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how about drinking?



  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    JCS, Medicare covers 6 bras a year (3 every 6 months) and whatever prosthesis you need. My bra store is only for cancer patients and tells me the prosthesis is required. I'd like to use one but all I have tried aggravate the radiation after effects and leave me once again with a sore boob! Don't know about other insurance.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    just got an update on our son. Preliminary path on yesterday's bone marrow biopsy is leukemia, specific type to be identified. He is to be transferred to a leukemia treatment center in Houston, either Houston Methodist or MD Anderson. Both are nationally ranked for leukemia treatment so it may depend on who has a bed available. Looks like some long days ahead of us and he has a son and daughter who are graduating from high school this May. Praying for strength for all of us.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2021

    Hello all!

    Beaver - Sending you some prayers and uplifting thoughts!

    NM - When I had the pneumonia vaccine, it made me feel just like you are describing. Have not had Shingrix yet, but since I am one with my Covid vaccines, suppose I should work on that one. RIP, Pearl. Good luck on the hunt for your replacement auto. Since moving from the UK back to the States, have only purchased "gently used" cars. Since you will likely have the "new-to-you" car for a long while, and if you can swing it, get the color that you like!

    Cami - The grey cat in your earlier post is a dead ringer for my dear departed Ben.

    JCSLibrarian - Enjoy your facial!

    While getting my 1st haircut since 11/24/19 on Tuesday (trimmed ends & bangs myself), my stylist advised they are not yet doing facials, but I was able to get eyebrows waxed!

    Sandy - Glad to hear of a way to perk up the bubbly!

    Planning on a Chambord Spritzer in the not too distant future. It will b 5 o'clock in 15 mins & hey, it's Friday!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    beaverintx, I’m sorry to hear about your don but agree that both hospitals are great places to be for further treatment. Maybe we’ll bump into each other in the med center. Good vibes coming your way


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Beaver - sending you hugs - wishing your son a full recovery. I have a friend who is a 19 years leukemia survivor - may your son be blessed with at least as many years and more

    Kim - go for the color that warms your heart. I agree with Illimae - you keep your cars for a long time - need to have one that you love

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Praying for your son Beaver! Gotta be so hard to watch him going through this.... xoxoxo Chevy

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    Thank you everyone for your support, which is much appreciated and no surprise. Now we are in the waiting period for details and treatment pkan. I was very surprised that we got preliminary results in 24 hours!

    NM, I agree with going for the color you prefer unless the cost differential is astronomical.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Beav, praying hard tonight for your son. It'll be a tough road ahead, but odds have gotten better every year for clear sailing after finishing treatments. Both Houston hospitals you mentioned are the best in the country for leukemia.

    Kim, you keep cars for a long time--so get the one that feels & drives the best and is easiest on your eyes. Pearl was a good ol' girl who served you well. I do love my Outback--bough it as a lease return with 4K miles on it, now 7 yrs later not quite at 38K. Fully-loaded, but because it was a lease return (and we paid cash) was able to knock $7K off the price. Seriously considering forking over a couple of grand to take it to an auto-customization shop to add on an aftermarket blind-spot-monitoring/cross-traffic alert system. I like it too much, and it's in way too good shape. to trade it in on a new Outback with those systems built in (besides the "EyeSight" safety suite mine already has). A new one with all the bells & whistles I want would be well in excess of $42K. Nope. Bob's (formerly my) 2011 Fusion Hybrid has 170K miles on it, and he is likely to keep it till it falls apart. When it does, he wants a Toyota Avalon hybrid--but I think if he's looking for another hybrid he should get something with both AWD & high ground clearance, like a Subaru Crosstrek hybrid. OTOH, he may be retired by then, so my car would have to be the only snow-worthy one.

    And the nastiest injection-site reaction I ever had was the Shingrix shot. The hot red patch eventually spread down to almost my elbow--way bigger and "angrier" than any that have been reported after COVID shots (I saw photos of those and they looked like nothing in comparison to my "Shingrix arm"). But even a nasty injection-site reaction beats getting shingles.

    Cami, it's getting a bit warmer--and this weekend it'll be at least 10 degrees warmer in your neck of the woods than up here by the lake. We were finally able to take the herb plants back outside (but still keeping them in their pots and in a box to keep the wind from knocking them over). No more frosts! Looking at high 70s, perhaps even 80, on Tues. & Wed. As I said, spring & fall in Chicago are not distinct seasons--instead, winter & summer duke it out to see which one will win for the following couple of months. We used to say there were two seasons here: winter & construction. Had to revise that to "construction & Snow Day."

