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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Funny Animated Cat GIF 26 – Fit for Fun

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Well it seems like weatherwise we're all fairing about the same an it's pretty good right now. About the only thing that's good out there right now. Yep closings are starting all over again an with good reason. So many people thought they had enough and figured it was about over and started not caring about masks and such...Too soon. I know we're all tired of this but it's better than being sick an compromised. Celia and Kim u've got the right idea for ur coffees. And LC ur still going in the right direction for sure. I think this is very hard on you for the most part.

    Kim sounds like all ur ducks are in a row, now get them moving soon. U'll be fine I just know this. Extra belly rubs please for Sadie. I feel bad for Dick he's having a much harder time thn ur mom is.

    Sandy how is ur HK doing with her DH now??? Keep on enjoying ur times out to eat etc. every week is a new announcement. So do what u can while u can at least.

    Jazzy job going good allis well in that direction. Great.

    Everyone have good Saturday an try to have a good saturday.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Good morning friends- happy weekend and made it through week #2 AND got paid yesterday for my first week. Whoot, nice to see cash coming in to my account. Next time it will be for two weeks. Got signed up yesterday for most of my benefits, got a couple more to go. The hospital has some unique special coverages for suppliementary catastrophic coverage that I have never seen before to cover things like cancer, heart attack, stroke, and ICU. The cost is very good and think worth getting given my age, medical history, and Covid. We spent a lot of time training and the job itself is a bit undefined still for our new group, but we are getting things figured out. I like the culture, the people, etc. and am getting used to my new 8-5 routines.

    CeliaC- well the election got called this morning and hoping for the same, but on alert in my community for any problems to follow. We have had issues here during the pandemic and all the things that have gone on this year. Our downtown area has been boarded up since June when there were riots. And our numbers here are through the roof and heard this week hospitals will be starting to build tent hospitals in the parking lots soon, like El Paso is doing. Sigh. Stay well sister.

    NM- I think I saw on FB you were going on the train ride today, yes? I hope the ride and views and snacks are wonderful. Something about apple cider donuts? Glad mom is settling in, moves are hard but know they get harder as we age. I think you have a good timeline for making decisions sister. Take care of YOU and the rest will sort itself out.

    Cami- how are the family members with Covid doing?

    Ill- love the photos. I think we talked about javelinas on the gardening thread, but since they are rooting critters, you just have to watch the gardens. They are know to be diggers, but think they are so cool. We have them south of here in a bird santuary called the Bosque Del Apache where there is a huge wintering bird population too. I agree with you that humans are more destructive than wildlife.

    Karen- I heard Denver has a curfew now? It was on the local news last night and messaged a friend there who was out to Denver with her son and unaware. We are getting the rain portion of the storm, and my sister out on the west coast said this storm that has come down from AK is cold and soaking. We need the moisture, as does everyone out here in the west. I am not hearing as much about the fires in CO but expect they are still going on? Be safe!

    Teka- what is going on in north country. Did I see you got some snow this week?

    JCS- congrats on your two years. I think the first two years were the hardest for me, it got a bit easier in time and much easier after I came off the AI drugs in 2018. Stay well and be safe in your gatherings.

    Goldie- I am sorry your DH is having a hard time. The constipation is probably from the pain killers, I know they warn you about that when you get them after anything major like he has been through. I am sorry you are having to fight for your medical care you need and drive so far. So much on your plate. Sending much love your way.

    Chi, Mistyeyes, Minus Two, everyone else, hope your weekend is going okay?

    A good friend of mine here has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I have been walking her through some of the additional tests she had to do (MRI) to get to the diagnosis and she has now had two biopsies. I gave her the link to our site here and told her it's super helpful, especially as you are going through the start of things. She is seeing a breast surgeon next week and should be getting her plan for care. We are newer friends the past few years, but have become besties. She knew before her dx I had bc 8 years ago so she could reach out as this all started. We love our BCO.

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy - So happy for you in re: your new job!

    JCS - Congrats on your 2 yrs!

    Just settled in with an after dinner Chambord/White Wine Spritzer. Awaiting the 8pm speech.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited November 2020

    We've not had dinner yet here in CA. I do have our split of champagne ready to go so we have a celebration while we watch the speech.

    We got a bit of rain last night & today has been cloudy & cool. I'm so glad. It was a long, hot & smokey summer & fall.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy - curfew 10pm to 5am due to the rising Covid numbers - in effect for 30 days except not on Thanksgiving which makes no sense since the governor has said only get together with people who live in your house!!!

