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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    WTF am I doing??? 4th time here GRRRRR

    Beaver prayers still going to u for ur DS.

    JC ur in a mess right now and u have to go to some kind of rehab work before Drs. will help u. I'm surprised they didn't give u steroids to start that usually gives u more relief fast.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    I'm doing bits at a time.

    Lori u really have ur hands full. How can u do all this??? I don't understand wasn't ur DH fine before this accident??? So much has happened to him and let's face it u too now.

    Karen I loved the story about ur Grandmother how interesting.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    6tjh times on this one I have to stop. I posted to Kim Jazzy and Teka and my unorganized room. They keep on bring more boxesin but Bob was here a couple of days ago at least. And my niece was here yesterday.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    Just me---JC I just thought of something buy the big patches Salonpas for ur back and smaller ones for ur lrgs and change them every 12 hrs. One on ur back and one each on each leg where it's cramping.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to a rainy, foggy ayem. I don't know why I am so tired lately, by the time I get home from work I am ready to crash. Last night that's exactly what happened, too. Sat down, talked with Mom on the phone (whole new level of drama), ate dinner, dozed off while listening to an audiobook and coloring on my iPad. Woke up cuz I got chilly, pulled a blanket over me, got warm and fell right off. Woke up around midnight, decided to stay in the recliner, slept till the alarm went off. I know one issue is that I haven't eaten a proper lunch due to kiddos coming in just as I was getting ready to go heat it up. So I need to remember to eat earlier and not run on just coffee and whatever goodies are in the teacher's room.

    Sadie was a wise pup, she slept on the bed last night, this ayem I found her curled up on the dog bed center. She had moved the pillows to get to it, so she must have decided it's ok.

    New Mother drama unfolding. Mom has been planning to go visit my brother and his wife in North Carolina for a while. Was going to go this weekend and come back on the 22nd or 23rd. She's been sort of looking on line for flight tickets and a rental car. As usual, she keeps thinking she's going to find something less expensive than the first fare she finds, so she dithers about actually making a reservation, and at the same time she's not super computer literate so she keeps losing sites and then can't find them again with the exact same fare. She does not understand that she can go to the exact same site, put in the exact same info, and not get the exact same fare every time. Then yesterday she realizes she has lost her driver's license and medical cards. She keeps those cards, plus her credit card, rubber-banded together in one zippered pocket of her little purse. She pulls out the whole wad when she wants her credit card, although she often puts just the credit card in a pocket. Well, right now she has her credit card (it was in her pants pocket) butcan't find the rest. She's checked all through her car, all her jacket pockets, and the clothes she was wearing the day before, and a bunch of other places around the apartment where they would rarely end up. So now the trip is postponed, depending on her getting a new driver's license, and she's going to go to the airport to try to get her tickets "directly from the airline so it will be cheaper." In the middle of this conversation she asks me what a 'carry on' is.She was planning to package up clothes and stuff and ship them down, so she won't have to pay for any luggage. It's just like when she was planning on moving out of Dick's place, all planning, no actually doing. I'm almost afraid to let her travel by herself!

    Karen--wow, you did have quite the day! Interviewing is a lot of work. It's cool that you all pretty much agreed on the best candidates. The tick spraying has been scheduled for the 15th--not soon enough to suit me, but I don't have control over that, and since only Saturdays could be spray days, that's not bad.

    Goldie--Keeping the kiddos inside isn't really feasible. A couple of the rooms have doors that go directly outside, and the ticks are coming into the classrooms. The area is getting sprayed on the 15th, I hope that helps a whole lot! I hope baby has arrived by now and all are safe and happy. Good to get your injections more locally.

    Beaver--at least they are the big dog ticks, easy to see and find. And they are EVERYWHERE!I've had a couple of kiddos come straight off the bus to see me to get ticks taken off and disposed of. Your son is truly being a medical mystery! And DH is still hurting. You must be totally frazzled!Hugs and prayers.

    Librarian--between HIPAA and electronic medical record systems that don't talk to each other it's a wonder that any information gets from one medical provider to another at all. It makes things so frustrating and slows down care so much. Then add in insurance companies making treatment decisions based on cost and statistics and not individualized care and you get scenarios like the one you are in. So not right.

