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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Oops, I misread, I’m not kooky old bird, I’m fat old bird, lol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I'm not moving too fast but I am getting some stuff done, follow up phone call about the garage door work (never heard from them after they came and did measurements), getting some work done on the Jeep, ordering contacts, that sort of thing. At least I'm getting something done, right? Even if it isn't housework.

    Sadie is having a great time getting underfoot every time I get up from the computer to do something. Not sure why she's being like this today, usually she follows me around, today she's staying in front of me. I wonder what that means? I guess I'll find out eventually.

    Librarian--I hope your weekend trip is revitalizing and fun! I like the 3 W's, even if the last one is only sorta a W!

    Morning, Kooky Old Bird!

    Jazzy--LOL!I resemble that remark!

    Morning, Minus, Kooky Big Thomasina!

    Chi--The Gov here has put a 9 peeyem closing time on all businesses that sell food and drink to discourage large groups from congregating for long times. I'm thinking there will be a stay-at-home order after Thanksgiving. Firepits are nice this time of year.

    Beaver--I think your approach is going to be the norm for this holiday season. Sad, but necessary.

    Goldie--LOL!Of all the things to steal from someone's house!

    Cammy Cat--I hope the weekend goes as planned, too, but we'll see. Sounds like Thanksgiving will be pretty normal at your place. I'm going to Mom's, she's making chicken instead of turkey, better for just the 2 of us. I think it's good that you have rules and have to eat! Speaking of eating, what have you eaten so far today????

    Well, just got the text.There's been a call out for tomorrow, so I'm going to have to work. So much for things getting better all the time, right?

    Desert Wasteland Whiskey Cocktail


    • 2 oz Whiskey Use a quality whiskey, like Knob Creek
    • 1 TBSP Cointreu or Triple Sec
    • 1 tsp Orange Bitters
    • 6 oz lemon lime soda I used diet 7 Up


    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    NM - Thomasina reminds me of Thumbelina - but of course she is tiny and not "big". Sigh. I can still sing the song. Danny Kaye! But thanks for the name translation.

    Thumbelina, Thumbelina tiny little thing
    Thumbelina dance, Thumbelina sing
    Thumbelina what's the difference if you're very small?
    When your heart is full of love you're nine feet tall

    Goldie - the Seabreeze sounds wonderful. Forwarded to my BFF.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Though you're no bigger than my thumb, than my thumb, than my thumb, than my thumb

    Sweet, Thumbelina, don't be glum. Now, now, now. Hee, hee, hee. Come, come, come.

    (Thanks for the earworm. Speaking of which, here comes "Inchworm"...noooooo!!!)

    Bob visited Binny's en route home and picked up Georges Duboeuf and Joseph Drouhin Beauj. Nouveau 2020. No other brands at that branch (it's in a shot-and-a-beer neighborhood), and no Beaj,-Villages Nouveau (much less Duboeuf's new Beauj. Nouveau Rosé). Much smaller selection nationwide due to the pandemic, since the mainstays of the annual rollout--tastings, gatherings, etc.--are no-nos. Fewer producers are even exporting to the U.S. due to that (plus a very hot summer)...and you-know-who's tariffs.

    So we opened the Duboeuf. Typical BN nose (strawberry-banana-bubble gum), albeit a tad more restrained than in past vintages. Fruity but not as fruity as it should be.

    I have to take Heidi to the vet tomorrow (rabies shot & mani-pedi). After I drop her back off at home, might try the Evanston Binny's or Evanston First Liquors (much more upscale 'burb, just a couple miles n. of us).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Oh no - Inchworm. My saving grace is that's too slow for my brisk 6 mile walks. But Thumbelina would work. The last couple of days my inchworm was "I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover....". Earlier this week it was "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers". Coming up December 1st - "Good King Wenceslas"

