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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Kim - the past 2 mornings up at 4:30 - today I pushed it from 4 to 4:30. doing my Cubii for 60-90 minutes. Its more frustrating to try staying in bed and going back to sleep to only wake up repeatedly - my mood is better. the house is quiet. I get 6 house sleep. I also come here to bco, fb and read emails.

    Sandy - I've been layering for years - and its on and off, on and off etc. When walking outside with DH we have turned into wimps - we are both light weights, weight wise - I have a long down Lands End coat that I wear either a down vest or lightweight down jacket underneath. We are. getting the cold weather this week, colder as the week goes on with below zero at night, but only the mountains are getting the snow. Other than DH, the only people I "see" are work through the computer screen. I haven't seen my kids in over a year and no end in sight. We don't eat out, so I don't miss that and I do like to cook. What I miss is baking as there is only so much we can eat and no kids to eat it and no co-workers to share with. Life as we knew it has forever changed. It is hard. Hugs.

    Everyone one stay safe, stay warm and stay healty.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy, glad you got to have a wee bit of a normal day. Yes, the drought is terrible here as well and they are calling for the fire season to start earlier. LOL at the Pepto bismal drink.

    Sandy, your first hot flash? I've been having them suckers for 13 years, many a day and night. Hate em!

    NM OMG, those exercise balls! When I went with my friend in Moab to school, she works with those that are challenged. Anyways, the rooms have those balls, also stools with rounded bottoms so the kids can rock on them. Drove me nuts! I would think that would be such a distraction to the other kids. You have "earn" the right to one.

    Karen, I can relate to the on/off, on/off. As for not seeing kids, I can relate. It's bad enough having them so far away, as visits are not very frequent. Now they are nil!

    I did get some work done outside, have to limit myself as it really hurts my back. I also have to stop frequently to get up and move about. PT today for DH. I asked him if he could go alone. He says no, he has too many stops and that would be too hard on him to get in and out of the truck that many times! Heaven forbid! Suppose to be almost 70 here today and I would like to stay home and do more outside, but noooooooo. Ruins the whole day, and rather pisses me off, have to leave here around noon.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    This is just so beautiful..... Something to make us happy....

    Katherine Hepburn, in her own words: "Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus.Finally, there was only one other family between us and the ticket counter. This family made a big impression on me.There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. The way they were dressed, you could tell they didn't have a lot of money, but their clothes were neat and clean.

    The children were well-behaved, all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excitedly jabbering about the clowns, animals, and all the acts they would be seeing that night. By their excitement you could sense they had never been to the circus before. It would be a highlight of their lives.

    The father and mother were at the head of the pack standing proud as could be. The mother was holding her husband's hand, looking up at him as if to say, "You're my knight in shining armor." He was smiling and enjoying seeing his family happy.The ticket lady asked the man how many tickets he wanted? He proudly responded, "I'd like to buy eight children's tickets and two adult tickets, so I can take my family to the circus." The ticket lady stated the price.

    The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, the man's lip began to quiver. Then he leaned a little closer and asked, "How much did you say?" The ticket lady again stated the price.

    The man didn't have enough money. How was he supposed to turn and tell his eight kids that he didn't have enough money to take them to the circus?Seeing what was going on, my dad reached into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill, and then dropped it on the ground. (We were not wealthy in any sense of the word!) My father bent down, picked up the $20 bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket."The man understood what was going on. He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a desperate, heartbreaking and embarrassing situation.He looked straight into my dad's eyes, took my dad's hand in both of his, squeezed tightly onto the $20 bill, and with his lip quivering and a tear streaming down his cheek, he replied; "Thank you, thank you, sir. This really means a lot to me and my family."My father and I went back to our car and drove home. The $20 that my dad gave away is what we were going to buy our own tickets with.Although we didn't get to see the circus that night, we both felt a joy inside us that was far greater than seeing the circus could ever provide.That day I learned the value to give.The giver is bigger than the receiver. If you want to be large, larger than life, learn to Give. Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.The importance of giving, blessing others can never be over emphasized because there's always joy in giving. Learn to make someone happy by acts of giving."~ Katharine Hepburn

    (from Everything good in the world)

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Good morning! What a crazy morning here. We are getting a new roof and they are yet again digging up the street. The poor cat cannot figure out where to hide from all the activity. I do hope we can get our walk in before I have to knuckle down to the “chores”. At least the sun is shining!

