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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Taking Mom out for lunch today, then we will probably go on a flower hunt. Mom wants a New Guinea Impatient plant for the window over the sink. Yesterday she was going to back to the airport and get her flight tickets. She tried to get them by phone that would be a little cheaper but she couldn't understand the person who answered the phone.

    I wound up doing next to nothing all day yesterday. It was so chilly, and I was so tired, I just cleared out a bunch of emails and tried to get some online errands done before I gave up and curled up under a blanket and watched TV and napped. I'm waking up with more energy today, and I hope that stays with me, cuz I need to do some lawn mowing when I get back this afternoon/evening.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--I guess that little one was a bit traumatized by losing the tooth. It was a little funny the way they came running in "gushing blood" that I had to hunt to find! Mom will be staying with my brother and his wife. Mom talks with Dick on the phone at least once a day (he calls her) and she has started visiting him pretty regularly now that the facility is allowing scheduled visits. I don't blame you for not wanting guests cleaning. That casserole sounds pretty good. Glad the ramp is almost done, that will be helpful.

    Chevy--I agree that physical problems are easier to understand. And they tend to be more acceptable socially. Memory issues do start so slowly and gradually, they are around for quite a while before they are really noticed. And every day does bring its challenges.

    Karen--I can see where Mother's day is difficult for you. The older I get the more it seems to be a mixed feelings kind of holiday.

    Jazzy--I hope you are able to connect with your friends this weekend. Congrats to the Colonel! Hooray for having a social life again!

    Goldie--prayers for little Nora and the rest of the family.

    Librarian--congrats on getting the port out! I hope the PT helps.

    Illi--that looks painful! I hope it's not as uncomfortable as it looks.

    Prayer for a Baby

    1 1/3 oz dry gin

    5/6oz Triple Sec

    1oz Orange Juice

    1/3oz lemon juice

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    Lori sending more prays for Nora and her family and of course for u/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    Karen I tend to think like u. After loosing my mom everything changed. we all broke up the holiday and to me it's for my kids now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    Illi praying all goes well.

    Bever how much longer do u have to wait. For everyone waiting it's brutal and I'm sorry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    This is 7 times I'm doing these short sentences.

    Kim I'm glad ur spending the day with ur mom and Jazzy u some some busy stuff coming up...good for u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    n9th time. Chevy what u said was so right. When u deal with the brain it's a big jigsaw puzzle with many different answers. And Alt. is still a big mystery.

    JC I really know what u going thru and it took a while for them to figure things out. I hope it goes faster for u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    I think I should take my latest test especially after my dr. asked me if I would go thru chemo again. Was that a hint do u think.

    Oh well


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    11x and said nothing basically, I'm trying.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2021

    Cami, you are so funny! Hah! Did you have a fun day? It is so damn cold here... can't do much out in my gardens today, and tomorrow it is supposed to rain, and maybe SNOW! I have my little tomato plants covered, just in case!

    Things are okay here... one day at a time, right? Lori, how is baby Nora? Talked to my Daughters & Grand-sons today, life is good, right? HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY GALS! XOXOXO

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2021

    Cami i love the bird and kitty. And you're perseverence. You said a lot more with fewer words than some do with many more. 🙀 🐈🦜

    Native your patience with your littles is so sweet. Some probably come to see you just because, well, they enjoy visiting you. Not too bad a thing. 🙂

    Lori i love making cassaroles. I wish my husband liked eating them more. He loves eggplant so tomorrow is an eggplant dish. This time a rice cheese and mushroom stuffed version. We keep forgetting we have bottle of Niagara (sweet) that we need to finish so that will likely accompany the main dish. 🍷🍷

    Have a good week everyone. 👍

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Hi friends- busy weekend and lot going on this week so I will keep this short and just wanted to say I hope everyone had a nice Mothers Day, whether you are a mom, celebrated with a mom, are a pet mom, etc.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Took Mom out for lunch yesterday, then went looking for some plants she wants. She didn't find what she wants yet, she's going to keep looking. She wants 2 largish plants/shrubs that flower that she can put outside the apartment door in the summer and take inside in the winter. Then she wants a deep purple New Guinea Inpatients in a basket for the window over the sink. She's going to keep looking. She did go back to the airport to buy her tickets. She's going out on the 22nd and coming back on the 5th. I know her flight out is at 7 something and she got direct flights. She doesn't want to rent a car so I think she is going to wait until she gets there to do that part. I'm leaving that up to her and my brother to work out.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Cammy Cat--I like the short posts! Is it easier for you this way? I'm wondering why the doc asked if you would do chemo again. Maybe you should ask?