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    For me when I walk it's Joe Jackson's "Down to London" & "Is She Really Goin' Out with Him?", Warren Zevon's "When Johnny Strikes Up the Band" and the allegro movement of Steeleye Span's "Bach Goes to Limerick." The Boss' "Rosalita," "No Surrender," "Born to Run," "Tunnel of Love," "Radio Nowhere," and "Dancing in the Dark" work too. ("Human Touch" is just too sadly ironic these days).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Good morning friends- whew, what a week this has been. Big adjustment working from home, but we got everything figured out for access on Monday, and by Tuesday I was rocking. Work just got a bit harder this week with things being thrown over the wall at us, but us new hires are not shy about saying "we need this, this and this to do that." It's a combination of working for a hospital during a pandemic, and just what I think is not being all that prepared for us on some fronts. But I still like the people, think the work will be interesting and this week, my colleague and I will start spending just a little bit of time with one of the groups. And hey, I got paid a full paycheck this time (2 weeks) and like that. Working from home has also allowed me to be here to get some things finished I need to do around my business, etc. I am going to take advantage of this time and also the long weekend next weekend to get some things finished so if we go back on the 30th, I will be better positioned. I reminded myself that this is a big change for me and also sometimes everything takes longer too in a pandemic, right?

    New Mexico is NOT doing well at all. We have been jumping about 700 cases a day. We went over 2000 and then the next thing we were up to 3000, then almost 4000 daily. Like everywhere else, it has exploded. I stayed home all week except for some walks in the neighborhood and a short trip to Walgreens (the minute they shut down I am out of everything from lightbulbs, to dish detergent, you name it). The big box stores here like Sams (which I belong to) and Costco have crazy lines so I won't go there. Rumor has it workers are turning up sick here at Costco and a couple of them may be getting shut down. It all is much harder but I won't say I did not see this coming. Hospitals ICUs here are over capacity and they are building a field hospital again here. I heard the Gov talk about having to bring in mobil morgues soon. Sigh.

    Going to be home today and have my pest control people coming any time, then the cleaning company this afternoon. The girls will continue on to do cleaning with a set of keys going forward, and think for 2021 I am upping it to every other week to be able to have more free time on the weekends. The weather here is abnormally warm, been in the upper 70s.

    Cami- that photo of Clint was taken at a restaurant called the Church St Cafe in our Old Town area and he was doing some filming there. It had been on the news the week before last and then saw someone share that on FB. So I did not take it, but if I saw him, I would have found a way to say hi and get a socially distanced selfie.

    I am sorry about the people who are sick, and think Les was smart to opt out of spending time around them. I have seen so few people this year but there are people I have observed a lot of conversation on social about people who fight the mask thing then when they or someone they know finds out they are diagnosed, here comes the panicked texts and e-mails. My sister who has been mostly careful during all this has two friends coming in for Thanksgiving and they plan to visit with her partners MIL and all go see her partner through the window next week for a visit. I hope the friends don't bring more than a turkey with their visit.

    NM- did you get your vacation approved? Sounds like work has calmed down a bit, but think they will always have staffing issues. We were hearing about shortages with the MAs this week in a lot of locations at the clinics and hospital. I think I read you are on call this weekend. Your mom is more settled in this weekend? Will you see her for the holiday or stay put? Hi to Sadie.

    Goldie- I hope you are okay friend. Everything I read about what you are dealing with seems like so much. It would be hard enough to help your DH in perfect health with all this, but you have your own condition to be caring about. Do you have a Plan B if your treatments knock you down for a bit and you need to rest? Always willing to brainstorm and share ideas if it would help? Your last post said he was doing better. The photo of that woman with the TP under her shirt is just hilarious!

    Chi- well it's too bad they could not get a solid dx on the mass in your eye with it being too small, but glad you finally found out what was up with never hearing anything. I hope you continue to heal from everything.

    Ill- how is the weather over in West TX? Are you enjoying anything good to eat this weekend?

    MinusTwo, Karen, JCS, Celia C, Mistyeyes- hope you are all doing well this weekend.

