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how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    MAN! What ELSE can go wrong, right? My Brother in Nashville just wrecked his car! Slid into the back of a postal truck, wrecked his whole front end. Can't even get it to a garage yet!

    His wife gets Dialysis every other day... can't go today because of the weather. When he DOES find a ride for her Wednesday, the sitter has to stay with her for 4 hours! Don't even know if the D. center will be open! She has to go 3 times a week.... so worried about them!

    Then my Daughter had a power outage last night, changed the fuse, now her computer like TV will not come on! AND a light in her car says it needs fixed! AND she has no heat! Furnace is on the fritz!

    OUR pipes are still frozen under the tub, but like Kim says, it really COULD be worse! I'm just worried for my Brother and my Daughter!

    Karen, reassurance from the Doc means a lot! It must be so hard for family to have someone in the hospital where they can't be with them! We all used to be so lucky! Never thought this could happen to us... It's unbelievable, how our lives change!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Chevy, when it rains it pours!! In our case today it is snow, an unusual commodity around here, accompanied by frozen water pipes, power outages, and concerns that we might run out of propane for heating (after three power outages between 5pm yesterday and 1 pm today, temp inside our house was 57!)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Chevy, Karen, Beav---this is awful for you (Chevy, can you blow a hairdryer on your sewage-stack pipe? I'm assuming you have a basement). I'm not complaining so long as I can stay in, have heat (and can't see my breath) & running water and food. HK is stuck in her home. Bob got out early this a.m. and will be staying in Oak Lawn tonight & tomorrow night (assuming the hospital, hotel, and strip mall where his office is can clear their parking lots). Bakery delivered some paczki today. Ordered a half-dozen but thought I'd have someone to share them with. (Maybe my snow guy tomorrow). We've gotten over a foot of snow, and it's so bad tonight that his crew isn't even coming out. Drifts are sealing entrances to side streets & alleys faster than the snowblowers can clear them. Our neighborhood (Edgewater) is the city's snow-capital--TV news crews with big enough trucks have been reporting from the lakefront 4 blocks from here (a little beach park next to our temple). Now they're saying "up to 18"+" with the "+" being the lake effect fudge factor. (More like 20+ if you ask me). Gordy's dog whimpered & cried when they took her to the backyard, so they've had to resort to her crate/paper training instead.

    Here, the vaccine-scheduling process is like the Hunger Games. Fingers crossed--normal (30s) temps & clear for the 23d & 24th. I have a mani-pedi scheduled for Wed....hahahahaha...nope. Who's gonna see my toes anyway?

    My sis in Arlington, VA got her first Moderna shot at CVS in Fairfax--at least she didn't have to drive through snow to get there. She asked me if it would be appropriate to celebrate with a glass of champagne and I replied I'd join her. So DOTD (besides a bottomless cup of coffee) was Mumm Napa DVX 2007.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited February 2021

    Hi gals! Reading, and laughing and in some cases much going on everywhere it seems. And this snow is something else. It seems DH hasn't worked a full week since the new year due to it. For those without heat I can kind of relate. During one east coast snowmageddon years ago i lost heat and electric for a full week. I was single and ill prepared but muddled coldly through. Being younger helped but still no picnic. 🤗

    DOTD was a delicious Naked Wines Cabernet Sauvignon. Please everyone stay as warm and well as possible. 🍷☕

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    SIL is having gallbladder surgery in less than half hour. Needless to say, both he and DD are scared and nervous. I'm glad today is a non-student contact day and that except for one zoom meeting at 2-3 today, I"m doing 2 different asynchronous training. Can't be with DD and SIL due to Tredueau's quarantine rules.

    Stay warm and stay safe.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Morning gals! Sandy, no, I don't think this house has a stack-pipe... We DO have a little stack-pipe in our garden, but that is for the kitchen only... for the sink and washer... don't even know what it does, except when I take the top off, I can see water draining... Also a stack-pipe on the kitchen roof... it must be a vent or something.

    One year I crawled under the house, to wrap pipes coming into the house on the North side, because this house was built in 1886, with a dirt crawl-space, and a tiny little basement that I covered the dirt floor with siding. It IS where they installed a furnace, in about 1970... Because we moved in in 1964 and we had a floor furnace...