    The Super Bowl did not go quite as I had planned. Not sure why the Chiefs totally fell apart, but glad (I guess) that Brady got another win. I did like most of the commercials. I did think it interesting there were so many ads for electric cars. I think there must have been aspects of The Weeknds show that were hidden from me. I was telling my DH we may have aged out of the music world. Also interesting there are ads for yet another streaming service. Pretty sure TV will become totally streaming in a few years. Not sure how that will effect us “older” people.

    Today is the first day for the other 65 group to make appointments for the vaccine. Numerous people went on Saturday, without appointments, and were able to get the first shot. The plan is to go to the drive thru clinic on Thursday with DH (his second) and get mine (my first).

    Today, once we walk, I will do my usual chores then start in the master bathroom. I really want to renovate that room so getting it cleaned out would be nice. It is also a room with a window that will not be in the line of sight of the roofers! Cannot wait until they start hammering.

    Take care!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2021

    Goldie and Cami – I loved the photos. You are both beautiful women.

    Chevy and Goldi – it is so hard being care takers. My mom took care of my dad for years and while most of the time she was ok, once in a while she would get angry at him.

    Cami – I was cracking up laughing about your plane ride. I was 18 when I first went on a plane and I was scared to death. 18 was the drinking age back then. My husband (boyfriend then) got me a drink before I got on the plane. I prayed the whole way and when I got off my aunt was there to pick me up and she took one look at me and said "you need a drink". I am much better on a plane now, well a little better.

    Native – It should like you really love your job now. I bet the kids can be really funny. I bet Sadie is happy with the regular hours and days off. I love to read your medical input, so glad you share with us.

    ChiSandy – You sure are having some cold weather. I hope it warms up for you soon. I think I would stay upstairs where it as warmer.

    JC – I watched Dead to Me and am waiting for Season 3. Every time you thought everything was ok, right at the end of the show something would happen. It was a nice distraction while I was watching it.

    Jazzy- It was nice that you got to go to the museum. I haven't been to one in quite a while. It will be nice when I am not working, the local museum here has what they call Coffee and Conversation and they have a speaker, but it's always during working hours.

    Karen – It is always a little bit nerve-wracking when getting tests, it throws you right back to that feeling when you first found out about cancer. I have tests a mammogram coming up in a few weeks.

    Hope everyone is doing good.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    How are you doing gals? So nice to come here & read about what you all are going through, so maybe we can all learn something from "where you've been"...

    Yes, it IS hard sometimes, being a "care-taker"... But everyday is different, Hah! And yes, I DO get just plain mad sometimes, but I can go outdoors and cool off a little. When I come back in, he is usually nice & happy again! You just never know . He will come over to me and say "I love you, you know that, right?" and of course I tell him the same... Other times they forget who they really are, and are just plain mad at whatever bothers them.

    Our Daughter came over today with Pizza, so that was nice... Then we went upstairs to try and clean a lot of stuff out. She brought boxes of stuff down, and filled up her back seat... She will go through it all, and then let her neighbors take what they can use! It helps so much!

    Next time, we'll go back, and finish the rest! It looks better already. We have lived here since she was 3! She is turning 60 this month. She and her sister had their bedroom upstairs... Since then it has been used for a "catch-all".... She laughed, remembering how she would crawl out that window, onto the porch roof, and sneak out ... I don't know how she ever got back in, and didn't want to ask.... Hah!

    Oh! I remember the time I went up there, and she had a little plant growing right next to a grow light! So I thought "wait a minute".... is that a pot plant?? Sure enuff... it was... I marched that plant right downstairs, carried it out & threw it all over in the ditch... Her cultivating days were over.

    And the time I was going to wash our other Daughter's little hobo-bag.... I turned it upside down to empty it, and out came a glass bong, and a baggie of little seeds. I told her to come into he bathroom a minute, and I flushed those seeds right down the toilet. Took about 3 flushing's for them all to go down! She was mortified! Said they were her friends.... right.

    It's just that I never tried drugs or marijuana .... I was always afraid to, and my gal-friends didn't either... So by golly, my KIDS were not going to do it either, Hah! But they did... I remember one time, taking oldest Daughter somewhere, and picking up her friends,. and when they got in, I said "Man, this car smells like cat-hip! ! I heard them snickering in the back seat... I tried.

