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how about drinking?



  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Oh my, Goldie! Have the doctors looked into a vein problem? My Dad had a clot in his groin that caused him to loose his leg. I wish my DH would go to PT. He needs someone ( not me!) to explain how to use the correct muscles to move. People say they can tell it is him walking from quite a ways away. He does not understand preventing the aging process is something to work on. Oh well!

    Still raining here. Loving the snow pics! Will have to ride the bike indoors today. Both my basketball teams won yesterday. Time to get my regular chores done. I also want to clean out the kitchen cabinets of things I do not use. How many coffee mugs does a person need? I want to buy some new everyday dishes, but need to make some room.

    Stay safe and enjoy our winter weather

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Yes that's his leg/foot. Yes he wears comp. socks, no to the massaging. We don't know what's wrong with him, that's why so many doctors. One ortho said he was an enigma. The dry purple on the ankle, he has had for years. We've been told neuropathy. Vascular doc won't do anything until he sees cardio, and he can't get in to neurologist until April!

    This is how he stands/walks, but with both knees bent. He says it hurts his back to stand up straight. And usually his head hangs down too.

    See the source image

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Oh, honey I'm sorry! Sounds like a lot going on, and not just one thing to blame it on.. Even with all that all of us have going on, I am still so thankful, knowing it could be worse.... right? Thinking of you..... Heart

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Lori, definitely looks vascular--have they done a venous Doppler (ultrasound/echo) on that leg? Has he had a heart echocardiogram? (Lower-limb swelling is often a symptom of congestive heart failure, but in that case it's usually symmetrical/bilateral). Is he diabetic (or even insulin-resistant)? That purplish thing looks like the start of a vascular ulcer. Elevation is key till he can get a definitive dx & tx.

    Our snow guy was able to make 2 more passes today, with the second one clearing the "apron" behind the garage. Snow has been considerably compacted, but not enough for Bob's little Fusion. So in order to avoid having to take the train(s) tomorrow to the Loop (dentist) & Medical District (Union Health), he's borrowing my car. If my HK can get her car dug out and down her alley, it'll be heavy enough to get through ours and park in the garage spot vacated by Bob.

    Gonna do a steak tonight, with an app. of salmon roe & creme fraiche (blini for Bob, cucumber slices for me). With the app, the remainder of the bottle of Mumm Napa; with the steak, Bob wants his Black Box cabernet. I will Coravin a bit of either the Rioja or Pinot Noir. Would share a cocktail, but too much sugar now that I'm back on near-keto again.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Oh Teka, my DH would be so so jelly of the perch. Can't get that out here in the west. Same with smelt.

    Jazzy, that cartoon is PERFECT for us.

    Sandy, yes on the ultra sound/echo on the leg, not on the heart. Not diabetic. The purple on the ankle he has had for years. Like I said, he saw the vascular PA, she want him to see cardio, and ortho suggested neuro, which he can't get in until April.

    Went to PT, she suggested OT as well. All I say is Oy Vey! More PT Wed, and Thur. is to see our primary. They did let me go in to PT with him, and I was right. Everything I have been telling him and the corrections I have been telling him were all what she was telling him. So I will correct him for awhile, but if he continues to get mad at me, I won't say anything anymore.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Ok ED, you started something!


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited February 2021

    Cami a white sangria is like a red but only uses white wine instead of red wine. Tasty.👍

    Tonight we had fresh pasta and a mixed salad and went for it. Persimmon wine. We discovered it at a local restaurant and have added it to the rotation. 🍷


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! My first remote day of the school year. Still not sure exactly what to expect, but am keeping an eye on the work computer for meetings and emails. Snowin' and blowin' up a storm this ayem, which wouldn't be bad except that it's supposed to change over to rain and freezing rain later. Yuck. Sadie and I will probably try to catch a nap today since I didn't sleep well last night watching for the snow to start. Of course, the superintendent called for a remote learning day around 7 peeyem last night, I never thought to check the work email last night.

    I just realized this is Groundhog Day!Will have to try to find that broadcast. It's always fun.

    Sadie is woofing for me to say Hi to everyone for her.