    They red-tagged it, and we became "modern "..Hah! Kitchen and bath pipes are okay, I just have to leave the faucets drip, and the cupboard doors open at night!

    NEXT freezing spell, I will run hot water down the shower for a little while, to keep that drain pipe open.

    The bathroom was added on, maybe in the 30s or 40's??? Then in the 80's my Husband made us a shower! He attached a shower hose to the tub faucet, then hung it up on a suspended frame he built around the tub! So I put a shower curtain from that, and we have a real shower!!

    A lot of old houses just had out-houses at that time . Man I remember when I was little, staying at the sitters with my brother, and when we had to go out, I tried to run faster than the geese to the out-house! They were the meanest geese I ever knew~ Hah!

    Anyway, our pipes are right under the bathroom, running under our back cement patio, that my Grampa and Dad poured, and under one of our garages to the alley.

    I think if we took showers every day, that would help anyway, but every-other day for us. Just have to remember this below freezing temp calls for proper planning! At least our car fits in this old garage!

    Any, it could be worse here... supposed to warm up to maybe the 20's??? So much of the South is in a LOT of trouble! I consider ourselves pretty lucky.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    BabyGirl, that pile up video I saw showed one semi actually go ass over tea kettle when it slammed into the car and another semi in front of him.

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a nice "me" day, good for you!

    Sandy, "too cold to snow". I remember that saying, and nope, not true! That's when the snow crunches when you step on it and your nostrils stick together when you breathe in. Sorry the only person to share your paczki's with is the snow guy.

    ED, frozen tub, DD with no heat. Does not sound good. I hope you aren't doing any damage pouring that boiling water in there, you don't want to crack a pipe. Then they will be tearing up your yard and most likely your beautiful garden area. Sorry DH is having a hard time, but yes he has you and very fortunate for that. Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and other DD. I assume your brother is ok? Does the hospital offer any kind of service to pick people up that don't have a ride? And no heat for DD, aye yi yi! I'm cracking up at you running from the geese!

    Karen, not right for you govenor to gloat and here our friend, in her 80's can't get it for herself and DH.

    NM, understandable to think it was Sunday again. Before Covid, we almost always went to town on Friday's. Now with so many dr. appts, it seems we have lots of Friday's! Can't blame your princepal for wanting to keep you and once the other princepals find out what an awesome nurse you are, they will all be fighting for you. Funny how we both had different thoughts on "scallop".

    Karen, sending prayers your way and to your DD and her hubby and his family for his surgery today. Hoping he comes out of it with everything fixed. I was very surprised when my DH was in the hospital in Grand Junction that they let me come in to visit. I hope your DD is able to get in to ICU to see him. I'm still surprised at how serious this is. Of course they are both nervous. I'm sure you are as well.

    Oh my Beaver, no heat for you either. Do you have any kind of small back up heater, an electric one maybe? But if power goes out, that won't be much good. I guess you have to think back in the day, waaaaaaay back in the day, when homes didn't have electic!

    Reader, are you enjoying having DH home from work for those extra days?

    DH heard from our PCP's office yesterday re his echo. Nothing wrong with heart. Doctor thinks it's the sleep apnea. Because DH doesn't want to deal with a cpap, he says "I don't think that's it, I think there's something else wrong". The guy that did the ultra sound on his legs tole him the same thing, it could be sleep apnea. I'm done! Quit crying about your feet and legs being swollen, feet purple and numb, can't move your toes, etc. etc. etc. If you lose your foot, I don't want to hear about it. Had my treatment and echo yesterday. MO and I mostly talked gardening. He was telling me all about his trees he has, and that he loves trees. He's growing cumquats and said he would save me some next year, that he only had like 5 this year. We hardly talk cancer. Gal that did my echo said all my numbers look good and I asked my MO if I could get that every 4 mo. instead of every 3. The snow we got Sat. night was mostly gone by Sunday, my muddy drive out yesterday in the dark had me get stuck going up the hill outside my gate. Had to back down in the dark and get it into 4 wheel drive, once I did, piece of cake. 12 hour day from the time I left until the time I got home. Snowing again this morning!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Everyone stay warm and stay safe! And have a .....


