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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Goldie, my brain MRI showed 2 spots, so I’ll have those zapped next week but the absence of it in the spinal fluid is the big best news. While it may be in the cards for me down the road and there are treatment options, especially for HER2+, the prognosis is just awful, so I’m happy to dodge that bullet.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    JCS, I wish you all the best with that sciatica. Glad today was a better day for you. I know how devastating ALS becomes, not looking forward to it at all, and not sure how I will deal with it. But right now it's not so bad (yet), I just wish I could turn his negativity off. I know he will end up in a wheelchair, possibly feeding tube and ventilator, but that's not happening today, and I need him to focus on TODAY! And I can't get there with him on that.

    BabyGirl, I knew you had the 2 new brain spots, just wasn't sure what the treatment was for that. Glad you can get those zapped. And certainly glad it's not showing in the spinal fluid. As for "those cards", take that hand and "FOLD", you know what I mean if you've ever played poker.

    We put our toy hauler up for sale today online and sold it today! In less than 6 hours! Our friends in Moab will take care of the sale for us. I'm sad, and wish we could go and do more camping. Camping from now on will be at the Hilton (glamping), just not quite the same. We will be going "glamping" in Moab June 2-8.

    Thank you again goils for listening to me, all the prayers, good vibes and good juju.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    We're still waiting! It's due day

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Waking up to rain this ayem, but the wind has blown out. Half of Maine is officially in not-quite-a-drought status, I forget what the technical phrase was. Funny to hear that kind of report while it's raining. On the COVID front, Maine's youngest deaths are now a couple of 20 year olds, with most deaths now being in people in their 40s. Even at fewer than 5 deaths per day that is too many deaths. And it seems the younger population is slower to get vaccinated than the older folks. And the rate of positive tests in children is picking up, too. The district High School is in outbreak status, but none of the cases were transmitted in the school. All of a sudden it seems like the COVID thing is getting a lot worse again. Or maybe its just my exhaustion with it all.

    Cammy Cat--Nothing wrong with BPJ sammiches,if that's what you want, go for it! Time for us to get after that post-eating gremlin again, it sounds like.

    Karen--The Admin Asst counted 32 student days left until the end of this year, I can't remember exactly what day that conversation came up. I don't remember ever having a tick attached to me, found lots crawling around. I check Sadie every night as part of our bedtime ritual. I bet I'm not the only dog owner to keep a tick spoon and a little jar half full of rubbing alcohol on the bedside stand! It seems end of the season is busy for just about everyone, but especially in schools.

    Goldie--ticks are very common. Deer ticks and dog ticks particularly, both of which transmit the lovely Lyme and other diseases. Like most of my generation, I grew up with the ritual tick check at least once a day, usually in the evening. "It's almost bedtime, go get in your jammies and comelet me look you over." Ticks were just one of life's little irritations. But that was way before Lyme disease. We knew ticks could spread diseases, but it was uncommon and not serious. So different now, with kids coming straight to me after recess for tick checks, even before going to get lunch. As to swabbing the kiddos, now that they are accepting nasal swabs, running the swab around just inside the nose, rather than the nasopharyngeal swabs (trying to swab the back of the brain through the nose) most places have the kiddos as young as 4 or 5 doing it themselves. Even though the info with the kits says self-swabbing is recommended for 10 years old and over. Finding ticks on Sadie is relatively easy, once it embeds and starts feeding it gets big enough to feel while petting her pretty quickly. And since they need to be attached for well over 24 hours to transmit disease, the once a day check works pretty well. Not perfect, since she tests positive for Lyme disease, meaning she has had it at some point in her life, Thank God Lyme disease is not a serious disease in dogs like it is in people.Sadie hasn't been in Sapphire yet, maybe this weekend I'll have time to rummage up the ramp and see if it fits or if I need to get another one. I haven't seen her on the bed again, but the bed is getting moved around a bit, so either she's using it while I'm at work or it's just getting kicked around.

    Librarian--glad you are feeling at least a little better. It can take time for anti-inflammatory medications to work.

    Morning, Illi!

    Goldie--it must have been hard to give up the toy hauler. These degenerative diseases are so terribly cruel, the losses start almost at diagnosis and just keep on happening.

    Space Pop Cocktail


    • 8 ounces prepared limeade
    • 4 ounces vodka
    • 4 ounces lemon-lime soda (Club soda or sparkling water can be substituted)
    • 2 ounces Blue Curacao (orange liqueur)
    • ice
    • Maraschino cherries (with stems)
    • 2 Grenadine Ice Cubes (recipe below)


    Grenadine Ice Cubes

    1. If making grenadine ice cubes, you will need to make them at least 4 hours ahead of time.
    2. Make the grenadine ice cubes by mixing 1 part grenadine and 1 part lemon-lime soda. Pour into ice cube molds and freeze until ready.

