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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Goldie, I had my first chips and salsa in months the other day and the salsa was magic! Looks great!

    Got my CT body results today, still stable 😁

    I celebrated with a Hawaiian Sunrise Daquiri but there’s nothing “sunrise” about it, I suspect the guys couldn’t understand my limited speech and gave me a Berry Blast, oh well, tastes good!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Oooops, I moosta had salsa on my mind. It's zucchini relish. BabyGirl, I KNOW you would NOT like that! LOL!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    With takeout Italian food Bob brought home after work, a Pinot Noir from SW France (VDP d'Oc).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Last day of class for me. They've been a great group to work with and I'm going to miss them. Fortunately, most are local folks so I may cross paths with many of them over time. I will be happy to be able to sleep in a bit tomorrow, though. Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Cammy Cat--glad to hear you are eating! Keep it up, your tummy will adjust. So what are you eating?I want details!! I think Joey will do well with school no matter how it goes for him. I do think it's a good idea for kids to get up and get dressed for classes, that gives the brain a subtle message that it's work/learn time and not play time. Not to mention good practice for when in-person classes start again.

    Goldie--I carry that much cash because I don't have a credit card and many places around here do not take debit cards, only cash or credit cards. If something happens I have enough cash to get a fix and get back to life. Your neighbor must have been horrified until she saw it was empty! Those zucchini boats look yummy! I discovered that recipe a year or so ago. I need to get some zucchini and make some.

    Chi--I keep hearing about Krispy Kreme, but the closest one is in Connecticut. I think it was a Krispy Kreme donut shop we visited on vacay in Las Vegas one time, we could watch the donuts being made and buy them still hot, that was one very fun late midnight snack/very early breakfast.What is arancini? Glad the eye is showing progress.

    Illi--Good CT scan report, YEAH! Glad the drink was good even if it wasn't what you really wanted.

    Hump Day Cocktail


    • 1 1/2 Ounce Tequila Ocho Plata
    • 3/4 Ounces St. Germain
    • 3/4 Ounces Manzanilla Sherry
    • 3 dashes Angostura Orange Bitters


    Combine all ingredients in a chilled beaker. Add ice and stir until well chilled and diluted. Strain into chilled coupe. Express grapefruit oil on top of the cocktail, rub the peel around the rim, and drop into the cocktail

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    funny, cat, phone, work from home, working from home, on the phone, wfh, remote working, working remote, telecommute, telecommuting, cat on phone, phone cat – GIF

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Lori I luv to see what u put up for the year, I still dont know how u do any of it cuz it's tiring but u always manage. I always forget about zucchini boats something I always liked, well I like that veggie anyway u can prepare it actually. And there r so many ways. Hope ur DH is doing well.

    Illi sorry u didn't get the right drink, but the food ur eating sounds yummy. So glad u've gotten so far. U've had a rough time of all this. It's just good hearing ur progress. Tests YAHOO.

    Sandy u always have something good to eat and drink and u make leftovers sound good. How r u feeling???

    Kim ur like a dog with a bone. Ive been eating mostly protein and some carbs so I feel like I've gained a ton. I'm sure u would get into the swing of things with ur classes, u enjoy that so much and they r so lucky.

    I might be wrong cuz I never made these but basically aronccini <sp> is a big round of polenta rolled and inside can be different things. Stuffed with maybe ricotta and spinach or sausage <broken up and a veggie all chopped up, it just depends and deep fried. About the size of a tennis ball. Made right they're good. A couple of Italian grocery stores around here sell them with sauce or plain. But it's good. I don't see them often in a restaurant except for Capones's around here. I don't think they're from my region of Italy cuz my mom never made them, Itasted them when I got older. Jeez I can't believe I gave a recipe altho it might be all wrong at least I had an idea. All Italian dishes aren't made the same or even made depending on where u.r from.

    I know I talk about Joey a lot but u gals give me a compass on so many things, u have no idea. Ur input means a lot to me. I really know nothing about boys this age and u fill me in.

    This weather is crazy, it looks like rain but who knows, my Drs. app't is late this afternoon so UGH, U know how I hate drs. with gist at the end of what they do. Sounds so icky to me and someone I don't like to see. And now they don't like u to have anyone with u. I feel bad for someone coming for the first time when u need someone. Les wants to go but she knows I tell her just enough but this time I told her I would tell her everything, yea right.She freaks out about nothing.

    My niece is coming over for a shower this mornin, finally so I get some gossip and I can unload my gossip. We're bad.

    OK ladies have a good day an Hello to all I missed, not on purpose.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    BabyGirl, I forgot to mention the stable scans. How often do you get them? I know are situations are very different, I think it's been over a year since I've had scans. CT scans for sure, I had that last year June/July when I had that E Coli, then I think at the end of the year I had nuclear bone. So not quite a year since that one. I feel great, so I don't see the need to put my body through all that radiation. But so glad to hear you are stable, you don't need anymore on your plate right now, it's FULL!

