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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    The friends broken window was due to her ex BF, he has a history or breaking her windows with they break up, which is often.

    Cross posted: (re: MO appointment)

    Ok, big news!

    I am changing treatment to the Herceptin, Xeloda, Tukysa combo, not due to progression but voluntary. If Xeloda becomes a SE problem, I can reduce the dose or drop it, I can also go back to my first line H&P, if I want to. Also, bombshell, I will stop tamoxifen! MO feels my cancer is driven primarily by the HER2+ and since my body is good, we should focus on the brain (Tukysa shows significant overall survival and progression free survival benefits for brain mets). Stopping tamoxifen has me super excited because blocking estrogen made my knee joints hurt, made me bitchy and killed my sex drive. Yay!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Ilona, hope this new combo tx does the trick. Congrats on being able to stop endocrine therapy, too.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Ill- that sounds like good news all the way around. The targeted therapy for the brain sound like a really solid plan. Congrats on coming off the tamoxifen too. I was on the AIs for five years and all these drugs are tough on a person. My joints and energy improved drastically off the meds. Hopefully other things will improve too (wink wink). You sound good sister, keep that going.

    The crazy storm is here and it's dropped 30 degrees and the winds are 60-70 mph and have created a real mess with leaves being pulled off the trees. Rain is coming next and it sounds like a lot of it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Cool remake of Lionel Richie's all night long. Enjoy!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Oh it certainly is a fun remake. Thanks. LIke NM - I spent the weekend cleaning bathrooms & the kitchen. Who cares about vacuuming if the sinks & toilets are clean. And still walking 4 miles a day. Up to 158 days now.

    Celebrated tonight with 1-1/2 Gin & Tonics, two ears of corn on the cob, and then a shot of Amarula.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Mae - great news about the voluntary new treatment. I know you research carefully, so hoping this fits the bill.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! BBQ day for lunch at work today, going to get my cheeseburger fix for the week. I ended up staying late at work, there were call outs and the staffing was really tight for the evening and it was Doctor Day, so there was a ton of paperwork to process, and, of course, the docs keep all the charts until they are all done so all the work has to be done all at once right at dinnertime, the busiest time of the evening. So I stayed and took care of as much of the paperwork as possible. A couple other people stayed over to pick up various tasks that needed to be done, too. The Director of Nursing bought all of us a McDonald's sundae as a thank you! I thought that was really nice. Sadie needed extra treats and belly rubs to forgive me for being late.

    Chi--Glad you are getting the rain, we're still dealing with drought conditions in most of the state. That sparkler sounds very interesting.

    Jazzy--I do still have the dumpster. I've been about half filling it every month. Going to aim for filling it up each month. I will try the music tip, I've been listening to audiobooks, but I think it's time for a change up. I will admit to having a few ounces of wine or a cocktail in the water bottle to sip on! TMS is just draining me, I have GOT to get rid of it.

    Illi--sounds like the friend's ex is a really loser. The treatment change sounds pretty good! Stopping the tamoxifen will make you feel much better overall, if your experience is like mine was with arimidex. It's great the Tukysa has such a positive effect profile on brain mets. And knowing you can change things if the SE are too much is good, too!

    Minus--I have managed to keep the bathroom pretty clean, if not totally company-ready! But having the kitchen looking so much better has been a real lift to my spirits. I'm impressed with your walking 4 miles a day. I used to walk 3 miles every non-working day and it felt really good, but haven't been able to get back in to that habit.

    Jazzy--great clip! Thanks for sharing!

    Royal Treatment Cocktail Recipe — Port Chilkoot Distillery

    Royal Treatment Cocktail


    1.5 oz 50 Fathoms Gin

    .75 oz Lime Juice

    .25 oz Simple Syrup

    1 teaspoon Blueberry Preserve

    4 Mint Leaves

    2 Dashes Angostura Bitters

    Add all ingredients to mixing tin with ice and shake. Strain into a coupe and garnish with 3 blueberries and fresh mint sprig.

    Blueberry Lemon Preserve Recipe:

    2 cups Blueberries

    2 cups Granulated Sugar

    ½ of a Lemon

    Add blueberries and lemons to a jar and muddle briefly to release juices. Add sugar and shake until sugar is incorporated. Shake or stir daily until a thick, rich syrup is formed. Place in refrigerator after it has fully matured (after about 1 week).

