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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Goldie - ❤️🙏❤️

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Goldie, I’m sorry, I wish you had some help, this all sounds like too much for anyone. Hugs

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Lori - sending hugs your way. Keeping you and Darrel in my thoughts.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    I'm physically and mentally SPENT! Wondering now if that's not why I have lost half of my hair. I haven't taken any meds in over a week, but it's still coming out in clumps. Started back before I went to MI in Sept/Oct. DH had back surgery mid August. I don't "feel" like I'm stressed, but maybe I am?

    Thank you all for your support, I love all of you so much! And you all mean so much to me...thank you.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Lori, your plate has been overflowing for too long. No wonder you are spent! You are running on adrenaline. I'm sorry about your hair.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Goodmorning everyone! Serve some #kittylove to your loved ones as they still lie in bed with this cute #cat… | Cute good morning gif, Good morning cat, Morning cat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh Lori what can I say. So many people care and want to help but none of us can. This stress for u is horrible and u keep on going. I've always said ur amazing but this goes beyond that. And on top of all this is covid fighting all the way. Always sending prayers and comfort to you an Darrell. This all has to be over soon. An loosing ur hair can be from stress too. Which mean so much.HeartHeartHeart

    Les said now the hospitals are holding back too. Marty's operation might be postponed, tests can be cancelled, everything from step one. It's funny Mid March seems so long ago and over now we're reliving it.

    O saw on FB this likning to this...if 10 people are doing crafts and one person uses glitter, all 10 people will have glitter on their project...seems about right to me. So many people I know are now being tested cuz they have so many symptoms. Praying for this vaccine which I heard will be given to all essentials first, which makes sense.Who knows how much they'll have. But we all know needing loads for sure. Again we can pray an wait.

    Wishing all safety and being well.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Well, the high priority project at work is a go. Working on my part, waiting for the DON to write the policies needed. The project is creating a course to certify LPNs to do IV therapy procedures in the nursing home. It feels really good to be doing my work again! Still waiting to hear if my vacay time is approved or not. I supposed I'm going to ask about it.

    Sadie is having a busy ayem chasing a critter that's gotten into the house. I suspect it's a mouse. I've seen some signs, and it's not unusual this time of year. Time to check the covers on all the openings around the plumbing again.

    Karen--I think the face shield option is great!

    Cammy Cat--apparently the priority project is one needed to keep nurses from leaving! The LPNs want to do IV therapy work, and we need them to if we are going to keep accepting patients who need it. I'll get my part ready, probably mostly done today, and then it will just be a matter of getting the appropriate policies passed. Sadie loves the belly rubs you send, I always tell her who they are from. She wishes you could give them in person, too, she loves getting belly rubs from everyone! Sometimes TV is a good thing, sometimes not. I can understand the kids not wanting to make a turkey, it's a lot of work. Around here there are a lot of restaurants that are offering turkey, pies, and even full meals for pick up, I bet there is someone near you that is doing that or something similar, so Joey can have his turkey and trimmings and no one has to cook it all. It would also support the local businesses.

    Goldie--prayers and hugs. Take care of yourself and Darrell.

    Morning, Beaver, Jazzy, Ille, Karen!

    cider old fashioned vertical

    Apple Cider Old Fashioneds


    1/2 c. ice

    2/3 c. apple cider

    2 oz. whiskey

    2 dashes Angostura bitters

    Apple slices, for garnish

    Cinnamon sticks, for garnish


    1. Combine all ingredients in glass and stir to combine. Garnish with an apple slice and cinnamon stick.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Here Cami.....

    See the source image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Hi ladies- just a quick check in midweek. The shift from working in the office (and after three weeks of working there) to home has not been easy. Got through a lot on Monday, yesterday went better. I am glad to be home as I can do some calls more privately (still have things to do around the business shut down) and getting a walk in at lunch time. But I am seeing what I know is true in other work from home situations, more hours. Pivot, pivot and pivot again.

    Goldie- worried for you friend as you have too much to handle alone. But I know you don't have good resources where you are either. I don't know what to say about the hair, can it be from your meds? I know you have not started your new treatments yet.

    NM- well they better approve your vacation. I am glad you have some things to do to help the root cause of the nurse loss. I think all healthcare orgs are loosing people like crazy. Mine is hiring like crazy.

    Cami- I hope Marty can get his operation soon. I encouraged my friend who just got diagnosed to get her surgery done soon, and she has something coming up the week after Thanksgiving. But we all know things are changing all the time. Yesterday, we had a record number of cases here over 2000 and hospitals are maxed, representing a rate of 17%. I think we are in serious trouble and heading into a very bad winter. And yes, March seems long ago but here we are again.