    NM, before I got with my current DH, I never had a credit card either. I don't think I carried alot of cash though, seems I wrote checks for everything. What if you hid the money somewhere in Pearl, then it's there if you need it. But then again, what are the chances you would leave your wallet on the roof again! As for the class, you were so nervous and now look at you, gonna miss everyone. I knew you would do just fine. Hoping you do run into some in the future. What do you put in your zucchini boats? Mine were Italian sausage, mushrooms,onion, cheese, panko bread crumbs, tomatoes, dill, parsley, salt/pepper.

    Cami, when NM said details, I think she meant what actually did you eat, not carbs and protein. And I doubt you have gained much weight. You were supposed to see your MO, I thought. And go for scans or something. Did that happen? I guess I should have finished reading before I asked. You may not tell Les everything, but you better tell us! ....and the gossip between you and your neice! Is this Lu's DD?

    Not much to report here. My DD leaves this afternoon for Michigan. We have a container coming today, but our neighbor and a friend of his will unload it at our warehouse in town. I have enough tomatoes to do another small batch. I'm only doing pints, cuz if I do quarts, I would only get about 3. Lots of water to boil for those, the water has to come up over the top of the jar.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning! Really hot and muggy here. I just cannot get excited about doing anything outdoors. I need to make some freezer food as I have eaten most of what was there. I need to make a plan...

    Thoroughly enjoyed playing cards with the girls last Monday. We gossiped, laughed and caught up on life. We did all agree that if anyone got sick, we would not blame each other.

    Also enjoyed my kids coming over for dinner last night. We talk about my eldest’s home improvements. We talk about my younger son’s bike store job. We talk about current events and watch stupid TV shows. It is just so very pleasant to be with people.

    The cat is still not doing well. We went to the vet yesterday afternoon to see if there was anything that could be done. She gave him an antibiotic shot and said to give things a couple of days to see if there is anyimprovement. She thinks he has swelling in his head due to a possible brain tumor. Her advice was to put him down. DH is not there yet.

    Oh well... Got to get going. Not much on the agenda today, but I will try to keep moving forward.

    Take care!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Goldie, Scan are every 3-4 months for me. I had a slight progression in my hipbone in May but did a radiation trial for it. I’ve basically been stable the whole time but I’m ok with the scans as I feel more comfortable knowing.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Good morning friends and happy September!

    This is my fav month here (probably said that to you many times) and glad it is here. We are definately starting to cool down and yesterday there was rain all around the city, but not here! Sigh, we call it the "donut hole effect" where we will sometimes have rain all around us but here on the west side of the city. Our monsoons are a real bust this year, they started out strong in July, but waned in August and sporadic as we come in to Sept. We can have rain well into Sept but the forecast does not suggest any more rain possibility until next week. One of my collaboration guys from one of the universities here told me it's going to be warmer this winter with little snow. The west is going to probably have wild fires in to the winter. Sigh.

    That being said, I just finished doing a bit of a "facelift" on my gardens out front. Back yard looks really nice with potted mums and some fall sedums coming in to color. Front yard garden got tanked a bit with the heat wave a few weeks ago. The temp was 58 this morning waking up (ahh) and will be a high in the 80s today. Even though there is little rain for me, I do appreciate the cooler weather. This is part of why Sept is my fav month as it becomes a lot less tolerable here.

    NM- I am sorry to hear you lost your wallet and the cash too. Glad you got replaced what you can and it is always possible someone may turn your wallet in to a police station. We have places here that only take cash too, I have to remember that when I patronize them. I hope replacing everything you need to gets done without a hassle.

    Oh funny story about Krispy Creme, there was a store that opened up here about 20 years ago while I was running a project for one of the healthcare orgs here, and one of my hardware guys would stop and bring a box in once a week for the project team to enjoy. My fav Krispy Kreme was the one you got standing in line fresh and hot out of the oven that they handed to you to enjoy before you placed your order. We all gained about 10 lbs on that project and knew it was because of those weekly donuts. They closed here for awhile but then opened one up on the other side of town. I don't think I have had one in a very long time. I do visit Dunkin Donuts on occaison.

    Cami- I hope Joey has a good start to the school year with the hybrid model. Our public schools here are mostly remote per the order of the Gov, but private/charter schools are hybrid and already started weeks ago. I think about his music and know it may be hard to be in band or orchestra with the clarinet and flute. Those aerosols that keep most music things from happening. I have music friends here who still do outdoor gigs, but unless it's a wide berth kind of place, I have not been this year. Anyways, I hope Joey can find a way to keep his music going, even if he just practices at home. What a time for the young people (and well everyone else).

