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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    image alt="Hello GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning Gif Pictures, Photos, Images, and Pics for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter - Page 2

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Jane ur so right about C.dif, it's awful.

    Kim I love that ur treating urself, it's about time. How is ur mom doing. And tell about Whoopie Pie. Belly rubs for Sadie.

    Lori Ur in a bad time right now. But did u ever think of it the way Darrell might. The last few years especially have been really tough and u never complain. U continue to work, cook, garden etc. which makes all of us happy, but u don't complain to Darrell so he thinks ur really doing all right, emotionally and physically. So why wouln't he think u can handle everything u always do. I don't think he has a clue how u really feel <let's face it a lot of men are clueless>. So now is time for all good women <U> to come to their own aide. U need to use ur voice on what u can and can't do or don't even feel like doing that day or any other. Of course ur going to do what u can for him, but him alone, that's more than most people can do, and u always do.Please take good care of urself too. I'm sorry I just the best for you.

    Leslie's on the war path. Her stupid friends in their 50's put their pics. on FB and they are in a bar, no masks and the people around them no masks and the more they drink the closer they get to strangers. She's stopped going out with them cuz they r to careless. Not just young people either. Now Marty doesn't even want them in the house, and most of them are Marty's family <that's how she met Marty> even his mom is out with them sometimes <stupid people come in all ages>

    Hoping everyone has a great day and a safe one.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Goldie, I have no advice but I feel ya girl. Sometimes I wonder how the man I married became so helpless about certain things. I’ve had to push back on some things but it’s easier that he’s not sick. Currently, I refuse to make a single call on his behalf until I get my voice back, he understands but is obviously disappointed, lol

    Big helllo to the gang!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Sorry about the DH mixup. I would give mine away in a minute! We have been arguing since the election. Too much to go into, but we are not on the same side of things. I have pointed out to him that if I died he would be SOL. He has no idea how to pay bills, handle his insurance or manage the house. It is my fault, but still makes me furious.

    Got a text from my brother this morning. His wife, son and son’s girlfriend all have COVID-19. They all live together and My brother is already tired of caring for them. Plus, he needs food instructions. HE HAS NOT BEEN TESTED. He seems to think that would make it impossible for him to shop for food. I tried to explain that he is infecting everyone he sees and needs a test. He can order deliveries of food, groceries, etc. Then he started ranting about the election. That was the end of that painful conversation. At least he lives outside of Dallas and I cannot be expected to help him. Oh! And did I mention he is an insulin dependent diabetic?! My DIL is getting tested as she has been feeling poorly for a few days. She did a rapid test that came back inconclusive so is now doing the lab test. She and my DS are isolating until the results come back. See how much more mature those two are than my brother and his family?! This s__t is never going away as long as there are stupid people in the world.

    Things will be better tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Let's hope "the night is darkest just before the dawn," JCS.

    My HK's cousin-in-law (DH's cousin) is hospitalized with COVID. She has always left the house only once a week, to cash her SSec check & buy groceries--always fully masked, distanced, hand-washed. But she has an agency's caregiver come in every day--and one day a substitute caregiver brought in family members and they stayed for the entire shift, eating & watching TV, sans masks! I may have to come out of retirement to sue the agency for her if she pulls through and wants to sue. I wouldn't even take a contingency fee.

    No alcohol for me yesterday--had seltzer with my dinner leftovers from Big Jones. Not sure what I'll do tonight--will depend on what I eat for dinner (not hungry, as I just polished off a breve cappuccino). Tempted, however, to crack some bubbly to celebrate my outstanding blood lipid test results. (My CVD risk is calculated as 50%...of average for my age. Not average, but half that). Thank you, weight loss, Crestor and freakish HDL levels.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Cami, you have me pegged! I am not one to complain and do try to please everyone, regardless of "me". I guess in a sense, I'm sort of like NM? And you are right about the fact that because I don't complain, Darrell, or just people in general, think I am fine. But I think that too most of the! Can't blame Leslie for being pissed. You can't fix STUPID.

    You gals are cracking me up....

    BabyGirl "Sometimes I wonder how the man I married became so helpless about certain things."