    Had a little more "bubble-enhanced" champagne with seared ahi tonight (which Bob brought home from Cellars because I had to stick around after my online concert to do a Zoom chat). I put in a fresh bottle for later this weekend. Also had a can of pineapple Bubly, which has supplanted black cherry as my favorite seltzer flavor.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Just going to jump in, it's been a busy week for me.

    Beaver, prayers and blessings to you and your family that they find the perfect treatment for your son and he will be given many more years. I'm so sorry.

    NM, I saw your new ride! Keeping with the theme, I think you should call her Sapphire! Sorry you had a hard time with the vaccine and your moms friend.

    This is my post I put on FB.....Wednesday was to Flagstaff for Darrell, 3 doctors. Today was Phoenix, Doctor for Darrell, me for treatment. Over 1000 miles driven. Throw another day in (Tuesday) to Show Low for PT/OT. This why I get nothing done!!!!

    I usually go in to the doctors with DH, but I had treatment yesterday so couldn't. Well, he doesn't remember most of what they told him. He goes back in 3 weeks to see 3 other people, he doesn't remember what for and I have treatment again in 3 weeks, so I won't be able to go in again. I told him he better take notes or record it!.

    Friends are coming today to start the wheelchair ramp, his doctor said he will most likely write the script for him next time for elec. w/c. He does lots of crying, which is understandable. What I have a hard time with is his negativity. His back surgeon even saw it. DH said something and doc says "with an optimistic out look like that.....". Then when we were leaving DH says something again, doc says "you need to change your negative thinking". DH says to another person at another appt., "I'm jealous of you, you can walk". It's almost embarrassing.

    Not a great auntie yet.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Well, I went out and bit the bullet and bought the bigger, pretty blue Jeep Cherokee yesterday. Wow, what a change in technology from Pearl's 2011 to the new one's 2018. It's got the funky screen in the dash that I don't like, but I did find the button to turn it off. It has heated seats, heated steering wheel, remote engine start, voice controls for changing the temperature and stuff, got the phone connected through bluetooth. It has a garage door control that I can set to open my garage door--can't wait to get that set up! There's a button on the inside that closes the back hatch. It rides really nicely. High up enough that I can see over bushes and snowbanks. Big enough to put the kayak in and probably can get the hatch closed, we'll have to see. Leather seats, I've never had leather seats before, was always afraid they would be way too hot in the summer.The dealer even had a couple who does nothing but drive cars around all day, on following the other, they took the rental back to the airport for me! Otherwise I would have had to wait until tomorrow to pick it up cuz Mom was down on the island waiting for a phone call that the boat was in so she could pick up some crabs. Come to find out, the boat's not coming in until TODAY, sometime! Got the rental bill via e-mail, looks like I'm going to have to pay for the whole week even though I turned the car in 3 days early. That's a bit of a bummer. Or maybe that's from the first rental, the print is so small in the picture it's hard to tell. I'll go look at it again in a bit. The only real drawback is that it's an automatic, and I really enjoy driving a standard. I've had automatics before and liked them, so that's really a little thing. What really blows my mind is that I went ahead and bought the car I really wanted, and not the less expensive one that would have served me perfectly well. Sadie came out and looked and sniffed it all over, but didn't get in, she just looked at me like "How do you expect me to get up that high?" I bought a ramp for her a while back but it didn't fit Pearl, I'll rummage it out and I'll bet it will fit this one.




    Cammy Cat--Pearl did live a good long life. I got a whole $100 in trade in on her. The dealer isn't even going to try to get it running again, they're going to see what parts are salvageable and trash the rest. RIP, Pearl. Glad you had a nice visit with your niece. And glad she can help finish putting your room together. These things take time. Marty's Mom and Sister need to take a long walk off a short pier. Into cold water. Without floatation devices.

    Chevy--you made me really laugh out loud!

    Illi--I like your approach! I expect to run the new Jeep for at least 5 years, maybe longer, and that works out to $1.68 a day--I can justify that easily!