    Goldie- I am glad your DD has been visiting and think you said you are going to MI end of Sept? What airline are you flying? I think Delta and Southwest are better about leaving that middle seat empty, other airlines are packing them in. Hope you can get there easily and feel safe.

    I remember there was a time it was pretty tough for women to get any sort of credit on their own. I was able to get my first credit card when I was graduating with my Masters in the mid 80s, but also had to deal with a lot of crap in that same decade when I tried to buy my first car (with a car loan to go with it) and then a condo (which fell through thankfully). That all got easier in time when financial institutions finally figured out women are the major decision makers about purchases for the home.

    Ill- that is very good news about your scans. Keep on celebrating. Is your west Texas place near Big Bend?

    JCS- very sorry about your kitty. I hope that if he/she does not improve, you can help your loved pet get the help it needs.

    Chi- I hope your eye is continuing to heal and know it's taking time. We will be here when you get your results to talk about anything you need to.....

    Karen- I read some of the higher peaks in CO got their first snow?

    Got some things to do and wishing you all a good slide into the weekend. No big plans here, going to do some swimming, yoga, one on one visit with a friend on her patio.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Brain MRI is inconclusive, tumor board will review and discuss on Friday. Nothing new though, so that’s good.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Oh Mae - darn the wait. But glad everything else is good.

    Jazzy - I well remember fall in Albuquerque and I'm jealous!!! When I finally got my own gas card (the hardest kind to get in those days) I asked my DH if he wanted one for his wallet. Up to then, all those in my wallet said "MRS". Funny - he declined.

    NM - I too am sorry about your wallet. Actually I never carry any of my loyalty cards anymore. So far every one of them can be accessed & applied by entering my phone number. Less junk in my wallet. Now we just have to convince designers that women need decent pockets in their clothes so we don't have to carry purses.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Ilona, hope "inconclusive" means "no news is good news."

    Cami, close but no cigar on the arancini. They're made not of polenta (but some cooks may use it as a binder), but rather balls of arborio rice held together with cheese (but not loose like risotto). Stuffed with meat, peas or spinach, they are then rolled in seasoned breadcrumbs and deep-fried. They're mostly Sicilian and Calabrese (region around Naples). Sauce should always be optional and on the side. There's a similar snack from Rome called "suppli:" they're smaller, oval, not stuffed, generally not breaded, might be baked or fried but always dipped in (or incorporating) marinara before baking or frying. I think they're made of a longer-grain rice than arborio. Arancini are crispy-crunchy on the outside, gooey inside. When I was a teenager, our Sicilian landlady used to make them for us. Eataly does them well too. But the best I've had was in Taormina, Sicily at a branch of the snack shop chain "Strit Fud" (say it out loud, and you get "street food" in an Italian accent).

    Speaking of Eataly, I really miss it! They do pickup or mail-order, but because the busy Near North Side streets on which the Chicago branch is located have sidewalks too narrow to accomodate both tables and pedestrians (and they can't block off the streets because they're major traffic "arterials") they don't offer outdoor dining. I just don't feel comfy dining-in there yet, despite the open spaces and high ceilings. One of the joys of Eataly is roaming about, going from counter to counter (seafood, pasta, pizza, bar snacks, wine, beer, gelato, pastry, etc.). But because of the pandemic, the few times I allow myself to shop in-person it's with a list (or even ordered in advance), get in/get out ASAP. They do offer an hour of free parking at a self-park garage a block and a half away, though: pre-pandemic, it was nearly impossible to finish shopping (much less dining) w/in the hour; but now I guess I'd make it back to my car with plenty of time to spare.

    Back to DOTD. Earlier I had a Nespresso "Salentina" espresso with almond milk over ice. Tonight is Cellars' winemaker dinner. The winery is Oak Farm, located in Lodi in CA's Central Valley. For serious oenophiles (i.e., winos with money), Lodi used to be a joke--home of Gallo and other "jug" wineries. But Oak Farm grows only vinifera (European varietals), mostly French but some Italian and even Spanish grapes. Wines tonight will be: Albariño, Sauvignon Blanc (both white), "Tievole" blend (Zinfandel, Primitivo, Petite Sirah and Barbera), Cabernet Sauvignon, and late-harvest Gewurztraminer. We'll be on the patio--perfect weather (mid-80s, slight lake breeze, bone-dry) for al fresco dining. The restaurant bought a tent for cooler weather and is looking into buying some torch-style patio heaters. Of course, if it's frigid & or/snowy, we'll go back to ordering for pickup or delivery (unless by then we've been securely vaccinated, not likely despite 45's promised Oct. surprise).

