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how about drinking?



  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning! Hope everyone has had a good weekend so far. It is very difficult to hear about the pain many have endured during their youth. It is wonderful that there are helper people around to get them through their situations. People can be awful, but often hidden in there are others that will support you.

    Yesterday I was terribly lazy. Some how last week I injured my back. I am thinking it was washing pollen off some of the outdoor furniture. Then I had to lay on the CT table along with sitting in some hard backed chairs to play cards. Anyhow, I hopped that sitting still would help with the twinges. As long as I am still nothing hurts. Also, nothing gets done! I might clean some more chairs and hope for a different result.

    Next week is pretty open. I have a haircut appointment and DH has a dentist appointment at the same time on the same day. And Ziggy (the dog) will come back for his week of babysitting. DH is unhappy two of his NASCAR races were rained out. They will run them today and he will miss much of the Masters.

    I really want to loose weight. A friend told me that cutting out calories from white wine would help with that. Unfortunately, I LOVE to drink white wine!!! I am trying to limit and maybe drink a vodka tonic instead.

    Take care everyone and I will catch up later.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Hi gals! Yes, those of you who work with kids or adults are sometimes in a life-saving situation! Maybe you don't realize it, but your words, or showing of support can help anyone who is maybe not even reaching out. Especially little kids. See, if they are living in a home with an alcoholic, they think that's how ALL men/women are. And their Grandparents, if one of them is ALSO an alcoholic, well that's just life! Yes Kim, you could even use examples! That you knew someone who was having a hard time, when they were little, but they didn't know any different! Life is what you are living! I used to love to walk to my girl-friends house, because none of them were fighting!

    They don't know that is not the way to live... they just know about the fighting & screaming, and getting spanked just because! And now-a-days, maybe it's drugs along with alcohol!

    And what else can they do? They see differences at their friends houses, or even their own Relations, but just growing up in turmoil is all they know. And maybe mental illness develops, but I think that's it's more not being able to learn the difference between living peacefully & not running for your life, when your Parents start fighting.

    Okay, Karen! Don't worry about someone on FB... Sometimes we follow a group, and after awhile those people go sideways, so just un-follow, or ignore them. We really can't hit them over the head with a cast-iron skillet, so we just have to ignore them, or "hide" their comments... ! Some people are just looking for a chance to show others their perceived superiority on subjects! We don't need them. And yes, there have been a few on the blog here! We just stay away....

    Sorry about your back JCSL! DANG! Back problems are the worst! Use lots of heat, and relax!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Chevy- I agree with you so much on the above. I grew up in a family with a lot of addiction issues and mental health issues (the two often go hand in hand). We all learn how to survive growing up in our families of origin, but the hard thing is that as we get into adulthood, those same survival skills we learned as kids don't serve us very well in our adult lives. Took me years to unlearn ALOT from my family and now work to really not emulate some of their very unhealthy behaviors. Helping young people to see another way of being is so important. We have some saints on this thread.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Thanks Jazzy... Yes, I think going through those bad times make us in to what we are today, right? And the crazy part for me was, the guy I met when I had just graduated High School grew up in the same type of family! We went steady, then engaged, for over 1 1/2 years before we got married! But his folks stayed here... Mine were in California! But we tolerated them... Until I finally said no-more. No more signing for them because they had no credit! They didn't care! Almost ruined OUR credit, and we were just starting! Some people are just not worth your time & effort... Geez, reminds me of so many things those two people did!

    The only time we asked them to babysit our 3 yr old Daughter, we came back, and HE had her on his lap teaching her how to smoke! Never did THAT again!