    To make your Space Pop Cocktail

    1. Gather all your ingredients.
    2. Combine, in a container with a pour spout, the limeade, vodka, and soda.
    3. To make the Space Pop cocktail, start with 2 tablespoons of blue curacao orange liqueur in the bottom of your glass.
    4. Add ice to the top.
    5. Add your limeade, vodka, and soda mixture slowly.
    6. Add either Maraschino cherries or one or two grenadine ice cubes to the top for a blue, white, and red cocktail!
    7. Enjoy with a friend!

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Morning all - logging on "late" - forced myself to lay in bed till 5:30!!!! instead of 4:45 or earlier.

    Kim - when we were in Ohio we lived on 4 wooded acres - we worried about Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever with ticks - hadn't heard of Lyme disease in the late 70s early 80s. It was a regular task to check for ticks in the spring and summer. We had lots of critters - our German Shepherd took care of some - once when I started our old Toyota Landcruiser there were a nest of field mice in the engine that went scurrying away!! fortunately, none ever came in the house.

    Supposed to get to 70s over the week-end. Tomorrow, I'll enjoy sitting out reading. Sunday going to meet with a girlfriend that I haven't seen since before the school year started :)

    Have a great Friday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Going to Mom's for lunch today. Looks like it's going to be a pretty day. I think she has some things she wants some help with around the apartment. It surprises me every time I see her how much height she has lost and how shoulder stooped she has become. We got some good steady rain yesterday, now the grass is skyrocketing, so I need to get at that this weekend, too. As well as getting a paper written. Oh, well, looks like a busy weekend for me! I never count on having time at school to work on my class stuff, but usually there is a little. But not much this week. Although last week's class work came in very handy this week! The assignment was to critique the data gathering process of a research article of our choice. I found an article reporting on a study looking at the effectiveness of the rapid antigen test compared to the PCR test for identifying COVID infected children. (answer, rapid antigen test identifies about half of infected kids, and mostly later on in the illness when the kids are already contagious). Was able to use the info to bolster the nursing team's stand to NOT participate in a labor-intensive project that will provide no real benefit, since we are already nearly 100% full time in person learning now and staying that way even with the rising rate of COVID positive tests in parents and older siblings working part time after school. The high school is struggling a bit harder, that's where a lot of at-work exposures have close contacts. I can't see this pooled testing thing changing anything there, it just lets kids stay in school that would usually be quarantined, giving the virus more spread.

    Oh, dear, looks like I got off on that soapbox again.

    Sadie say Hi to everyone!

    Karen--I remember hearing about Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and ticks as a child, it never really meant much to me at the time, and I don't think it's very common in Maine.The Lyme disease bacteria wasn't identified until the early 1980's, and the disease not identified and described until 1975, so your memory is spot on!

    Good Morning to everyone!

    Lipstick Memory Cocktail - HERO / Photo by Joseph De Leo, Food Styling by Lillian Chou

    Lipstick Memory Cocktail - HERO / Photo by Joseph De Leo, Food Styling by Lillian Chou

    Lipstick Memory Cocktail - HERO / Photo by Joseph De Leo, Food Styling by Lillian Chou

    Lipstick Memory


    1. For the Cran-Rosemary Juice:
    2. For the cocktail:
      • 2½ oz. dry sparkling wine
      • 1½ oz. Campari
      • 1 oz. Cran-Rosemary Juice
      • Garnish: Rosemary sprig, torched if desired


    1. To make Cran-Rosemary Juice, combine unsweetened cranberry juice, 2 Tbsp. water, and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium high heat, stirring to dissolve sugar, then immediately remove from heat. Add 2 rosemary sprigs and let steep 4 minutes. Strain into a liquid measuring cup or 12-ounce resealable jar. Let cool to room temperature and use immediately, or seal and refrigerate up to 2 weeks.
    2. To make the cocktail, add sparkling wine to a Collins glass, being careful to let fizz settle to get an accurate measurement. Add Campari and Cran-Rosemary Juice, then fill with ice. If you'd like to torch the rosemary sprig, hold it next to the burner of a gas stove or near a match for a few seconds, just to warm a bit. Give the cocktail a very brief, gentle stir, then garnish with rosemary.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    NM, it was hard to give up the toy hauler. Sold the same day I listed it. Glad we had a friend that could take care of it for us. Sounds like Covid is going to make a return. Especially with so many states removing the mask mandate. Living in MI, I was aware of the ticks, but never encountered any. Funny that Sadie moves that bed around. Talking about the slouching, my 6'2" husband now stands shorter than me at 5'8", that's 6 inches!