    Sore back muscle again--doing a piriformis stretch. My M.O. says if the ache is intermittent and relieved by Tylenol and topicals, if's probably not mets but my spinal arthritis irritating the nerve. I can have a few "good back days" in a row. I need to worry if it becomes constant and unrelievable.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning Cats GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Illi I'm glad things look pretty good for you, now some wait...even a day is to long, but let us know right away please. And if things are stable now that's a good sign. Sending <<<PRAYERS>>>

    JC I was wondering when we'd hear about ur card game, I thought I got the days mixed up. So glad u had laughs, the best. But I'm really sorry for ur cat. I know how ur DH feels and its not good. We get very selfish about our furbabies, with good reason.

    Sandy oops while I was reading I did remember cuz people called them rice balls too. My GF got me to taste them like 25 yrs. ago and not many places had them then either and since I never had them I just went by taste. My mom never made them but like u said we were from a different region, so didn't grow up with them. All I know is liked them. Just like so many dishes they differ. Sorry about ur back, we used to think arthritis was maybe inconvenient but we all know better now.

    Jazzy all I can say is busy like mad girl. Stop this energy soon, ur making me tired. BTW I think I can guess u like September the best, maybe.

    Misty good to see you. And yep carrying around money now is not likely. I wear a crossbody bag and put my medical stuff in there and a few things but not money. But Kim what are the chances it will happen again, I'll tell you 3 more times, so Misty Kim has to be careful.

    Wow Lori I saw ur table, now that's a lot of work. I don't member seeing it here but show the girls all the work u've done, lots. Lori I eat different everyday an really try to eat carbs. But going to the dr. she said I lost 6 lbs. since July. I had great idea like finding out what causes it and somehow making a product from it, but she just looked down and said u don't change, whatever that meant. She literally walked me to the girl who makes app'ts so she said I have to keep this one for a couple of tests and then see her 2 days later. But after I thought about what she said, it was we'll find out what's wrong and do what we need to do or maybe we can do nothing. Meaning <to me> there's nothing wrong, then I thought oh oh I might be in trouble, but I'm going with my first thought and no I didn't tell Leslie cuz she'll go with some wild ideas and use Mr Google, she loves that. Nor am I telling Jod, she'll just cry all the time. Oh my niece is married to my oldest brother's son. But we've been close since the beginning and we had a great visit. My SIL never treated her very nice cuz she's always been a snob, but my niece is great and all these years she's missed out on someone wonderful. But I didn't, for sure.

    OK today is Thursday, wow another week, going into Friday quickly is coming and Joey is busy with school and Jazzy ur right. Oh his grades are great but there's no camaraderie among students and altho he still practices it's not as much with no band performances in sight.

    Have a great day everyone.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I just realized that I now have an extra long weekend, I did not realize Labor Day was Monday until I turned my calendar over yesterday! Class ended up well, with about half the number of attendees on Wed as on Mon, which is pretty typical. We had a pretty good time, though. Supposed to have someone come do an estimate on replacing the garage door today ( I started backing out before the door was all the way up, with predictable consequences), but got a call that the reservation went to a company in Ohio, so I think I need to reschedule that. I'm going to go down and work on cleaning out the garage this afternoon, if they come they come, if not, garage still gets a bit of a clean out. Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Cammy Cat--I didn't realize Italian food was so regional, but that shouldn't really be a surprise, look at the regional differences here in the US! Glad to hear you are eating some protein every day. Make sure you keep it up. Proteins talk longer to digest, so that's why you feel like you have gained a lot of weight, even though I bet the scales don't say that. You'll get used to it. So what, exactly, are you eating for protein? Some sources are better than others, you know. And keep talking about Joey, I love hearing about him! It gives me an idea what being a grandmother could have been like if my life had gone down a different road. Have a good shower and an even better gossip!

    Goldie--All I had in my wallet was walking around cash.The big stash of cash was in the glove compartment and is perfectly safe, and has been moved into the house. Too much chance of Pearly being broken into or stolen to leave that kind of money lying around, I realized. And since I do carry a debit card it's not like I'm going to be totally stranded if I run out of cash on any given day. I doubt I'll leave the wallet on the roof again, or at least I hope not. I'm training myself to always carry my purse or put the walled in a zippered pocket when I don't want to carry a purse. I have gotten my temporary driver's license printed off, and the new one coming, and got the gas cards cancelled (loyalty cards that give a discount but are tied to the checking account). The wallet was full of cards, and I can't even remember what most of them were! So maybe I had a bunch of stuff I didn't need? I guess I'll find out as I go along. It does take a LOT of boiling water to can quarts! I like pints better, less gets wasted. I can't go through a quart of sauce or veggies or whatever fast enough by myself. When I make zucchini boats I use whatever is in the fridge--ground beef, chicken, sausage, ground lamb, with onion, cheese, sometimes bell peppers, sometimes with bread crumbs and sometimes with rice, with a tomato sauce, which may be fresh made from tomatoes. The Farm Drop order I put in to pick up tomorrow has zucchini, and tomatoes, I've got some basil and rosemary in the garden to pick, will take some ground meat out of the freezer when I go clean the garage, already have onions on hand, and will either make rice in the new Instant Pot or use the bread crumbs in the cupboard.

