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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Love the drinks on here! I’ve got a zoom interview scheduled Friday morning for the school nurse position. Actually, there is more than one position open, so it’s sounding more interesting all the time!

    The 3rd garage door company just left, He could give me a quote for replacing both doors on the spot and can do the work next week! There are real advantages to using small, local businesses. The second company hasn’t emailed me their quote yet, and did say replacement would be in January at the earliest.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Lori, healing thoughts for Darrell's kidney pain--hope it it's stones they can be broken up with ultrasound & meds.

    Per the CDC just now, Chicago will get its initial batch of 109K doses (54K people) of the Pfizer vax w/in the next 3 weeks. But the healthcare workers getting it first will be those on the COVID wards, ERs & ICUs, as well as EMTs. If Bob sees a COVID patient, it's only inadvertently: those otherwise asymptomatic heart patients who test positive after their visits (so he doesn't count as "front-line"). And he is in full PPE. He isn't even allowed in the ICU--now he does his cardiology consults for confirmed COVID patients remotely, via monitors on other floors.

    Dr Arwady (Chi's health comm.) and her state counterpart Dr. Ezike say there will be additional doses coming in each week after that. Those will go to the rest of health care workers, then long-term-care staff & patients, then "essential workers" and those living in highly-impacted areas (which includes my HK), then seniors 65+ (Bob & I, and also my HK), then those with comorbidities (Gordy's asthma). By April, everyone should have had full access.

    I am going to focus in the meantime on seeing if I can find an antibody test: the CDC says the first cases showed up in the US in mid-Dec. 2019, and I may have been exposed a year ago today on that packed flight from London. (And I had that wracking dry cough all December long, from the 7th to the day before NYE). The antibodies may have faded by now but the T-cells might still be there.

    Our "test positivity" rate is 12.2%, but the overall positivity (tests divided by confirmed cases) is 10.2%. Still unacceptably high, but lower than all bordering states, and those in the Plains & Rockies. WI has been as high as 40%!

    I just read that Lake County, IN has implemented mitigations: indoor dining restricted to 50%, theaters/churches/gatherings/casinos 75%. Oh boo frickin hoo--at Chicago's most "open" this summer we were under stricter regulations. No wonder IN is such a hot spot.

    Probably not drinking tonight--dining alone, as Bob has to go back to the hospital after his clinic shift. Not cracking open a bottle for myself. So my DOTD this afternoon was a sugar-free mocha: an espresso with one pump of NuStevia chocolate syrup, topped with a frothed blend of 1T whipping cream/1 oz ea. unsweetened almond milk and ultra-filtered whole milk, and a couple pumps of "Skinny Syrups" marshmallow foam. Might Coravin an oz. of Maryhill (WA) Serendipity red blend to go with my leftover steak, but probably not.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020


    Dry (to me), fizzy and s little boozy but drinkable.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Cute Kitty Says Hello. in 2020 | Good morning animation, Cute good morning, Good morning wishes gif

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Jazzy - you are up early! I'm awake at 4 but refuse to get out of bed till5. gorgeous picture.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Jazzy what a beautiful picture.

    Teka u've got a great december lined up and a couple of really good punches. Hoping all works out exactly the way u planned.

    Lori are all these drs. far away too??? OMG if they are thaat's so much traveling for u, ur the driver and it's harder on you. I hope too Darrells stones are easy to get rid of. U really have way to much on ur plate, I honestly don't have a clue how u keep on doing this. Blessings for you Lori and hoping this stops soon, it's bad enough u have to drive so much for ur own things let alone double all of this. I'm sure darrell really appreciates u more than ever now. How r u possibly taking care of the business or is that on hold for now. Neither of u are really capable. Joey hasn't walked into a school sin ce last March which is fine but then there are no ativities either and to me that's bad. He only leaves his bedroom on break and finishes about 1:30 everyday. does his homework first <about 2 hrs> then usually goes to his boyfriens house <well there are 2> that keep to all restrictions so he goes there and usually stays the night on friday. And altho he does use his phone for pics, he really wants to get into video type of film, now he's interested in old movies <which is great for me> cuz I remember most of them but talks more about the filming and structure of the film. So who knows.