    Gorgeous weather in Denver today, though is changing and turning cooler tomorrow, then Monday in the 40s.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Just came inside from the deck--next-door neighbor set up his laptop+projector and put a screen on his garage. I served champagne over the fence. Firecrackers and car horns in the alley. Bob even made it home from Holy Cross, taking surface streets, bypassing the celebrations clogging the highways.

    IL racked up 12K new COVID cases today--but one of the reasons for the spike in numbers is that they started reporting "probable" cases along with positive tests. "Probables" are those with symptoms, who reported having been exposed, regardless of whether they're awaiting test results or diagnosed on symptoms+exposure alone.. It's possible that one case can be reported twice: once as a "probable" and then when the test results come back positive, and then as a "confirmed" case. Still & all, entirely too many cases for comfort.

    DOTD: GH Mumm Brut Rosé "Foujita" Reserve (bottled 2013, disgorged 2019).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    NM, we have had to have heat on too, especially in the mornings. The July Grand Slam sounds awesome. Facemasks are required here, but it's not enforced. I don't think it's required for outdoors. Sounds like a good plan for your vacation time and possibly moving on. God has always been good to you in regards to that. Understandable that Dick doesn't like his situation.

    Karen yep, those would be some expensive GS cookies! My kids wanted me to send them some of my canned goods and I said the same thing, those would be some expensive tomatoes! If people would just follow the rules, we could get rid of this dang virus, 6 week is all it would take. I personally don't understand curfews and how they even help.

    Sandy, interesting about the Braz. blow out fumes and the possible connection to the choroidal melanoma.

    Celia, I think Covid is worse everywhere. People just becoming too lax.

    BabyGirl, we have all of those animals here as well. Not necessarily where I live, but here in AZ. Totally agree with humans being more destructive than the javalina's.

    JCS, you sure had a lot going on with the raking, walking, football and Nascar! Congrats on the 2 years.

    Jazzy, sounds like things are going really good for you on the job front. I think liking the people you work with is HUGE! Sorry to hear about your friend. Hoping it's early stage!

    Welcome JHL.

    Cami, how is Joey feeling?

    Been chilly and gloomy here. A bit of rain yesterday. Not sure what today will do, but it will be a bit cooler. I've been tearing down the garden and cutting back plants, on top of trying to get things done in the house. My step daughter asked a couple of weeks ago if it was ok to come for Thanksgiving. I was kind of shocked, given everything that has happened here. Plus I don't know how I am going to feel if I ever get this treatment. I have been busting my a$ off taking care of things around here and then to have 2 more people to take care of! And they don't help at all. Which she really can't anyways as she is very obese. He does everything at their home.

    DOTD: Boozy Snickerdoodle Chai Tea Latte

    Boozy Snickerdoodle Chai Tea Latte 2


    1:1 Ratio Chai Tea and Milk (I used my favorite Tazo brand for my Chai Tea)
    1.5 oz Smirnoff Cinna-Sugar Twist Vodka
    Whipped Cream
    Cinnamon for dusting

    Heat up the chai tea and milk on the stove to the desired temperature.
    Pour into a mug and add in the vodka.
    Stir to combine.
    Add whipped cream and sprinkle of cinnamon.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! My fun day was yesterday. Took, the Moosehead and Belfast Hot Cider and Donut ride, then went to an Alpaca farm, where theyescort you right into fields with the Alpaca! I learned that they are pretty timid creatures with no real predators in Peru, where they come from. They have two babies. Gestation time is 12 months. Yup, pregnant for a year. Sun was out most of the day, temp near 70, just a wonderful day.

    The Alpaca babies

    Me getting checked out

    This is who was checking me out.


    The Open Air car next to the engine at Unity Station


    Looking into the Coach Car


    Along side Unity Pond

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning Gif Funny - Funny PNG

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Librarian--nice when a workout also gets some work done around the house! Congrats on the Cancerversary! May the good health year continue for you!

    Illi--live and let live is good!

    Cammy Cat--yup, got my ducks in a row and my time table set. Now it's up to God and other people. But I have a light at the end of the tunnel. Sadie says thanks for the extra belly rubs, and then told me that as her hooman should match any donations to her belly rub account! So for now she's getting a match for every donation. Silly Dog, she hasn't figured out that I like belly rubbing as much as she likes getting belly rubs! I feel bad for Dick, too, but Mom couldn't take care of him all by herself andthis is a much safer set up for him.