    Morning, Illi!

    Jazzy--I did call the police station, which is right around the corner from where I lost my wallet. But where I lost it is not what you would call a "better" neighborhood. That Dunkin Donuts is next door to a homeless shelter, around the corner from the busiest drug trade street in town, and around another corner from the street known for gang activity, such as we have here, which is nothing compared to other places. The chances of my getting anything back is almost nil. And really, all I actually care about are the loyalty cards for the various small businesses I use regularly, it's going to be a hassle replacing all those.BUT, it could be much worse, so I'm trying to learn the lesson gracefully and move on. That particular Dunkin Donuts was so conveniently located on my way to the class that I couldn't resist stopping there, even though I usually avoid that one. And, even more foolishly, went inside instead of using the drive through. Sometimes they won't give dozen boxes through the drive through and I didn't want to have to park and go in after sitting in the long drive through line. Silly me.I bet you did gain weight on that project! I had heard that Krispy Kreme was opening a store somewhere in Maine shortly before COVID hit, haven't heard anything since, so I wonder if it never opened, or opened and shut down. And its funny, I used to drink DD coffee the most, but lately I find McDonalds coffee is better! As a general rule I don't buy coffee, I make it and take it, or make it when I get to work. I don't remember the time when women had to have their husband's permission to open a bank account or make major purchases, but I do remember hearing about it. Hard to believe that sort of thing went on and not so long ago, either.

    Illi--nothing new is not as good as I had hoped for, but better than other possible outcomes.

    Minus--I hadn't thought about accessing loyalty programs via phone number. And I know many do, I even use a couple pretty regularly. I'll have to check that out.Thanks!

    Chi--Glad to hear the back pain is unlikely to be mets. Still sorry you have to put up with the pain, though. The Eataly place sounds like a lot of fun for a meal and an evening's entertainment.

    Cammy Cat--shaking my head at you. I am so much the opposite, I need to know every little detail when I have an appointment. Well, you better keep those appointments, and maybe you should take someone with you who can keep the info from the doc straight and maybe even share it with the rest of us? But that's up to you. I admit to be a nosy biotch at times. I feel sorry for kids who are interested in band, theater and arts. Here in Maine, none of these can happen because the safety "requirements" can't be met, but at the same time the fall sports, particularly football, are going to go ahead following all the "guidelines" as closely as possible.The thing is, the "requirements" and "guidelines" are exactly the same! The only difference I can see is that the sports brings money into the school and band/theater/chorus/arts do not. So they are being treated differently. It's really upsetting some families.


    Autumn Sweater


    Serving: 1

    • 1 ounce rye
    • 1/2 ounce Averna
    • 1/2 ounce Amaro Nonino
    • 1/2 ounce maple syrup
    • 1 dash maple bitters (Urban Moonshine)
    • 1 dash orange bitters

    Garnish: thick clove-studded strip of orange zest


    1. Combine all the ingredients except the garnish in a mixing glass filled with ice and stir until chilled.
    2. Add a large sphere of ice to a chilled rocks glass and strain the drink into the glass.
    3. For the garnish, use a paring knife to slice a thick strip of zest from an orange.
    4. Twist it over the drink to release the essential oils and rub along the rim of the glass.
    5. Stud the orange zest with two whole cloves and drape it over the ice sphere.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    My work week is over, my away message is on and I'm not checking emails tomorrow which I often do on Fridays. Tomorrow is our 43rd wedding anniversary. Looking forward to hiking with my husband!!!

    Have a great long week-end.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Eataly is a huge chain of Italian superstores (founded by Mario Batali and Joe Bastianich--PBS cooking-show-star Lidia's DH--then Batali divested for obvious reasons). It has branches in most major cities, including Rome, London, NYC, Boston, etc.--but the biggest one is here in Chicago. The one in Boston has a great sit-down wood-fire grill restaurant upstairs with live jazz (at least when I was there in spring 2018). The Chicago one had a great white-tablecloth restaurant in the basement, but after it went through chefs like toilet paper, its food deteriorated and it was closed. It used to also have "Le Pesce" (fish) and "Le Carne" formal sitdown restaurants, but the floor space was more profitable for merch. The one reservation-only sitdown restaurant remaining is "Osteria," open-plan in the middle of the store's second floor. It also has a combo pizza/pasta eatery (reserve once you're there) called "Le Pizza & La Pasta;" and walk-up/grab-a-stool-if-you-can counters: street snacks, oyster bar, sandwiches, 2 espresso bars (one on ea. floor), beer & wine bars, and pasticceria & gelato bar at street level.

