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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    I've just learned that the French gov't has approved five new climate-change-adaptable varietals (red & white) to be grown in Bordeaux, and they will be eligible for Appellation d'Origine Controleé (AOC) status. The reds are Touriga Nacional, Marselan, Castets, Arinarnoa; the two white grapes, Alvarinho (which in Spain & the US is called Albariño) and Liliorila. They have been grown in NE Spain & Portugal for quite some time--and the climate is similar to that of Bordeaux.

    By this time tomorrow night I could use a glass each of all five. The snow had such a great time in Chicago earlier this week that it's decided to come back for an even longer visit beginning early tomorrow evening. Fortunately, if Bob makes it in to work early enough tomorrow morning, he can make it home before the snow gets brutal. And he is off Sunday. Only hope he doesn't try to shovel--we pay the landscaper for that.

    And this weekend marks the 6th anniversary of straining my glute & piriformis while doing--what else?--shoveling snow. Next day walked to a Super Bowl party at our favorite restaurant...during a blizzard. 18" fell that weekend. It took hiking poles for me to walk the 1/4 mile through & over drifts, slush, & puddles. No party this year--the restaurant is hibernating, and even if it were open it wouldn't be doable under current regs (25% capacity/25-people max, no buffets).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    JCS, beautiful creek picture. I turned the other one around for you. So nice that you two go out hiking together.

    Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses, tree, closeup, outdoor, water and nature

    Celia, you talk about NM's husband, I'm sure you her confused wondering where he is! I know you meant someone else, just not sure who. We got our stimulus money. Congrats on the all clear, always good to hear. That's alot of grocery stops.

    Jazzy, sorry about the sore arm, but at least you were ready for it. See you soon!

    Sandy, good for you to imitate the Starbucks coffee. I love salmon, but rarely make it, as DH won't eat it.

    Beaver, our homemade pizza is buying the Walmart 5 cheese pizza and adding to it! Seems like you are having the same issues as Chevy, trying to get that vaccine.

    DH wanted sloppy joes yesterday (Manwich), I agreed to have some with him, as normally I don't do processed, microwave, boxed foods. Well, we didn't have any. So I went online and got a copy cat recipe for it, which I had done before. He liked it, but still prefers the Manwich. I really enjoyed it, all made from stuff out of the garden. My canned tomatoes, onion and I had frozen green and red peppers.

    How about for our DOTD, we have a Pizza Cocktail?

    See the source image

    The libation is made with tomato water, basil-infused vodka, ghost-pepper infused vodka, porcini powder, muddled basil and topped with a Parmesan and mozzarella foam.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Boy is it cold here, this ayem. 5 whole degrees outside right now. At least it's above the donut and not below! And the wind has died down. It was really whipping around last evening. Sounds like a snow storm headed our way for the middle of next week, the school district superintendent mentioned it in our weekly nurses' meeting with her yesterday. We nurses spent the rest of the afternoon distributing and redistributing food pantry items among the schools for the ongoing food back pack program. It's quite a program; families can opt in to getting a back pack of food sent home with the student once a week. One of my Thursday jobs is filling and distributing those.

    Sadie is woofing "hi" to everyone!


    Karen--I can see where celebrating early doesn't work. My official diagnosis date is in March, but I found the lump and started the process in January. Things kept getting lost or overlooked. I was nearly crazy with fear and anxiety by the time I actually got a diagnosis. I have the prosthesis, mastectomy bras, and all the other special clothing I needed during recon packed up in a box in the closet of the spare room. Can't quite make myself get rid of any of it, even though I don't want to see it, either. So there it all sits for the last 11 years. Glad you didn't get hurt when you fell.Black ice is treacherous stuff.

