1

    What you'll need:


    Put all ingredients, minus the club soda, into the shaker. Add ice and shake for about 15 seconds. Strain over fresh ice into a Collins glass and top with the club soda. Garnish with a freshly cut lime wedge & enjoy.

    Note: If you can't buy watermelon juice it's easy to extract yourself. You don't need a fancy juicer, just a blender. Scoop the watermelon into the blender, blend for about thirty seconds, and ta-da! You've made watermelon juice.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, how'd that Zoom meeting go?

    BabyGirl, I was diagnosed in 2008, had lumpectomy, and did radiation and chemo at that time, then 5 years on Arimidex. Mets to the hip in 2014, so I suppose I was considered NED up until 2014? But never since then. I did 5 years on Xeloda, H/F is not fun, but I guess it's better than the alternative. Not everyone gets it, or they don't get it bad, I got it bad.

    NM, my step DD and her DH have an Instant Pot and use it all the time. I got me a Ninja Foodie, I think they are similar. Mine, pressure cooks, air fries, slow cook and I think you can bake in it. Well, sorry about the garage door, that's a bummer. Not the way to get motivated to clean it out! Enjoy the long weekend.

    I did absolutely nothing yesterday, just no energy or motivation. Now to get back at it today! Especially since I have people that will be here around 9:30!

    Wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    73 Good Morning Wishes for Cat Lovers

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2020

    Morn'n DahhLinks

    I found this page lickedy split. Hope all are doing OK, I'm going thru Dry Needling 2x's a week from a PT here in town, so far so good. Had some needles on my right side and then my left, yest was my neck to try and keep the headaches down. We,ll see soon if it works.

    Been hotter than a witches tit, 110 and higher. But doing OK. D.H does most of the grocery shopping, for that I am greatful. I think I'll keep him...LOL.

    My son has been out here 3 times with his daug, Sofia. Been having lots of fun with her. She turn 1 yoa on Aug 1,,,,already walking and jabbering. Loves to play 'pattky-cake' with her old granny. Grandpa has bought 3 widdle toys and she of course loves them.

    Still praying for all ya'll and lubslubslubslubs ya!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    MemaSue, I've heard a "witch's tit" used in the context of "colder than a..." Depends on which witch. eh?

    Kim, go to (a pun on 'eat"+"Italy"--drop the "i" and there you are).

    I'm spending most of my time either feeding cats (especially Happy, who gets tummy pain & pukes if his stomach is empty) or being a cat-rest (Happy again, who insists on sitting on me as I try to eat, type or do crosswords).

    We're grilling Wagyu bacon-cheeseburgers tonight, as the weather is great and will be so for the last time until Thurs. or Fri. Tomorrow Bob wants a great steak dinner, but the places we'd want (tented outdoor dining, self-parking) are booked up. On the fence over whether I want to drink, since I realize that my lower body weight makes alcohol a bit more potent than I prefer. (I must be the only one on this thread who doesn't like the "buzz")!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Sandy, you are not a loner, I don't like the buzz either.

    DOTD here was a glass of Ken Volk Grenache Noir with homemade pizza.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    DOTD was a cappuccino in late afternoon and a can of grapefruit Bubly with the burgers. Sat out on the deck after dark, but my next-door neighbor couldn't get the sound on his movie rig to work even loud enough for his kids (much less neighbors on either side) to hear clearly.

    NBC is running the SNL episode hosted by Chadwick Boseman, so I might raise a glass (ok, an ounce or two) of actual bubbly--Mumm Napa Brut Prestige--in his memory as I watch.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morniing, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Another beautiful fall day shaping up here. Spend most of yesterday on the back deck reading and drinking coffee with Kahlua, spent the evening re-watching Downton Abby. Talk about things being different for women and not so very long ago, and not just in the U.S!It was cool enough overnight to make cuddling up to Sadie very welcome.

    Goldie--I think the Ninja Foodie and Instant Pot must be similar. Mine pressure cooks, slow cooks, steams, makes rice, soups, sautés, and according to the instructions, can do some baking. I got a small one, 3 quart, and it seems to be perfect for just me .What I like best so far is being able to cook meat still frozen. I cooked ribs that way Friday and they came out really tender. I've ordered a few accessories that I can see I will want, now I have to find a home for everything, which means decluttering some more of the kitchen cupboards and drawers, which is a good thing. Yeah, the garage door thing is a PIA, but it seems I need that level of motivation to get things done around the house these days.