    Winter Cocktail Snowflake Chiller Recipe

    • 2 ounces Pinnacle® Original Vodka
    • 2 ounces heavy cream
    • 3 tablespoons melted white chocolate
    • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
    • 1/4 teaspoon coconut extract
    • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    • Shredded coconut or granulated sugar crystals


    • Rim edges of glasses by dipping in melted white chocolate and then in either coconut flakes or sugar crystals. Combine vodka, heavy cream and extracts. Shake and strain into the glass.


    • The white chocolate and sugar rim gives this cocktail a touch of sweetness, but if you like your cocktails on the sweeter side, add a bit of simple syrup to taste.
    • For the "parts", I used ounces aka 2 ounces heavy cream.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    OHHHH, another thing with DH. He's lost another 10 lbs. He did weigh 250 and is 6'3". He's down to 208. I said you are loosing weight cuz you don't do anything, you need to exercise. He says, I thought when you exercise you lose weight. Well, theoretically you do. But for you, you don't do anything so you are losing muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. You need to build your muscles back to gain weight. He asks, how do you know that, I think there's something else wrong. So he just doesn't want to listen to me. I know what the hell I'm talking about.

    Sorry for the long winded posts, but I missed a day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Sleet coming down on top of about an inch of snow this ayem. Very yucky out. Glad I don't have to be on the road today. It would definitely be a remote learning day today if school was in session. I'm glad there isn't a lot of wind, that will decrease the number of power outages, but outages there will be today, I'm sure. Sadie is not impressed with this weather at all. The squirrel is hunkered down somewhere so she doesn't have anyone to play with!

    Karen--praying for your SIL. Sounds like things should go pretty well.

    Chevy--Good grief, what a situation your brother and SIL are in! It seems like there should be someone at the dialysis center that can help them with temporary transportation. I feel sorry for your daughter, too. Hopefully all those problems will turn out to be relatively minor and easy, or at least not expensive, to fix!

    Beaver--Brrr--I may only keep my house around 65, but sure feel it as soon as the temp dips below 60!

    Chi--you really are getting hammered with the snow! I'd rather have snow than this sleet, but enough snow is just as bad. I LOL'd at the Hunger Games comparison! Very apt!

    Reader--Everything is easier to get through when you are younger!

    Karen--Prayers and hugs!

    Chevy--Wow, you have a pretty old house with lots of history! I've been chased by geese before, they can be some mean buggers! I can't imagine being chased to and from the outhouse, though.




    • 1 ounce anisette
    • 1 ounce white crème de cacao
    • 2 ounces heavy cream
    • White chocolate shavings, to garnish


    1. Shake the anisette, white crème de cacao and heavy cream in a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Strain the contents of the shaker into a chilled cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with the white chocolate shavings, and serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Hi friends- we are day 3 of storms here in New Mexico. We had a good drop of snow on Sat night into Sunday, more yesterday morning then most of it was gone by later in the day. I was able to get out for some much needed groceries after work yesterday before the new storms moved in. Woke up to a couple more inches on the ground today, and it's snowing again now but not heavily. We are expected to have snow moving to rain through tomorrow. I have not seen this much moisture here for days like this in a long time, but as you hear from us in the southwest, we are needing it with the drought. While we get inches here in the valley, the mountains are getting feet at a time. There are also avalanche problems out west again this year (UT and CO, nothing here yet).

    Wanted to give a big hug to everyone here who is without power, praying for Karen's SIL and family on the upcoming surgery, and other problems people are facing during this storm. I know TX is really in a bad place, I have people throughout the state from my days living there long ago and through my work connections. They say the country is 70% percent covered with snow. Praying everyone gets through this safely.

    Lubs you all

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Yep, Jazzy, this does not look like the Texas we know ! Not really looking out at the snow that much as we are keeping the blinds closed to preserve some heat. Still dealing with rolling blackouts and lots of us are without water. Think they said the last time it was this cold around here was 1989. Ironically, with all the snow, the air is really dry.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    It has finally stopped raining! So sorry about all the snow/cold related problems. My sister lives outside of Houston and is dealing with the power being on and off. They have a generator and use it to keep the refrigerator running and occasionally the heat. Fingers crossed it is over soon!

    My DIL is volunteering at the COVID drive-thru center this week. Her plan is to get a shot. Although, my DS#2 did this and did not get a shot. Also, it is supposed to be storming the day she is volunteering. Poor child just really wants to start the vaccine process her mother is very ill (diabetes side effects) and she is the only family member that has not had a shot.

