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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    Image result for funny cat gifs good morning

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Hi ladies- quick pop in. Meeting this am, and then site visit this afternoon. I will be near my fav take out place and you know what that mean, a bit of yummy to get on the way home. This week has gone a bit better with work, my team and I are getting a few things figured out for our longer term.

    JCS- sorry your son is having depression issues. Many people are struggling with their emotional health during this pandemic, and it is good if he can talk to someone. Sometimes it is just situational around a loss or change, sometimes it's more. Having someone to help you know the difference is key. I hope things are better soon.

    Goldie- oh yeah I think! My single male friends and colleagues are the worst, because they don't seem to have anyone to share anything with ilike a spouse or partner (we single gals have our network of girlfriends), so if you say "how are you doing?" you need to be ready for the waterfall of everything wrong with their lives that follows. If one more guy tries to tell me about his prostate issues, I will scream. TMI, TMI!

    Goldie, you are always asking about my family so I will share my SIL turns 70 today. I sent my sister to get her a big arrangement of flowers and she and the MIL will go visit through the window today. I hope the visit goes okay, situation is still what it is.

    Hi NM! I hope your work week is good. Hi to Sadie.

    I was hoping to go to Santa Fe ths weekend but we will have to see. Got a storm moving in on Sat and SF always gets a lot more snow than here and we may get a bunch this storm. So you may see me here on Sat or Sun for sure if I can get up and back before it moves in. I should be up to my full immunity now two weeks out from my last shot.

    Have a great day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    good mornin ladies,

    KIm I'm crackin up about ut mom's pineapple right side up cake, Im sure it was just as good as any other cake. Boy ur still lovin' ur job and I'm so glad about that. But these kids are funny and fun to be around too. It's so good for u and Sadie.

    Karen I don't doubt for a second u would not be prepared for a meeting, unless all the info wasn't given to u beforehand. U r extremely organized with the intelligence to back u up, so u know it's not you.

    Lori I'm so glad u had a talk with ur DH, hope it works now on.As long as u were doing it it would still be going on. U had to put some boundaries somewhere and u did. at this point most of us have been caretakers on our own and it is a tough, rough job. worse than anything it's so sad. But Lori I think in time ur DH will be so much better so that's a positive, maybe not for a while but he'll get there.

    Oh pot, some funny stories about them, especially replanting the seeds. chevy I remember those yrs. when I didn't have a clue what it really was or looked like when growing, but I do member telling Jodie she had to start lying to me about her life no more truth telling to me. lie, lie. lie

    JC I beg u to try to get ur son help. this is not like being sad not by A LONG SHOT. there is something in the brain that just not putting out in the proper way and usually needs meds for that. Sometimes it takes a while for the Dr. to get tothe right med. Just depends. One Dr. told me it's so much easier helping someone who's hurt physically than mentally cuz scans and xrays u can see this is more of a trial and error. Leslie has been on a med that's used for epilepsy for the most part but works on her problem and all of her meds have to keep a certain level all the time to be effective. It's hard for me to explain but it's nothing to be afraid of it just has to be treated.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I've got to admit I am ready for a sleep in, and I'm ready for break week next week. It's almost as hard to get out of bed in the very chilly cold as it is in the dark. I got some good news yesterday, at the end of a zoom meeting the principal told me that she is working with admin to add my position permanently, and wants me back next school year! Needless to say, I felt great all day after that!

    Sadie says Woof to everyone.

    Karen--on the Dell you should be able to click on the top of the screen and drag the screen to the right or the left until it snaps into a half screen display, then on the other half click on the program you want on that side. Not quite as good as 2 full screens, but helpful at times. My work computer is a Macbook, and I've figured out how to get 2 screens up, but I have to fumble through it every time. I'll try to remember to take notes next time.I'm glad your observer could differentiate between your work and a poorly run meeting. Brr, 10-12 F is about 12 degrees warmer than it is here right now!