    Goldie--I don't mind explaining about things, I like getting and answering questions.My kiddos are a great bunch in general, and lots of fun to interact with. I keep hoping that maybe someday there can be another BCOget together. We really had a great time, even Dorothy who really does not like being on the water! It's hard when someone finds ways around the exercises and doesn't get the intended benefit. And people are very, very good at finding ways to make an exercise easier and thus, non-helpful! Good luck getting into PT with DH. If they don't let you in physically, maybe the therapist will talk with you over the phone? That's one pretty swollen foot!

    Chevy--good point about Goldie's DH being a man!

    Teka--Good looking lunch! I saw ice shacks on a pond that still has open water on my way to work this week! Some people are just crazy, but I suppose the ice is thick enough where they are, 20 or 30 feet from the open water, or at least I hope so!

    Librarian--One needs enough coffee mugs to be sure one is clean no matter how long it's been since the dishes were washed/dishwasher run!

    Jazzy--LOL!My kind of IV fluid!

    Chi--sounds like the snow is slowly getting cleared out/compacted. That Lake Effect sounds deadly!

    Morning, Teka!

    LOL, Goldie--

    Reader--how is the persimmon wine? That looks like something I would like to at least taste.

    Couldn't decide between these two, so I'm posting them both!

    The Nor'easter Recipe Recipe

    Nor'Easter Cocktail


    • 1 ½ ounces Four Roses Single Barrel
    • 1 egg white
    • ½ ounce apple brandy
    • ½ ounce Ancho Reyes
    • ½ ounce maple syrup
    • ½ ounce lemon juice
    • ½ ounce lime juice


    1. Add all ingredients and shake with one cube of ice for a minimum of 30 seconds to get a good foam.
    2. Shake again with ice to chill.
    3. Strain into coupe and garnish with cinnamon.

    From <>




    • 1 ounce lime juice, or more to taste
    • 4 ounces bourbon
    • 1 ounce maple syrup, or to taste
    • 2 ounces, approximately, cold ginger beer
    • Lime slice


    1. Combine lime juice, bourbon and syrup to taste in a small pitcher or cocktail shaker. If possible, let mixture chill in refrigerator or freezer until very cold.
    2. Pour over ice in a rocks glass and top with ginger beer. Depending on the sweetness of the ginger beer, you may want to add a little more lime juice. Garnish with a lime slice.

    From <>


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    No description available.

    Lori did this! Hah! She is a genius! Oh, and this is a recent photo... Haaaaaaaaaah! Oh wait... it says "1992"... Oh well.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    In my mind I still want to look like that.... In my mirror, it says "Nope".... Hah!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Cami, where are ya? Packing? When is the move?

    Teka, back in the day with my previous hubs, in MI, we went fishing alot. My favorite was breaded/fried blue gill/sunfish. YUMMMMM!

    Reader, love the "wine roatation".

    NM, for me, I don't mind the longer winter, especially given how mild it's been for us this year. What I hate is the early hot, lingering spring. When it gets soooo hot, so early and stays that way, my garden doesn't like it. And neither do I. Looks pretty nasty out your way. I don't remember from back in my school days, do you get paid for the snow days? I mentioned it in my last post, they did let me in to PT.

    LOL at NM, commenting on Chevy's "he's a man". I know we have men here on this site, none our thread, but if there are men lurkers, we apologize! We're women!!!! LOL.

    ED, not the best photos shop job, but it will do and it fit. I hear ya about what you see in your mind vs. what looks back in the mirror.

    I will take the 2nd Nor'Easter. Looked at the ingredients. 1st one that got me was the egg white, 2nd was the Ancho Reyes. Had to look it up, not for me and probably not for you either NM.

    Ancho Reyes has a rich and complex warmth, followed by sweet spices and subtle acidity, and finishes with the pleasant, smoky heat of the ancho chile. Ancho Reyes Verde has a bright and herbal taste with notes of golden pineapple and a savory acidity finishing with the crisp, fresh heat of the poblano chile.