    Got to get back to my to dos and look forward to relaxing later with some nice wine and take out. Hope to be back tomorrow!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Jazzy - YES do schedule the cleaning people every other week. Now that you're working full time away from home (usually) this is something you don't need to worry about at all. If I remember, I don't think you have any pets? That means your house stays cleaner. But I do remember the Albuquerque dust. Every other week worked well for me. I cleaned the sinks & toilets and let the rest go until they came again.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    MinusTwo- I talked to the cleaning company today when the called to verify the team was on their way (finishing up right now). Only going to be another $40 more to come every other week vs. once a month. I have changed the frequency through time from weekly (when I was going through the worst of my health issues), to bi monthly which I had for a long time, then to monthly at one point. We are going to start that new plan in 2021 as everything is already scheduled out for 2020 and want to keep my same team.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Hooray - Very smart move!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    IL has had>10K new cases/day every day for the last week, except for an 8K new case day last Monday. (They're now counting "probables"--symptomatic people awaiting test results--as "cases," but the count is still distressingly high). Positivity rate is going down, but deaths & hospitalizations are rising. Some "collar-county" suburban hospitals have fewer than 20% of their beds--not just ICU beds--available. The entire lobby at Rush is a COVID testing/triage center now. Thank goodness Holy Cross canceled all elective stress tests, so Bob didn't have to go in today, just read EKGs & echoes & do telephone consults.

    Took Heidi to the vet today for exam, rabies shot & "mani-pedi." Her regular vet is booked through the first week in Dec., so she saw a different one--who marveled at what good shape she's in for 15 yrs. old, and how plushy her coat is. (I love that Heidi loves to cuddle at bedtime). It seems like ages ago since we were allowed to wait in the clinic--ever since March we've had to wait in our cars outside the front door and communicate by cellphone. I nearly got gored trying to get her into her carrier--Bob was able to hold it still so I could stuff her in there.

    Cracked the Drouhin Beaujolais Nouveau with takeout Tex-Mex tonight. Not as acidic as the Dubouef, a bit more tannin & body, about even with the fruitiness. But it's $2 more expensive, so Dubouef it'll be. (None of our usual faves, much less those top-rated by Wine Spectator, are available in the Chicago area this year).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! It is amazing the things you find out when working a shift when no management is around. Some stuff I suspected is going on was confirmed. Saw and heard some stuff I didn't realize was going on. I'm going to talk to the Administrator tomorrow. I will not be part of the managerial bullying that is going on, and I need him to know (1) that it is going on and (2) that is why I am leaving. Maybe, just maybe, he isn't aware. He got rid of the last Director of Nursing that was doing that.

    Silly Sadie was funny last night. I was draggin' butt when I got home, sat down in the recliner and fell asleep. She woke me up twice, the second time making sure I saw her going into the bedroom. After a few minutes I heard her woof as if to say "are you coming?" When I finally shuffled in she was curled up on ALL the pillows, looking at me and thumping her tail. While I was changing into my night clothes, she worked out ONE pillow for me to use! She's never done that before, she's always hogged ALL the pillows!

    Jazzy--everything does seem to take longer during a pandemic. I'm beginning to wonder when it will cease to be a pandemic and be reclassified as a globally endemic infectious disease. Probably not until after a vaccine is made readily available. Maine is not doing well either, with the biggest increases of new cases since this whole thing began. This time around it's not just in the high population counties, but also in my county and the local hospitals are seeing double digit admissions where there has been one or none all summer. The National Guard partially set up a field hospital last spring, it was never used, and some of that equipment was used to set up the screening station that was used steadily until just the last couple of weeks. That screening center has been moved to a parking lot at the airport that has some buildings, so the staff can have heated areas to work in and better protection from wind and rain (and eventually snow) than the tents.

    Chi--my vet just changed from not allowing any one in with their pets to allowing one person, with waiting in the car until ready, straight to the exam room, no lobby waiting time, etc, and cases started spiking so they went right back to the people stay in cars, only pets go into the building. YoYo time.

    Good morning to Minus, and Cammy Cat, and Illi, and Goldie and everyone else whose name escapes me just at the moment!

    A Bit Of Bully

    6 ingredients

    Chocolate 1 scoopChocolate Ice Cream


    In a blender add all the spirits and pulse once or twice. Next blend in 1 part light cream and 1 part chocolate ice cream and serve in a highball glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Saw the doctors yesterday, DH has to do rehab, 2x a week. I'm hoping he's ok to just drive himself. Not dizzy any more, and drinking Smooth Move tea as suggested by our primary and follow up with him end of December. Probaby upper and lower scopes at that time. Tomorrow I head out early for my first infusion.

    Cami LOL, you are Loving Old Peckerette, as NM fixed that one! Sounds like you guys have TG day planned. You always laugh when I mention Wacko, you make me laugh when you reference FF.

    BabyGirl, you can be Kooky, we don't mind.

