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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Off to teach CPR in a bit, then spending the rest of the day with Mom. Got to extend the rental car today, haven't heard a work from the dealer about the Jeep yet. Still to chilly to work outside in the yard, and rain predicted for this afternoon. I am so ready for warmer weather. Sadie doesn't seem to mind the temps so much, she's sniffing around the yard quite happily this ayem. Oh, here she comes for her first morning ear scritches and pets. She says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--not being able to sleep is hard. I hope you find some routine or medication that helps soon. Good for you for meeting with someone to get it all figured out, Medicare is terribly complicated in the way all its parts interact, or don't interact. My nursing team is working on an evaluation form for the Principals to use for our evaluations.

    Goldie--Wow, that is a lot of driving time. I guess that's the price of living in a beautiful spot, and well worth it in the end. Your description of burning off the weeds reminds me of the spring time ritual of burning off blueberry fields. People walk around in what we used to call Indian Tanks, probably propane tanks, that are worn like backpacks and walk up and down the fields burning off weeds. Hopefully the couple coming will buck up and help out this visit, although that's probably not likely.

    Cammy Cat--I remember the change from Windows 7 to 10, it was hard. And you know perfectly well that not reading everything is fine, ketchuping is NOT required, just jumping in where you are now! OH my goodness, FF is being a true FF! What is it about drugs and alcohol that turns some people into total mushbrains about money? You know you can come here anytime and vent and rant and rave. It is hurtful when the family is at odds. Good for Joey getting invites to prestigious colleges! Winter does not want to let go. I'm afraid we are going to have another season like last year, one day of spring then jump straight into high summer. At least thisyear I won't be working nights through most of it! Sadie says Thanks for the belly rubs.

    Jazzy--the work situation sounds similar to situations you talked about as a contractor! I guess some things don't change. At least you have options.

    Illi--that's a clear, if frightening and grim, description of LMD. You are in my prayers to be an exception to the usual. Hugs.

    Chi--What a scare with DH! TV technology has gotten so unpredictable and undependable recently. Seems like I'm always hearing someone lamenting the issues and problems they are having.

    image alt="">



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Kim - I've been taking sleep Rx for years - and switched about a year ago and it was working great - well not so much - up again at 3 to pee and barely slept (more looking at the clock till 5 when I got out of bed - I'm so frustrated about it -

    Sandy - I don't turn on the TV when I'm up early - I enjoy the quiet - I try not to get out of bed before 4:30. Lots on my plate to worry about. Working on my end of the evaluation and putting together all the artifacts and write ups. I know I will have a good evaluation but its the pre-work that is stressing me out.

    Illimae - what a hard report to read - sure hope that it is not that. Sending you hugs.

    3-6" snow in the forecast for this evening into tomorrow morning. Warnings to stay off the roads after 4 or 5 pm tonight.

    Have a great Monday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Cami, like NM says, don't worry about commenting on everything. In fact don't even read if you don't have time. Or just read and don't comment. There, your mother has spoken! I'm so sorry about the girls, and FF sure F'ed things up. And so selfish, OMG. As for Joey, I'm not surprised at all the college invites. What does he want to do? I remember when he was little and wanted to be a doctor and I think it was because he wanted to fix you.

    Jazzy, things are looking a bit crazy at work and if it's not for you, I know you will move on to something else. Just a little moisture here, but not enough to really do anything. But I guess every little bit counts.

    Sandy, glad it was just a scare with Bob and it turned out to be ink.

    NM, I told DH that he needs to get some chores together for the kids to do. I posted my dinner of ribs on FB, and mentioned how it took me all day and then I had to clean. He DD said "we'll help you clean". We'll see. Altho, you are off this week, sounds like you're still pretty busy. I forgot you had that trouble with Pearl. Guess you will have to call them.

    Karen, can you switch to a different Rx for sleeping and then go back? My DH takes a little bit of RSO every night, otherwise he's up before midnight and can't go back to sleep. I think you are getting everyone's snow!