    Had to stop by our warehouse in town to pick up some soaker hose that we were out of here and I had an order that needed one. Well, the MF's are heavy (45 lbs) and in big boxes 24x24x12). No sense just getting one and DH is helpless. I mean, I was driving and we have a gate that needs to be opened (keeps the cows out). Altho when I pull up, passenger door is right next to the gate. I just say I'll get it, cuz by the time he even gets out, I have it done already. Get the pallet jack, pull it over to the truck, crawl up in the truck and unload 8 boxes. Guess what I'm doing today?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Image may contain: drink and indoor

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited February 2021

    Hi gals glad the snow has blown outa here. Back to some level of normal.

    NM that pomegranite wine is a semi sweet so not "too much". You may enjoy it if you like a touch of sweet. Smooth.

    Chevy i did a double take on that drink Yoda. Laughed out loud 🤣

    Y'all have a happy Wednesday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Semi-sweet pomegranate wine? Any red labeled "semi-sweet" is definitely too sweet for me to drink with a savory dish (and it's a no-no on my diet anyway).

    Ate alone tonight, so no DOTD but water & coffee.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Looks like school is on as usual today now that the storm has passed. I bet the kiddos will be wound up today! Sadie was not impressed with the rain that came down on top of the snow and left a crust. My guy hasn't been by to plow the driveway yet, but it looks like I can get through. I just hope the berm at the end of the driveway isn't too big to get through, or that he comes by in the next hour.

    Chevy--Woohoo, what a pic!

    Goldie--I'm going to double check about single remote days, but yes, if we go fully remote the nurses still get paid and still follow absences and track covid testing and the like. I was on and off the computer all day yesterday watching for e-mails, meetings, and checking the attendance log, so I feel ok putting in for the time. Snow days are not paid days, as students do not have to do any remote learning or work on the learning packets sent home earlier in the year.Attendance isn't taken on Snow Days. Glad they let you in to PT. Ah, nope, no Ancho Reyes for me, thanks. I'm guessing you are unloading the truck today, sounds like a lot of hard work!

    Jazzy--LOL!It was a bit surreal, watching the live streaming of Phil's ceremony and hearing about him seeing his shadow while being held in a snow shower! The Top Hatters had cutouts made of people and propped those in chairs so it would look, a little, like there was an audience. Still fun to watch.

    Morning, Teka!

    Chevy--How clever!

    Reader-- I like sweet wines, but am not a big fan of reds, but I do like fruit based wines.

    Chi--sorry you had to eat alone.

    Baby Yoda


    1 oz. White Rum

    1/2 oz. Spiced Rum

    1/2 oz. Melon Liqueur

    3 oz. Pineapple Juice

    • Splash Dark Rum
    • Splash Blue Curacao

    Garnish: Grapes/Lime Slices


    1. In an iced filled glass combine white rum, spiced rum, melon liqueur, blue curacao and pineapple juice. Shake well.
    2. Tie a napkin around a glass and fill with ice. Add grapes for eyes and lime slices for ears and pour mix over.
    3. Finish with a float of dark rum.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Yesterday we broke a record high - 65 - but that is changing tonight to cold and snow - probably not a lot of snow for me but for the mountains.

    15 years ago today, I heard those dreaded words no one wants to hear. At the time 15 years seems unimaginable. Now I look to the next 15 years. My actual day of diagnosis is considered the 2nd, but the 3rd is when I heard the words. I was pretty sure on the second as when I had the biopsy and said the doctor, I don't know how I'll tell my daughter (DD#1 had left for second semester at university 4 days before), she responded you'll have to tell her.

    Feeling emotional this morning.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy, ha ha at the ground hog. We had amazing weather yesterday, how about you?

    ED, OMG what a cute Yoda cocktail. And so simple to do!

    Reader, I had to go back and look at your post and wine picture. I was thinking, I thought she said persimmon. Well, you did, but I see now you meant pomegranate. On our travels one year up the west coast we got some wine at one of the wineries it was rhubarb wine. And it was sweet. This is it, I saved the bottle too.

    See the source image

    NM, I don't believe we got paid for snow days either and if we had too many, the kids and us had to make it up at the end of the year. Hoping the rain on top of the snow doesn't make for icy roads. Be safe.