    Cammy Cat--Oh, dear, the post eating Gremlin seems to have targeted Cammy! Keep up the good work keeping track of what you eat, I'm looking forward to seeing that info next post!

    Mema--I've heard of it being colder than a Witch's Tit and hotter than a Witch's Twat, but never hotter than a Witch's Tit! That must be pretty darn hot! Hope the treatment works on the headaches. Time with Sofia must be heavenly!

    Chi--I did find Eataly after spelling it wrong and put in an order. Going to try a few pastas and some pesto. Something new to look forward to! I didn't get anything perishable this time, I may try that sometime when I know for sure I'll be home to sign for it. You really are running the house for the convenience of the cats, aren't you? And you aren't alone, I don't really like the "buzz" either. I really do drink wine for the taste.

    Beaver--ah, homemade pizza!

    DOTD:Another part of the Witch's Anatomy:

    The Witch's Heart Cocktail – A dreamy, whimsical and magical Halloween Cocktail made with Blackberry Shimmery liqueur! Are you brave enough to drink The Witch's Heart?

    The Witch's Heart


    To make it easier, you can use Viniq instead)

    • Powdered dry ice optional
    • Martini glass to serve


    • Add about 1/2 - 1 tsp of powdered dry ice to the bottom of the glass (optional).
    • Place the apple brandy and purple shimmery liqueur in a shaker. Add 1 ice cube and shake for a few seconds to chill the drink. Strain the drink into a martini glass. Top up with more purple shimmery liqueur if necessary.
    • Pour 1 tsp of grenadine syrup, about an inch from the surface of the drink - the grenadine should sink to the bottom, creating a "bleeding" effect.
    • Add about 1/2 tsp of powdered dry ice on top and serve with a stirrer, so that your guests can stir the "potion" to create that shimmery, smoky effect.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morniing, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Another beautiful fall day shaping up here. Spend most of yesterday on the back deck reading and drinking coffee with Kahlua, spent the evening re-watching Downton Abby. Talk about things being different for women and not so very long ago, and not just in the U.S!It was cool enough overnight to make cuddling up to Sadie very welcome.

    Goldie--I think the Ninja Foodie and Instant Pot must be similar. Mine pressure cooks, slow cooks, steams, makes rice, soups, sautés, and according to the instructions, can do some baking. I got a small one, 3 quart, and it seems to be perfect for just me .What I like best so far is being able to cook meat still frozen. I cooked ribs that way Friday and they came out really tender. I've ordered a few accessories that I can see I will want, now I have to find a home for everything, which means decluttering some more of the kitchen cupboards and drawers, which is a good thing. Yeah, the garage door thing is a PIA, but it seems I need that level of motivation to get things done around the house these days.

    Cammy Cat--Oh, dear, the post eating Gremlin seems to have targeted Cammy! Keep up the good work keeping track of what you eat, I'm looking forward to seeing that info next post!

    Mema--I've heard of it being colder than a Witch's Tit and hotter than a Witch's Twat, but never hotter than a Witch's Tit! That must be pretty darn hot! Hope the treatment works on the headaches. Time with Sofia must be heavenly!

    Chi--I did find Eataly after spelling it wrong and put in an order. Going to try a few pastas and some pesto. Something new to look forward to! I didn't get anything perishable this time, I may try that sometime when I know for sure I'll be home to sign for it. You really are running the house for the convenience of the cats, aren't you? And you aren't alone, I don't really like the "buzz" either. I really do drink wine for the taste.

    Beaver--ah, homemade pizza!

    DOTD:Another part of the Witch's Anatomy:

    The Witch's Heart Cocktail – A dreamy, whimsical and magical Halloween Cocktail made with Blackberry Shimmery liqueur! Are you brave enough to drink The Witch's Heart?