    Will talk to my DS this afternoon about the therapist names I have found. I need him to call these folks and see about getting this process started. I doubt Mama can call for her 36 yr old son!

    Gotta get to work. Cleaned out and rearranged the washroom. Now will move stuff around in the liquor cabinet to absorb some soft drink bottles. The fun never ends!

    I had typed that up earlier, then got interrupted by my DIL. Thoughts are with all about the weather problems, energy problems and surgery problems. Take care

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Some funnies re the weather in TX. I realize that some folks are in a dire situation, and my prayers go out to all that are struggling with power and heat.

    The first one is quite appropriate for our thread...

    May be an image of text that says 'To all my northern friends...Your weather is down here in my yard drunk. I'm gonna need you to come down here and get it.'

    May be an image of text that says 'Sorry Texas, we've reached our snow limit, and we didn't have anywhere else to put it. Love, Michigan'

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    And then there's this, re the taking of Aunt Jemima off the syrup. Which I do have one, perhaps I should save it?

    May be an image of text that says 'Can we still order Black Coffee??? Are Brownies being taken off the shelf? Is White Castle changing it's name?...I'm sure Cracker Barrel is screwed...Car we still play Chinese Checkers? it still called an Indian burn? No more Italian sausages? How far do ya want to go with this foolishness?'

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    We just had a bit of an adventure. Snow guy made it and shoveled out the garage, but alley is impassable due to the hump down the center. Neighbor's Prius got stuck--I lent him my traction mats and another neighbor shoveled and coached. Turns out the guy is a local distiller and giving us a bottle of his bourbon! (He doesn't want a paczki, however).

    Housekeeper still snowed into her carport--her alley is also too deep. Her DH is gonna take an Uber to the V.A. for dialysis tomorrow. (I'll reimburse). Our cats are being semi-cooperative, though perplexed that "Daddy" and "Second Mommy" aren't here, just me.

    Bob will of course stay down in Oak Lawn another 2 nights. He woke up this morning to find his car buried up to the hood--hotel was handing out shovels to guests to dig themselves out. He is going to stop off at Target for more socks & underwear and another bottle of wine (I keep telling him he needs to ration). RR crossings along his routes are backed up because trains are getting stuck on the rails due to snow piling up beneath their cars. I told him he should order out not from a steakhouse but from Chuck's Southern Comfort because it's Mardi Gras. (I took the Valentine heart off our front door and replaced it with green/gold/purple beads. (Had planned to put them on our tree out front but too much snow on the branches).

    40 degrees & dry predicted for the 23d & 24th!

    DOTD may be some of that neighbor's bourbon...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    During a snowy day and less busy Zoom schedule, I decided to make some banana bread with a twist. Some chocolate chips with Lilly's no sugar added peices and some raw coconut shreds from the health food store. Came out great, one loaf for me and one loaf for?


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy, YUM!!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited February 2021

    Crossposted, I posted to the wrong thread, oops

    I just now have internet capability again, hi everyone! Still out of power and just lost our water but we're prepared, I even tapped into my emergency cocktail mixers, lol.

    I'm grateful to have good shelter, clothing and emergency preps (food, water, booze). Unfortunately, there are many in the city without, we're ok and can wait it out.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Good to hear, illimae. We are coping but will need water in another day or so. A neighbor who still has water has offered to share

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Illimae and Beaver - hope TX is able to restore heat/power to everyone and Beaver that you get your propane. TX got hit so hard.

    Jazz - I make banana muffins instead of banana bread - it freezes better as muffins and I eat one with breakfast. I get about 2 dozen -its just me who eats them - I add walnuts and chocolate chips - only way to go.

    Thanks everyone for your good wishes for SIL - his surgery went well - his gallbladder was full of gall stones. DD kept us updated all through the day via texts and then we spoke to her at dinner time and we face time with SIL for a couple minutes. We are all hoping that this solves everything. I ordered dinner for my daughter from a place she likes to eat at - it is near their house and by where SIL grew up - it felt so nice, when I said the order was for my daughter and her name - the person who answered the phone asked me how the surgery went. SIL's parents also grew up in the area where they live, so the family goes back over 65 years in the same area.