    Cammy Cat--I'm sorry they keep bringing boxes into your room. Are the boxes at least your stuff? Unpacking after moving is such a long process. Hugs.

    Chaos Cocktail


    1/2 oz Everclear alcohol

    1/2 oz cherry brandy

    1/2 oz benedictine herbal liqueur

    1 oz Bailey's Irish cream

    1 oz cream

    1 maraschino cherry


    • Shake, strain, add the cherry and serve.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2021

    Morning Kim.... I was reading about your Mom, and what she is going through.... I can understand completely... I know my Husband could not travel anywhere... I mean I couldn't even leave him home alone for very long..

    It's just that in his case, his thinking is only what is going on right then, and can't really plan out or see things coming up... and some things just don't "click" when he is trying to think straight. He's only 83.... but this past year has taken away so much from him.

    That's what I'm here for, right? At first it's just the "little things" that happen... And you try and re-assure, and move on, and you know that's just part of every day life.

    And it breaks your heart..... seeing and trying to take care of his world.

    So I just take care of things... and try and not get mad or frustrated, or slam the door when I go outside for a break. My Mom lived by the Serenity Prayer.... She learned this from Al-anon...

    BEAUTIFUL SERENITY PRAYER OCEAN PHOTO DESIGN" iPad Case & Skin by JLPOriginals | Redbubble

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Chevy - sending you hugs!

    Fell asleep. on the sofa last night before the news (10pm) - don't remember when I woke up and crawled into bed but woke up again so took something to help with sleep and slept till 5:30 - felt good yet, feels like I over slept!!! Testing a kdg student this morning and the rest if paperwork which I desperately need the time and tomorrow starts my weekend.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Beaver, as long as you're hanging! Doesn't matter if it's on or in! Crazy the mystery with your son's condition. I hope they can figure it out.

    JCS, that's horrible that they say they can't do anything, and then they couldn't access your files. Sounds like maybe DS and DIL shouldn't have gotten a dog. I say if he's becoming too much you tell them so, and that they will need to find someone else to take care of him.

    Cami, my DH has had problems with his back and leg for years, doctor never able to figure it out. Well now we are thinking that is was the ALS all along, just very slow progressing. Then the back surgeon told us that the trauma from the ATV accident probably accelerated it. Nice you got a visit with Bob and your neice. Are you liking the new place and your new room?

    NM, sounds like Sadie was pretty happy to have the bed all to herself! And ya, sounds like you need to eat. But if you fell out like that, you must have needed it! Sorry about the issues with your mom, can't blame you for not wanting her to go by herself. And what a hassle to lose all of those cards. That DOTD sure sounds wicked!

    ED, I'm happy you are able to take care of your DH. And unfortunately, things will not get better. My son just had the Serenity Prayer tattooed on his forearm.

    Karen, finally you got some sleep, but I had to laf and you feeling like you overslept!

    Well we have a baby, a little girl. 7 lbs, 6 oz, 20" long. And they named her Nora Ryann, so I have another aNORAble little girl! Talk now is with DH's other DD, who may be coming during the same time as her sister and her husband. This one will be coming with her husband and 2 children, but just her will stay the night here. I don't know where she will sleep, I only have one spare bedroom. DH goes to bed early and up early, and they all are up late. So if she's sleeping in the living room, her dad will be up early! I just can't believe they are all coming with me being so busy, by the time I get done packing orders, getting something to eat, I sure don't feel like starting to clean at the end of the day, but I just have to suck it up. Then going to Moab I think June 2, so I have to do all the packing for that, and on top of all that, we have a container coming, which could impact our trip to Moab!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Good morning! Just got a call from the orthopedic doctor. He was able to see my MRI and saw some bulging discs. He says therapy is still the next step. I have an appointment for PT next week. I am going to try to walk better and see what I can accomplish. Might try that Salonpas patch or lidocaine.

    NM - your poor mother! My Mother was the same way we did everything for her and got no reward. She would pull out the wad of credit cards and ask the clerk at Walmart to “ring her up”. She lost the cards or other paperwork all the time.