    Karen, congrats again on your 15 yrs. and looking forward to the next 15 for sure. We got to 69 here yesterday, it was beautiful!

    Yep, unloaded the truck today. I really got pissed at him yesterday, after EVERYTHING I do around here, I'm always asking him....

    Can I get you get you anything

    Is there anything I can do for you

    Do you need help with that....

    Well yesterday, he was making a sandwich and I asked. And he has the audacity to say "Ya, could cut my tomato and onion?" I couldn't believe it. I said "Well, I have other stuff to do, can you just do it?" Then he was doing his exercises, and of course doing them wrong, so I try as nicely as I can to correct him, and he just gets upset. I'm done! I'm tired of the "I can't" and "you don't understand", and the sitting around with his head down just looking at his hands and feet. Just wanting pity. I'm not that kind of person, my glass is half full, not half empty and by golly if there's a will, there's a way and I will get it done. It might take me 4 times as long, but I will do it.

    I really hate saying such negative things, and he really can be a good guy and I never want for anything. But this is really wearing on me. PT today. Tomorrow we see our primary and also picking up a pallet of pellets. Oh boy, I can hardly wait! That's 50 bags, 40 lbs ea.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Ooooooh, I forgot. Who is the walker here? You walk 6 miles and I think you might of said it takes 15 minutes per mile? I walked down our driveway to the gate and back, rocky and dirt, not level, up and downhill. It's half mile total and it took me 15 minutes. I used the app on my phone called "map my run", it also tracks the route, showing it on a map.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Goldie.... I know............ Believe me I know what you are going through. It's just so hard sometimes, trying to be helpful, and then they just get all crabby, and yes, like you said.... sitting there, looking down, hanging his head over, and sure he is not going to live another minute

    I know it's not nice to talk like this, but I am trying to take care of him, and not go nuts in the mean-time. I know he has Dementia... and it is getting worse... But even if there WERE something he could take, to help, or to slow this down, he wouldn't....... just because....

    So I'll keep helping, and praying, and crying at night, because there is nothing else I can do. He is stubborn, and Italian, and that's just how he is. There are just some things that he will not listen to....

    So just know that some of us, are trying to get ahold of what we are losing..... So don't get mad.... just tell ME to understand what is going on.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    Goldie - I think the walker is me. I generally walk 6 miles a day, about 18 minutes for a mile. However - that's all on level ground with even concrete or grass. Add hills or rough terrain and I'm out of the running.

    Goldie & Chevy - Sorry to hear about both DHs. Men... We know you love them, but sometimes you just have to let it out.

    Jazzy - I love the Chard IV.

    I have a neighbor with a prolific Meyer Lemon tree so I've been adding those to my Gin & Tonics instead of limes. Wow - what a great fresh take.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Lori, just today I read an article about why men tolerate their own (but not our) messiness and so rarely do their share of housework: it's generations of a double standard. Our predecessors tolerated it, and expected us to be neat for both us and our men. And when men tend to fend for themselves, they use the wrong utensils (as opposed to home repair "tools"), whatever is close at hand. If I had a dime for every time I saw a butter knife being used to cut a tomato, a teaspoon used to dish up salad, or a single paper towel used to clean up a massive spill...

    Don't feel sorry for me for occasionally dining alone these days--the early pandemic's reduced in-person patient load (except at the hospitals) got me used to having dinner at home together, whether ordered out, home-cooked, or (once the "first wave" flattened) on restaurant patios. We've been married for nearly 50 years--and 5 years into our marriage (after Bob finished the PhD part of the MD/PhD program), he was "on call" every second or third night during med school, residency & fellowship. Nights & weekends off have always been rare for him. On the days he can get home for dinner, he'll sometimes stop at the drive-thru windows of restaurants that sell things I can eat on my diet. And my rule, when dining alone, is unless there's already a wonderful wine at hand that perfectly pairs with what I'm eating, I simply teetotal. Better for my ER+ bc (and my metsbolism) anyway.