    NM, did you get Ms Sadie figured out? As to why she was underfoot. Hoping yesterday wasn't too stressful at work. I'm probably bumping into you as I type. I will refresh before I post.

    Jazzy, glad all is going well on hte workfront for you. Do your cleaning gals wear masks? Bringing JUST the turkey would be a good thing for sister, SIL and her MIL. So sad for those in homes that can't see their loved ones. No plan B if the treatment knocks me out. Hoping it doesn't! If it does, the biggest problem will be driving home. Once I'm home, all will be ok regardless.

    NM, I know you will experience that a lot at work. And POOF, there you are! This is the DON that is doing the bullying? To employees or to patients? Either way, that's horrible. People like that SHOULD NOT be a nurse PERIOD! OMG, how sweet that Sadie summoned you to the bedroom and was even gracious enough to give you a pillow. She SOOOO loves you.

    I got my winter lettuce and kale in the ground yesterday. I little late, but that's ok. Been really warm here too, just like Jazzy. I'm lovin it! DH managed to change the oil in my FJ yesterday. It was a struggle, but he got it done and I stayed right there with him, getting anything he needed. I still have work out in the garden to do, will try abnd get more of that done. I never get it all done and end up still doing it in the spring....oh well.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Have you a Kiss for me?' - Baby Tabby Kitten | Cat gif, Funny gif, Cat with blue eyes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Lori will be so thinking about u and all the driving. And praying everything is very takeable with little or NO SE's. Wow Darrell did all that with the car, he sounds so much better and hope he can start driving very soon so that will save you. U have enough to do and as we all know u HAVE to take of urself. Less stress for one big thing. To me all that driving and waiting would be miserable for sure.

    Kim u had to work hum, ok I'm zipping it up AGAIN. Well sadie knows how to take care of u, one pillow hahaha, she's showing you. What kind of bullying goes on, well any kind is just not right, but how and to whom. Sadie deserves extra belly rubs. And I've been eating enough now.

    Jazzy seems to me ur sister is taking chances with what's going on. She must know what she's doing I guess but it just doesn't sound right. Well u have ur time all figured out, so that's good.

    Minus u crack me up ♪ ♪♪ U and Sandy have strange songs to me.

    Sandy ur right on point with these figures, I hate to say it. It's worse than March, we all see that unfortunately. This time so many people I know are on lockdowns, it's crazy. When I look at the numbers that I know they didn't believe of masks all the time. As if one place was better than another. Jeez Even wines are scarce. Very unusual.

    I'm waving <yes I did> hello to everyone, hoping some plans will happen for this week.

    My long time GF just sent us Omaha Steaks <a huge box> for our holiday treats. She lives in CA and since getting a BF really don't see her much and especially not now. Joey has loved her ever since he met her <blonde> so every time she came here she'd have her hair died the week before she came. She's spoiled him so much, but he never wanted to leave her side. Now they just talk on phones.

    OK talk soon.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Good morning again friends- hope everyone's Sunday is going well. I was out early this morning to get my weekly groceries and a few other errands done. Trip to the ACE Hardware too to get some house things done. I love that place, they replaced a battery for the Subaru I could have never done on my own and when the next one goes, I am going there to have them replace the second one. I found most all the food I needed for my turkey veggie lasagna I am making for Thanksgiving. They had some small frozen turkeys but will do one of those another time. Then nice thing about the lasagna is that I will have squares of that to freeze for meal options when I get home from work. Less of an issue with work from home, but more so when we go back on site.

    I was supposed to do a telehealth late this morning to do a med review which is part of my current health plan's offerings, and usually we do by phone every year. This year they contacted me to do it by a telehealth visit and said it could be done on a weekend, but never got the link for the visit and when the woman called to confirm (I missed the call), it is listed as restricted so no number to call back. I was told to call the main number if I had any issues and they are closed? Well, I am not trying again, my insurance is about to change and know this org is contracted to do this and they guy was really pushing me to do this this weekend, but their process sux. Ironically enough, I have been listening to the issues with the telehealth visits in the clinics at my new job all this week and how difficult it is to get this to work the way it should.