    Supposed to be in the mid 80's today. Will get out and do some garden work. Friends coming today to install the ramp. If my niece doesn't have the baby this weekend, she will most likely be induced come Monday. Pretty quiet in here.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Good morning! I am so very miserable. I called my doctor yesterday. He did call me back, but I swear I never heard my phone ring. I tried calling him back and no answer. Just so unsure of what to do at this point. My legs still are not working right. My back hurts. I have not pooped in days (taking a stool softened, but no go!) and can pee often when I am sitting on the couch. I am thinking I need an MRI to find out what is causing the back pain. Then we can make better decisions about care. Do I go to the emergency room? Wait for the doctor to call again? Call the cancer center? Just sit inside wishing this would all go away?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    JCS, maybe call the cancer center and if you don't get anywhere with them then I think I would go to the ER. It's the weekend, you might not get anywhere with doctors.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    JCS, seconding Goldie's recommendation.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Beav., prayers that your son beats the odds and that new drug sends him into a long, open-ended remission.

    JCS, "thirding" what Lori says. Numbness, back pain radiating downward, and now constipation all may point to something other than a pinched nerve/herniated disc. DEMAND an MRI. (Or a PET scan).

    Illi, congrats on your clear spine! Hope the brain spots are just "debris" from your last bout of rads/surgery. (That's what the rad-onc called the scary 2019 lump at the site of my former seroma--"echogenic debris").

    Kim, we walked to dinner Thurs. night, thinking as we stepped out the door how lovely it was gonna be not having to put our masks on till we reached the restaurant. But within 5 min. my eyes began watering and my nose started simultaneously running & itching--and I noticed everyone else out on the street was still masked. So I sighed, reached into my pocket, pulled out my mask & put it on. Instantly, my nose felt better ("the boat had already sailed" on my eyes). When we got home I checked the pollen count: grasses moderate, trees high. Darn those elms, junipers & maples. I looked out the window just now, as a gust of wind slammed our arborvitae--and when it subsided it looked like there was a cloud of dust surrounding the tree.

    Weather has been insanely "bipolar"--40s-50s Mon., then 87 Tues. (Sat outside in a T-shirt dress & bare legs, sipping my cappuccino at 3 pm). Bob got home at 5, took a look at me and said "go put on long sleeves & some pants, and take a jacket if we're dining outside." I opened the back door and was hit with a blast of chilly air. By the time we left the restaurant (we sat with our BFFs on the covered patio, right near the heater), it was 46. In the high 40s here by the lake all week, and now this morning the low 60s, forecast to go to 73 (80s inland). Wind gusts to 50mph--we're definitely brunching indoors. 80 tomorrow, no wind--and then the thunderstorms start at midnight. Mon. we will wake up to 60, which will be as warm as it gets all week. At least no overnight frosts, so we will get the tomatoes planted and the dill & cilantro into the ground.

    Speaking of BFFs, he's fine--and the neurologists are stumped as to why he had that bout of expressive aphasia. All scans (CT, MRI/A/V, PET) came back clean. Bloodwork normal, as was the EEG. Only thing out of the ordinary was slightly elevated BP. The working hypothesis is that he may have taken the wrong meds the night before--his BP and bipolarity meds look similar, and he had taken his pills after awakening from a nap; and the half-life of the latter med was such that it took several days to leave his system. Unlike most people who get expressive aphasia, he was able to tell us what it felt like: extreme frustration at thinking very clearly but being unable to finish a sentence without devolving into "word salad."

    DsOTD Thurs. night were the pairings at an Italian wine dinner: with antipasto, Verdicchio; then Pinot Grigio with salad; Montepulciano d'Abruzzo (red) with lasagna; Chianti Classico with the beef course; and with dessert, a Limoncello "Creme," which was like Bailey's only very lemony (the wine rep said it was non-GMO, dairy-free & shelf-stable, which tells me it was likely almondmilk-based). The latter was not to Bob's liking: he's a limoncello purist. Last night, a little Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs reserve. I think for brunch I will teetotal, since we'll be driving to the Apple & Verizon stores to get our new iPhones. (Verizon Store for Bob, as Apple will not set up new phones in-store--COVID-protocol time restrictions--and Bob doesn't want to go the DIY route).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2021

    Hey JCS.... Do you have a perk with your insurance called "Ask a Nurse"?? If not, I would go to any ER or those places in a mall, for emergency help! You know how you are feeling, and if it isn't right, and doesn't go away, you need help!