    Kim these teaching jobs so so very right. Now if u have summers off do u get some kind of job then??? It would be great to be aroun kids and a whole different dynamic with what sounds like a happier job too. And coming home without so much sad pressure on ur shoulders sounds like something u really need now with so much u have been going thru. U might actually have some fun with it, which is so unusual for you, Nice thought.

    Wow Sandy ur really know the numbers and I appreciate reading about them. Thanks for all the info, it does sound promising for next year, which is not far away. Everthing seems so organized the way u explain it, hope I read it right. I still think Bob hould be on the first line of these shots tho.

    Marty healing OK, Leslie had her eye tested yesterday, I had the Drs. app't and our dog has a torn legiment and my niece came in to pick me up and said just walking into this house I'm taking a chance of the Ziggy house. Well I don't have bed sores, it some kind of skin infection, she was puzzled and as she said it sounds like somethings I have it's always different than she thinks. so new sauve on them and we'll see. And started some new meds for her.I was so cold out yesterday I was bundled in layers by the time I unlayed for my BP it was forever <I take a long time> my BP was 118/46 I really don't like that lower number but it's better than high I suppose.

    Kim yrs. ago when I really did cook I had a fab recipe for lemon chichen, Sounds not like much but I remember using all skinless chicken breasts and four to five fresh lemon juice, then and this is the stupid part 40 cloves of garlic peeled but not cut so the taste is garlic but really not overloaded, salt an peper to taste and covered in a casserole and bake. It was very good and not to lemonly or garlicy just perfect combination.

    Have a good day everyone and I do mean everyone.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    NM, if you were to get the school nurse position, are the kids "in" school there? How would that work if they were online schooling only? Boy, you've sure had a time with garage door companies. Ah, but getting it done next week, good deal.

    BabyGirl, lovely gift your friend sent. Hey, did you ever get your money back for your laughlin trip?

    Teka, I like the 2nd punch cuz it has alcamehol in it!

    Sandy, hoping you can get that anti body test. Will be interesting to see if you already had Covid. Did Bob get sick during that time too?

    Karen, I'm like you. Up early, but if too early, I stay in bed. Usually hoping to go back to sleep, which never happens!

    Cami, his doctors this week are either an hour or hour and a half one way. Nothing is shorter than an hour for us. His back surgeon is 2 and a half hours one way. Now he has another dr to see for the swelling leg, a vascular one! I should add up all the dr and hospital visits he had in the last 2 months! Busness is just slow this time of year, not too many gardening right now. I imagine the cameras aren't too cheap. Not sure how you guys do Xmas, but maybe everyone that buys for Joey can give him a gift card towards the camera he wants? Does he have one in mind? Maybe you could start there, instead of getting one and hoping he likes it.

    NM, you are probably sleeping! Hoping the night shift was uneventful!

    Did a little grocery shopping yesterday while waiting for DH. For the most part people are masking up, I'd say 90% or better. But those that don't, you don't know how bad I want to say something, or better yet, punch em in the throat! One of my BFF's daughter is married to a guy from Australia and her inlaws live there. MIL had mentioned to her about the fact that they haven't had any new cases in about a month!

    Small version of an article I read online.

    Why can't we do like Australia did? When Australia was hit with a surge of COVID-19 cases in late July just weeks after declaring victory against the first wave, it prompted one of the world's longest lockdowns in Melbourne, for example, closing virtually everything that wasn't a grocery store or hospital for nearly four months.