    Cami - Still love the cat memes! It takes a long time for people to get over the trauma of moving. Things will calm down and your “men” will be back to keep you company.

    Sandy - It is so sad that doctors have to quit when you need them to be there. Fingers crossed you can find a competent therapist. They can be so very helpful when you need their help.

    Karen - Your not sleeping is a real problem! I do take Gabapentin and CBD oil at night. For the most part, it does help me sleep. Now I take a muscle relaxer (doctor prescribed) that seems to help as well. DH gets up early and that usually wakes me as well.

    Goldie - you have so very much to bear right now. This news about your DH is too much for you both to deal with. Is there anyway you could do a Zoom call with a therapist? Does he have a doctor that could help with getting your head where it needs to be? You are so very strong.

    Today should be beautiful. I picked up my bras from the fitting store so will mess with that today. Need to make some calls about my trip to Greece. I did get a roommate, but the price seems wrong. DH has another therapy session this afternoon. Life as we know it goes on!

    Take care

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited May 2021

    DOTD yesterday was a margarita for cinco de Mayo with another stage 4 friend, she lives near MDA, so we try to meet up when I have appointments.

    Gotta be up very early for gamma knife brain radiation tomorrow at 6am, fortunately it’s a quick procedure and I’ll probably only be admitted for a 4 hour period.

    Goldie, you have my symptoms, bluntly said, your life right now sounds like a pain in the ass and beyond exhausting. I hope you get a break soon.

    Beaverintx, I’ll be sending your son good vibes from the MDA basement tomorrow :)

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    Illimae, since they still do not have a full diagnosis (only 10% of changes in bone marrow are leukemic, the other 90% apparently remain a mystery) for our son he got to go home today for the weekend. All good vibes appreciated wherever they are!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited May 2021

    Glad he gets to be home, sending good vibes for benign mysteries.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Hi friends- the work week is almost done. Been super busy this week but think it's going better. We may have someone new coming to work with us to replace the one from our team we lost last week. We shall see.

    Cami- it's nice to see your little short vingette messages to us. Sounds like there is still settling in to do. Do you like the new house? Is Joey still in the same school district or did he have to change schools? So excited for his opportunities, i remember the days of having so much life ahead of me and excited to go off to college and more.

    NM- if your mom needs to replace her DL, got ahead and help her get her a REAL ID as that is going to be required in the future to get on to flights. There was a deadline for it last year and I rushed to get my DL updated before my birthday in March and the expiration date and oh yeah, the pandemic that shut everything down. Then it got extended. The new deadline is October 2021. If she has a passport, she can still use that to travel domestically too. If she has a wheelchair service, they will ensure she gets picked up and through security, they will get her on the plane and out to meet your brother for the handoff. The buying of the tickets at the airport cracks me up, so old school!

    I am sipping some red blend from Bogle tonight as m DOTD.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! Sunny but chilly this ayem, could see my breath when I let Sadie out. Mom and I had a nice dinner at Olive Garden last night. I've got a nice bit of leftovers to take to work for lunch today. We ordered desserts to take home, and they got mixed up, so I've got Mom's cheesecake and she's got my chocolate cake. I don't think she's noticed yet, at least I haven't heard from her about it yet. Good thing we both like both cheesecake and chocolate cake!

    Yesterday at school was tooth day. 2 kiddos lost a baby tooth. One kiddo comes running into my office yelling "My tooth came out! It's gushing blood! It's gushing blood!" Had her bite down on a bit of gauze, and when all was settled, there was one whole drop of blood on the gauze. New definition of gushing blood = 1 drop. Kids are so funny sometimes!

    Chevy--The Serenity Prayer is a good one to live by. It's hard to not step in and try to help Mom with stuff, but I know she would really get upset with me if I did. Got to wait until she asks for help, and even then it's hard to get her to understand how some technology works. I am going to sneak a tracking app onto her phone, though, so I can have a way to locate her. Going to try to get that done before her trip. Not very nice of me, I know, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her and will give me some peace of mind when she isn't answering her phone cuz she's got the sound turned off again!

    Karen--nothing like a good sleep, is there? Good luck catching up on the paperwork!