    JCS "I would give mine away in a minute!"

    My DH usually does quite a bit around here, most with the business. He handles ALL of our bills, and helps with the hardscape in the garden, and lots of other things that need to be done living off grid. I don't want to make it sound like he's lazy. I have my things, he has his. However, he does NOTHING domestic.

    JCS, I'll decline on your offer thank you! LOL All kidding aside, I am very sorry to hear of the Covid issues in your family and pray everyone will be ok.

    Sandy, sorry to hear about your HK's family member as well.

    Well, I baited my step DD. I really wanted to find out if she was visiting other people. This is what I sent her.....Ok...IF I can pull it off for Thanksgiving, what day are you guys leaving home and how long will you be here. I'm going to tenatively start planning. Mostly for food, cuz as you know, I can't just run to the store and get something I need like most people can!

    I still don't have a date as to when I'm supposed to start the new IV infusions, so of course I don't know how I will feel. And then there is your dad and the issues he is dealing with. I feel horrible for leaving it all to mostly last minute, but that's all I can do for now.

    Love ya....Momma!

    Her reply (they live in Reno)....We plan to leave here thurs nov 19th after I get off work and spend the night in Laughlin (I won't get there till late but wanted a head start. ) May or may not spend a day with Alene. Then I'll spend a few days with Sherry in phx. I'm not going to visit many people. She hasn't hardly left the house since March and works from home. Jumping ahead I'll drive to Concho Tues Nov 24th leaving phx by noon at the latest. We'll hang with you guys until Sat Nov 28th. We'll stay in Laughlin then get home Sunday. I'll try to function at work Monday 🤣. All the days are tentative on safety, snow, etc.

    You know Shawn is more than happy to help make dinner (or fend for ourselves). We just want to see you and know everyone is ok. I promise we will have limited contact with people and willing to get a covid test before we come if it makes you guys feel better. We would never jeopardize your health.

    We are super excited and hope to see you soon. (Everything this year is last minute. Don't worry about that. )

    I will show my DH and see what he has to say...will let you know!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Lori - I didn't think you would order prepared food. I never would either. Your DD is stopping way too many places and seeing way too many people. She does't get. It's nice that they want to see you and Darrell, but how about a zoom visit. Your letter is great and told her that you might not be well - but I guess she doesn't get subtle hints. You really are between a rock and a hard place (is that how the saying goes)? I hope Darrell will tell them wait till next year. Sending you hugs.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited November 2020

    Sandy - congrats on your great blood tests.

    Lori - Lots of people commute from California to Reno & Nevada County in California, that borders on Reno Nevada, has had a spike in COVID cases. Also, Reno just had a spike in cases as well. I agree with Karen that she is starting from a high density COVID area & meeting too many people along the way. But, you have to make your own decision based on your risk tolerance.

    We are having a crisp sauvignon blanc to go with what may be our last dinner salad of our fall.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning Funny Gif Animation Download Gif | Good morning cat, Best cat gifs, Good morning funny

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! I'm looking forward to the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together this evening. We're meeting at a restaurant with outdoor "Dining Domes" that look like igloos. 7 per Dome, we've reserved 2 Domes. Going to be interesting with the new face covering on unless eating or drinking rule, but we'll work it out. The restaurant is one of our favorites, so this will be a very nice step forward back to normal for us.

    Couple of interesting things from work yesterday. First, 2 CNAs were sent home for being rude and uncooperative with other staff. Both from agencies, both have been troublesome before. Glad to see some consequences for them. UnChristian of me, I know, but still. Then I learned that Medicare is considering any money the nursing home got through the Payroll Protection Program to be income, and Medicare's reimbursement to thenursing homes will be decreased by the amount of the program loan. This is happening all over the country, as the Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement rules are national. I foresee the closure of a lot more nursing homes in 2021.

    Sadie decided we needed a belly rub session before getting out of bed this ayem.

    Goldie--Pizza and Whoopie Pies on a train ride, what can be more fun? Both made locally. I've got to wait for the December on call schedule to come out to see if I can make that ride or not. Oh dear, what a time you have had with DH! If he's bringing in pellets he must be feeling at least a little better. I'm proud you didn't knock him "upside his head" for being an a$h0le.