    I'm wired tonight - been up since 4:15am and now its 10:30 - going to have to crawl into bed soon and hope I fall asleep.

    Everyone stay safe, warm and healthy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! The sun is out over the very sparkly snow and sleet cover, looks so pretty this ayem. Then the breeze blows and brrrrrrr, the 16 degrees really does feel like 2 degrees! Even Sadie isn't impressed and she has a fur coat!

    Goldie-- looks like we knocked each other into the pool! I like your DOTD better, much fancier! That's a lot of weight for DH to have lost. And you are right, he is losing muscle weight and that is not a good thing, it will interfere with his being able to do anything for himself. And of course he won't listen to you. If there's something else going on why doesn't he see his doc and start working on figuring out what that is? And you know we don't mind long posts here.

    Jazzy--Snow and such that lasts for days really creates problems. Fortunately, storms around here generally last just one day. Keeping things going during a multi-day storm is a real challenge. People really are getting hammered, and I am praying for them. No power and cold temps are not a good combo if you'renot prepared for it, and this cold is hitting a lot of places that don't normally see it.

    Beaver--hugs and prayers.

    Librarian--hope your DIL gets her shot, and that DS has made some phone calls. All of housework has a ripple effect, clean up one area tips things over in the next and on and on!

    Goldie--LOL!I was reading somewhere that the people, who modeled for the Aunt Jemima syrup and pancake mix and Uncle Ben Rice have been getting royalties for years, and are now going to lose that income and are not happy about it and are calling it another form of racism, rebranding to get out of paying out on royalties. I'm not sure if that's actually true or not, but I do wonder what the ripple effects are going to be. Will we be accused of eliminating cultural references next?

    Chi--WOW, the hotel handing out shovels! I have never heard of that happening. But I suppose if there was so much snow they couldn't keep up with it they had to do something. I think I would just call a cab!

    Jazzy--Nice looking loaf!!

    Illi--welcome back to the cyber world! I like the idea of emergency cocktail mixers!

    Karen--so glad to hear the surgery went well. And so sweet of you to order food for them! Typical small town stuff, the person answering the phone recognizing the name.I hope you got to sleep ok.

    French Sparkle Cocktail

    French Sparkle Cocktail


    • 1 ounce raspberry vodka
    • 2 ounces mango nectar
    • 1 ounce Champagne
    • Garnish: mango slice
    • Garnish: black raspberry

    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a cocktail shaker, shake the vodka and mango nectar with ice.
    3. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    4. Top with Champagne.
    5. Garnish with a mango slice and a black raspberry.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Sandy, more paczki's for you! Can you freeze them if you don't eat all of them? Hope the bourbon is good. Handing out shovels....hmmmmm, I think they should be out there shoveling, not expecting guests to do it.

    Jazzy, I always put nuts and choc. chips in my banana bread, zucchini bread too. And if I make 2, I usually cut the loaves in half and freeze them like that. But knowing you, you will gift them to someone. I'm not a huge coconut fan.

    Babygirl, sorry about loss of water and especially having emergency cocktail mixers, and BOOZE! All in all, glad you are ok and can wait it out.

    Beaver, I hope all will be ok with you as well. Nice that you have a neighbor that will share the water. Hoping this doesn't turn into a disaster for you gals.

    Karen, hopefully you got some rest. Glad that all went well for your SIL's surgery, now to recover. And praying it fixed whatever the issue was.

    NM, both cocktails were pretty similar. I just found it funny that we both posted about the same drink. DH is seeing all kinds of doctors. To me, he doesn't want to accept what it is and the way to fix it. For instance it being due to sleep apnia, he wants nothing to do with a cpap, therefore it's something else. He's ordering some kind of foot massager, looking for a cream or a pill, or another doctor. Now he's wondering if it's Muscular Distrophy. I give up and just agree with everything he says. I did say something yesterday about getting a wheelchair. I had not heard that about the royalties for those folks. It's just redicockulous (as Cami would say), like when they banned the song "Baby it's Cold Outside". The French Sparkle sounds yummy.

    We just about had every weather possible yesterday, rain, snow, freezing rain, thunder, white outs and it was cold! Supposedly warming up come Friday in the 50's.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2021

    Goldie – I agree with you about all of this changes in products names. It's all crazy!