    I have some Bailey's ... That goes so good in coffee, right?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Hey, Chevy, I like Bailey's on the rocks (but I don't have a glass like Illimae's).

    Yesterday's DOTD was a zinfandel from Paso Robles. Today so far is coffee and water!

    Our guest min-pin has settled back into what is becoming her routine and apparently has forgiven us for the thunderstorm noise. She really likes being on our enclosed back porch when the sun is out.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Chevy - I've read that Katherine Hepburn story before and it always warms my heart. Funny stories about your daughter.

    Being a care taker is extremely difficulty. My mom took are of my father. I was my late mother's care taker along with her paid aids. She had a horrid, horrid neuro-degenerative disease that slowly robbed of all her abilities. It was so difficult to loose her day by day. It makes me think how hard it was for my DH when I was going through chemo. Chevy and Lori you need to be sure to take care of yourselves.

    The cold is arriving!!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    Beaver & Chevy - I like Bailey's straight up. Tonight I'm sipping Tuaca. I think Cami should know about this. But it does have a kick. A tempting blend of Italian Brandy and...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Well, it looks like the second snowstorm of the week is petering out just like the first one. Last I heard, some snow will come in this afternoon, but doesn't look like it will even be enough to plow. Which is fine by me, we've got enough to look pretty. Although it does get warmer when the snow is moving in, and it's well below the donut right now, brrrrrrrr. Sadie was very efficient with her morning potty trip today!

    I had a kiddo come into my office yesterday to get a new mask. This is not an unusual occurrence, some kiddos come in for dry masks after recess just about every day. But this kiddo had chewed a hole through the center of the cloth mask! OK, well, these things happen, that's why I have boxes and boxes of masks in child and adult sizes. So, kiddo takes the new one, runs off back to class. An hour later kiddo is back, and there's a hole chewed through the new mask! OK, toss that mask, put on a new one, An hour later and guess what? Yup. "I know it's not good to chew on the mask but I can't help it!" Gotta love the honesty. 2 hours left of the school day so I gave kiddo 3 masks, one for each hour and one for the bus.

    Karen--there was a time when I was getting up at 4:30 regularly, so glad I don't have to do that now, I don't get up until 5:30! But I do like that time for coffee, emails, BCO, and a couple other things.

    Goldie--I thought the balls and such would be distracting, too, but from what I've seen the otherstudents seem to barely notice. I have noticed that there is a lot more moving around in the classrooms than I remember. Which is probably a good thing. I'm like you, I have to get up and walk around periodically, to keep my knee from stiffening up and hurting too much. When I'm doing desk work I try to get up once an hour. But when I'm doing standing work, I have to sit down periodically when my back starts hurting. Being out of shape is such a pain in the anatomy! Getting in and out of the truck too many times is too hard for DH, who is going to PT? Shaking my head. That would be good therapy all by itself!

    Chevy--I've read that Katherine Hepburn story before, and it moved me just as much this time as last time!

    Librarian--congrats on being so close to getting your first vaccine! I can understand wanting to work somewhere where the roofers don't have a clear line of sight.

    Misty--I do love working with the kids and teachers and staff. It's such a dramatic change from the nursing home. And the steady routine is wonderful. And I love sharing the info I find out about things.

    Chevy--Your daughter sounds like she is hugely helpful! You caught your daughter growing a pot plant??? What a riot! How old was she? Yup, Bailey's goes great in coffee!

    Beaver--glad to hear the guest min-pin is settling and found a nice place to hang out.

    Minus--my goodness, that Tuaca stuff sounds DELISH!!!!

    image alt="Image result for pot cocktail recipe">

    Liquid Marijuana Cocktail


    3/4 oz. Spiced Rum

    3/4 oz. Melon Liqueur

    3/4 oz. Coconut Rum

    3/4 oz. Blue Curaçao

    1 oz. Sweet & Sour

    1 oz. Pineapple Juice

    Garnish: Marijuana Leaf shaped Pineapple slice


    1. Add ice to glass and pour over all ingredients. Garnish with a marijuana leaf shaped pineapple slice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    The bouncy ball type seats do really work for squirmy/squierely kids - they need the movement. Not distracting to others if they are used properly.