    Cammy Cat--Talked with Mom last night for quite a while. She is settling in, still has stuff to move out of the camp, but now she doesn't have a key anymore so she has to wait for one of Dick's kids to come over and open up for her. Whoopie Pies are a Maine/New England sweet. The traditional version is a sweet crème filling between 2 soft chocolate cake like cookies. Very, very yummy.

    Whoopie Pies I Recipe | Allrecipes>

    Smart of Leslie to quit going out with those people for now. And wise of Marty not to let them in the house. They've chosen who they want to socialize with and will have to live with the consequences, sooner or later. Stupid people do come in all ages!

    Illi--Good Morning, and good for you for not making phone calls for DH!

    Librarian--Unless your brother is never in the same room with the rest of his family members he might just as well assume he is positive! It's sometimes funny the ideas people get about stuff, like not being able to go shopping if you test positive. DIL and DS are, indeed, more mature about the whole thing. Glad you don't live close enough to your brother to have to go take care of them.

    Chi--Wow, impressive blood work results! Good for you! I hope you do at least contact that agency and give them a verbal a$whooping. So wrong on so many levels, starting with Infection Control and ending up with HIPAA violations.

    Goldie--so DD will be coming from one city to Laughlin, then Phoenix, then Concho, then to your place. In the space of 5 days she will be in 5 different places. How manyof them have community spread?I'd tell her no visiting in the house. They should stay somewhere else, and come to your place to visit, outside, with masks and 6 food distancing, not for meals. They should covid test before leaving home, and every couple of days of the trip. The testing is so they will know which people they have exposed and now have to quarantine and when to stop the trip and go home and isolate. They should also plan to quarantine for 14 days after getting home and before going to work. Or at least test every couple of days so they know ASAP when they have exposed everyone at work and the workplace(s) needs to close down.If they really wants to see you, they should come straight to you, and see everyone else on the way back, if at all. That's my opinion. It's people making trips like that way that are helping the virus get spread around. But I've been told that I'm being too harda$ about this whole thing.



    • one lemon, squeezed
    • 2 teaspoons of elderberry syrup
    • 2 oz gin
    • 2 oz honey syrup
    • (optional) grenadine to taste
    • (optional) lemon zest and shot glass chaser


    • Fill glass with ice. Add gin, lemon juice, elderberry, honey and grenadine. Shake well and strain into a chilled glass. Add lemon zest and chase with shot glass of lemon juice for maximum immune benefit.
    • Optional: add lemon zest garnish and chase with shot glass of lemon juice for maximum immune benefit.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Lori I too agree with Karen an Jane. <smart ladies> an it souns like they really want to see you BUT it's no guarantee they that they might come there clean. Nothing is anymore and u and Darrell are prime targets. Like the circle was on ur back. An true they don't get the volume of what u alone are going thru. If Darrell backs u up is the best way, of course, and he can handle it all. An if u get started with ur treatment is certainly up in the air.U have to get this across to Darrell. And even if they do all the work, it's still a lot of work for u. Seems like they mean well but no one is getting the whole picture here and this is where U have to come in. and START SPREADING THE NEWS ♪ . Lori this is so important u and Darrell HAVE to have a serious talk an tll him exactly how u feel about this, u have to.

    JC WTF to many people have this thing. I'm so sorry. They have to stay in quarantien, hoping that's all they need. It's so different for everybody, well when they are completely on the younger side.

    Sandy now ur HS's DH family has been getting exposed. It's time for more people to start adding grocery on line shopping more. For the most part this is not what they want but times call for this. It feels like the older u are it's harder to change ur ways but necessary. Sandy good news for the weight.

    Last nite Bob called me screaming on the phone he was freezing and at the front door and it was stuck. <the kids were all in the back> So I hobble to the door he hands me a container an says eat it. It was a hamburger. Well I did take a coupe of bites couldn't eat anymore. But waited til he calmed down to talk to him, what a goofball he is.It got cold here fast. He's going to fix a big problem in Jodie's house. Oy vey.

