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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    his is that sweetie that calls me Nana Lori.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    63F already! Headed down to the Loop for my dental appt. Not gonna jinx things by chilling any bubbly--we have an icemaker so 20 min. in an ice bucket would do as well as the fridge anyway. I suspect, though, it'll be at least a few days if not weeks till we know.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited November 2020

    We have had a bit cooler weather here. Lower humidity is nice for a change, everybody's hair is laying down instead of frizzing and sticking up. My oldest son was taking flying lessons and just did his solo flight on October 22. I am glad I did not know until it was done, he was the kid that had a lot of car accidents growing up, not sure putting him in the sky was a good thing. But it is good to live your dream. My dad is out of rehab and is home. The insurance would not cover him staying any longer. He did get a lot better being there, he really needed to be there longer. They did get him up walking and eating better, but he can not stand up on his own. My sister who is retired goes and helps my mother every morning cleaning him up. They have had OT and PT come and that is good. Hopefully, he will get where he can stand up himself and get to the bathroom.

    One of my co-workers has been out sick and we are all wondering what she has, she was going to get a Covid test last Wed or Thur. I don't know how long it takes to get results, we haven't heard anything from her. She is a new employee so I really don't know too much about her. I am praying it is not the virus. I have to help my mom a lot with my dad because I live close to her, and she calls me if she needs help.

    JC - I love, love, love the car and the red interior.

    ilimae - I am thinking of you and sending these mentally good vibes zooming to you. I hope you can feel it. :)

    Hello to all.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Mistyeyes, I think I do feel it, thanks. I’m having a pretty good day today, just relaxing and enjoying the cabin. Weather is 66, 26% humidity, slight breeze, clear air and this view.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Oh Mae - absolutely gorgeous.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Mae - gorgeous view! Remind me where this is. glad that you are enjoying yourself and relaxing

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Karen, we’re out in west Texas roughly between EL Paso and Mexico. Enjoying the isolation.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! There was a regular traffic jam at the polls last night. 2 people came out just before I went in, 1 other person marking his vote while I was inside, 3 people going in as I was coming out. From the looks of the check marks on the voter registry list about half the town had voted by the time I got there around 5 peeyem. It's looking like the President/Vice President race may be a closer one than I was thinking it would be. It will be kind of interesting to watch how that plays out.

    It's going to be a short day at work today, only need a couple of hours to get my 24 forthe week. Yesterday I worked as a C.N.A. most of the day. The Director of Nurses was working as charge nurse, the Assistant DON was the med tech. Must have had a run of call outs.

    Sadie says Woof, and offers to curl up in anyone's bed to warm it up in return for belly rubs!

    Goldie--Yup, you win on the snow! I'm hoping to not see a 10 inch storm for a while. I hope the covid rate stops rising soon, if the county goes yellow I'll have to be covid tested every 2 weeks at work, and managing the testing of all the staff is a PIA. Hopefully we'll avoid that, at least for a while. What I have noticed is that there is another announcement of a restaurant worker with Hepatitis A is out. It seems like this is the 3rd or 4th in the last couple of months. This news doesn't create the news noise it used to. Trouble finding reliable help is a generalized health care thing, but a bit worse in rural regions. I saw your post about the new treatment hold up. So not right, so not fair. To have to jump through hoops like that just infuriates me. Your granddaughter is such a sweetie! Sorry your DH is driving you nuts. I imagine he feels pretty miserable and men just don't seem to do well with that. Hoping he starts feeling better soon.

    Teka--I'm glad I didn't get THAT much snow! But it looks very pretty.

    Chi--good luck! Hope you got to chill and open the bubbly!

    Misty--Congrats to oldest son on his solo flight! It is good to live a dream. Glad to hear your Dad is home, even if he could have used more time in rehab. Hopefully the home therapists will keep him moving forward. I hope the new co-worker isn't sick with covid but something "normal" and that you find out which soon.