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    Jazz and Lori - Denver had record breaking heat temperatures F,S,S. Saturday was 101. Monday 93 and Tuesday low 30s. Monday night we brought in all the hanging plants and our potted tomato and pepper plants (lots of green tomatoes, no peppers yet). Covered the petunias. We got the cold, but really not much snow. On the grass but nothing really on the roads. Yesterday morning it was raining and then later in the day snow. By Sunday it will be in the 80s. That's Denver weather!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    NM, I do cook my chicken, but I use my old air fryer for that. Trying to keep as much grease out of the new one as I can, and not a big rice fan, but occasionally. Def. not liking the shorter days. How is it a dog knows exactly where you want to walk! I have lots of stuff from my grandmother, that I'm pretty sure no one wants. I must have 2 dozen cups and saucers and then my mom china painted some larger plates to match. Sounds like the low staff was intended, to avoid the extra work with it being doc day!

    Oh gosh Jazzy, Xmas? I wanna hear summer is around the corner! Our friends up in Moab got snow, but then they are at 9000' too. Any drama on FB I just scroll on by. You will only see personal stuff from me, whether it's a comment, or a picture. I keep it personal. You are brave to go shopping, it's all I can do to get in and get my groceries and get out! I start sweating (hot flashes), sometimes dizzy, my nose drips, my glasses fog up and yes, sometimes hard to breathe. We got some rain with the wind and much cooler, was 40 here this morning. Love the Lucy meme.

    BabyGirl, so your neighbor keeps going back with the BF that is breaking her windows and you replace them? I don't think I would be doing that if she keeps taking him back, oy vey! What dose of Xeloda will you go on?

    Minus2, 4 miles every day, good for you! I don't have any carpet, just some rugs. Seeing all the dirt I wash when I do my floors, I'm glad now that I don't have carpet! And I CAN'T STAND a dirty bathroom! My kitchen is the one that always looks the worse. I have a big kitchen with lots of counter space, so it's easy to set this there, this over here, you catch my drift?

    Karen, after this cold snap, we are back to the mid 80's, which is hot but not as bad as the 90's or triple digits! I think Phoenix broke several records and I heard that Death Valley got to 130 on day.

    My son in law just got into it with his half brother about politics and now they are not speaking. I did not get to my tomatoes yesterday, other things had to be done, such as orders, going to the post office, etc. Going to the post office is over an hour round trip! Soooo, today I've got to get the maters canned.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Good morning friends- hi from what feels like November in Sept. The storm moved through late yesterday and brought a lot of high wind. No damage to my trees outside of maybe a lot of leaves that came off (we had gusts here 60-70 degrees). I have my plants tucked in on the patios and covered and did some clean up of some things, which also got me stimulated to get into some residual clean out in the garage. Threw some more things into the dumpster, and some things now in the car for donations. I will say the cool air really feels good and know any of you that have suffered through the hot summer know what I mean.

    Karen- oh sister I hear you, it was pushing 100 this weekend and in the 50s for a high today. Are you near any of the fires up in CO? I am hoping the moisture will help get some of the fires out up there. We had a bunch of snow up in the northern part of the state (Taos, Chama, etc.) Supposedly the earliest in some places in 20 years, some the earliest ever. I have been in Taos in late Sept when there is snow on the mountains but not a solid blanketing storm. 2020 is the year that keeps on giving.....

    NM- sounds like you are chugging away and glad the dumpster continues to get fed. I think fall is a really good time to get some things done just because it's a bit cooler. I started working on some garage clean out back in the summer and then just stopped as it was too hot out there. Got some done as mentioned above and also working on paperwork stuff again today. The struggle is real! Hi to Sadie.

    Goldie- I am glad to hear your son is doing well. You will see him during your upcoming trip? I expect you have cooler temps too and may be happy with it. Did you get any rain? We had a bunch last night, cool and overcast now but more coming later today. I am staying in today.

    Will keep you posted on anything newsworthy!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Goldie, he broke her window when she had an apt. (the complex fixed it, then at her house a year or so later, (she got his parents to pay for that one) and now this recent window. It's a mess, without saying too much here, they're both in their 40's, bi-polar and at various stages of addiction/recovery. We are willing and able to help this time but not a second time. Unfortunately, I totally expect to hear about this type of issue again, it's been going on for years.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    abyGirl, be careful there. I don't know the relationship you have with your neighbor. People are eager to take advantage!

    I was trying earlier to post pics of my kitchen, so you can see how big it is and so easy to just put this here or there, etc. And as you can carpet.






  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Goldie - your house is lovely.

    Thinking about Jazzy's recommendation - Drinking While you Clean - sung to the tune Whistle While you Work from Snow White. I can already imagine those bluebirds flying in & out of the windows.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Lori, wonderful home!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Goodnight Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies,

    Just thought I'd poop in here. So much going on.