    More seltzer tonight--whether plain or a can of Bubly or LaCroix. May go wild and make myself a Virgin Mary with low-salt V-8, Panola, and celery sticks.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    I agree about men. But how many of us raised our SONS to be different? To break the chain. I really tried.

    At the dinner table when DS or DH wanted more iced tea, I reminded them where the fridge was. Needless to say DS took turns cooking dinner and doing the dishes. Well so what if it was hot dogs & a can of chili - he had to choose & put it on the grocery list & plan & prepare one night a week.

    When DS wanted long sleeve Polo shirts in HS, I said I'd buy ONE but he would have to iron it. If he wanted more he could use his own money. He never bought another one but learned to iron. As an aside, he did lots of ironing in the college dorms for girls who never learned, in exchange for interesting deserts or movies or hamburgers out, etc.

    When DS decided to mow neighbor's lawns in addition to mowing ours (one of his required contributions because he lived here as part of the family), he suggested if he was charging neighbors as a business he should charge us the same. I said sure - and here's the cost to rent our lawn mower (plus depreciation & maintenance) and the gas. He decided not to charge us.

    When he moved in with 'love of his life', his only complaint after a year was that she dropped wet towels on the floor & never even rinsed her dishes - let alone put them in the dishwasher. Some years later I was visiting and asked her to show me how to use their new front loading washing machine she said - oh no, I'm not allowed to touch the washing machine, DS does the wash.

    No, he's not perfect. Unfortunately he no longer puts the toilet seat down (although I raised him better), but then he lives 2000 miles away & only gets here once a year, so....

    OK - off the soapbox now. Sorry for the rant but I think we women share some of the blame.

    Edited to say certainly men are stubborn & they speak a different language.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Lori - sending you hugs. Your plate continues to overflow.

    Thanks for the congrats! Whenever I post the annual count, I always wonder in the back of my mind if I'm jinxing myself as I still need to see the oncologist. At one point my appointments were near Dx time but now we are off by 2 months. Oh well.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited February 2021

    Oh my, sorry I mixed up the Armenian wine name. That type of thing is not as uncommon as it used to be. 😉. But that Rhubarb wine (Goldie) looks delish. I do like sweet reds but I'm finding more and more reds don't like me - seem to promote hot flashes. So tonight we had a little of that left and I had only about 3 ounces.

    Minus and others, interesting discussion about "nature vs nurture " with men we love but get exasperated with. It seems like if I let my DH do something ( like hang grocery bags off a chair -- hello?? Recycle/trash please!) He thinks it's okay. So after a few times I'll do more than hint. Or sometimes just give up and throw it out myself. He also is dear, with many good qualities.

    DOTD after yesterday's hot flash...iced tea 🥃

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    Reader - I have a friend who's DH throws EVERYTHING into recycle. Hello - avocado peels, egg shells & coffee grounds are compost, not recycle. LOL - except when it's your DH & you have to fish it back out of the recycle bin.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm here reading like crazy, and now that all of our newbies seem so comfortable everyone is sharing up a storm, and that's a great thing, except I still can't remember all that I red or who said what.

    I'm adding another congrats to u Karen.

    Kim ur write with so much more happiness then ever before. U deserve a job that u love and people u enjoy being around and having laughs during the day and especially knowing what hrs. ur working and Sadie has her schedule the same. Just be careful driving cuzz u have the kind of snow like we do. whew when we lt Lucky out, as soon as he stepped out no one could see hi and he did come right back in so Joey had to shovel an area for him, he can't do his usual running all over.

    Chevy I have to say that was a very good read how u explained a good strong long marriage. I'm sure there were times when it wasn't all happy but u stayed with it. I never could. KI actually blame my parents, they never said a cross word or a curse word around any of us and my dad treated my mom with loads of respect, he cooked, cleaned what was needed an my mom i what she i to make him happy. He never complained even when he went completely blind. In 45 yrs of work he missed 8 days for sick days <hospital>. I think I thought that's what marriage was, u just got along all the time so I didn't put up with men that long. LOL My childhood was just to much fun, see my parents fault.

