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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    imagespring time in the Rockies😀

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day! Chilly and clammy this ayem, with a storm headed in. Supposed to be rain this ayem and not turn to snow until this afternoon. I may take advantage of the option to work from home this peeyem, and leave school when the kiddos do. I will keep an eye on things and see how things work out. The nursing team decided to not change what we are doing as far as screening for COVID and decisions to send kids home, at least for now. When/if we get more information from the powers that be since what we are doing is working. The thought is that this is a response to the increase in variants circulating in Maine with their increased transmissibility among younger folks and children. We're in a no-win situation between parents and governmental pressure to reopen schools to full time in person learning and CDC guidelines that will essentially shut down schools nearly 100% of the time. This is getting very tiring. I am glad of the break that starts at the end of school today!

    Sadie says to just let all that stuff take care of itself over the next week or so and just spend time rubbing her belly. I like that idea, but I do have to do some stuff around the house as well! We'll have to negotiate on that.

    Karen--I am taking time for myself this coming week, including a belated annual physical appointment.

    Chevy--great video, and frightening, too. Time to look into getting a new wallet with RFID blocking.

    Karen--very pretty, but really, in APRIL?


    Snow in April Pina Colada


    1/2 (frozen, cut into chunks) Pineapple 6 oz

    2 oz Unsweetened Coconut Milk

    8 oz White Rum

    2 tbsp Fresh Lime Juice

    2 oz (optional) Dark Rum

    Wedge of pineapple, maraschino cherries or lime wedge for garnish


    Just like a regular pina colada but with a little more rum. Freezing the pineapple ahead of time makes this even better. Puree everything up to the lime juice with 3 cups of ice. If you can wait, put the blender full of pina colada into the freezer for a few hours to make it even creamier. When you'er ready, pour into tall glasses, garnish with pineapple, cherry or lime wedges (or all three) and a gentle splash (over the back of a spoon works well) of dark rum to float on top.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Kim - yup, this is spring time in the Rockies - not at all unusual to get snow in April. Looking at the table outside, it looks like we got about 6". I. I took a photo my the family room window. I'll try to post from my phone. Enjoy your spring break and time to yourself.

    Up way to early again - finally got out of bed at 4:30am- got tired or watching the clock since at least 4:00am

    Hav a great Friday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Morning Karen! Yes, I'm up too! Our neighbors are driving to Santa Fe this morning, for a little vacation, coming home Monday. Not great weather to be out on these roads, right? And we are going to go feed their little cat "Mouse" Hah! 3 times a day, and she only eats the little packs of wet food. She is so sweet. She is a little house-cat, and we had heard how she doesn't like many people.... !

    So I met her again yesterday, and got the key to their house, and I asked "where is she"... So she was in her bed, by the fireplace, and I walked slowly over to her, saying her name, and she looked at me, and reached out her paw...! So I bent down and pet her head, and she got up & stayed there, waiting for more scratches on her back, Hah! Then she got up and walked over to George, and HE bent down to pet her! So much for her not really liking strangers... right? I think she knows who loves cats and is her friend! So this will be fun!

    Chris is the guy who took us down to Denver Health to get our shots, then again for the 2nd shot! Our neighbors around here are the BEST!

    Still snowing, right? We sure needed this though! And getting even colder soon. Oh well.... SOMEday it will be Spring, and I can play in my gardens!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Just a quick a pop in, as we have to be out the door again this morning. Saw another neurologist yesterday, he knew why we were there, but instead of giving a second opinion, he said he would have done the same, meaning sending him to a neuro/muscular specialist. But he did say that the specialist that DH is seeing is one of the best. DH hasn't mentioned wanting to see another specialist. Left at 6:30 am yesterday, got home around 4:30, I had to go out and pack orders, got a few done. Have to be out again today, so will pack more orders when we get home this afternoon. Then next week, we have to be gone 3 days! Oy vey!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    (NOTE: this is yesterday's post, interrupted by various phone calls and cat hi-jinks before I could hit "submit").

    Kim, ONE symptom? At the height of spring allergy--tree pollen & mold--season? Good grief! Half the kids would have to be sent home and COVID-tested.