    The Witch's Heart


    To make it easier, you can use Viniq instead)

    • Powdered dry ice optional
    • Martini glass to serve


    • Add about 1/2 - 1 tsp of powdered dry ice to the bottom of the glass (optional).
    • Place the apple brandy and purple shimmery liqueur in a shaker. Add 1 ice cube and shake for a few seconds to chill the drink. Strain the drink into a martini glass. Top up with more purple shimmery liqueur if necessary.
    • Pour 1 tsp of grenadine syrup, about an inch from the surface of the drink - the grenadine should sink to the bottom, creating a "bleeding" effect.
    • Add about 1/2 tsp of powdered dry ice on top and serve with a stirrer, so that your guests can stir the "potion" to create that shimmery, smoky effect.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Happy Sunday Funday friends- hope everyone's Labor Day weekend is going well. The west is back in to a heat wave and it was back in the 90s yesterday and going to push up to 100 today from what the weather app says. Will start cooling angain and then we are getting a cold front tues and in to wed with temp drop to 40s overnight and a high of 60s. Sounds like the northern mountains might get snow. I won't mind that cold snap, but expect it will stay hot out west through Sept. I am sure Goldie and Mema know what I speak of.

    The interview friday went really well. Three people on Zoom, good questions from them and had some for them as well. it was a good exchange information which is the way an interview should be. Sounds like they will finish interviews this week and then decide on an offer for who they want. I feel I can do this job and like working with these folks. I also got contacted mid last week about a really interesting position here as well working for a biotech start up. That could be great too and working through a recruiter on that one. She seems to think they will be very interested in my background and experience and hope to get an interview with them as well. Many of my fellow IT colleagues who have not been working since the pandemic started are getting back to work now, so things are finally picking up.

    Weekend is a quiet one with no social activities, but par for the course in the pandemic. I think a lot of people went out of town this weekend and are moving around again. Went to a lovely morning yoga class yesterday, swimming today. Working on getting some lingering home declutter projects done so things are in good shape as I return to work.

    Goldie - how did your gathering go?

    JCS- I am scolling back and think you had to put your beloved kitty down in the end. So sorry friend. Hugs.

    NM- hope you and Sadie are having a nice weekend. Is it cooling down there yet? That guy who asked for a copy of my Masters diploma clearly had never met a smart educated woman. I think in the 1980s, women were still breaking down a lot of barriers with their financial independence. I had some issues with car insurance stuff in my 20s too like ChiSandy, and then by the time I was 30 I had an executive position in a Fortune 500 corporation and perhaps was no longer seen as such a financial risk. I do not think men were put through these things as we were growing up, outside of the fact they had a hard time with car insurance stuff.

    ChiSandy- have you gotten your path results yet? I am not here all the time but have been watching and wondered if you got anything in the mail or a call?

    Mema- are you okay from your fall? I am so glad you have your Sofia cutie that has been visiting, along with your son

    Cami- hope you and the family are doing okay. I hope there is something tasty to eat this weekend. I got a pizza yesterday (along with a healthy salad), pepperoni and green chili. It's green chili season here so they are picking and roasting. Green chili goes on everything here and it is delicious on pizza. Wishing Joey a really good year. Our numbers here are really good now and know the Gov is going to decide about more schools opening and doing hybrid this coming week. I read the university here in ABQ (UNM) has been open for several weeks and so far so good.

    Beaver, Celia C, Misty, Ill, Karen, and everyone else, hope your weekend is going well.

    Time to get to some morning watering before the heat sets in. Hope everyone has a good day!

    P.S. I have a super funny video I want to post for the dog lovers here. Stay tuned.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    LDB, so happy to see you back, I miss my friends when they don't return. I sure hope the acupunture helps. I tried it for hot flashes long ago, did nothing. Email a pic of Sophia, if you can.

    NM, I had to chuckle at the "I need that level of motivation to get things done around the house these days." Could end up being some expensive motivation! I've looked at some of attachments for the Ninja, whoa....expensive! Mine is 5 quart I think. I did ribs in mine too, but not from frozen. That Witch's Heart sounds like it would be really sweet.

    Jazzy, I'm looking forward to those couple of cool days/nights, but then it's back to being hot! The "gathering" was actually a nurse from our dr's office, who thought her and her DH might be interested in our business. So we shall see. I imagine it will go no where.

    I have some cleaning to do, which when does that NOT happen! And I think I'll can some maters.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    101 record high in Denver on Saturday. Sunday anywhere 98-100, Monday the low 90s and Tuesdays in the high 30s and snow!! Gotta love Denver weather!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Here is some good clean barn yard fun for you

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited September 2020

    Hello all.