    It has a huge retail salumi & cheese dept., butcher, fishmonger, bread bakery, roastery (chickens & porchetta), produce section, wine shop, oils & vinegars, and lots of non-perishables like dry pastas, sauces, cookies, candies, and accessories. (Obviously, no more in-person cooking classes, demos or tastings). Haven't been back since March's shutdown--not sure how they're faring with dine-in, as Chicago limits indoor dining to 25% of capacity. If I go there in person, it'll be with a list (or pre-order), grab & go. Definitely not sit around even if there's room in the (probably) decimated food courts.

    Today's DOTD will be a decaf latte. Blew nearly my entire week's alc. allowance on last night's wine dinner. We agreed the Albariño waas the clear winner, though I also found the Sauv. Blanc delightful--its grassy/grapefruit bouquet was very much like a Graves rather than the "cat pee" of a Napa version. We also found the Cab. Sauv. to be balanced and not at all tannic. The Gewurz. was lovely and off-dry, but tough to match with anything but a semi-savory dessert like the melted-brie/spiced apple crostini last night. (You know me by now--I don't do desserts at home).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    NM- I remember watching a lot of my friends parents divorced in the 1970s or sometimes the moms were suddenly widowed and that it was very difficult for women to survive with not being able to get bank accounts (even with jobs and their own income), credit cards, loans. Really stuck with me as an important observation to have your own money and know how to pay your own bills. My mother managed the finances in our family, but remember all the credit was in my dads name. Did you have those savings pass books in grammar school where you put money in and dropped it off at school and then they would take the bank books to deposit your money (sometimes like 50 cents) and then you would get that book back? Women have come a long way with being able to have their own work/careers, homes, savings and checking accounts, retirement accounts, and more. I am glad to hear you get an extra long weekend, Labor Day did sneak up on us?

    Cami- I love how everyone wants to ask you what you ate. Today I am eating everything, and went to a fav restaurant and had fish and chips, got a tasty fresh berry tart to go, ate a choc orange muffin later. I have an eating disorder today.....

    Karen- yay about time to disconnect from the world. Happy Labor Day weekend!

    ChiSandy- all that sounds yummy. I grew up in a very Italian area in southern CT and so much good food there. We have a few good Italian places here, one which I am concerned may not open again though. They have been closed since March.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Back in elementary school we used to have school passbook savings accounts with a local bank--it even published its own monthly newsletter called "The School Bank News."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! Lovely sunny fall day shaping up here. Sadie and I are going to get outside and enjoy it one way or another today.

    Karen--Happy Anniversary! I hope you and DH have a lovely time hiking.

    Chi--I think I need to add finding and visiting an Eatily on my bucket list! Sounds like a fun place. And the melted-brie/spiced apple crostini sounds absolutely wonderful!

    Jazzy--Now that you bring it up, I do remember my Dad teaching my Mom how to manage the family finances, and he taught me, too. When I first went to college, Dad went with me to the bank to get a loan, I remember he had to co-sign the loan. At the time I thought it was because I was basically a kid with no credit history, but now I wonder if it was because I am female. I do remember bank books, but I took it to the bank myself when I deposited money, sometimes a quarter or 10 cents, and always looked forward to seeing the new entry with the new account total. It amazes me that I was actually alive during the time when women couldn't get bank accounts without hubby's permission. We have come far, indeed.

    Stolen Gold Rum Cocktail Recipe

    Bank Robber


    30 ml STOLEN Gold Rum

    20 ml Sloe Gin

    20 ml Fresh Lime Juice

    20 ml Apricot Liqueur


    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a coupe and serve straight up.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Goodmorning everyone! Serve some #kittylove to your loved ones as they still lie in bed with this cute… | Cute good morning gif, Good morning cat, Good morning gif

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020

    When my Dad died, Mother was left trying to figure out how to manage her finances. She was 79 yrs old and totally unable to understand anymore than how to make a bank deposit. She depended on the male banker, the male investment manager and my brother in law. She frequently said she hated dealing with money. I think it was more she hated being told what to do by all those men. When I was 21, I went (with my Dad as co-signer) and got my first credit card. I was determined to have my own money and credit history. While my husband and I have combined our incomes, I always paid our bills and managed our investments. I was quite the Feminist growing up!

    We had to put our cat, Earle, to sleep yesterday. He had stopped eating and was really sick. The vet was great. She had a special room with a couch and chairs, dim lighting and boxes of tissues. She was very thoughtful when explaining the process. The death was very peaceful. We miss him greatly. Earle was a great ‘sleeping cat’. He would cuddle up with my DH every afternoon for a nap. We still have his sister. She does not have his big personality, but may come out of her shell without him around.