    NM- a culture that bullies it's workers is not a good one to stay in. The other healthcare organization I did a lot of work for here had some of that behavior and it gets old fast. I talked to a friend yesterday who still works for them and has sustained huge losses of friends and colleagues in this pandemic and is really in a bad place emotionally. On top of that, they are just berating her endlessly and know the person who is doing it and once of the most incompetent people they have. In the time of pandemic, people are so terribly stressed and it helps nothing. Sounds like you got some good info to make choices about your next steps with your work. Take care of you sister!

    Goldie- PT for your DH sounds good and yes, hopefully he can drive himself to get some support and grow stronger. And yes, the cleaning people wear masks when they are here. I hope your trip to PHX goes easily this week. I was thinking last year we had a snow storm for Thankgiving but it's pretty dry out here for us, and probably for you.

    Cami- I think you need a kitten. Does your household have any pets?

    Where is Teka?

    Okay, since I am a foodie, what is your favorite Thanksgiving food? I have lots, but a particular favorite that is probably more from the northeast is mashed turnip. We always had that for our dinners growing up and found some at one of the local health food stores and going to make some today and have it for the week. It is a root vegetable (I am a fan of all of them), but really love the taste. Here in NM, they also use red chili instead of gravy on mashed potatoes and turkey. It is actually pretty good.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    My fave T'giving food is stuffing/dressing. Any kind.

    Today with (delivered) brunch we opened a bottle of Mumm Napa 2012 DVX brut--celebrating the 50th anniv. of our engagement. (Most years we waited for the wedding anniversary, but if this year has taught us anything is that nothing is guaranteed).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Stuffing is my favorite too but my absolute love is the full loaded after thanksgiving sandwich. I make mine on toasted white bread with mayo, turkey, gravy, stuffing and green bean casserole. It’s usually too big to bite and mushes out the sides but I just love it!

    One guest dropped out because his son tested positive for Covid, one is coming on Tuesday and our friends that we always spend thanksgiving with arrived yesterday. They been careful before arriving and still sit 6 ft away, plus we open the windows most of the day, weather has been good for that.

    Saw more donkeys the other day and the wild birds are finally adjusting to our presence.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Hello, all!

    DH and I are doing fine here - staying in insofar as possible, taking the necessary precautions if we do go out. Our county is "red" as is almost every county in the state. Numbers eclipsing any others seen thus far. Very disturbing to see the number of people in airports/traveling on the national news this PM, people flouting the curfews in CA, etc. Who knows what the COVID numbers will be like after TG? We are going to stay in for 14 days whenever possible.

    Last time I was "out" was for a pedi on Thurs. 11/19. I feel very safe as it is a medical pedicure facility, so things are sterilized/disinfected like a Dr's or Dentist's office. Almost 70 degrees that day so was able to wear sandals and have colored polish on my toes one more time this year!

    Afterwards, went to Costco to get a $100 price adjustment on recently purchased Chromebook and promptly spent that credit in their liquor store. Bought a large bottle of their Irish Cream Liqueur, Fonseca's Port for DH, 2 bottles Matua Sauvignon Blanc and Veuve Cliquot Champagne (only $47.99). No TP or Paper Towels, but plenty of booze available!

    Cami - That is just horrible that Les has to put up with derogatory remarks about being bi-polar. I so wish the stigma over such things as this & depression would go away. They are only chemical imbalances after all for which medication can work wonders.

    Jazzy - Sounds like you are having some job challenges. Hang in there.

    NM - Hope things settle down with your job as well.

    Sandy - Sorry for the lack of definitive news re: your eye issues.

    Lori - Sounds like things with DH might be getting better. Great drink recipe! Hope your stress level lessens soon.

    JCS - Trip to the mountains sounds wonderful!

    Fave TG Side Dish: Roasted Brussels & Carrots.

    Signing off now. Good Sunday evening to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Yesterday was a totally lazy day. Never even got dressed! Seems like I do that a lot lately. Anyway, planning on having a talk with the Administrator today, hoping changes will follow. I just realized this is Thanksgiving week, somehow I thought there was another couple of weeks to the holiday!

    Trying something new today, grocery pick up. I put in an order on line, have my time reserved, will be picking up after work. We'll see how it goes. One of my cousins has been doing this for a while now, and my brother and sister in law were doing it even before covid. I did notice that I spent a lot less than I usually do, didn't realize how much impulse buying I've been doing.