    Chevy, I've been using enameled-aluminum RFID-proof hardsided credit card cases for years now. I don't carry anything "clonable" or scannable in my wallet. And Bob uses an RFID-proof card compartment in his wallet. I used to carry my car's key fob in a "Faraday pouch," but it's too big for the pouch (and my car won't start or open if the guts of the fob is hidden and can't be "read" by the dashboard computer).

    DOTD with dinner out at a BYOB French restaurant from which we'd been getting takeout was (for us) Mumm Napa 2013 Grower Series champagne and (for Bob) 2018 Petite Sirah from Matchbook Winery in the north end of CA's Central Valley. (We brought a good stopper to keep the bubbles from dissipating as we brought home half the bottle, and simply re-corked the red).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    I’ve posted this elsewhere but here’s an update. Scan results are good below the neck but I’ve got 2 new pesky brain mets that may or may not be lepto, which, if confirmed is bad. There are still options but I’m hoping this is just another false alarm. I’m disappointed but ok.

    Anyway, DOTD is wine, a few glasses probably.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Hugs Illimae

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    ill- praying for good outcomes on those lesions ❤️

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2021

    Just popping in and catching up on posts. It has been a long time since I was last "here". Oh my, so many in our group going through some very difficult things. I am constantly amazed by all of the strong, wonderful women in this group. Hugs all around to all in need, especially Goldie and Illimae.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Waking up toa coating of snow on the ground. Poor Man's Fertilizer. Should make for great spring gardens if the ground ever warms up enough to plant. I am so looking forward to this week off from school. Not going to be lazy, though. I'll be doing a CPR class Monday ayem, then Mom and I are going to try to find something to do the rest of the day. Annual physical on Wednesday. Class stuff in between--I need to write a paper today, but I expect it will go pretty easily, it's a pretty straightforward assignment. Was hoping to finish cleaning off the deck this week, but that may have to wait a bit longer.

    Got a package delivered the other day, opened it up, could not figure out what it was or what it was for and it had NO instructions or anything with it. It finally dawned on me this morning, it's a stand for the iPad, I saw it on line, thought it would be helpful for when I want to use the bluetooth keyboard while on the iPad, to be able to see the iPad better and keep it from sliding around. Sure sign you've ordered toomany thing online by impulse when you don't recognize one when it arrives!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--at least I didn't get 6 inches!Just a coating, really.

    Chevy--Mouse sounds like a real sweetie! I bet you'll have fun with her this weekend.

    Goldie--Long day for you with all that driving. Wish I was close enough to be able to help you with packing orders. Where are you going for the 3 days next week?

    Chi--Half the kids and most of the staff would have to go home and get tested on the one-symptom standard. The Dept of Ed send out a notice yesterday that there would be no change in how we are screening for COVID or in the protocol for sending kids home to quarantine/get tested. We will be using the single symptom protocol when someone tests positive and we are contact tracing and setting quarantine dates. It's going to sharply reduce the number of people going into quarantine since that means checking for any single symptom going back 10 days from a positive test. By the time many people get tested, their quarantine time will be done. I forseee a major surge in cases in the middle of May after all the April break travels get home. And LOTS of families are traveling.


    Hi, Jazzy, Celia

    Chocolate Ouch!

    4 ingredients

    ¼Bols Blue Curacao


    First add the grenadine to the shot glass, then pour on the Pernod, then the Blue curaçao. Slowly and gently pour the Baileys on top so it floats, then serve.

    This drink should look like a mini Guinness!

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    My world this ayem:

    May be an image of tree and snow

    May be an image of tree, nature and snow

    May be an image of 1 person, tree, nature and snow

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Illimae - So sorry on the results. Positive thoughts for things to turn out well.

    Not much planned for the weekend. I need to work in the courtyard, but worry Ziggy will just dig it all up again. Still not sure about the lawn maintenance company. DH called them to ask some questions, left a message and never got a call back. Might check with another company before I give up completely. The bushes will need trimming soon! Will be going to a ‘party’ at my DS’s house this afternoon. It is a bon voyage for a friend that is moving to England. I do hope things work out for her. It will be a bunch of younger folks I worked with attending and will be nice to catch up.