    Chevy--still too chilly around here for doing stuff outside, too. Long, long spring.

    Reader--I think there are a couple of kiddoes who just like to hang out with me. I try to keep a balance of paying attention to them and getting them back in the classroom where they need to be. I'm not a big eggplant fan, but the cheese, rice and mushrooms version sounds pretty good.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    This Mommy Cocktail makes use of all that left over juice you have lying around and that secret mom juice you hide under the sink.



    • 4 ounces orange juice
    • 4 ounces apple juice
    • 4 ounces cranberry juice
    • 4 ounces grape juice
    • 4 ounces vodka
    • 16 ounces lemon-lime soda
    • 1 lime , sliced
    • 4 cherries


    1. Combine the orange, apple, cranberry, and grape juices and set aside until ready to assemble your cocktails.
    2. Fill four glasses with a cup of crushed ice each. Add 4 ounces of the juice mixture and 1 ounce of vodka to each glass. Stir to combine.
    3. Top each cocktail with 4 ounces of lemon-lime soda. Garnish with a slice of lime and a cherry.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Kim - the nurses office is a great place for kiddos who need a break from class for a variety of reasons. Sounds like this is a perfect fit for you.

    illimae - you are gorgesous. Hope your treatment is a success.

    Spent my birthday week-end hiking in the mountains with my husband - enjoyed the Rocky Mountain air and spring - sun, snow and rain.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Oh dear! Today has not been a good day. I have fallen three times since about 10:00am. It’s like my right leg just stops working. This is still relating to my back problem. I am now using a cane and taking the Hydrocodone as prescribed by the hospital. DH went to his PT appointment and I promised not to move from the recliner until he returns. Somehow I had totally screwed up my PT appointment. It is not Tuesday, but rather on Thursday. I pleaded with the woman on the phone that this had better start earlier. She was able to change things to early on Wednesday. I guess a day earlier will help. This is the third week of this back problem. Most of my annoyance goes to the medical companies for making PT more important than getting the shot. No shot until you get through four to six weeks of PT. I am not at all sure I can last that long. PT would have to be great for me not to need the shot.

    Tomorrow is another day. Take care!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    JCS, are you locked in to that particular medical facility (HMO)? Any way you can get a second opinion? The insurance company is being quite shortsighted, as PT is billed at a high rate per session but a shot is "one and done." Are your doctors concerned about possible side effects of epidural cortisone injections, such as infection (which really was limited to a few "compounding" pharmacies that mixed their own injectable solutions)? Hope the PT helps. It did for me the last time I did it (even online), but there comes a time when what's physically messed up with your discs & facet joints can't be "fixed" by stretching and core-strengthening alone. Hope you can "straighten up & fly right" with less pain.

    Cami, I agree that one sentence at a time seems to work better for you. Few things are more annoying (exasperating, really) than typing a long post only to have it disappear (happens to me all the time on Quora and Nextdoor, especially when Happy decides that I am his "mattress" and his paw hits a key or the trackpad while I'm typing on my laptop). BCO's software is especially prone to that, since when it freezes up and you have to reload the page, everything you've typed disappeared unless you've first copied it to your clipboard. (Quora at least auto-saves once a minute or so). The fact that your doc asked you about more chemo tells me that you've still "got some miles left on your engine," and that you'd benefit from another "tune-up."

    Illi, in your pocket for upcoming procedures, and praying that the gamma knife did the trick.

    Jazzy, isn't it great to finally be able to reconnect and get back to life? This Fri., our city is joining the state entering the "bridge phase" of easing mitigations: longer restaurant & store hours, parties of 10 per table allowed at restaurants, which will be able to operate at 60% capacity. Nevertheless, when we went out for a very late (10pm, Bob was working late all weekend) Mother's Day dinner, the restaurant we chose was out of half the menu items, under-staffed, and we were the only party on the patio (which we preferred because it's better ventilated than the dining room and much quieter than the bar). DOTD was Mionetto Extra Dry rosé Prosecco. It wasn't as sweet as most "extra-dry" bubblies I've had--more of an almost-brut (like Moet White Star).

    Gordy sent lovely flowers yesterday, and has big news: he and Leslie have set a date in April 2022, and have found a venue in New Orleans. So it'll be a destination wedding. The plan is to honeymoon at Jazz & Heritage Festival.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    JCS, when DH had back pain issues PT was ordered first for him. I remember sitting in my car in the parking lot of the PT facility, practically in tears, on the phone with the back surgeon's office pleading for an earlier appointment. The surgeon suggested the injections before considering surgery. DH had a series of three which worked for years but not until PT was demonstrated to not help so your process sounds familiar.