    Silly Sadie says Hi to everyone, and reminds everyone that the holiday is special time to spend with family and loved ones in whatever way makes sense during the pandemic.

    Goldie--sounds like DH is getting better, managing to get the oil changed. The rehab will do him good, I bet. Yes, it is the DON that is doing the bullying, but she is not the only one. So far, only to staff. I'm not sure why Sadie was so underfoot the other day other than she was picking up on my being upset about stuff at work. She never stops surprising me. Praying the first infusion goes well.

    LOL about hair color!

    Cammy Cat--aw, pretty kitteh, here's a kiss for you!

    image alt="Kiss Icon Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock">

    Oh, my, Omaha Steaks! I've gotten those from time to time and they are GOOD! I hear you about the work thing. I tried to keep it to 8 hours. You better be eating, lady.

    Jazzy--insurance stuff is so crazy. Don't blame you for letting the telehealth thing go. Telehealth stuff CAN work, but it takes a lot of behind the scenes work to make it go smoothly. My favorite Thanksgiving food is the combo of hot turkey, mashed potato, squash, all with butter and hot gravy, with cranberry on the side. I know, not one food, but I love the combo. Yes, I love the leftover or day after sandwich with all that on a slice of bread and smothered in gravy! I can't imagine red chili on anything, let alone everything! All those hot peppers make my tongue blister.

    Chi--Happy Engagement Anniversary!

    Illi--I'm not so crazy about the green bean casserole, but I never encountered that until I was an adult. Sorry about the guest who had to drop out. Hope the son has a mild illness.

    Celia--I'm hoping for change at work, which often requires some work before calming down. But the job is worth making an effort to fix the problem. Still holding to my timeline, though.

    Kiss cocktail recipe by Brian Miller



    • 2 ounces gin
    • 3/4 ounce sweet vermouth
    • 3/4 ounce Dubonnet Rouge
    • 1/4 ounce Luxardo maraschino liqueur
    • Garnish: apple slice fan*


    1. Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass filled with ice.
    2. Stir until well-chilled, and strain into a cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with an apple slice fan.

    *Apple slice fan: Stand an apple upright, and cut a chunk from the side, being careful to avoid the core and seeds. Lie the apple chunk face down, then halve it so that the apple flesh is exposed. Cut four thin slices from the exposed side. Place the apple pieces together, pierce them with a cocktail pick about one third of the way from the bottom. Then fan them out and place in your drink, resting the cocktail pick on the rim of the glass.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Crazy Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Smooth travels today Lori and easy infusion for you.

    Oh my fav is stuffing without a doubt. An Les really makes it good.Then yams, but the green bean casserole is getting tiresome, broccoli an cheese casserole has gotten to the top of my list. Jazzy I've never ever ha mashed turnip so I have no idea how it tastes. And since I don't like turkey no sandwich involved. Drink is root beer, well at least it has beer in there. I'm ordering desserts so way to many, I can't help it. I want a buffet of food like regular TG. Personally I like to graze for hours, Oh and I got a couple of appitizers, I know way to much and my kids will have a fit not cuz of the food cuz I probably won't eat much. I i have 1/2 cup of mac an cheese yesterday, jello and a breakfast burrito AND my ice cream at nite. see I'm eating.

    Jazzy Joey and I would love to get a cat, but crazzy lucky is a nut plus the cat would have to many people to cling to an it wouldn't be mine alone like my other cats were. Cuz they lived with me alone and I came first evn after we moved here.

    Celia u have everything planned out an it all seems good. U'll see it'll be fun.

    Illi sorry about ur guest an stupid covid, but .better finding it out now then not at all. Hope all goes well with him.

    Kim I really think Sadie feels more for u than u know. They do say our furbabies can tell us exactly what's going on and anxiety is an easy one for them. That's why she deserves so many belly rubs, u r thanking her.

    Check in later ladies, have a good Monday, it well be a short week.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Morning all! Back from the mountains. What a great short trip. It is so very wonderful to be with smart people willing to talk, listen and share ideas. We talk about things going on at the library, current events, family dynamics, etc. Everyone gets to share and no one is hateful or mean. Really makes me happy!

