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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Sugar Free Unicorn Syrup

    A magical swirl of creamy frosting, tart blue raspberry, and a hint of cotton candy! Perfect for cocktails, tea, water, lemonade, shakes, baking & more!

    Sugar Free Unicorn Syrup - Skinny Mixes

    image alt=" : Jordans Skinny Ice Cream Collection Sugar Free Syrup 750 ml Bottle -Unicorn : Grocery & Gourmet Food">

    They also make a Unicorn Whipped topping:

    Unicorn Whipped Foam– Skinny Mixes>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    OMG Lori all that flying all over the place, way to much. And now kidney stones. Oh wow, more running for u. Well u do start ur treatment soon, hopefully kind to you. And good thing about all this TG stuff getting settled. That's one thing u can be thankful for, whew. How is ur son doing???

    Celia that joke fest sounds like fun. Is it over the computer.

    Jazzy now will u be working from home for whatever amount of time that is wave takes??? But it does sound like they were getting ready for it.

    I think I told you Joey's school foun like 5 kids with covid but they won't say who. These are the ones that opted to go to school 2 days a week, but then again where did they get it from. Joey says it's no one he knows so far, so that's good.

    I have to get ready for my shower now, so talk to u later.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Good morning friends- well we made it through the second Friday the 13th this year and just like the last one in March, we are being shut down again. My third week went pretty well with some of the training and knowledge transfer we are working on, but there were team issues this week and we have already lost a new member of our team (eek) as of end of the day yesterday. She was struggling and everyone knew it; the management, us other newbees, and her. But think she got sideways with the dept. director there last week, and nothing got better. She was a contract to hire and was termed late yesterday. Then the gov issued a stay at home order yesterday afternoon, and the management came to tell us we would all be working from home starting Monday for a few weeks to follow on the order. So we were scrambling to be ready for that as well the last couple hours of the day. I will say I am grateful I got on the payroll before all this started up again, got somewhat grounded there and will be fine working remote until we can go back. Our orders are for two weeks but we all think this will easily go through the holiday period and beyond. Am I glad to be back working from home again? You betcha. It's been a huge adjustment to the 8-5 world, but think I can get caught up on more now and also with a long weekend coming up the week after next (first paid time off in a long time). The adventure continues....

    Now Thanksgiving, I was not planning to go anywhere anyways (especially in that I have been working on site and friends who normally invite me have elderly parents so I would not go put them at risk either). But guess what? I got NO invites this year and know my community is working hard to lay low and stay safe during this time. I heard the small turkeys are about out or not available to order, I am late to the party on this! But told myself I might just NOT do a turkey for Thanksgiving but do something else like italian. I have not made any lasagna for awhile and going to look for some recipes today for that. I like both meat (I do turkey) but also like veggie lasagnas too and going to look for a good combo recipe. I love making a turkey though and will check tomorrow at the grocer to still see if I can get anything med to small to make and then make some side dishes. BTW, I have a great left over turkey recipe from long ago I can share if anyone wants it? Called turkey hustle up and it's a tasty casserole type dish you might like?

    Cami- so there has been sickness at your house and also some work to be done. I am behind on all the posts, but are you moving and do they need to do work on the house to sell it? I love your kitteh pictures.

    NM- I am like you today where I think I am looking at the list of to dos but don't feel like doing any of it. That being said, I have some laundry going and some leaves to put into the dumpster to finish that for the seasons. I have not been sleeping well since the job started and all the tangential stressors but finally slept a full 9 hours last night (although some weird dreams). I hope your recliner snooze was restful. How is mom doing this week?

    Goldie- I am glad to hear your treatment got approved. It is also good that you decided that family needs to stay away right now, you both you will be immunosuppressed and DH is still healing from everything. Be careful out there in the world as you take care of all you need to do. A simple meal at home for the two of you will be all you need this go around.

    Ill- I know you are balancing health with quality of life and hope you enjoy your company.

    Mema- I saw you post here at one point and hope everything is okay your way!

    Celia C- great way to kick off the weekend indeed. I loved Gilda Radner and although she went through a lot at the end with her ovarian cancer dx, she raised such awareness around that disease and how like many cancers, can be too far along when finally diagnosed.

    Chi- I know you mentioned you are trying to decide about having Gordie and Les over. How is Bob doing with the spike and patient care. Hoping you are hanging in there and that you eye is healed?

    Teka- what is going on in north country?

