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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow everyone seems like they had a great day considerig all the changes that has to be made.

    Kim ur fun made ur TG even better so that was great.

    Illi picture was great for a couple of reasons.

    Oh I forgot everything else, chit. I know we haven't hear from Teka.

    Oh Karen that must have felt good having ur DD call you for help.

    Lori I do wish ur feeling better today and every day after. And yep overeating on TG is a given.

    Jazzy I make my Lasagna with the layers with whipped ricotta mixed with fresh parsley an cooked chopped sausage <gives it plenty of flaver> and eggs. Of course we all love it, we're used to it.

    We orered our dinner from Magiano's <grocery store> is was really good. The stuffing was a little salty but we're pretty use to a little salt but it was still good <no sage>, sweet potatos actually tasted like we make them an so did the mshed pot. I didn't have the cheesecale but Marty sai it was the best <and he doesn't really like cheesecake> so I go after that tonite.We got most of the decorations up, it was actually a full day an nicer than we figured since we were all alone. But we thanked God for all we do have.

    Beaver, Minus, Celia, JC, Teka an anyone else I forgot momentarily Happy Holiday, now the next season starts.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    Karen, I forgot to mention that your DD calling for cooking help reminded me of the time decades ago when long distance phone calls were primarily for emergencies my brother who was living in another state called to ask our mother how to make gravy without lumps. That probably was an emergency to him, he loved gravy and would eat bread and gravy after finishing the rest of his meal.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Thanksgiving Shepards Pie


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Cami, Mariano's is fairly good--but it was better before Kroger bought its parent, Milwaukee-based Roundy's. (Roundy's CEO Bob Mariano was Dominick's CEO when it went upscale, before Safeway bought it and ran it into the ground). Our Dominick's was replaced by a Whole Foods. The Mariano's I prefer is in Lincolnwood (the Uptown one--a defrocked Dominick's--is tacky, has rotting produce and pre-COVID its seating area around the hot bar was a hangout for neighborhood homeless people; the Ravenswood one started out great, but went downhill when its escalator was broken for a year, and rooftop parking--shared with a gym--is tricky--accessed via a narrow twisty ramp to the roof.

    Turkey coma, Day 2. (We still have an entire breast from that 12-pounder). DOTD was Joseph Drouhin Beaujolais Nouveau, which is growing on me. Tomorrow will be our last nice day for quite awhile, so I'll drive up to Evanston First Liquors to pick up some Momessin B.N., assuming they still have any.

    We learned the limitations of Zoom toasting: we all tried to virtually "clink" our glasses at the intersection of the four "tiles" (us, my friend in Uptown, our BFFs in Rogers Park, & their DS & DDIL in Seattle); but discovered that everyone's screen layout was different!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Is everyone recovering from food comas? Sadie and I had a totally lazy day yesterday. Today will be for running some errands and putting up fish to freeze. Sent out some job applications yesterday, now to see what comes of them.

    Librarian--so happy you had a good turkey day with family! I do not think the Admin is avoiding me. The interruptions were legit. At least I hope he isn't avoiding me, but if he is, I guess that answers the question of if things will change in the near future. Treatment with curative intent runs on different rules than treatment with palliative intent. Very good news for you!

    Jazzy--oh, my that lasagna recipe looks fabulous! Yup, the Thanksgiving dinner was a bit of a comedy of errors, but that just made it more fun. We wouldn't have as many funny family stories to tell if it weren't for these kind of disasters! Love the Thanksgiving Shepards Pie idea!

    Illi--Gotta love how you will be able to tell the story of rotisserie/air fried turkey at future Friendsgiving get togethers! It's just that kind of happening that helps make a meal memorable. And so happy that you have the swallowing ability back!WooHoo!

    Minus--That sounds about right for the bowls! I don't remember there being 4 bowls, but I may not have seen the very biggest one, or maybe it broke before I was old enough to remember it? Who knows. I have no idea where those bowls are now, or if they are even still in the family somewhere.

    Karen--I don't mind walking trails, but hiking in the snow is not my thing! But it sounds like you have a wonderful trail to hike. It's amazing the things you can see when outside.