    Goldie--the massive confusion has settled down as the local doctor's offices have caught up with the newest guidelines. The big problem is that these guideline changes come out unannounced. If a person (or doctor's offfice or nursing home) knows to sign up to get the Health Advisory Notices, they will get a heads up in the e-mail. If you don't know to sign up for that, you will hear about changes some second hand way and end up being behind the 8-ball. It turns out that the "big" respiratory clinic that some doc's offices put together is depending on the school nurses to let them know when guidance changes! And a lot of private practices are following theMaine CDC but not the Federal CDC guidelines, and some of the Federal guidelines are stricter than Maine's, and the schools have to follow the Federal guidelines. It get very confusing very quickly. I'm looking at that stuff every day and I still get confused regularly! I did lose mobility rather quickly, fortunately I am getting back fairly quickly, too. I was able to go up stairs using a normal, alternating leg gait 3/4 of the way up my steps when I got home from work yesterday. Going down is still problematic due to the feeling like the knee wants to give out and my fear of falling, but that is making progress, too, and has lagged behind the going up stairs in the past as well.

    WOW, that Mass Confusion is beatutiful as well as very tasty looking!

    Librarian--great pics, even the upside down one! I've had that happen a time or two and cannot for the life of me figure out how/why it does that!

    Morning, Illi!

    Jazzy--I was on an update about the vaccination and heard that the second shot reaction is pretty universally more uncomfortable for the under 65 year old crowd, to the point where some hospitals are scheduling the second shot the day before a day off, or giving the next day off to staff. And that second shot reactions are pretty mild in the over 65 crowd, which is raising concerns that the older folks won't mount as much of a response as younger people, similar to what has we now know happens with the flu shot.

    Celia--Alcohol is a much underrated analgesic! Wooops, guess I misread DH entirely! I'm not so sure having a high pain tolerance is such a good thing. People with high pain tolerances often seem to not do what they are instructed to do until there is way more damage done than more pain sensitive people. HOORAY for 4 years Dancing with NED! Must be nice to be so close to so many things, but the, I really enjoy the quiet and privacy of having all my neighbors far enough away that we can't see into each other's houses. And no one here judges what label is on the bottle, so enjoy whatever you like and call it whatever you want!

    Chi--It's good to hear that Chicago is opening up. The Honey Almondmilk Flat White sounds intriguing. I did not know there was such a thing as imitation honey!

    Beaver--that's a lot of waiting lists to keep track of! Hope your get an appointment soon.

    Chi--that's good news for the French wineries!

    Goldie--WOW, that Pizza Cocktail recipe is amazing looking!I'm going to have to look up porcini powder and learn something new today! my go-to pizza is one made in a wood fired oven in a food truck at a local goat farm. I get a cheeseburger pizza with green pepper every Friday. It's made with local produce and they add goat cheese as well as the usual cheese. It's great!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2021

    Good afternoon friends- I am officially BACK from my hiatus. This month has gone quickly and can't believe January is almost over and we are on to February now. I am through a few SEs from the second vax on Thursday, had a few aches and pains yesterday afternoon along with the sore arm and surprisingly enough, I lost my appetite for a few days. Unexpected benefit? LOL. Anyways, I feel okay today but taking things slow and easy after a super busy week and also getting this vaccine.

    So what was jazzy doing all month long? Recovering from a super busy end fo the year, getting some things finished in association with some estate document updates, working on tax stuff, getting organizedat home for the new year. Also getting some broken things fixed like a shower stall that had a broken door and is finally getting completely replaced this coming week. I have a bigger project planned to upgrade my kitchen and bathroom counter tops, get new sinks, etc. but have not done a lot yet around that but will get more serious about this by the spring. I am planning to get that done this fall, but need to do some planning around it for what I want; project scope, schedule, budget and timeline. Can you tell I am a long time project manager?

    New job is going okay and getting a bit more settled in to it as I begin my 4th month there, and learning more about the delivery system through our project. We are still working from home but think we will be back in the office soon. Hospitals workers almost all vaxed now and numbers are way down here and the gov is slowly reopening things again. The young kids are going back to school this coming week, but the teachers are not not vaxed yet and many are upset (I can understand this). In a couple months I will be off probation and able to use some vacation time, and have planned to take my birthday off this spring and go to a hot spring I have not visited in a good decade.

    Will catch up more on how everyone is doing as we go forward. I see some are getting their vaxes and hope you do okay. I know many are anxious to get them. Will pop back in tomorrow and see what's shaking on Sunday Funday.

