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how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Native... thanks for understanding. It's just that their whole personality changes. And he isn't much fun to be around, but we understand. Janie & I just think he is too crabby to take shopping to Costco anymore... And he doesn't like it either... I just don't want him to feel like we don't want to be around him... He doesn't understand how he has changed... that's okay.

    Maybe by me talking to you, I will be a little more patient. I help him put his clothes on, so they won't be upside down, or back-wards... Or him trying to put his jacket on as pants... or can't un-zip his pockets on his jackets... See he keeps his money in 2 wallets... full! He sleeps with both wallets, with rubber-bands around them. And he hides his beer when we buy it. He thinks someone will come through our locked gate, and take it... so 1/2 the time he can't find it. Even though empty bottles were in the recycle that he drank himself.

    I couldn't find MY purse the other morning... We BOTH looked all over the house, because I always set it down by my chair, or in the bedroom. He found it 1/2 hour later... He put it on another chair behind a pillow, so no-one would find it.

    And even if I talked to our Dr. when we go next month, I don't want to embarrass him. And even if there were something he could take to reverse this, he wouldn't take any pills. So I will just know that it might get worse, and I have to learn and accept what I have... that he depends on me... and I can handle it.

    He says he can't think straight sometimes... So I say... "that's okay... we all do that"...

    Okay now CAMMI! Geez! WTH???? You were doing WHAT to those guys on the plane? And you were stone cold sober, at least on the way out? And you gave him your phone number? Oh that's right... you went to HIS place! Did they ban you from any future flights? Man, I remember flying one time with my Daughter, and the Pilot said "we are in for some rough weather"... or something like that... By the time we landed we were holding onto each other so tight, and crying, that we swore we would never fly again.... Until the next time... Hah!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Minus2, I thought it was you, but wasn't quite sure. Well, I'm quite a bit behind you on time, as it would take me a half hour to do a mile, but like I said, the terrain is quite different too. Great stories about your son, I loved them, especially the ironing in college and wanting to charge you for mowing. Reminds me of the song from Tammy Wynette "No Charge".

    Sandy, funny you mention about that article. My DH is one of the most organized people I know and won't hesitate to mention when I have not put something back where it belongs, especially outside.

    Thanks Karen, and you're not jinxing yourself. I am glad to know you still see the onc, I think that's important no matter how far out you are from diagnosis.

    Reader, saying sorry here is not allowed. When I looked at the bottle, I thought to myself, that looks like a pomegranite. And had I read the lable, I would have seen that it was. And the picture kind of looks like one too.

    Cami, I bet Lucky hates it that he can't run all over in the yard, as wild as he is! As for me, I just try to do everything I can. And if I can't, I can't. For instance, my garden is going to need tilling, I CAN'T run the tiller, it runs me! Your plane story was not boring. And I can see where you would be so terrified. You can laugh now, but I'm sure it was very traumatic at the time. Would love to see some pictures of you when you were younger.

    LOL NM, "people look different w/o masks on". Oh my, make up day on Saturday? We never had that. As for the app. it also tells you your calories burned and it used to tell you the changes in elevation. It recently had an update and there is also now a paid version of it, so maybe some of that you have to pay for, I dunno. I love the sound of that one ingredient "crème de violette".

    Off to see our PC today, then going to his house to have lunch with him and his wife and his cousin and his wife. The cousin is the one we are getting the pellets from. Which I won't have to unload anyways. A neighbor and his friend are coming by Saturday to discuss business and we'll have them do it. I made some peanut butter, oatmeal, choc. chip cookies last night to take today and will also take a jar of zucchini relish that I canned for each of them. I would have rather taken something else, but living so far out, I don't have the option of running to the store to get ingredients.

    Since I was asking Cami about pictures of her when she was younger, here are some of me. This one my son posted, which is why it says "my mom". I think I'm 16 here.

    19 here, my first marriage. Still see the 2 friends on the left when I go to Michigan.

    My mom, me, and me last year. I just wanted the middle picture, but I posted all three together on FB, don't remember why!