    Goldie--the kiddos are chewing on the cloth masks as well as the paper ones. Actually, it's only a couple of kiddos doing that. I'm not sure about the gum idea, I'll have to ask and find out what the rules are on that. That never occurred to me, since it was verboten in my day. But things are very different these days. It would be interesting to see what some of the Fb friend requesters are up to, maybe I'll try a little lurking and see what I can find out about the next one that comes along!

    Chevy--Wow, that is a lot caring. God bless you.

    Cammy Cat--the pineapple right side up cake was very good!

    Jazzy--sounds like work is going well. Having favorite take out to look forward to is fun! Good work week. Yesterday's malady of the day was the "Teacher isn't fair. So-n-so gets to draw all the time but Teacher gets mad at me when I draw!" upset stomach. The favored medium was ink. The favored surface was the skin. Lots of rubbing ink marks off skin with alcohol going onyesterday!Sadie says Hi! Hooray on getting full immunity! My second shot should be coming up soon.

    Arctic Circle

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    4 1/2 oz of Ginger ale

    1/2 oz of Lime Juice

    1 oz of finlandia vodka

    Pour the vodka, lime juice and ginger ale into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir, garnish with crushed mint leaves, and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Its a balmy 5 degrees this morning! I always have a 3 day week-end as I don't work Fridays but happy to have the 4 day week-end. Then Tuesday is a PD day.

    Today its my usual Friday, cleaning, grocery store and cooking.

    Stay warm.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    ED, Grandma is grandma, no matter if biological or not. Very sweet of you to care for her when everyone else wanted nothing to do with her. Loving your stories.

    Well Jazzy, what did you get from your fav take out place? on all the prostate issues! I'm just amazed that you SIL is still with us. Hopefully it's a good thing and she is having some sort of quality of life. Yep, getting a little weather this weekend.

    Cami, if DH DOESN't get there, I just may have to kill him! Kidding of course. Last couple of days have been pretty good.

    NM, I just thought with the cloth masks at least they wouldn't chew through them! Oh my, cute story about "teacher isn't fair" and the art was done on the body. As for the FB requests, I always go look. Usually all friends are blocked, only a pic or two and usually a new account. And a HUGE CONGRATS on being asked to come back next year. But I'm not surprised!

    As mentioned above, have some weather coming in this weekend and it had me worried I would have to cancel my treatment again Monday. But looks like it will be through the area then and I should be fine. Got lots more done outside yesterday. Hard to believe how long it takes to cut stuff back.

    Here's the link for my FB request guy if you want to look, even the name is a "heads up".

    (1) Tanner Great | Friends | Facebook

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Hi ladies- TGIF and pay day. Whoot. Down to a few more meetings and then will be taking a short walk and relaxing tonight. Still thinking about Santa Fe tomorrow, as the storm may not be here until tomorrow night but if I get up and it looks do-able, I will go earlier and come back by mid afternoon. Sunday is supposed to be very cold here, snowy too.

    Goldie- I got some green chile stew to go from a place here I love and forgot about and rediscovered again last year. Also got some carne adovada which is pork simmered in red chile and had some of that for lunch. They have the best hand made tortillas and you get a hot buttered one with every meal. Are you hungry now?

    My SIL celebrated her 70th yesterday and my sister, the MIL, a a couple good friends all went to the window with big birthday poster, she got her flowers from me, her aide read her our cards. She mouthed that she missed everyone which broke my heart a little bit to hear. My sister is in the process of getting vaxed and so is my SIL so hopefully they can have an in person visit soon. Sounds like it was okay as best it could have been. And yes, we are all pretty amazed that she has lived this long.

    NM- the kids stories are cute. I can so tell you love your new job.

    Cami- have you moved yet?