    Librarian--I learned that insurance will pay for a certain number of mastectomy bras after mastectomy, but I never knew it also covers bras after lumpectomy! And 6? Wow! I used to get 7 bras at a time, so I could have one per day and do a wash once a week, I sweat so much I could never wear a bra two days in a row. Yes, taking a port out is a much smaller procedure than putting one in. They will numb up the area around and over the port, make a cut in the skin just big enough to get the port out, reach in and pull the port and the attached IV line out. Putting one in is a lot more work with having to make a pocket in the skin and tunnel the IV line through and then into the vein. Some people get some bruising if the skin has adhered to the port and they have to tease the skin off. Most people don't even need to take any pain medication. I've had people tell me that going back and getting the stitch taken out hurts more than having the port removed!

    Beaver--I remember how hot and heavy the prosthesis could be. My Mom knit me a couple of "prostheses" thatI used to use when I didn't want to wear the "real" one. The look wasn't as perfect a match as the real one but boy the comfort factor was huge!I am so sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis. I am praying that there is a curative treatment available that will work quickly and for strength and peace for all the family.

    Celia--hmm, I just assumed I was reacting to the shingles shot cuz I've heard so many people talk about having this kind of reaction, but it certainly could be the pneumonia shot or even the tetanus in the Tdap. In the end I supposed it doesn't really matter what shot, or if it's the combination of shots. The worst seems to be over. The shot sites in my thighs hurt today, I had some more chills last evening, still a bit headachy, but not so tired and worn out. I did fine yesterday while out doing the car thing, and I did get the color I wanted, and some of my not feeling right in the evening may have been from not getting any lunch. I'll probably use the shots as an excuse to be lazy today, though. I haven't had any Chambord in ages, need to get me some next shopping trip!

    Karen--I did just that! When the sales man was going to bring the first car around to look at I told him not to bother with theCompasses, I wanted one of the Cherokees. Asked him to bring out the one with the lowest mileage first. Didn't even look at the other one (which was identical except for slightly more mileage).

    Beaver--waiting is still hard, no matter how fast the preliminary results come in! The cost difference was not astronomical, and I did get the prettier car!

    Chi--Pearl did serve me very well, and I will miss her. But she deserves to rest now. One of the things the Cherokee has is little lights on the mirrors when something is in the blind spot! I forget what it's called, but it's really neat. I do have to admit that I am enjoying discovering all the bells and whistles in the new car. Wow, sounds like you really had a reaction to the shingles shot. My injection site is not really red now, didn't get really angry red. The other site, where the Tdap and Pneumonia went is actually redder this morning. Red, warm and hard. But that's the tetanus, that one is always at it's worse on day 2, 3 or 4, and today is day 3. So by the time I go back to work on Monday I won't have anything worth complaining about. I've tried some of the Bubly seltzers, they are pretty good!

    Blue Jeep Island Drink

    Mixing Instructions

    Add Triple Sec and Blue Island Pucker to cocktail or margarita glass. Add 7 up and stir. Ice optional but colder is better.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    NM, I’m so happy for you and I love the color! I upgraded my 2009 RAV4 to a 2020 4Runner last month and went with a very similar “nautical blue” as well. Here’s mine.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    Funny, my Kia Cadenza is also dark blue. Don't have a picture, though. At home trying to get laundry, etc done before going back to Houston tomorrow.

    Thanks for all kind words and prayers as well as support for the quality of care available for him.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Kim, "Sapphire" is lovely--your Toyota too, Illi! Glad you have blind spot monitoring, But give that touchscreen a chance. Both our cars have it, and I love its navigation system as well as the audio. The radio app lets you find out the name of a song, who sings it, and in many cases the album it's from. When the phone rings, I can answer or hang up with just a tap on the display--good thing, as it's illegal to handle a phone while driving in IL. Before touchscreens, I had to use those little Bluetooth earpieces that kept falling off (earbuds as a pair shut out too much ambient sound--such as sirens).

    With the gem theme, my 2002 Ford Taurus SLE was "Ruby." Her throttle went crazy one evening in 2011, and fixing her would have required replacing the entire dash to get at the throttle--so I got the Fusion hybrid instead. I still miss her a decade later. Haven't named my Outback, which is a dark bluish gray--the color and the lack of blind spot monitoring/cross-traffic alert is its only downside. (And of course, going from 38-42mpg down to 24-28 was a bit sobering). The Outback is the first non-Ford I've owned since 1981!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Happy Saturday ladies- the world seems to be opening up here with both people and color. So many trees now out in full bloom, lots of color here. Lovely day and ran a bunch of errands and saw a bunch of people in passing today too. I had a long overdue trip to a jeweler to get new watch batteries and also wanted to have a ring resized but now we are redoing the setting. This ring is a statement piece and after having resold some jewelry in consignment I have not worn in a long time, the money in my account is more than enough to cover this. Less is more, and getting the things I really love wearable and recycling the other things back into the community.