    Ok, here's the original of the one above and also has 2 of my brothers in it. My mom always did those curls, I can't tell you how many nights I spent sleeping with those pink sponge rollers in my hair!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    My dear ED, I bumped you into the cememt pond! Talking about it does help, I know it's helped me. And again, I'm so sorry about your DH, it has to be so hard on you. I would think more so emotionally/mentally than physically. Mine is both, but more physical. Because I don't act like someone with stage IV cancer or look it, I think he forgets I am!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Chevy- not sure if this is something you have already looked in to, but something I went through with my family. My father had early onset Alsheimers and was diagnosed finally at age 62. I was 23 and in grad school when he got the diagnosis, but had watched his mother decline with it during my high school and college years, so the disease was somewhat familiar to me. After I moved back to my home state in 1986, his condition worsened and my mother was struggling, and so I contacted the local Alsheimers Association about what resources there were for caregivers and families. There were support groups and other information for caregivers and now decades later, there is a whole lot more now.

    One thing we found along the way was an adult day care where a person could safely go for a day to allow the caregiver to have a break to go shop, get out to medical apts, etc. If you have not reached out to them about resources available to help your family, you most urban areas have their own chapter and can provide you with help to plan for the future for his needs and also to be sure you can take care of yourself too.

    I am sorry you are going through this with your DH, it is a tough journey for so many families Heart

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Lori... Your photo's are beautiful!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited February 2021

    DOTD is a strawberry daiquiri on the rocks 😋


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I got to do some vision and hearing screening yesterday, and learned how to set up an Individual Health Plan, so it was a good learning day for me yesterday. I am looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow, though. Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Chevy--dementia is a terribly difficult disease process for a family to go through. And it's the whole family that goes through it, not just the individual with the diagnosis. The brain is being gradually physically damaged. Where the damage is happening determines what symptoms are seen. The individual doesn't realize the extent of the changes going on, even when aware that there are some memory issues. Needing help with dressing is a common middle stage problem. Paranoia is a common early stage problem. So is blaming things on other people when something goes wrong or is hard to find. The medications we have now do not reverse the condition. They do slow down the progression of the symptoms for a time, but after 6 to 12 months the brain cell receptors that the drugs plug into are saturated, and there is no further medical or physical benefit. The decline after that time is the same if the person keeps taking the medication or stops taking it, only a few months later than it would have been without the medication. Improvement is very rare, and often only in the mind of the family and caregivers.Starting in the early stages people are most comfortable with routine, and can become very upset with any change in routine. The being too crabby to take shopping may be an expression of his discomfort with that change in his daily routine. Not taking him may be more of a kindness to him, allowing him to keep his daily routine unchanged, than an expression of not wanting him around or not wanting to be around him. This dependence on routine is one reason people with dementia often do so very well in a nursing home or assisted living setting where the routines are consistent from day to day.One family I worked with had a problem with the person with dementia moving things around so they were hard to find, including purses, car keys, and check books, important papers. That family found that putting those critical items in a basket with a lid with a latch the person couldn't open kept those items where they could easily be found and relieved a lot of anxiety and stress. Often, out of sight, out of mind applies as well, and simply putting an item where it can't be easily seen will "hide" it effectively, that's part of what's behind his not being able to find his beer once he has it safely put away. If you call his doc's office and explain that you want to talk to the doc privately they will help make that happen. I've often helped someone get dressed after an exam so the doc and spouse could talk out of the person's hearing. I remember flying out of Logan International one time, during takeoff one of the engines when BOOM and then started spewing smoke! The pilot came on after a few minutes and said "you may have noticed we have a problem with one of the engines" to which someone shouted "Yeah, it blew up!" and we were going back to Boston to check it out. Very calm, sounded like no big deal. Imagine my surprise to see the runway lined with fire trucks, ambulances, and emergency vehicles as we landed!

    Goldie--Yup, I remember Saturday make up days. I remember not liking them at all. Now I understand they were doing that so that the end of the school year would not go past June. Those pictures are great!