    Gotta go walk. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Hi ladies- I wrote a longer post and when I went to send, my WiFi dropped and all was lost. Sigh. Well, heres a shorty- it's a cold day here in New Mexico with a blast of winter moving in. Temps in the 30s with a cold wind today and hopefully some rain coming later today (could be mixed precip). My plans for the weekend with outdoor stuff all postponed for now due to weather. Working on the closets today!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    I'm so sorry illimae! I'll be thinking of you & wishing you the best... I have a lot of friends & family that need prayers, and now, for you too! Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    New forecast for Tues. (after highs in the low 60s Monday): high of 39 (even that's optimistic), low of 30, accumulating wet snow (2-5"). Ugh.

    My BFF is a bit better today--awaiting lab & EEG results.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    With choucroute garni (pleasant surprise--Bob came home for dinner), Mumm Grower Series 2013 blanc de blancs.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Been something like 75 days since we had any moisture in this area. It's finally raining here tonight! My rain dance worked!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    New forecast for Tues: 5" of snow, temp starting at 42 at dawn, dropping throughout the day to 27. (Chicago is infamous for temperature drops during daytime). Double-ugh.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I'm going to be working on class work today as I'm taking tomorrow off from school work. All of yesterday's snow has melted off. Still chilly enough to warrant having the heat turned on. And to have Sadie as a foot warmer. Not much planned for today but puttering around the house and reading about qualitative and quantitative research, and wishing I could be sitting on the deck.

    Librarian--it take it Ziggy is a digger? Hopefully he'll outgrow that soon. Enjoy the going away party.

    Jazzy--ugh, so irritating when things get lost like that. There's always something to do inside when outside isn't feasible.

    Morning, Chevy!

    Chi--how nice Bob could be home for dinner!

    Jazzy--congrats on the rain dance success!

    Chi--double uggh, indeed! Is this going to be a year without a spring?

    Spring Fever cocktail

    Spring Fever


    • 3/4 ounce Nikolaihof elderflower syrup
    • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 6 medium-size strawberries, quartered
    • 4 dashes rhubarb bitters
    • 3 ounces Sassetti sparkling rosé wine, to top
    • Garnish: lemon wheel


    1. Add all ingredients except sparkling wine into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Yesterday I slept all the way to 6am. Today was payback - up at 3 - took something to help sleep but no luck so finally got out of bed at 5:30 as tired of watching the clock. Thursday and last night was just shoving food in my mouth so up 3# - so not happy - that has to stop!!!

    Kim - enjoy your spring break

    My Medicare card arrived yesterday - still only Part A since we are both working and have health insurance through DH work. We are going to meet with someone this week to figure it all out - traditional Mediare, Advantage, Medi-gap etc. even though we have at least 8 months, I want to know what is the best way to go for us. Since I plan to keep working I at look at what the school district offers - and its open enrollment now, so I can at least get that information.

    Need to work on my EOY evaluation today - get all my artifacts together, beyond just certificates (Professional development) what I have learned and do my self appraisal. My EOY is not till the 28th but my evaluator wants it one week earlier so the 21st. a great

    Have a great Sunday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    BabyGirl, praying for that false alarm. I don't know what lepto is and when I look on line, it comes up as a bacterial infection? Of course your disappointed, and entitled to feel this way, if not worse. But I am glad to hear you say you are ok too. Sending you my love and hugs.

    Hi Celia, good to see you poop in. And thank you for your kind words.

    NM, snow in April, not uncommon for us either. Sounds like you have quite a bit planned for Sprink Break. Ha ha on the unknown package! Glad you got it figured out. Tuesday is PT/OT for DH, hour and 15 minutes one way, Wednesday is foot doctor in Flagstaff, 2.5 hours one way, Friday is Neuro for DH and me for my treatment, 4 hours one way!

    JCS, so Ziggy is a digger eh? I wouldn't bother with a company that doesn't get back to you. We are dealing with the same thing. Some of our walls cracked so they need drywall repair. Guy ask for pictures, we sent them, never heard anything back.

    Jazzy, sorry about the lost post. Chilly here at night, no precipitation as of yet. Maybe I should try a rain dance?

    Sandy, crazy weather for you as well.

    Chevy, I'm learning from you that I need to be more understanding with DH and the lack of him not doing anything. Thank you!

    Karen, good luck with Medicare schtuff! Sorry about the extra 3 lbs, but I'm confident you won't have any trouble taking it back off, as much as you do.