    Joey's eye looks not so good yet, but he's having trouble being on the puter for hrs. now. It's hard to call in sick cuz ur school desk is right next to ur bed. LOL

    Everyone have a safe day an Lori TALK.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Goldie - I know you do not want to be the mean stepmother, but somebody has got to put their foot down. You and Darrell both have preexisting conditions that the kids need to be respectful of. That is way too many stops before getting to your house. Plus, those Covid tests take a while to get the results. Maybe a compromise would be for them to stay somewhere else and just visit with you two outdoors. No eating, masks could be worn and you could still have a good visit.

    It is really difficult to be responsible.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    DH and I are having our friends from Louisiana up to the cabin for thanksgiving, it’s been a tradition for years. They are basically anti-maskers but cautious regarding my health. Now they asked if they can bring two friends (whom we know but not very well). We are so isolated on the mountain and I’m not concerned about Covid locally but I did state that everyone must distance and mask in public at least a week prior and check their temps before heading out, otherwise stay home. They’re all pretty good, understandably people, so I expect compliance without any issues.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Hello all!

    Cami - That grey cat in your posting looks just like my dear departed Ben (nicknamed Ben Purr as his motor was always running).

    Counting my blessings in the husband department. He is self sufficient and a great "help-mate". We spend TG on our own unless I travel somewhere, which of course, is not happening this year. TG not a big deal with him either, since he is British. Must admit I will miss the Macy's Parade watching this year.

    Goldie - What a trying time you are having! Hoping things settle down for you soon.

    NM - Rum and cherry brandy sounds very good!

    Bye for now!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Lori, I would gently tell your DD that either she go straight from home to you--not seeing any other friends or family--or stay home. She would be endangering both you & Darrell, because the more contacts someone has the likelier they're at least asymptomatic spreaders. You are immunocompromised and Darrell is vulnerable until fully recovered.

    Ilona, say ABSOLUTELY NO to your friends bringing their friends. You really don't know where ANY of them have been. Heck, Bob & I are still on the fence having Gordy & Leslie over--even though they have been working & shopping from home, leaving only to walk the dog--because Bob works every day and I occasionally leave the house for medical & personal care appts. We all wear masks, social-distance (well, hard for stylists & nail techs to work 6' apart from clients) and handwash constantly. Still & all, we're at higher risk due to age. Soon enough, there will be a vaccine; and the more strictly we comply with mitigation, the sooner we can begin to let some "normal" into our lives.

    Tonight's DOTD will be something red--Bob's having eggplant parm & I'm having meatloaf.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Thank you Sandy, I appreciate your passion and concern. In this particular case, I am ok with it so long as there is no breach in my requirements. However, I really don’t expect them to come, it’s an 11-12 hour drive for them. Currently, it’s unlikely at best and I’m being extra cautious in general.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning! | Kitty Bloger

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Our warm spell here is supposed to cool off through the day today and temps get closer to normal. I haven't even had to turn the heat on at night for the last 3 days! Sadie is enjoying the weather, too, she gets to spend more time outside supervising the neighborhood.The Gov's office issued the expected "celebrate Thanksgiving at home with just your in home family members" instructions yesterday. The Wednesday, Women and Wine group got together at the restaurant with the Dining Domes, we were divided amongst 2 of them, and it was great! I got there early and watched them cleaning and sanitizing the Domes and they do a thorough job.

    Cammy Cat-- I hope you eventually ate more than just 2 bites of that hamburger! Bob sounds like quite the character. Good advice to Lori. Sorry to hear Jodi's house needs work and Joey's eye is bothering. It is going to be hard to call in sick when school is virtual!

    Librarian--I agree with your advice to Goldie!

    Illi--Seems like reasonable precautions and reasonable people, so you should have a very nice Thanksgiving get-together!

    Celia--I hadn't thought about missing the Macy's Parade this year. I do usually watch at least part of it. The rule in the house when I was growing up was that no Christmas carols could be sung until we saw Santa at the end of the parade. It helped keep Mom from going insane with us singing the same few songs over and over again, I think.