    Illi glad ur doing so well and ur very kind to help ur friend. But yea once is enough, feel sorry for her tho.

    Karen ur weather is crazier than most really. We got plenty of cool the last couple of days and frankly I like it. But not that cool.

    Lori so happy to hear about ur son. Good for him. Ur kitchen looks beautiful as does the other room. so big and airy.

    OK Kim here it is for today....I had a banana muffin, 2 of those little plain sugar free jellos, a couple of slices of cheese and about 3./4 cup of chili.My water and plain coffee. There's an example Sometimes I skip dinner tho just depending how I feel of course then I eat ice cream LOL

    Kim and Jazzy everything my mom and dad had from long ago my girls took instead of me cuz they knew them so well and knew almost everything had a crazy story with them and they love telling these stories when someone sees them. I figured they'd get more out of them than me so they can declutter some day.

    Hello to everyone , I'm so tired all of a sudden so I'll close for now. Sweet dreams .


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    DOTD: La Vielle Ferme 2019 Rosé (Bob had turkey, I had roast chicken).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Moring, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! This Loungette is really dragging this ayem. Had a lovely time at the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together last night, but it made for another late night. It is going to feel really good to sleep in tomorrow ayem! While I was in my favorite package store yesterday I came across a bottle of Violet Liquor and just had to buy and then I just had to open it and try it last night. Oh, my, how nice it is! A very pretty violet color, smells like violets, tastes like violets, just lovely. If you like floral flavors, you really should try this if you ever get a chance! Sadie was lovely warm to cuddle up to last night with temps in the 50s overnight. She didn't even give me a hard time about being home late, at least not after I let her taste the Violet Liqueur!

    Karen--your peppers and tomatoes aren't going to know what they are supposed to be doing!

    Jazzy--I'm with Lucy!

    Goldie--It amazes me how much dogs know, and baffles me how they know it!

    Jazzy--Sadie says Hi back. I agree, fall is a good time to restart a lot of projects. Once the humidity goes away the weather feels more energizing than draining and it's a lot easier to do things.

    Illi--Oh dear, sounds like that couple has a hard row to hoe. I'm glad you have set a limit on replacing the windows, Life can be so complicated.

    Goldie-- what a beautiful kitchen! Lots and lots of counterspace, I can see where it would be easy to give in to the temptation of just putting something down.The flooring is gorgeous!


    Cammy Cat--OK, cheese and chili have protein. Those are good. Why sugar free jello? Jello is a good source of fluids, though. So is ice cream. I'm glad your girls have the family stories to keep alive. Item that trigger stories like that aren't clutter!

    Morning, Chi!

    DOTD, and of last night:

    The Bitter Truth Violet Liqueur Illustration with violet flowers

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020

    Wow! Goldie, your kitchen is enormous. Mine is very small. I have been told it is a ‘cook’s kitchen’ as only the cook is allowed in. It means the counters cannot get cluttered as they might all get used when cooking. What keeps it from feeling small are three windows and a breakfast bar/peninsula that opens into the den. The den has a wall of windows so there is an abundance of sunlight. I would love to get an air fryer, but am unsure where I would store it or if I could fit it on the counter.
    Cami - Glad you are eating something! I am gaining back much of the weight I lost while on chemo. That makes me very sad as the weight loss was a good thing. I have very little willpower and have a difficult time refusing snacks or white wine.
    Have any of you watched Last Tango in Halifax? My DH and I are really enjoying the story and look forward to the fourth season coming on PBS. It is a sweet British family saga that does have some angst, but no real violence. Next we will watch Yellowstone. Talk about a change of pace!

    Temps here have been in the upper 80’s. Goodness! Almost fall. LOL! I have a colonoscopy on Monday, will take a day trip to Charleston on Wednesday, then head to the mountains on Friday. All with friends inside my COVID-19 bubble. Take care everyone and stay happy!!!!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    No, I did not fall off the edge of the world, just have been lurking again. Had a bit of a surprise visit from DS1 and family over the weekend. Cooking is a bit of a challenge as one member of the family is gluten sensitive and another needs to avoid dairy, corn, and yeast. Fortunately, DS1 does a lot of their cooking so he was able to help out.

    Goldie, fantastic looking kitchen a and it doesn't appear that you have fallen prey to counter clutter.

    Cami, this may sound like an echo, but why sugar free jello? Keep up the protein!