    Lubs you all as Cami would say!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited January 2021

    Goldie - interesting drink. Can anyone comment on the taste difference between raspberry Schnapps and the much more expensive Chamboard?

    Ceila - is the Costco Irish cream as good as Baileys? I've been waiting for a review.

    FIrst shot yesterday - Pfizer in my thigh due to lymphadema. Because they said to "move" the muscles for the vaccine to disseminate through the body, I walked 7 miles after I got home. Not planned - just happened. My thigh is a bit swollen. Not really sore, just tender. The main side effect was heavy duty fatigue.
    Have to add - I medicated with two classes of cab and a small Tuaca last night.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Tonight with roast chicken, more of that Williams-Selyem 2105 Russian River Valley Pinot Noir. (We have some 2017s, that are specific vineyards, but they're both a bit young and too pricey for just a weeknight dinner).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited January 2021

    DOTD was a delicious white wine Sangria. Hubby got pickup at Paladar Latin Kitchen. A chain, but tasty food. And they sell the Sangria as takeout, by the quart.

    Everyone, keep safe and warm if you're getting snow as we are. ❄🌨🥂

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Jazz -DH and I had second Pfizer vaccine yesterday - I had a very sore arm - DH had more flu like symptoms that lasted about 24 hours - makes me wonder why some people have reactions and others don't after the vaccine. One friend who is an ID doc said he could barely get out of bed for two days - here's hoping lack of reaction or reaction really has no impact on effectiveness of vaccine. We will continue to social distance, wear masks and wash hands.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    NM, the food back packs, do you deliver them to the home or just to the child in school? Oh I see, I think maybe you take them to other schools? Also, are they actual back packs and are they returned to be filled again? What kind of items are in them. Fear of falling is horrible, especially on stairs. Just from losing balance, I've almost fallen a few times, sometimes that's scary. And I surely thank the Lord for not letting me fall. As I think "that would have really hurt". That's awesome that you get your pizza from the goat farm and you are supporting locally. I'll pass on the pizza cocktail, especially the ghost-pepper infused vodka, it just went with the conversation.

    Jazzy, welcome back. And organized as always, even into the fall. Redoing things in the kitchen and bathroom sounds exciting. As for the lubs you all, MemaSue was the one that always said that, and now Cami.

    Minus2, 7 miles? Wowsa! My MO said he was really fatigued after his vax as well. Said he had to take a nap. Glad you were able to self medicate.

    NM, I saw this photo on something that I was just scrolling through on FB. Just noticed that it was in Maine. Just thought it unique, not to mention the glorius colors. Any idea where it is?

    When you don't do anything or go anywhere, there's nothing to report! I'll post this so I can refresh and maybe look for a DOTD if NM is still relaxing.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    OK....for Jazzy.

    Welcome Back Cooler

    It amazes me all of the different flavored vodkas out there.

    Welcome Back Cooler

    3 parts lemonade
    4 blueberries
    2½ parts Van Gogh Vodka® Acai-Blueberry

    • Fill Collins glass with ice.
    • Pour lemonade over ice and add blueberries.
    • Float vodka on top.
    • If desired, garnish with lemon wedge and two blueberries on skewer.
  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited January 2021

    Raining here today. You folks in the upper Midwest and Northeast be careful with this storm. It looks like a doozy! Not sure about my volunteering with the drive-thru clinic. I have heard nothing, so signed up for another date. I will go with DH and see if I can find out anything. I am not old enough for this group. Sigh... My oldest DSdid get his second shot. He had a headache, but not much else.

    There are two basketball games today and a new book to read. I am enjoying my new toaster oven. So far everything has baked well. Working on a grocery list. I am getting tired of most things I cook. I need to find some inspiration! Let’s see some snow pictures.

    Take care!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday in the cold! 7 whole degrees above the donut, and it got much colder overnight. Thank God for warm Sadie cuddles! At least the sun is shining and that makes things feel better!