    Jazzy--great advice for Chevy! So important for the caregivers to take care of themselves!

    Illi--I LOVE that glass!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Native.... Thank you sooooo much... I cried while I was reading your post. It's like "okay now, you can handle this, he can't help it, so just calm the hell down and help him when he needs it, and stop getting mad and trying to change the way things are. Just help him, and love him for not only what he was but who he is now".... Thank you... I felt so alone in this....I have to do this, because I couldn't stand for him to be anywhere else. You made me realize that I also have to change... to accept.

    And yes Jazzy.... I know... okay, I will.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy, before I started working with the kids, I worked in an adult day care.

    BabyGirl, great cocktail glass!

    NM, warms my heart to hear you talk to Chevy and then her response. I'm so glad you are able to help her. We sure are here for one another.

    ED, it obvious how much you love your DH. It's hard when we wish things can be different, but not possible. Your girls live out of state? I'm thinking at some point you will need to tell them. And sometimes sooner is better than later.

    I love my breasties here and how we are able to help and hold one another up when needed. Had a nice lunch with our PC, his wife and his cousin. Got our pellets, DH is scheduled to have his first vax next week and an echo. Had Posse Stew for lunch, first for me having that, pretty tasty! PC said he would come over and til my garden for me and anything else we need done!

    We don't have a DOTD and I couldn't find one to go with any of our conversation, so ........., anything with vodka!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Yes Lori, they both know.... One is in Orlando, our other Daughter is with us a lot. She sees what is going on, and how he is declining, and it really makes her feel bad... so I just don't need to share a lot of the details... When he is crabby, they don't like it... but we all have to understand better than we do. She helps him buckle-up, and we keep track of him in the store..We just have to do better at keeping him in familiar places, and doing routine things.

    And I'm sure she is telling her Sister what is going on... because she always asks how "Dad" is. It's hard because I know that if something happened to me, or I had to go to the hospital, he couldn't live here alone... Because of working the stove, or phone, or the Tv's... etc... But right now, today, is all we have, and we'll make the best of it.

    Just talking to you guys really helps...

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Chevy - I just finished reading a book about Dementia. The Last Ocean by Nicci Gerard. It was saying exactly what you said about being there for the loved one. You are in my thoughts as this is a terribly difficult and trying time for you.

    The rain is back. I finished the kitchen except for polishing the counters. Might do that today, might not! The governor changed the age for vaccinations. Starting Monday those 65 and older can make appointments. I think I will go with DH on Thursday and see if I can get a shot. It will be the Phizer two-dose one, but anything is better than nothing.

    Not much going on here. Might play with my hair today. Still attempting to find a short style requiring little to no work to maintain. So far my perfectly straight hair is curly in strange places. I live the cure pixie cuts, but my stylist is not to willing to cut it that short. May have to put my foot down!

    I feel like a nothing day...may give in to that...

    Take care

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Ah, Chevy, you need an outlet for your frustrations in dealing with such a dramatic change in your life (I saw the stress and strain on my parents when they cared for my mother's older sister). It is good that you can come here and share. Don't chastise yourself for mourning what was, you need to grieve that loss even while accepting the present. Know that we are here and with you at least in thought. Do remember to plan and take breaks for yourself, 24 7 care giving is exhausting.

    Librarian, a nothing day, enjoy it!

    Lori, what is Posse Stew?

    Illimae, loved the glass! And the drink looks pretty good too.

    NM, you provide such great information and I know it comes at least in part from your wealth of experience.

    Just had a bit of a thunderstorm roll through. We are dog sitting DS1's min-pin; she really does not like thunder. We could not find her until we looked at the back wall under the dressing table in the bathroom. She was pressed back into the corner as tight as she could go. She still has not come out. She has a thunder shirt; we haven't quite figured out how it goes on and can't put it on her until she comes out anyway. The storm has passed and no indication of more to follow! Dealing with a young agile min pin is quite a contrast to our 12 and 13 year old arthritic dachunds! Minor issues compared to what others are dealing with.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Thanks gals... I know you are always here... It means a lot

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    I'll comment later on everyone else, since my last post.