    JCS - Sorry to hear about your furbaby, Earle. What a great vet you have to provide a nice environment to send him across the rainbow bridge. Your trips to Charleston, mountains and Pawley's sound great. Enjoy!

    illi - Good for you in standing up to the banker! Glad to see you are able to once again eat some good meals.

    I had a paper route from age 13 through high school, so learned "business" & working with $ from this. My Dad helped me learn the banking side. Then, I studied Bookkeeping in high school, went on to major in Accounting and become a CPA. Having an older brother, I was always very competitive and truly felt anything he did, I could do and probably do even better. I was pretty vocal about women's rights even in high school. Going into an almost 95% male profession, which accounting was in the mid-70s, this served me well. Funny story - I rebelliously wore a seriously above the knee red dress to an on-campus interview with one of the big public accounting firms - needless to say, no job offer from them (nor did I really want to work for them after some of the questions asked in the interview).

    Karen - Congrats on your 43rd anniversary!

    Jazzy - Sending positive vibes to you on the job search.

    Cami - Keep sending those cat funnies. Lucky you, having to eat carbs when many of us are trying to avoid carbs.

    Am indulging in the sauce rather liberally this weekend, building up to DH's Birthday on the 7th and mine on the 8th. Had my usual spiked coffee mocha this AM and polished off orange juice spiked with mango pineapple vodka for brunch. Will probably have a Chambord spritzer with dinner.

    NM, Mema, Goldie, all those mentioned above and whomever has not been mentioned - enjoy the remainder of this long weekend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    No path results yet, but even if there were enough cells harvested to analyze, the location of the tumor (in the ciliary body) makes things either bad or grim. So I'm chosing to focus on the fact that the tumor was inadvertently discovered early enough to be much smaller than most ciliary body melanomas (which hide behind the iris and usually don't get discovered before becoming symptomatic) and therefore give me more years (hopefully) before mets--and maybe by then there would be effective systemic immunotherapies.

    Meanwhile, ignorance is bliss. My vision has improved dramatically since even last week, though those last couple of only partially-dissolved sutures are nasty little buggers, sharper than getting cat hairs or even stray lashes stuck in my eye. I can even see parts of them poking out the sclera. The ocular onc. says they should take 4-6 wks to finally disappear or work their way out into my tears, anywhere between Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur.

    UIC is finally adopting EPIC and MyChart--but it'll take a week to be e-mailed my authorization code to create an account to link to my other hospitals' MyChart portals. I imagine that if there are results, I'd find them there and then. But so far, not a peep from my ocular onc.

    Gonna storm tonight again, likely severe--so after the morning round of milder storms, I harvested all my ripe cherry tomatoes and all but the last two beefsteaks, just in case the plants get knocked over. Tonight's storm won't be another derecho but there should be some pretty high winds. It'll be cooler & calmer tomorrow. Tonight I'll either order out or defrost a couple of fish (salmon or cod) fillets to pan-sear (my HK hates coming in the morning after I cook fish indoors, so the stink will have dissipated by the time she returns on Tues.); have plenty of veggies to accompany them. Tomorrow Bob has to work, but he'll bring home a steak dinner he'll pick up curbside from The Palm.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Labor Day! I have a feeling I'm going to wish I did take the kayak out yesterday, this morning is starting with a lot of fog and clouds. Still, it may burn off. Yesterday was mostly sunny but quite breezy at times. Still, got to enjoy time on the deck and got some laundry done, so at least it wasn't a total loss. Sadie had a few lively conversations with the neighbor dogs during the afternoon, it was kind of funny to listen to.

    Jazzy--So glad the interview went well and the prospects look good. It's good to hear things are looking up in the IT world. It has cooled off here, temps getting into the 60's and 70's during the day, 50's and sometimes lower overnight, much less humidity, steady breeziness. High summer seems to drop into early fall at the flip of a switch here. Schools and universities have opened up here, there are some cases at the university level that seem to be handled pretty well, lots of variation in the grade and high schools with some schools delaying opening due to community covid activity. Numbers are low enough in Maine to make contact tracing major news whenever positive tests pop up. At least the attention is off nursing homes for the time being.