    You could even call an ambulance, which might cost a lot if they have to TAKE you to the ER... But one time I called them, and they examined my Husband in their ambulance, like for about 1/2 hour, and then he got to come back in! They took all his vitals, examined him, and said he didn't need to go to the hospital. It didn't cost us anything, because they didn't take him anywhere...

    I just mean, we all hate to see you not feeling good, and you probably feel helpless! Can you drive yourself to the ER? We are just worried.... as you are..... Sad

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    We still do not have a treatment plan, or a definitive diagnosis, for our son. Dr. says it is a complicated case, after comparing slides from two bone marrow biopsies (done at the two leading centers for leukemia and lymphoma in the US, apparently they are consulting with a number of other pathologists. Don't know specifically why. Frustrating, and they may not realize the level of medical knowledge in the family: his wife is a veterinarian, his MIL and mother were nurses and his FIL a physician. It would help me to know more details, even if there is not an answer yet. I'm feeling the effects of not knowing--I do much better when I have information.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Kim - you must be sleeping in .....well deserved...wish my body would sleep longer - but oh well.

    Meeting a friend for coffee this morning. Haven't seen her since the beginning of the school year. It should be nice enough to sit outside. I miss our chats. I texted another friend Friday evening about chatting but I haven't heard back. Trying to re-connect after way too long of not seeing friends. Prefer outdoor and will probably wear a mast still.

    Have a great Sunday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Except that it's a work day for me, got to get a paper written for class and I've been a bit of a slaker this week on class work. Well, my own fault, right? Had a nice visit with Mom yesterday. She did this really neat thing for lunch. She took a Suddenly Salad box, cooked it up, but instead of making it into a salad she made it into a soup and added some left over ham to it. Served it with a dollop of sour cream. It was really good! Mom wasn't super crazy about and I was going to bring the leftovers home but I forgot it. Mom is going to North Carolina to visit with brother and SIL for a week or two, leaving next weekend if she gets a flight booked. She's thinking its going to be cheaper to rent a car once she gets to N.C. I tried to explain to her that car rentals can be problematic right now, with traveling increasing and rental car places not being able to add to their fleets after selling off a lot of cars last year. I reminded her to check out prices through AARP, too. I wish she would let me do this stuff for her but she is determined to do it herself. She even asked me if she called the local airport if they would tell her how long any layover might be between flights and how far she would have to go to get from the arrival gate to the next flight's departure gate. It took me 3 tries to get her to understand that the times are on the tickets and itinerary, and she would need to look up the specific airport and look at it's maps. She did, at least, agree to order a wheelchair now that she can't walk very far without her knees and back hurting. Nor can she walk very fast.

    I think a critter may have gotten into the house. Sadie is going nuts chasing something around. Whatever it is I hope it finds its way back out the kitchen door soon!

    Goldie--Wow, 6 inches is a lot! I'm with you about COVID making a return. The numbers may be down in Maine but the activity seems a lot higher lately. I supposed we could just be in a pocket of activity, or particularly sensitive to it. 80's would be nice for a few hours around here. Still sweater and jacket temp even during the day here. You must be excited to be so close to meeting the new grandniece or nephew.

    Librarian--call the cancer center. Not wanting to sound pessimistic or dramatic, but there is an oncology emergency where mets to the spine or spinal cord can cause pain, issues with pee and poop control and even paralysis if not identified and managed rather quickly. I would expect the cancer center would advise you to go to the ER, and that they would call the ER you are going to and give the staff a heads up to prioritize your work up. Make sure everyone knows your bowel and bladder function have started to become affected. That is a huge red flag that should help the staff take your situation very seriously.

    Morning, Beaver.

    Chi--That must have been the weirdest, and scariest feeling for your BFF. I love the "bipolar" description of the weather! It used to be like that around here in the spring and fall, although 70's were more common than 80's, but it seems the last few years have been chilly, dark and wet springs suddenly becoming hot and humid summers. The Limoncello crème sound very yummy!

    Chevy--good advice for Librarian!

    Beaver--I know docs don't like to talk about much until they have hard and fast data to fall back on, but your family NEEDS more info! Son and DIL need to call the doc and explain that they need info, even if preliminary, and understand things may change as info comes in. Knowing what is being considered is way easier than imagining.

    Karen--yup, Sadie and the world let me sleep in this ayem! Didn't get up till almost 7! Hope your friends all connect and you get some nice visits. Outside is nice this time of year when it's warm enough, and any excuse to get outside the house is helpful these days!