    Oh well our life is how we make it... We grow up, and learn from other's mistakes, right?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    I must admit that whenever we go out I have a glass of bubbly (usually cava, as I find prosecco too sweet, and most places charge too much for French "real" champagne). I don't drink every day, and when I eat alone at home my accompanying drink (especially with spicy food) is seltzer with plenty of lime. This is Bob's "Hell Weekend" (one out of 3 weekends he makes it home in time for dinner, another weekend he's either completely off or has to put in only half a day reading echos, and the third weekend--this one--he rounds at all three hospitals and keeps a "go bag" in the car in case he works so late and must be in so early the next day that he stays at a hotel down in Oak Lawn). Last night I ate Mexican leftovers, so lots of seltzer & lime, and an ounce--I measured it, 2 squirts from the Coravin--of The Prisoner red with "al pastor" pork, as DsOTD. This early aft. I walked to brunch and sat outside--chilly but sunny, and my puffer jacket did the trick. Had my usual cava+quiche (no crust) & salad. The patio was full, the indoor was a ghost town. No more alcohol today. (Got some fresh coffee beans I've been dying to try, so I'm headed to the kitchen to brew a pour-over of Pacamara).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    As to those snotty comments on FB about Stage IV patients being the only breast cancer patients allowed to call themselves "survivors?" Really? That if you've had any kind of cancer that hasn't spread and you're alive to tell about it you're not a "cancer survivor?" Oh, please. By that measure I'm not an ocular melanoma survivor either...until it metastasizes (which it likely will). Or you can't be a "COVID survivor" unless you'd been hospitalized and intubated for it? Some people have humongous chips on their shoulders (or feel a need to claim a status that makes them feel special). I'd call Stage IV patients "metavivors" (there's an organization named that), but IMHO (and that of my oncologists), if you had cancer and are alive to tell about it, you're a "survivor:" you become one from the date of diagnosis and remain one until you shuffle off this mortal coil.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Interesting on the FB survivor thing, most stage IV folks I know, dislike the term, primarily because we are so unlikely to actually survive this. Metavivor and Thriver are the terms commonly used, I prefer thriver myself since that’s what I’m doing despite the disease.

    I made a batch of crabs cakes for dinner and will enjoy a glass (or 2) of sweet red.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Illimae, "thriver" is the right term. I have a friend diagnosed 17 yrs. ago Stage IV de novo. She still teaches modern dance.

    Done with alcohol for the day. Dinner tonight is mix-&-match Mediterranean, and I've got a fridge full of Bubli to wash it down. I love the pink grapefruit flavor, which my MO says (for drug interaction purposes) doesn't count as "grapefruit." I have some strawberries on their last legs (shrunken & intensely sweet), so I'll slice them & put a few drops of aged balsamico on top for dessert and hope that can suffice as my "sweets of the day." Been late-night eating to beat insomnia (doesn't help that Bob comes downstairs to do the same), and the cravings are always for carbs like Cheerios, paleo granola or dark chocolate. A sign, perhaps, that I need to go back to keto?

    I love crabcakes, but for me the wine's gotta be either bubbly or a fruity yet dry white. Sweet red, though, is dark chocolate's best friend!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Sandy, wow, 17 years! Your friend is incredibly fortunate, good for her, I’m pleased she is well enough to still do what she enjoys.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! It seems I spoke too soon about yesterday's weather. By the time Mom and I got to the nursery the sun had come out and the sky was clearing off beautifully. The breeze was a tad chilly, making a light jacket a necessity. Mom and I got a couple of succulents each, and I picked up a couple of little unicorn pots to add to my collection of little fun pots at school. I need to find some chia seeds or something similar to grow in them to make it look like they have hair. There were booths with jewelry, maple syrup, whirligigs and even a table selling cupcakes. Very yummy cupcakes. We got some for dessert. Then we went and ate in a restaurant and then stopped in a shop that Mom wanted to check out. All in all it was a very, very nice day.

    Sadie was a little miffed that I didn't bring home a special treat for her. She told me so by sniffing me all over, and trying to empty out my bag when I got home. It took 5 extra belly rubs to make it up to her!

    Karen--looks like we bumped each other into the pool! OK, so that yahoo that posted about only people with a Stage 4 diagnosis are survivors, is she a Stage 4? That's like saying that someone isn't a heart attack survivor unless they had a full cardiac arrest with CPR and shocks. She is full of bologna. Of course, we could always say we are bc TREATMENT survivors.

    Jazzy--Wow, what a wonderful time you had catching up with all those friends!I sure hope this is a taste of how things will be moving forward. That Miss Sweet Pea looks and sounds absolutely lovely!

    Librarian--I hope the back twinges go away soon. It's fine that things don't hurt when you don't move, but it does mean that nothing gets done! Sounds like the week will be a busy one for you.I know you've probably already told us, but what kind of doggo is Ziggy? Why is it that the calories from foods and drinks that we like are so much more fattening than the same number of calories from foods and drinks we don't like?

    Chevy--I can't fathom what life is like for kiddos in bad home situations who, like you point out, don't know any different kind of life even exists. And drugs are a big item these days. All I can do is keep the lines of communication open, provide a safe place to go to, and pray for them.

    Chi--Boy, that is quite the weekend schedule for Bob!

    Illi--I can see where Thriver is a better term than survivor. Never heard of Metavivor until today! Learning something new.