    Goldie--Yeah, that kind of motivation is going to be expensive! I need to find an equally effective but less costly way to motivate myself to cleaning up the house and garage. I don't know why it's such a struggle to get myself to actually do something I want so badly to be done. It's not that I don't have time.I looked at the bigger instant pot, but I already have a large crock pot, big enough to roast a chicken in, and thought the smaller one would be more practical. While I can and do make family sized batches of food and then eat them all week I do get tired of that sometimes and really need to add more variety to my diet. The accessories I ordered are pretty modest, a steamer basket, a sling thing for lifting bowls and such out, and a dragon steam diverter for the fun of it (and to keep the steam from going under the cupboard where I don't want it). There are some pretty expensive sets of accessories out there, but I'm going to wait and see if there is anything else I really would use, or don't have something in the house that would work as well for.

    Karen--WOW!! Now that is an extreme weather change! Talk about needing to dress in layers, from bathing suit to snow suit!

    Jazzy--TOO FUNNY!!!!!

    Celia--Good foryou wearing that above-the-knee, red dress to that interview! And for following your own wants for a vocation. Pineapple Mango Vodka in OJ sounds very tasty!

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--How did it happen that the tumor was discovered? I'm glad it was caught early, that does give you an edge, there. I'm not so happy with the ocular onc's office not getting the results back to you yet, this delay is just cruel to my way of thinking. The suture thing sounds absolutely horrible, I hope it doesn't take as long as 6 weeks to resolve.

    Royal Monday Morning Motivation


    • 1 ounce fresh grapefruit juice
    • 1 tablespoon raspberry preserves
    • Ice
    • 3 ounces chilled club soda
    • 2 ounces chilled Italian grapefruit soda, such as San Pellegrino Pompelmo

    How to Make It


    In a cocktail shaker, combine the grapefruit juice and preserves. Fill the shaker with ice and shake well. Strain into a chilled flute or coupe and top with both sodas.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning GIFs. 140 Beautiful Animated Pictures

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Happy Labor Day everyone- hope everyone has a nice day today, whether you are grilling in the back yard or just hanging out. I have some errand/shopping to do but plan to get back to some deep cleaning and work in the closets I started yesterday. It's going to be another hot one today with temps pushing 100 but then cooler by tomorrow and the rest of the week.

    Celia C- I love your story about the red dress! I wore a red knee length dress for my Zoom interview the other day. Red is my fav color and also a power color for me. I wore a below the knee length leather skirt back in the 1980s when working for a consulting group and got grief from a manager for it being inappropriate. It was a nicely tailored pencil skirt and wore a nice jacket with it. I got promoted later that year to a principal consultant and later recruited into an executive position before that year finished. That manager was really pissed I got that job offer too. But her skirt.......

    Chi- well it's a long time to wait for results. I think you are prepared for whatever they say, but I am still hoping for good outcomes and that they got this thing early what ever it is, and for good long term prognosis on this. Holding you in my prayers sister.

    And small world, I do a lot of consulting work in the EPIC space and actually went in with a bigger consulting team on an RFP in 2018 to be part of that UIC implementation. We did not get chosen, but expect that they must be getting ready to implement. Those new installs are usually a 2-3 project and honestly some of the most difficult work I have ever done. My healthcare group here got EPIC a couple years ago and love the MyChart features for checking labs, post visit reports, etc. It will be great if and when we get to the single source of truth for our healthcare history in one place some day......

    NM- I can imagine that your challenges for getting things finished with house clean out just has to do with time and energy. Who feels like doing this when you need some downtime between shifts? I think sometimes finding a pro to make the process easier is the way to go, I know several here who do it and can come in to help provide you with a home decluttering consultant to help ask questions about what should say or go? I googled and there are some in the Bangor area.....

    This was just on NPR yesterday and think it's really timely for us all. I am guilty of hanging on to things that were important to my mother, but have no value to me. After listening to this, I am going to start purging again (going in to the cabinets?) I am going ot put this on the decluttering thread too.

    Ill- what interesting things are you eating this weekend?