    That's it for now. Love to all here and hi to everyone I did not call out individually. Take care of yourselves. I am laying low with the stay at home orders and only going out when necessary. I feel like this is a bad dream I cannot wake up from......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Look who was in town filming last week


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Was he playing to an empty chair, Jazzy?

    Lori, I hope that you're feeling better soon and that the hair loss is "just" extreme stress. That "glitter" meme is so true!

    Our ruthbru (over on another thread) is battling COVID, but as of last night was getting better. She lives in ND--at this point, it's one of those states where even the slightest slipup by an infected person can sicken someone who's been doing everything right. (Quite frankly, it scares the hell out of me).

    Had my ocular-onc appt. today. Bad(-ish) news is that we don't have a path report because the location & minuscule size of the tumor made it impossible to safely harvest enough cells to assay for markers w/o risking spread. Good news is that the tumor has shrunken by 10% (in 3 months). The onc. says that's excellent, and it should continue to shrink (albeit more slowly) over the next 3 years, possibly to only 40% of its original size (which was 2.6mm). My vision has improved with the new progressives prescription: I gained 2 "lines" in the L eye and lost nothing in the R. The onc. says there will be a staff meeting at UIC this week, which will probably result in a decision to cancel all elective procedures (i.e., those not for life-saving purposes). So no cataract or retina surgeries till the "curve bends" down sufficiently. Think I'll defer rescheduling my allergy challenge test too, which is as "elective" as it gets. I will likely keep next week's mani-pedi appt. so long as the salon is allowed to remain open. (Our state's new "Tier 3" mitigations under the "stay-home advisory" are less strict than those in force during last spring's "stay-home order").

    DOTD: With leftovers tonight will likely have some more of Mon. night's Mumm Napa 2014 Blanc de Noirs. Last night we killed off the remaining 1/3 liter of the bottle of Mas Coté 2018 Provençal rosé. Bob is going to see Thurs. if the 2020 Beauj. Nouveau has been released yet. (Usually the 3rd Thurs. in Nov.).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Top 30 Good Morning Cat GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Thank you again my friends. I told my DH that this was tearing me down, especially his depression and crying all the time. Doctor doesn't want to put him on more drugs and suggested counseling. Took him off of the opioid constipation drug, he thinks that is causing the dizziness and nausea and suggested smooth move tea. So we started on that last night.

    Cami, what surgery was Marty supposed to have?

    NM, I do hope you get your vacay. But you did say you were going to walk if they say no, right? Give your 2 weeks.

    Jazzy, I thought the hair loss was from the drugs in the beginning, but I've been on it for a year. That is why I was questioning the stress.

    Sandy, sorry about the path report, or should I say the lack there of!


    Thanksgiving's a Breeze Seabreezes


    1 cup orange juice

    1 cup cranberry juice

    1 cup vodka

    Mint sprigs, for garnish

    1. Mix all in a chilled pitcher filled with ice. Pour into chilled glasses and garnish with mint. If desired, place a dollop of leftover cranberry sauce in the bottom of each glass before filling with Seabreeze mixture.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Sandy if u feel ok getting a pedi it must be ok. I know u watch very carefully what u do and don't do. How r Gordy and Leslie doing???

    JAZZY DID U TAKE THAT PIC,??? How exciting. I'm sure working from home is another whole thing to get used to and I know u don't work less from home, like u think u would. Sometimes it's for a little longer day. Sounds like it's easier but I don't think it is.

    Lori leave it to u to find time to post the glitter thing. I just thought it was so what's happening. How r u doing??? I'm sure it can't be much better, just sending prayers and hugs to you. And I agree with Jazzy it's like a bad dream but taking forever to stop. Lori I am glad to hear about ur son.

    Ah Kim now I get it. Well if anyone should be a part of this it's you for sure.I honestly think no one is as equiped to handle the whole project and then some. Souns like a good idea and hoping everyone participates equally so it runs the way it's expected.

    My puter is better, Joey came in an touched something and changed the screen. I'm not bragging <on this one> but these kids know everything with the puter, but it makes me wonder as they get older how will their social skills be or other ones. All they do is text or email do they even know how to look people in their eyes if they can have a conversation without fingers being used, that's all they know now.

    Well Marty's mom and sister have covid. His mom is one who goes to bars on weekends <no masks> as does his sister. All with about 6 or 8 women. I told u Leslie bowed out a while ago and they thought she was being chickeny. There's where the glitter comes in. Les can't say a word and it really bothers her. So far they're home <Marty's sister lives with his mom> but I would think all of them would do the 14 day thing, but they are all goofy. Noone here has seen them in a while so that's good and Marty's mom is my age but in good shape, no illness things or anything going around her. Ever since they found out Les is Bi-Polor they think she's goofy an treat her that way, so it's hard for her <and me> to extend true sympathy. This has been going on since Joey was born when Les spent months in the hospital. They honestly think she makes up the jobs she has or knows the people she knows. They give their eye rolls. Really we don't want them to be sick but it's hard to express much sympathy when even Les expressed her concern about their going to bars maskless.