    Failure to Thrive

    2 oz of Bourbon

    1/2 oz of creme de cacao (or chocolate liqueur)

    1/4 oz of raspberry liqueur

    Build in a rocks glass with a large rock.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Thanks everyone - I was annoyed when I posted, but I'm so over that woman - Illimae - I love your term. Thriver is a great word. When I was first diagnosed, I was told you are a survivor from the day you heard those horrid words. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just don't have patience for people who put others down. Speaking of Metavivor - my birthday is less than a month away (65) and you know how fb does b'day fundraisers, I'm going to do Metavivor for my charity - they do so much good with research. I've been supporting them for year. I have a great hoodie from them I got about 5 years ago.

    Counting the weeks till summer break - 7 weeks! It has been a LONG year!!! I've been a School Psychologist for 30+ years and this by far has been the hardest all around - for kids, for staff. The key to success with the kiddos is having a connection in school - an adult they feel comfortable going to for whatever. Obviously in my position, I see kids all day - IEP minutes, just to talk, crisis etc, as well as assessments, crisis, teacher consult, parent consult etc and of course the dreaded calls to DHS - but over the years they no longer bother me as I know it is best for the child. I truly still love what I do, but glad to be winding down my career - after this year - 3 years, maybe 4.

    Israel says they will open the country in a month if there is NOT an up tick in cases. They are at 0.5% positivity. So there is a slight chance we may get to travel this summer - depends on the quarantine situation. We have been fully vaccinated for 2 1/2 months.

    Canada is a hot mess. Trudeau has really done a job on the country. They are only vaccinating 55+. My daugther was set to get vaccine on Sunday as she teachers ECE but it got cancelled. MySIL got his first shot in rehab but has to wait 16 weeks for second shot. Trudeau says he would rather vaccinate everyone with one shot and wait 4 months for second, then fully vaccinate people. He has terrible under ordered the supply of vaccines. Ontario is on lockdown again. My daughter is beyond frustrated and disgusted about the whole thing.

    Well, I best get busy for the day - need to check emails before my first meeting at 8 (yes, it's only 5:45 here now).

    Have a great Monday.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Karen, thank you for adding to the metavivor talk. I support them too and do go some friends by choosing them for their Amazon smile charity. I love that they volunteer their time (I was in discussions to drive the metavivor van for a short leg through Texas but covid was just kicking off) and that 100% goes to research.

    No drinks for a few days, got scans on Wednesday and Thursday, I’ll check back in soon.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Karen, there are people on these boards that are like that. If you are not stage IV you have no business being on this thread, or you have no business stating "X". Don't let it get to you. How is your SIL doing?

    NM, sorry your weather flopped on you, had you known you could have switched your plans. Ahhh, it changed and became nice out, good deal. Hopefully Sadie will like her new bed, but you know what they say about teaching a new dog old tricks! If she doesn't like it, maybe you can donate it to someone else.

    Jazzy, dry and windy here too. Your outing sounded perfect. So glad you got to see friends and then some you weren't even expecting. The Miss Sweet Pea looks yummy. What was the citrus garnish.

    JCS, sorry about the back. Being lazy was probably the best thing for you to do so it could heal some.

    ED OMG, your FIL was trying to teach your 3 yo to smoke?

    Sandy, I agree with, if you had cancer and are alive, you are a survivor. For me and me only, being stage IV I say I'm SURVIVING.

    Heard from our friend (Tammy) Friday evening via text. I'll be there in the morning! Leaving my house at 3:30 am. Whaaaaat! So I jump up and start cleaning. I was rather pissed, but it's ok and my DH really wanted her to come and bring her little Bentley, the little chocolate poodle, if you remember. So all in all it's ok. Of course I get nothing done! But such is life these days and I need to think of my DH's needs and wants as we go through this terrible disease.

    For my nurse friends. DH is really concerned with coming into great pain with ALS. I have not read much on the disease, but know it's muscle loss. I thought he would just basically be like paralized cuz the muscles don't work, but of course he can still feel (so not paralized), but will it cause great pain?