    Low 20's here this morning, brrrrrr! Gonna be cold packing orders, I think I have about 50 or so!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Mornin ladies

    Illi more prayers coming at you. And don't read anymore...there are people who actually done very well with this so look at it that way.

    Sorry Sandy but I LOL about ur DH.

    Karen maybe u do need a new sleep plan. Sometimes our bodies get to used to certain things and they don't work as well. I hope u find something cuz not sleeping well night after night can really cause problems.

    NM Pearl better be all right. And yeah u sound like ur working just as hard this week./ How is ur mom doing now. Did I miss something. Everyone's weather is all screwed up and it's mid April, I heard it's all coming from Maine. so stop it.

    Jazzy I'm sorry this is going on for u now everything sounded so good. But if u feel like it's time to get out just do it ju always rise to the top ur just plain super good. It's funny but we know this whenever plans are made don't always count on them life likes to have fun with us.

    Misty r u retired yet.....I've been retired for years but still haven't gotten over the I don't feel like doing anything yet. I don't know how long it takes What I like is if I can't sleep I can make a bologna sandwich, watch tv knowing I don't have to worry about waking up at any certain time. And then nap whenever u'd like.After 45 yrs. of working for someone telling me what to do or how to do it, now I have a part time job of pretty much doing what I like. After a lady called me about 6 times in one week I ended up telling her to call the men, not to bother me any more. Now when I do tell Bob I say these things he thinks I'm kidding so it works out good for me. Of course the worst was when I answered it F U, but it was fine.

    Lori I honestly get tired hearing what ur doing and I don't have a clue how u do it.U seem never to stop no matter what it is. My prayers are always with you and ur DH even tho I yell at u to just slow down u never listen I wish u lived where u had more help and closer to family. Have u ever thought about moving back??? I know that's a big thing but wouldn't u be around family then.

    Leslie's MIL and SIL came over yesterday to see the house. Well tryinmg to get any compliment from them is like pulling a tooth that's not even there. Les had the walls paintedin a pretty gray and she said oh grey is so over. Then there were a few beautiful pieces in her living room she got from her friends and she said nothing about them. And then Marty got mad cuz his siter said something about the chairs and then she said oh he doesn't even play anymore. Well Marty sai hell he's in the hall of fame and I like just knowing he sat on them. LOL They just couldn't even fake a WOW out of anything. She's still mad with Marty cuz he doesn't have time to take care of her house His brother never has Marty always felt like he should til he started working overtime and Les got sick a few times then cancer they never helped even when Joey was little. Marty is such a good guy he doesn't deserve that at all.

    OK enough of me again. My room is still being done hahahaLori if u remember what I had it's like 3x the size.

    Hope everyone has a good day.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Thanks everyone. And I won’t google much, I’ve been down this road a few times, had many conversations with my neuro onc and I know that there are options and that this may just be another false alarm. I’m pretty calm considering, the hard part is feeling like a cat on their 8th life, just wondering if/when. On the bright side, I have no neurological symptoms and feel good overall.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Cami, next time anyone says "gray is so over," remind them that Pantone has declared gray this year's "it" color, along with yellow. (I wish I could wear yellow outdoors, but it makes me a bee magnet). I have no idea why the Pantone corp. has so much arbitrary fashion authority (like Miranda in The Devil Wears Prada declaring that celadon--or was it cerulean?--was the color of the year) nor how that determination gets made nor by whom. Sometimes they screw up big time, like the year they decided "iris" (a deep blue-violet) was the color of the year for cars, but the car-buying public said "nope."

    Weather forecast has changed: just as cold, but much less snow--at least north of I-80. The far north 'burbs won't even get rain. They're calling for anywhere from .2" to a bit less than an inch here. We brought the herb plants in and set them in a box in the sunny kitchen window. Won't be very cold tonight (truthfully, only the basil would have been endangered, as the cut stuff doesn't do well in the fridge), but it's going down into the high 20s tomorrow night. Hope it doesn't kill the tulips and pansies--maybe I could throw trash bags over them.

    Illi, Dr. Google is a scaremonger--according to "him" due to the type and location of my eye cancer I would have been a goner by now. I'll listen to my oncologists instead. Hoping your neuro gives you reassurance.