    Karen- I have a good friend who lives in Denver and have been hearing it is going to be a blast of winter up there. I know that probably means a hard freeze too. Do you garden? Cover what you can if you do. I know my garden is going continue to be plenty confused. I just did a facelift in the front yard last weekend as I thought we were done with the heat but now I see things tanking again and tell myself I am done trying in that space for the remainder of this year. Back yard gets morning light and less hits. I put all my potted mums in the shade.

    Goldie, Mistyeyes, Yoga, and everyone else here, hope your holiday weekend is going well.

    Time to get moving to my day. Hope everyone has a safe duration of the weekend and a good start to the short week!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    I'm still upset cuz of my post!!!

    JC I am truly sorry about ur furbaby, I'm sure ur DH is so too. That kind of happening always hurts me so.

    Celia u seem to have lots going on, keep it up.

    Illi keep getting better love to hear that.

    SusyQ is there any way u can post Sofia's pic. on here. And let us know how these needles are coming along.

    Good one Jazzy and always hoping u get the job u deserve.

    Hey Teka.

    Karen ur weather sounds silly crazy, worse than ours.

    Beaver nice choices, ur know how to pick wine.

    Sandy feeling like there is always something in ur eye has to be so annoying. UGH I have the I chart for my tests, the only thing is I don't ever understand them where as u would.

    Lori u always stay so busy, I don't know how u do it but u always do. Any more canning going on or is this about the end of it.

    Kim I just thought, I think u make up these names of drinks cuz how can u ever findwhat;'s apropos to our conversations. Hahaha the witches Tit, never heard of that like SusyQ's way but I'll take it.

    I want to visit FB, but on mine there is so much anger with what's going on, no debating, which I enjoy, just mean and put downs. Chit these are my family and friends. It's like ripping people apart, so sad. If u can get ur point across without belittling someone, that's how u do it. Oh well.

    Hope everyone as a good day and my stupid phone is really going.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, I made French bread pizzas on Saturday and Taco salad last night, both were great. No idea about tonight’s dinner, keeping my options open.

    Relaxed weekend for me but heading over to a friends today to see how DH and I can help, she recently returned from the hospital to find 3 broken windows. If DH can’t install new ones, we will likely pay for them. She just doesn’t have the money and I can’t let her live like that. It’s always something in life, I just feel super lucky to only have my cancer to worry about, not all the other stuff.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Kim, the tumor was discovered entirely by accident. I missed my usual annual dilated eye exam because my ophthalmologist first sold his practice & optical shop to another doc, went on vacation to Europe in late Jan., cancelled all appointments & elective procedures starting in March, and then decided to retire permanently. I woke up July 7 with a sudden large floater in my L eye; told Bob and he said that could be a retinal detachment. We have a good friend who's a retinologist, so I went to see him the next day. He examined the L eye and saw a small vitreous detachment (not serious) but suggested that since I was overdue, I should let him dilate & examine the R eye. That's how he found the tumor. He said melanoma was a possibility but it didn't seem to have the hallmarks of one. He suggested I see an ocular oncologist, and the best one in the city is at his alma mater--IL Eye & Ear Inst. at UIC Hospital. I saw the ocular onc. a week later; he did slit-lamp photography and ultrasound, and delivered the bad news that he was "95% sure" it was a melanoma. Its base is half on the ciliary body and half on the choroid, so the long-term prognosis is worse than if it were purely choroidal. But short-term I will have much less vision loss than if it were purely choroidal (behind the retina and closer to the optic nerve).

    It might even have been there at my last dilated exam in Jan. 2019, but much smaller and hidden behind the iris. Luckily, it was still discovered earlier and smaller than is usual for a ciliary body melanoma.

    Jazzy, glad IT seems to be rebounding and you have a shot at a great new job. My godson lost his IT job--but the day he got his first unemployment check he got a new coding job for a company that programs industrial robots.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy - thanks for the NPR link about Generational Clutter. GREAT read. Hope you don't mind if I post in on the 'decluttering' thread if you haven't already.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    If Bob really does bring home that steak dinner from the Palm, I will crack open a good Cab. Sauv. or super-Tuscan.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, that dog is lucky that bird didn't get ahold of him, they can do some damage! I'm so looking forward to those cooler temps tomorrow!

    Karen, I have a friend in Parker and see her posts of the strange weather there in CO.

    Celia, good for you on the short red dress! Happy Birthday to both you and your DH.

    Sandy, sorry those sutures are being difficult.