    Had the gal that is helping me pack orders and her DH over yesterday to plan out a ramp for DH. They are so kind. Tammy will help me today with orders. I was not allowed over the weekend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Karen, 4 months is too long between doses--the CDC is saying that 42 days should be the max. interval. Trudeau may know gov't but he apparently doesn't know squat about medicine. IL has opened vax eligibility today to anyone over 16. Chicago is waiting till next Mon. for those over 16 w/o medical risk factors, but Gov. Pritzker & Cook County will have their vaccination centers welcome any Chicagoan not yet eligible to get a shot w/in city limits. Chicago's health commissioner is advising Chicagoans who can't wait to cross the border into IN, where Gary's state-run site has agreed to vaccinate them (20% of IN's shots have already gone to Illinoisans--makes sense, since there's so much cross-border fluidity between IL, IN & WI for work & shopping). The city's positivity rate is up to 5.1, the state 4.4 and test positivity 4.9%. Not good. Mitigations will be tightened again once positivity reaches 8%.

    When it rains it pours. Bob got a very late start today--he cut his earlobe while shaving and it wouldn't stop bleeding. Went (walked around the corner) to Urgent Care, where they glued the cut closed, gave him a tetanus booster, and observed him for 30 min. to make sure the glue held and he didn't get a reaction to the booster. Upside was that by the time he left for work, the Lake Shore Dr. bridge over the river had reopened after repairs, and he didn't need to detour.

    But then I got a text from my BFF. Her husband (my co-BFF), who recently learned last fall he has Parkinson's and not tardive dyskinesia, suddenly began having expressive aphasia (disjointed sentences, no articles or prepositions, just verbs & nouns hesitant & out of place) so they rushed to the ER at Evanston Hosp. He had no other stroke symptoms, and a CT scan came up negative for any anomalies. Awaiting MRI results. He had no brain injuries (no falls) so that was ruled out as a cause of any damage to Broca's area (the part of the frontotemporal lobe that controls speech). We're waiting. She asked me if he has to be admitted whether she can come over for coffee despite being only a week post-second-shot. I told her of course. We have a whole lot of praying to do (she & my HK are Northern Baptists, Bob's Catholic, I'm Jewish but my co-BFF is an atheist--and former Episcopalian divinity student).

    So DOTD will be coffee out on the deck with my BFF.

    Bob had a former colleague with ALS, but they weren't close (the guy had already retired when diagnosed) so we don't know if he felt pain. I do know that perception and the intellect remain razor-sharp till the very end.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Hi ladies- just a quick pop in. What is with all these judgy people around cancer diagnoses? I do think people who have not had cancer or supported someone through treatment just are clueless about the whole thing, but I think there is a kind of judgemental behavior around things around anyone who has had cancer or living with it. I told few about it at the time, but only shared with a few since and mostly when someone I know got diagnosed and when they needed some support. I had to listen to too much BS early on from some about why I got it, how to treat it, how to keep it from coming back or the ever popular "you are all done with that now" commentary. I cut a few people loose from my life as a result too (and don't miss them). I am sorry for the icky comments on FB friends, and find it is a very mean place anymore where all bullies like to live.

    Ill- you my dear are most certainly thriving despite a lot of the challenges. What good things did you eat lately?

    Goldie- I think that was a peice of dried and sugared tangerine in my drink. I did not eat it, but it was pretty!

    Karen- I heard Canada is a mess. Brazil is so bad with covid right now and their leader is not helping. The world still feels very in trouble with all this to me.

    Back to my Zooms. I know no one is jealous...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Lori - thanks for asking about my SIL. He's been home for 2+ weeks now - he tires easily but is so positive and so happy he can again eat anything without pain.

    Jazz and Sandy - Canada is a big cluster you know what!!!! Trudeau has made a mess of the country and shots. In ON schools are closed again. Who knows when I'll get to see my DD#1 and SIL.

    Sandy sorry to hear about your friend and your husband's trip to urgent care. Glad it wasn't any worse for your husband.

    Cold rainy and maybe snowy weather. 40s today and cloudy and the nicest day of the week.

    Sweet dreams.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Bob says that sometimes stroke evidence (bleeds, infarcts, clots) can take up to 24 hrs. to show up on scans. Our co-BFF, though, had no other symptoms: no paralysis/hemiplegia, no gait disturbance, no pain, no fatigue, no facial droop--just the expressive aphasia. But besides Parkinson's (my second friend to be diagnosed with it at age 65), there are other neuro-degenerative diseases. Keeping our fingers crossed, saying our respective prayers (or wishes for healing vibes).