    Will scroll back more and post more tomorrow. The city pools here are shutting down on Monday for two weeks (sob) so I will swim at my scheduled times today and tomorrow and then will be walking more to keep up with exercise. That is what I was doing in the spring when the pools were shut down for three months. Should be easier to get a couple walks in a day with being home.

    Back tomorrow with more. Have a great day!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Well, here it is Saturday already. DH has been dealing with a gout flare up. He went to the doctor as I think these flare ups are coming closer together. The doctor said there was not enough fluid in/around his big toe to take a sample. They did do a blood test, but the results will not be known until early next week. He is taking a med for it, but can hardly hobble around. I do hope this clears up soon. DH is quite the whiner when it comes to pain. My DIL’s COVID-19 test came back negative. It will be just the five of us for Thanksgiving and that is pretty close to normal. I did buy a turkey breast. Will need to plan all the sides pretty soon.

    Jazzy - Sorry about the work location changes. Things are definitely out of control in NM.

    Native - Housework usually puts me into a stupor. I have to play all kinds of mind games to get anything done.

    Goldie - Glad you got Thanksgiving worked out. Keep us posted on how the new treatment goes.

    You Chicago ladies take care, too! Numbers are going up there, also.

    Baylor game will be on soon. I do hope this week is better than last week!

    Take care!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Yesterday was as Friday the 13th as it gets: 15,764 new COVID cases in IL. Only 23 deaths...but turns out 66 were inadvertently left off the total and added today to yesterday's total--including some folks in their 40s & 50s. Today the new case count was "down" to >11,000. The city's stay-home advisory and new mitigations take effect Mon. It's an "advisory," because they're realizing that when it comes to individuals, enforcing an "order" is nigh on impossible (except for businesses, which can have their licenses revoked).

    My sudden back strain Wed. caused me to cancel my Thurs. mani and yesterday's allergy challenge test (yet again). Those are as elective as elective gets. This Wed. I have my ocular-onc followup at UIC--will drive myself; and if he dilates my eyes I will try to nap it off in my car in the hospital garage, unless my HK can do what she did the last time (drop me off and be on call to pick me back up). This will be a longer appt. because they have to do the imaging again.

    I messaged my orthopod, and his PT faxed me stretching exercises for my back. He reminded me that despite having nagging little aches, I hadn't experienced a "lock-up" needing treatment & therapy since 2018! Getting slooooowly better--taking Tylenol+ibuprofen q. 6h., which is as powerful as Norco. So far, no problems with my GERD.

    Last night, 2 oz. Mumm Napa "Santana" Brut NV (yes, Carlos Santana helped develop it), plus 1 oz. Maryhill Serendipity 2012 red blend with leftover meat loaf. Tonight will be leftover Costco boiled shrimp, so more brut.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy - I'd like to see the recipe for the "Turkey Hustle".

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Sunday Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Good to see u Sandy, u missed the other day. Well u have a pretty busy week hope all goes well. Especially ur eye Dr. That's a tough one.

    Teka u hit the nail on the head for this time again.

    Oh JC GOUT, from how I understand it, it's painful. Lesliegets a flair up every so often in her toe and she's so uncomfortable and it's hard to walk.Yrs. ago it was called rich man's disease, well not anymore. Seems to me more men get it than women well it used to be anyway.

    Jazzy so glad u got that job before this started, Now ur back home, but ur used to that. But ur working so that's a good thing.It seems like everything is closing down in the same order as the first time.This thing is really organizing itself.God willing the vaccine comes out soon.

    Jodie came by yesterday for breakfast and shower day. She has an infected implant that she saw the Dr, Thursday. Of course the Drs. said OMG I never saw anything like this, well Joie started to cry. She had to tell the Dr. why it was so bad, my own med. team knew <my sister, Leslie and me> now the Dr. never hears of this so infront of Jod she looked it up, sure enough she agreed <adentist for 20 yrs> and treated her accordingly. Jod was so weepy all day but she did feel better Friday, so that was good. Then Bob called her right when she was on her way here, he was going to her house then, but her D<???>H was home so Bob took care of the leak and again didn't charge her. We're trying to think of something to give him. A gift card to a favorite place, but so many things are closed now. Joey's pink eye is gone, but Leslie is still struggling with it.

    Hello to everyone and Lori I hope ur getting some well needed rest. Kim more belly rubs. Celia keep up the humor and Karen hope some fall comes back to ur area.