    Lunch is packed - went through my list twice and have my power cord packed with computer - hopefully I won't forget anything today. I have an IEP meeting at 3 that my evaluator will observed part of my evaluation. I'm good at this (better than good), but of course I'll be nervous!!

    Woke up at 3 to pee (so did DH) and had trouble going back to sleep - up at 4 and stayed in bed till 4:30. I'm tired this morning, but not as frustrated fitting staying in bed. My sleep aids only last 5 to 6 hours. Don't need to leave till 7:45 this morning.

    Stay warm. It's currently 12F - by end of week low will be zero or below zero with highs in single digits.

    Have a great day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    You guys, I just love getting up and seeing you all here! It's like virtual friends, forever!

    Native, what is your position at school? You are so tuned in to people, from kids, to people my age! I feel I should be paying you for spending time, talking about "stuff"..!

    And Janie was in High School when she developed her gardening skills, Hah! NOW, I probably would have said, "oh how cute" and brought it down-stairs to sit on the table in the sun! Now I remember going to pick her up from a "party", and driving by the house, and a hand-made sign was pointing partiers with an arrow, saying "Smokers and Tokers this way!"

    She caught a little hell over that one.... My Dad was a Florist, Mom raised Orchids. and I LOVE gardening, but her skills developed a little early, hah! Because she has always been a floral designer in her Kings Soopers, always with plants. Haaaah!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2021

    Oh Minus Two! I clicked the link and the Tuaco sounds really good.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Chevy- funny story for you about pot plants. My brother who was 8 years older than me went to college but it was not a good fit for him so he came home to live back at the house, and went to work but lived there for a long time (well into his 20s). My grandmother used to come visit us every summer for a month after my grandfather died and she must have been in my brother's room for god knows what (she shared a bedroom with me during her visits) and found some "seeds." She was a great gardener and managed to find a pot to put the seeds in and before long, there was a pot plant sprouting from the planter. My parents discovered it and immedinately realized what it was and asked her where she got the seeds from. She said she found them in my brothers room and thought they were for some flowers. My parents told my grandmother they had to get rid of it as it was an illegal substance and then confronted my brother about the seeds. We called this chapter in our story the time our grandma was a pot farmer. LOL.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Oh, now THAT'S funny, Hah! Yeah, we went over to our friends house one time for dinner, and she said "We have our own pot-plants growing out on our deck! I said "okay".... and she said I'll show you! So damned if she didn't have them! She says she grinds them or something when they are "done" or whatever.... She says they help with her DH's condition, which is like epilepsy....

    Okay, I don't know about that, BUT, when we would walk by the pot-shop a couple blocks away, MAN you could smell that putrid smell all over the place. I don't know if the plants or seeds or someone smoking it makes it smell that awful, because I've never been around it! I remember coming home from school, and my friends whispering, "they're smoking pot"... Hah!

    Now it is EVERY where! I was just always too afraid that it would do something to my brain.... other than when I got a brain-concussion when my adagio teachers accidently dropped me on my head after throwing me up in a back-bend... One was supposed to catch me... I had temporary amnesia from that, and that's probably why I can't remember my grade-school, junior high, or high-school years.... Just bits and pieces... Until we got married, then my mind must have straightened out...

    I hear it isn't any worse than drinking, but everything in moderation I guess, right?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Just jumping in. Maybe more tomorrow. Let DH know I was upset with his behavior. We got home last night, 4pm, I put the truck away and come in and he's in bed. He says cuz he didn't want me looking at his useless self. But I told him that he has to stop with the doom and gloom, his negativity affects my health and doesn't do him or me any good. That I was tired of my hair falling out and he just needs to stop! We'll see. He did go by himself today, and I got a lot done around the house.

    ED/Chevy, loving your stories!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    For ED

    May be an image of text that says '11:36 Bert + Ernie = Bernie'

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Another cold one this ayem. Three whole degrees in the positive. But the new snow from last night is so very pretty and sparkly. Sadie came in with a pile of fluffy sparkles on her snout after her first potty trip. Then she rubbed it all off on the back of my arm! Brrrr!

    Ooh boy, the biggest hospital system in Maine is under fire. It's come to light that the system not only vaccinated their front line health care workers, but also anti-union contract workers from out of state! Talk about negative publicity. This is coming on top of a story about that system requiring the nursing staff, which is contemplating unionization, to attend anti-union "education" sessions.