    Anyway, my co-BFF was discharged from the ER, and his wife didn't want to leave him home alone, so she didn't come over. But if he gets admitted, she will--the coffee will be on and our table will be hers.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Life got interesting on the way home from school yesterday. The jeep decided to break down. The engine started revving up and down, and then popped out of gear and I could not get it back into gear again. Fortunately, I could coast through the intersection and get pulled off the road.So I get on the phone, arrange for a tow, make a rental car reservation, and arrange for Mom to meet me at the dealer. Tow truck will be by in an hour, according to the AAA dispatcher. Took him an hour and a half to arrive. No big deal, I can cope with that. Meet Mom at the garage, go to the car rental office, it's closed even though I reserved a pick up time. Can't get through to anyone by phone. Go back on line, make another reservation with another agency, Mom drives me to the airport. I go into take care of the paperwork, they don't accept debit cards. I don't have a credit card. Have to call Mom to come in use her card and I write her a check. Finally get everything settled, and get home around 8 pm. Didn't get to sleep until after 11, which is way late for me. So I'm getting up a bit tired this morning. But I can get to work, the rest I can deal with as I find out what is going on. Sadie's comment was "What took you so long getting home tonight? I need belly rubs!"

    Karen--I've got a break next week, and I'm looking forward to it! And I'm looking forward to summer break, too. 8 weeks away for me. I hope you do get to travel to Israel this summer. I did not realize the immunization situation in Canada was so difficult. I can imagine how frustrated your DD must be.

    Illi--good luck with the scans, may they go smoothly and give good results.

    Goldie--Sadie hasn't touched the bed yet that I can tell. Good idea to find someone to give it to or donate it.Hmm, serendipity, there's a news item just now that the Bangor Humane Society is looking for donations and dog beds are on the list! ALS does not cause great pain. What pain there is comes from the decreasing ability to move about --the kind of pain you feel when you sit in one position too long. It's easily managed with deliberately changing position regularly andTylenol or Advil type over-the-counter-pain medication. Rarely are strong pain killers needed. You probably remember me mentioning Auntie Linda's Bed, Breakfast and Boarding Kennel? Auntie Linda had ALS and did not have any pain right up until the end. Sounds like you've got a good circle of friends ready and willing to help out, that is a very good thing! When you have a moment check out the ALS Association at have a lot of information and also connect people with equipment that is very helpful.

    Chi--Bob sure had a rough morning! I hope they can pin down what is happening with BFF's husband.

    Jazzy--isn't it amazing how people with no experience or education about a topic can become instant experts? I've cut a few of those loose, too, over the years.

    Cherry Tuesday recipe

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Sandy - I hope your co-bff only has Parkinsons - the Parkinsonian category of diseases are horrid - PSP, CBD, MSA and Lewy Body. Usually they are mis diagnosed as Parkinsos till treatment (meds) doesn't work then a movement disorder neurologist is called into the picture and that is when the Dx is made.

    Sandy - sorry to hear about the JEEP, hope its nothing serious. Yup car rental companies don't take debit cards as a rule. On one of our trips to see my late MIL, the couple in front of us a the airport only had a debit card and were turned away. I guess they can't put a hold for the money on it. I use my CC all the time, but pay off the balance every month. Enjoy your spring break next week.

    Today is my last day at one of my coverages and they are doing big stakes state testing so I really can't see any of my kids. I was thinking I should go to my new school, but I can be around to see kiddos that need support. I will see the other kiddos remotely and be in the building next week. Accommodations ( to work remotely - I've been 50-50) go away starting the 26th. I've been deciding if I want to fight it as I got it cuz hubby is 65+ as they considered that high risk - I"ll be in that category 2 weeks after the 26th - I don't mind going into the building a 3rd day - but I'd like to keep my 4th day remote since its mostly meetings and paperwork. I'll first talk to HR and my boss. They said at the beginning of the year the accommodations could go away when more kids were back in person and many staff are vaccinated. But cases are rising again - we are close to 6%, first time since January so that makes me a little nervous. But I won't argue - my boss is great so she may let me stick with what I've had all year.

    Woke up at 3 to pee, then at 4 - almost go up but lay in bed and fell back to sleep till 5:15. Now using my Cubii - will go till 6:30 then shower and leave for work by 7:30 as I have an IEP meeting at 8-8:30 and don't want to do that driving.