    Okay time for more Zooms. See you tomorrow maybe but more likely Sunday.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Please keep my SIL in your thoughts/prayers/wishes - he's been in the hospital going on 3 weeks Sunday and dealing with gall bladder issues for 4 months now as well as other issues including loosing too much weight while in the hospital. He is very high risk for surgery but most likely having gall bladder surgery next week. None of the options presented to him are very good - live with chronic pain, put in a stent with a big risk of infection and more surgeries or have his gall bladder out. Needless to say, he is scared beyond scared and so is my daughter. She has been amazing through this all taking care of him and working. But my daughter is mentally and physically exhausted. It breaks my heart that I can't be with them (Covid quarantine in Canada)- to keep her company at home at night and cook etc for her. She needs a hug and time with mommy!! We talked to his mother this afternoon and she asked what she could do for my daughter - beyond what they are already doing. I said, she just needs Mommy and she got it. My SIL told me a few days ago that we raised an amazing daughter and thanking us because she's been taking such good care of him.

    Bitter cold here the next few days with sub zero temps at night. Have a good week-end.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy, glad you sister and her MIL made to SIL for her birthday. As for your carry out no, doesn't make me hungry. I don't do spicey stuff, just not my thing. But you enjoyed it, I'm sure! I think you might be ok to hit SF.

    Oh Karen, I'm so sorry. I know what you mean by not being able to be there for your DD. Sending lots of prayers for your SIL. Why is having his gall bladder out such a big deal? I always thought that was about like getting your tonsils out, no big deal. Do his parents live near by in Canada? Poor guy, being so scared. If he does have surgery, I pray it fixes him up better than new.

    Did some grocery shopping yesterday. Picked up a pork shoulder, gonna attempt to make some pulled pork in my Ninja Foodie. Have never made it before. Sunday for Valentines Day is Filet Mignon, Shrimp Scampi, Baked Potaoto, Salad, Garlic Bread and a store bought Strawberry Shortcake Torte. And we will be dressing up as if we are going on a date.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021


    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    NM, I got to thinking about the gum thing and can see that getting out of hand real quick. You would have every student in there chewing on their masks just to get a piece of gum!

    Strawberry Shortcake Moonshine


    3 lbs fresh strawberries, halved
    2 cups of sugar
    2 Tbsp. lemon juice
    2 cups of club soda
    600 ml moonshine
    1 cup strawberry simple syrup (recipe below)
    4 Tbsp. strawberry jam
    Extra club soda, for jam
    Cake Vodka
    Whipped Vodka

    Pour half the strawberries into a medium bowl. Pour 1 cup of sugar on top of the strawberries. Pour the remaining strawberries on top and then add the remaining sugar. Cover and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
    When the berries are ready (after they've been in the refrigerator for 24 hours), add to a large saucepan, add in the 1 cup of strawberry simple syrup and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Turn the heat down to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes.
    While the strawberries are cooking, in a small saucepan over low heat, add the strawberry jam and a splash of club soda. Warm until the jam is a syrupy liquid.
    Remove the strawberry simple syrup + berries from the heat and strain the juice into a large bowl, discard the strawberries. Let the juice come down to about room temperature. Add in the jam syrup, lemon juice and club soda. Add in the moonshine. Stir to combine.

    In a small mason jar, add 2/3 moonshine mixture, 1.5 oz Cake Vodka and 0.5 oz of Whipped Vodka. Refrigerate till cold. Enjoy!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    May be an image of text that says 'Freezer Bern'

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Happy first day of winter break. So nice to sleep in a bit this ayem, going to sleep in tomorrow ayem, then go over to Mom's, she's got a list of things for me to help with. Going to get scallop stew for lunch. I'm going to give myself today off as a lazy day, and one day off next week to go visit the cousins, and the rest of the time will be working on getting the house decluttered and cleaned up some more.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone, and asks for warmer weather to be sent this way. She's not fond of the below the donut temps.

    Karen--gotta love the tempts this time of year. Hmm, how's that little rhyme go? oh yeah:

    A Maine Poem 
    It's Winter in Maine
    And the gentle breezes blow
    Seventy miles an hour,
    At thirty-five below.
    Oh, how I love Maine
    When the snow's up to your butt
    You take a breath of Winter air
    And your nose gets frozen shut_
    Yes. the weather here is wonderful,
    So I guess I'll hang around
    I could never leave Maine
    Cause I'm frozen to the ground!