    NM, even tho you didn't get the kayak out, sounds like you and Sadie still had a nice relaxing day. If I only cooked for me, which I do most of the time, I too would opt for the small one. So far I have only made ribs and wings in mine.

    Cami, I do have more canning to do. Blanching/peeling and cutting up tomatoes today, I'll can them tomorrow. Sorry you are dealing with so much drama on FB. I just scroll on by. Mostly just political stuff with opinions, no fighting. You would be surprised at what cocktails you can find. What I do is just google, let's say "Witches Tit Cocktail"

    BabyGirl, so happy to hear of all your eats. The things we take for granted! So sorry about your neighbor, did they steal anything? And how nice of you and DH to help her out. Dealing with cancer, esp. stage IV is more than what one should deal with, especially when so young.

    Talked with my son the other day, he has hit 90 days sober and doing well. Going to AA meetings at least 3 times a week and he was doing some side work on the weekends. I keep forgetting to mention this. It's nice to see folks wearing masks, but I can't tell you how much I see people touching the outside of their masks, usually to adjust them, but sometimes not. If I do have to touch mine, usually cuz my nose is going to drip, I reach inside with a finger to adjust and never touch the outside and only touching the straps when removing or putting on.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Goldie, my friend will be ok, nothing stolen and only 1 window actually broken, I suspect her ex. Couldn’t get a window today, so DH will handle it tomorrow while I see MO about possible treatment change. Either way I’ll be drinking, lol

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Wow, Ilona, how bizarre it is to live in a time when we're thankful to have "only" our cancers to worry about! You and your DH are good souls to try and help your friend.

    DOTD (indeed, with a steak dinner Bob brought home from the Palm) was a 2011 "Casanova" Chianti Riserva from LaSpinetta winery (the one we visited in Tuscany in 2016).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Back to work for me today. Definitely not fun getting up in the dark, and yet, here we are. Yesterday was a very nice day. I'm glad I didn't take the kayak out, a front came through with some very gusty winds, it would not have been fun if it caught me on the water! Instead I got a lot of cleaning done in the kitchen and feel really good about the progress in that space. Sadie went back and forth between basking in the sun on the deck and lying on the kitchen floor right where I needed to be walking (or washing) and generally adding to my steps for that project. Gotta love the way she "helps"!

    Jazzy--my challenge with the clean out process is getting started each day. I don't have too much trouble with deciding what to keep and what to let go of, it's the getting moving initially that I stumble over. Yesterday I went back to an old trick of setting a timer for 5 minutes and cleaning steadily for that 5 minutes, then rewarding myself with 15 minutes of reading on the deck. It took several sessions, but I got the kitchen floor picked up, stuff put away and the floor washed for the first time in an embarrassingly long time. I'm only working part time, so I have more time at home than at work, so I really shouldn't be so far behind, but there it is. I'd rather escape into a book than deal with reality, I suppose. But I will look into the consultant thing, maybe that's the motivation (or accountability) I need. Thanks! That's a great article, and so true. I'm in that spot, I have a china set from my grandmother that I treasure, but have no idea what arrangements to make for when I am gone. No one else in the family is interested in the set, let alone the story that goes with it (which I need to get written down and put with the china). For now I still love seeing it in the china cabinet in the living room so there it will stay. Dad's memorabilia is easier to deal with, the historical society in the town where he grew up wants those items when I'm done with enjoying them.

    Cammy Cat--I don't make up those names--you can click on the link at the bottom of the drinks to see where I get them from! It's fun finding a drink that reflects something in the recent posts. FB is getting hard to look at, isn't it? I've temporarily suspended some friends cuz of their way of dealing with political stuff. I'll look at their posts again after the election, to see if they calm down. What did you eat for protein yesterday? What are you going to eat today?

    Morning, Teka!

    Illi--oh my, your poor friend. Were the windows broken accidentally or did someone do that on purpose? You are a good friend to help out like this.

    Chi--Boy, that is a frightening story. So high a price to pay for being overdue for an exam, particularly when the delay wasn't your fault. I am praying the treatment will be very successful. And the discomfort from the last couple of stitches must be irritating. And I'm glad that your Godson was able to find a new job so quickly.

    Minus--thanks for posting Jazzy's article on the decluttering thread, I read it here this ayem!