    Speaking of neuros, no further word on my BFF. He was a bit better on Sat., but I don't know to what extent. I'm texting, because it's less intrusive than a phone call if his wife (my co-BFF) has her hands full. I'll let her drive the conversation, but I've told her we're here for her. I have to stay circumspect because their son (and his very pregnant wife) in Seattle don't yet know anything's wrong. So I can't tell Gordy (who was best man at their wedding).

    No DOTD today, just water & coffee.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Not sure how much snow we got. Took pictures out the back window just before 5:00 am then a couple out front window about 20 minutes later. I'll have to post from my phone. Today is one of. my in person days - its only 15 minutes but hoping the roads aren't too bad at 7:30.

    Have a great Tuesday

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Oh Karen! Stay home, right? I just shoveled a path out to the squirrel feeder, and there is about 6 inches, and it's 15 degrees out!

    They SAID we were going to get this, but we never believe it.... then it comes in later than they thought! But pretty good predicting so far this year! Looks like the sun is going to shine today!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! Yesterday was a crazy day. Our painter showed up to fix an outside window moulding that had been leaking. Of course, Ziggy was very busy barking and not able to sit on the couch. The day was a bit too traumatic for both he and me. I need to rake a portion of the courtyard that the dog has totally torn up. He does his morning ‘zoomies’ and has dug up this area without really meaning to. Still working on the lawn maintenance company. I do wish I could find even someone who could trim the shrubbery.

    I cannot believe all the snow still falling! I do think our weather has changed to summer, but no real humidity yet.

    Not too much on the agenda for today. I also want to find a store that does bra fittings. Since the lumpectomy, I am a bit lopsided. Bras I had been wearing do not really fit anymore. I did find a website that explained how one can measure for a decent fit. I guess I could order some online, but then you have to deal with returning what doesn’t work.

    Gotta get busy. We need to walk and start a few projects. I planted some flowers in a few pots on Sunday and my ass is killing me. It can be fine except when I am getting up or down. This is why I want a lawn service!

    Take care.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Yesterday turned into an eventful day. The CPR class went well, 4 students rather than the 9 I was expecting, but that's ok. Went to Mom's do figure out what we were going to do for the day, no Mom. Called her, no answer. Texted, she finally called back. She was in town, thinking we were going to meet in town. Ok, well, I guess I missed that part of the conversation. Mom missed the part where we set a place and time to meet--which I didn't do because I was not sure what time I would get done as I was going to run a couple errands after the class. Finally figured out where she was, sort of, so I head into town. Go to the parking lot she said she was in, no Mom. Called again, she's not in the BIG parkiing lot, she's in a small parking lot just up the street. I finally connect up, we decide where to go for lunch, and have a very nice lunch at a local restaurant. Then we go to TJMaxx, mom wanted to look for something, I forget what exactly. She didn't find it, though. In the meantime I've been online and on the phone trying to extend the rental car. Keep getting a message that this location requires returning the car to the location and exchanging. So I make a new reservation, which is a whole 'nother story since I don't have a credit card, and we moved my stuff to Mom's car and take the rental car to the airport, go in and do the turn one car in and get the other car for the upcoming week. Drive back to Mom's car to move my stuff, Mom can't find her car keys. She had them when we headed to the airport, cuz I had to back up so she could make sure the car was locked. We turned out her purse, my purse, her pockets, no keys. Spend 20 minutes trying to find a phone number for the Hertz desk at the airport, no way to get directly to the desk. So we drive back to airport, Mom goes in, the guy runs out to the car I just turned in and finds the keys under the seat. Yeah! Back to Mom's car, move my stuff into the rental, and by now it's 3 peeyem and we're both tired, so we both go to our respective homes. I come in and tell Sadie about the whole thing and she sits there laughing at me!I told her she needed to give ME belly rubs for that one! She said keeping my feet warm was her equivalent to giving belly rubs. I had to admit that worked pretty well.