    Things at work are still a bit messed up but think we now have the attention of the management after one of our very best people quit. I wlll be busy supporting changes with this project into June, but am doing what I can and focusing on the other things in my life I have more control over. I think I detached from the politics and will do this for awhile, but by the end of the year, this particular role will work itsellf out or not. In the mean time, I will do what I can to help and focus on a more balanced life with work, play and taking care of things, I do better. Working on the things I can control.....

    Beaver- I am sorry about the news about your son, but I also know you said there was a chance he might have a second cancer. They got the dx quickly and will be working to get on this. I am just really sorry this is happening to him and your family.

    NM- so glad you got the car you really wanted. I am like Ill in that cars matter and my last primary car color was a deep midnight blue (called Cosmo Blue). After two blue cars in a row, I now have a deep forest green Subaru (called Cypress Green so I call her Cypress). I like Goldie's idea of calling her Sapphire as it's my fav gem and also follow the gemstone theme. You work hard and also help a lot of other people in your free time like your mom. You deserve a nice car and it just looks fabulous. I hope you will give Sadie a ride too!

    I understand you too about your Subaru dealer. I had a guy at my dealer trying to get me to replacing the timing chain on my outback way too soon. That is something that is not needed until after 100K. They have had a couple people there who have tried to sell me things I don't need yet but it is common in every place I have ever been. The crappy way men treat women in any situaiton like this. I have a woman at the dealer now and always ask for her, there is never any BS.

    Cami- well I try to live on the positive side of life but have been kind of cranky about the work stuff lately. Good that your neice came over to help. That kitten getting squished in the box is kinda funny.

    That's all for today. Hope everyone is having a good weekend and some nice weather!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    My Subaru dealership is wonderful--they give free car washes for as long as you own the car, and actually often tell me it isn't time yet for periodic checkups nor do I need work done.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    I agree about the touchscreen, it’s so useful. My Toyota reads texts aloud too and DH has been having fun with it. He had the computer voice saying “I love your butt” several times last week, lol

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Kim, enjoy the car and drive in good health. Pretty color. Same with your car Illimae.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    BabyGirl, that's a pretty ride as well.

    Jazzy, you have some cool names for your rides.

    Our vehicles don't have "nice" names. My yellow FJ often gets called Big Bird , banana or The short bus. Our blue truck, which is a 2000 is Old Blue. I think if/when we get a new ride, I want a red one. Considering a Ford Bronco, but need to see one in person and see how it would drive on our road. Our truck is a super rough ride on our road, the FJ rides pretty good on it.

    See the source image

    Hopefully Sadie will be able to get up into the new ride and that the ramp will be useful. I think you said she finally used her new bed?

    Friends came yesterday to get the start of the ramp going. DH just sat on the porch and watched, I went about my usual stuff. I walked by him at one point and he just handed me his glass and asked if I would get him more water. REALLY? You can't get up and get your own? He did that to me twice. I made burgers for everyone and fixed his plate for him. Of course it would have been a tight squeeze with his walker to try and do that on our little enclosed porch. I'm praying for lots of patience!!!! As I don't see him trying to help himself and I can't make him. If it were me, I would be doing as much as I could by myself and for myself. He got up once in over 5 hours and that was to pee.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! Stayed home yesterday and waited for the rain to come. It did finally rain, but not near the 2-3 inches that were predicted. DH got to watch his car races while I sat on the couch and read my book. Here is a question for you thinkers and smart people. Probably back in January, I started having pain in my ass. I think I have mentioned this before. Last week I planted flowers in 5 pots around the house. Since then, my ass is killing me! Now my calves are also aching and walking or sitting is painful. I did some Internet searching and have settled on damage being done to my periformus muscle or sciatica. Yesterday I took two Aleve for the pain. It hardly touched it. Is there anything else I can do? I did roll on a ball yesterday (no longer have any pool noodles!). Does this pain last forever? Should I stop walking? Should I sit on a heating pad?

    DH goes to his first Physical Therapy session on Monday. I do hope it helps his neck. He fell asleep sitting up yesterday while “watching” the car race. Much complaining once he woke up. He then went to the spa for an hour and felt better. There has to be something he can do to stop or tamp down the pain. I agree with ChiSandy that this part of being older is for the birds and I would like to think we can get through it. He takes magnesium, eats bananas and dreams of being able to hold his head up.