    Karen--being a care taker is a very, very hard job. Dementia and neuro-degenerative diseases are so very horrible for everyone involved. A really not fair part of life. I'm sure you'll be fine in your IEP. Still, being observed is nervous-making. I've been in a couple, both virtual, and got some really good info about the kiddos involved.

    Chevy--I am the School Nurse. The district I work in has 7 schools, and started the school year with 5 School Nurses. With all the tracking that has to happen every time a child is absent from school the district decided to add 2 positions so there would be a nurse for each school.Sounds like Jamie has a bit of a green thumb!

    Morning, Misty!

    Jazzy--Oh my, the time Grandma was a Pot Farmer, what a riot! Great family story!

    Goldie--good for you for telling DH off! And good for him going by himself. LOL at the Bernie meme!


    Hump Day Quickie Cocktail #26: Bulleit Hard Cider


    • Approx. 6 oz hot spiced cider
    • 2 oz Bulleit bourbon


    Mix together

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Kim - I have my debrief this afternoon from my observation. It was a zoom meeting so I couldn't see my evaluators face as she turned off her camera so she was just in the bathroom. I always am nervous. the IEP was for a student I tested that does not have a School Psychologist. I was really disappointed in how they ran the meeting and feel like in the end I was caught off guard and thrown under the bus. The sped teacher send me an email in the middle of the meeting that I didn't see till after it was over. it was about an additional eligibility. She sure could have checked with me before the meeting. I still stand by my response but it just made me uncomfortable. They turned a 90 minutes meeting into 60 minutes and I really don't think they ran the meeting with integrity. But I think I did a good job. Cold here this morning too. Will be below zero by Saturday night and lows in single digits.

    Lots of looking at the camera today - I'm helping conduct 3 interviews this morning and then have my debriefing and paperwork. No students today. Off to go look at the resumes - I think they are for interns for next year, not full time positions. I need to use two computers, one to take the notes (if I'm the note taker and not the question asker) and one to see the people on zoom.

    Stay warm and stay safe.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    ED, I had not ever heard that Kathrine Hepburn story. Very moving and so sweet. I love Bailey's, I'd say it's my favorite Liqueur. I like a Duck Fart, Baileys and Crown Royal. You can make it a layer drink by using some Kahlua, but I don't care for Kahlua. Love MJ stories. MJ and CBD oil can help with many things. Quite scary about being dropped on your head.

    JCS, more banging! At least you get a new roof, but not as exciting if you were getting a new car or something else a little more exciting. What kind of roof?

    Beaver, I don't think any of us have a glass like Illimae!

    Karen, I remember your struggles with your mom, and I think with your dad as well, and then when they both passed. Also when you went to visit them in FL, before moving them to CO. Am I right in that?

    Minus2, I'll chime in with everyone else, Tuaca sounds yummy. I'll take the Lemon Drop Shot.

    NM, why on earth is that child chewing on the mask? Glad the bouncy balls aren't distracting the other students. When I first read about the hospital being under fire, I first thought it was literally ON fire! LOL, I didn't really tell him off, but he has to stop it. I reiterated the same things again yesterday when he got home, cuz I told him I was sorry, but he.... just.... has.... to.... stop.

    Jazzy ha ha, I love it "grandma was a pot farmer"

    Just got a friend request on FB from this guy. NM, he's in ME, maybe you know him...LOL

    May be an image of 1 person, biceps, beard and indoor

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    I just applaud you guys! All of you who work in education, either with children or adults, has to be very hard and emotional for you at times, right?

    I remember taking my Grandma for some type of cognitive appointment.. they said. So we are into this little question/answer thing, and it was "tell me if this is an apple or a pear".... kind of stuff! After a few pages, I felt so SORRY for her! Of course she didn't know! She didn't even remember having her kids!

    We got through that.... and on our way back to the nursing home, I promised myself I would NEVER put her in that position again! So I stopped, ordered hamburgers, and we went to her room, and I sat in front of her, and we ate our hamburgers off of a TV try in-between us.

    I was all she had! No other family that cared, but that was okay. I was there for her, She wouldn't have remembered her "family" even if they came to visit.