    Oh, yes, in the middle of all the running around I got the call that my contract has been renewed, so I'm a School Nurse for another year!Summer off for me!

    Karen--sleep problems are not fun. I have trouble sleeping too, unless I have an audiobook playing. Not a problem living here with Sadie, I can play a book on the phone or the iPad at night, but can be a problem on vacations. I did just invest in a pillow speaker and that works really well, and I think, I can use that and not bother anyone else in the room. This started during that month between having the mammogram and getting the results. I had to have a radio playing all night. I would wake up several times and if I didn't have something to listen to I would start crying and get all wound up and never get back to sleep. I switched to audiobooks when the talk radio program I liked to listen too changed format and became all political stuff. All the snow I got the other day has melted off. I think it's going to be warm enough to do some cleaning on the deck this afternoon.

    Goldie--yup, break week is going to be pretty busy, but that's ok. I need to get off my butt and moving more and there is certainly enough that needs doing that should keep me moving in between appointments and such. And I am going to have to call about Pearl today. Got to find out something, the rental car rates are horrendous.

    Cammy Cat--Mom is doing well. As to the weather, the general flow is from west to east, so Maine gets everything LAST, so YOU GUYS are sending the crap weather to ME! Not the other way around! Leslie's MIL and SIL can go take a long walk off a short pier. There is nothing wrong with gray walls. They are just so jealous they can't stand it. Marty's done more than his fair share and then some. And it's ok to take your time getting your room settled. Just to put things in perspective, my Mom moved in October, and the bedroom is still full of boxes of things unpacked and unsorted. No room for a bed yet. Her craft room stuff is organized, sort of, with like things together, but still mostly in boxes on the floor. And it's been 6 months. So you still have plenty of time!

    Illi--I'm glad you feel good over all and have no neuro symptoms. I'm praying that means this scan findings are a false alarm.

    Chi--Dr. Google can, indeed, be a scare monger. It amazes me when I talk to people about how to tell if a website is reliable or not how many think that everything on the 'net is based in scientific research! Ihave actually talked with people who did not know that any person could create a web page and call themselves a doctor or expert and totally make up everything the present.

    Karen--drive carefully!

    Chevy--around here predictions are ether pretty much spot on, or totally out of whack. Never can tell what's going to happen.But I am going to enjoy the sunshine today.

    Sandbar Sleeper recipe

    Sandbar Sleeper


    Fill shaker with ice, add ingredients, chill, strain.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    See the source image

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2021

    Just finished my liqueur laced coffee of the day! The following was posted on one of my Facebook groups and thought those on this thread would enjoy. Cheers!

    May be an image of 6 people and text that says 'Be kind to yourself Be kind to others Be kind to animals Be kind to Earth Be kind of weird Read a book'

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Hi ladies- happy tuesday and quick hello to all. We seem to be back to spring again and planted a new tall grass in a pot this morning, and some phlox in another container to get some things going in the garden. I have some more work to do each day, but busy with go live stuff which went well yesterday. My coworker and I went and had a great lunch yesterday and that to me was the best part of the day. We finished up there late afternoon and it was a beautiful spring day and enjoyed seeing all the green down near the river popping out. Spring is back.

    NM- you are right that many of the issues are the same, doesn't matter if it's a contract or FT job. I am pretty realistic at this point in life that the stories of the work place don't really change, it is just sometimes we change how we chose to work (FT, PRN, contract, etc.) Things are going okay this week so far. I am taking one day at a time and just taking care of myself. Same drama, different day, right?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    ami, I get tired of all I have to do also. Having to drive DH everywhere cuts into my chores even more, I mean a whole day! This week it's 3 days! Who sat on the chairs? And if others don't like what you guys have, then poo poo on them. As long as you all like it. Sorry for all the family drama, like you guys need that! I just hope the girls will be getting along soon.

    BabyGirl, glad you are feeling well overall. Hoping for more false alarms!

    You Colorado girls and that snow! But I know not unusual, it's not for here either.

    JCS, lol at your ass is killing you! It gets me in my back, and thighs if I'm doing alot of standing up, squatting down, or bent over for any length of time. But I do have herniated discs and cancer all down my spine as well.