    Goldie--the instant pot does a good job with chicken breast and rice, too. I'm still exploring, have some corn on the cob to steam to try next. It was a very nice day on the deck, I am really enjoying the rocking chair I got. Congrats to your son on his accomplishment! It is common to see people touching/adjusting their masks. But at least they are wearing them more and more.

    Illi--so sad your friend's ex would do something like that. Glad nothing is missing.

    Candle in the Window

    2 oz of Light Rum

    2 tsp of bourbon whiskey

    1 tsp of dark creme de cacao (or chocolate liqueur)

    1 tsp of Cherry brandy

    2 oz of heavy cream

    4 oz of hot coffee

    Pour the rum, bourbon whiskey, creme de cacao, cherry brandy and coffee into an Irish coffee cup or glass. Pour the cream carefully over the back of a teaspoon so that it floats on top, and serve.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Soaking rain last night, showers on & off through tomorrow. Much cooler--60s. I'll take that rain, especially in light of what all my friends in the SW (esp. SoCal) are going through. Our gorgeous sunsets (from the smoke drifting east) are not worth that.

    Since there will be steak dinner leftovers again, more of that La Spinetta Casanova 2011 Chianti. It was smooth and still fruity. Glad we have a few bottles remaining (we had them shipped to us from the winery rather than deal with them as excess baggage on our flight). Hard to believe that last year's La Spinetta wine dinner at RPM steak was almost a year ago! (We bought 3 bottles of their Contratto brut-zero sparkler at the dinner, and have two remaining).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies- into the week we go. I always say once you hit Labor Day, next thing you know it's Xmas. This year has altered my sense of time. Mid March through end of May felt like a year, the summer was a bit busier, lately things seem like they are moving faster. I hope everyone had a decent weekend.

    Well the howling winds with the big early season polar vortex are here. I have seen some photos from Wyoming down into CO and see there is snow falling and see some blue on the map in northern NM too. Supposed to be rain coming in awhile and hope we get some of that. The skies turned very smoky/hazy again last night and hoping this cold front will bring some relief with cooler temps, but also maybe some rain and a ridding of the crappy air quality.

    NM- I will pass along a tip that helps me when I am working on my filing/decluttering work. A biz coach once told me to put on some music I like and enjoy a beverage I enjoy while I am doing this work. She said preferrably a good glass of wine. Now when you are decluttering in a bigger way, the wine could work against you but do think the tunes could make it more fun. I understand the motivation part to get started. Sometimes I just tell myself "okay I am just going to spend one hour on this, or work to get rid of this section/pile, etc." Then at least I do a bit at a time. Sometimes I get in to it and go longer. I have come to realize having TMS (too much stuff) just takes away from our fun time as it needs to be cleaned, fixed, managed, etc. Do you still have that roll off dumpster?

    Cami- I am spending less time on FB for the very reasons you share. There is so much anger, arguing, judgement, and outright cruelty for me to stick around there much. I don't think it will get any better as we head in to the fall. Hang on for the ride sister......

    Hi Teka- happy Tuesday and hope your weekend was good!

    MinusTwo- glad you liked that article and found it really helpful with respect to more things I need to let go of. Generational clutter is a great term, eh? How was your weekend?

    Ill- your food sounded pretty good this weekend. I think it is great and kind of you to help someone who came home from the hospital and found those windows broken. I hope no one broke in to the house and stole anything? Maybe just some damage from all the freaky weather arond these days. I hope your friend is feeling better soon. Your comment about only having to worry about cancer made me pause with amazement......

    Chi- I went to Cost Plus World Market yesterday and found a bottle of Downton Abbey Bordeux for half price. hat store has some very fun theme wines and think it is where I found the first bottle of 99 Crimes wine that I know several here love. I am still working on some rose wines I bought this summer but as we go in to the fall, I plan to be drinking more reds.......

    Speaking of shopping, I did a couple stops yesterday including to some end of the summer sales at the mall and eek, what was I thinking! Everyone was shopping yesterday and both Dillards and Cost Plus were busier than I could have imagined, but both were having big sales with additional 30-40% including sale items. I think the stores who have had a lot of things on racks and shelves are working to push out their inventory now for the new stuff coming in this fall.

    Have a great evening!