    Kim, that was so caring of you to even notice that little kid and his face masks! I wonder if he had something else going on in his life, that caused his anxiety?

    When we are growing up, sometimes things happen to us, and we are too afraid to say anything to ANYbody! And we just have to keep quiet, and we just have to keep growing up..... alone.....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Goldie- I am sorry your hair is falling out and glad you were able to speak up for your own needs. Both of you and DH are juggling major health care changes. Men always think it's worse for them. Hugs sister.

    Chevy- they are trying to get it legalized here with the current legislative session in Santa Fe. They tried last year but it went no where. They might as well as everyone is doing it here anyways (well not me). I am connected to the music community here and one time, I went to a music class and knew some of the guys in the class were out back smoking the wicked weed. I think I was the only one not high that night and it made for and interesting music experience. Glad you liked my grandma pot farmer story!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Lori - you are correct.

    Chevy - I've been working in the schools most of my career, also some years private practice. I love the schools - yes it can be emotionally exhausting but for the past 30 years its what I know. I'm happy to be at the latter years of my career than just starting out. Things have changed so much. I took my late mother to all her medical appointments and it broke my heart watching her struggle with a basic neurological screen call the mini-mental exam. She knew she couldn't do some parts of it and got so angry. It is just awful to see our loved ones hurt.

    Time to get off here and get on the work computer - the work day is about to start!

    Have a great day.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning! The sun is out and the weather is very pretty for winter. Will do my walk this morning, then get back in the bathroom for more cleaning. Had a friend over for lunch yesterday. We chatted about ideas for renovating the master bath. She had some good ideas. Then the kids came for dinner. Worried about #2DS. He is dealing with depression issues. We talked about him seeing a therapist for some helpful strategies. While I get ‘blue’ sometimes, I do not understand how someone can see no way to happiness. He thinks the world is against him and he can do nothing about it. Example: He was able to volunteer at the COVID vaccine drive thru. He was supposed to get the first shot as a thank you. Unfortunately, they ran out before he could get it. That makes him very sad. I cannot explain how that is just life and you have to roll with it.

    I am planning on going with DH to get his second shot. I may or may not get a vaccine then. I also have an appointment on March 2. Also have heard back from the volunteer coordinators at the drive thru and may do that soon. It is an evolving issue that changes everyday.

    The roof is asphalt shingles. We got quotes for metal and it was unaffordable. This roof should out live us. The guys ate lunch in my courtyard warming things in a microwave. When all was finished, they left without the microwave. We gave it to the Forman when he came for the money. He said they go through about four microwaves a year! Crazy!!!!

    Goldie - I fully understand about your DH. He needs to stop making his unhappiness your problem. My DH spends the morning lecturing me about right wing politics and how stupid I am for believing Biden can make this country better. The reason we spend the afternoons with quiet time!

    Enough politics! Take care!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    JCS - if your son is depressed he may need anti-depressants, but that would be up to him and his doctor to determine the necessity or if even needed. It is hard to understand depression - it can be situational or it can be bio-chemical. I'm sorry that he is struggling. We had our current roof installed about a dozen or so years ago in the middle of a brutal cold spell I think in January. Still can't believe the guys did the work, but I guess its better than brutal heat.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    Image result for funny cat gifs good nightOh, I;ll be back in the morning, I don't mean to miss so much, but it's been loopy around here, everyone better be doing well.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Still cold here, but warming up a bit, one degree per day. Glad there hasn't been much wind, but I guess we are getting some today. Sadie is still doing very fast potty trips.

    They broke out the new playground equipment this week. Yesterday I had a line of kiddos who had hit or bump some part of their anatomy while sledding. I saw the maintenance man putting together mountain bikes with big, fat tires for riding on snow. More injuries to come! At least none have been serious.

    Karen--I noticed that a couple of people in the zoom staff meeting the other day had their cameras off, just a black square with a name in it, very eerie feeling. The sped teacher should have at least told you she just sent an e-mail so you could have looked at it. There should be a way to split your computer screen so you can have the zoom part on one side and the notes on the other. What kind of computer are you using?

    Goldie--A lot of kiddos chew on their masks. After the masks get damp enough the cloth moves in and touches their mouth when they breathe in, and that seems to trigger chewing in some kiddos.Hmmm, I think I've gotten a friend request from the same guy! I didn't accept, BTW.