    Goldie--kids and puppies will chew through anything and everything if given a chance! Thanks for the congrats. Now I'm praying the position will get through the budget process!

    Jazzy--Happy birthday to you SIL! I do hope that vaccination will make a big difference soon. I would so love to see the majority of the population get vaxxed this summer and schools and nursing homes and businesses open fully again by fall.

    Karen--prayers for you SIL, and daughter and everyone else. It is soo hard to not be able to go be with people who need you to be with them. I never gave a thought to Sunday being Valentine's day, I guess that comes of being single and uninvolved for so long. So no special meal here.

    Sappy Eye-Candy, here!

    Goldie--the teachers' reaction to the gum idea was "YOU get to cut the gum out of all the kids' hair and clothes and homework and laptops!" Every teacher except the remote class teacher has a no gum policy!

    YUMMY Strawberry Shortcake Moonshine!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Aw geez! I remember chewing gum at school, and the teacher told me to put it behind my ear! I must have thought that was a good idea, so when I got home, my Mom couldn't believe how I got gum all tangled up in my hair, Hah! So I got a hair-cut!

    Karen, so sorry about your SIL! Wow! It just hurts when people we love are going through a terrible time... I'm sorry... My outside thermometer says 10 below! DAMN! But the squirrels were out waiting on the fence for their bread and cut-up apples!

    Kim, funny poem... ! I'm going to copy and paste to my FB page! I think I'll make another cup of coffee... and then add Bailey's ! That should help me warm up! Hah!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning! I typed up a long piece and posted it yesterday morning. It must have been eaten by the Cloud! Oh well. Still raining here and will into tomorrow. Not sure what I will do today. I had a couple of long phone calls with dear friends in the last days. I think maybe I am suffering from too much COVID togetherness with my DH. It is amazing how many opinions he has and how they are formed by s__t he reads on Facebook or hears on talk radio. We talked/yelled about that last night. I am stuck here getting battered by his opinions and it is driving me crazy.

    I did get names of a couple of therapists for #2DS. The problem is he has no medical insurance and does not have a PCP. If he had a relationship with a PCP, he could get some meds and maybe get better. He has to go to a therapist and pay out of pocket. I can help with that. The problem is he may decide not to go as he would/should then get better. We will have a chat this coming week and see what can be done.

    Time to get moving. Take care!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited February 2021

    Flashy eye candy checking in :)

    Karen, sorry to hear about you SIL and hoping for an easy recovery from whichever choice is made.

    Chevy, freezer bern, lol, I love it.

    Jazzy, nice to see you back!

    I’m making stuffed chicken with sherry sauce with strawberry shortcake too, for dessert for VD,

    And, I’m finally getting my voice back after a year! It breaks a bit like a boy in puberty but I can hear the sound I once knew more frequently now.

    Staying in this weekend as we prepare for an unusual cold few days.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Congrats on your "pipes" coming back, Illimae!

    JCS, depression is not just sadness nor even grief--it is a biochemical disease, a manifestation of malfunction or underfunction of the brain chemistry controlling the endorphin system. It can be triggered by a situation, but the imbalance is the fuse waiting to be lit (or lighting itself). My dad was bipolar most of his life and then unipolar; I had profound postpartum depression (still take Wellbutrin--all my doctors have said it's the last med they'd consider taking me off), and Gordy's depression was very deep during his teen years. SSRIs, DNRIs & SNRIs are miracle drugs--they weren't around when my dad was depressed (so deeply that his former shrink mistook it for dementia). If there aren't free clinics & he's not Medicaid-eligible, I'd move heaven & earth to find him at least a therapist or even a GP to put him on meds.