    JC anything going on this weekend. I know u r careful with who ur with and also u r a very active person so u try to keep things as normal as they can be.

    Celia, Beaver, Illi , Minus, Jane how are all of u doing with this nitemare starting all over. Oh if I forgot anyone I certainly don't mean to.

    Happy Friday eve everyone.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    PORKY GOBLER says....

    See the source image

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Evil old pecker - shouldn't that be a guys name!!! LOL

    Waiting till it gets light around 6:30 to walk/run.

    Lori - sending you hugs.

    Have a great day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Sun is shining, 18 degrees, blue sky, no breeze. Frost on the ground and ice on any standing water. Winter is knocking on the door! I treated myself to a take out from Olive Garden after work yesterday. Ate the chicken alfredo and Black Tie Mousse Cake for dinner. Boy, logging those meals does a job on the calorie count for the day! Will have the soup and bread sticks for lunch today. Love the food there, but have to limit it to once every 2 or 3 months, for the sodium load if not for the calorie count. Makes it a great treat, though.

    I'm on call for work this weekend, supposedly the staffing is pretty well set and I shouldn't have to work, but we will see. I did bring home the project stuff and will work on that over the weekend if I'm not playing nurse, med tech, or C.N.A. The visitation restrictions are causing huge problems now. Family members are beginning to demand to be allowed to visit without restrictions or in spite of they themselves representing a covid risk to their own loved one! It's amazing to me how many people are trying to get around the visitation rules. And the newest trend is families planning to take residents out of the nursing home and into their own homes for the day or for several days for the holidays. Scary thing is that we can't stop this from happening, and you know what is going to happen when those residents come back to the nursing homes after the holidays.

    Sadie was a real cuddle bug last night and this morning. It is so relaxing to cuddle up next to her and rub her belly. She is so kind to me to put up with me doing that all the time!

    Cammy Cat--that is true about the glitter! That's one of the things I use when talking about hand washing. I put glitter in hand sanitizer, have people clean their hands, andyou can see where they do and don't clean. Then I have them clean their hands again, and see how much glitter is left. And then I tell people to watch for the glitter for the rest of the shift, and see where it goes. People are amazed to find glitter on their face, clothes, underwear, and on pens and papers. Housekeeping doesn't like when I do that, though.

    Jazzy--Health care is headed for a major staffing crisis. More and more workers are leaving their current jobs and many are leaving health care. Between crappy work situations and not being able to work in more than one building many C.N.As can't get enough work to make it, or are getting worked to death with overtime due to not enough backup staff. I have a plan to put in my notice 2 weeks before my vacation time if I don't get an answer before that. I haven't said anything about it at work, since things are ramping up again covid -wise, and the trip to Las Vegas may have to be rescheduled. Actually, rescheduled is not the right word, nothing is actually scheduled or booked yet, waiting on developments. Like you said, pivot, pivot and pivot again! It is going to be a horrible winter, that's for sure. I keep an eye on the CDC tracking of flu and other infectious diseases, and just noticed that for the 2020-2021 season hospitals do not have to report flu and flu-like illnesses! So Maine's currently showing zero cases of confirmed flu despite there being a dozen or so positive flu test results being reported! Labs are still reporting positive flu test results. So we know this will be a good flu year statistically, cuz we ain't counting!

    Chi--Glad to hear ruthbru is getting better. It is absolutely terrifying how easily covid can get to anyone, even those who are doing everything "right".People just do not understand thatthey have been contagious for at least 2 days by the time they have any symptoms. I keep answering "but I'm not sick, I feel fine" with "can you guarantee that you will still be feeling fine day after tomorrow? If you get symptoms day after tomorrow, you are contagious NOW".It's not like we can turn off our lives entirely. Despite being at risk for severe disease myself, I'm at the point where I just want to catch the damned virus and get it over with, not to mention get some time off work. Great news about the melanoma!

    Goldie--poor DH. I hope he feels better soon. This is getting to be too much for both of you. I requested vacay time starting Jan 25th. I'll put in my resignation on the 11th if she says 'no' (without covid putting everything into shutdown) or hasn't answered. Or sooner if something crazy happens or I find something really good.

    Love the Thanksgiving's a Breeze Seabreeze!

    Cammy Cat--sorry to hear Marty's mom and sister caught covid, but can't say I'm surprised. I also pray they don't get seriously ill. Glad Les stopped going out with them. It's sad the way some people look at mental illness as a reason to treat people badly. I know how tempting and satisfying it can be to say "I told you so!" but it so often creates more problems, so staying quiet is probably better, and just saying "I told you so!" in your mind is better.

    Evil Old Bird, here!

