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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Yesterday was a pretty typical Monday-after-break day. Lots of tummy aches from not enough sleep the night before. Some diarrhea from the room that was doing the required testing. And 4 ticks found just for variety. 3 on one student, two of them found crawling around INSIDE the jacket!

    This is what I saw when I heaved myself out of bed and turned around to make it up. Needless to say, the bed still isn't made up, but I can do that when I go in to get dressed for work.


    More Belly Rubs, Please?? Just 5 more?

    Karen--Good idea to put some time between finishing a written project and proofreading it. I find some very odd things in my writing that way! I'm sure your eval will go well.

    Goldie--Actually, you aren't the only person to suggest Sapphire as a name for the new car! A couple of friends mentioned Sapphire, and so she is named! My dogs and my cars all seem to name themselves, either through recommendations or it just happening. I like it that way! I've heard the FORD = Found On Road Dead, too. Dooryard is a Maine/New England term, I think. Other people call it a driveway.And, yes, that is exactly what I was trying to tell Cammy Cat about! Very useful gizmos.

    Jazzy--beautiful Sunday ayem go-to place! Does wisteria smell as pretty as it looks? It makes me think it smells similar to Honeysuckle.

    Teka--LOL!Look out world, here we come!

    Sapphire Alpine Blue Martini

    Sapphire Alpine Cocktail


    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, pour the gin, blue curaçao, and peach schnapps.
    3. Shake well.
    4. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
    5. Garnish with an orange twist. Serve and enjoy.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Kim - Sapphire is a perfect name - EOY turned in yesterday morning including self-appraisal - only found a couple errors - tomorrow is my meeting - my evaluator told me that I'm the first. She is a team mate but also a Team Lead - she is not my supervisor but we have a great working relationship. Of course I'm always nervous. She told me that she looked briefly at all my artifacts and everything looks good. We need to rate ourselves on a 4 point rubric - the top two are Meeting Expectations and Exceeding Expectations - I gave myself a couple Exceeding and the rest Meeting. It seems arrogant to do Exceeding on all. We didn't have end of the year last year - but two years ago, my manager gave me several Exceeding where I rated Meeting. Hope this will be the same. Usually we are evaluated on 2 parts - professionalism is 50% and then 50% for two objectives we write. This year we are only being evaluated on Professionalism.

    Hadn't heard that about Ford - my husband has had Fords for years (company cars) and for the most part except for a Taurus in the late 1980s early 1990s they've been good cars. FIAT= Fix IT Again Tony!!!

    The days keep getting busier and it is getting harder to keep work/home boundaries - last night I worked 7:30-9pm to finish up what I didn't do during the day - but I did take some time during the day to do some "home" stuff that needed to get done. The next couple weeks are going to be busy, busy, busy but then hopefully things will calm down the last couple weeks of the year!

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Jazzy, enjoy your week.

    Teka, I want to be motivated like that! I need a do nothing day, but just not happening right now.

    NM, I figured the term was a Maine thing. Yes, driveway it is. Funny that others thought of Saphire too. Miss Sadie, or shoule I say Silly Sadie, looks quite comfy. DH could do without that walker. I wish his mom would get one, but she's too proud. Her RA is sooooo bad, her poor feet are a horrible mess and she's so fraile and fragile, she falls a lot. You can barely get her to use a cane. But right now she's in the hospital.

    Karen, my FIL worked for Ford, so my DH gets that discount until both parents are deceased. I always just got a car because I liked it, period. Didn't matter the make. Never heard the FIAT thing.

    Put out over 50 orders yesterday, we busted butt! Today is PT/OT. I don't understand how doing this once a week does a darn thing. He doesn't do anything at home except sit and bend this thing he bought for $20.00. Appt. not until 1, so I have a few hours at home to get more orders done before it's time to leave at noon.