    Chi--I had a crabmeat encrusted haddock last night and it was soooo good with my Prosecco!

    Thursday's Child



    Mezcal (non-smoky)



    Singani, Singani 63



    Aromatized wine, Cocchi Americano



    White grapefruit juice (pink will work)



    Absinthe, Copper & Kings Absinthe Superiore


    Maraschino cherry, Luxardo (garnish)


    Stir all but absinthe and cherry with ice. Strain into a chilled glass, rinsed with absinthe. Garnish with a Cherry.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow everything is back to Page 1, where we started. Hopefully people will take this seriously, maybe. It's the only way to curb all this crap and if they get the vaccine soon everyone will be more relaxed, not negligent hopefully it's not 100% but it's a great start.

    A couple of places are alrwady out of stuff. WTF I thought people would figure it out from last time, but even hoarding has started. We'll see how this phase will turn out.

    Illi I hope ur Thanksgiving is safe no matter who comes ore not. But a 12 hr ride is a long way to go. I never knew how far they had but u all must really care about each other.

    Celia when I go thru pics. of cats I find some of mine too, and I still feel sad, they were such good companions for me. U picked well for husbands that's for sure,

    I hope Jazzy's new job is going well.

    Lori any decisions made yet??? I hope they're good ones for u and Darrell.

    OK have a good day everyone. well try to.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy is still drinking from the fire house but doing okay 😎

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Top 30 Gif Good Morning Cat GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Happy Friday the 13th! There used to be a TV show in the late 80's called Friday the 13th, the Series. It was about a couple of cousins who inherited an antique shop from their Uncle, who was selling cursed objects. They had to find the cursed objects and get them back. I remember really like that show. I'll have to see if I can find it on DVD or somewhere.

    I talked to a recruiter on the phone yesterday. Seems there are some possibilities in the area for me. It will be interesting to see what she turns up.

    Cammy Cat--things are headed back to Page 1, alright. I'll bet we never really get rid of this every again. I think there will be a newyearly vaccine for all of us when one (or more) pass the testing phase.

    Jazzy--drinking from the fire hose takes a lot of concentration! Hang in there, it will ease off soon.

    Image for unsobered listicle on friday the 13th cocktails

    Camp Crystal Lake Mimosa

    What you'll need:

    • 30 ml Campari
    • 60 ml sparkling wine
    • Honey
    • Red food colouring


    • In a glass, pour both Campari and the sparkling wine
    • Combine honey and red food colouring in a separate container
    • Line the rim of the Campari-filled glass with the blood honey mixture
    • Serve bloody

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Did I skip a whole page??? No one's been here. But glad to see Jazzy.

    Celia that cat looks like my first one, I got when I was around 60. Jodie brought her home to me and I DID NOT LIKE CATS at all. She thought I needed one. I made her stay with me the whole weeken cuz I was scared of her.Finally I got the nerve up to stay alone and she won me over. And when Joey was born <he lived with me for sometime> he got so used to cats, to this day he really likes them.

    Wow what a nitemare with this "plague" going around again. About March 13th too.

    Daniel dropped off a gift card for me to order things an hung it outside like he used. So whatever the guys bring me, it's back to the nail in the bricks. Oh that sounds like a title for a book about the pandemic, I am so clever it hurts.

    Lori what's going on??? I hope things have calmed down.

    Well I'll come back later so until then stay safe. <and after then too,>


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Good morning ladies. I have been off and running yet again! Wednesday I had to take DH to the dr's, then to the hospital for x-rays. Yesterday I had to go to town to get new tires on the truck, pick up meds, get propane for our heater out in the office, go to Fed Ex and pick up some groceries. DH now has huge kidney stones that have to be busted up, too big to pass. Also did the stool samples, I have to take those to town today and pick up more meds. I finally got approved for my treatment, get the first one on the 23rd. TG is canceled, I was able to convey to DH how risky this was, plus I was getting treatment the day before their arrival and I don't know how I am going to feel.

    NM, I don't think it unChristian of you at all to be glad there were consequences for the employees being rude, it was unChristian of them to behave like that! I can here Silly Sadie saying "come on, you want to, you know you want to rub my belly, come on!" I'm a harda$ about this whole Covid thing too. In the post office yesterday I watched a dad holding his little girl, about 3, just putting her hands all over the outside of his mask!