    A top-down shot of a golden-hued drink filling a highball glass, with a black paper straw and a long grapefruit peel garnish. The background is charcoal colored.

    Lazy Sunday


    • 1 1/2 ounces tequila
    • 1 1/2 ounces grapefruit juice
    • 1 ounce cinnamon syrup
    • 1/4 ounce turmeric tea*
    • Club soda water, to top
    • Garnish: grapefruit twist


    1. Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Good morning ladies and happy May- catching up on things here today and see a lot of things going on for many.

    The weather here is really nice this weekend, warmer and no wind! We got some rain mid-week which was much needed and think it brought about a half inch to this area. It was nice to come out the following morning to such a fresh aroma after the rain. trees are completely out now and everything blooming. Ah choo!

    Difficult week with car/tire issues, but that got resolved quickly (even if expensive). Ended up having to replace all four tires on my Subaru which you have to do when one tire is ruined. I was probably a year or so out with having to do it anyways. Although my old tires did not have road hazard warranty on them from everything I can tell, the new ones will. Then work brought it challenges with one of our team of three leaving Friday and down to two of us, and she goes out on FMLA in a couple weeks to go back to her homeland for some family issues. That leaves little old me with a whole lot of go live work yet to come and also planning for the next phase of work. It's starting to fall apart, but here is what I decided to do- focus on helping the end users get through the change. The feedback from my time this week working with one group was very positive. With more work/life balance returning, I am less focused on work and more on enjoying the spring and seeing my friends again. Let the managers manage.....

    JCS- I hope you are in to somewhere now and getting good care. Things seem to change on this very quickly for you and several here plus NM gave some very good suggestions around things. Let us know how you are doing when you are back home?

    Beaver- hold your family in prayer around your son's dx and the treatment plan that they are working on to get him better.

    Karen- I hope you have fun with your friend this morning.

    Goldie- thinking of you this weekend and know things with DH are difficult every day. I hope you got some of that moisture that came through here midweek. My sister's partner who had a slow decline from her MD used to look to my sister to wait on her when she was home. When I visited, she looked for me to do the same. It's hard to know where the line is with those who have muscular or neuro diseases and how much they can or cannot do. Hugs friend.

    Cami- how is the new house feeling and are you getting more settled in your new space? How are all your boyfriends too?

    I can't read back further without loosing this post so I may be back later with more individual commentary.

    I was out again late yesterday to meet up with some friends I have not seen in over a year. Went to a local distillery owned by a friends family (she was not there yesterday though) and enjoyed some craft cocktails, great food and wonderful reconnection time. I will post my DOTD from yesterday from my phone, which was a blueberry infused vodka with lime and ginger.

    Off to yoga soon and wishing everyone a happy Sunday. Sending much love to all those here struggling through everything life is bringing you right now. Lubs ya!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning! OMG!!!!!! I ended up at the ER. It took six hours for them to decide what is wrong. At first they thought all they could do was an x-ray. Then it was discovered that there was someone at the hospital that could do the MRI. So I had that and found out I have “several” bulging discs. Everyone was very happy it was not anything to do with cancer! I had not really thought about that. Anyhow, after the six hours we left to get a prescription for Hydrocodone. While I was waiting my PCP called and we talked about what the hospital had done. He was cool and we will talk again next week about going to a orthopedic doctor. I think that we are on the right path and this will get cleared up soon.

    The kids will be taking Ziggy to a training class. He has gotten much more “mouthy”. He bites both the kids and DH and I often. It is not to draw blood and not done in a mean way. He wants attention or thinks he is playing. He does not bite other dogs. I think he was a lot younger than they thought and are working on correcting these behaviors before they become permanent. They are also going to try a doggy daycare for one day and see how that goes. Fingers crossed it goes well

    We saw our first hummingbird yesterday! Watched John Prine on PBS last night. He was so very good. Today will be car racing and book reading. I do think the hydrocodone helped me sleep better last night. Thanks for all the positive thoughts! Will have to go a few days without drinking. Or maybe just a little bit...

    Take care!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    Ah, NM, that is kinda the catch. My DIL is not a bit shy about asking for details but the response was that this is a complicated case without any further details. We are thinking either the two bone marrow samples somehow don't match or the cell structures are atypical or mixed type. However the initial diagnosis was of a very rare type of leukemia (<1 in 1,000,000) with a poor prognosis in adults, so if course we are hoping for something more treatable.

    I'm at home now, other DIL and son's in-laws are there now and my DH had an emergency ultrasound to his leg on Friday for pain and swelling (results indicated no DVT) so I needed to be here in case it was a clot. Will likely stay home this week as I have a class to teach next Sunday, as well as he may have further work up.