    Now I will do my usual chores and start some Thanksgiving prep. Will be cooking a turkey breast with dressing. I love the dressing and gravy. I do love the open face sandwich the day after with bread, mashed potatoes, turkey and gravy. I have made the green bean casserole from scratch and no one really liked it. So back to the canned version along with a warm pineapple, cheese and Ritz crackers casserole. My DIL is bringing a small roasted pumpkin. That will be a first. Need to pair a wine and come up with a dessert. Looking forward to getting together with my small, but loving family.

    Goldie - Good luck with the treatment. Side effects are so unknown, but once there can be treated or managed. Driving the long distance can be a problem. Do you have a backup plan?

    Cami - Your life is so funny and full of living people!

    Jazzy - Sounds like the job is under control for 2020. Everything is crazy!

    For all the rest of us, Happy Thanksgiving! Stay safe. Give thanks for all that are healthy and look to the future for things to get better.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Several counties in Colorado are RED - but the governor added another color higher than red and it is Purple!!! No stay at home order yet, but restaurants close at 8 and no indoor dining, outside dining only 1 family that lives in the same household at a table. Gyms at 10%, last call at 8pm. I feel for the restaurants. We rarely eat out so personally does't impact us, but the owners and staff at restaurants are hurting. I do hope people will order take out. Other than the grocery store and DH occasional run to get beer, we social distance. I'm working remotely till January. I'm hoping my accommodations or a flexible work schedule will be approved for second semester - only 2 days/week in a building and no more than 2 buildings/week (I work 4 days). Both DH have underlying health conditions for worse case scenario if we were to get Covid, but not higher risk to get it. Plus the unknown long term risks scare both DH and me. We get out and walk at least 3 times/day but otherwise spend most of the day behind a screen.

    I think stuffing (homemade) is my favorite - plus green bean casserole. But with just DH and me, no green bean casserole, cranberries as I'm the only one who eats it and too much for one person. I will make yams, stuffing and he smoked turkey legs and wings plus a pumpkin pie which will probably only get half eaten. I really miss the days of cooking for a household of people and company.

    DH took the week off and I'm off so we are going to take advantage of day hikes in the area.

    Have a great day. Stay safe and stay healthy.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    We're not doing green bean casserole either--it's not one of the sides Cellars is offering. Never really liked it (in fact, never had it till I moved to Chicago and a friend made it when she hosted T-day dinner). Another friend used to make it from scratch--even making a bechamel and frizzling the onions. My MIL used to make creamed pearl onions; Bob's aunt used cipolline. I did that too, but instead of cream sauce I simmered them in a balsamic butter reduction.

    The kids are coming over Wed. night for hot drinks & pumpkin pie (I bought Ben & Jerry's vanilla to top it because Gordy has always detested whipped cream). They want hot toddies & gløgg (we have plenty of red wine and vodka to spike it). We don't have dark rum or brown sugar (just brown erythritol) and are running low on butter, so no hot buttered rum. Game plan is to sit out on the deck, but if it's raining we'll move it out front to the porch, which is covered. Will scrounge around the attic & basement for the little ceramic disk space heater and run an extension cord to the outlet closest to either the back or front door. I'm sure it'd be safe if we sat 6' apart indoors with windows & open (although not wide enough for cats to sneak out any unscreened windows) and wearing masks between bites & sips, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

    If Leslie gets really cold, my old size 2X shearling coat should fit her. (It's too big, acc. to the tailor, to take in without taking the seams apart--I moved the buttons as best I could). And I'd have an excuse to wear my mom's mink. (According to her, the critters committed suicide).

    IL's new-case count dipped below 9K, and both positivity and test-positivity rates have dropped too. If compliance with Tier 3 mitigations continues to work, we may be back to Tier 2 or even Tier 1 mitigations by Christmas.

    Not sure about DOTD for tonight because I don't know what we'll eat or if Bob's coming home for dinner. I found an independent liquor store in Evanston that has Mommessin's Beauj. Nouveau, so I might order ahead and do curbside.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Waking up to a chilly ayem with quite the breeze and talk of wind chill factors. Brrr. Didn't get a chance to talk to the Administrator yesterday, going to try for today.

    Covid cases are skyrocketing. Maine CDC won't be following people through the entire illness anymore, there will be one contact with info and education, then referrals to social services if more help is needed. More cases at the big local hospital now than there has been all summer.