    Bitter cold & snowy here in Chiberian Snowmageddon. Down to 7 now, going down to at least -2 tonight, and tomorrow's high will be only 8 (and that's optimistic). Still keeping our early dinner res for tomorrow, but not optimistic either of our cars will start. (Bob's driving his, and mine started up the last time the temp was subzero). The restaurant texted me to confirm today and I replied "Y," but if I cancel at the last minute I won't lose a deposit because I didn't have to give one. Debating whether to use valet or SpotHero a block from the restaurant (reviews warn that the QR reader at the garage's exit sometimes doesn't work). We could do a rideshare, but I'm nervous enough about trusting a valet. Hoping in either case the carjackers will say "screw it, just too cold out." Our snow guy's outside making his second pass of the day.

    I ordered out from a local Creole/Cajun joint last night & Bob picked it up. We drank Segura Viudas Brut Reserve cava. Tonight, with leftovers it'll be Mumm Napa DVX 2007.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Karen - keeping your family in my prayers 🙏

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Karen, fingers crossed for your SIL--hope he can get his gall bladder surgery soon, that it's successful & minimally invasive, and that he will bounce back.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! To Mom's for scallop stew and a list of things Mom needs help doing. It's cold as sin here, but the big fat squirrel is teasing Sadie, so she wants to go out, then realizes how cold it is and then wants to come back in and then sees the squirrel and wants to go back out and it all starts all over again. I'm going to get a bunch of steps in just letting her in and out this ayem!

    Chevy--that little poem has had many States named, so you can change Maine to Colorado when you post it!

    Librarian--COVID togetherness is getting to be a real thing these days. We've been an awfully long time cooped up with the same people.A year is a long, long time to be socially isolated for a basically social animal like us humans. Even people like me who like their solitude are getting stir crazy. Spring fever this year is apt to be a very bizarre time this year.Glad you could find some help for DS#2. He's in a hard position with no PCP and no insurance.

    Illi--I am so happy to hear that your voice is coming back! It has been such a long time recovering and I know it was so very hard on you. Such good news!

    Chi--It seems to me that the bitter cold weather like this used to come a bit earlier in the winter, with the single numbers and below the donut temps coming in December and January, not February and March. Seems like the snow has shifted the same way. I can remember picking out Halloween costumes that fit over snowsuits due to the cold and often there being snow on the ground then!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    bourbon cider slushie cocktail

    Bourbon Cider Slushie


    • 2 ounces bourbon
    • 3/4 ounce cinnamon vanilla syrup*
    • 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
    • 1 ounce apple cider
    • Garnish: apple slice
    • Garnish: cinnamon stick


    1. Combine all the ingredients into a blender with cubed ice and blend until smooth.
    2. Pour into a Moscow Mule mug.
    3. Garnish with an apple slice and a cinnamon stick.
    4. *Cinnamon-vanilla syrup: In a saucepan, bring 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 3/4 cup water and 3/4 cup turbinado sugar to a boil. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Let sit for 10 minutes. Strain into a sealed container and refrigerate for up to 1 month.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Lori - nothing for my SIL is easy surgery wise. Anesthesia is very risky for him. They have been trying to treat him without surgery. Also he has a lot of scar tissue from abdominal surgery 20+ years so can't do it laparoscopic. Talked to DD last night and he is leaning toward the surgery. Will talk to him today. We talked on Friday he said surgery, if he went that route would be Monday or Thursday

    It's well; below zero most likely broke a record low. Yesterday only got up to 4 or 5.

    Stay warm, stay safe and stay healthy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    ED, Freezer Bern, HILARIOUS! Gum behind your ear, oh my! We had to put it on our noses. I never had to tho, I never got caught!

    NM again, enjoy your time at moms. Hope she doesn't work you too hard! Scallop stew? have to look that one up. OooooooK, it's with scallops, duh. When I read "scallop", I was thinking scalloped potatoes....LOL! Well poop, I thought you had your position set in stone. Praying it's in the budget to keep you. Their loss if it's not. Oh dear, gum in the hair, etc. Yep, a bad idea. Love the Maine poem, could apply to many states, especially now. Sadie wanting in and out reminds me as a kid and mom yelling at us "it's either in or out".