    Thanks for being here and listening. I was really in the dumps last evening. Feeling a bit better this am.

    Edited to add that it does not help us that MD Anderson still is operating under strict Covid protocols with absolutely no visitors. When they are ready to discuss treatment our DIL will be given a 4 hour window to be there to meet with the team and see her husband. They are connecting via I pads so at least they can see and talk with each other which has been a great comfort for both of them.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    JCS, think we bumped in the pool. Good news that it is not cancer but sorry it is multiple discs. Hiwever, that is treatable. May you be pain free sooner rather than later!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! The alarm went off in the middle of an intense dream and I'm really struggling to get my brain awake and working all in one mode. Lots of coffee day today, It think. Yesterday's school work went better than I thought, I got done just before 1 peeyem. Spent some time on the deck reading escapist fantasy type stuff, till the breeze got just a tad too chilly. This week's big assignment is a PowerPoint presentation, and I really like playing with PPT, so that should go well.

    As of Saturday, people coming to Maine no longer need to quarantine or test. That will give the tourist industry a big boost. Also as of Saturday, Maine residents traveling out of state will not need to quarantine or test unless they visit a state with high community transmission and a high rate. So far that list has no states on it.

    Sadie is definitely feeling her oats this weekend. Every time I tried to pick up around the kitchen and living room she went right behind be emptying out trash bags and tipping over trash cans, the looking at me and wagging her tail as if to say "See, Mom, I'm helping!" Hard to get mad at someone who looks so proud of herself.

    Jazzy--having to replace all 4 tires is a pain in the anatomy, isn't it? I was ticked to find out a few years ago that in Maine if you use studded tires you have to use 4, not just the 2 I was used to. You know, front wheel drive, put the studs on front. Real wheel drive, on the back. I've actually run into people who don't know what a front or rear wheel drive is! I guess I'm getting old! I like the let the managers manage mind set! You can only do so much, and the whole project is not your responsibility. Work/life balance is a good thing, isn't it? That blueberry infused vodka with lime and ginger sounds marvelous!

    Librarian--I am so glad you finally got an answer to the pain and it's something that can be managed. And I hope the hydrocodone is helpful. It's good Ziggy is getting some training, it does sound like he was pretty young when taken from the litter. I'm expecting hummingbirds to show up mid May, got to get the feeder out and cleaned up and ready.

    Beaver--It must be frustrating and infuriating to not be getting any information. They could at least say what makes the case so complicated. I am praying that the complications do end up with a diagnosis with abetter prognosis. Also glad DH doesn't have a DVT. You are really in the middle of a difficult time. Hugs.

    Morning, Teka!



    The Waiting Room


    • 5 Cherry Tomatoes
    • 5 basil leaves
    • 2 oz Blanco Tequila
    • 1 oz Lime Juice
    • .75 oz agave nectar
    • .25 oz aged balsamic vinegar
    • Himalayan Pink Salt


    Step one

    Rub a lime around the rim of a coupe and roll it in the salt, if using.

    Step two

    In a shaker, muddle the tomatoes.

    Step three

    Add remaining ingredients and ice.

    Step four

    Shake and strain into the rimmed coupe. Add one big cube of ice and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Kim, Did I ever tell you that my late grandmother was Miss Old Orchard Beach in 1936? She wasn't a miss and wasn't even American. My grandparents had gone on vacation with my toddler mother. My grandparents were dancing and the judges approached her for the contest. I still have the trophy (we all it the pee cup - as the story goes my mother had to pee and they gave it to her to use) and all the paper clippings. The cup is more oval than round - not sure how it got flattened. Not sure what made me think of this now all these years knowing you! Maybe it was the paragraph about tourism.

    Had a wonderful time meeting my girlfriend yesterday. The weather started out sunny and 60s then the winds kicked up, clouded over, temp dropped and it started to rain. I last saw her before the school year started - way too long - she is a retired teacher that I met before Miriam was born when she had just retired and was subbing in my building. Want to make plans to see her again next month. Actually, she is the only friend I have gotten together with since the pandemic - first sitting outside on her lawn - yesterday at Starbucks outside, more or less socially distanced.

    Today 35 years ago I became a mother - 35 seems like such a milestone birthday.

    Supposed to rain all day. It's in the high 30s and raining.

    Have a good Monday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Sandy, our weather here can be bi-polar as well!

    Beaver, continued prayers for you and your family.

    Karen, we haven't seen too many people either since Covid. Glad you had a nice time with your friend.