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    (So to Speak)

    • Why isn't phonetics spelled phonetically?
    • Why are there Braille signs at the drive-through windows at the bank?
    • If a deaf kid swears, does his mom wash his hands with soap?
    • What's another word for synonym?
    • Why do we drive on a parkway but park in a driveway?
    • Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?"
    • Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all?"
    • Is it possible to be "totally partial?"
    • Would a fly that loses its wings be called a "walk?"
    • If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?
    • If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
    • If people can have triplets and quadruplets why not singlets and doublets?
    • Is Atheism a non-prophet organization.
    • I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where is the self-help section?" She said that if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
    • Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
    • Why don't you ever see the headline, "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
    • Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?
    • Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
    • Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
    • Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
    • Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
    • If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
    • If flying is so safe, why is the airport called 'terminal'?
  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    Update on our son: the diagnosis appears to be a rare subtype of acute myeloid leukemia, one with a poor prognosis. There is a possibility of trying a drug which is showing success with ALL that might offer at least remission if not a cure. Taking it day by day...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    I was just informed that my situation (health) is not as bad as his. Because it hasn't debilitated me in any way.....yet! Nevermind that I've been dealing with this for 13 years, needle biopsies, lumpectomy, bone biopsies, chemo, radiation, all the SE's from the different drugs I've been on. Been a walk in the park I say!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Goldie, I don’t know how in the world you haven’t thrown a cup at his head yet, out of frustration of course. You likely haven’t been “debilitated” because you won’t allow yourself to be. Now, I’m not man-bashing at all but I’m honestly so thankful that I’m the one with cancer vs DH. I love the man but like many men, they have the physical strength but really lack the mental resilience needed to live the life we do, with the attitude we do. All I can say is that I’m sorry, I’m sorry you’re going through this with him, sorry about your own health issues, sorry you have to work so hard with your business, just sorry.

    FYI, if you got anything old or unusable that is breakable, take it outside and smash it up, it helps!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Beaver, prayers for remission or a cure! Hugs to my friend.

    BabyGirl, if I break stuff, then I have to clean it up! I prefer the iron skillet! Today he was telling people at OT/PT he's going to Moab to look for a place to have his ashes spread! What the hell do you say to someone that says that???

    You guys don't have to respond to me, I'm just ranting. And what better place to do it than here amongst good friends. I just laugh!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    Goldie, please do rant here. You have to blow off some steam somewhere! You are truly in a very trying and difficult situation and need to let it out. I'm total agreement with Illimae, perhaps you can find a tin cup somewhere to use for target practice??

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Beaver, does DH's head count for target practice.....LOL!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Lori - come here and rant all you went - sure DH head is good for target practice Happy. Your plate is over flowing - my guess is that you always did the bulk of the work but now you have to take care of your DH as well. Wish I could do something to help....cookies? Hugs to you my friend.

    Beaver - hugs to you as well - wishing your son total remission.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2021

    Hi friends popping in to say hello.

    Beaver I'm so sorry about your son and pray he'll beat the odds. Thinking of you.

    Goldie....What Illi said!! I also have to agree with the resilience comment. I overheard my (also dearly loved) DH telling someone about his 2nd covid shot reaction. How he had it worse than me. Not a contest of course but we had the same fever/similar amount of time. Sigh. So rant away!

    NM love your new car!! I need to start looking for one.

    Cami your cat pictures are killing me! Keep 'em coming.

    No DOTD for a few days because....for our anniversary weekend we went for a fancy 5 course dinner with a wine pairing for each! A 95 year old sherry blend topped off dessert. A real splurge we thoroughly enjoyed.

    Wow this is long. 🙂 Have a great midweek.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited April 2021


    I will keep you and your son close in my thoughts.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump day! Lots and lots of craziness going on, and most of it with the staff. Lots of them traveled, most within New England and so didn't need testing or quarantineon return, but getting sick with coughs, sneezing, runny noses, sore throats, fatigue, but it's all allergies, right? Yeah, probably, but the protocol still says 2 symptoms off the list (includes all of those) = quarantine x 10 days or until a negative test.State of Maine has removed the face covering mandate for all people outdoors, with the recommendation to wear a mask outside if in a crowd. Masks still required indoors when unable to stay more than 6 feet apart. According to the Maine CDC Director, we are safer now than a year ago. BUT--now there is a big push to do weekly pooled testing in the schools. Pooled testing means testing a group, usually a classroom, students + teachers/staff, combining them and processing as one test using a PCR test. When a pooled test comes up positive, everyone in that group is retested using a rapid antigen test to identify the positive individual to send home to isolate. Of course, the rest of the pool will have to go home to quarantine. Great idea, but has some issues. First, the rapid antigen test has not proven very accurate in people without symptoms. Second, the rapid antigen test has not been studied in children, so we don't know how effective it is. Third, canyou imagine lining up a classroom full of kindergarten kiddos and doing nasal swabs on each one once a week? Fourth, it's an optional/opt in program, guess who has to keep track of permission forms and refusals? Not to mention do all the tests and all the tracking. Not so bad for me with a school with somewhere around 60 students, but the middle school has a few hundred, my colleague there is always running her butt off just keeping up with what is already on our plates. Unless a lot of the money coming into the school systems is going to be used to make sure each school has its own full time nurse, with assistants or even a second nurse in bigger schools, I don't see this working very well. But, time will tell, I guess.