    In many cities, roadblocks were established to ensure people stayed home. Even when restrictions were eased there was a nightly curfew, and in the initial lockdown people weren't allowed to be more than five kilometres away from home in certain regions. Break a rule, and you could face a fine of $1,300.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Lori - it's because of the few Americans who keep saying you are violating my civil rights and you can't make me!!! Both Canada and Israel check up on people who are supposed to be in quarantine - Israel has sent people packing and Canada imposes hefty fines. I head on the news last night that our positivity rates are over 14% and then this morning the CDC is recommending that quarantine be reduced to 7 to 10 days! What the heck.

    It's 28 outside and feels like 5!!! Have a good Wednesday.

    This was taken from a local health department site - People with known contact to a positive COVID-19 case are at higher risk for developing COVID-19 infection. It may take up to 14 days for them to develop illness. That's why they must quarantine (separate from everyone, including household members) for 14 days - even if they feel healthy, and/or have a negative COVID-19 test result.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Karen, I posted that to a person in MI who had been doing alot of traveling and got sick. Of course everyone was like, did you get tested. Yes, and tested negative. Well, that was early on, she got worse and dr wanted her to test again, but she never posted the results, which I could find out from my brother, as it's his partners sister.

    DOTD: White Christmas



    • 2 ounces vanilla vodka
    • 2 ounce white chocolate liqueur
    • 1 ounce white creme de cacao
    • 1 ounce half-and-half
    • Honey and coarse sanding sugar for rim garnish


    • Pour the honey into a shallow dish and put the sanding sugar in another shallow dish. Coat the rim of the glass in the honey; then dip the rim in the sugar to coat evenly. Set the glass aside.
    • In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add the vodka, white chocolate liqueur, creme de cacao, and half-and-half. Shake vigorously and strain into the prepared martini glass.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    And why only send half of the kids to school, or send them for shorter days, say 3 days a week. What the hell is that going to accomplish?

    Ya know it's like using the glitter explanation. If you only use half of the bottle then do only half of the kids get glitter on them......NOOOOOOOO.

    Oh GRRRRRRRR, this so gets my goat!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Great pic Jazzy!

    Some of you get up early, wow. I don’t get up until about 8am, I love sleeping in.

    Goldie, no, I never got the refund. I emailed twice and sent a letter from my doctor, no response. I couldn’t call at the time because of my vocal cord. After a while, I was too depressed due to not eating and had lots of appointments, so I stopped trying. I might try again but I suspect too much time has passed, oh well.

    Coffee time, morning all :)

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Good morning! It is cold here and the sun is shining. Beautiful day! DH and I plan to take a short day trip about an hour and a half north of here for a hike. It will be nice to get out in nature for a while.

    Had the kids over last night for dinner. It was my DIL’s birthday celebration. She really liked the pot I painted and the sweater. She also quickly pocketed the money! I baked a spice cake with cinnamon cream cheese frosting. All enjoyed the dinner, cake and conversation. I am so happy my kids like coming here and spending time with us. It is not a chore for them and certainly not for me!

    Have an event this weekend with one of my card playing buddies. She and her DH have a ‘country house’ and we are going for the afternoon on Sunday. We can hike, visit and eat a Beaufort Stew in an outdoor large shed with plenty of social distancing. It will be a small crowd, but still fun to see people and catch up.

    At some point, I will start dragging the Christmas decorations out. It involves rearranging some furniture and fluffing. It is always fun to see what survived storage and what needs replacing. The kids do not decorate their homes or put up a tree. I feel like that makes me their Christmas place. No pressure!

    Gotta get going. Hope everyone has a great day. Stay safe

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2020

    Hello all. So good to hear everyone's about everyone's Thanksgiving. Our dinner was good, but not quite as exciting as NM's and illimae's. Thanksgiving's like that are truly ones to remember and laugh about for years, the ones where the bird almost didn't make it to the table. Our dinner was good and I had the younger granddaughters do the cheese plate and one of the older ones do deviled eggs. I really need new knives or sharpen the ones I have, I ended up giving the girls big knives to cut the cheese. It was really fun for them. They will probably grow up thinking that is the knife to use when cutting cheese. No fingers were lost.