    Beaver--Good idea about looking for manuals for the appliances.I'll see what I can find for Mom. Her printer isn't working just now. Thanks!

    Cammy Cat--Thanksgiving was fun, and even more so with the problems!Glad your food was good. I'm beginning to appreciate buying already cooked foods more and more as I get older.

    Jazzy--Looks like that pie is going to be GREAT!

    Chi--LOL at the Zoom screen layout clink effect! I bet it caused some good laughs, though.

    image alt="">



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    10+ The Cat's of Saturday ideas | cats, saturday, happy saturday

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    OK it's over. I was planning a not move friday, but I ha a test to go for in th midle of the day and I had to work. So my niece ame over about 2pm an we came back from my test around 4pm, she stayed for a while, I answered some calls and I was exhausted by 8pm. Fell aslepp til 10 then awake til 2am. So today is another tired day. But while I was sleeping Bob dropped off homemade raviolis and gravy and homemade fantastic cheesecake. My men are so nice to me, Thank God.

    So I see u all had a good TG better than what we thought. U gals are all creative in whatever u do and it turns out good. I like the Zoom idea, maybe not perfect but it still works.

    Yea Sandy Mariano's isn't as good as it used to be but it's still has some different types of foo tht I like. The kids really don't go there much so I couldn't say what most of it is like.

    Lori I hope ur doing better today, everyday I pray for it.

    Chit my phones are going. I'm realizing I really can't work these phones like I use to. I'm so tired


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    NM, funny, unusual, disastrous.... def. make for memories. My mom came to our house one year and went to touch the Xmas tree and it fell over. We probably had more stuff in the front, so it was front heavy, but the following year we put yellow caution tape up around it. Now why won't your mom tell you what else is in the lemon chicken???

    JCS, I'm going to freeze some dressing as well. And yes, curative has a much nicer ring to it! Glad your family time was good, as well as the wine.

    Jazzy, we had a white Black Friday here! I'm feeling ok, just fatigue towards the end of the day, going to bed earlier than usual.

    BabyGirl, Friendsgiving went well with you too. Good deal. Best of the best on those upcoming scans. How do you feel over all?

    Minus2, wowsa on the pyrex bowls! NM, you need to be looking for them!

    See the source image

    Karen, kudos to you and yours for all the walking/hiking you do. Did you take your camera with? At first I thought your were in CA, when you said Frisco, but I see it's a city in CO.

    Beaver, your pup pulling the bowl down with the potato salad in it, makes me think of something NM's Sadie would do!

    Cami, glad all went well with your family and dinner. What movie did ya's watch? What tests did you go for? I'm doing just fine.

    Sandy, the Zoom toast might not have been perfect, but at least you got to toast!

    I went and got my TG dinner last night at my neighbors, super yummy. But the way she was talking, I thought she was going to have tons of turkey left and I was going to get alot...not the case. Got enough for one meal and a tad left over!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited November 2020

    Thanks for the scan well wishes. I feel pretty good now that I have the nausea med that works. Energy is decent, no hand/foot with X after 5 cycles and I'm not concerned about scans since this new combo appears to be working I'm my brain so far and my only bone met was radiated as part of a trial. We'll spend the next few weeks in Houston at appointments and packing the house before heading back to the cabin. Not sure what to do for our 20th wedding anniversary on 12/24 with travel being an issue, more thinking on that one.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    goldie - Thanks for the photo of those Pyrex bowls. The yellow one was what my Mother always used for potato salad.

    illimae - More good wishes for your scans and also for your packing efforts.

    NM - good luck on the job hunting.

    Sounds like everyone had some good TG times! My TG DOTD was Chambord/White Wine Spritzers (NM's recipe). Did some online Black Friday ordering for CM presents yesterday - Chambord, Bertoux Brandy and The Sassenach (a limited edition whisky made in Scotland). Hope it arrives unharmed!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    We're going out tonight (the Barn enlarged its tent and added more heaters, plus it'll be in the tolerable low 40s). Scored 4 bottles of the Momessin Beauj. Nouveau. Will let you know how it tastes.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Hi friends- it's been a great weekend and every day I wake up saying "I have four days off, now three, then two". Now one more day to go. I have been getting a lot done and will check my to do list to see what things I will focus on tomorrow until I can have another break again around Xmas. Today I finished my holiday letter and pulled out some Xmas cards I bought half price last year, and going to get some of those going tomorrow and in the mail starting Monday. I rarely do a letter anymore, and often don't have time for many Xmas cards but doing a full pass on the whole thing this year.