    Have a great Tuesday. Yucky weather here all day - and most of the rest of the week. I'd much rather have snow than rain as I don't like walking in rain, but will in snow. This is spring time in the Rockies.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Sandy, you were talking about a small infarct? Stoke... a small infarct near the 8th cranial nerve happened to me one night, (a stroke) and I woke up having lost my hearing! I took Tamoxifen for over 1 12 years, and somehow, in a certain group of women with a certain gene, this can happen! I didn't know how this happened! I thought I had allergies, so for a few months, I tried everything I could to hear again! I researched it, and remembered my Husband saying, "it has to have something to do with what you are taking".... Researching more, I found you COULD have strokes, or any other number of SE's from ANY drug you take. And other women on this blog had the same thing happen.,

    I didn't ever say much about it on here because I know Tamoxifen really helps a lot of people! My hearing never came back, but I have been wearing hearing aids for YEARS! At least it makes hearing somewhat normal.

    My childhood friend also had a stroke one day, while watering her lawn! She was left in a wheel-chair, almost unable to speak! Aphasia, and I don't know anything else about it! But when I would visit her, she could make sounds, and get excited, but she couldn't form words! GEEZ, I was so worried about her.

    Her Son moved in with her, but now she is in a care-center, and I've lost contact with her... I was told she wouldn't know me now... Kind of breaks your heart, growing up, and always talking with each other, and then ...... something happens!

    Life is truly a gift.... I thank God for every day, and pray for a million more tomorrow's .... together.... Heart

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Another beautiful day shaping up here. Everyone at school is looking forward to next week's break. The timing is perfect for the High School, they just had 50 students go into quarantine. Not fun for them to be in quarantine during the break, but at least not missing more than a few days of school.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Karen--I hope it's nothing too serious with the Jeep, too. I haven't used a credit card since I was in my 20's and got into trouble with it and needed my parents' help to out of trouble. I suppose I need to get one now, even if I don't use it except for things like this. They can put hold money on a debit card, it happens every time I buy gas. Whatever, it's their business, they get to choose how to run it. Fortunately I don't need to rent a car very often. Don't blame you for not wanting to go back to full time, in person in school with the way case numbers are trending these days. The vaccine helps protect against the variants but isn't totally protective, and the variants seem to be growing in prevalence in leaps and bounds. Hopefully your boss will let you keep going the way you are. After all, it's work so far this year.

    Chevy--Yikes, what a crazy thing to have happen! It is true that just about any drug can cause just about any side effect, particularly any drug that has an effect on hormones. Strokes do seem to come out of the blue sometimes, too. So sad what they can do to a person. Live really is a gift, and surprisingly fragile at times.

    Jim's Sweet & Sour Ginger Cocktail




    • Fill a Mason Jar or similar sized glass with ice.
    • Add Rye, Sweet & Sour and Simple syrup stir
    • top with Ginger Ale
    • Serve


    If you don't like the Rye or do not have any make this drink with any good bourbon.

    Homemade Sweet & Sour Cocktail Mix

    Sour Mix

    Easy to make essential cocktail ingredient.

    • Author: Trippingvittles
    • Prep Time: 10 min
    • Total Time: 10 minutes
    • Category: Cocktails


    • 1 cup Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
    • 1 cup Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
    • 1 cup Simple Syrup ,cooled


    1. Squeeze Lemons and Limes measuring out a full cup of each. This is my favorite way to juice for cocktails Hand held citrus squeezer
    2. Add the cup of cooled Simple Syrup
    3. Whisk together and store in refrigerator.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Kim - DD#2 is just getting her first American CC - and I need to work with her how to use it wisely and to pay it in full monthly. She wanted it to build credit. She has been using mine which pay the full balance monthly. I hold the rule that I don't buy anything I can't afford - except car safety and medical - thankfully we've been able to live with this philosophy since forever. You are debt free so your way is working for you. Usually we only rented cars visiting our parents - or my DH for work (which work paid for).

    Our positivity rate was up to 7% yesterday but our dear governor is acting like its no big deal loosening restrictions while at the same time saying it will get worse before it gets better!! Me, I'm keeping all safety precautions.

    Up again at 3. to pee, then back to sleep till 4 and lay in bed for as long as I could till 4:40. This habit is getting old!

    Supposed to snow tonight. Spring time in the Rockies!

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Hi gals... Just a reminder... Whenever you carry any kind of credit or debit card, it's best to keep it in a holder that is either metal or RFID protected!

    We were walking through a big mall one time... That night MasterCard called and first asked if I was so & so... If yes, stay on the line, if no, hang up. Then a gal came on the line and asked if I used my debit card to charge airline tickets on Spirit air, AND then someone in Florida ALSO was charging a ticket with my account! The person here, gave my info to their friend in Florida!

    A RFID reader was used to "read" my card IN my purse, IN my wallet, remotely! You can get these things online, and use them to "steal" a card, by just sitting near someone, or walking past a person.