    Have a great Sunday.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Got lots done in the kitchen yesterday. Laundry will be today's focus. I didn't sleep very well last night, so tonight will be an early bedtime for me and Sadie. Has any seen the recipe where chicken breasts are cooked wrapped in bacon? I tried that last night. It was very good, but I would recommend using thin cut and not thick cut bacon. The thick cut bacon didn't really cook up crisp like I like, but dinner tasted great!

    Cammy Cat--in Joey's case no news is good news. Contact tracers will identify and contact people/students directly in contact with the positive testing students/teachers. Otherwise, they can't really identify who tested positive due to privacy rules. The Assisted Living place where Dick is now is on lockdown due to a positive test, and it's driving Mom crazy not knowing if it's a resident or caregiver.

    Jazzy--oh boy, the trials of starting a new job! I feel for the team member who separated. Sounds like that could have been handled better, but since I don't know the details I shouldn't say anything. It is good that you got a grounding before having to go remote. I'd love to have the leftover turkey casserole recipe. I love turkey and love roasting a whole turkey and very rarely do so due to leftover issue. Freezing the meat is only a partial option, the thawed meat often doesn't have the same texture or gets very dry. The recliner snooze was wonderful, but the weird dreams that started a few months ago are getting more intense. They're not really nightmares, just very weird and I wake up feeling very unsettled or upset or angry. Mom is doing well, besides being mad that she can't get details about who tested positive at Dick's place. She's been visiting pretty regularly, outside and with all the precautions. I'm not sure if she's worried about Dick being exposed or herself.

    Teka--here we go again, indeed!

    Librarian--sorry your DH is suffering with the gout. I've seen people with it, and it looks very painful. I often listen to audiobooks while doing housework, and often resort to bribery--10 minutes of computer play time for every 10 minutes of housework.

    Chi--Yikes, that really was a Friday the 13th type day! 66 inadvertently left off deaths? Someone is going to have to pay for that mistake, I'll bet.

    grapefruit, honey, rosemary smash cocktail

    Grapefruit, Honey, and Rosemary Smash


    3 c. fresh pink grapefruit juice, plus 2 pink grapefruit, cut into wedges

    1/4 c. honey

    1 (6-inch) sprig fresh rosemary

    1 1/2 c. to 2 cups vodka or bourbon

    1/2 c. fresh lime juice (from 3 or 4 limes)


    1. Combine 1 grapefruit worth of wedges, honey, and rosemary in a large pitcher; mash with a muddler or wooden spoon. Add grapefruit juice, vodka or bourbon, and lime juice; stir to combine. Serve over ice garnished with remaining grapefruit wedges.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Internet was down all day yesterday. DH's x-ray showed some blockage in the bowels/intestines, dr gave him a script for opioid induced constipation. We had to pay 20%, almost $300 for our cost! Also gave him some water pills, left leg and foot look like a balloon. He has 2 doctor appts. tomorrow morning, but one is in the morning and the other late afternoon. Not sure what we are gonna do all day in town!

    Celia, how many people were involved in your joke festival? Glad you had fun.

    Jazzy, I suspect we will be going on lock down too. Navajo Nation is as Covid is spreading rapidly on the reservations accross UT, AZ and NM. Sounds like things are going well on the work front and glad you can work from home. I hope you find that small turkey. I won't be getting a turkey, DH doesn't like it. But I too would like the recipe. Do you know if it freezes well? If I can get enough things to make and freeze, I just might get a turkey. I like to make turkey tetruzzini, it freezes well, and I've done it with turkey.

    NM, I liked how you handled that list...that was cute. Just go to sleep in the recliner. Don't you just love days like that. Indeed kids are adaptable. I often wonder about little babies tho, you know how you make faces with them to make them smile, or even little 1 and 2 year olds. What's it like for them when they can't see expressions? Sorry you had to work short handed. I hope you are still able to go to Vegas. Were you going to be staying at a casino? I really should read ahead sometimes. I was looking up Unicorn Syrup, but you alread did! Now for the Unicorn Foam!

    Cami, my son is doing well. Dec. 5th he will be 6 months sober. He's hoping to save enough money to get his own place in the spring. That is when I will be nervous, if that happens. Living at the sober living house, he gets randomly tested and if he tests dirty, he's outta there immediately.

    Teka, cute meme!

    JCS, sorry about DH's gout but glad DIL tested negative. I had to laugh at DH being a whiner, I guess they all are?