    I am doing some cleaning out while I am off from work and getting a good start on my Christmas shopping. I have a lot to buy for, counting the step grandchildren, I have 12 to buy for and the older they get the harder it is to buy for them. My budget unfortunately doesn't grow as fast as they do.

    I went to St. Augustine with my daughter and her 2 girls last Saturday and came home Sunday. We had a good time and the girls even went in the ocean Sunday afternoon. Which was good, because we had a cold front move in, it is so weird how you can go from 80's to 50 or below in one day. This morning was cold. I think it was as cold as all of you. We don't really have too many winter clothes, mostly just adding a coat.

    Image may contain: ‎text that says '‎Lecanto Clear 28° H:59° L:28° Chicago Flurries 28° H:45° L:27° Now 7AM 7:06AM 8AM 28° Next-Hour Precipitation 28° Sunrise 34° 55 /////ااااااااן Now 5:30 5:45 Snow stopping in 18 min Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6:00 61 73 50% 73 50% 64 63 Now 6AM 7AM 41 7:00AM 46 28° 27° 27° Sunrise‎'‎

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Last night's shift went pretty well, better than I anticipated, given that I was reporting off to major bully nurse #1. Got home around 4 ayem, was cuddled up in bed by 5, and out like a light until about 10:30. Best sleep I've had in a long time! I don't even remember dreaming. Then Sadie and I had a lovely cuddle/belly rub session before climbing out of bed.

    I got some more info about the school nurse job. It's in a school district that is based about 45 minutes from where I live. Some of the schools in the district are closer. 2 nurses are retiring at the end of this school year. The school works with a contracting company that staffs school nurse positions, that company negotiates contracts and manages the benefits. & hour days, 5 days a week, hourly pay, weekly checks. Which does mean no school, no hours, thus no pay, but I can budget and plan around that easily enough.

    Got the quote from the second garage door company in my e-mail this ayem. Replacing both doors $2,411.00, able to schedule mid January. Quote from company #3 for the same work: $1,800.00. able to schedule next week. 3 guesses which one I am going with! Best thing, I won't even have to touch the emergency fund, I've been putting a tiny amount of money into a house projects fund every week, and it's added up over time. Oh how I love automatic transfers!

    Chi--Sounds like you and Bob and your housekeeper should get the vaccine fairly early on, that will be a good thing. Lake County surly has had it good, being so open that they are closing down to what the rest of us have just gotten to!

    Illi--what a cute little bottle!

    Jazzy--WOW!Great pic.

    Morning, Karen!

    Cammy Cat--If I get the school nurse position I would also get set up as a per diem worker doing home hospice at the agency my friend manages. I did that before when I was teaching, working summers for extra money. Sometimes I would work a full week covering for someone who was on vacation, sometimes I just worked a day or two a week helping out, so I always got to do other stuff like kayaking and gardening, too. It would be a totally different dynamic working with kids, and definitely a more positive one. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, though. Don't worry about the bottle blood pressure number unless you are having dizzy spells. The lower that number the better! It means your heart really relaxes between beats. Your recipe sounds great! I bet the garlic tasted more like roasted garlic, and I love roasted garlic. Hmm, I haven't made that for ages, need to make some soon.It will make the house smell MARVELOUS!

    Goldie--The schools here are doing a mix of in school and remote learning, with the amount of each being determined by the presence/absence of COVID positive tests. One grade in one school is "RED" and fully remote, the rest are "GREEN". Parents have the option of having their children go fully remote from the beginning of the school year. I'm not sure what the exact protocol is, but school nurses keep certain records that have to be maintained, so there is probably some way to do some of the work remotely. That's something I'll have to find out about during the interview. Last night's shift was pretty uneventful. I was working with really good CNAs so things went very smoothly. Sounds like Australia responded quickly and decisively to the resurgence of covid there. I bet there aren't any where near as many anti-maskers there.