    Jazzy--welcome back from social media hiatus! I've gotten my first shot, got an appointment for the second. My school is still 100% in person (except for those who choose remote learning), and the virus is creeping closer, but so far, so good. Getting settled into the new job, too. Teachers really are getting anxious about not knowing when they will get access to vaccinations,. Not getting the number of doses we were told, and not finding out until a day or two before delivery how many doses we will get each week is creating a planning/scheduling nightmare. Can't wait to hear more about the hot springs when you go!

    Minus--Raspberry Schnapps tastes more of alcohol than the Chambord, to me. Both are quite sweet. Chambord is thicker, and smoother and more raspberry-ish than Schnapps. In a mixed drink there probably is very little difference.I had the same experience with my thigh shot. Just the smallest bit of swelling for a day or two, then some tenderness if I poked at it. I'm not sure if I was really fatigued that weekend after or if I just decided I would be, but I used the shot as an excuse to be lazy all weekend. Wine makes a good medicine for that kind of thing!

    Chi--yum, roast chicken, I think that's what I'll have for dinner tonight!

    Reader--working on keeping warm, waiting for the snow next week. One prediction is for Tuesday into Wednesdaynight, one is for Wednesday night into Thursday. The winter storm warning is for Monday night through Wednesday morning. I'm thinking there will be a snow day or two this coming week!

    Karen--research with the flu vaccine indicates that there isn't much correlation between protection and reaction symptoms. Almost everyone gets protection, but with different levels of reaction. No one really understands the how and why of the differing reactions among people, and even in a the same person from shot to shot.

    Goldie--I put the food bags in the kiddo's cubbies during lunch/recess break and they take them home. We're not actually using the back packs for the little kiddos, they are too big, so we package up a grocery bag full of food, double bag it and tie it off. The older kiddos use the back packs and are supposed to bring them back, but I hear that's become a bit of a problem and so some of the other nurses have also switched to grocery bags. It's one way to reuse the plastic before it get tossed! What goes in depends on what's in the pantry at the time. Peanut butter, tuna, pasta, canned veggies, pasta sauce, rice or pasta mix packages, applesauce cups, granola bars, boxes of cereal, canned soups and chili, individual cereal servings, fruit cups, it varies. As to the pepper infused vodka in the Pizza Cocktail, I would have left that out, or substituted plain vodka or basil infused vodka or some such. I do not get along with the peppery stuff! I don't know exactly where that is, but I'm guessing, from the lay of the land that it's in the northwest part of the state where the White Mountains cross the Maine-New Hampshire border. There aretons of lakes nestled in the hills out that way. I really wouldn't mind having that camp, even if it does mean working all winter to transport enoughwood for the fireplace and cooking all summer!

    Ooh, Nice Welcome Back drink for Jazzy!It is amazing the flavors of vodka available nowadays.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    For Cami...

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is craYcat.jpg

    For JCS....

    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    73 Good Morning Wishes for Cat Lovers

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi laie, I've been trying to get here for days, work, planning the move, Joey being exposed to covid, its a mess. I did rea a little but not everything.

    JC u2 take the cutest pics. scenery perfect and u2 always looking happy

    OMG Lori u really do more in one day than most, I don't know how u do it. but u always do the impossible. BTW I was 17 that first flight and that just started the adventure that I put all the passengers thru. I didn't mean to but it was likeover 3 hhrs for them of living in the twilite zone. I did apologize to everyone once we landed. and on the way back I again apologized, believe me it was bad.

    Oh chevy I'm sorry ur dh is having a hard time but knowing u u will be a huge help. Btw I thought we were never going to put our pole mentor with any picture.

    what I have read everyone sounds OK. reading some about when u found out when u got cancer. see that's what I thought would be good for newbies to read and here u r doing well. It's that tunnel that most go thru

    I'm so glad whoever got the vac. did it already. IL seems all screwed up.