    Sandy, sorry about all the canceled appts.

    Cami OMG, reading what you wrote about Jodi and the infected implant, and then the dentist!!!! Of course when I read implant, I thought breast implant. I actually had to read it twice.

    NM, sorry you didn't sleep well last night. I made something bacon wrapped one time, and same thing, didn't cook well. You have the same problem as me re; the turkey.

    Wishing you all a happy Funday Sunday.

    Unicorn Syrup and Whipped Foam

    See the source image

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    BabyGirl, didn't you say you did Herceptin/Perjetta? If so, can you tell me what to expect. Or anyone else. First one is a loading dose, 2 and 1/2 hours, then 1 hour after that.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Good morning friends- happy Sunday Funday. Nothing much exciting to report since yesterday. Time working at home to clean up from the week, and a good swim. I have one more swimming session later today and then will call it good for a bit until the pools open up again. I noticed there was hardly anyone at the pool yesterday when I was there for the final late afternoon session. I notice some places that will be limited to take out going forward have just shuttered in advance. I am going to a boutique this morning where I know the owner well for a holiday pre-sale she does every year and before they close, to get food and also some scripts. I won't be out again until next weekend. Back to staying at home like we did the first three months of this pandemic.

    Chi- sounds like you are in the same boat as we are. They tried to enforce the mask wearing here but the county won't cite people the $100 for not wearing a mask. The city and the county have been at odds around a few things during this pandemic. I hope things are better your way soon. Good luck with the doctor apts.

    MinusTwo- here is the hot turkey hustle up recipe:

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Goldie, Yes, I did and still am. Perjeta was dropped from my new combo but I’m still on Herceptin, almost 4 years now. It’s a breeze compared to regular chemo. I was a little tired and had loose BM (not quite D) on infusion day but not enough to need Imodium. I had some red spots, like hives or a bug bite and a crazy itch on my chest from perjeta but only occasionally, like every few months and it resolves on its own after a few days. My cardio function is checked by echo every 3 months and my EF (ejection fraction) did drop but not enough to delay treatment, it continues to fluctuate between 55/60%. Tend to dry skin and stay hydrated, you’ll do great.

    I guess I missed you changing to HER2+, is it an overall change or just an isolated tumor?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    It was discovered after doing a very expensive blood work up called Guardian. It did not cost me anything, due to income. But it's about $4000.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Great Goldie! H&P works very well for many of us and certainly expands future options 😀

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Goldie - I had the same question about HER2+. Great that they discovered it and you didn't have to pay $4K. I agree with Illimae, a fairly easy routine except I had actual "big D" with the perjeta. Don't let them try to push the infusions faster than an hour. They did that one time w/me and it really upset the applecart. When do you start?

    Oops I forgot - thanks for the recipe Jazzy.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy - DH and.I are making turkey legs and wings for Thanksgiving. He is going to smoke them this week as it will be warm Tuesday and Wednesday. Our governor is not calling a shut down, but leaving it to municipalities. But last night on the news, he said if people didn't behave and follow the rules it was like putting a gun to grandma's head. The spread is from people having get togethers in their homes.

    This Friday the 13th is better than the one in March as March 13th was just two days after DH's quintuple bypass. Thank G-d he is doing well 8 months later heart wise. He met his out of pocket with the surgery so everything for him has been free since then. Sad way to not have to pay is with such a high medical expense. With the new year, he will have to start paying.

    Lori, I hope Darrell starts to do better and that the new meds work for you. You two sure have been through more than your share.

    Getting ready to go for a walk with DH. It's not even 6:30 and feels like bed time. We both are waking up way too early - 4 and fighting to stay in bed till 5. We go to bed at 10:30 exhausted!!!

    Hugs to everyone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    I have a question for the HER 2 sisters here. I think I mentioned that a friend here just got diagnosed with BC and found out this week from her it was HER 2 positive. Not sure yet everything she has to do per her visit to the cancer center this past week, but wondered if any of you might recommend any threads here for HER 2 that you have found helpful that I can send to her? I sent her the BCO site info a few weeks ago, but as you know, when you are first diagnosed it is overwhelming and hard to figure out what helps the most. Any info is appreciated. She has a surgery date in early December so they are getting things moving for her care.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Boy did the wind blow hard for a while last night. Reports of power outages this ayem, with one company at 24,000 customers out, the other at 14,000. Temps supposed to drop 10 degrees tomorrow from today. Winter is moving in! Sadie is so funny, she sticks her nose out the door to see how cold it is before going all the way out. The looks she gives me when it's very cold or raining are just too funny, like she expects me to control the weather! If only I were as powerful in the world as she thinks I am!