    Talked to a good friend from grad school days for hours last night. Although I am not one to spend that kind of time on the phone these days, my friend lost her husband in June and has been really struggling through the holidays. But she also reconnected with an old highschool friend and has started dating again, and is having fun but also feeling guilty about it. Jazzy's romantic advice was just to have fun and not talk it up too much until if and when something longer term, she can share with more at that time.

    NM- good to hear you had a good time this week for your holiday. Safe travels to Houston and hope everything goes well with the scans and the house pack up. Moving is no fun, but you will be done soon.

    Cami- I love good italian sausage but it's hard to find around here. But your lasagna sounded delicious. I am a huge fan of ricotta. I am glad your boyfriends are taking good care of you.

    NM- did you give your notice yet or are you about to? Wish you the best with finding something that is the perfect fit sister. Hi to Sadie, does she get a lot of Xmas presents?

    Karen- how cool about the mountain biker and seeing the moose on your hike. Always a treat when nature gives you a surprise like that. Sounds beautiful.

    Goldie- sounds like you are doing okay this weekend. You got snow yesterday! We had a storm around and snow in the mountains and think we got a bit of rain overnight but did not see much sign of moisture. I hope you continue to feel better and that DH is improving too.

    Celia- ooh whiskey from Scotland, that sounds like a treat!

    During some work to do some overdue filing today, I was listening to a great music show on the local NPR station that had a seriously great play list of a lot of latin music but all kinds of other music mixed in. I really got in to it and even found myself dancing at a couple points through the music while moving around in the house. The video from below was one of the songs I have heard before but finally figured out who sings it (I think Kacey Musgraves is the new best artist from what I remember seeing). I really like the vibe of those total 70s scene from the dudes in the leisure suits and the women in the disco scene. It's a pretty fun video, enjoy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I've got a half a case of fresh haddock fillet to freeze today. Mom got a case off the boat Friday and packaged up half for herself. She was late getting home Friday cuz the boat was late getting into port. I've got another grocery order by pick up this week. One advantage to having to order ahead of time is that it makes meal planning more logical!

    Sadie is saying Hi to everyone. She's really made a mess of the living room and kitchen chasing a critter through the house last night. I didn't see the critter, suspect it was a mouse, they tend to try to move in this time of year. Time to clean up and spray the peppermint oil around again!

    Cammy Cat--oh, my, how wonderful your guys are to you, the raviolis and cheesecake sound yummy!

    Goldie--Mom won't tell me what is in the recipe so I won't steal it! I wonder why I remember the second biggest bowl as being blue? Ah, well, human memory is not a dependable thing sometimes.

    Illi--glad you have a working nausea med and good energy level. I'm sure you'll think of something fun for your anniversary.

    Celia--I discovered I can even order alcohol with the grocery pick up!Just have to give my date of birth when I pick up. I think they are supposed to check ID. Thanks for the job hunting luck wishes.

    Chi--can't wait to hear about the Momessin tastes!

    Jazzy --Sorry for your friend's loss. I can imagine how hard the holidays are being for her. Glad you had a chance to have a long talk. Sounds like you gave her some good advice. I haven't put in my notice yet, but am seriously looking for something new now. That really is a fun video! I like the disco vibe, too, even if it is considered outdated.

    Cheesecake Martini


    3/4 oz. Smirnoff Strawberry Flavored Vodka

    3/4 oz. Smirnoff Vanilla Flavored Vodka

    1 splash cranberry juice


    1. Fill shaker with ice.
    2. Add Smirnoff Strawberry Flavored Vodka, Smirnoff Vanilla Flavored Vodka, and cranberry juice.
    3. Shake and strain into a martini glass.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited November 2020

    Good morning! Gloomy Sunday here. It is supposed to rain starting this afternoon and continue into Monday. I do need to get to the grocery store, but not much else today. My college football team was able to squeak out a win last night. Last second field goal. Much shouting at my house! I did chat with my brother on Friday. His family is better, but now he has tested positive. He is without symptoms at this point, but is also insulin dependent diabetic, so things may change. His home life is so awful I am sure no one is caring for him or watching for symptoms. I worry and tell myself there is nothing I can do other than support from afar.