    OH DEAR NM, what a day you had! But hey, you have reason to celebrate. Congrats on being asked to stay on. Whoot Whoot! Cheers!

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a wonderful day. Waiting to see some pictures of your gardens.

    Off tomorrow to Flagstaff, foot doctor and back surgeon. So today and yesterday are a big fat nothing done for me. But I did get some orders out this morning and packed up 4 little ones that will go mail tomorrow. Waiting any day now for my niece to pop, first grand baby in our family. We don't know the gender, they wanted it to be a surprise.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Lori - what a gorgeous photo of your niece and family. congrats on soon to be great aunt.

    Wishing everyone a great Wednesday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Annual physical today, couple of errands in town while I'm there. Then back home to work on school work. Got most of the reading done yesterday, including a nice session sitting out on the deck. It finally got warm enough to sit out for a bit! Sadie is spending more time outside now, too, sniffing around the yard and barking at the neighborhood. She keeps things well under control and closely supervised.

    Cammy Cat--Silly kitty!

    Celia--Love the pic! If only more people would do as it says!

    Jazzy--same drama, different day is a good way to put it! So happy you hadnice lunch and somebeautiful sights. I noticed how green the lawn is starting to get and the daffodils that bloomed along the base of the house. I love spring.

    Goldie--Congrats on the about-to-be grand niece/nephew! Yeah, it was a bit of a day Monday.

    Morning, Karen!


    High Drama



    Step one

    Add all ingredients except the garnish to a shaker.

    Step two

    Add ice and shake.

    Step three

    Strain into a rocks glass with one large ice cube, and garnish with a rose petal.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Goldie- love that photo of your neice and family, including the cute golden retriever. Wishing her a safe delivery, healthy baby and wonderful start to many family adventures together.

    I started putting a few plants in containers yesterday and going to do some work in the garden tonight. Pics to follow soon!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Lori, what a lovely family! Bet the baby will be quite robust (and wouldn't be surprised by the time this posts that you're already a great-aunt).

    Last night's DOTD was supposed to be the remnants of the Mumm bubbly--but it was flat. So (oenophiles, cover your eyes) I cut it with some freshly-made seltzer!

    To my chagrin, I'd forgotten I have my semiannual MO & lab appt. tomorrow morning. Hope they let me opt out of being weighed. My back is beginning to nag me. Not sure if I'll drink anything other than water tonight, as I'm dining home alone.

    I haven't heard back from the coffeehouse concert series as to the Zoom link to do the "after-party" after the YouTube "airs" Fri. night. I'm a bit apprehensive, as I made a couple of goofs on the first song (fingers refused to go where I aimed them) and there was a bit of silence in mid-set because there was some loud talking in the corridor outside the music room.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Hapyy Thirsty Thursday! Had my annual physical yesterday, got caught up on all my shots, got Shingrix, dTaP, and pneumonia. Boy, does that Shingrix one HURT! Hurts going in, and my leg is so sore I'm actually limping around the house today. Called the dealer, they'll be looking at the Jeep on Monday, that was the first opening they had. I finally remembered to look for rentals through AARP and found a less expensive one, going to switch over on Sunday so I won't have to be dealing with this on work days for however long it takes to (1) fix the Jeep or (2) for me to decide to get a different vehicle. To top it all off, woke up to snow again. Snowing steadily, and collecting on the ground. Sigh. Very pretty on top of the green grass, and a bit windy so it's blowing around all over the place. So no outside work today. I did sit on the deck for a few minutes yesterday peeyem, but it was breezy and chilly even with a sweater on, and Sadie was sensibly inside curled up on the new doggy bed. So I gave up and went inside, too.

    Jazzy--I am jealous that you can put plants out already!

    Chi--I've made plenty a wine spritzer in my day by adding seltzer to wine, never thought of using it to wake up bubbly, though! Makes sense to me.