    Yesterday was an attempt to burn weeds that are starting to come up. We do this instead of using Roundup. We attach a flame thrower to a propane tank and go around and scorch the weeds. Well, propane tank is too heavy for me and DH can no longer lift it. So we tried putting it on the quad. Without going into detail, we did it for about an hour, I told him this hurts my back too bad and I feel like there are more productive things I could be doing, as he could too. So we worked in the yard, and I was able to give him a few things to do, even if it was just sitting in a chair and watering. DH's youngest DD and her DH are coming to visit in just a little less than a month, be here for 4 nights. They live in Reno, will fly to Phoenix and rent a car. I'm kind of dreading on it, they are the ones that never offer to help and let me do everything. Like I need 2 more to take care of. But I know it's important to DH.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Mornin ladies

    I just lost a whole post this window 10 is worse than 7

    Seextra prayers for u Illi.

    NM extra rubs for Sadie.

    Boy Lori u have ur hands fjull.

    Sandy SNOW???

    I mdidn't read everything and I'm bad for not being here. The guy who answers phone during the day has been on vacation so it's all on me. Bad choice for them. This house is takng forever painting floors, windows the goofy part is Les has 2 friends that happen to have lots of money both selling homes they have staged but not live ther. Well they are sold and both told Leslie to take anything she want cuz it's all going. So she did take some things and told them Then they both came back and said take house has 3 washer and dryers so my former stopson who we still see> got a washer and dryer and Les got a 65in TV and more so much more but she did ask if Marty could have a signed poster that were in the study so she said of course he's thrilled. He loves that the most. My room iiis taking forever piece by piece Joey is so busy with school some work his own homework. Last week he got 2 new invites for Princeton and Yale. I thought they were sending all these out to lots of kids but found out they aren't. Well Leslie and Jodie had a big blow out when I was leaving and guess who was at the bottom, yep FF. He's feeding Jod about how much money my kids make off of me. LOL I don;t make enough for anyone to fight for and he thinks I should help them out. He's the one and Jod listened> having a 4 bedroom 3 baths 2 family rooms.a pool and then he doesn't work for over 3 yrs. U know I have nothing againstg drinking or smoking pot but he's and everyday big drinke, The real world calls it an alcoholic. But for some reason she lets him handle the money and they're broke and all they would have to pay is any parts he might need. He's been doing pools for 25 yrs but FF wants a pro. for 3000.00 I saved them almost 4,000.00 on their fence last month and about 2,000.00 in plumbing. So no one is talking at all and it hurts. My girls were always best friends spending so much time together and tsalking everyday. God forgive me I can not stand this man. I had to come here and let it all out so forgive me for being so selfish. I don't want my family to know it's this bad.

    OK skip all this if u want I don't blame u.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Hi ladies- will try a long post again and hopefully this one will go! Happy Funday Sunday!

    Kind of a crazy week, but finding myself getting rebalanced with some quiet time at home, swimming yesterday, and the rain yesterday and last night! Not sure how much we got and the patio and yard looked dry this morning, but any moisture is good moisture here in the parched high desert. Feels cold this morning with overcast skies but think this storm may moving on through. I am working on my closets to get some things together for consignment and also to take to donations. Putting away winter stuff, but keeping some warmer things handy too. Usually we get a last blast of winter-ish weather around this third weekend of April, and hopefully will be more firmly into spring after this. I hope to be putting some things into the gardens this coming week. Frost risk ends around now, and don't think it got below freezing these past few nights but it did get into the upper 30s. The humming birds are back and must be cold!

    My work situation has been taking an interesting but not surprising twist. Long story short, some of the work we have been transitioning into has not been handled well by the outside from the powers that be, and now one on my team members has resigned and another is going out on leave soon. That leaves little old me. A lot of things hit the fan this week, and I will be gving things more time, but not sure this is the right situation for me. I can actually apply for other jobs there now and may do that.

    Cami- the situation with Jodie and her husband does not sound good and can see how it can be a problem for your family. Sounds like someone is jealous of your new home too, despite the fact they sound like they have a nice home of their own. But so many good things happening for you too, so glad you are in the new house and yay to Joey getting invites to apply to those ivy league schools! And more cool free stuff coming your way. Things are looking up for Les, Marty, Joey and you, don't let anyone rain on your parade sister!