    Lori I really don't know how u do all that u do. Ur dh's foot looks horrible I can't understand why more attention hasn't been paid to it. but ur energy mentally and physically is stronger than a healthy 30 yr ol, woman or man. whatever has to be done is always done, u just don't stop. U really need time just for urself all by urself. but right now that sounds impossible for u.

    JC u do a lot of walking <seems like hiking> that's one of the things u enjoy an can still enjoy it so that's really good for u.

    an holy chit walking all those miles in one day is a lot and u do it quickly too.another Kudo going out.

    We have so many active people on this thread even with this pandemic chit u gals keep things going an really know ur wines here. I really never heard of white sangria but I think I would like that better since I have preferred white wine.If I ever drink, actually I started with red, the went to white. I think.

    This is boring now so I'm answering Lor's qu.estion about my first flight so just sjip ot, u too Lori cu it sounds so stupid and it was.I finally got on the plane and sat and shaking the whole time, I was 17 at the time, when we were taxing down I thought that was as fast as the plane was going to go an thought it was OK for me, then this horrible noise an it really got moving when I grabbed the man next to me and had him in a head lock < I really didn't realize it> I looked own and there was a head on my boob, he din't min but I was embarrassed and the sturwaress came an helped me relax, but about 2 mins. later I saw the wing of the plane change positions and I screamed the plane is crashing some people got upset as I kept on screaming and again someone came to help me, but this time I got to sit with where the stewardesses got to sit with one by me the whole trip holding my hand, it was a little better on the flight back but about 5 passengers bought drinks around me and wanted me to drink them. well I was only 17 an not old enough and said so an one smart ass sai maybe they'll throw u off the plane, then they said they were kidding I think I drank just 2 of them and woke up laying across the man next to me on his lap. This time I apologize to the people just around me, the first time I did to the whole plane that's why the trip back was better. Oh and a couple of little things happened too, see I told u it was boring BUT where was I going..... to AZ.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    good night - PicMix

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Things weren't as busy at school yesterday as I thought they would be. Seems there is some kind of big testing thing going on, and kiddos are pretty focused on that. I did get a couple of visits from kiddos with very vague, "I don't feel good" that felt better after a deep breathing exercise. I'm also getting pretty used to Zoom and Google Meet meetings. People look very different wit out masks on!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Karen--Congrats on the 15 years! I can imagine you do feel rather emotional. I still remember hearing those dreaded words. Not one of my better memories.

    Goldie--around here schools generally set up the academic schedule with 5 snow days, any more than that have to be made up at the end of the year. I canremember going to school on some Saturdays in the spring to make up for the snow days. Nobody liked that! It must be so frustrating to see DH this way, especially when you could use help with all that you are doing. Hugs. Cool app! I love the way it maps and times!

    Chevy--dementia is such a cruel disease. On everyone. Hugs.

    Minus--I never thought of adding lemon or anything to my gin and tonics, I need to try that!

    Chi--Doctor's schedules can be brutal, particularly in the early years. And there has been a double standard for a long time in our culture.

    Minus--you sure did try hard raising you DS! LOL at him not letting the female partner touch the washing machine!

    Reader--persimmon, pomegranate, what's the difference?Yeah, I know, but I do the same thing a lot more than I used to, as well.

    Cammy Cat--I am very careful driving to work. My routine gives me 15 minutes extra time for mornings like yesterday when I could get behind the plow truck and stay there at 25 mph for half the trip and still get to work on time. I always choose to go slower and arrive late rather than try to hurry to be on time. And if the driving is safe enough for school busses, it's fine for me! It's not like it used to be when I had to go out no matter what was happening weather-wise.Good Heavens, what a first experience flying you had! I'm glad people were helpful for the most part. But I bet there was a lot of drinking going on around you!

    The Aviation Recipe

    The Aviation Recipe


    • 2 ounces gin
    • 3/4 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 2 teaspoons maraschino liqueur
    • Optional: 1 teaspoon crème de violette


    Pour ingredients into a cocktail shaker; fill with ice, and shake well for 10 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass; garnish with a cherry. For the Biplane Version of The Aviation, include crème de violette. For Jet-Age version, leave it out.

    From <>

    I would definitely put in the crème de violette!