    Cammy Cat--oh my goodness, poor Jodie! I can imagine I'd be pretty tearful, too, in that situation. Having a Doc that didn't recognize an infection would worry me a bit, unless there is something very unique about the situation. Glad the doc looked it up, though. Sounds like Bob is quite the blessing to you all. I think a gift card to a favorite place would be a nice thing to do, places have to open up again sometime. Pink eye can take a while to get over, and the younger the person, the quicker they seem to get over things in general.

    Goldie--that new drug for opioid induced constipation is really pricey, from what I've heard, if you had to pay $300 that just goes to prove that! I hope it works for him. Having 2 appointments like that is not as much fun as it sounds, is it? You'll both be exhausted by the time you get home again. I have been sleeping in the recliner a lot lately, not sure why other than just too lazy to get up and go to bed, I suppose. It's got to be hard for the babies and little ones who are so dependent on facial expressions to interpret what is going on around them. There are some masks coming out now that have a clear plastic insert in the middle to help with that. We're waiting to see what will happen with the Vegas trip, too far out right now to call. We will be staying at the home of one of my cousins who lives there, no motels or casinos. Thinking about going to the desert or a couple other outside, not in the city, places for something to do. Thanks for the Unicorn Foam info, that stuff looks like a lot of fun!

    Jazzy--thanks for sharing that recipe, it looks wonderful! It is time to go back to being as careful as we were in the spring. Just when things were starting to look up a little, here we are headed back to square one. One local University is going all remote education due to a dozen cases of covid students picked up at a Halloween party. All of them live off campus.

    Karen--Glad to hear DH is doing well. That is a hard way to meet a deductible. Staying up until 10:30 would be late for me! I'm usually giving up the ghost around 9 peeyem.

    Jazzy--saying a prayer for your friend.

    Monday Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz of whiskey

    1/2 oz of Brandy

    1/2 oz of blueberry brandy

    1/2 oz of Lemon Juice

    1 tsp of sugar

    Shake all ingredients with ice; strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with an orange slice if desired.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy, I've never had hard boiled eggs in a casserole!

    Minus2, I start next Monday. What happened when they gave it to you too fast?

    Karen, I hope the new meds help as well. Your schedule is about the same as our is normally, early to be and early to rise. I don't go to be quite as early in the summer, as the sun is still shining! I can stay up longer in the summer due to the sun still out and it's too hot to sleep! I fight to stay in bed until at least 4, I won't get up before that. Glad your DH is doing well with his heart.

    NM, that is a sweet and funny story about Sadie. You are the Great and Powerful Mom! I've seen those masks (online) with the plastic accross the mouth. I just see it fogging up. I think if you are staying at someones home, it would be ok to go. I felt really comfortable flying with Delta when I went to Michigan.

    My neighbor invited me over for TG, however she is having some other neighbors over as well. A few that we don't associate with and 2 that are non mask wearers. I don't where these people go, so I think I'm going to decline. I told her I would still make stuffing, and asked her to save me some of that and some turkey!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Funny Cat Monday GIFs | Tenor

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy, there’s a Herceptin and Perjeta thread she could check out but I’d probably just start one with my own questions and I’m always happy to help 🙂

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Karen I feel so tired and I don't do nearly what u do, maybe it is the change of seasons and darkness. IDK.

    Jazzy prayers for ur friend.

    Lori what a day ur having today. Jee I'm sorry. That was nice of ur neighbors to invite you but I think u made the right decision too. It's been so long and to place urself in problems now would be silly. I think most people now are having a different kind of TG and probably Christmas too.

    Kim poor Sadie and the weather, she's like the rest of us, opening the door an wanting to turn around.

    I can't get motivatedd here, I'll come back later.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy - I'll see what I've collected in my favorites and my med folder.

    Goldie - The infusion center wanted to push Herceptin in 20 minutes when that was the only drug left. I got terrible joint pains the one time they tried 30 minutes, so I just kept to an hour.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! It's staff testing week again this week, so I get to look forward to that tomorrow. I was given a high priority assignment at work last week, got the info together and ready to put the program together, but need a couple of policy decisions made/policies written first. Reported that yesterday ayem, the Director of Nurses says to me "I'll talk to you about it." So now I don't know if I should be moving forward or if the decision is going to be changed regarding the topic. The DON rarely speaks to me, but I figured she would yesterday since this is so high priority. And she did, to ask me to put up the sign with the staff testing dates. Sigh.