    Jazzy--The first paycheck of a new job is always a fun thing to get! Sounds like the benes are really good for a health care position. Glad it's going so well for you!Yup, the train ride was yesterday, and then I added a trip to an Alpaca Farm. It was a very, very good day! The views through the woods and bog were pretty clear of leaves, so could see the wind damage from recent storms, and a few hunters out for ducks and deer. I've got to admit that I feel better now that I have a time line.

    Good Morning, Celia!

    Welcome, jhl! Whereabouts are you from?

    Karen--that is odd with the curfew except for the holiday. I guess the Gov knows no one will pay attention to the "only with the people you live with" mandate!

    Chi--It's annoying how they keep changing how they count cases. Makes it hard to know what to believe. Love the idea of using the garage as a screen for a projector! What were you watching?

    Goldie--The Gov in Maine just mandated masks indoors AND outdoors, due to the rising number of cases. It was interesting yesterday on the train, one group came in, 2 Moms, 3 kidlets, all wearing masks until they got to where they were going to sit, the Moms immediately took off their masks, then made the kids take off their masks for pictures, all while sitting right next to a sign stating that masks are required! And arguing with the kids who wanted to keep the masks on! Fortunately there was plenty of room and a brisk breeze, so I figure I was safe enough with my mask on. God has been good to me as far as putting me in good work situations and I'm praying He'll send me a clear message about where to go/what to do next. I am looking for something not in nursing right now. I've posted my resume in a couple of places and had one recruiter call so far, need to return her call on Monday. Your stepdaughter asking to come for Thanksgiving sounds like a real stressor for you right now. With all you have going on you'd be forgiven for saying you are not going to celebrate this year.

    Love the Snickerdoodle Chai Tea Latte!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Welcome jhi hope u come back and share, BCO has been great for me.

    I'm sure that the numbers will go down if everyone follows rules and maybe this thing can get under control. Well that's what I'm hoping anyway. Karen what I don't get is for Thanksgiving whoever lives in the house. If there is just a husband and wife with grown children an u've seem them all this time why not. Thanksgiving is about family and Thanks. And if we all spend it alone, of course we have so much to be thankful for but our kids and good friends help that. I think everyone has to just use common sense on this one. Everyone is doing OK now with my sister's family, no one needed the hospital, just needed to stay where they were and rest somehow. She told me pretty much it's about over so I wouldn't worry so it's all good now.

    Lori it's strange ur stepaughter asked about coming over for TG. Her next sentence shoul have been she would do all the preparing and cook so u could relax for the day. She has to know all that has been happening if not make sure she does know. U've been going thru so very much coming from all directions.. prayers still being sent.

    Sandy celebrating is good for the soul so keep it up.

    Jazzy 2 weeks already. It must feel strange tho having exact hours after all this time. U probably work less now but still.

    I have to agree about wildlife. Their instincts are matured compare to our own brains. If their habitat is left alone they have proven to get along with other wildlife unless it's dangerous, where humans just follow rampages for any their own area.It's a shame.

    Quiet weekend here. Joey feels good now so it was just a cold, but I still haven't talked to him in person. The kids are still looking for a house and my biggest thing is moving from Bob. He lives just a few mins. from here and usually calls me at the end of his day to see if I want anything for him to drop off. Which I do sometimes and he does. Nothing is happening yet.

    Wishing all a great Sunday, peaceful, good food an of course good cheers.Have that first and the rest will come.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    aww, I love those alpacas, morning all :)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Goldie - I hope you said no to the step-daughter. Not this year. It's sooooo hard to say that one small word - NO. Actually NM's thought about telling her you're not celebrating is more diplomatic.

    NM - I'd really like to add the July Grand Slam lighthouse tour to my list. I'm going to PM you for a reference link or company name. Love the pictures of the train ride

    Cami - if the move happens I hope it's not too far from where you are. "They" will have to carry me out my house feet first.

    Mae - my niece has a ranch SE of San Antonio. The feral wild hogs are an awful problem. They dig up whatever you plant and make huge holes all over for the horses to step in & break a leg. Can't remember the numbers, but they reproduce prolifically and have virtually no natural enemies.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Illimae- I keep forgetting to tell you how happy I am your scans came out well! The views from the cabin are also beautiful. Are you up some in the hills of west Texas? It will be a great place to retire to.

