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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Just a quick stop by to say morning.

    Illimea - glad that you are doing better and back to your normal routine

    Not much up to writing this morning - things still aren't good in Israel. Rockets seem to be more at night - but need to text daughter - but she is back to school online and trying to learn, listen and focus.

    Update - about an hour after I posted, DD texted "another siren, I'm okay"

    Have a great Thursday

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Chi- I missed the part in your post about the wedding date being finalized. Destination NOLA! And the Jazz and Heritage Festival for the honeymoon, I cannot think of anything better! Something wonderful to look forward to.....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    NM, you have def. been having some crazy weather. Hike day at school, that sounds nice. So very sad about the middle school student, that just breaks my heart that a child feels so bad, that they take thier own life. On a brighter note, I'm glad you got with your WWW group. Glad your DB will be able to help your mom with things.

    Karen, you are so very kind to offer help from afar. I'll be ok, thank you. I just keep telling myself, this is short term. Once the kids are gone and the business slows down, it will make a huge difference. I was not aware of what is going on in Israel. I don't pay much attention to the news. It's on every morning, but I'm usually busy on my computer. But I don't recall anything on there about Israel. I'm paying a bit more attention this morning. I can only imagine how worried and scared you are.

    Jazzy, is the rose from your garden?

    JCS, I mimick everyone else, do talk about you. My goodness, look at how much I've been talking about me. It's ok, we care. Just sorry about what you are going through and hoping you find answers and relief soon.

    BabyGirl, glad you are feeling better. You're always so nonchalant about things. Just jump in and don't worry ketchuping!

    There's no such thing as going to town and it NOT taking all darned day! Kids will be here today! Nora is improving daily, no more seizures, she's opened her eyes, as they are weaning her off some drugs, and she pooped! They did have to insert a feeding tube. May get to go home Sun/Mon. We're hoping that is what just the stress of the delivery that caused all the problems. They took one of the blankets Nora was using to Grandma, as she is watching Nora's fur brother Rex. Here is what she posted....

    Our handsome Rex has been getting all the love and spoiling from his grandma Deb the past week as we've been at the hospital with our sweet Nora. We were able to get my mom a blanket With Nora's scent on and I think it's safe to say Rex loves her so much already! My mom said he was super gentle with it and was carrying it around 🥰 and slept with the blanket all night. He's gonna be such a good big brother to our angel once she can come home ❤️❤️❤️

    May be an image of dog

    May be an image of dog

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Good morning! Today is a beautiful day! Sunny and cool while yesterday was rainy and quite chilly. My DH actually ran into a young man that was cutting someone’s lawn. We got an estimate and signed the bottom line. Amazing how he will do something if allowed to do it his way. This back situation is really making me miserable. I have an appointment with a back doctor on June 14. That is one month from now and in an office that is 30 minutes away. May spend today seeing if I can get that moved up or closer to me. I now have a walker so my DH is not as bothered with my slowness and ability to fall. It does help me get off the toilet!

    Goldie- That dog is so sweet! We have talked to the kids about finding a doggie daycare for Ziggy. He has so very much energy and is driving us a little crazy. DH walks him, we play little games and he wants to go outdoors all the time. What I would like is an older dog that walks, takes naps and wants to have his head scratched. Maybe some day.

    NM - Those kids are so lucky to have you. Between the ticks and the major stressors they have a full plate. It must be great for them to have time with someone that is calm and helpful.

    ChiSandy - congrats on the wedding! Start looking for your Mother of the groom dress!!

    To the rest, Thank You for all the support! You are a great bunch.

    Take care

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy GIF Day! Our Gov announced new COVID guidelines to go into effect on the 24th--outdoor settings opened up to 100%, no more physical distancing, indoor venues opened up to 100%, physical distancing eliminated except when masks will be taken off--indoor restaurants, bars, dining areas in camps or in congregate living facilities and break rooms. Face coverings needed in public indoor areas. School based protocols will be set out by DHHS and the Dept of Ed, meaning we will be waiting for a while for updates, we are still waiting for spring sports protocols to be issued. There is a lot of question about if the guidance will be issued before the end of the school year or sometime during the summer! The big school hike was quite the success, everyone seemed to have a great time. The kiddos were still bouncing around pretty well during lunch when they got back. Lots of tummy aches when testing started in the afternoon, though. Lots of tired kiddos sent home at the end of the day. Lots of ticks caught, too, but no real injuries beyond the usual number of scrapes and bumps, except for one of the teaching assistants who scraped up her knee really well when she tripped while racing some of the kiddos at recess! Patched her up, cleaned up the blood drips in the hallway while she ran home to change into less bloody pants, and the day continued. Such is the life of a school nurse!

    Sadie is out saying good morning to the big, fat squirrel. She's already said good morning to the big bunny, his/her feet are still white but the rest of him/her has the brown summer colors.