    Chevy--yes, work is emotional at times. But at least at school there is more happy emotional than negative! I don't know that particular kiddo well yet, but I don't think there is anything in particularly going on, but given the demographics of area there is probably some history of some kind there.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Librarian--As someone who has lived with depression for a long time now, I can sympathize with your #2DS. I can know, intellectually, that an incident is minor, or is just life, and know that I should be able to just roll with it, but the feelings will not respond to the intellect. If he hasn't spoken to a doctor about the depression, I would encourage him to do that. Getting on medication has made a huge difference for me. The chemical imbalances in the brain are real and impossible to control without outside help.

    Morning, Cammy Cat!

    image alt="Image result for zoom cocktail recipe">



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Kim - Its easier to use 2 screens when I'm taking notes. Work computer is a Dell, home a Macbook. To be honest, this was one of the poorest done staffing in my 30 years. I debriefed with my evaluator yesterday and I only got positive feedback and a few suggestions on how I might have done a couple things different. When we started our conversation she asked how I felt about it and my first words were "I was very frustrated by how it was run". The sped teacher did so many things wrong!!

    7:30 phone call with my interns university professor for mid year evaluation, meeting 8-9:30, 11:30 - 12 and interviews for new SPs for next year 12-3:30. to get a walk in, I'll need to walk by 10:45. Right now its 10-12F so hopefully the sun will come out and warm it up a bit by then. High is 36 and gets colder as the week goes on - by Sunday night 6 below. Not sure about snow.

    Stay warm and have a great day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    ED, people always use to say to me, "I don't know how you do what you do". Most of my kids couldn't talk, wore diapers and came from disfunctional families. When you love what you do, it's not hard, and really not emotional. How sweet of you to take your grandma and then deciding not to put her in that situation again.

    Jazzy "Men always think it's worse for them" Bwah hah ha ha, ya think?

    JCS, sorry to hear about your son, I hope he can get it figured out. We have a metal roof on our house.

    Cami, are you sure it's loopy out there, or is it floopy? I'm assuming you mean because of the move?

    NM, re the mask chewing. Would it be advantagious to give them gum? Or suggest to the parents cloth masks. I know back in my day gum was NOT allowed and it held pretty good consequences! Wow, bikes and sleds at school? When I get these odd friend requests, I would like to do what Cami did and accept them, just to see what they are up to.

    Still having some nice weather here, high 50's to 60. Come beginning of the week we will drop to the 40's for about 5 days, then back up to the 50-60's. Makes me wonder if summer is going to hit early again here, and go right to the 90's. My garden does not like that!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    GoldiLocks... You're right... sometimes you find yourself in a position, through time, and you just don't think twice. See, my Grandma met my Grandpa, after his wife, just left one morning, and never came home! So my Grandpa moved to Denver, met her when she was 21, and she married him, took on his 2 kids, which was my Dad and his sister when they were about 5 and 6.

    They raised them, and she would take rags and clothes from the neighbor's trash & make them school clothes. Grandpa built a house, by pouring cement, and they lived in that "basement" while building the rest of the house. She was originally from Germany... And she was a hard one to live with... Guess you could say very domineering, but resourceful. Lies were not tolerated by her kids...

    Dad and his Sister married early... and didn't have much to do with her when they left. But she was always "Grandma" to me. Sometimes when I took her shopping, she was so cranky I wanted to shove her out the door of the car! My girls didn't want to be around, Hah!

    But I saw her mostly because no-one else wanted to.... They lived close to me, and I was really the only one who put up with her crankiness... She kicked Mom & Dad out of her home one time, because they talked to her neighbor, who she wasn't talking to ... So they drove back to California.

    Then one day she called me to say she didn't feel good... I ran over, called an ambulance, and they took her away from her home, and her little dog Patty.

    It was then that I was like HER Mom.... She had a heart attack, and no-one else even went to see her. I got advice, and moved her into Assisted Living, and that is when I knew she would never go home again. I kept her little dog.... And this was like the beginning of my life of caring for her... She was like MY kid.... and eventually I was all she remembered.

    Maybe this was all God's plan! Showing me how to care for someone who is losing themselves.... All I know is I am so lucky and fortunate to have learned how to be forgiving and always think of a brighter day coming.