    Cami, that is funny about Bob calling you and he was at the door! And how sweet he brought you a burger. I hope that pink eye is clearing up for Joey and Les. "Nail in the Bricks" sounds like a horror story or movie to me.

    BabyGirl, good luck with your company. I hope they all comply.

    LOL NM/Jazzy...she said house, fire house, not hose. But that makes it even funnier!

    Thank you everyone for your advice, altho it was what I was thinking too. I did ask DH what he was going to tell her and he used the word "WE". I said oh good, thank you. I didn't want you to say "well Lori thinks....". He said he wouldn't throw me under the bus like that. He also said he heard on TV that Nevada was going to be closing everything again and if that happens and step DD was staying in Laughlin, she would have been staying at one of the casinos. So she may not be staying there after all! Another thing, her mom is in Phoenix and she wasn't even going to see her mom!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Lori, glad that worked out how you wanted for TK. Hope the new treatment is kind to you. Quite a bit of running around. You must be exhausted. Hugs to you.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Ok, ladies. Just wrapped up Joke Fest 2020 via Zoom in celebration of my local Cancer Support Community's 30 Year Anniversary. Downed 1/2 bottle of Torre Oria Cava Brut Rosado to celebrate. It was very funny, and of course they played some great skits by Gilda Radner from old SNL episodes. Great way to kickoff Friday evening!

    Will sign off for now as I am feeling no pain!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    New Mexico has another stay at home order starting Monday. Our numbers are through the roof here and we were all scrambling this afternoon to get ready to work from home Monday. We knew this was coming, been watching the daily reports from the hospital and hearing it from the providers on our calls. Back to going out once a week for food and scripts for a few weeks or longer.

    More this weekend from the world of Jazzy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Goodmorning Cat GIF - Goodmorning Cat - Discover & Share GIFs

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I took one look at the list of things needing to be done around the house yesterday and promptly curled up in the recliner and went to sleep. Slept almost all day just to avoid doing housework. How lazy and crazy is that? Today I have the first load in the dishwasher. It's going to be a 2 or 3 load day, so that shows how much I've been putting off doing lately. Not sure why it's so hard to get motivated to do anything around the house right now. I'm going to focus on the kitchen today. Maybe the living room tomorrow. Sadie doesn't seem to care what state the house is in as long as she gets her din-dins and belly rubs. Gotta love living a dog's life!

    Cammy Cat--yup, this covid plague is a nightmare, and it's about to get worse. The Nail in the Bricks would be a great title for a story about current times!

    Goldie--holy moly you have been busy! Glad you cancelled Thanksgiving with all that is going on. You two just do not need any other people in the house exposing you to ANYTHING, not just covid but flu, colds, pneumonia, whatever. It's funny, I'm friends with some teachers and they are saying the little ones, even kindergarten and first and second graders, are better at wearing the masks than the adults! All the schools have built in times during the day when the kids can take the masks off for a short time as a break, the adults are using that mask break time religiously, the kids only occasionally! Goes to show how adaptable kids are. Thanks for letting me off the hook for being glad that the rude staff got their comeuppance for their behavior. The sad thing is that it's the working staff that ended up paying for it by working short-handed, again. And Silly Sadie is VERY persuasive in getting belly rubs and ear scritches.But since I enjoy them almost as much as she does, no harm, right? Glad DH used "we" when talking to the DD. Not good news that Nevada is getting ready to shut down. A cousin and I are planning a trip to Las Vegas to visit with another cousin in late Jan/early Feb, which can't happen if the state is on lock down. Time will tell, I guess.

    Good Morning, Karen!

    Celia--sounds like you had a great time at the Joke Fest!Good for you! Remember any of the good ones?

    Jazzy--oh, boy, just whenyou are starting a new job you get quarantined again. I hope it really only lasts a couple of weeks.

    Cammy Cat--that is one thirsty kitteh!

    I have no idea what Unicorn syrup is, but this sounds yummy!