    Karen--Is DD's school work mostly during the day or evening? Either way I imagine it interrupted pretty frequently by the sirens. I just cannot imagine what that must be like.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Goldie--Yup, the weather here is crazy. But it always is, you think I'd be used to it after 6 decades! I can't imagine going to town being an all day adventure every time. I guess I'm a bit spoiled. So glad to hear that Miss Nora is improving and there is a plan for her to go home. The pics of the doggy with the blanket are so sweet!

    Librarian--I'm glad you got the appointment and the walker. I hope you can get the appointment moved up, though. I hope I'm having a good influence on the kiddos at school. I know I'm having a lot of fun with them! Glad to hear you go the lawn care set up. It sounds like Ziggy does need some doggy day care or something to burn off some of that puppy energy. I remember when Sadie needed a lot of play time to burn off her energy. It was fun, but it is better now that she is calmer and less likely to run off the moment she gets a chance!

    Morning, Teka!

    image alt="">

    Release The Hounds


    1.5 oz Buchanan's 12-Year-Old DeLuxe Blended Scotch Whisky.

    5 oz Chile Liqueur

    .75 oz Fresh Lemon Juice

    .75 oz Simple Syrup

    Club Soda for Top

    Cucumber for Garnish


    Combine Buchanan's 12-Year-Old DeLuxe Whisky, Chile Liqueur, fresh lemon juice and simple syrup into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well.

    Strain contents into a Highball glass over fresh ice.

    Fill to top with club soda. Garnish with cucumber.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Kim - I thought the CDC pretty much did away with mask restrictions both indoors and outdoors, except where a business requires it. This is as long as 80% is vaccinated for in doors. DD classes are mostly during the day - but she has lots of homework so its pretty much waking hours that she is busy with work.

    Have a great Friday

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    This could all be more mets coming in my back somewhere. 2nd emergency room, 3rd doctor and 1 physical therapist. I will be working with my cancer doctor to seem what can be done. What a total, fuckingbummer.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Got a bit paper to write and submit by Monday evening, need to work on mowing the lawn, going to dinner at Mom's this evening, going to be busy this weekend. At least it's looking alike a beautiful day today, and supposed to be just as nice tomorrow.

    Monday and Tuesday mornings I will be going in to work early to help out at the High School vaccination clinic. I went over to the middle school yesterday afternoon to help get set up there.We will be able to get both shots in before the end of school and get a big chunk of the school population immunized, and that will be a great help for next year. I suspect the under 12 crowd will have a vaccination cleared and I suspect we will be having vaccination clinics in the elementary schools next fall. Going to be exciting times!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--yup, the FEDERAL CDC set a no masks at 80% vaccination rate. The State of Maine CDC and Governor set a slightly different, slightly higher quideline as Maine residents are at 70% total population vaccination and because the number of residents that are older and vulnerable to severe illness. I think it's a partial compromise with the very vocal faction of the state's population that is against any relaxation of the quidelines and still wants Maine closed to visitors. The financial reality is that Maine would not survive the loss of another tourist season. The cruise ship ban is still in place and a lot of towns are going to be hurting financially just from that alone, let alone any other drop in tourism. Bar Harbor has a census of around 5,000 people,the average cruise ship brings in around 2,000 tourists, on a good cruise ship day there will be 3 ships in the harbor--more tourists spending money than residents! Sounds like DD is keeping busy, that may be helpful to keep her from worrying too much. You are probably doing enough worrying for the both of you, anyway!

    Don't Worry About It

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    2-3 tbsp of grenadine syrup

    1/2 cup of 7-up plus soda

    1/2 cup of Smirnoff Raspberry Twist Vodka

    Combine all ingredients together in a highball glass, stir and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Kim - DD texted twice about sirens and saying she was "okay". not sue if they spent time in the bomb shelter of in the safe room in the apt. It's not good. And yes, DH and I am doing lots of worrying.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Stopping by to wish everyone a good Sunday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    NM, our weather can be wonky here too. I think it was in June last year we a late freeze. I hope you and mom had a nice day together with no issues!

    JCS, sorry about the possible mets. I hope it's not that, and I hope you can get in sooner. DH had the same issue when he was trying to get in to the neurologist. A month out is rediculous.

    Karen, I can't even imagine how worried you are.

    Not sure when I will be able to check in again. Having all these people at my house. Husband and both kids wanted to come every day. My husband told his daughter no, he wanted daddy daughter day. But they will be here today and tomorrow. I have things to do! And tomorrow I will be swamped with business. I wasn't prepared for this and making meals for 3 more additional people. And they seem to need to eat every 3 hours. I made chicken, squash and broccoli for his DD and I last night. Ate around 4:30 and at 7 she was talking about how she will need to get something to eat in awhile! Guess I'll just get the peanut butter and jelly out!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday~ Except for me its going to be a writing day. Been working on a 2500 word paper all week, still haven't gotten more on paper than the title. But I did get the research finished yesterday, so today I write. I may even borrow the work lap top and sit out on the deck and write later on. It feels sonice to work on the deck, but there can be so many distractions, too. I'll see how it goes this ayem.