    Next week is my DIL’s birthday, dentist visit and a trip to a state park for a hike. I should get busy with the Christmas decorating. Might work in a lunch with friends either outdoors at a restaurant or outdoors at my house. I am reading an interesting book, Sex with Presidents. Most of the presidents could not keep their pants zipped. It does take two and many women were looking for a move up. I guess sex is relaxing????

    Oh well, gotta go walk my three miles before the rain comes. Stay safe everyone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    10+ The Cat's of Saturday ideas | cats, saturday, happy saturday

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Oh Illi u seem better and better all the time it's so good to hear that.

    Ceilia I like ur choice of ordering, are they gifts for gifts for you. Either way smart thinking.

    Lori I'm so glad ur SE aren't as bad as we thought it might be. LOL about the neighbors turkey, well at least u got some, but I'm sure u made a lot of dressing.. Hope Darrell is doing better so u can do better too.

    Kim OK what is the magic chicken about??? Sounds really special.When ur really ready u'll find a job in no time.

    Oops Jazzy last day now, are u finally going to relax.

    JC U have so much fun during this miserable time, ur a wonder.

    Oh boy those bowls bring back memories. I saw that they are offering big money for the first Pyrex bowls that came out.No not pyrex, it's that other one I can't remember the name, anyway I have a couple of the next wave of bowls but not the original. I got some for my first shower like 55 yrs. ago. They're still in good shape too.

    These days went by so fast, Joey starts school tomorrow an now have to get some presents and order ASAP for delivery in time. I ordered 3 very pretty bracelets for gifts <they don't see each other really, so they won't see the same bracelet> I got Dan's kids and my niece'snew grandbaby <the one that comes and helps me> she's one of the bracelets too. Then I go and order myself PJ's. I wanted to get Joey a video camera I thought 150.00 would be enough but not really, any ideas ladies???

    OK I've got some work to do so I'd better get to it.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    We're going to try the Momessin with more turkey leftovers tonight. Last night at The Barn (more about that on the "so what's for dinner?" thread), DsOTD were--with appetizers--Domaine Carneros brut for me, a "Penicillin shot" (blended & single malt Scotch, orange bitters, honey) for Bob. With our steaks we had a 2016 Bordeaux (Ch. Pey de la Tour), 58% Merlot, 32% Cab. Sauv., and the rest Cab. Franc & Petit Verdot.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    OK, my Beaujolais Nouveau verdict is in: the winner (IMHO) is Momessin, as it's nicely balanced, not as acidic as the Duboeuf nor as tannic or alcoholically-"hot" as the Drouhin. Good fruit but not as bubble-gummy a bouquet as in years past (all of this year's Nouveaus are a bit restrained in that regard). Alas, still no sign of any of the ones rated 88 by the Wine Expectorator--er, Spectator (the elusive Beaujolais-Villages Nouveau). Lucky to find the Momessin--most places have only the Duboeuf ($9 at Binny's and $11 at Whole Paycheck). I paid $12 at Evanston First, but a few years ago Binny's was charging $14. Oh, and the screw cap is a nice touch--no corkscrew needed. (At that price, no need to waste the gas in a Coravin capsule).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! I got a text yesterday afternoon, this week I'm working from 7 peeyem to 3 ayem on Tues, Wed and Thurs. It's a crisis, the Director of Nurses and Assistant Director have been working all weekend and will be working shifts most of this coming week, yadda, yadda, yadda. At least it's 8 hours and not 12. On the other hand, I found several jobs over the weekend and put in applications. Some are part time, some full time. Two are school nurse positions. Those would be fun! Anyway, keeping my eyes open and talking to people.

    Sadie isn't a big fan of the weather going back and forth between cold and warm. Warming up a bit today, but the wind and rain are supposed to come in today.