    Illi--that is one fantastic view!

    election night cocktail recipes

    Berry Glad You Voted


    1.5 oz. Vegas Baby Vodka

    .5 oz. Lemon juice

    Muddled blueberries

    Muddled raspberries

    Muddled basil

    Splash of club soda


    Muddle the blueberries, raspberries, and basil. Add to shaker with ice, vodka, and lemon juice. Shake. Strain into a highball glass and top with club soda. Garnish with skewered berries.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Teka, that picture makes me cold!

    Misty, another reason I hate insurances. They don't allow a person to stay where they need to be for as long as they need to be. My mother was always sent home from rehab before she was ready, but that's all Medicare would cover and then she couldn't go back unless she had been out for 3 months. I forget what happened do your dad. How old are your folks? Will you fly with your son?

    Just beautiful BabyGirl! Love the mountains.

    NM, I'll have to decline Sadie's offer to warm things up in bed. I need something to cool me down. I run a fan all year long next to me on my night stand and can't stand the fleece sheets that I put on for hubby in the fall/winter. Glad you are sticking to your 24 hours. As for the snow, weather out this way can be pretty unpredictable in the spring and fall. Also for Jazzy and Karen in NM and CO.

    That was quite a rant there yesterday! Sorry! Better today. I had to run to town (AGAIN) DH having horrible issues on the terlit and doc said he might be compacted. So had to run out and get some magnesium citrate. Well, that certainly opened up the gates! Except now he's in there often, with not much production. Up alot during the night, so still not much sleep. But he is in better spirits. We keep track of all our mileage, in the last 4 weeks, I have driven 4000 miles.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    LIKE a BOSS Like a Boss #Cute #Cat #Gif #Funny #Kitty #Humor #Lol #Rulebreaker | Cute Meme on ME.ME

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Reading everything ooohhh.

    Lori this ins. thing sickens me everytime I hear about it. Now u have to fool around with all these paper works things. Especilly now, u have so much more stress going on and I'm sure it's not easy taking care of Darrell. He must be miserable too. Oh Lori she's adorable.

    Misty just like ur dad, I'm sure he needed more rehab It's rough and it's harder to do this at home. I hope he gets his strength up so he can stand soon. And I'm with u I'd rather know after about certain things But still Congrats for ur son.

    Beautiful views Illi and Teka.

    Kim everything is still all over the place at work for you. One thing constant tho is Sadie, she's so comforting and that's such a nice feeling.

    I can't believe all these boarding up places, this is by far the most riviting election I have .ever seen. And personally I think it's a disgrace to America, this is maddening.

    SusyQ I hope ur DH is OK and so sorry about how often u need heating pads, but as long as they help.

    Back to covid, I think the young people in my sister's family brought it in. They still go downtown on the weekends and go to bars, they don't wear masks very long and talk to strangers a lot. I think they think nothing of it. Ol enough to drink but not have many brains. So one house everyone got it except my niece and of course a couple of other cousins got it cuz they spend a lot of time together. Let's face it all they needed was one person to catch it and it just traveled fast. No wonder why the whole country started it all over again. Loads of people couldn't stick to rules. Now my sister an her DH are on hold to see everyone again. IDK like I said I think if we keep going like this, this will really be unending. If everyone would really do what is right for even 6 weeks it might burn itself out.

    Happy Hump day altho everyday feels the same right now.

    I hope everyone's day turns out well.

    Hello to everyone.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Kim - Denver is Red for all metrics. Positivity rate is over 10%. My district is offering free Covid testing every 2 weeks. I went 2 weeks ago and then just went today as I test a student 2 weeks ago. Saliva test. Colorado is close to another stay at home order. 2000 cases/day.

    Weather is nice this week. Record high today, 77. Yesterday record high at 79. Storm next week-end

    Lori - magnesium sulfate has been a life saver for me post surgery. It's only %0.99 at the Kings Soopers.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    IL had 7500 cases today. Every part of the state is seeing spikes, with the NW counties (bordering WI & IA) as high as 15.7%.