    Karen--Yeah, Sapphire is working out very well for the new car. The nurses in my district are working on an evaluation form for the principals to use when evaluating us. It's really interesting to keep looking at the terminology and such from a non-nursing point of view! I'm with you on self-evals. Where is the line between honest self-eval and arrogance? I think we're pulling the self-eval part out of our process. Watch those boundaries, I can tell you from experience that is a very slippery slope!

    Goldie--Yeah, it can be confusing, here in Maine a dooryard and a driveway are 2 different things. A dooryard is where you park your car near the house, often by a side or back door rather than the front door. A driveway is the travel lane from the road to the parking area. Unless you live "in town," then the driveway is the paved stretch from the road to along side the house, long enough for a couple of cars to park one in front of the other. If that area is not paved, it's a dooryard. Crazy, isn't it? You really did bust butt, putting out 50 orders! I'm not sure what PT/OT can do on a once a week basis, but I guess it must be meeting some need DH has. Attention, mabye?

    LOL @ If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

    Beaver--oh my goodness, what a turn of events. Praying for a miracle.


    Illi--good advice!

    Reader--Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a great celebration. Sometimes a splurge is a good thing.

    Morning, JHI!

    Hump Day Lunch | Alcohol drink recipes, Booze drink, Liquor drinks

    Sadie's expression yesterday ayem after extra belly rubs:

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Rained last evening and night and rain is in the forecast again today.

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! Doctor thinks I have a strong case of sciatica. He prescribed an anti-inflammatory, a stomach pill and a muscle relaxer. Three days later, I feel exactly the same. He wants me to call on Friday to let him know how I am feeling. Not sure what my reaction will be. I am concerned about demanding an MRI, but that would show if this is a pinched nerve or disc problem. Everything takes time and I want a diagnosis and treatment.

    Love the pics of Sadie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Hi JCSL.... Man, I went through the same exact thing you are going through now.... I tried for so long to put up with the pain that went all the way down my left leg into my foot. I finally couldn't take it anymore. So after about a year, I decided to have the surgery.

    I took so many pills, physical therapy, and finally had to have a double-laminectomy! I woke up from surgery, and the PAIN WAS GONE! I had two herniated discs, the LS4 &5... They just cleaned it all out and I was free of pain.

    I know others have different things going wrong...along with different diagnosis.... but I was so lucky! Good luck with finding and fixing your problem!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Spine MRI came back clear!

    DOTD starts right now :).


  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited April 2021

    NM - Your district's procedures seem a bit misplaced. From what you describe, it could lead to a rotating door of students or staff periodically staying home. When there is an opt-in/out choice, too much testing will lead to people opting out of testing thus negating any benefit you might have gained. I surely would opt out of more than one test. Those are difficult tests to take - particularly for little children. Per the CDC guidance, there are significant limitations to pooled testing that can make their results unreliable.

    I think you'll need to make your Hump Day Lunch a daily beverage just to stay sane!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    illimae - doing the happy dance for you!ThumbsUp

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Ill- congrats girlfriend. I am a huge fan of absolute vodkas and must have me some of that Watermelon soon!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Image result for funny cat gifs cleanHappy landings for Illi.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Beaver I pray ur son defies the odds and travels a good path. <<< HUGS>>>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Should be busy at school today, got the folks coming in to do dental screenings and fluoride varnishes. One teacher and I are head to head on the tick collection race, she found 4 yesterday, I found 4 the day before, today we'll see how it goes, Friday will be tie-breaker day. Winner gets bragging rights. Found one on Sadie this evening, not too bad considering how bad they are this spring. I guess the tick med is working!

    Morning, Karen!

    Librarian--sciatica? Yikes. Not fun. Hoping the med cocktail works for you. Don't blame you for wanting to know what is going on and get treatment.

    Chevy--I am so glad the surgery was so successful for you! Waking up free from pain must have felt marvelous.