    NM - love the Alpacas and the train ride looks like it was really fun. So nice to take your mind off you troubles.

    Cami - Hope your DH is recovering well. So sorry you have to drive so far for treatment. Very little here is more than 30 minutes away. Of course, that means sirens and loud cars are constantly in the background. Guess there are always trade offs.

    Waiting for the rain to start next week. I will need to find some inside chores or finish up a bit of Christmas shopping.

    Take care all

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    JCL, yup west Texas. The climate is very similar to California out here, which I love. Highs in the 70’s/60’s, lows in the 40’s/30’s currently

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    My neighbor was streaming MSNBC--so that's whose coverage we watched on his garage wall.

    It might not seem as if curfews accomplish anything (whether to combat COVID or violence). Can't much speak to violence (seems as if during protests, imposing a curfew is like waving a red cape at a bull, and is more often disregarded than observed). But as far as the pandemic goes, the earlier people must go home and establishments shuttered for the night, the fewer people there are out on the streets, crowding together inside or outside restaurants & bars. And it makes violations that much more visible and enforcement against them that much easier. It's simple math. (Of course, some idiot local gov'ts and police depts. are refusing to enforce--including some "collar county" towns in IL).

    Went out to a patio brunch this a.m., and the DOTD thus far was prosecco. Not sure what we'll order with a patio dinner tonight.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Me again,

    Minus I think we think alike just say NO, that's it. Kim has a nice approach. like she always does.

    LC it's Lori who lives so far from everything and such. I have no DH, the last one I had wasn't dear at all.

    Sandy the younger people start their nite at 9/10 so maybe this discourages them from going out at all. I remember those days of going out at 10, now I come home at 10, maybe earlier.

    I just watched a Sy-Fy movie I don't know why. I didn't understand any part of it, waiting to get it I watched the whole thing. Then the screen went dark and the credits started to show and I thought who would invest in making this movie. It was so stupid, Oh well.

    Just thought I'd poop in.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    cami - let's hear it for obnoxious EX-DHs & glad/grateful that they're gone. My first one was. And you. I know Lori's was.

    Edited to be fair. My second DH is still a good friend. Even though we've been divorced for over 20 years and he's been re-married for the same time), he will still pick me up if I need some kind of treatment. Before Covid we usually had lunch every couple of months. He called me to have a 'telephone drink' after the election was finally over.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited November 2020

    Hello Ladies,

    DH & I are enjoying Old Fashioned's after a day at the zoo with the grandchildren. It was cool & windy but a nice change from the very hot days we've had.

    I live in Sacramento, CA. I've enjoyed seeing the celebrations across the country. It gives me a peek to what your weather has been these last few days. It puts a picture to the numbers.

    I'll raise my glass to your good news & will be thinking about whoever has tests & scans.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! I'm wondering what is going to be going on at work today. Guess I'll find out in a bit. Getting up to a lot of fog this ayem. It cooled off yesterday, and has warmed up again. Such crazy temperature swings!

    Here's more fun:

    BAR HARBOR, Maine (WABI) - Five different Bar Harbor restaurants have all announced this afternoon on Facebook they will be closing temporarily after employees may have come into contact with someone who is requiring a COVID-19 test.

    From <>

    One person has managed to closed down just about all the open restaurants in Bar Harbor! Some restaurant's signs says their staff was exposed to someone with a positive diagnosis and they are closed until staff testing is done.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Cammy Cat--numbers would go down if everyone followed the rules, but so many people see the rules as personal attacks and simply will not, so this will go on and on. Glad to hear your sister's family is recovering and there were no serious cases there. Moving sounds like a huge undertaking and big change right now. Hopefully, if there is a move, it won't be very far and Bob will still be able to drop by regularly.

    Illi--the Alpacas were amazing! Curious but skittish. The babies were adorable.

    Minus--I sent the link in a PM. The Grand Slam is one of the special tours they do in addition to the daily or twice daily whale watching trips. I've read about the feral hogs and the problems they cause. So crazy and destructive.

    Librarian--it was a really nice, relaxing day. I only wish I could have taken Sadie along!

    Chi--Ah, so you were watching election coverage. Part of the reason for curfews for covid is to close down bars and drinking parties before too many people get too drunk and uninhibited and stop be careful about distancing and such. It does cut down on the number of larger gatherings, but doesn't really stop the small, in-someone's-house parties.