    Right now....

    CAMI, how is Joey and Covid? Is everyone else still ok?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    I have to go back and read everything but Lori our 2 weeks was over on wednesday and no one else tested positive for covid, so hopefully everything is OK.

    May be an image of 2 people, including Camille GalassoMany yrs. ago, see why I never wanted my pic. taken. and hardly have any I'm the one with the dark hair.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    I remember shortly after my MIL had a stroke at 95 and my FIL--88 at the time--got dizzy walking home from taking the bus to see her and fell on his lawn, ending up 2 floors below her in the same hospital (LI Jewish, in eastern Queens). Bob couldn't take time off, so I flew out there for 3 weeks. My FIL wanted me to get some things from the house--his missal, ledger, and my MIL's glasses which were in her purse. I went to their house, and after gagging from the smell of a furnace fuel-oil smell they never cleaned up, found his stuff but couldn't find her purse. The living room sofa & easy chair were covered with bedsheets, which in turn covered slit-open trash bags and several layers of plastic grocery bags. The purse was beneath all that on the easy chair, behind throw pillows. When I got back to the hospital and asked him why all the bizarre living room decor, he said--and I quote--"so the thieves can't rob & moider us." (Personally, I'd leave a few twenties on the table just inside the door, so they'd grab the money & run rather than get p***ed off and kill for spite, but that's just me). My MIL died a few months later, in misery & agony but with all her marbles, but he had begun to show those signs of early dementia, especially after he came to live with us for the last two years of his life.

    Snowed another inch overnight, and now it's colder than a dead fish's eye and getting colder--and will be for the next 2 weeks. (There goes dinner out for Valentine's Day--those plastic outdoor restaurant "igloos" are now actual igloos). We have drafty window frames in the front room (where I spend my time on the computer, watching TV, & herding cats) which I try to caulk as best I can every couple of years. I have the thermostat cranked to 75, but I'm sitting here wearing pajama-jeans, a fleece turtleneck, a fleece hoodie (zipped up) over it, and UGGs. (My UGG slippers leave my ankles uncovered, so I wear them only upstairs where it's nice & toasty). Not looking forward to tomorrow, when I have to go to the garage and start the car so the battery doesn't die. Poor Bob has to drive to work--and will be home really late in order not to have to stay at the hotel in Oak Lawn, where he stayed last night. There are no amenities--pool & gym are closed, the restaurant's food has deteriorated now that there's a new (less experienced) chef, and he never can get there in time for the free drinks & appetizers to which his HHonors platinum status entitles him. I ordered a whole bunch of munchables for the Super Bowl, for which he'll arrive here just in time. Going down to 9F tonight, which will be tomorrow's high, plunging to -1; Sunday's high will be 6F with a low of -6. We won't see 20F for at least 10 days. Not just that--another 2" of snow tonight, 6-10" more Monday, and heaven knows how much Thursday (with a toasty high of 12) before it's back into the deep-freeze (almost cold enough to store vaccine). Only hope nothing keeps me from getting my second Moderna shot on the 24th (not to mention my ocular onc. appt. the 23d).

    DOTD: I tried to drink the last of the Mumm Napa with takeout (delivered) Mexican food, but it was flat. Blecchh. Poured some Rioja, but naaahh--just didn't feel like alcohol (and Bob turned my glass of red down for chardonnay). Decaf breve cappuccino it was.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    I keep on keeping here and get going with work or checking m.y other stuff.

    Chevy and Lori as was said being a care giver is a tough job. Personalities change to the extreme. My aunt lived with my cousin for about 3 yrs, bur she was actually lucky my aunt was a happy laughing person except when she'd see the "lady" in the mirror, so they got covered up, but others weren't so lucky, most of themy got so mean, they were always mad. so taking care of a whole different person has to be mind blowing, u feel mad inside but u know u can't really be. that's why u have to cut urself some slack and get away whenever it's possible if u can get some kind of help. Is there a way it can be done/ and never feel guilt sending <<<HUGS>>> ur way.

    beaver I used to fursit for my brothers 2 dogs, they were always shaking even when it rained I literally stayed with them most of the time, their fear overshot my fear. It wasn't easy.