    Librarian--I've got to go out in the wind and rain this afternoon for an eye appointment, need to order some contacts. Then picking up groceries. Sounds like an interesting book you are reading. What, exactly, do the women get out of that situation?

    Cammy Cat--the lemon chicken recipe is something Mom ran across years ago, and it's really good. She never wrote the recipe down, and hasn't made it for a while, so she's not sure she remembers all the details. I really like it and kept trying to get the recipe from her but never have been able to. They made bowls and things to last years ago, didn't they? Not like today when everything breaks if you look at it cross-eyed. Nothing wrong with getting people the same gift, in my book. My grandmother did that for years, it got to be kind of a tradition. I bet Joey would love a video camera. I have no idea what they cost, though. I've been listening to the news, they are saying holiday shopping shipping may be delayed to make room for vaccine shipments when it/they get approved, and we all need to order or mail gifts early this year to get them there on time! Leave it to the virus to even mess up Christmas gift shopping and mailing!

    Chi--fun wine comparison to read, thanks!


    Wind at Your Back


    • 2 oz Tommy Bahama White Sand Rum
    • 1/4 oz Ginger liqueur
    • 1 oz Fresh apple juice
    • 1/2 oz Fresh lime juice
    • 1/4 oz Simple syrup (one part sugar, one part water)
    • Garnish: apple slice


    1. Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice.
    2. Shake, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with a thin apple slice.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Good morning friends- back to work today after a nice 4 days off. I will be working from home today, our current health order shut down ends today which has had most things closed for 2 weeks. The Gov announced over the weekend that they are doing a slow opening by tiers based on a red/yellow/green status and by county. Some things may open this week at 25% capacity. A press release was issued Sat afternoon, but she will come on the news today to talk more about this today. Our manager texted us last night to work from home today, which was the plan discussed on Wednesday before we all went to our long weekend, but got confirmed with management. Tomorrow my colleague and I have an early visit to do to one of the clinics and think by Wed we will be back in the office again, but we will see.

    After being indoors for three days, I ventured out yesterday to get a few errands done. I have a friend who is moving more to be a full time artist and bought a couple small paintings from him, which I picked up yesterday. Also got some packages in the mail for holiday shipping and a few other things done. Nice late afternoon walk at a nearby park. I got caught up with some phone calls with about 5 people this weekend, and one I never heard back from. I am good with friends for a bit. I do feel way more caught up at home, and with getting further along on some other things like my business closure, start to holiday things (a few cards went in the mail yesterday), and ready to get back into the work thing. I have another four day holiday starting Xmas Eve Day into that weekend.

    Cami- ha, Jazzy never really slows down but I did try to on Thanksgiving Day and did not do all that much. I also tried to be sure to take some time for myself including walks every day weather permitting, started a new book, and did some journaling to catch up my thoughts about life. I am really grateful that at the start of this job, I have three long weekends to have time off with all the adjustment.

    NM- I am glad you have started looking and know you will find something that fits for you. Even some part time jobs these days (if you want to go that route) can have benefits (including health insurance) with them. Sounds like Sadie is on the move keeping the mouse thing under control in your home. Have you ever tried to use the small traps for them? You put a bit of peanut butter inside to catch them. I lived in a rented old farmhouse back east before I moved here that had plenty of them and it was a way to keep them under control. I knew the landlord would not do anything about them (house was 300 years old and there had probably been many generations of mice in the house by then).

    JCS- I bet that Sex with Presidents is pretty interesting and no doubt many of them had affairs. I worked in corporate america alot throughout my various careers, including in an executive position in my early 30s; what I saw then was a real eye opener. Men in positions of power always have the opportunity to abuse it, and a lot of them do. Many feel entitled to the "fridge benefits" that go with those positions of power. In that exec job, a lot of the men who made very good money were married with families and then had single girlfriends at work. The unfortunate part is that even if caught, there are rarely consequences for the men and the women loose big time. We have seen some very public examples of that with wealthy men and politicians too. Sounds like an interesting read!