    MasterCard cancelled my card, got a new one, but I had Identity Theft now! Had to report it to the credit card agencies, Social Security, Denver Police, because even though they could not use my care now, they still had my information. SS sends me a pin number ever year, to add to our tax forms when filing now. So glad MasterCard "knew" something was fishy, due to my previous use of the card!

    THEN about a year later Capitol One kept sending me letters, and when I finally called them to say I didn't even HAVE an account with Capitol One, they said someone is trying to open up a credit account, with my name.,,, It was then reported by them... but MAN, I thought it would never end!

    Just be careful... If you have to carry your cards, protect them in a holder or protective case where they can't be "read" by someone next to you.... and only keep a minimum amount in your checking, and check it online every day or so.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! Another lovely day here. Might get some rain latter tomorrow. Yesterday I asked DH to help me with the chairs in the courtyard. He did the actual chair pads and I did the frames. All is clean now, but my back is really hurting. Just too much bending over. It is like I asked DH to hire a lawn service. We got a quote and have been arguing about it ever since. I thought it was affordable, but he thinks it is silly. I keep telling him that I have resigned from heavy yard work. He admits it is hard for him, but wants to keep doing it.

    We took Ziggy to the river walk yesterday. Beautiful area with people and dogs walking by one of our rivers. It is an area that has many places where you can hike. This is one we had not been to before. It was really fun and Ziggy was well behaved. We will be going back!

    Today I get my hair trimmed and DH goes to the dentist at the same time. We will manage. Below is a pic of the dog. He is a mutt that was found in a culvert outside of Charleston. Pretty, but kinda anxious. The other guy is my DH! Take care.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Karen, glad your SIL is doing well, especially after how scared he and everyone else were. Sorry about the cluster x^l*%$ in Canada. I too plan on keeping all safety precautions.

    Sandy, sorry about your friends.

    NM, sorry for woes with Pearl and the mishaps afterwards. Just glad you are ok. Thank you for commenting on the pain with ALS and link. And yes, I remember Auntie Linda.

    Chevy, I have heard of that hearing loss from the Tamoxifen too. Sorry about your friend and the stroke.

    NM, hopefully the kids that have to quarantine during break do so!

    JCS, I say if DH doesn't want to pay for lawn service, then he is more than welcome to do it. And when he can't or doesn't want to, you will be hiring. Stick to your guns girl. Ziggy is quite the handsome fella.

    Well, Tammy has gone home, she was a great bit of help and it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. DH was more excited to see Bentley! Looks like today is a light load work wise, so perhaps I can get some outside work done. Heading to Flagstaff tomorrow for 2 dr. appts. for DH.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    My BFF is a polio survivor and former smoker, and was poisoned by his former landlady: who bought their building & wanted to convert it to condos, and my BFFs' lease was still in effect--so the landlady had workmen knock holes in their kitchen wall, saying it was to fix gas lines; but then had more workmen come in and refinish the floors of the vacant unit immediately below, with exterior-grade high-VOC varnish whose fumes permeated my BFFs' apt. and much of their possessions (including linens & furniture, which could not be sufficiently decontaminated and needed to be discarded. Everyone in their household got sick, but all but he recovered. I referred them to the top personal injury law firm in town--who hired toxicologists to prove the poisoning. Unfortunately, it was impossible to trace the workmen--they were likely undocumented--and the landlady's atty. claimed they were independent contractors, so the case had to be dropped for inability to prove liability. They bought a condo one neighborhood over, so as never again to fall victim to a landlord. (And they're now on their condo board). He has recurrent cluster headaches (preexisting), COPD (was on supplemental O2 for a time) and early pulmonary HTN. He also was on medication for bipolar disorder and was originally dx'ed with tardive dyskinesia from the meds, before a new neurologist re-dx'ed him with Parkinson's.

    Bob says if there's an occlusion in an artery serving Broca's area, but no infarct damage, a CT or standard MRI would not show it and therefore come back normal. He suggests an MRV/MRA, with the possibility of stenting or TPA being able to at least partially reverse the aphasia. They're seeing the neuro tomorrow (first appt. they could get).

    So my friend came over last night to decompress--DsOTD (besides cappuccinos) were a Manhattan for her (and later Bob when he got home) and a Moscow Mule for me, which was good but not worth the carbs & calories. I realized that I am not a cocktail person--too sweet, too boozy. Wine, sparkling water, and coffee are my quaffs of choice.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to a weather report that includes snow on Friday. Snow. Just as the grass is getting green and looking like needing a first cutting. Gotta love spring in Maine!