    I have to gear up for my taping the programs we like, even tho they are all crazy people. and Leslie and Jennifer are picking out a new couch from Jennifer for her housewarming present. she is so very nice, but Marty is jely cuz he would love to meet her husband.. LOL who wouldn't. Oh well. the basement is all carpeted and paneled so this couch can easily go down there.

    ok that's about it


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021


    Looking out the front window at 9" since yesterday aft., and the lake effect snow machine is still going strong. (This shot was taken after the plows came through twice since midnight). We're expecting about a foot once it stops. Bob has to borrow my Outback to get to work tomorrow (the alleys aren't plowed and the ruts are too deep, with too high a center "hump" for any car other than an SUV or pickup truck to get through). I'm nervous, as he has driven it only once since we bought it, and that was on dry pavement while his car was in the shop. Even though office is cancelled (his patients can't get there) he insists on driving down to those SW side/suburban hospitals to see his patients. I told him that the house staff--and the attendings who own huge SUVs & pickups--can handle it, but he is afraid that if he can't see a patient he can't charge Medicare/Medicaid. The fact that we have enough retirement savings to live into our 90s and still leave an inheritance makes no difference to him. There are no sports to watch on TV during a weekday, and he's afraid that he'd have nothing to do but drink if he stays home.

    There's also no way our HK is coming in tomorrow, as she has nobody healthy enough to dig out her car--a plain sedan--and whatever parking spots there'd be on our block will be marked by "dibs," which are large objects placed in the dug-out spots by those who dug them out. Is that legal? Of course not. But has anyone been ticketed for it? Of course not--it's a Chicago winter tradition. No mayor has dared denounce it. (Daley even praised it). Anyone who violates it will suffer grave retaliatory consequences. Fistfights or worse (especially now that so many more people here have guns), vandalized cars (every year there are reports of some encased in ice), etc. The only upside is that suddenly there are no carjackings (there have been >200 this month alone, including 3 in my neighborhood).

    What we drink tonight will depend on what we eat--almost certainly nuked leftovers supplemented with salad.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2021

    Happy Funday Sunday- I hope everyone has had a good start to the day. I was up and out early to the grocery store, got to see a pretty moon setting over the mesa. The moon was especially beautiful this month, both rising and setting. Back home and working on chores, some paperwork stuff, and will swim mid afternoon. Weekends are too short!

    NM- glad you got your first vax and have another coming up. Also glad you are getting settled in the new position. You sound a lot happier than where you were before, and glad you were able to make this switch. A good start to the new year. I saw the reminder photo on FB too of the Disney Cruise you did with some of the photos. Only name that looked familiar was Genny, not sure we have heard from her on this thread for awhile. Below is the link to the hot springs I will visit later in March. It's possible the trees may even be out a bit down in that area by then too

    Goldie- you got some nice snow! That same storm was supposed to bring moisture here friday evening went north of ABQ. We hope to get more moisture this week. I hear the storm is over in the mid-Atlantic this weekend and heading into the northeast. I hope you are doing well with your treatments and that your DH is improving too. I never realized Mema was the originator of the Lubs you comment! And thank you for the welcome back beverage, boy does that look good. I will have to look for the blueberry acai vodka, yum!

    Chevy- good to see you back here. Been a long time girlfriend. Hope all is well up in CO.

    Karen- glad you and DH got your second shot. Most of my team at work will be completely vaxed by this coming week. There seems to be no rhyme or reason why some get more sick than others, probably true for most injections. By feeling something, it makes me feel I am getting some kind of a response. I hope you are both doing okay here at the end of the weekend. How are your kids doing in other countries with the vax? I heard they have made a lot of progress in Israel, how about Canada?

    Teka- hi up in North Country. I bet you are getting or about to get some big snow your way.

    Reader- I LOVE white sangria. It brings me back to a summer in the 1990s when I rented a beach housew with a group of friends for the week in RI, and we made it every day for apres beach time. I don't really drink much of anything cold in the winter for adult bevereages, but that sure sounded yummy. I could use a beach with some white Sangria right about now here in the mid winter months.

    MinusTwo- my first Pfizer shot gave me a sore arm for a few days and my arm felt heavy after that. Your leg may feel heavy for awhile too. I noticed a heavier limb when I swam the Sunday after the first shot. Today I will go to the pool again and see how my arm feels. I hope you are not having any other side effects. The second one is the one that I have been told can be harder so good to not plan anything for the day after. I had told my boss that I was going to take a sick day if I felt bad on Friday, but felt okay and made it through. The hospital gives us a lot of sick time, they put 40 hours in our buckets end of the year and I am now starting to accrue some too. Some of the sick time is like a short term disability, and saving that for if and when I really need it. Hope the next vax goes easy for you and DH.