    Got to get going to my day and will pop in next weekend. I hope every has a good start to December. How did we get to the end of the year so fast? They say time flies when you are having fun, but don't think 2020 has been all that much fun! Stay well my people.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Kim - I think you'll love being a school nurse. Hours are great. Summers off are wonderful. And you'd be great!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Because of an expected surge-upon-surge due to people (of questionable judgment--emotions quashing common sense) traveling for Thanksgiving, our Gov. has decided not to ease any of our current COVID mitigations, even if the positivity rate continues to fall (stalled at 12.2%), for at least a few weeks--likely through Christmas/New Year's week. I'm in full agreement. People who think they're willing to take a personal risk can't seem to get it through their heads that they're risking everyone else with whom they come in contact, and everyone their contacts contact. Gordy & Leslie still plan to drive to Houston to visit her folks (they're renting a large property with individual cabins for each couple), but I wish they'd cancel. It's the road trip to & from that worries me, even if all in attendance have pre-quarantined and then tested negative.

    And IL will initially get only 80,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine--so I'm pretty sure the only healthcare workers in the priority group will be those working the ICUs--and that doesn't include Bob.

    Drinking alone tonight, as Bob has office hours. So maybe an ounce or two of the Momessin Beauj. Nouveau with whatever leftover turkey doesn't go into the freezer.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    NM- I missed the part about you applying to be a school nurse. That would be an awesome and much lower stress situation than you are in. I hope you get an interview!

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited December 2020


    I just saw on the news the first shipment was flown from Brussels to Chicago O'Hare on United today. I think its supposed to go to R.I., TN, TX & NM first. Apparently, the CDC has decided those states compromise the most diversity. I see United, which I think is the designated airline for the Pfizer vaccine, also have flights landing in Los Angeles, NYC airports & others across the country.

    The distribution will be a logistical nightmare & I confess, I might wait for the Moderna vaccine if possible.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Download Good Night Cute Cat Gif | PNG & GIF BASE

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Hi Ladies,

    A little late tonight, been on line shopping for the day. Whew hard work

    Thanks Jhl for that update I can't take watching the news, but of course that's interesting. I'm sure the vaccine will go to the essential workers first, they're on the front line.

    Kim I so agree with Karen an Jazzy about the teaching job, u would be perfect in every way. I have to ask does the lemon chicken have garlic in it.??? Extra tummy rubs, no not for u, for Sadie

    Jazzy I'm glad to hear u slow down some once in a while, Maybe I'm just jelly cuz that's all I do is pretty much nothing right now.

    Sandy I can't understand why Bob wouldn't be among the first on the list for the vaccine. He works mostly in the hospitals he's right there for exposure. Wow u sound like u really enjoyed some good wine over the weekend. Good for you. Personally I don't blame u for feeling the way u do about Gordy and Leslie.

    Marty got his operation and of coure is home, Les has a drs. app't with the eye Dr. tomorrow an my dr. called me cuz I need to see her tomorrow. she's changing some meds and she wants to check my buttocks which has only gotten worse, except I used the word ass but she wrote down the other word. She asked me what it felt like and all I could think of was to say it was like someone rubbed sandpaper on my cheeks over and over again. Then I said not that I've had that done in some S&M thing. IDK why I would say that, but I did.

    OK I'l close for now I have to take a shower in the morning and that's gotten to be such a big job for me, that's how lazy I am Jazzy.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    I thought we were headed back to the hospital yesterday morning, DH was in lots of pain, seemed like kidney stone, which he was told he had 2. Pain subsided, and he went back to bed. Dr. appt later in the day for follow up. That was fine. Today is CT scan to look at the kidneys and bowels, then to derm for a check up, tomorrow is appt. with urologist!

    Jazzy, you stay so busy girl. Good to hear your friend is back on the dating scene, I'm sure she enjoyed your chat. And yes, we got snow, all gone now of course.

    NM, whatever job you find, I know it will be a good one. God always puts you where you are needed, altho I thought this one that you have was going to be good. Oh well, such is life. And I hope you can find PT. Like Karen said, you might really like a job at as a school nurse and summers off is huge! Fresh fish off the boat, I'm jelly! Perhaps those Pyrex bowls weren't the ones you had growing up? You have to tell your mom to give you the recipe for the lemon chicken, cuz where will it go when she's gone?