    Cammy Cat-- good point about the younger crowd starting to party later in the evening than us old folks. Sorry you didn't like the SyFy movie.

    Minus--I think it's great when a couple can divorce or break up an still remain cordial, if not friendly.

    Jhl--isn't it amazing how different the weather can be across the country? I bet the trip to the zoo was great!

    Indian Summer

    Indian Summer


    • 1.5 oz. Ketel One Oranje® Flavored Vodka
    • 1 oz. fresh orange juice
    • .5 oz. cinnamon simple syrup
    • .5 oz. pomegranate reduction


    Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass. Shake well with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and orange twist.

    Cinnamon Simple Syrup: Crush 15-25 cinnamon sticks and infuse with equal parts water and superfine sugar for 1-2 hours.

    Pomegranate Reduction: Boil down one bottle pomegranate juice for 60 minutes and then stir in a box of superfine sugar. Finish by cooking for another 30 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    NM - there should be some sort of consequences for that person. Totally unresponsible.

    New rules went into effect last night. Health order for the next 30 days. Stay at home 10pm to 5 am. Restaurants can only offer take out or delivery after 10. Bars close at 10. No more than 5 people get together from 2 families can get together. Let's see how many people follow it. The celebrations Saturday night sure are a concern for spread as so many people is such close proximity and many no masks. My synagogue is sending out a letter with stricter guidelines regarding Covid. Denver hospitals are more crowded now than in the spring. Our weekly positivity rate is over 11% and yesterday daily rate was over 12%!!!! Very unsettling.

    Time to get ready for work. I've been running before work but at 33, not going to run. I might go for a walk or just use my CUBI. I'll see after I shower and eat when it is lighter out. When I run, I do things in reverse!!!

    Have a great Monday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Cami, common sense for Thanksgiving makes sense, but too many lack it! Glad those in your sister's family are feeling better. My step daughter DOES know what's going on, with her dad and myself. And like I said, she can't do the cooking because of her obesity, she can't even put her own shoes on. They are not the cleanest and I'm anal about the way I like things done, so I really don't want them doing the cooking and cleaning! And she offered her husband to do the cooking and said we didn't have to have a big traditional TG dinner.

    Minus2, I can say NO. But what I want is for my husband to tell his daughter NO, not me. Because I feel like then I look like the evil step mom! Interesting relationtionship XDH 2.

    LMAO JCS, you said to Cami, that you hoped her DH is recovering. I think you meant me. But it made me chuckle!

    Sandy, you make a valid point re the curfew. More for the younger ones and the crimes.

    JHL, how were things at the zoo. Did you have to make an appt? Were masks required?

    NM, looks like you had the most perfect day for your outing. I was so happy for you, I think your soul really needed that.

    Good morning Karen. Well, we've hit the 10,000,000 mark!

    Well, I feel like I'm working in a nursing home, one on one with a patient. DH is in the bathroom a ton. 27 times in the last 24 hours! Often messing his pants, or the floor and always the bowl, and most times there's hardly anything there! Hoping our doctor can suggest something.'s snowing! And you know how my roads are trying to get out of here! Oh ya, I wanna do a big TG dinner and take care of, cook and clean up after 2 more.......NOT!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Monday Morning Smell Monday GIF - MondayMorning SmellMonday Cats - Discover & Share GIFs | Psoriasis, Cats, Treat psoriasis

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Kim glad ur outing was great, u deserve it for sure..

    Minus good u get along with him, actually. After a few bumpy years I ended up getting along with my 1st H, after he moved to FL. His wife didn't like it, but when she'd have a problem she'd call me, so I was their middle man, how silly that situation was for yrs and yrs.

    Jane ur living in a nice weather place How have u been feeling???

    Lori yea, I was thinking about what Darrell wanted. Cuz ur right u can't easily say no, it should be him. But I would think he wouldn't want to have anyone over thru all of this. And if he does u have to talk him out of it. It's just to hard for you.Please just talk him out of it.

    Karen u really have everything in order, amazing to me. Now let's hope everyone does and things will get better.

    Jodie took today off, so she's coming over this morning for breakfast. So that's good. Leslie has pink eye with she gets alot. If Joey or Marty get a cold she gets pink eye, every time.The drops clear it up quickly. tho.

    Well I hope a good day is in store for everyone.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Lori - I hope you are taking care of yourself while taking care of your husband. That many trips to the bathroom can't be fun for either one of you. I agree with you regarding step-daughter and her husband. Will Darrell say anything? If he won't can you just say that you both are too exhausted to even consider having anyone in the house.