    I have made plans to go to Charleston for a day trip, the mountains with my girlfriends and Pawley’s Island with some old friends. Hope I am not courting disaster! These trips will be with small groups (2-3) and we will stay in one place once we reach our destination. Also have a colonoscopy this month and a hair appointment. Life is slowly getting back to normal for us. I think avoiding large groups and indoor situations without masks will continue for a while.

    Still really hot today. Temps are expected to do down some next week. Humidity is the main problem.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    LOL my dad never did write a check and lived on the allowance my mom gave him, never complained so I never thought much of it. But as u know already my mom controlled everything in the home from day 1. Either my dad loved her like crazy or he was just lazy and knew she would do a good job. In fact much later in life he said to me ur mother knew how to save and somehow she did great for their retirement, so he ended up happy.

    Karen Happy Anniversary and have a great weekend.

    Sandy I never heard of the place u talked about, sounds yummy just never heard of it. Which seems crazy to me at my age. U describe some good stuff tho, I guess I missed out of some really great food.

    Oh guys I am laughing at ur questions about what I eat cuz it does differ from day to day and throwing in carbs so no biggy. But again I thought of something the Dr. said <maybe I said this before> but when I told her Leslie was concerned mostly about my WBC and my platelets she did say tell her that's the least of ur problems. Of course at the time I did think oh good that's nothing then. IDK this is why I don't like to think of what was said and this time I did. Oh they don't let other people come in with u right now Everything is so so guarded.

    TGIF for everyone so hope it's a good one with some fun things going on. I can't think of anything but u guys always manage to.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    I’m the financial lead in this house. My mom was a bank teller when I was a kid, so I deposited my paper route money into my account and learned it very early. DH hates dealing with it, so I’m trying to consolidate investment stuff, so it’s not so hard for him later. I did have one banker refuse to give me a cash withdrawal once (I was a signer on the account but it wasn’t a joint account), he actually said he wasn’t going to honor the transaction because my husband wasn’t there and he questioned if I had permission, lol. I wasn’t too hard on him because he was from Uganda or something and I figured the culture was different but I did get another teller to teach him how we do things here. It was annoying but lesson learned and I walked out with the cash.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    JCS, glad you got some GF time in with playing cards. Oh dear, I'm so sorry you may have to put your furbaby down, never an easy thing to do. You say your DH isn't ready for that, I hope he/she (the cat) is not suffering. Oh dear, I see you had him put to sleep. I'm sorry.

    BabyGirl, "stable" has never been used with me! And I am the opposite of you and the scans, I don't want to know. Glad to hear you are not concerned about the discussion for today.

    Jazzy, it's still hot here, but def. cooler at night, which makes sleeping much easier. I leave for MI on Sept. 24th, flying Delta. I was originally booked with SW, but they kept changing it. The last change, the had me getting into Phoenix at 8 pm. I have a 4 hour drive home, that doesn't work for me! So I canceled and booked with Delta. Interesting about the savings pass book in school. We did not have such a thing, or at least I don't remember it!

    Cami, I don't know how you can feel like you've gained weight, when you have lost even more. You are going to wither away! I hope you can get those tests soon. I assume scans?

    NM, was that a recent accident with the garage door? Regardless, sorry about that. Glad you removed the stash from Pearl. We have a bunch of CC's too. The hard thing for us if one gets lost/stolen is contacting where all the bills are paid to get those changed. Mostly business stuff, as we don't really have any. Gosh, the "Autumn Sweater" is a reminder that winter is just around the corner. Seems like we just started summer, and why can't winter go by as fast as summer does?

    Karen, Happy Anniversary to you and your DH. Congrats on 43 years.

    Here is the picture Cami wanted me to share. However, it was just a "memory" I posted on FB. This was 5 years ago. I have not done near that this year. Not because I didn't want to, I don't have the produce! Yesterday and day before I busted my butt off. Thursday our container came in, a neighbor and his friend unloaded it. We had rented a U-haul and it took them 2 trips to bring the stuff back here to our house. I helped unload those. Then yesterday, we had a ton of orders to ship, pretty close to 100 that went out. After that, I had to go to the post office and clean kitchen, it's been a couple days since I did dishes. You would think my DH would do that, it's just standing! Not sure what is on today's schedule, I have paperwork to do, some phone calls to make, tomatoes to can, more zucchini to do something with and onions that I need to make some onion soup to freeze.





  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies- happy Friday. Got a Zoom interview coming up, wish me luck!