    Illi good drink with a great glass.

    beaver I've always said it's good when nothing is happening, u can relax.

    OK for now, I'll catch u tomorrow not literally/


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Ah geez.... thank you gals....... so much! It's like you have all been there, in one way or another. Everything you say, helps, and I copy and paste what your thoughts are, and save them to read over and over again.

    And yes little Cammi.... Exactly. It's like good times, and then the bad times! Sometimes things are okay, and then he gets so pissed off! Makes it hard to be around! And everything is "a piece of chit".... !!! I try and help, and explain, without getting mad myself, and it works sometimes..... Sometimes I just have to escape out the back door, and go walk around the yard.

    When I go back in, it's like it never happened!! But I have a hard time letting go! It hurts, and makes me mad, and that's what is so frustrating. I HAVE TO LET IT GO.

    I KNOW he needs help getting dressed... and I don't mind that... It hurts to see him try and figure out where the pockets are in a jacket, and how the zipper works... other times, he can do it!

    Oh well.... we all have stuff we gotta get through, right? Just know, you all are like a life-line to me.... I appreciate your talks more than you know....xoxo

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    ED, it's nice that you've learned some things you can do to help your husband, and yourself for that matter. And I agree about not telling the girls everything. What they see or hear you can't help. But when they are not there, they don't need to know. I don't tell my step DD's how their dad is. My dad also got violent at times, so for you to walk away it's best, he can calm down and so can you. Now if you could pretend it didn't happen!

    My dad had alzeimers, and he was very content at home, or if you took him to a familiar place, such as a favorite place to eat. But when I was there visiting, and had to be taken to the airport, he freaked out. Insisted on stopping every 10 minutes or so cuz he said he had to go to the bathroom. His anxiety was through the roof.

    JCS, what do you mean your sylist won't cut it that short? It's not her hair! Well, did you give in to the do nothing day?

    Oh Beaver, your poor grand puppy, being old and so scared. That breaks my heart, poor thing. I hope by now she is certainly out and ok. Evidently you couldn't get in there and get her. Posse Stew (to me) seemed like a cross between a chili and a taco soup. There are recipes out there if you Google it. We had with sour cream, grated cheese and cilantro.

    Cami, I'm so happy to hear no one else got Covid, that's amazing! I have seen that picture and what's wrong with you, you are beautiful. Quit putting yourself down. Who is that with you?

    Sandy, I can understand the sheets on the sofa, but why the different trash bags? And I'm guessing the purse was there because they were hiding it? Stay warm.

    NM, you and Sadie must be sleeping in.

    I had a busy day yesterday, got a lot done and was in bed by 5 I think. Over stuffed myself at dinner, made Patty Melts. I would have been fine eating just half, but oh no, I had to eat the whole thing!

    DOTD: " Forgetful Juice "


    1/2 cup cranberry juice , 1/2 cup Sierra mist , ice and fill the rest up with Chardonnay

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Good morning friends- back to say hi this weekend and hoping everyone made it okay through the first week of February. Caught up on your posts. Another super busy week at work and after a simple glass of claret after work, I fell asleep early and slept about 9 hours. Whew. Full day today with some shopping to do and also got a ticket to the local museum for a limited viewing of the new Frida Kahalo exhibit that opens this weekend. Saw one of her exhibits up in Santa Fe a few years back. The weather has been very mild here this week, one day up to 65. We were supposed to get more rain. I got my new shower stall installed to replace the other one with the broken door and it looks fantastic and good to have something functional again.

    Cami- I love that pic of you, a classic italian beauty. I hope Joey is feeling better soon. I think you need something to make you smile and hope your boyfriends are lining up some nice things for you for Valentines Day.