    ChiSandy – Great that the hotel handed out shovels. Even though people are having a rough time, it's great to see how people band together to help each other.

    Jazzy – the bread looks delicious! I never thought of putting coconut in banana bread, but I think it would taste great! I am sure that you won't have any trouble getting rid of that other loaf.

    Illimae & Beverntx – hoping that better weather will be on its way to you. I think that emergency cocktail mixers are a good idea and something that should be added to everyone's emergency box.

    Karen- I think the muffins are a good idea, especially when you don't have a house full of people and to help ration how much of it you (meaning me) eat. So glad that your SIL 's surgery went well. Hopefully, his healing will be quick.

    Native- I have lived in Florida so many years that I think I would have a hard time ever surviving a Maine winter. Glad you have Sadie. Sounds like you had a good time at your mom's last Sunday. I bet it makes her happy whenever you can go to see her.

    Cami – I am anxious to hear about the new house. I hope the move went smoothly…(does move's ever go smoothly???)

    You are right Jazzy, I am done working at the end of April. I am looking forward to it and am working on getting my desk and files cleaned out. You accumulate a lot of out of date clutter when you work somewhere for 35 years. I have memo's for zoning ordinances that are obsolete now. I have to keep my self focused on what needs to be done, I think I am burned out. They want to hire someone for me to train before I leave. There is another person that does the same job I do that can train, but maybe if the new person knows some of it before I leave it will help the other person a little.

    Between work and my family, I stay pretty busy. I don't always get time to post, but I am reading almost every day to keep up on things.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    We have water again, delightful to wash hand with soap and water instead of hand sanitizer! Power is still on and off, propane tank is at 10% and local office is not open. It is above freezing this afternoon, forecast is for 29 degrees tonight and beginning to warm up on Friday. Keeping the thermostat set at 60, using about 3% of the propane each day so hopefully we will make it without running the tank dry. Have put in two emergency calls but with 1 to 2 inches of ice on the roads the trucks are not running.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy - Gotta love auto correct. The change to Morning Rum not many of us will make it to lunch. ha ha

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Beav, glad your water is back and you're able to ration your propane. Illi, hang in there! Waiting to hear how Leslie's parents in Katy are doing.

    Bob made it home this afternoon, parking a couple of blocks away. He will be carrying his own shovel from now on. My housekeeper made it out to get her DH to dialysis too, and will be in tomorrow (parking on-street). The city was supposed to send garbage trucks down the alleys to tamp down a path for cars. Mine will be able to get out the garage and down one end of the alley so I can get to & from my mani-pedi (my housekeeper will drive and street-park and then I will drop her off at her car). People are mostly being nice about not "dibbing" spots they won't be using all day. Of course, anyone who "dibs" a spot they didn't dig out or pay to have dug out are scum, IMHO. You live and drive in a city that has winter, you know what you're getting yourself into. (Of course, even places like TX that don't normally get winter are being afflicted, not just affected).

    Gonna call a roofer tomorrow to rake the snow off our roof and chop the ice before it can melt and leak into our ceilings. Our snow guy has his hands full.

    Karen, glad your SIL's cholecystectomy went well (with multiple gallstones it definitely WAS "just what the doctor ordered"). Now for swift and full recovery!

    One pazcki left (I was bad--I had 1 and 1/2 yesterday and the other half this morning). Bob doesn't want it today (it's Ash Wednesday) but will eat it tomorrow, even stale.

    Since I have to serve a meatless meal tonight (a tuna poke bowl from a grocery delivery, a nuked pouch of canned crab bisque, Asian slaw and broccolini), DOTD will be the rest of the bubbly.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited February 2021

    Hi gals, DOTD should have been ginger ale as my gut was off today. The night prior we ordered pizza and i made my part sausage and onion for unknown reasons! I have become increasingly intolerant of "junk" and, shocking I know, feel so much better eating healthier fare. The price of admission to the aging club.

    DH workplace already called off as a big storm is coming. If he were "really" retired we'd work out our schedules; but when he's home a lot for weather or just to burn leave it seems like I get so much less done 🙄 so i already told him I'm leading a zoom study group tomorrow afternoon and plan accordingly, haha!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Reader stay safe.