    Interesting about all the financial stories here we women have gone through. I think the loans co-signatures sometimes had to do with being female and sometimes not having enough credit. My first loans were for graduate school, I don't remember my parents having to co-sign those. I bought my first new car two years after I graduate from grad school in the mid 80s and had been working awhile. I will never forget going to look at a new Chevy blazer and the guy would not take me seriously, and said "come back sometime with your husband". I told him I did not have a husband and that I would NOT be back. I found a great female salesperson at a Ford dealer and she got me through the car purchase and loan application with no problem. Lots more stories from that time too.

    In the late 1980s, I was going to buy a condo and found one I really liked via a friend and got my offer accepted, mortgage pre-approved but found out the loan had to be Fannie Mae approved, which it was not. The real estate guy who dropped the ball on several fronts tried to get me to sign up for another loan with a lender that was not good. I remember meeting with the rep and he was giving me a hard time about a lot of things. He told me I had to prove to him that I had a Master's Degree. I thought that was weird, and said I would look in to it (not really knowing much about buying home) but found out he was just giving me a hard time and told them all the deal was off. It turned out to be a good thing as the condo market fell apart, plus the so called friend who connected me with the property and people turned out to be a false friend too. Early lesson on sometimes when things don't work out, it's for the best? Then when I went to build my house in 2003, they were trying to get me to commit to building a bigger home and thus a bigger mortgage, which I said no to. I am pretty sure men don't go through a lot of this crap, at least I never hear those stories?

    JCS- I can relate to your mother not wanting to deal with male bankers. I have had a few good ones, investment people too, but still get crap here at 60. A few of my sister's partners relatives have no idea about their money, she helps to manage it for them. I think young women these days need a good course/education on managing finances, how to create and manage credit, etc. It's hard to do much for the older crowd that never learned, except to help them.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, I remember having a devil of a time getting car insurance when I was a young married woman living in Seattle. Bob did not drive--in fact, his parents never owned a car (my FIL, who had definitely bizarre opinions, said that neither he nor Bob had "driving personalities" and had their house built without a driveway or garage, just a tool shed out back). NYC public schools didn't even offer driver ed., and only those who passed state-approved driver ed. at a private school could get a license at 17--everywhere else in the state allowed "jr. licenses" for driving only in daylight, Because I graduated from high school at 16, and private driving schools offering the program would take only those still in high school and age 17. (My dad taught me when I turned 18), Several insurance companies said that I was a good risk, but that Bob was--at the time--under 25, and because he was male he was "likely to want to start driving at any minute," thereby making him a poor risk. PEMCO finally took me--but I had to give it up when we left Seattle because they operated only on the W. Coast. (Bob finally learned at 32, when during his cardiology fellowship he began moonlighting at hospitals nowhere near public transit).

    (((JCS))). It's always heart-wrenching whenever you have to lose a furbaby, regardless of how old they are and how many times it's happened to you.

    Cami, Kim--you can shop online at! (They will overnight anything perishable). Kim, the closest one to you is in Boston in the Pru; Cami, the Chicago branch is at State & Ohio on the Near N.Side. (Last I checked, they didn't have a suburban one). If you can get someone to drive you (or pick up your order), first hour of parking at the "Row Garage" a block e. on Ohio is free with validation.

    Last night's DOTD was a couple oz. of La Vielle Ferme rosé. This morning we walked to Cellars for brunch, but a persistent yellow-jacket drove us to sit inside. We stayed at the other end of the large room from a window-side table full (six) of loudly-talking hard-drinking young women who sat close to each other and didn't bother to mask when the waiter came by. We wondered how many of them would get--or give--COVID. As it was too early for me to drink wine, I drank half an Arnold Palmer (50/50 iced tea/lemonade). (The yellow jackets are attracted not just to the flowers & herb plants but also sweet drinks...and Bob. They tend to go away after dusk).

    Tonight's beverage will depend on which leftovers I dish up.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Goldie, never stable? Were you NED or have you been on chemo the whole time? I don’t like the idea of moving on from my first line of treatment but this potential combo uses Herceptin, which I’m currently doing well and adds the benefit of the new drug that works on brain mets too. My only real concern is the Xeloda in the mix due to hand/foot issues. Also, I was mistaken, I’ll find out Tuesday, not Monday, due to the holiday.

    Have a great weekend everyone :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Chi- oh the car insurance thing. Really hard to get when you are under 25. I was on my parents insurance until I went to grad school and then had to find my own. I had another bad friend experience with a referral to someone who was her friend and an insurance agent. He ended up taking my first installment for my policy and left the state. I found out when I went to call him and could not get a hold of him when I never got insurance cards and then called the insurance company (Farmers I think?) and found out there was no policy. Anyways, I was driving around for a couple months with no car insurance (and thankfully, no accidents) but got with another nearby agency and got a policy and was on my way. I was living in TX then and the car insurance was really inexpensive at that time. I nailed that friend pretty hard for hooking me up with her looser friend, who in the end turned out to be someone she was having an affair with. Nope, you can't make this stuff up.