    JCS, sorry to hear about your brother, I hope he doesn't have too much trouble.

    Cami, Joey starts school? At home or online? You are fine with ordering the same gifts for the girls. No advice on the video camera from me, but I know he can do video's on his phone, or is it something he wants to get into in more depth? And what's wrong with your ass?

    Sandy, hoping the kids stay safe during their travels.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    DOTD: Lemon Drop Cocktail

    lemon drop recipe best in world

    • 2 oz. Van Gogh Vodka
    • 1 oz. Limoncello di Capri
    • 1/4 oz. Fresh Lemon Juice
    • 4 - 1/4 inch thick slices Cucumber
    • 3 Basil Leaves
    • 3 dashes Fee Brothers Cherry Bitters


    • One basil leaf
    • Three cucumber slices


    Muddle 4 - 1/4 inch thick slices of cucumber and 3 Basil Leaves in a shaker. Add ice, Limoncello di Capri, Van Gogh Vodka and lemon juice. Shake and double strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with 3 dashes of Fee Brothers Cherry Bitters and garnish with basil and cucumber.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The wind is a howling here, and the rain come and goes in downpours. Power flickered a couple times last night, but so far is staying on. I see some more branches down in the trees along the properly lines, not surprisingly. Had my annual eye exam, a year late, yesterday, no big changes there. Found another garage door company, they sent out a guy to make measurements and will be e-mailing me a quote on repair or replacement. Got a second company coming this afternoon.I had called the first company last week, he said he'd call back later that day, still haven't heard. So good-bye to them. I've also gotten a couple of responses on the school nurse positions I applied to, hope to get phone calls today. I feel like progress is being made. Going to putter around the house until I have to go to work this evening. It's going to be an interesting week, me thinks.

    Sadie says Woof to everyone. I try to give her a belly rub for everyone in the lounge at night, some nights I remember more names than others, and she notices the difference!

    Jazzy--It's good to have work that can flex to meet the shutdown criteria as it changes. Some of the positions I have applied to are part time, some with benes, some without. While I would like something with benes, I'm really looking for something with predictable hours, where I know what I'll be doing on any given day. Health insurance would be a big plus, but not what I am primarily going for. Full time, as long as it isn't 12 hours on my feet and transferring and turning 200 to 300 pound loads. Sadie is working on keeping the mouse population under control. I do use the old-fashioned wood and wire traps, at 4 for a dollar I can just toss the trap along with the dead mouse. The way this house is built there is no way to totally close up all the entrances.I don't want to put down poison due to having Sadie and because poisoned mice will kill the owls that hunt them. Oddly enough, peppermint oil is a pretty effective deterrent, I mix some in all my cleaning solutions and that seems to help, too.

    Karen--I'm thinking being a school nurse would be fun, too. I love working with kids of all ages. I wouldn't mind summers off, either!

    Chi--a positivity rate of 12.2% scares the crap out of me. Maine's is up to 4.0%. We're going to have to go to every 2 week staff testing if it goes up much more. And that is one expensive pain in the anatomy. It will be interesting to see how the distribution of vaccine works out in real life.

    Thanks, Jazzy!

    Jhl--the distribution is going to be quite the nightmare, alright! Glad I don't have to coordinate all that.

    Cammy Cat--I think Mom's lemon chicken has garlic in it, but I'm not 100% sure. Someday I'll get her to tell me the recipe. A school nurse job would be fun, I think. It would have its share of craziness, I'm sure, but at least it won't be life or death all the time. And it would be predictable.

    Slightly Windy | A Rum Ginger Cocktail | Tipsy Tuesday

    Slightly Windy


    • 3 oz Ginger Dry sparkling soda
    • 1/2 oz lime juice
    • 1/2 oz simple syrup
    • 2 dashes of Angostura Bitters
    • 1 1/2 oz dark rum


    1. Combine lime juice, simple syrup, bitters and dark rum in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake for 15 seconds. Strain into a cocktail glass filled with ice and top with Ginger Dry Sparkling soda. Stir.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Early gift from a great friend, looks like I’ll be updating all month! Happy Tuesday everyone :)