    Cammy Cat--I like the idea of grazing for hours off a buffet of Thanksgiving foods! I would still eat way too much, but it would be over the day and not just at one meal, so probably more comfortable, right? Glad to see you are eating. You are probably right about Sadie knowing what's going on with me more than I do myself sometimes. And I give her belly rubs just as often as I can! I hope I'm giving her a good life.

    Librarian--glad you had a good trip and a good visit with good talks. I've never heard of pineapple, cheese and ritz casserole, it sounds intriguing! Care to share the recipe? The roasted pumpkin sounds like a fun idea, too!

    Karen--my goodness, adding a color to the top of the risk spectrum is frightening! I'm surprised there isn't a complete shutdown at that level, but I'm sure the governor knows what is best to do. Hope your work situation stays the same next semester.

    Chi--LOLL at the minks committing suicide! Too funny! Sounds like your get together should be pretty safe. Glad to hear the case count is slowing down, hopefully your area has turned the corner on this wave.

    Pass The Turkey Cocktail

    Pass The Turkey Cocktail

    You will need:

    1 ½ oz. Wild Turkey Bourbon

    2 oz Apple Cider

    1 tbs Cranberry Jelly

    1 Sprig Fresh Sage

    1 Sprig Fresh Thyme


    1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle sage and thyme with apple cider.
    2. Add ice, top with Wild Turkey and cranberry jelly.
    3. Shake well, strain over ice in a glass rimmed with turkey jus and breadcrumbs.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    I put a post on FB, but did not include this. I almost had 2 explosions with just barely getting to the bathroom in time! The 2nd one whilst getting my Faslodex injections. Told the gal she really needed to hurry as I needed the bathroom right away, that I was going to have "D". How embarrassing!

    The post....

    Finally got my next treatment that I have been waiting for for over a month. 2 and 1/2 hour infusion. Was doing fine until it was all done. Not feeling so well, so asked for one of those bags (you know which ones I mean). Good thing, as I needed it not more than 10 minutes from the cancer center. Good thing I was exiting the freeway! Also, super tired. Longest 4 hour drive home ever. Feeling a bit better this morning, but sleep was not good last night. Do it again in 3 weeks, but not as strong a dose, they call that one I had a "loading" dose. Next one will only take an hour.

    Not a big Green Bean casserole fan, but Cami, I love a broccoli and cheese caserole. My problem, I am the only one that eats this stuff, hard to make for one! Before I came to AZ, I would put ham in it and make it a meal. What does Les put in her stuffing?

    Karen purple? What all does that consist of?

    NM, hopefully you can get to the admin today. I just hope it's not something they are aware of and not doing anything about it.

    Along with everyone else, my favorite is the stuffing. I like making hot turkey sandwiches, even the first day, covered with gravy.

    Sorry to not address all. Just not up to it. Have to head out again today, DH has appt. with urologist to see about these kidney stones.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Pineapple Au Gratin

    2 large cans of pineapple chunks, drained

    1 cup sugar

    6 tablespoons flour

    2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated

    30 Ritz crackers, crushed

    1 stick butter, melted

    Mix all except Ritz crackers and butter in 2-quart casserole dish. Sprinkle crushedRitz cracker crumbs over top. Pour melted margarine over crackers. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Serves 6 or more.

    I usually cut the recipe in half and use tidbits rather than chunks. It is sweet and is served warm. A nice balance to the many savory dishes at Thanksgiving.

    Goldie - I am so sorry about your experience at the infusion. Fingers crossed the second infusion goes better. Also sorry you are back on the road again. Maybe Thursday and Friday you can read, rest and watch Netflix.

    Gotta get busy!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Purple is now the "new" red. If G-d forbid we get to purple everything will shut down like last spring. I'm not so sure that the governor knows what he is doing, but he's the one getting paid the big bucks!! The news just announced that the state might see the death toll double in the next 5 weeks. Cases are slowing but more people are contagious than during the whole pandemic. 1 in 41 are thought to be contagious. There is a shortage in ICU beds and staff. Why can't people follow the necessary protocol of masks, 6 feet and washing hands. The governor has formed a task force to figure out how to get kids in school, in person, second semester. It will be interesting to see what they come up with.

    Lori - hope you are feeling better and hoping the next treatment is easier on you.

    Stay safe and stay healthy