    Ill- I hope you can get whatever procedures you need done soon and answers back. I know your last procedure took a long time to heal from and praying this is a bump in the road and nothing wrong. We are here for you sister.

    NM- looks like you got some snow this weekend. I heard it was snowing in the NE on Sat morning. Winter won't let go!

    Celia C- good to see you pop in and hope you are having a good weekend!

    Goldie- you have so much you are juggling and hoping you ended up seeing some moisture last night like we did. The storm looked like it came across your area to us here in ABQ. Hoping you are getting some good rest at night.

    Karen and Chevy- I think you got some big snow this weekend too. I know it's "spring time in the Rockies." Sort of for us too but not as much as you get.

    Chi- what is your favorite petite Syrah?

    MinusTwo- hoping you are doing well this weekend.

    Teka- what is happening in north country?

    Mistyeyes- when is the last day at work? I know it's April, I bet you are ready and wishing you some good times now to do some things you can enjoy. Everyone I know says they like to do a whole lot of nothing when they first retire.

    Gotta get back to my Sunday chores. Busy week starting. Wishing everyone a good week and hope everyone gets their spring back!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Goldie, here’s a description of lepto (LMD) and you can see by the prognosis why I’m always nervous about finding spots in the ventricles, ugh. But, I feel normal, so I’m going on with minimal worry.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Ill- I remember that the woman who played Rhoda on the Mary Tyler Moore show (Valerie Harper) had that after she had lung cancer years before. She was able to do well for a long time. But I know any new signs of cancer are scary and just sending you HUG hugs from your neighbor over here in New Mexico.

    I am putting you back in my daily prayers and meditation friend. We are here for you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    BabyGirl, what can I say, except, if I could take that for you, I would! And I mean that. More love and hugs!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Illi, keeping fingers crossed that's not what you have but if you do, you can hang on at least as long as Valerie Harper did.

    Cami, hate to tell you this, but it's gonna be colder in the burbs where you are than here by the lake (not that it's gonna be comfy here either). Prediction is for most of the accumulating snow to fall south of I-80 (and you're north of that, closer to I-88).

    Karen, I've been night-eating too. Worrying about my melanoma, and my BFF (no diagnosis yet) and also Bob--I saw a large irregular black spot beneath his white mustache, which appeared seemingly overnight and would not rub off with water. I was so afraid that he, too has melanoma. (Then he brushed his teeth this morning, and the spot disappeared, washed away by the toothpaste. He admitted that as he was studying his CME journal articles, he often idly put his pen in his mouth).

    But I couldn't sleep (all three worries made their way into my nightmare) and came downstairs to take the other half a Xanax and watch TV till sleepy. Unfortunately, DirecTV has been having signal issues (so bad that we had a tech come over yesterday afternoon and he found nothing wrong--but w/in 4 hrs after he left it started up again), and five shows I thought I'd recorded (and my "Playlist" said I did) came up "Would you like to delete this program?" whenever I pressed Play, Resume or Start Over. It's gotten to where I never know what did or didn't record (because the satellite & receiver weren't talking to each other). I'd ditch DTV and add premium channels to my cable, but the cable is having "video on demand" issues. If I replace the satellite receiver/DVR for a whole-house Genie (which DTV is urging me to do), I will lose all my unwatched recordings: concerts, specials, pay-per-view movies, etc. I'm not ready to move to streaming (except for Netflix & Amazon Prime), and our antenna signal for local channels is iffy.

    So instead of watching, I called DTV again (no luck), went on and found the same thing's been happening in many cities now that AT&T is cutting DTV loose (it was fine before they bought it a few years ago). Unloaded my frustrations on the site's blog.

    So I ended up eating keto cereal, then a chocolate-covered jelly ring, then whole-wheat matzo. Doesn't sound like a binge, but even the slightest deviation from my diet makes me gain weight. I had a keto brownie earlier in the evening...but Bob came down after I went back to bed and "sleep-ate" two brownies. So I have 5 left from the batch of 9.

    DsOTD with salad & crustless quiche at brunch was cava; tonight, I made scallops so had Decoy Sauvignon Blanc.