    Mag citrate is what I've used as colonoscopy prep. It comes in flavors too. But mostly what gets me going in the morning are swallowing my meds with water, and then having my coffee (& sometimes breakfast). Very, very rarely do I need to take a stool softener at bedtime or a suppository in the morning. (TMI: my sister & I made a pact when our mom was still alive--she'd have been 100 next Tuesday--that if we ever started talking to anyone but our doctors about our bowels, the other would have permission to shoot to kill).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! My short day at work yesterday turned into a regular day. My own fault this time, though. I went in to work for a while Saturday and was counting those hours on this pay week, forgetting that the facility's pay week is Sunday to Saturday, not the Saturday to Friday that I'm used to. So I had to work all day to get my 24 hours. Just as well, a state surveyor came in to investigate a complaint and by being there I could find out that we are ok, no citations or fines.

    And just to add to the covid fun, with the opening of a bunch of new test centers using the Maine CDC standing orders, everyone can be tested at any time, for any reason. The surge in people getting tested has overloaded the state lab that is running the tests, so results are taking anywhere from 72 hours to 4 days to report. So the Department of Health and Human Services has decided that nursing homes can no longer use the state lab for the Medicare required staff covid testing. Our Administrator did find an out of state lab that meets Medicare's criteria that only charges $40 per test. All the Maine based labs are charging $100 per test. Oh, the DHHS/Medicaid program will no longer be covering testing costs for nursing homes. To test our entire building staff plus all the contracted employees (people who work for another company but work in the building, meaning all our kitchen staff, therapy staff, maintenance staff, staffing agency nurses and nurses' aides) will cost almost $4K per round. We are only a 60 bed facility, and only 70% full. I cannot imagine how the large facilities are going to take on this cost.

    I think I'm going to give myself a lazy day today and plan on getting stuff done around the house tomorrow. Saturday is the Hot Cider and donuts train ride that I booked after missing the extended foliage ride. I'm really looking forward to that, and plan on blocking the work numbers on my phone so there is no chance I will miss out.

    Mom's settling into the new place quite nicely now. She's happily unpacking and arranging things, and has even gotten rid of a number of things, which surprises me greatly!

    Sadie and I had a seriously long cuddle in bed this ayem before getting up. It was so nice to belly rub and get ear licks and just be all warm and snuggly. Would have lasted longer but we both had to get up and pee!

    Goldie--I remember needing to run a fan and keep the bedroom really cool during AI treatment! I would want to snuggle but couldn't stand it for long. I find fleece sheets to be very staticky, don't like them for that. Do keep track of your medical milage, at that rate you will qualify to item deduct your medical expenses from your taxes next year, if not this year. Pain meds and constipation go together so often. I'm glad DH's gates got opened. He should be feeling better with that problem fixed.

    Cammy Cat--Yup, work is crazy. Found out another one of the good nurses has given notice and will be gone in 2 weeks. I may work on updating my resume today and start posting it and see what happens. It was interesting last time I did that the contacts I got. You are right about the covid, all it takes is one person and it's off and running through a family or business or facility. There's no way everyone will band together now, covid has become a political thing and not a public health thing. So more people will suffer and for longer. Sigh.

    Karen--yikes, that is scary! I hope Maine never goes red, then I'd have to be tested twice a week, along with everyone else in the facility. All the snow is melted here, too. Temps supposed to get into the 50's or even 60's this weekend. I'm hoping so, it will make the train ride a lot more fun if it's not super cold.