    Chevy- glad everyone here can provide some support for your situation. I remember when my father was diagnosed, dementia was not talked about the way it is now and found it to be a very isolating experience to talk about it with anyone, especially in my 20s. The behavioral changes are some of the hardest to deal with. Just the biggest hugs to you sister and it is good for your one DD to be talking to the other so they are aware and can help you from near or far.

    JCS- good luck with the hair style and hope you find one you like. When my stylist cut my color off last summer when I decided to finally go grey, I cut my hair short and have kept it that way since. The AI drugs thinned my hair out on top, although some has grown back but just don't have what I used to and think my hair is just better shorter; easy to maintain and great with swimming a couple times a week. I started with more of a pixie, but now it has more spike in it.

    Ill- that daquiri looks great and the glass, lol. How are you doing sister?

    Hi to everyone else and will be back tomorrow with more updates! Tomorrow is superbowl sunday and not into football, but do like the snacks!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Snowing here, just a little bit, just a coating and now the flakes are getting very large and clumpy which means the snow is nearly over or it's going to change over to rain. I hope we aren't going to get more rain on top of the snow we have. That makes such a mess.

    There is a thin crust on top of the snow pack from the last rain/sleet changeover, and poor Sadie keeps breaking through while walking around the yard. She looks kind of funny with on leg up the knee in snow and the other 3 on top!

    Chevy--You are welcome. I think that not understanding what is going on in the brain of the person with dementia makes it harder for their loved ones to deal with the situation. He can't change what he is doing, it's up to us around him to change what we do and how we react. Which does not mean that we will not feel frustrated, angry, impatient, and ready to scream at times. That's normal. Kudos to you for taking care of him. It's always better for the person to be getting care from someone who loves them than from the most perfectly educated and trained caregiver. And Jazzy is very right, taking care of yourself is critical!

    Goldie--I'm just glad to have information to share that is helpful to people. Ok, I have to ask, what is a PC?All I can think of is Politically Correct or Parental Caregiver, and neither one seems to fit! Everything goes with VODKA! Yeah!

    Librarian--I've not heard of The Last Ocean. I'll have to look for that. Have you read Still Alice? There's also a movie with that name based on the book. I haven't see the movie, but the book is written from the point of view of a woman with early onset Alzheimer's and describes a lot of the phenomena that goes on with dementia.

    Beaver--oh, my, poor little min pin! I hope she's come out by now. I wonder why dogs hide under things when frightened by noises?

    Cammy Cat--Glad to hear no one else tested positive for COVID! You are beautiful in that picture! Who is your friend?

    Chi--Boy, you have got some cold weather going on! Glad it's not that cold here. I hear we have more snow coming next week, maybe looking at a couple of remote days. Sorry the wine when flat, that's never a good taste.

    Goldie--Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem!

    Love the Forgetful Juice!

    Opps, bumped Jazzy into the pool!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    NM, PC=Primary Care

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    I did have a “Do nothing” day. I tidied up then took a nap. Need to have a bit more active day today, but only one basketball game to watch. Baylor men had to cancel due to Covid.

    Yesterday, as I was relaxing, the doorbell rang. It was a group of young children wanting to know if we wanted them to decorate our driveway with chalk. For a fee, of course! First, my home is on a four lane major traffic artery. These kids did not have masks on and did not know us from Adam’s house cat. While commending their entrepreneurial spirit, I wonder where their parents were and why they thought this activity would be ok. It just is not safe for young kids to go door to door anymore.

    Cami - You were beautiful! I also dislike having my picture taken. It always looks like me and I want to look like someone else!

    Not much planned for the Super Bowl game. I will watch it and hope for a good game. We have been watching Dead to Me on Netflix. It is a very entertaining story of two women, dead people and how interconnected we are. It can be laugh out loud funny as well as pull at your heartstrings.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys what you can. Sorry about the weather in Chicago! Sounds miserable. Brrrrrr....