    Still waiting for diagnoses for both DH and DSon. Doing further investigation of DH's circulation in his leg. Son's diagnosis is now "solid tumor of unknown origin"; apparently the leukemia changes are in response to the tumor. Solid tumor pathology specialist to view the slides on Thursday. Told by leukemia doctor to stay off the internet as the information there presents an extremely bleak picture which does not accurately reflect current treatment modalities. Thank you for your continuing support and prayers.

    During the last week have been drinking the wine I was using in cooking-- a Cass Rousanne and an August Ridge pinot grigio.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Chi- it's so nice to see friends again. I saw a few last summer when they eased restrictions, but many I have not seen since 2019 as I was coming off a busy contract in early 2020 and about the time I was trying to reconnect, boom, there it all went. Lost year(s). I have more visits coming up including a good friend from TX who is coming in to town in another couple weekends. We have not seen each other since 2014. She helped me through part of my cancer treatment too. It sounds like your Mother's Day was okay, our restaurants here all seem understaffed and really trying to hire....

    Goldie- I saw the updates on the baby and think she is stable and being monitored. I am really praying for this little girl, she has a lot of people who are pulling for her. She is so beautiful.

    Cami- hey!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I'm happy to see this morning that the Pfizer vaccine has been approved for 12 to 16 year olds, that is going to make a big difference. The nurses at the high school and middle school started setting up vaccination clinics yesterday, sent out info and consents to parents, planningclinics for next week. I'll be going over to the High school to help out there, that should be a fun couple of hours!

    Sadie is woofing this ayem, not sure if the local squirrel is teasing her or if she sees something else. I don't see anything, but then, I'm not a sight hound!

    Karen--with the kiddos being in one classroom all day some of them do need a break from time to time. That is a lot of what I do, I think. It's hard for some of them to deal with the behaviors of other kiddos, and some are sensitive to noise levels. And a couple just need to be able to talk while eating lunch, so the come eat lunch with me from time to time. I have to admit, I love the work! Happy birthday and sounds like a good time was had in the mountains!

    Librarian--oh my goodness, falling like that is not a good sign! This is such a miserable example of how insurance companies have taken over health care decision making. I hope the PT can make an argument for your safety for getting the shot sooner. Hugs.

    Chi--CONGRATULATIONS on Gordy and Leslie setting a date! I've never been to a destination wedding, that sounds like a really fun thing to do. And to honeymoon at a Jazz festival? What fun for them and you!

    Beaver--sounds like DS is a step closer to a diagnosis. I'm glad the doc mentioned that there is more available for treatment than the internet will tell about. Hugs and prayers for him, your DH and you.

    Jazzy--2020 was pretty much a lost year, wasn't it? At least 2021 has some promise of being more normal.

    Raspberry Gin COVID -19 Vaccination Cocktail

    Raspberry Gin COVID -19 Vaccination Cocktail



    1. Place raspberries and basil in cocktail shaker and lightly muddle together.

    2. Add gin, fresh lime juice, simple syrup, and ice to shaker and shake for 10-15 seconds.

    3. Strain mixed drink into a glass

    Simply syrup note: regular simple syrup is a 1:1 sugar to water ratio, and "heavy syrup" which is often used in cocktails for the more syrup'y feel to it is a 2:1 sugar to water ratio. We used a ratio in between those two - a 1.5:1 sugar to water.

    Optional: garnish with additional raspberries, limes slices, or fresh basil leaves.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Kim - you and I are the early birds - but I'll skip catching the worms. We have a little snow on the ground - not as much as they predicted in the city. Cold and damp all day. We brought in the hanging baskets on Sunday night due to the weather. By Thursday, the weather should start turning nice.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    een a rough few days for me, things are getting to me. There just isn't enough of me to get everything done. Throw on top on that, DH's negativity and depression, both his girls coming to stay and then Nora being in NICU. I'll share what my niece put on FB and some of the pictures. One DD is coming Thursday-Monday, the other gets here Monday and is staying until Friday. Not looking forward to having company for so long. Tomorrow is PT/OT for DH and we both have appts on Friday in Phoenix. So DD1 will be going with us.

    BabyGirl, like NM said, I hope that contraption isn't as uncomfortable as it looks. Are you done with that treatment? I think you said it was a one time deal, not several rounds? But I could be wrong.