    Chi--I can remember learning about Mag Citrate and hearing called "Magic Citrate" for its effectiveness in relieving constipation! I think some docs still use it as a colonoscopy prep. Isn't it amazing how fascinating the topic of our bowels becomes over time?

    image alt="Post Image">

    image alt="Post Image">

    image alt="Post Image">

    El Presidente Cocktail


    • 1 ounce light rum
    • 1 ounce dry vermouth
    • 1 teaspoon grenadine
    • 1 teaspoon curaçao
    • Twist of orange peel
    • Maraschino cherry garnish


    1. In a tall glass filled with cracked ice, add rum and vermouth.
    2. Add grenadine and curaçao, stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    3. Twist orange peel over the glass so that the oil floats on the surface of the drink. Drop orange peel in, along with maraschino cherry.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    10 Rain Meme ideas | rain meme, funny memes, funny

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Cami, sorry to hear that some of Lu's family has Covid. I hope Lu and her DH are able to keep away from it.

    Sandy, we will keep your bowel talk a secret and not tell your sister!

    NM, I hope you get a nice day tomorrow for your train ride. How long is it? And good to hear your mom is settling in and even getting rid of things. Did she get a phone? How is Dick doing in his new surroundings? The fleece sheets aren't static, but they are just too warm for me. Yes, we do keep track of our mileage, for business and medical.

    Karen/Jazzy, are you guys expecting snow Sun/Mon?

    Covid cases rising all across the country, yet it doesn't seem as though anything is being done about it. It really angers me. Just saw they were going to open one of the casino's up here where I live and it's run by Native Americans, which is where majority of the cases up here are at. Oh well, we will just continue to go to doctors and get groceries and to the post office.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    How about an Apple Cider Mimosa for our DOTD.

    Apple Cider Mimosas


    1 bottle champagne
    1 cup apple cider
    2 tbsp sugar
    1 tbsp ground cinnamon


    On a small plate, combine sugar and cinnamon. Dip champagne flutes in water to wet the rims, then dip in cinnamon sugar mixture. Fill champagne flutes 1/4 full with apple cider, then top off with champagne.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow now I can't believe how quiet this place is. I have nothing going on, for sure.

    My niece was here the other day an the hours flew by, they always do. I always enjoy her visits. She's so sweet an caring.

    I recorded a few Hoarding shows, just to make me feel good when I watch them, cuz my little room can overwelm me sometimes but I chose this so it's really fine.

    Joey has an actual col, ut we still don't go by each other. So here we are in the same house and I can't see him, now that's hard for me so we text. LOL

    Sandy has the numbers for us with this horrendous covid <I refuse to capitalize the first letter, it's like giving into it's power, I get so goofy about things> So we're all sailing the same way in choppy waters still.

    Lori I hope things are better for you at home. This has been a very tough time for you, so not fair and I'm so sorry.

    This one lousy hour seems like hrs. to me. I just can't get the hang of it this year. That's so silly but it's a struggle with my already crazy sleep pattern, it's crazier than usual.

    OK I've complained enough but Kim OK OK OK I will keep it zipped otherwise u know what I'll say. Just take care of urself. For all different things.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Goldie- lurking this morning, but short post before I go do my walk before work (job still going well). We are letting rain down here in the valley starting tomorrow, and probably some snow up in the mountains. We need the moisture!

    Will write more this weekend ladies. Have a good Friday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Heck yeah It's Friday ! | Funny animals, Cats, Cat facts

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I'm enjoying the fact that it has warmed up enough hear that I could turn off the heat yesterday ayem and haven't had to turn it back on yet! Granted, I need a sweater while sitting at the computer this ayem, but that's ok. Supposed to be cloudy today.Would like to see the sun, but I'll manage. There are advantages to getting on e-mail lists sometimes. I got an e-mail from the company that I go whale watching on and it had discounts for the special lighthouse tour trips for 2021.I've already bought my ticket for the July Grand Slam that visits every lighthouse between Bar Harbor and New Brunswick, plus 7 Canadian light houses. It's an all day trip, lunch included. Already have it on my calendar. I am not going to miss out on any trips next year!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--The train ride is a couple of hours. She did get a new phone, thought she was getting the same thing she had before but it's a little different, so she doesn't really like it. She says she got a phone with her cable hookup, so she's trying that one to see if she likes it.Dick is starting to settle in a bit, but is still unhappy about the move. Mom has been able to visit with him outside for 15 minutes at a time a couple of times and she is going to take him to some of his doctor's appointments that are coming up, so they'll get to visit for a few hours and maybe even go out for lunch. He calls me anytime he tries to call Mom and can't get through to her, usually because she is doing something and can't pick up the phone. Here in Maine the Governor just mandated face coverings whenever in public, inside or outside due to the rising covid rate.