    Karen--Yeah, the CDC seems to be going in the wrong direction. Quarantines for contagious illnesses are usually set at twice the typical incubation period. You've probably heard that children not vaccinated for chicken pox have to stay out of school for 21 days past the start of the last diagnosed case?That's because the chicken pox incubation period is 7 to 10 days. So covid quarantine should be 28 days, based on the 7 to 14 day incubation period. Covid is smart with its long silent phase where there are no symptoms or positive test. The covid tests doesn't register a positive until about 7 days after exposure. The critical time for spreading covid is the 2 days before symptoms start.

    Apple Cinnamon Hot Toddy


    • 1 apple - chopped
    • 3 cups water
    • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 2 cinnamon sticks
    • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
    • 1 tea bag black tea
    • 3 ounces bourbon
    • 1 ounce cinnamon whisky


    • To a sauce pan, add the chopped apple, water, cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, and maple syrup. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for three minutes to soften the apples.
    • Remove the pan from the heat and add the tea bag. Allow the tea to steep for three minutes. Remove the tea bag.

    From <>

    I'm guessing the burbon and whiskey get added after the tea bag is removed?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    The CDC recommendation is not a simple reduction in days of quarantine. The report I read is they are seeking a "sweet spot" that will encourage folks to not ignore recommendations. The 7 day quarantine requires no symptoms and a next year in the last two days; the 10 day quarantine does not require a test but does require daily symptom monitoring either requires continued symptom monitoring and mask wearing.

    Apparently there have been reports of people not quarantining due to fear of job loss and this is an effort to have a better response. Guess we will still have to wait and see...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Woke up to a bit of snow, not forecasted, but the moisture is always appreciated!

    That photo yesterday was taken closer to sunrise looking over to the west. I had to meet someone early to go in to the hospital for some work there on my project, and she was running late and looked up and saw the view and did not waste the opportunity to take that. Sometimes we end up being late to catch a moment like that (but we still got to the meeting in time).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Saw the urologist today, emergency surgery scheduled for the morning. Have to be there at 6:15 am for 8:15 am surgery. I can't seem to stay home for more than 2 days!

    Taking a fifth of vodka with me! J/K of course!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Oh Goldie ❤️🙏😔

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Lori - sending you hugs. You have been through so much. Will they keep Darrell overnight tomorrow?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    DOTD, ok but not sweet enough for me.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    Lori, may angels be riding on your shoulders tomorrow.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Oh Goldie - keeping your DH in my thoughts tomorrow - AND YOU!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Lori, you'd better be wearing some big pockets to the hospital, to fit all of us in. Sending healing thoughts yours & Darrell's way--and a very short stay so he can recuperate safely at home. Meanwhile, put down that fifth of vodka and pick up a "handle" of Tito's.

    Had a (hopefully) uneventful mammo today--had to redo one view because of a slight motion artifact. But because I'm back to routine annual screening rather than diagnostic, I got sent home rather than waiting for a radiologist to read the films. Fingers crossed there's nothing in my patient portal inbox in the next couple of days--back in 2015 (my last "routine screener") the tech said I should get a "letter" in a week, but the very next morning there was a message in my inbox that there was a "focal asymmetry" in my R breast, which led to ultrasound & then biopsy...and here I am 5 years down the line.

    Chicago will be getting 20-25K initial doses of the vaccine, but the suburbs will receive part of the state's larger initial allocation. Holy Cross is the only place in Chicago where Bob practices (Little Co. of Mary is in Evergreen Park, Advocate Christ is in Oak Lawn, and his office is in Hickory Hills); though he only does stress tests and reads EKGs there, the mayor of Oak Brook is head of the medical staff and is a friend--so he might get into that first group at Holy Cross. Not likely at Advocate Christ, which has an entire COVID wing; if not at Holy Cross, most likely at Little Company of Mary, where he had encountered more patients who tested positive. And Chicago will be getting more doses every week.