    Thing may have just gotten way more complicated at school, COVID-wise. Since school opened the drill has been that a child with 1 major or 2 minor symptoms of COVID is sent home and needs a negative test and 24 hours symptom free before coming back to school. If the test is positive, the child is considered contagious from 48 hours before the symptoms started. That's the time frame used for contact tracing and identifying who needs to go into quarantine. At a meeting with the Dept of Ed and CDC rep yesterday, it was announced that is changing to one symptom, ANY symptom, happening within 10 days of the positive test. Meaning we now need to send every child with ANY symptom home for quarantine and testing. Starting day before yesterday. And guess who is the first to be told this? School Nurses. No doctors have been told. No public announcement has been made. No written guideline changes have been posted or published anywhere. Who has to inform everyone involved about a change that does not have any research to back it up (other than "this is what the CDC is doing as of yesterday") that is going to create absolute havoc in the community and in the schools? School Nurses. The blow up on the meeting was intense and biting. The moderator shut the meeting down early when nurse after nurse spoke of the difficulty of making changes this way, of announcing a major change without having any background info and not being able to answer any questions and then expecting us to carry the ball going forward with no support. I think it is going to be VERY interesting at work today once this little gem of info starts circulating.

    I was telling Sadie about all this last night and she reminded me that there is only today and a half day tomorrow before April break. By the time school resumes this will have gotten worked out.

    Karen--Maine's positivity rate has been pretty steady at right around 4% for quite a while now. What's funny is the hospitalization numbers are going up again, even though the positivity rate is holding pretty steady. And the affected people are getting younger. I guess it's the same trend as many other places, and is influenced by the fact that a large percentage of older people are now vaccinated.And I'm not debt free, I am still paying off a school load from the Master's degree. Debt-free is getting closer, though!

    Chevy--good point about the RFID blocker or metal holder for credit and debit cards. Wow, that sounds like a great catch by MasterCard! My credit union does the same thing on my debit card. Any charge that looks at all different from my usual ones triggers a check. And any overseas charge triggers a check, too.

    Librarian--Ziggy is a handsome boy! So is DH! The river walk sounds lovely. I bet everyone enjoys that space. I'm sorry you and DH are arguing about the lawn service. I've reached a point where I would rather pay someone to do the work so I can spend more time enjoying theyard and deck.

    Goldie--I'm glad Tammy was a help and the visit went well. Good advice to Librarian, too. I have very little confidence that the school kids will actually quarantine during break. Well, the High School students probably will, they have a much better understanding of whole situation and can see that it will impact whether or not they have a senior prom this year. The middle and elementary school kids? Nope, they don't follow the guidelines at all. One student has figured out that refusing to be swabbed for test gets 2 weeks out of school and is on round 2 of this tactic. Same student is outside playing with classmates every day after school. When COVID hits that housing complex it's going to explode. I just hope that happens during the summer when I won't be in the middle of it all!

    Chi--Wow, what a nasty landlady that was! It's amazing to me that she could get away with that.

    Thirsty Thursday Lemon Cocktail recipe main photo


    1 Servings

    1. cubes Few ice
    2. 1/4 Cup Vodka
    3. 1/2 Cup Soda Water
    4. 1/2 Cup Lemon Soda
    5. 1/2 Lime and Lemon Wedge for Garnish


    1. Half fill a glass with ice cubes
    2. Pour in the vodka
    3. Add soda water to the mix
    4. Top up with Krest Lime soda
    5. Squeeze Lime and lemon juice into the glass
    6. Garnish with slices of lemon and lime

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Native - what a mess - at least you have spring break coming up - hope you get to use the time for you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Just a link to understand what can happen when you carry your important cards around with you when not in a protective case.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Chevy - thanks for the reminder about RFID. Neither my purse or wallet are RFID protected - but I. have a couple little RFID holders that I need to start using. I pretty much only go to the grocery store once/week and in person work 2 days/week and Costco monthly - but better safe than sorry.

    Still trying to figure out what to do about the accommodations - keep doing what I'm doing without talking to my supervisor or be up front with her. The school I'm starting to cover was okay with 1 day remote and1 day in person based on my accommodation prior to the announcement by the district powers to be on Monday. After this week, we only have 6 weeks left in the school year.

    Snow has started - so far it's wet, big flakes but we are supposed to get 3+ inches - we need the moisture.

    Have a great evening.