    I know you are off the grid, but just for the two of you, can you order prepared Thanksgiving meal?

    It's cold and damp and about 28 in Denver. We got a skif (sp) of snow. It looks like the midwest outside. Only good thing, it's going to warm up to 50s by the week-end. I think are flowers are done for the season. The hanging baskets looked good till today - DH and I. don't think its worth bringing the inside since even with 50s during the day, the nights are cold.

    Stay safe and healthy.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited November 2020

    Lori - We did have to make a reservation & masks were required. They are required in all public places in California. Fortunately, the reservation system restricted how many were allowed into the zoo. It was one of our best visits. The adults were well spaced & allowed the little children close to the windows/fences to see. The lions were out & roaring to the delight of everyone.

    I hate to be TMI about your husband. Do his visits to the bathroom result in foul smell? - again, TMI. The reason I ask is C. difficile infections often occur after a hospitalization & are characterized by frequent bowel movements that have a distinct smell. A call to his doc & a stool sample would be required. You need to be very careful also. It is easily passed to household contacts. If you are immunocompromised, it could be a significant threat to your health.

    I wish you both well,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Pretty low key day at work yesterday, and I was able to get a lot of stuff done, including some planning for 2021. If/when I leave I will at least leave them in good shape staff education wise. The list of nursing shifts needing coverage through Christmas is a bit frightening to look at.

    Another beautiful day shaping up. So loving the Indian Summer weather! (Yes, I know, politically incorrect label.) Sadie is loving it, too.

    Karen--there won't be any repercussions on that individual, most of the restaurants, stores, motels, etc in Bar Harbor are staffed by out of state or out of country employees brought in by the business owners (who are also mostly out of staters). Groups of such staff come every summer, socialize with each other, and live in dormitory style accommodations, and even work in multiple places. It's probably more surprising that this hasn't happened earlier in the season than that it's happening now,except that earlier in the season the most cases in Maine were in other counties.

    Goldie--very true, common sense is not very common any more. Don't blame you for not wanting company for Thanksgiving this year. Or for wanting DH to tell them "no".My soul really did need that day out, and I still feel so much more relaxed since then. It is hard work taking care of someone who is sick like your DH. Hope the doc can suggest something helpful.

    Cammy Cat--I did really enjoy my day out. I have got to do something like that more regularly, covid or no covid. Maybe I'll get a ticket for the Pizza and Whoopie Pie ride they're having later this fall! Hope you had a good visit with Jodie.

    Jhl--good thought about the c. diff. for Lori to look out for. I've got to admit I like the reduced number of participants being allowed at events, it makes for more room and is generally more comfortable than a crowded activity.

    Happy Veteran's Day to all the vets here, and a big THANK YOU for serving!

    Veteran Cocktail - DrinksFeed


    2 oz of Dark rum

    1/2 oz of Cherry brandy

    Pour rum and cherry brandy into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Cami, how strange that Leslie gets pink eye when everyone else gets a cold. Nice that Jodi came over for breakfast, did YOU eat?

    Karen, we got a couple of inches of snow, but most gone by the end of the day and it's going to warm up here about the same as you. But darn cold here this morning at 11 degrees...Brrrrrr! Ordering a prepared meal is not something I would do.

    Jane, there is no odor nor does he have a fever, and I am very careful when cleaning the messes. I wear gloves and spray with bleach. Glad you had a nice time at the zoo. Did you go to the one in San Diego?

    NM, why does it not surprise me that you are leaving things good for others in the case that you leave? Pizza and Whoopie pie, do tell.

    DH's daughter called him last night, and I heard some talk of TG. I didn't say anything. I'll figure it out. If they do come, I'll just wear a mask the entire time they here! And then he pissed me off. Our HSA debet card was compromised and asked if I would call and take care of that. Really? You sit there on your ass all day, why can't you do that? Not exactly what I said, but he says he's afraid he'll get mad. So I call, they send papers that have to fill out. He asks me if I'll take care of that. I say sure, after I finish the dishes, go out and pack orders and clean your dirty underwear. I fill it out, he can see I'm upset I tell him and of course it turns in to a "poor me". I'm an asshole, he cries, I don't deserve you, blah blah blah. Then he starts bringing in pellets for the stove. ARGH, I wanna run away!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

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