    JCS, sorry the Gremlins got your post and no medical for DS. Not sure if you watch Dr. Phil or not, his son runs a program called Doctor on Demand, it's all remote and I think Dr. Phil said for now it's free. DH and I have basically been in quarantine together for 20 years!

    BabyGirl, my strawberry shortcake is store bought. A friend of mine had posted a video of the pile up they had there, OMG it was live footage of some of crashes, it was horrible to watch. It has since been deleted, perhaps because there were deaths involved. Able to taste and eat, it was sure a long progress, that's for darn sure.

    Sandy, enjoy your dinner out. Not something I'm willing to take a chance at yet. Heck, I don't even like getting carry out!

    Karen, continued prayers for your SIL. Keep us posted.

    We got dumped on last night, weren't supposed to get anything. Woke up several times to snow sliding off the roof, got at least 6" with temps just above freezing. So it's a wet snow! I have my echo tomorrow and treatment, so it will be a nice muddy ride out of here. Good thing I have 4 wheel drive!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited February 2021

    Goldie, I saw the pile up video too and yes, very hard to watch, especially the big rigs plowing into the cars, lots of PTSD for those involved.

    NM, happy birthday coming up, Saturday, right? 🎉

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Good morning ladies and happy Valentines (or Galentines) Day to all!

    Greetings from Silly Cutie Pie! Waking up to a winter wonderland this morning after the big cold front and storm came through last night. I did get up to Santa Fe for about four hours, and found a lot of things still closed or have decided to just close for the winter. My county and Santa Fe County just opened up more the past week, and did visit a few fav shopping spots and scored on some sales. There were a lot of of out of staters there, probably many came in for the long holiday weekend to ski and if they did, they will be having some great fresh powder for today and tomorrow's slopes. I left around 2-ish and the skies were clouding and some light rain on the way out, and sunny when I got home. But not for long, and the big cold front came down around dinner time with high winds, thunder and driving rain. Overnight came the snow and still been snowing lightly. I heard it was icy on the roads and saw someone in a Subaru (great in the snow) struggling up the street across from me and may not make it to my afternoon swim. It is getting brighter out and by mid afternoon, the roads could be better but will see. Good to see all the moisture.

    NM- congrats on making it through your trial period and being invited back for next year. Schools go into June back east, correct? Congrats on being invited back and also hope you have some great time off and/or PT opps come your way this summer if you want them. Summers are short in Maine, I do know that and can see you enjoying having a less chaotic summer with trips to the markets, outings to the ponds with Sadie, etc. The stories of her wanting in and out crack me up. It's cold, wait but a squirrel, but my paws, but squirrel. The casserole sounds delish, big fan of scallops and hope mom is doing well too.

    Ill- thanks for the invite back and glad to hear your voice is returning. I knew the surgery impacted so much and knew the swallowing returned slowly but had not really thought that all this time, you could not speak. Hugs sister, what a year but your body is healing and hopefully you will be doing better as the vocal cords get some practice. I hope you are having a nice weekend.

    Karen- thank you for the updates and prayers continue for your family. My Denver peeps tell me it's very cold up there so stay warm and be careful if you have to go out. We will continue to listen for updates from you.

    Goldie- sounds like you got the big storm too, I hope you are able to get to your apt tomorrow. You go to PHX again, right?

    JCS- I am glad you found some resources for your son. I hope things are better there soon.

    Chevy- hope you are staying warm. That Freezing Bern is a riot.

    Cami- are you moved yet?

    Mistyeyes- retirement is coming up this spring now, yes?