    Goodness! I am a bit “bitchy” this morning. I do have a few chores today. Ziggy comes back tomorrow. I do plan on going to the country to visit my one friend. We are both vaccinated and she found out she will be a grandmother soon. There is some good news in the world. So very sorry for those with much worse issues than mine.

    Take care!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Goldie, the bronco and 4runner we’re my top 3 considerations. The bronco looks great but it didn’t have enough guts for me with only a 2.7 liter engine and it looks like they won’t be available to purchase for another 6 months to a year, which was ultimately the deal breaker for me, sure is pretty though.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Jazzy! Those are beautiful pictures! A perfect spot for a chocolate coke! Heart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Beaver I am so so sorry to hear about ur son. At least they have come a long way in treatment and those 2 hospitals are known for their dealing with that disease. Prayers are being sent for ur son and family. And I know this will be a very difficult time for all of u. Big <<<HUGS>>> and a happy well treatment.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Hey Chevy remember when we coined the word "chicks" for all the world with our pole. I know what that pic meant but no one else did.

    Kim beautiful car and what is the official name u never said, did u??? Like Lori I had a yellow car people called it all kinds of names but I preferred Canary Diamond instead remember Elizabeth Taylor's ring. having some kind of choice he shChevy would one of "her" people gave her one, I never had the guts til now to tell her it was fake. just like some ofbu her body parts. Anyway like I said Pearl served u well so now we say adiou to something special, that cracks me up Sadie didn't get into it but maybe she preferred not to yet. It's not Pearl and she knows it.

    Sandy u seem to be more busy with zooms lately so things must be picking up. BTW u have low miliage on ur car but I still beat u/ I sold my car that was 22 yrs old with original miles of 32,000 miles. well I told u gals I never liked to drive far and I didn't.

    Lori u have a hard roll ahead of u for sure. It's bad enough now. Is this wheelchair a forever thing or for now, if ur DH excercises and does work not to be in one. I don't understand. If he has a chance not to be in one u have a tough job on ur hands to get him to push that restart button I know it's not easily done but he has to try as long as he can. This is just getting harder and harder for u too and even if u were 100% well it would still be hard and now it's got to be harder I'm so sorry. My Dr. has asked me 2x if I wanted something for medicare for a wheelchair and so far I just can't of course I look like a scary old lady with a crooked back and slow but I don't care, knowing my family they'd leave me somewhere with my face against a wall.

    BTW JC u never sound crabby to me, u always seem sunshiny.

    Teka u never tell us just how ur doing. So just how are u doing.

    Jazzy sounding a little rocky with ur job, but u always know how to handle these things U r a pro have been for quite a while so just go with ur gut and u'll be fine.

    Ok I'm closing up for now hope everyone is doing OK for Monday.

    And Beaver continue letting us know exactly what's happening with ur son.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! Looks like I never posted yesterday. I jumped right into working on the paper due for class this week, thinking it would only take a couple of hours, it wound up taking all day. But it's done and submitted, so now it's time to look at the reading for this week and see what the discussion question and assignment is. I kind of hope it's another PowerPoint presentation, I really like playing with PowerPoint.

    I've got to admit I'm liking the look of the new Jeep in the dooryard. So pretty!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Illi--your's is very pretty, too! Going from a 2009 to a 2020 you must have had the same experience with all the additional tech and power this and power that!

    Beaver--seems blue is a popular car color here in the HTL!

    Chi--I will give the screen a chance, I know I just need to get used to it. So far I haven't found the GPS feature, though. That is something I use on a regular basis, or would if my phone had coverage where I work. I never even thought about the mileage thing. Well, can't be too different from Pearls.

    Jazzy--Good for you for focusing on what you can control, and riding out what you can't. Not getting caught up in office politics makes for a more peaceful work life. It's good that management is paying attention. Sometimes it seems like it takes an awful lot to get management's attention, though. I've got to find the ramp I bought for Sadie and figure out how to use it with Sapphire very soon. It's almost swimming in the lake time again. Sadie's already been in the wading pool now that it's thawed out. I've got to get that cleaned out ASAP. She came in smelling like wet doggo and wet leaves!

    Chi--you have no idea how lucky you are! Around here Subaru means "Should Urgently Begin All Repairs Uneeded" !