    Wow, that Apple Cider Mimosa sounds Marvelous!

    Cammy Cat--LOL at you and Joey texting so you don't catch his cold! FYI, I ran across a non-nursing job that I think I qualify for and would love to do, so say a prayer for me!

    Jazzy--glad to hear the new job is going well!I've put a time frame on my moving out of the current job. I requested vacay time starting Jan 25th, it's been a week and I still haven't heard. If I haven't heard and/or no significant improvement in conditions by Jan 8th I'll turn inmy 2 week notice, take my vacay as planned, and start with the Hospice agency in February. In the meantime I am looking around, and have applied for a position that is not nursing but I think I could do really well and really enjoy. Let's see where God leads me this time!




    Train's A Comin'


    • 1 oz Cognac
    • 3/4 oz Dolin blanc vermouth
    • 13/100 oz Crème Yvette
    • 3/4 oz Lemon juice
    • 3/4 oz Concord grape syrup*
    • Absinthe
    • Garnish: Lemon twist


    1. Add all ingredients to a shaker filled with ice.
    2. Shake, and double strain into an absinthe-rinsed glass filled with ice.
    3. Garnish with a lemon twist.

    From <>

    Goldie--I make make an Apple Cider Mimosa and put it in a travel mug and take it with me on the train ride tomorrow!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Woops, didn't think the picture was posting. Guess it did!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Lori, the NW mountains are predicted to get a couple feet of snow Sunday - nothing yet for Denver. This week we've either tied or broke record highs at 77 and 79 degrees. When I ran this morning it was already 55 degrees before 7:00am

    Governor is telling people to cancel their November social plans - if you want to be with family for Thanksgiving do it via zoom. Just spend time with people who live in your household. We are on the last step before stay at home orders. Boulder is going stay at home today and UC Boulder is going totally virtual. Like Lori, we don't go anywhere except grocery store, occasional run to mail something (I just mailed my daughter in Israel the girl scout cookies I bought for her last spring - the most expensive girl scout cookies ever) or to get beer every few weeks. Walks in the hood. I can't believe the people who are saying "see the masks don't work" - yeah they don't work if you don't wear them!

    Best get busy with my typical Friday - cleaning, grocery shopping (have to go twice week, since produce don't last 7 days) and cooking!

    Have a great day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Weather is awesome here, all the way up till Tues. afternoon, after which the bottom drops out and it's mid-Nov. again. Dining out on Cellars' patio tonight for the second day in a row. Last night's DOTD was a brut cremant de Limoux. Tonight, likely the same. Finally pulled out a bottle of real Champagne and put it in the fridge but not gonna open it yet.

    Over 10K new COVID cases today in IL (yet another record). Our Gov. has to quarantine yet again because of a possible exposure (maybe a reporter at a press conference). And despite WI setting a single-day new case record, the idiots on its Ct. of Appeals overturned their Gov.'s indoor-dining-and-bar capacity limits as "unconstitutional." (It's S.Ct. is just as stupidly partisan). Anyway, I'm getting a trim & touchup (first since early June) tomorrow, in anticipation of likely shutdowns in salons as early as next week (before my next mani). No Braz. Blowout straightening this time--the last one wore off too quickly due to sweat, and the FDA advised banning it in 2018 as carcinogenic, but politically-connected supervisors at HHS refused. The fumes from it have been so bad that even a mask & goggles didn't keep my eyes and even nostrils from burning last time. And it adds 2 hrs. to the time and $200 to the tab. My ocular onc. wouldn't say for sure that 10 yrs of it 3x/yr. contributed to my choroidal melanoma, but seeing as how I can use hot tools and conditioners at home my vanity & supposed convenience isn't worth even a speculative risk.