    Moving slower this am than I was expecting, time to get some house things done and work on my tax prep continues. Be safe in the snow and cold everyone who has it and have a good week ahead!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Well, we made it all the way up to 5F today before the bottom fell out again. It's 1 now (was -3 last night and will be not much warmer tonight). Snowing again--which will continue till Tues., over a foot here by the lake. My snow guy might pick up my pre-paid paczki for me Tues. afternoon, as he has a truck. Running the faucets day & night. (Tricky trying to get just a trickle or fast drip--it seems it's steady-stream or nothing). Tired of wearing size XL fleeces over my PJs (which are over a camisole).

    Obviously, we cancelled our dinner res. for tonight--just too cold, and driving could be tricky. Ordered out for delivery from a restaurant near Gordy--OK but no great shakes. Had a little of the Mumm DVX with app & salad, 2020 Duboeuf Beauj. Nouveau with the entree & after.

    So much for the old saw "too cold to snow:" in Chicago, no such thing. We had a relatively mild fall & Dec., but 2021 is turning out to be anything but. And though it's supposed to start warming up (to 20) by the end of the week, the snow just keeps coming in waves: predicted for both the 23rd (ocular-onc appt.) and 24th (second Moderna shot out in Norridge). I'd say I'm ready to blow this pop stand, but I don't want to move to red-state COVID hot spots. (The latest I've seen measurable snow here is Apr. 23, 2019; the latest flurries May 5, 1990).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Morning gals.... Sandy it is 11 below zero here! I'm so tired of this.... and our bathtub/shower will not drain.... Pipes are frozen under the house. I tried for over 2 hours pouring boiling hot water down the drain... plunging, and always having to empty the tub with buckets of water, into the toilet! What a pain!

    But then our Daughter has no heat! Her furnace has been having fits for a couple months now, but the guy is supposed to be coming out this week to put in a new motor. Luckily she has 2 heaters, one up and one downstairs!

    I don't think our tub drain will thaw out until late this week, maybe. At least the sink drains, AND the toilet! Damn! I always leave the kitchen sink, and bathroom sink dripping a little... But too cold for too long! And this little Victorian house was built in 1886... Just lucky that we haven't had any other major problems!

    We are staying in for the most part... Only quick early morning runs about twice a week for groceries... Our Daughter comes by on her day off, and brings lunch & groceries also... So we have a lot to be thankful for.

    DH is on his 3rd pacemaker! So we are going for just a check-up tomorrow! Maybe THEY can help us cut through all the red-tape for us to get a virus vaccine? I am signed up EVERYwhere, and this State must have the WORST plan of all! Then you hear of all the others who got their shot! Not only one but two~ And our primary cate is of no use! She got HERS, but can't help us get ours... something about "federal funding??"

    So in other words folks, we don't care HOW old you are, you are on your own. We just have to stay home as much as possible, and not be around people... Masks always, even when we go for walks... I mean when we used to.... Hah!

    My Husband is okay.... just having a hard time right now, but that's what I'm here for....right? This Pandemic is just wearing us all down... Stay warm!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Chevy - sorry about the pipes - hope they thaw soon and that your daughter gets her heat fixed soon. The bitter cold is getting old - my phone just said -9F, not much different than -11 an hour. ago. Last night on the news, I heard that the governor said he is not prioritizing within groups - so in group 1A - those 70+, no priority for a 90 year old over a 71 year old. Don't get me started on politics - but the governor who is 45 got his to show his support for the vaccine - and his husband also got it. I hope you and DH are able to get is soon.

    Stay warm and stay safe

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Morning Karen... Yes, it's like some of us are "vaccine shamed"... We hear about everyone that gets theirs.... even my PC posted herself getting the shot! But as far as her patients go, no help.

    There is nothing any plumber could do, Hah! Except try and wait for warmer weather.. or dig up our whole back yard, out to the alley, and replace the pipes... and maybe insulate them? Ain't gonna happen.

    You know, the longer we have to wait, I'm thinkin', it's okay.... Don't know if we really need the shot or not. So if something changes, and I get called, we will go... but I'm, not going to worry about it any more.