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    NM - seconding your recommendation about Still Alice. This is an amazing book about a Mother/professor who develops Alzheimers. I saw the movie first and it's really powerful. Certain scenes will always stay clearly fixed in my mind. Then I bought the book some years later. It's time to re-read it again. And thanks Librarian - I'll look up The Last Ocean.

    Chevy - keeping you in my thoughts. I agree - Cami is gorgeous. Great that NM and Jazzy are both liking their 'new' jobs. Goldie - I'm with you. Half a patty melt is enough but I can't stop there.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Going to Mom's for lunch and a visit in a bit. There's supposed to be some snow coming in this afternoon/evening and overnight, the kiddos were sent home with their laptops and iPads due to the possibility of Monday being a remote day. Based on the decreasing snow amounts predicted I'm thinking the snow coming later in the week is more of a threat. Time will tell, I suppose.

    Sadie is woofing to everyone about the big fat squirrel in the yard that is teasing her.


    Librarian--it's good to have a do nothing day from time to time, I know, I do it all the time! Kids came to the door wanting to be paid to chalk the driveway???? Whatever happened to coming to the door to ask permission? Interesting entrepreneurial enterprise, though.

    Minus--I looked up and watched Still Alice yesterday. It is a very powerful movie. I still like the book better, though!


    Alice Cocktail



    • 20 ml grenadine
    • 20 ml orange juice
    • 40 ml pineapple juice
    • 80 ml cream


    • Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Morning Kim - cold temps here, but no snow in the forecast.

    Got up at 4:30am - get frustrated tying to staying bed till 5:30 tossing and turning. One day, sleeping in to 6 is my next sleep dream. Six hours used be a goal but i am at 6 hours - 10:30pm to 4:30am!

    Have a great time with your Mom.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy, we have the same nice weather coming. It's actually been quite a mild winter. Hope you enjoyed your day out yesterday. And nice to get things fixed around the home.

    JCS, that was super cute of the kids wanting to draw on your driveway, too cute about them wanting to charge you, but you are so right about them not knowing you, not wearing masks and were the parents aware? I almost hope they weren't, because if they were aware what their little ones were doing, shame on them. How old were they?

    NM, enjoy your day/time with mom. And shame on that squirrel teasing Miss Sadie, extra belly rubs and ear skritches (I think that's what you call them)! Oh gosh, sending the kids home with laptops and iPads. Schools are so so different these days!

    Going to be in the mid 60's today, working out in the garden, I STILL have things that need cut back or pulled. Picked more lettuce, kale and spinach yesterday, going to have a salad with homemade 1000 Island dressing with something, maybe just some chicken, or put the chicken in the salad.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Good morning ladies- weather has been nice this weekend and another nice day on tap today. I enjoyed getting out for a short visit to our local museum yesterday to see the new Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera exhibit. Really nice collection of both their art plus other mexican artists, plus photos, sketches, and more. I was unable to catch up with my friend after as she was not feeling well yesterday. Going to the museum felt like a wee bit of normal to do something I have not done in ages.

    Goldie- this weather is really lovely, but very concerned about our drought here. I heard on a local TV show this morning they are already telling the farmers in southern New Mexico not to plan to plant crops as there will be no irrigation water this year to do so. New Mexico is known for it's green chilis and wonder what this will do for our core crop here? I saw you are sprouting things and soon we will see things greening up here.

    NM- sounds like another storm coming your way. You have not had much for snow this year so far, right? I know it will be good for the trees and plants that will be sprouting this spring. I hope you have a good visit with mom and that Sadie is doing okay too. And well, that drink I am NOT doing as it looks like pepto bismal.

    Got a trip to Lowes to do this afternoon and a walk to get in. Another work week begins again soon, no president's day off for us.

    Have a good Superbowl Sunday and a good week ahead ladies!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    2" more snow overnight, got down to -7F. Ugh.