    Tonight, probably DOTD will be much the same as last night. (It'll go with the salmon I'm planning to order). Or maybe a rosé.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Hello, all. Popping in for a quick visit. Guess everyone is experiencing renewed COVID woes lately. In my N. KY county we are "red" and cases are worse than the 1st big wave. In the midst of it all, we too, are having some lovely weather, though!

    Illi - Beautiful view from your cabin - how heavenly! Wishing the best for you!

    goldie - I like that Apple Cider Mimosa drink! Sorry to hear of all your trials & tribulation between driving, your DH's recovery & dealing with insurance issues. Hoping things get better soon.

    It is scary thinking about adverse reactions to the election & possible unrest/violence in some cities. Seems there are a number of rather distressing demonstrations going on already. Makes me glad to live in a quiet suburban neighborhood.

    Hanging in there with my spiked coffee drinks, as usual.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Lots to see up here, enjoy.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Oh, wow, Ilona! The burro is adorable, and the deer is lovely. Can't tell from the other pic whether those are javelina or armadillos.

    The only sparkler Cellars had tonight was a prosecco. (Meh). They were so busy with this summerlike weather (didn't even need a jacket) that they had to add extra outdoor tables. DOTD was a 2019 Côté Mas rosé from Provence: Grenache/Cinsault/Syrah. It was dirt cheap ($18 for a 1L bottle) and we brought most of it home.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Hot Cider and Donuts train ride a bit later this ayem, and it's warm enough to not need the heat on, so it should be a nice ride. I hope the sun comes out for a while. Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--I sure hope we aren't all headed back to full lock-down/stay at home, particularly for the holidays, but it sure looks like we are headed that way. More and more schools here going fully virtual. I am getting so tired of working hard to follow the guidelines and taking care for everyone and seeing so many people who clearly don't care about anyone but themselves.

    Chi--I'd be scared to put something on my hair that made my eyes and nose burn! It must give really marvelous results for people to put up with that much discomfort.

    Celia--I've stopped listening to/watching the news entirely, can't stand the craziness and violence. Has a winner of the Pres. Election been officially announced yet? Sharing my coffee & Kahlua with you this ayem!

    Illi--on my goodness, look at all the critters!

    Bulleit Train Old Fashioned


    1.25 oz Bulleit Bourbon

    .25 oz Grind Espresso Spirit

    1 Raw sugar cube

    3 dashes orange bitters


    • Muddle sugar cube and bitters in rocks glass.
    • Add large ice cube.
    • Add espresso spirit and bourbon, stir until well chilled.
    • Garnish with lemon zest.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Good morning! Really beautiful weather here. Yesterday I wore myself out raking the pinestraw in the front yard into the beds. It looks more kept and I got my upper body workout! Today we will walk before settling down to some college football and a NASCAR race. My favorite teams all play at the same time so it will be a bit challenging. My bottle of champagne is chilling until the election is finalized. Until then I will work on my vodka tonics.

    Our COVID-19 numbers keep going up. The percent positive hovers around 13%. Hospitals are not full, but the numbers are climbing. I am a victim of pandemic fatigue. I do go places and mix with people. For the most part the people are ‘clean’ and I wear a mask and use sanitizer. I will host our small group for Thanksgiving and Christmas unless one of them gets sick. Yet I still worry as no one knows how they would do if they catch it.

    Had my two year Cancerversary earlier this month. 2020 has been a good year for me health wise. I hope everyone continues to do well, continues to have adventures and continues to enjoy what is safe to do!

    Take care

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Sandy, those are Javalina’s. They’re considered quite a nuisance around here but I think humans are far more destructive, so I live and let live 🙂