    JHL--There was a statewide meeting yesterday about the Pooled testing program that I got to see. The testing program will not be mandatory (despite the tone of the presentation making it sound like our options were to trial it for the rest of the year and for summer school, with full implementation next fall). I asked directly. So far my district has declined to participate in the point of care testing (BinaxNOw rapid antigen test) and I'm going to keep advocating to stay out of it. It's not approved for use in asymptomatic people. I found study that shows the BinaxNOW only catches about half of positive cases in children compared to the PCR test. It only picks up cases that are probably already contagious. It's also being presented as an opt-out process, but parental permission will still be needed for the follow up BinaxNOW when a positive report triggers retesting of the entire pool. I did figure out what's behind the push--Maine has contracted with a company that provides support: training staff other than the school nurse to collect the samples, collecting the pooled samples and shipping them to the affiliated lab, that sort of thing. So someone is making $ off this process.The schools in Massachusetts who have been doing this have had to hire a second school nurse for each school, one to do the school nurse work and one to be project liason, keeping up with all the recordkeeping, follow up testing, etc. They never answered the question directly, but it sounds like when a pool tests positive, they test everyone in the pool again, if no positives are found they repeat the test daily until the positive individual is found, that person goes into isolation but close contacts do not quarantine. For thelife of me I cannot figure out how this is going to help with containing the virus. It does meet the goal of keeping schools open to in-person learning. But at what cost? And yes, adult beverages are helping keep me sane! Me and lots of my colleagues!

    Morning, Jazzyy!

    DOTD is Illi's special concoction!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Morning, Cammy Cat! Looks like we bumped into the pool! Meet you at the swim up bar!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    OOOH I've lost 4 posts already just wanted to talk to everyone and I did just cant' complete it.

    Remember I LUBS U ALLTeka that is me BTW completely

    Now I'm hungry for a PB/ Jelly sandwich like anyone cares LOL

    Hopefully I can get thru a whole post later right at the bottom of my posts it was eaten.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Morning Kim - my computer is SO SLOW this morning - everything is taking so long to load!! I don't miss the days of ticks!! When we lived in Ohio, both the dogs and us had to deal with them - we got pretty good at pulling them out - I remember going for haircuts and the gals finding them!!

    Weather is warming up. Soon will be counting days - 1 month from yesterday - 4 weeks tomorrow till the school year is over - actually today is 4 weeks for me as I don't work Fridays. Things will be crazy. busy till middle of May then hopefully things will be more manageable. Still testing and have lots of reports to write and catch up on progress reports, medicaid billing, documentation etc.

    Have a great Thursday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    NM, ticks must be common in your area? Never had one on me. Glad you found the one on Sadie, I don't know how you find dem lil buggers through all that hair. And hopefully none on the kiddos. LOL at the tick contest, not one I want to win! Has that silly girl gottin into Sapphire yet? And is she still using her bed? I can NOT even IMAGINE trying to swab those little ones, what a nightmare, for you and for them.

    JCS, I've had sciatica pain in the past, OMG it's excruciating painful. I hope you find a fix soon.

    ED, glad you were able to get yours taken care of too.

    BabyGirl, I'll have one of those watermelon vodka's with you and celebrate. Are you still waiting on the brain?

    Cami, sorry about the lost posts. How are you liking things in the new house? You were so nervous about the move. Anything good with the girls yet?

    Worked out in the warehouse all day yesterday. Went to bed early, DH was rubbing my back which was killing me, especially that muscle right in the middle, on either side of the spine. So I say to DH, "ya, right there, that muscle". He responds, "I wish had some". UGH! Then this morning he was talking about wanting Chinese, and wondered if the buffet was open yet. Starts crying, how am I gonna get my food, I have a walker, I can't carry my plate, blah blah blah. Like I wouldn't be right there next to you helping you? Will it ever stop? Supposed to get close to 90 here on Saturday!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! I am somewhat better this morning. My butt and thighs are still numb. The cramps in my calves are still there, but not so bad. Maybe the meds are working to get the inflammation down to bearable. Not sure how long this will continue. Yesterday was pretty rough, but I was doing too much. Today will be quiet and I will get some rest.

    Goldie, your situation is so rough. The husband of a woman I worked with was diagnosed with ALS. He was a delightful man that often kept me company at his (and my husband’s) high school reunions. He did not last long, maybe a couple of years. His breathing was terribly compromised. I do want to wish you the patience of dealing with your husband’s issues with this disease.