    SCL health called, and I was excited, thinking it was for our vaccines! But no, just a recording reminding us about our appt. today... with DH's cardiologist. I sent an email to that office yesterday, asking them for help, or to pull strings, to see if THEY could bribe that hospital for a shot! But if "they don't have them" they don't.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday! Yeesh, I'm confused already, thought it was Sunday again! There, got up and put a line through Sunday on the calendar. Now I'll stay right.Got to get my butt in gear and start getting some long-neglected housework done. Sadie is happy to have me home, she keeps coming over and nudging my hand off the keyboard to give her ear scritches and head pats.


    Goldie--The contract I have is set in stone until the end of this school year. There are 7 schools in the district, that originally worked with 5 nurses, with 2 nurses working between 2 schools. With "the COVID" creating such confusion and massive monitoring and record keeping and such, the district hired 2 more nurses just before Christmas, so each school has it's own nurse for the remainder of this school year. Two of the original 5 nurses are retiring at the end of this school year. The original plan was for the two of us new nurses to move into the positions of the retiring nurses. There are 5 Principals in the district, with 2 working between 2 schools. I am working for one of the principals that covers 2 schools. She is really liking having a nurse in each school, and is working on creating a 6th nurse position so she can have a nurse in each of her schools. From what I've heard, the other Principal with 2 schools is doing the same. My "handler" at the company I am working through (I work through a consulting company, Soliant,not directly for the school system) says that if I want another contract with this school district it's pretty darn sure I will get one, but which school or schools I will be at may change. The nurses who are retiring are working at the High School and the other at one of the other Elementary schools. My Principal wants to keep me where I am now. And there are 3 remaining nurses with seniority who I expect would get first choice of schools.BUT, all that is being managed between Soliant, the school district, and the budget process. I've stated my preference to stay where I am and that I am willing to move if that's the way it works out, so now I'm letting the process wheels grind away. Your story reminds me of the first time I ever had scalloped potatoes. I was soexcited at the thought of scallops, and then so disappointed that there weren't any scallops to be found! And meat was served, and you never serve meat with scallops! Thank goodness I waited until I got home to complain about it and my Mom could set me right! Be careful in the mud and yuck on your way out!

    Illi--yup, you are correct!

    Jazzy--Yes, last student day is June 9th, with the 10th being the last staff day. With schools starting in early Sept, sometimes late August, I'm wondering if I will need to work at all this summer. I tried to work out a budget that would let me have the summer off, but there are a couple things that need to be done around the house-electrical work, driveway re-graveling--so I may end up needing to do some per diem work to cover those. Still time to see. Mom is doing well. She's getting a little stir crazy and is a bit lonely, but with COVID there is nothing that can be done about that right now.

    Chi--Why is it that snow storms always want to come on days we have appointments? Don't blame you for not wanting to move into a COVID Red area. I am amazed that all the counties in Maine are still showing green! The number of positive tests, hospitalizations, and ICU bed use is falling, too. Just in time for Feb break. March will be interesting.

    Chevy--if something has to freeze up, the tub is better than other options, I guess! There can be an advantage to waiting for the vaccine. A one shot vaccine is being reviewed right now, if that gets approved it will be more widely available, as it only needs refrigeration, not freezing, so it can be shipped like most of the other vaccines.And being one and done, no second shot to worry about.

    Image result for pipeline cocktail recipe>



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Update on my SIL. Gall bladder surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Anesthesiologist made a surprised visit this morning and also emailed his specialist regarding what special anesthesia is necessary. Anesthesiologist said to SIL that he has the best team taking care of him in the OR. He is feeling more reassured, but of course still nervous since its surgery. Unfortunately, DD can not visit today and can't be with him before surgery. They are working on getting permission for her to see him in the ICU. Not sure how long he'll be in the hospital after surgery.

    Yesterday we got to +1 for the high temp and last night it was -15F or so for the low. We are now in a heat wave at 19F.

    Thanks everyone for your good wishes regarding my SIL.