    Cami, Cami, Cami- how are you friend? Did I hear your family found a new house and you are moving?

    Ill- how are things going out in West TX? Are you eating and drinking anything interesting this weekend?

    ChiSandy, Celia C, MemaSue, JCS- you all sound like you are doing okay. Scrolled back as far as I could to read on this page without loosing this post.

    Oh, I discovered another pandemic shortage and alternate solution. There is no oven cleaner in any of the stores! I was due to clean my oven this month and went to get some of that spray cleaner and found none of the stores had it. One guy told me it was a supplier issue and so I have been using another method which is to use some baking soda in water to clean things. It actually works great and I just put the baking soda in some warm water and the grease comes off pretty easily. I use a thicker paste if there are any more resistant areas. I am leaving the racks in the bathtub overnight soaking in the baking soda solution as I know that is the way to get those cleaner (the racks to me are the hardest). Just a tip if you find yourself needing to clean your oven and need a Plan B. I like it better actually, none of those yucky fumes.

    I will be back next weekend. Be safe in the snow storms my friends. Good to be back here with you again. Into February we go.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Jazzy - my daughter in Israel got her second shot this morning. She got her first shot by going to a clinic near closing time because clinics if they have extra they will give them out instead of wasting them like here in many places. Once she got the first shot, they scheduled her second. My kids in Canada - no where close to getting a shot. My SIL is high risk but my DD#1 and my DS (in the US) are in their 30s so of course lower on the list to get their vaccines.

    Sandy - you got quite a bit of snow. My DH is reading a book on retirement and the author said Doctors are the worse about retiring because so many have no other interests than work. The women is in her mid 60s and a BC survivor (not sure how many years). She is donating all profits to cancer research.

    Nice weather yesterday, today and the middle to end of weeks it's back to winter with snow. We need the snow/moisture but if its going to snow, I'd rather have enough to close schools than just a few inches that makes everything slick. Sandy - we have a 1999 Suburban that we can use in deep snow. Otherwise both DH and I have 4WD "crossover" vehicles - not really SUVs but not sedans. What does your DH drive that you are worried about him driving your Subaru? Do you have an Outback? Forester? Sedan? They are great cars.

    Well, I'm going to see if DH wants to go for a walk in the next half hour or so and then I have a couple hours of paperwork for work to do before tomorrow morning.

    Stay safe and stay healthy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    I have a 2014 Outback, and Bob has a 2011 Fusion Hybrid--front-wheel drive, low ground clearance. What led us to buy the Outback was when a couple of months earlier, during Snowmageddon, he was able to pick me up in our AWD 2005 Ford Five Hundred for a getaway weekend downtown. On our way home, four garages' distance from ours, we got stuck in our alley--the undercarriage was too low to clear the "hump" down the middle of the alley and we sat atop it, hopelessly spinning our wheels in the air. Took four neighbors to clear off enough of the hump and then push us to the garage so we could maneuver into it. The next day, the city sent out a Sno-Cat to compact the snow in the alley so it was driveable. But when we bought the Outback that May, he tried driving it just once, and didn't like it, so it's been mine. The snow is too deep thus far to accommodate all but the highest-ground-clearance truck-chassis SUVs and trucks. Our HK reported seeing even Jeeps spinning helplessly in her alley.

    Anyway, he cancelled office tomorrow and is grudgingly letting colleagues who live near the hospitals and drive SUVs make rounds for him. He has a dental appt. in the Loop Tues., followed by a day at Union Health--but both are accessible by CTA train, which now that he has immunity is safe for him to ride so long as he's careful and double-masks.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy - LOVE the quarantine coffee. No side effects to the shot other than my thigh is a bit tender.