    Morning, Evil Old Peckerette!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Well, I am a Kooky Gobler! Sounds about right. DH and I spent four hours yesterday raking the backyard. The weather was delightful, but the leaves were deep. The pile for pickup is huge. I cannot get the picture to post.

    I am going to the mountains over the weekend. We will stay there to eat, drink and socialize. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous. I really want to visit with my friends and have civil discussions about current events, their jobs and various friends. It takes all my patience to have conversations with my DH. Our views are so very different anymore.

    Goldie - I am so sorry for you and your DH. He sounds very miserable, not to mention how verystressful this is for you. We are all supporting you and here for you to vent, ask questions or seek solace.

    Everyone take care when it comes to Covid. Our % positive has been over 15% for several days. The hospitals are not full, but headed that way. I do still go out some for groceries and have the kids over, but do the three W’s. Wash hands, wear a mask and stay away from strangers. Not a W, but it works!

    Take care!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Kooky old bird, ha!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Love it Jazzy. Perfect thought to start the day.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    Kooky Big Tom here, joining karen1956 in the gender question.

    Haven't had my coffee yet so mind isn't awake. Back later.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Going to Cellars tonight, as they've reopened the patio temporarily due to unseasonably mild temps. (Still will wear a leather jacket and clip my hair up, of course--as I did this aft. when I sat out on our deck sipping a cappuccino & chatting with neighbors two houses away--had to shout due to workmen across the alley making noise). Not sure what to drink--whatever will go with what we eat.

    T'day eve will likely be rainy and about 50F--so drinks & dessert will be on the covered front porch, not the deck. Bob, Gordy & Leslie will be able to sit 6' apart and I will be in the doorway. Abt is totally sold out of patio heaters of any kind--and if we were to get a firepit it'd have to be gas-burning, with a fireproof pad beneath, since our deck is wood. Either that, or set it on the concrete path to the garage and we'd put chairs on the lawn. Our next-door neighbors presciently opted for a brick patio rather than a deck.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    Well, it is much later. No really good reason, just one of those days killed with a little of this and that!

    The CDC announcement today advising no travel for Thanksgiving reinforces what DH and I had already told our our sons-- no family gathering at our house for Turkey day this year. Don't know about Christmas but that may be the same since we both will be in our 80s by then and both are on meds for blood pressure and cholesterol.

    We will just have to enjoy the wine by ourselves! Had a California Sangeovese last evening with pizza. Tried a new frozen crust for the pizza. The pizza was unimpressive but the wine was very good!

    Take care and stay safe everyone. The covid-19 numbers are looking very scary!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    Aargh I meant day filled!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    With salmon, had an Honoro Vera 2019 Garnacha from Spain.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Off to more doctor appts. this morning. Yesterday was actually a pretty good day for DH. Just a little dizzy and started back on his exercises. I forgot to mention that when we went to the doctors the other day, our doctor came in just to see Darrell and said if we needed him to come out to the house to just let him know!

    Karen/Beaver, agree with the male gender names, but NM fixed you up Karen. LOL'd at Peckerette! Beaver, not sure how to fix "Tom".

    Jazzy, loved the meme. Here's another.

    No description available.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Happy Friday Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies from Loving Old Pecker,

    Lori glad Darrell is a bit better, hopefully the good starts now. An that's the way to leave homesnowadays. I mean no one will notice.

    Nice way to start the day Jazzy, everyday.

    Sandy it did warm up so good for you. Food and wine are mahvelous darlink.

    Karen good name LOL, u know it's nice seeing u back here.

    Beaver u were all over the place yesterday. Ur plans sound good.

    Kim hope ur weekend goes as u planned. And I see u have ur plans all set, good for you. And u know I agree about cuddling with Sadie, it has to be so relaxing, our "pets" are so good to us. Extra belly rubs for Sadie.

    We have TG figured out now <hopefully> We decied to order a dinner from one of the frocery stores with a few add ons. <very few> But for the day Marty will bring all the decorations down <attic> to put everything up, cuz Les said let's decorste like nothing is wrong. Then after dinner we'll all watch a movie together, but not Chirstmas. Between Action and horror, hey that's the kind of family we are. I'm not allowed to just stay in my room an I have to eat food I like at least. So I'm the one with rules. Jod might come over if she doesn't feel nervous about it IDK. But of course it would be more fun with her, she is a lot of fun but FF oy vey is not. It would be great for Joey if my GD came but now with a boyfriend it changes everything. And Les is so happy about not going to her in-laws she's running with this idea. So I pray everything goes accordingly.

    Today I'm planning to take one of the boxes and pack away all my summer clothes. That's kind of an all ay long thing with me but I have no room in here, that'll help. All right it might take 2 days My phone is starting so I have to get to work.

    Hoping all have a great day.