    Goldie--at least Mom is able to take care of replacing her cards herself, and being retired, has the time. I imagine you don't feel like cleaning up around the house after working all day, I don't either and my work isn't as physical as packing up orders and the like! Just do what you can, and let the rest take care of itself, or let the visitors help out, or at least take care of themselves. That's the reality of the situation, they might as well face it now as later.

    Librarian--Mom has shoulder issues so she uses a little, tiny purse, too small for a wallet to fit into easily, so she bundles her cash, credit card, diver's license and medical cards together with a rubber band. She often takes the credit card out of the bundle and puts it in a pocket and spends lots of time looking for that. Fortunately, that is the one card she didn't lose! I just hope her replacement license comes in before she leaves for North Carolina, I'm not sure a temporary license will work as ID for the flights or rental car. Time will tell.I know some people who swear by the Salonpas patches for pain, I hope they work as well for you.

    Illi--Good luck with the treatment, may it go smoothly and be totally successful.

    Beaver--glad you son got a break from being in the hospital, sorry they still don't have answers. That has got to be so very hard for everyone. Prayers and hugs.

    Jazzy--Mom does have a passport that is valid until sometime in 2022. I didn't think to tell her about the Real ID thing, hopefully someone at the DMV would have mentioned that to her. Ormore likely they just did the Real ID version. I think she only plans to ask for wheelchair service for the layover/plane change. I'll talk to her about getting it for arriving in Charlotte, too. The local airport here is pretty small and easy to get around, and she knows where everything is, so that won't be too bad. Hmm, she never did tell me if she got her tickets or not! Since I'm going to be her taxi service I guess I better find out about that!

    World Traveller


    • 2oz Bacardi Superior
    • ¾oz Lime juice
    • ½oz Sugar Syrup (2:1)
    • ½oz Elderflower Liqueur (we use St Germain)
    • 5 sage leaves (1 for garnish)
    • Egg white


    1. Cool glassware.
    2. In shaker add 4 sage leafs and muddle.
    3. Add lime juice, Bacardi Superior, sugar syrup, Elderflower Liqueur and egg white.
    4. Add ice and shake vigorously.
    5. Pour into a chilled glass (double strained)
    6. Garnish with a single sage leaf.
    7. Enjoy!!!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    JCS, I hope you get some relief with the PT. Therapy has been suggested for DH, evidently he doesn't want it. Plus, everything for us is such a drive. Nothing closer than an hour.

    BabyGirl, good luck with those rads today. Zap those MF'ers outta there. I'll get some relief once the business slow downs and company leaves.

    Beaver, I must be thinking wrong, but if only 10% of the bone marrow is Lukemia, wouldn't that be a good thing? Altho the other 90% is unknown.

    Jazzy, what fun plans do you have going on this weekend. Seems like you always have something going on.

    NM, I guess that little one was a tad traumatized over losing the tooth! Oh my that's funny, putting the tracking on moms phone. I don't think it's mean at all. Will she be staying with your brother? Does she talk to Dick often? I don't want guests cleaning, that just doesn't seem right to me, plus I'm pretty picky about how I want things done. Neither of them are clean freaks, their homes are quite cluttered.

    I was able to get done with orders pretty early yesterday, so I got some things done in the house and made a large casserole dish of chicken, rice, mushrooms, kale, broccolli and cheese. It was pretty good. I think I'll have some tonight and then freeze the rest and have it for my company. DH won't eat it. We should be able to get the ramp finished tomorrow.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2021

    Kim.... good morning to you and Sadie...

    You know, I think there are so many differences between people with the same problem. I know I couldn't have helped my Mom with this kind of memory issues. My Dad was with her, and just casually told me one time when I was there for a visit that Mom didn't always think straight. But that was just how I always remember her... forceful, and in charge.

    I didn't think at the time that he was right.... because that's always how I remembered her..... In fact it made me feel bad that he would say that about her... So the beginnings of this "problem" usually go on before we even understand. Same here...

    Something physical is easier to understand, rather than mental I think. And it's always something different that I have to accept and understand.