    NM - thanks for the raspberry review. I usually just have a small glass of Chamboard straight, so the Schnapps may be too sweet for me. I know the Peach is too sweet.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Bob was really looking forward to retiring by the end of 2020 ("work hard in order to play hard")--we were planning to travel (incl. a possible round-the-world Viking cruise), go to cultural & sports events, dine out a lot. Then came the pandemic. Now, he has nothing to do when not working, other than read, watch TV & drink. I don't think he'll ever fully retire even if & when the pandemic is over. His work is his entire sense of purpose. 2 weeks after my second shot, though, I think it'll be safe for us to take driving trips w/in IL (if we cross state lines, we'd have to quarantine upon our return even with proof of vaccination), since I won't be freaking out over using public restrooms with lidless toilets. The only state IL will let us visit w/o having to quarantine upon our return is Hawaii---which would make us quarantine for 2 weeks in a hotel before we could go out. (17 hrs. in the air plus airports, then 2 weeks in paradise cooped up in a hotel-room? Nope. Not even if our room had a lanai with a beach view).

    Cami, I notice Fry the Coop is selling "chicken lollipops" for game day, but they have to be ordered by tomorrow. Normally, it's on Bob's way home from Christ Hospital, but they have to be ordered by tomorrow; and he's working right up till kickoff and probably won't get there in time to pick them up.

    With dinner, more of the same Pinot Noir.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    Hi ladies,

    these drinks are sounding better an better every time I read one. my DD always gets mad at me cuz I ask for them and never drink them they'll al be alcoholics but me.

    It's nice to see u Jazzy always miss you.

    well Sandy ur snow looks like ours out here, lots of it. Marty had to go in Sat. and Sund. forclean up with 2 other men. None were close to each other tho, they had their own sections. and Les and Joe do the driveway. so far Joey feels fine. fingers crossed for sure five more days. I've been studying my soon so be bedroom and measurements and I can fit a twin bed and end table and my chair, one dresser and of course my TV and since the closet is so big maybe not dresser. the best part is the bathroom right off my door but just a shower so I can take one by myself finally. some freedom for myself. the other one has a tub which is the hard part . Marty will just have to put 2 holders on the wall for more balance. That's it

    OK I never heard of white Sangria, u all have? Hmm sounds interesting

    sandy I think Bob doesn't want to leave any patient hanging in his mind. He has always sounded so dedicated

    Sleep well.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    Sweet Dreams Cat GIF - SweetDreams Cat Sleep - Discover & Share GIFs | Cat sleeping, Cat gif, Cats

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Bob is dedicated--he's working from home today & tomorrow reading echoes & EKGs and doing tele-health "visits."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Temp sitting right on the donut this ayem, with adecent storm headed in to start tonight. The amount of snow is varying, depending on how much rain and such comes along with. I'm expecting tomorrow will be a remote learning day, I'll have to remember to check in and see what is expected of us nursey types on a remote day, if anything.

    Silly Sadie is still sound asleep. Hasn't gotten up for her breakfast or morning potty trip yet. She looks so comfy curled up on the bed, though.

    Goldie--oh my goodness, what a collection of pics!

    Cammy Cat--sounds like lots going on in your world! Sorry to hear Joey was exposed, is he quarantining? Moving is a lot of stress, remember to take care of yourself, and make sure Joey and Marty and Leslie are taking care of themselves, too.

    Chi--Yowza, that's a lot of snow! I never heard of the "dibs" on dug out parking spots before, but I can certainly understand it!

    Jazzy--wow, that place looks wonderful! I am enjoying and very grateful for being able to work someplace where I am not always anxiously awaiting the next disaster or wondering what I'm going to be doing and what time I'll get out of work. The kiddos are a hoot, the teachers are fun and the staff is just plain fun to work with. Thanks for the oven cleaner tip, my oven needs some attention and I can't use oven cleaner due to the fumes triggering asthma. But I can use baking soda, I use that a lot anyway.

    Karen--good to hear your daughter is vaccinated. Praying for the rest of the family.

    Jazzy--Love the quarantine coffee!

    Chi--glad to hear DH has let go of work tomorrow. No real point in going out in a mess if it's not really needed.