    Had a very nice dinner at Mom's. She makes the best lasagna. She had a friend over, too. He and his wife used to go to bean suppers with Mom and Dick before COVID. His wife died during COVID, a bit more than a year ago now. Mom actually asked me to be there to chaperone, so there wouldn't be any talk--"him a widower of only a year, Mom moving out of Dick's place only last fall, how long as there been something going on between those two?" I did the best I could to stay out of the way and let them visit. Next time I'm going to remember to take my tablet with me so I can study while they chat! For those who are interested in such details, Mom is 88, Bill is 90.

    Karen--I'm keeping your DD in my prayers. Oh, the Maine Gov and Maine CDC came out with new COVID guidelines to match the U.S. CDC--no masks for vaccinated folks, no distancing indoors or outdoors, recommending masking for unvaccinated folks when in crowds. No changes in masking, distancing or anything else for the schools. Individual businesses may choose to require face coverings. Face coverings will be required in planes, busses, trains and other public transportation. Vulnerable people, even vaccinated, are advised to wear face coverings. All of which pretty much says back to life as it as before, except for traveling. Privacy rules mean people can't be asked if they are vaccinated, or show proof of vaccination outside of certain exceptions. I've got to admit I have very mixed feelings about it all.

    Goldie--Mom and I had a nice dinner. As to no issues, in the ayem I called her to find out what time dinner was, she decided 4 peeyem. I got there a bit before cuz I knew she'd need some help, and she was telling me her friend Bill had stopped by around 10:30 ayem, they chatted for a while, Mom asked why he came so early, he said she told him 11:00 for lunch! Mom says his hearing is not so good, I think she originally planned for 11 and then changed her mind or forgot when I asked. Whatever, it all went well in the end. You really are busy! Remember to take at least 10 minutes for yourself every day, some way or another. Everyone will survive for 10 minutes without you waiting on them!

    Writer's Block: A Gin & Lemon Thyme Summer Cocktail

    Writer's Block


    • 2 fistfuls of lemon thyme sprigs (divided among the infused simple syrup, muddling, and garnish)
    • 1 cup of white sugar
    • 1 cup of water
    • 1 True Lime packet
    • 1 fresh lime wedge
    • 1 Tablespoon Turbinado raw cane sugar
    • 1/2 Teaspoon of St. Germaine Elderflower Liqueur (I must insist you used this brand of elderflower liqueur - all others aren't right. I've tried)
    • 2 1/4 Teaspoons of Lemon Thyme simple syrup
    • 3 ounces of Gin (highly recommend only London Dry Gin: Bombay Blue Sapphire, Regular Bombay, or Beefeater only)
    • Lots of fresh ice


    1. Obtain a Lemon Thyme plant and fertilize it so that you have plenty of Lemon Thyme throughout the summer.
    2. Bring the water and white sugar to a boil in a small sauce pan until the sugar is dissolved. Turn off the heat. Throw in a large handful of lemon thyme sprigs (pre-rinsed and cleaned) put a cover on and let the lemon thyme steep for a few hours, stirring and swirling every so often to help the essential oils infuse syrup. Stronger the better! Pour through a strainer to keep the leaves out of the final product. Store in in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to a two weeks.
    3. Get a low ball whisky glass with straight sides. Wash your hands and rinse 3 sprigs of lemon thyme, gently pat the herbs dry. Set aside 1 nice sprig for a garnish, and use the other two to smush and muddle on the insides and bottom of the glass. Really work the essential oils onto the sides. You should be able to smell it. Discard the smushed sprigs.
    4. Get a shallow bowl and empty a True Lime packet and the Turbinado sugar into it, mix. Get the lime wedge and moisten the rim of the glass with it. Dip the glass rim into the sugar/True Lime mixture until it is covered.
    5. Add the Lemon Thyme simple syrup, St. Germaine, and one ounce of gin. Mix. Add enough ice so that it almost reaches the top of the glass, then pour in the remaining two ounces of gin. Stir until combined. Add more ice if needed.
    6. Add a sprig of lemon thyme and serve.
    7. Marvel at how easily and enjoyably all that gin goes down the hatch.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Hi friends- well I wrote a longer post yesterday and then when I wetnt to send it, my WIFI had dropped and lost the whole thing.

    I have friends coming to town next weekend and then will be in and out of town on the weekends into early June visiting some friends and/or doing little get away junkets. So I wanted to wish you all a good Memorial Day weekend in advance, and holding all of you who are struggling right now close to my heart.