    He was going to take a bunch of consults tomorrow and stay at the hotel in Oak Lawn. But I pointed out that if he keeps taking every cardio consult that comes down the pike, the colleague with whom he alternates weekend call might get miffed and stop covering for him. Bingo--he'll be home for dinner tomorrow.

    We just found out that the old-school Cantonese-American joint in an old mansion on Sheridan Rd. is closing Dec. 12--not because of the pandemic (they've always done mostly take-out and have been busier than ever) but because after 40 years the owner wants to retire, and the offer a local condo builder made him for the mansion & lot was just too lucrative to turn down. So with the dinner (reminiscent of the classic Cantonese-American joints of my Brooklyn youth), we chilled a bottle of Mumm Napa Deveaux Ranch Brut Rose 2011--just right.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    33 Good Morning Gifs For You

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    LORI I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT U MEANT ABOUT THE SURGERY at first if it was u or not. WTF I'm still so sorry for Darrell an hope u come thru this all right. Damn u can't get a break here. Bring in a rolling keg of anything everyone will unerstand. I can't even say relax cuz this is not ur time to. I can not say sorry enough to u, cuz I do feel this is a super rough time for you an Darrell <<<PRAYERS>>>

    Karen every time I see <mainly on FB> no masks I wonder WTF are people thinking. Instead of this these are my rights BS, it shoul at least be their duty as a caring person for the next guy. I have never heard of so many people I know getting this an it all has to do with people not wearing masks. Cuz when I ask questions that's what it comes down to===NO MASKS. So far it is younger people and they don't get as sick BUT they r exposing more people than they know.To me this isn't being stubborn it's just being stupid. And this going to school 1/2 full is BS everyone should stay home rather than tking any chances Joey know a couple of kids <in short School> that got it, so what good is this idea.

    Kim this has to be over sometime and to me school is ur best bet and if u can fill in the summer then there is no reason u shouldn't have this. It sounds great to me. And again something u would be perfect doing and everyone would gain from having you.

    Hey Teka, Beaver, Minus.

    JC u really have a plan coming together and it sounds like fun as usual, just be careful.

    Sandy u always have such interestin wines to keep u going strong. I still believe Bob should be first on the list his age too and you. But I don't get consulted on this.

    Oh Joey has to have 3 teeth pulled <they're good> but he has a rare conition that this has tobe done and he told the dentist RARE??? not in my house.We're handing this crap down now.

    My stupi story, I told Jodie how I really wante Christmas this yr. I really never say anything about it. But cuz of circumstances I would like them to come over early afternoon, appetizers, presents, dinner then a couple of fun games and just have a good time. She was all for it. Then at night she talked to Leslie and said they could come a couple of hrs. <I know this was after she talked to FF> If he is so against it, I think leave it home <Yes it> I don't ever ask her for time but this time I really want it for Leslie and her and Marty has always like Jodie, well since FF came in, not as much. And she is so much fun without him, he just brings the word boring to a new lower level. So who woul like him anyway. When Bob <my Bob> went there to fix something he talked about all the things he know about plumbing, yea right he can barely tie shoes, the complications are just to much for him. Anyway now we see.

    Happy Friday Eve, an have a good one


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Hello all! The hike yesterday was wonderful. We took the scenic route there and saw some areas we had never been to. The preserve is a large (about 14 acre) rock outcropping. Not sure how it got in the middle of some wood, but it was very interesting. Once we found the actual trail it turned out to be a bit too steep for us to manage. We mainly wondered on the rocky area. Even got home in time for DH to get his daily nap.

    Today, we walked our three miles, then I picked up pine cones, sticks and limbs that had fallen during the strong winds earlier this week. I had to dump the barrel four times! Will be taking the afternoon off to read my latest book.