    In the high 50s here this morning, a big change from the triple digits we were having. Not holding my breath for it to last, though!

    My thoughts are with all. Take care and stay safe!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    60s & drizzly all day here, but I'll take it, as we may get some 70s and even 80 next week. Go figure--my beefsteak tomato plant just started two new tomatoes, and one of the cherry tomato plants is blossoming again.

    No wine for me tonight, as I am dining alone on leftovers. (Bob is working late again).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I had a lovely sleep in this ayem and am still feeling totally exhausted. So today is going to be a lazy day, although I do want to give Sadie a bath today before her Vet appointment tomorrow. I need to decide if I'm going to spend money and use one of those neat dog washing stations or get naked and do it here in the bathroom with all the mess that entails. Will have to wait and see what the energy level is later today to decide that one.

    Librarian--nothing like lots of natural light to make a space feel bigger! Good luck with the colonoscopy prep, and the test itself. Good to have a couple of trips to look forward to after.

    Beaver--wow, that is a really cooking challenge!

    Chi--isn't it amazing how tomato plants will just keep going and going sometimes?

    Teka-- I still remember that day very vividly.

    Dr. Bucshon Comments on 9/11 Anniversary | U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D.

    Nine Eleven Cocktail

    1 part Jagermeister

    1 Part Southern Comfort

    1Part Jack Daniels

    Pour in order to make layers

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives (and from recovery site health effects since) from the sad morning 19 years ago. Photo below from a visit to the 911 Memorial in lower Manhatten, October of 2016.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    I'm Not Awake Yet....Good Morning cute cat gif sleepy good morning awake good morning greeting | Good morning cat, Cute cat gif, Good morning funny

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    The kitchen and living room used to be 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. The pictures were taken when we were trying to sell the house, it NEVER looks like that! I took a few pics the other morning, after canning the night before. Plus I don't do dishes every day either. The floor is wood laminate, we laid each and every pc. But thank you all the nice comments. Had to go into town yesterday, DH had appt for nerve conduction test and labs, so we also did groceries, and of course it's always an all day ordeal.

    Well Cami, at least you are getting a little protein.

    NM, the Violet Liquer sounds super yummy, is it super sweet? Glad you had a nice time at the WWW. Oh boy, getting naked to bathe Sadie! How much do those dog washing stations cost? Never heard of such a thing.

    JCS, a "cooks kitchen" cute. Oh dear, the dreaded heiny scope! We know what you will be doing Sunday!

    Beaver, those do sound like some cooking challenges for sure, glad your son could help out. Oh I do fall prey to clutter, you will see at the end of my post, as I mentioned above!

    Sandy, maybe you will still get the tomatoes.




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Keep forgetting to share a stupid thing I did. I killed my micro wave! I went to use the timer on it and went out to the office. Came back to the house in about 10 minutes and I actually had the microwave running (with nothing in it). I hurried up and shut it off and opened the door, and POOF, out it went. A nice $300.00 boo boo!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Goldie, now that looks more like my kitchen!! Lived in . . .

    NM and Sadie, good luck with the bath.

    Good morning to all. Cooler here today but the humidity is on the rise. Temperatures are forecast to do the same. Enjoying being cooler while it lasts.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I came aroun last nite then I got super tied an jut fll asleep.

    Wow this weather is crazy, I have my heater on with a sweater and it's raining, then they say by the weekend we might need our a/c on. This is cold weather and I can picture everyone thinking they have Covid. When will this be over. And TEKA this is a dismal day all the way around, memories are still so clear to me and I think most of us. A horrendous day in history.

    Kim does this mean ur off today, I hope . I like to hear when ur off an can relax or do whatever u want with Sadie.

    BEAVER ur back, lurk all u want but it's still nice to hear from you too.And my jello thing is that I like it better, no hidden reason.

    JC I'm sure ur looking forward to being with ur friends, u enjoy that so and I don't blame you.

    Sandy what u had sounds good without ur DH, but he does work a lot. He always sounds so devoted, ur very lucky. We're getting the same kind of weather, it doesn't bother me except I can't get warm.

    Dan came over last nite and again paid me to much, believe it I'm not worth it but that's the way he is and I hadn;t seem him in a month and he said <which cracked me up> when u have a taste for something call me I'll go get it for you. I must really look pathetic. Oh well.

    These 2 crazy people <Les/Joe> have their overhead fans on right now, I'm all covered up with my little heater on. And Dan brought me a new phone, oh I really liked when u plugged in a phone and that was that.

    Hope everyone has a TGIF good ay.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    Sandy you house is gorgeous!