    NM, I hope your mom can get to NC without any incidences! Glad you got some me time on the deck with some reading.

    Jazzy, no moisture here to speak of, just windy. I hear you about how much one can or can not do. The one that really bothers me, is if I ask our guests if they want something, and DH will ask me to go get him water. Not that it takes long to get water, but that is one thing he can do himself!

    JCS, glad you got some answers and some pain management (hopefully). Sounds like Ziggy does indeed need some classes. I hope they get the biting under control.

    We got more than half the ramp in. Sat/Sun I was able to get some gardening done. Planted some beans and snap peas. Lima beans are next. I'm having to be my own rototiller, as I can't operate ours, it operates me! So digging, chopping with a hammer, adding manure...our soil, altho amended for many years still has a lot of clay in it. They didn't induce today, tomorrow is the plan. So baby tomorrow or Cynco de Mayo.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Weather rollercoaster again--hit 85 on Sat. but with wind gusts >50 mph. (We ate brunch, but not outdoors, duh). Yesterday, just as warm. I made shakshuka for brunch and we had it on our deck with Mumm Napa bubbly. A sudden gust of wind knocked my glass over--good thing it was a plastic "GoVino" flute. Was in the low 70s all day today, but going down into the 50s overnight, and we won't see 60 here by the lake till at least Mother's Day.

    Went to Shaw's Crab House for dinner last night. DsOTD: Collet Brut champagne with the seafood appetizers, and a CA rosé of grenache & barbera with grilled salmon. No alcohol today. Stepped on the scale this morning, and I see teetotaling (and strict keto) in my future after my weight loss NP "tears me a new one" at my weigh-in tomorrow. I still fit into my M/10/Chico's size 1 dresses, blouses, jackets and pants (and size XS PJ Harlow oversized sweats), but I would be lying if I didn't say the size 12 jeans pull up more easily (even if they're droopy in the butt & thighs) than the 10s. I will throw myself on my NP's mercy and ask about a group, or counseling for both help & accountability. Might look into Noom too. (Not WW, due to their demonization of fats. Something very weird about a donut having the same point count as a steak).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! It was relatively calm at work yesterday, Only 4 ticks to kill. It was really nice to find a card and box of Butterfingers on my desk for School Nurses' Day! I had a bit of a treat watching and listening to the music teacher conducting band practice in the ball field. That poor guy did more walking back and forth and around and around with the 6 foot distancing rule! He did a really great job keeping a bunch of 4th and 5th graders on task.

    Sadie says good morning to everyone and thanks for the belly rubs. She and I tried to remember the name of everyone in the Lounge during belly rub time before getting out of bed.

    Karen--Wow, that is amazing! I live family stories like that. I bet there is a story behind the flattening of the cup, even if just a mundane one like it getting squeezed when getting packed or washed or something. Glad you had a good meeting with the friend. It's getting to be time to start getting out and about again before we all go stark, raving bonkers! Congrats to the 35 year old and to you, Mom!

    Goldie--I hope Mom gets to NC ok, too. I think she'll be ok during the flight itself since she's going to order a wheelchair for the layover/plane change. I'm going to talk to my brother about making sure someone meets her in Charlotte, she is renting a car so they will have a second vehicle while she is there, but I do not think she could possibly manage driving from the airport to their place without something happening.I hear you about the rototiller, I used to have the same problem. I got rid of the big one and got myself a smaller, electric one. It takes longer to churn up whatever I'm working on, but at least I can do it myself without getting hurt. Still waiting for baby? Praying for a safe delivery and healthy mom and baby, no matter what the birthdate is.

    Chi--accountability does seem to help with a lot of things, doesn't it? I'm sure you'll get your weight back where you want it quickly.

    Baby Cocktail


    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with pineapple.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    The rain has finally stopped after raining ALL day yesterday. It's 36 but supposed to get to the 50s. I've got a crazy schedule today - I have 7 students to see in 2 hours - got voluntold into helping with interviews that I thought would be in the afternoon but start at 11. It's for a second manager for my department of close to 350 SW and SPs. There are 5 candidates and I know of 1, know 3 and 1 is out district. A couple might be great but have no supervision experience and one is only 2 years out of grad school. A couple resumes look great. There are 3 of us doing the interviews plus either my manager or her manager. Been spending my evening writing reports that are due this week and next so I can then do the paperwork that I'm behind on. Looking forward to the end of the year, but it will be busy till the last minute!!!