    Goldie - So sorry to hear about another hospital trip. This is due to the kidney stones? I would definitely have something for later in the hotel room to serve as the DOTD.

    Sandy - Congrats on the results of the mammo. It is interesting how the CDC is distributing this vaccine. I do think the frontline doctors, nurses and teachers should be first. I can wait as I am still not getting flu, shingles or pneumonia vaccines. I am not an anti-vaxer. I do not see the point of taking something that causes sickness or doesn’t prevent sickness. I haven’t had the flu in years. A close friend got the shingles vaccine and now has a huge case on her thighs. Hopefully this Covid vaccine will get things closer to having mainly mild casesfor only a few people.

    NM - School nursing is different these days. Is it done virtually? I imagine there can be drama anywhere.

    Cami - Families can be so difficult. Fingers crossed you can work out a good time for everyone.

    For all those I forget to mention I hope all is well and everyone is staying safe!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Well, I've never gotten the flu in years when I got the shot--but the one year I didn't get vaccinated, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Gordy too. And after seeing what my mom (and several friends, all in their 40s) went through with shingles--and then got pneumonia before she could get her vaccine--no way I'm skipping either of those shots. Prevnar 13 is a once-in-a-lifetime, and Pneumovax is every 5 yrs after age 60. Bob got a different type (mycoplasma pneumoniae, aka "walking pneumonia"), a bacterium for which there's no vaccine available, twice in one season three years ago. He was miserable--even though he didn't have fever, he was coughing constantly and had to take Levaquin, which can sometimes cause arrhythmias. Pneumococcus is far worse. And though the TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) is weaker against pertussis (whooping cough) than the old DTP (pulled from the market over preservative issues), it's still potent against tetanus & diphtheria. If what I had last Dec. wasn't mild COVID (Bob didn't get sick), it was likely a rather mild form of pertussis--the cough was deep & dry, not barking, and my fever was fleeting. (I last had a TDaP booster in 2015, recommended every 10 yrs).

    "Causes sickness?" No way. A temporary injection-site reaction (sore red arm) or short-term "flu-ey" feeling is not the disease itself. "Doesn't work?" Shingrix is 95% effective, permanently. (Zostavax was only 50%, waning to zero after 3 yrs). Your friend who still got shingles either had the old Zostavax vaccine (and maybe after it wore off), got shingles before Shingrix took effect (a couple of weeks after the second shot) or was part of that 5% who don't respond to the vaccine. It doesn't cause shingles. And you can be an asymptomatic carrier of influenza virus or pneumococcus, shedding the virus or bacteria and passing it on to others who have not been vaccinated and who will more than likely get sick. Getting vaccinated against pneumonia, flu, diphtheria, pertussis (and if you haven't had them or been vaccinated against them, measles, mumps, rubella & polio) is more like wearing a mask and physical-distancing: it is a duty to protect others. (You can't pass shingles to others--the varicella virus is already hiding in your body if you had chicken pox, but the vaccine inactivates it). So it will be with the SARS-CoV2 vax: having a sore arm and perhaps feeling crappy for a couple of days is a very small price to pay for not getting COVID and not being able to transmit it.

    You have been very, very lucky. Can't dodge the bullet(s) forever.

    Oh, and just this morning I got the "all clear, see you next year" mammo form letter in my patient portal inbox. Whew!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Thinking about you Goldie and wishing the best for you and DH.

    Friendsgiving went well and yesterday’s pre-gamma knife (brain rads again to one met) covid test was negative, so that’s good to know.

    Tonight’s DOTD is this one. I never drink white wine, haven’t tried one I liked yet but I’ll give it a shot.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    Thanks, Sandy for offering the vaccine explanation I was thinking about doing. Speaking from experience, I am one who had Zostavax and 5 years later had shingles just as the research showing Zostavax effectiveness was down to essentially nothing after 5 years. Got the Shingrix as soon as it was available here! I am definitely a pro-vaxer!!