    Minus--you're welcome. I can drink Chambord straight, but not the Schnapps, too.

    Chi--the quarantine really puts travel plans to the test. I suspect lots of people are not going to travel until that part of things is over.

    Cammy Cat--Nothing wrong with having some hand holds in the showers not matter what one's age or condition, in my opinion. Do you use a shower seat? That can be really helpful for maintaining independence.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021


    2016 BCO Disney Cruise. Mickey's never been the same.

    Let's see if I can get the names right:

    Back Row: Genny, Collett, Juliet, Dorty

    Front Row: MeMa, NativeMainer, 4Sew

    How'd I do?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Cami, I do do alot, but I'm not one to sit around doing nothing. At least most of the time! OMG, how on earth was Joey exposed to Covid? Had to be at a friends house? So, what was it that you did on the plane that you had to apologize for, when you were 17? And I'm confused, who's getting the couch, Leslie or Jennifer? When abouts are you supposed to be moving?

    Sandy, funny about the "dibs" parking spots. A fusion def. not good for the snow. The pandemic does put a damper on retiring, especially for those that want to travel. Same with us, but we will retire anyways. We weren't going out of the country, but still can't do it. Our hopes were to go mid to late summer. Glad Bob is and able to work from home.

    Jazzy, the hot springs there on the Rio Grande look beautiful. But what resort wouldn't, right? I hope you get to go. No oven cleaner, that's funny. I wonder why they are out of that, how strange. The Quarantined Coffee is poyfect for us lounge lizards.

    Karen, I agree with you in having enough snow to close as opposed to just enough to keep open and make things dangerous. Both of our vehicles have 4 wheel drive.

    NM, thanks for explaining about the food bags and sorry for so many questions. Well, not sorry, since it's not allowed! That's nice that they do that. As for the unreturned back packs, that is what I was thinking. And kids are fun indeed, and you are working with a great age. So glad you like it so well there. LOL at nursey types. I think Sadie knows it's cold outside and is just as happy where she is. I think a shower chair for Cami too. I sure wish I could have gone on that trip, however, I have been lucky to have met 4 of those ladies! Mary, Julie, Dorothy and Sue.

    Off for PT this morning. I'm going to attempt to go in with him, but I may get thrown out. I give him exercises to do at home, but he finds a way to make them easy, not target what it should be doing. For instance, the left leg is very weak, I noticed that he can barely lift it to go up a stair. So I put a couple blocks of wood together for him to step up on to. It's next to the island so he has something to hold on to. Well, he steps up on it and then pushes himself up with his arm. It's 4", I said try and do that without holding on, except enough for balance so you don't fall. He can not step up 4". But when he's using his arm, he'll do 20 or so. Well hello, that's not doing a damn thing. He argues with me and says well it doesn't hurt. No it doesn't hurt, but this is why you aren't getting any better! Hence me wanting to go in. I will tell them that he won't remember what they tell him! Here is a pic of his left foot, this is one of the problems we are dealing with that we can't get resolved. The leg swells up to his knee, also the right, but not as bad.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Gosh, it would even be nice to go to the movies. They are open here, but I won't go!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Morning gals! Goldie, WTH is THAT??? Is that an actual picture of his leg? Damn! Okay, what happened to make it look like that? I looked back a few pages, but didn't see what happened.

    My left leg/foot sometimes has problems, but mine is due to Lymphedema, and then Veinous Insufficiency...(If you look up pictures of that... VI... it will show you what that is...)

    That makes the skin hard, and can really hurt, and look bruised. See, you're not supposed to get shots, or anything after you have your lymph nodes worked on, or gone... But I broke my hip on that side, then the Lymphedema, and then whatever the hell else can go wrong, did.

    When I was getting physical therapy after my hip/rod/screws, you are supposed to go UP stairs with the good leg, and down with the bad! I do this always, unless I'm falling off the ladder or stools..

    Does he wear compression stockings? Does he massage his legs? I even have a pair of those things they put on your legs when you are in the hospital, that massage your legs! They help circulation.

    But then again, if he is a man, good luck with ANYthing... they will only do what they want, and if it doesn't hurt... ..