    All I know is, yesterday is over.... and today will probably be at least the same things going on, or even something I couldn't count on. But we gotta accept and live with things we cannot change..... and pray for a million more tomorrows'. Heart

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Chevy - I hear you.

    Not looking forwards to mother's day. Mother's day just isn't the same anymore - my mother passed away January 2018 and my MIL September 2019. I haven't been blessed with grandchildren yet. I don't like all the mother's day adds. It is a hard day for many. For my older daughter who has been struggling with infertility for years which also makes me sad. Mother's day is always near my birthday and my son's birthday. It will be just another day of the week. I know my kids will call and DD#1 sent a card, but when I think about mother's day, don't think about me. Hard to explain.

    Rain is in the forecast for the week-end. Was planning on hiking in the mountains but now just thinking of staying home. Rain here too but more room at home than a small 1 bedroom.

    Happy Friday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Goldie- nothing big going on this weekend really. I did get invited to a friends house for brunch on Sunday, and look forward to seeing her. She went through BC treatment late winter and was having a hard time after with a lot of PTSD from the whole experience. She found a local support group for BC survivors and think it may be helping. We have lots of good conversation and look forward to some girlfriend time. I also may be going out to celebrate with a friend who just got promoted to Colonel in the AF which is like a step below General. Whoo hoo. I attended some of his promotion event on Zoom last weekend, and hoping we can connect tomorrow to do this.

    My hair stylist has been out of commission with some health issues. I am a shaggy girl and with needing tolook professional in my work, going back to an old salon near my house to get a trim. Had to do this once before last year when her father in law passed unexpectedly, but sort of feeling that she may have bigger things going on now (I have not heard back from her about rescheduling an apt for weeks now). Having been self employed and gone through some medical crises (I know you know this world too Goldie with your biz), I will let thing be and hope she is okay. She is young with two kiddos and had so many problems with family deaths, car stuff, etc. In the mean time, getting myself cleaned up tomorrow.

    The following three weekends will be busier- friends in town from TX, a trip out of town to visit a friend, another weekend get away in early June with friends renting a place in the Pecos. I am going to have a social life again!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Asking my friends here for prayers and good vibes, little Nora is in NICU, she had a seizure this morning. They hadn't left the hospital yet, but they had to take by ambulance to another one. I'm heartbroken!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Goldie - oh no. Prayers for that sweet girl 🙏

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    Goldie, your family and Nora are in my prayers, in particular that this will be a misfire of her immature nervous system which can heal itself.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2021

    Goldie, little Nora is in my prayers. 🙏❤

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Lori, prayers for little Nora; Beav, hope they can find the other 90% of your son's bone marrow is something far less dire. Illi, in your pocket for the gamma knife procedure. Is it a "one & done," or is it seven weeks of daily zaps like proton therapy?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2021

    Lori honey.... I'm praying with you... I'm so sorry.... xoxo Ed

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Thank you all so very much. I sure don't know how much more crap I can handle!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Good morning! Goldie, so very sorry for Nora. I will hold her deep in my thoughts. Jazzy, you will be quite the social butterfly! It is wonderful to have a social life again.

    The highlight of yesterday was getting the chemo port taken out. The surgeon did it in his office. He has a kind of “general surgery” room with a large light and a very comfortable bed. DH and I left here at 11:00 and got back home after 1:00. The waiting room was full of people, but was cleared out when I was leaving. The surgeon is very talkative and keeps up a running banter the entire time.

    I do have one appointment for some PT next week. I am concerned about what they will want me to do. Then I think about my sister and that she did not do much on her own. The result was she got the shot. Now she feels much better. Not sure what to do.

    Hoping everyone has a restful and positive weekend. Take care

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited May 2021

    Goldie, sending good vibes for Nora.

    Sandy, it’s a one and done procedure. I got home yesterday afternoon and am just relaxing this weekend. Here’s a before/after pic.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Illi, great to finally see your face sans mask & shades!

    DOTD: Mumm Napa Brut DVX 2008. Celebrating Gordy & Leslie finally setting a date: this coming April in New Orleans.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Illnae - holding you in prayer for all procedures to go well & nothing to deal with after

    Goldie - such an overwhelming time for all of you 🙏🙏🙏