    NM, that is sweet that some of the kids want to come and have lunch with you. Did your mom ever find DL?

    Karen, Happy belated Birthday. To me, they're just another day, no celebrations.

    Sandy, congrats to Gordy and Leslie.

    Cami, chemo again?? Are they not telling you everything? And what test did you have?

    JCS, it's crazy what the insurance companies make us go through. I have to go through grants to get my Faslodex injections, which is for the bones. But insurance won't pay for it because they aren't giving it to me for breast cancer!

    Last night Nora opened her eyes, we've been waiting for that since they started weening her off some of the drugs. Here is the post from my niece. Those of you that saw it on FB can just skip by.

    May 7th.. the day our little Nora was supposed to be discharged. She was supposed to have her first ride in daddy's truck and get to meet her fur brother Rex. Instead, things took a turn that nobody expected. Our sweet Nora started having seizures. She was transferred by ambulance to RO Nicu. They hooked her up to a continuous EEG to monitor where the seizures were coming from. Between Friday and Saturday she had well over a dozen seizures and was started on seizure medication. She's had tons of lab work and an MRI to try and determine the cause. They finally removed the EEG yesterday as she was seizure free for 24 hours. But due to the medications she's very lethargic and needed a feeding tube placed which she is now getting little feeds of my breast milk. They also started her on TPN which is a type of IV fluid that also provides nutrition. We are hoping to get some answers and pray each day she continues to improve so we can bring our sweet angel home. Anthony and I just ask for prayers and love for our little girl. She needs all she can get. We thank our families and friends for all the support and love we've gotten the last few days. We know our sweet Nora is a fighter just like her mommy and daddy and we will get through this ❤️🙏🏻 we love you so much baby girl. 💕

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! It's also Wednesday, Women and Wine day. We're getting together in person tonight, either at a member's home around the firepit or a local restaurant with outdoor "igloos" depending on the weather. We got some really good thunderbumpers yesterday, lots and lots of hail in the afternoon, and a good bit of hail here at home in the evening. Thunder loud enough to shake the school and send the kiddos scrambling inside from recess. More of the same predicted for today. And there was a frost warning for last night! Craziness!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    I got an interesting letter in the mail the other day from the hospital that ran the vaccination clinic where I got my COVID shot. It seems the bill I got for the administration fee was a computer glitch. At the time I thought my health insurance hadn't kicked in yet, so I registered uninsured. The billing system was supposed to ignore uninsured cases, and only bill insurance companies for the admin fee. Getting the apology was nice, but I'm still trying to figure out how the hospital got my health insurance information, cuz they billed it for both shots! Their big vaccination site was giving 300 shots per day for a while, at $15 a shot is a pretty piece of change.

    A sign of returning to normal, I just heard a news report that the big vaccination center being run by another big hospital system is being shut down at the end of the month and the service is being moved the system's Healthcare Mall. That is an incredible downsizing of operations. And it opens up a major convention center for entertainment use again. While startling, it feels very hopeful, too.

    Karen--glad you got the plants in before the snow!

    Goldie--Hugs and prayers. This is a really difficult time. I saw Nora's pics on Fb, she is truly ANORAble! Mom has not yet found her license or medical cards. I think she is waiting to get back from North Carolina to replace those cards despite my encouraging her to do it before she leaves. I'm not quite so worried about that as my brother works in computer programming and can easily get on line and get her insurance information should that become necessary while she is there.

    Hailstorm Cocktail Recipe

    When the sky gives you ice, make a cocktail

    Recipe: Once the freight-train whine and stampeding rhinoceros sounds subside, it's safe to emerge from the basement and collect ice for your tasty beverage. Gather hailstones in a bowl, all the while carefully monitoring nearby cloud formations for rotational tendencies.


    Rinse hailstones with cold tap water. Distribute ice into cocktail glasses, one glass for each adult cowering in your basement. Cover ice with whatever spirit you have on hand.*


    Add just enough juice or mixer to add a hint of color to your clear alcohol of choice. Do not over-dilute! You will need every bit of this cocktail's strength to face post-hailstorm inspection of your small trees, your roof, and your automobile's pockmarked hood.

    Garnish with fresh mint, carry glasses to basement, serve, and hunker down for next squall line. Enjoy!