    Have a great Tuesday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Happy Cinco de Mayo! Looks like it's going to be rainy today, but it feels a bit warmer than the last few mornings have felt. I'll take the warmer! The tick infestation is getting really bad, they're even crawling around on the playground equipment and on the pavement. The Principal is having the playground sprayed for the ticks, we're all hoping that happens very, very soon. Some kiddos (and a couple of teachers) get very freaked out by the critters. Not that I blame them. So far Sadie's treatment is doing well, I haven't found any ticks on her the last few checks. I do need get at the mowing or there will be problems with them pretty soon, though.

    It looks like the Pfizer vaccine will be approved for 12 to 15 year olds in the next week or so. Thiswould be a huge step forward for making in person schooling workable this fall.

    Karen--end of year seems pretty darn busy! I love the "voluntold" phrase.




    • 4 One-inch chunks of melon
    • 1 slice Cucumber
    • 2 slices Jalapeño
    • 5 cilantro leaves
    • 1/2 oz Fresh lime juice
    • 2 dashes Grapefruit bitters
    • 1/4 oz Agave syrup
    • 2 oz Cuestión tequila blanco
    • 1/2 oz Cointreau
    • Salt
    • Cumin seed
    • Garnish: Cucumber slice
    • Garnish: Jalapeño slice
    • Garnish: Parsley leaf
    • Garnish: Cumin seeds


    1. In a mixing glass, muddle the melon, cucumber, jalapeño, cilantro, lime juice, grapefruit bitters and agave syrup.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Good morning Kim - it's 4:30 here in Denver - exhausting day yesterday. Saw students all morning and one emergency anxiety attack in the afternoon. 5 hours of interviews in the afternoon is EXHAUSTING. 5 candidates. 4 out of 5 were internal and I knew three of them well. One last minutes interview this afternoon. This person will actually be my supervisor. There were 5 of us on the team doing the interview. It is a new position - we will now have 2 managers or our department. WE had to debrief after we were done and rate strengths and weaknesses, then rate our top two choices. By then 1 persons had left but of the 4 of us - three of us had the same top 3 in the same order and the other had one of the same and a different one. Of course we don't make the final decision. We will suggest the top two then our bosses supervisor who sat in the interviews but didn't ask questions has the ultimate say. I need to finish up my ratings this morning. WAs too spent when I got home - running on adrenaline as I stopped at the store to get a few thing, then cooked dinner. So it was non stop, go go, go all day from 7:30 when I left home till after 6:30pm. Even though its early, will finish the ratings before I start work at 7:30. Hope they get a handle on the ticks - we never saw them crawling around - but we lived on 4 wooded acres so I"m sure the dogs brought them in.

    Cold this morning but warming up. Rain on and off the next couple days the snow in the mountains!!

    Happy Wednesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Oh my, ticks on the playground and sidewalks! Maybe they should keep the kids inside? And hopefully Sadie won't have an issue with them. Maybe extra belly rubs to check for ticks?

    Busy day for you Karen!

    Off to town, finally got my injections to be sent to my primary here, so will be getting those today, then to PT/OT. Waiting on baby. She is having back to back contractions and has been given an epidural.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    Seconding liking "voluntold"!

    Ticks on the playground equipment -- I'd freak out too! Makes me wonder how many of them are elsewhere in the area!

    Karen, hope the interviews work out well for you with your preference for your new supervisor.

    Goldie, another busy day for you. Here's to the arrival of a new family member.

    Update on our son: he is being a medical mystery as only 10% of the changes in his bone marrow are leukemia and they are still trying to identify what the rest are. So, no treatment plan yet. DH is still limping and aching, follow up with doctor is next Monday. Me, I'm hanging in or on, not sure which!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Hello all! I went to the orthopedic doctor for my back this morning. Very nice man, but insistent that he can do nothing and Medicare will pay for nothing until I go to several weeks of therapy. Hopefully that office will call soon with an appointment. The doctor could not get access to the MRI. My DH and I are confused about that. The doctor said there was one x-ray tech that could get through the fire wall and that person was not there today. May try to call the hospital to see if I can pick up the CD. He also stated the PT would last for 4-6 weeks. My patience will totally give out if I am not better soon.

    We had my older DS and his wife over for dinner. They are doing nothing about exercising this dog. It’s all on us to make sure he gets walks and yard exercise. I would love for this to stop or have fewer days that it is all my responsibility. I just did not figure babysitting this dog would happen at the same time that DH and I were so involved with PT. He is a sweet dog, just a constant responsibility.

    It did rain again yesterday. I think it will stop doing that, but who knows? The hardest thing about being medicated is that I do not feel much like drinking. I probably pour out more wine than I drink! Everyone take care and left a glass for me.