    I stopped for a quick grocery run on my way home last night. I was surprised and happy to see how many people were wearing masks! The store had a bunch at the front with a sign reminding people that masks are mandatory. I did see a few wearing nose slings, and a couple who weren't wearing anything at all, talking very loudly to each other about their medical conditions that made "wearing a mask is a death sentence for me!" Anyone who could speak as loudly as that would not be in medical danger from wearing a mask.

    Sadie says Good Morning to everyone. Her recommendation for making a day better is to give belly rubs. She's offering her belly for rubbing at no charge!

    Goldie--if our trip works out we will be flying Southwest. Looks like their precautions are pretty standard, but who knows what will be happening 2 months from now. I think you are probably wise to decline the TG dinner offer. I can see family getting together, but not with people you don't know. Good idea to share the cooking, though!

    Morning, Illi!

    Cammy Cat--Sadie does like her comfort. I'm grateful that she thinks it's comfortable to cuddle up with me in bed on cold nights!

    Morning, Minus!

    Pumpkin Pie Martini


    • 3 oz. vanilla vodka
    • 1.5 oz. pumpkin spice creamer
    • 1.5 oz. Rum Chata


    • 1 whipped cream
    • 1 sprinkle pumpkin pie spice
    • 1 honey


    1. Dip the rim of a martini glass in honey or maple syrup; followed by a plate of graham cracker crumbs until coated.
    2. Add all of the drink ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled halfway with ice.
    3. Shake until chilled and strain into a prepared martini glass.
    4. Garnish with a floating of whipped cream and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Funny Cat GIFs | POPSUGAR Tech

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    NM - I was in Costco Sunday and masks are required in any public place in CO. they had a sign that said, if for medical reasons you can't wear a mask, then you must wear a face shield for entry. Good for them :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    What have I missed, didn't see much going on here. I never came back yesterday just one of those days.

    Boy Kim u'd think a priority would be just that, seems like there's no real interest in it. But knowing you, you'll make it one. And a whole lot of tummy rubs for Sadie, she deserves them. I really wish u were close enough so I coul give them in person.

    Oh my puter is really wonky now, it's old and needs a good cleaning and whatever to get it back to at least good.

    U know it's funny I had an aunt that was always kind of sickly <she lived to be 85, so who knows> anyway she really never went out with my mom and my other aunt but they each would call her everynight. She'd always say "Thank God for TV" and I used to feel sorry for her, NOW I'M SAYING THAT, the circle of life I guess. Except I wish I took after my other aunt, but they didn't have this plague going on.

    Joey toldd me my kids weren't planning on making turkey and he looks forward to all that so I'm going to have to talk them into it. They know I don't even like it but I like all the trimmings so I hope I suceed.

    Lori how did ur day go yesterday, u must have come home exhausted. All that driving plus Drs. way to much. BTW I did have Herceptin alone for about 4 months and compared to all the rest it was a breeze. I had it mixed with my other stuff for like 8 months, so I couldn't tell, but the last part was fine.

    Hope everyone has a good day ahead keeping busy, relaxing or watching TV. Whatever is needed.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    I may be MIA for a few days, I'll post what I put on FB. More dr appts tomorrow and Friday, then I have my infusion on Monday. Trying to juggle all of that, take care of DH, the house, business, garden, etc. Our doctor isn't even in the office tomorrow, but is going in just to see DH. All in all, I spent 12 hours sitting in the truck yesterday!

    Been sitting in the truck, hospital parking lot for 6 hours now. Was supposed to take Darrell to 2 doctors appts. Ended up in ER instead. Dizzy and vomiting. Thaws don't know anything yet. Maybe from some new meds h was prescribed. The man can't catch a break!

    UPDATE: Thank you all AGAIN for the love, concerns and prayers. We are home, all tests came back fine, the only thing they could figure was it was 2 new medicines that he was put on recently from his previous hospital visits. Doc said he could stay the night, but didn't recommend it due to all the Covid cases there and they had just admitted one while he was there, and all they would be doing is checking in on him. He's still dizzy, but in bed sleeping. Follow up with our primary.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    Goldie, please know the concern, prayers and love continue. We admire your strength and seek to supportive. You are amazing!!!