    *We suggest rum and Orangina.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Lori - sending you hugs. Your plate is overflowing. Is there anything I can do long distance? Hiking was the best way to celebrate - but I love that any time!!! I know your house is very special to you and you have your way of doing things. But it's a stretch - would you consider a night in a hotel (I know nothing is far) when you DH girls are staying with you so you have alone time - could you at all be comfortable not being in the house? Hugs

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Good afternoon! I went to my PT appointment this morning. DH called my younger DS to ‘help’ get me in the car. For the most part I was able to do it without the help from either. The therapist was very concerned about how weak I am. He was especially upset about the fact that I fell on Monday. He says I have no muscle use in my legs, calves or feet. He would not say, but hinted strongly, what ever is wrong is getting worse. He wants me to see a back specialist at the clinic connected to the therapy place. Fingers crossed he can make that happen. And I have the ubiquitous sheet with exercises to do at home. Hope to get to that later today. I would really like this to be over and life to get back to normal. Even while getting chemo I walked three miles every other day!

    I am sorry to talk so much about myself. This numbness is about all I can think about.

    Take care.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    JCS, please keep talking about yourself and keep us updated on how you are doing. Sounds to me that seeing a back specialist is a good idea. Hope that can be made to happen soonest!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    JCS - I agree with Beaver - if you don't talk about yourself, how will we know how you are doing?

    Another day of rockets - daughter is sleeping in roommates room as it is the "safe room" in their apt. She's been in their all evening and night. She just said she heard a really loud boom so the iron done must have intercepted a rocket close by. At least 3 red alerts by her - hundreds across the country. Her biggest complaint is that it is hard to focus - still needs to do work for school and it's annoying. I know she will be safe, but this mom (and her dad, sister and brother) are worried.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    Karen, of course you are worried and not being able to do a thing about it does not help!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited May 2021

    Thank you all for the comments and well wishes :).

    Sandy, congrats on DS’s future wedding.

    Goldie, sending my good vibes for a full recovery for little Nora.

    I skimmed a bit, so sorry if I missed anything. I’m feeling better, just a bit sore where the pins/screws were secured but otherwise normal and back to my usual routine.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Hike day at school today, so the kiddos will be out with the PE teacher most of the morning. Then I expect there will be major tick check excitement when they get back. At least it's been all dog ticks, and they don't carry diseases, so it's more of a nuisance than a problem, but try convincing some of the kiddos of that fact--doesn't work well!

    Had a lovely get together with the Wednesday, Women and Wine ladies. Sitting around the fire pit was so nice. Lots of chatter and getting caught up with each other. And such a nice break after a hard day at school. First thing we find out that one of the middle school students committed suicide the night before. Then right after the busses dropped delivered students onekiddo's Mom called in, Mom's boyfriend who lives with them had just died of a chronic illness, it happened just after the child left home for school, Mom wanted the school to know but not tell the student, Mom would do that when she picked up the student, after the funeral home had been in and taken the body into their care.And, of course, this is test week, with all the classes testing, so the anxiety visits to my office are way up. Monday or Tuesday was a 14 visit day, and those kiddos picked up on the added tension that was going on behind the scenes and needed extra help yesterday, which landed on me since the school counselor was at the Middle School helping the counselor there. That's not a complaint, by the way, I am really impressed with and grateful for the way the entire district pulls together and sends people where they are needed when something comes up. It's been done with us nurses, teachers and teacher aides, admin support, and now counselors. When there is a crisis or problem, there is also helping hands. So very different from working in the nursing home where everyone is so focused on not being given any more work than the person next to them!

    Morning, Karen!

    Beautiful rose, Jazzy!

    Morning, Teka!

    Librarian--of course it's all about yourself right now! You need to be focused on yourself during this. I pray the PT can make something happen with the back specialist ASAP. In the meantime, do the best you can with the assigned exercises, to show you are doingyour part, and I will keep praying for you.

    Hi, Beaver!

    Karen--oh my goodness, youmust be more than worried for your daughter! God bless her if shefinds all that annoying and not terrifying! Praying for her safety and your peace.

    Illi--glad to hear that you are getting back to usual. I hope the pin/screw sore spots heal up quickly.

    Absolute Stress


    • 1 fluid ounce vodka
    • 1 fluid ounce dark rum
    • 1 fluid ounce peach schnapps
    • 1 fluid ounce orange juice
    • 1 fluid ounce cranberry juice


    Instructions Checklist

    • Step 1
      In a cocktail shaker, combine vodka, rum, peach liqueur, orange juice and cranberry juice. Shake well.
    • Step 2
      Pour over ice in a tall glass and garnish with a slice of orange and a cherry.

    From <>