    The Vaccination

    Drink Type: Cocktail



    Store spirits in freezer compartment until well chilled. Mix equal parts and serve in a brandy snifter. Sip slowly and savor the refreshing aroma and smooth taste. Don't exceed your limit.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Update on Pearl the Jeep.

    the transmission is totally gone. She talked about cables all connected but things not doing/moving as supposed to. $5,000 to fix. With almost 200,000 miles on it, no guarantee that something just as big won't happen again in the next few years. So, I am saying good bye to Pearl, and looking for a new-to-me used car. I really do not want a car loan at this time, but such is life, right?

    Mom went to visit her best friend yesterday, and she is in hospice care, dying. Took a turn about 4 days ago, up until then was getting around ok and enjoying visiting with family and watching TV and reading. Mom is bummed.

    Life is not fun today.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    No,life is not fun today, or for the past week for our family. Our son, who had Hodgkin's lymphoma in the early 90s, was admitted to the hospital Saturday night with lower back pain and spiking fevers. The back pain is better when temp comes down but it is not staying down even with IV antibiotics since Sat. night.PET and CT scans show some changes in his spine and pelvis, lab work has not pointed to anything definitive. He is having a bone marrow biopsy today and then we will have the oh so familiar waiting for path results. Big part of the concern is that those who had Hodgkin's are at high risk for developing another cancer later in life. He is being followed by an oncologist, an infectious diseases doctor and an internal medicine specialist. At least two radiologists have looked at his films.

    I'm at his house currently but will go home today (3.5 hours away) to keep an appointment tomorrow, wash clothes, repack and probably return over the weekend. I'll be lurking here but may not post much. Part of being here is that there are six children in the household and DIL owns and runs a veterinary clinic. An extra presence is needed. DILs parents are coming this afternoon but her father is developing dementia and am unsure how well he will do in a different environment.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Kim - hope you find a "new" car that is in your price range and what you want. My current car was bought 8 years old with just over 100K mile - it is now 15 years old with about 150K - just had to put in a re-built trans before Covid - but don't remember how much before. We also have a 99 Suburban (big Bertha) - youngest DD drove it in high school and loves the car - she drives it whenever she visits.

    Beaver - so sorry to hear about your son. The waiting is so hard. Sending you hugs. Safe travels home and back to DS. Hope the news you get is better than you expect.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Beaver- I am sorry to hear about your son and it sounds like you don't have a dx yet for what is going on but understand the concerns. He has a really good medical team from the sounds of it. Keep us posted and praying for good outcomes sister.

    NM- sorry to hear it's time to put Pearl to rest in the scrap yard. If you can find a good used Subaru, go for it. They are highly dependable and I have found very low maintenance. I think ChiSandy has one too. I have literally had people ask to buy mine from me and am like "do you see a for sale sign on it?" LOL.

    Put three plants in the front garden last night. When I get further along, will post some pics.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Boy do I hope today ends up going better than yesterday.After finding out about the JEEP being beyond usefulness and Mom's friend at the end of her life, I did get my class assignment posted and then the shingles vaccine effect really kicked in. Very sore leg at the injection site. Headache. Chills. Exhaustion. A bit of nausea. I could not get warm no matter how much I cuddled with Sadie and how many blankets I had. I had to give in and take some Tylenol, that took enough of the edge off that I could get a nap and that helped. Between the Tylenol and lots of hot chocolate I got through the evening and night and feel better this ayem. Tired, but better. I keep reminding myself this will only last a day or two and is WAY better than getting shingles. I've seen how people suffer from that and do NOT want to experience that.

    So, today's plan is to get this week's paper started, then go into town to look at the JEEPs on the dealer's lot that look interesting. A salesman sent me some pics and info and I looked at their website, too. There are 4 SUVsthat are affordable and have all the things I want (and a few I don't want, like that computer screen in the dashboard, I hate that thing, so distracting). The two Cherokee's have more mileage and cost $3k more but are a really pretty blue that I love, the other two are Compass Latitudes with less mileage but an ugly gray color. I'm having a hard time justifying paying $3K more just for a color, but I really like the pretty blue. Maybe there will be more differences when I look at them in person than I'm seeing online in pictures.