    Got a wonderful surprise last night, courtesy of letrozole: a hot flash! My first one since starting AI therapy >5 yrs. ago. Now, normally I'd complain--but my front room got down to 63F (with the thermostat set to 75 before I had to crank it back up to 80), and I've had to dress in layers. (My computer & DirecTV DVR are up front and I spend most of my time there). At one point, I was wearing a shelf-bra camisole under fleece PJs and a hoodie, and UGGs--and still needed a blanket & hot tea. Same thing today--but this time I threw on an old velour track suit under the hoodie. (I knew there was a reason why I didn't give away all my XL & 1X clothing--oversize is fashionable now anyway, at least according to Billie Eilish & Lilly Singh).

    Anyway, we watched the Super Bowl in the back (den) where it's better insulated. It's 1F now, we got all the way up to 7F, and the temp will be dipping below 0 again overnight before rising to 3 and then 5...and then the snow again (sigh). But it will get up to 16 once it starts snowing, and we won't see zero again till Valentine's Day weekend. Unfortunately, Tues. will be the only snow-less day until next Sun....and then the snow returns Mon. the 15th. Spending an arm & a leg on snow & ice management service (to avoid ordinance violation tickets & lawsuits, and so Bob can get out of & into the garage for driving to & from work)--but heck, I'm not going anywhere anyway till Thurs. the 18th, for my mani-pedi, and not buying any more clothes, so the only other money I'm spending is on grocery & other food delivery. (We were planning on going out for Valentine's Day dinner next Sat. or Sun., but it'll be too cold for tent dining and Bob isn't comfy with me eating inside a restaurant till at least 3 weeks after my first shot--and preferably, a week after my second. And it'll likely be too snowy to drive anyway).

    I used to tolerate the cold better 2 years and 60+ lbs. ago, but I don't want to get fat again. I think I will get some Flex Tape caulk for around the windows & crown moldings--or maybe some of that clear plastic you shrink with a hair dryer. It'll be rough to do, as I have so much stuff up front (pen collection, A/V system, all in heavy furniture right up against the walls and part of the windows).

    Didn't drink anything but coffees & teas yesterday, but tonight during the Super Bowl I opened a 2010 Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs--surprisingly, still good. About to have a decaf cappuccino and hope a hot flash kicks in.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day!Got a little snow overnight, looks like a couple of inches on the deck. Light fluffy stuff. I'm thinking there will be school today, so far no notice on the District website or the closing/cancellations list on the news website. That's ok, there's another storm predicted for later in the week, and that one looks bigger. It's hard to believe that winter break is next week. Sadie is looking forward to a week of sleeping in!

    Had dinner and nice visit with Mom yesterday. She is definitely lonely these days. It amazes me how much she's learned about the neighbors on the road, even the ones she's never met! She made a pineapple upside down cake for dessert, but put the pineapple rings on top of the batter rather than in the bottom of the cake pan. It looked so funny with the cake batter rising up through the pineapple centers! Tasted good, though.

    Karen--I wouldn't mind getting up at 5:30 or even 4:30 if it weren't so dark out! At least that is getting better, it's staying light longer into the afternoons. It's nice driving home and it not being dark.

    Goldie--school is very different from what I remember. Every student has a cubby for coats and books and such. I remember coat rooms and hanging coats up on hooks in the hallway. Students still use desks, but some have stools, some have chairs, some have exercise balls to sit on. Some have cushions on the chairs! They may be working on laptops or iPads or on paper, they may be sitting on the floor or at their desks, it's all very different. Your salad sounds very yummy. I like putting chicken in salads.

    Jazzy--It must have been a lot of fun going to the museum! We so need some normal activities from time to time despite the pandemic! We've not had anywhere near as much snow this year as usual. Currently there is about 6 inches of snow pack. Just enough after the last storm to open up the skiing and tubing slopes most places. That drink does look like pepto, doesn't it?

    Chi--seems like your body picked a perfect time for a personal tropical vacation! You really have it cold where you are! I'm glad we aren't getting that kind of cold.


    Hot Flash

    1.5 oz cinnamon whiskey

    1 oz amaretto

    0.5 oz orange juice


    1. Add ice, cinnamon whiskey, amaretto and orange juice to shaker and shake until chilled.

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