    Illi--Having texts read aloud would be useful. I'll have to see if Sapphire can do that. I wonder if she can take dictation for texts? Another thing to check out.

    Morning, Karen, and thank you!

    Goldie--yup, Sadie did use the new bed, once so far. She pulled the center out and was curled up in the middle with her head on the bolster edge. I put the center back in, she promptly pulled it out, so it's now on my bed and I'm using it when I sit up in bed reading! Very comfy! After a bit, when ithas my scent on it really well, I'll put it back in the bed and see what happens. People do react differently to life-altering diagnoses. Patience and self care are going to be huge in your future.

    Librarian--can you describe exactly where the Pain in the A$ is, and describe what it feels like? Pain in that area can be muscular or nerve related, the location and description often help identify the cause. Knowing the cause is the first step in finding an answer. The calves aching sounds more like muscles complaining about doing something a little different, like planting the pots, and should only last a few days at most. Heat should make the calves feel better. Congrats to the friend who is going to be a grandmother!

    Jazzy--I saw that on FB, too funny!Oh my, how beautiful the flowers! Is that Wisteria?

    Morning, Chevy!

    Morning, Teka!

    Cammy Cat--the new car seems to have assumed the name of Sapphire. The color is listed as Patriot Blue and I considered Patty, but I have a friend who goes by Patty and that would get too confusing. Then Goldie came up with Sapphire Sophie. Have you looked at some of the fancy walkers that are out there now? Rollators are walkers that have wheels and a seat, so you can sit and rest whenyou need to. Usually have a basked under the seat for carrying stuff around. They usually fold up and fit in a car trunk and are lightweight and easy to manage. You might want to at least look at that option. It would be something your family could pop in the car when you go out, and have it if you need it.


    Sapphire Martini


    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a frozen cocktail glass, Add a couple of dashes each of blue curaçao and dry vermouth.
    3. Pour in the ice-cold gin.
    4. Garnish with the lemon twist. Serve and enjoy.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Morning - Been up for an hour and on the Cubii for 53 minutes - made my tea, looking a work emails, logging exercise for the past 2 weeks for a work "contest" - enjoyed reading outside in the sun on Saturday - yesterday afternoon and evening was spent on my OEY evaluation - writing reflections, adding artifacts and doing my self-appraisal. I lost track of how many hours I actually spent on it. going to take one last look this morning at my self-appraisal to be sure it make sense, no weird sentences or spelling and then will lock it,

    Have a great Monday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    It's Monday, I'm going to be swamped!

    BabyGirl, I didn't realize the Bronco's weren't available yet. Of course my FJ is a Toyota, but DH is a Ford man. I like the Chevy Blazer, but he says a Chevy is not allowed in our driveway. But since he won't be around, I should get what I want.

    I'm so sick of his negative comments. If he ends up living another 4+ years, it's going to be a miserable life...for both of us!

    NM, I certainly didn't mean to name your car for you. I just thought since you had Pearl, Saphire or just Sophia would be cute. I guess you could call it George, for George Washington, or Abe....LOL. LOL at S U B A R U, we always said FORD was Found On Road Dead. Never heard of dooryard. I have Siri as an English woman on my phone, and instead of saying parking lot, she says car park. It will be interesting if Sadie accepts that center piece after it has your smell on it. So you betting not get to liking it too much.

    Cami, he will lose almost all muscle, including the ability to possibly breath and eat. So he would have a feeding tubing and be on a resperator. We have 2 of those walkers with wheels on them, they are quite handy. One out in the warehouse and one in the house. Medicare should pay for one for you, but if not, they are not that expensive. $60 and up. You might get a nicer one for around $100. And they are pretty light, I have no trouble at all getting it in my car. DRIVE is a pretty popular brand.

    Beautiful sitting area Jazzy, did you visit there?

    JCS, I hope your DH can find some relief for his neck.

    Cami, I think you would like one of these, I really do.

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Just a quick pop in before I head to one of the clinics for go live support. Those flowers are indeed wisteria and located a lovely place called Old Town Farms in Albuquerque. They grow all kinds of flowers and veggies for sale in the summer, and that is a lovely sitting area for visitors. I did not sit in the gazebo, I was there for outdoor yoga yesterday and stopped by to see music friends playing there too. It's my Sunday morning go to place this time of the year.

    Gotta get to my week, it's gonna be crazy but I had a good weekend seeing folks and getting things done so that helps! Will be back again next weekend!