    Beaver--oh my goodness, what a time you are having! I am praying for your son that this is not a new cancer and that a treatable cause is found. It sounds like you are going to be very busy and very needed there for a bit. It's good you can go and help.

    Karen---My first instinct is to go with the car with the lowest mileage. I prioritized that when I was doing home care and driving almost 200 miles a day. Now I'm driving 30 miles one way to work, a very big difference. Anyway, I'll figure it out today. Need to get out of the rental car thing, it's a huge drain on the finances.

    Jazzy--I have driven a Subaru in the past. I'll see what is on the local lot. Won't do business with the Subaru dealer in the area, not after finding out I paid for work that wasn't needed several times there. You are putting flowers out, I've got frost and freeze warnings for overnight last night. So not fair!

    The 1903 Automobile Cocktail, photo © 2015 Douglas M. Ford. All rights reserved.


    Daly's Bartender's Encyclopedia (1903)

    • 1 lump sugar
    • 2 dashes aromatic bitters
    • 1 dash white curaçao
    • 2 dashes Creme Yvette
    • 2 thin slices pineapple
    • 1 thin slice orange
    • champagne

    Put all ingredients in a tall champagne stem, add a small lump of ice, and top with champagne.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    Beaver sending prayers for ur son, praying the outcome will be much better than thought. I know u'll be busy but try to keep us posted.

    Pearl she's been around a long time and did her work for u Kim so it's time. Ur weather is crazier than ours sitting out one day and snow the next crazy.

    Lori I've said it so often u really need help isn't there agencies that can help especially with driving I know it's a lot but something has to be useful. U have way to much to do. Constantly.

    Jazzy ur post even sounded happy. Seems like u had a very nice luncheon. It's good to get out and just enjoy.

    Celia so true. Good to see you.

    Sandy we have about the same weather and it's cold to me.

    My niece came over the other day she came about 11am stayed til 4pm I enjoy her so much. She's coming over a day next week to finish putting my room together. Everyone here is always so busy from room to room. Marty's mom and sister came over and his sister said to Leslie well u know people who r celebrities like to do charity work <cuz of all the things Les got> and Les told her that they were friends for a while now. Instead of just saying hjow nice that was,, she had to say something stupid. And then his mom told Les with the gray walls now that color is so over. LOL A nice visit right.

    Well Drs. day today like all of us.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Just thinking about Cammi and I in our younger days....

    May be a cartoon of bird and text that says 'Who doesn't love a good chicken strip? get Some'

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    NM, when I struggle with a price, I divide the extra cost by how long I expect to use the item, then determine if the daily cost is worth the extra enjoyment, it usually is! So my math says it would be less than a dollar a day over 10 years to see that blue in your driveway vs grey. I’m a sucker for a pop of color, so you know my vote, lol.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Hello! Busy couple of days. I was on the phone yesterday making appointments. This morning I went to a local store for a bra fitting. They told me anyone that has had surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy) can get 6 bras per year paid for by insurance. My mouth dropped and I said “what?” She will contact my oncologist to get a prescription. This is a TMI moment, but I have never had six new bras a year! Not to mention this one is very comfortable and fits well. The people were so very helpful. The bras are only $50.00 each. Does this happen everywhere?

    My breast surgeon’s office called me yesterday. I have an appointment to get the port removed. This happened after several phone calls resulting in nothing. I had no idea this procedure is done IN HIS OFFICE! They somehow give you something to deaden the area, then make a small slit and pull that sucker out. There will be one stitch to close up shop. I asked about bringing my DH to drive me home. She said that he cannot come in and I will be able to drive home. This is also amazing to me. First, why was it so difficult to get the appointment and second, it is such a simple procedure. I gotta get out more!

    NM - Sorry about Pearl. I bought a used Subaru Forester and paid too much. Mainly due to wanting the touch screen and the really pretty blue.

    This afternoon I have a facial appointment. It is time to pamper myself after all the exciting revelations this morning. Hope everyone has planned for a fun weekend. Rain here for Saturday, but Sunday should be nice

    Take care