    Be back in June sometime......

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited May 2021

    Goldie, you are a lot nicer than I’d be, lol. After a couple days, I tell guests it’s dinner only at 7 and they’d better wash their dishes. I am in awe of your ability to keep it all together but do hope you get some rest. And how’s the baby, doing better?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    I'll be off the internet till Tuesday night or Wednesday. Everyone stay well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Just a quick visit this ayem, need to leave a bit early to go to the High School and help out with the vaccination clinic. Should make for a fun morning! It's looking to be a beautiful week, and I'm looking forward to taking advantage of that.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Jazzy--have a great month, and see you in June!

    Illi--I'm with you, I'd not be so nice as Goldie!

    Karen--see you when you get back online.

    Blue Kamikaze Shots

    Blue Kamikaze Shots


    • 1 part vodka
    • 1 part blue curacao
    • 1 part lime juice
    • Ice
    • Pop Rocks™ for garnish, and vanilla frosting for rimming the glasses


    • 1 If garnishing with Pop Rocks™, lightly dip the rim of a shot glass in frosting, then dip in Pop Rocks™.
    • 2 Pour all remaining ingredients into an ice-filled cocktail shaker and shake well. Strain into the shot glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Baby Nora is still improving. Still has the feeding tube in and can go home when she eats for 24 hours w/o the feeding tube.

    So the kids and husband all came yesterday, they brought Subway. So that worked out ok. I make people take their shoes off when they come in, mainly in case they have rocks in their shoes. However, I spent 3 days washing my floors before they came. Well they all must have had dirty sweaty socks as my floors are so marked up! They've never looked like that. So I think they got done eating around 4, by 7 or 7:30 I had to make his DD something else to eat, chicken cordon blue (frozen from Sam's Club), baked potato (she picked the biggest one in the bag) and she ate a whole can string beans! They will all be back again today, but it's the last day. DD2 and her husband will arrive this afternoon.

    NM, wait! What? Mom and Bill, got a little thing going on? Enjoy your day at the HS.

    Jazzy, enjoy girlfriend. See you soon.

    Karen, continued prayers for you. OMG, this must be killing you, it would me!

    BabyGirl, they are not my children, so I keep my mouth shut. If it were my kids, it would be a whole 'nother story. My daughter would just do it, I wouldn't even have to ask. I hope you are feeling well.

    Just found out that my friend that helps me on Mondays can't come today. I have over 50 orders to do! No time for visiting, that's for sure!

    Cami, you ok?

    ED, where are you?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Busy day yesterday. I'm not sure how many vaccinations were givenin total at the high school, but there were 49 given in the first hour. Round two for first shots his morning.Just as the high school clinic was finishing up, I got a call to go help at the middle school clinic. 81 vaccinations given in about 3 hours there! Round two scheduled for June 7th. Now if we can just get an vaccine cleared for the under 12 crowd we'll be in good shape to be able to get rid of all the distancing and masking and such next year. And the 2021/2022 school year calendar came out yesterday. Fridays will still be half-days for the kiddos. I was able to let my cousin know the February break dates so she can go ahead and get that vacation planning underway.

    I'll be spending Friday night at Mom's, because she has to be at the airport at something like 5:30 ayem.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--Glad to hear Nora is doing better! Hard to believe how much marking up a sock can do to a floor! Mom and Bill don't have a little thing going on, at least not yet. They've been friends a long time and both have had a change in relationship status in the last year.I foresee lots of chaperoning for while! I didn't realize the kids visiting aren't yours, directly. That does change the interaction. Hope you got all the orders taken care of.

    31 Tuesday Boozeday Cocktails ideas | cocktails, liqueur, vodka

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Cammy Cat:

    Happy Birthday Messages For Her - Luvzilla

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    I am not sure where I stopped with you all about my situation. Still doing tests to find out what is wrong with me. Yesterday I had a lumbar puncture. Not a bad procedure. My problem was the staff did not know I was there! I waited over two hours for a 30 procedure. Not a happy camper. Left my home at 10:00am, got to the hospital by 11:00am, checked in and gowned up, then the wait started. I sent my husband to get lunch and the nurses decide they would move to another part of the area. By 2:30, DH was back from lunch and asked if I had had the procedure. I started shouting about how I had not seen a nurse and really wanted to go to the bathroom. At this point all the nurses came! I did get help to the bathroom and upstairs to where the procedure was to take place.

    I am in a precarious situation. I cannot walk and am very weak in many respects. I have had numerous conversations this morning with the cancer center. The next procedure is more MRIs (an hour and a half in the machine!). I asked about getting some Zanax. All of this is driving me crazy. Last night was rough. My DH wants to be helpful, but there are limits to what he can do. We will arrange transport for tomorrow, but I wish there was someone that could help me get around.

    Tomorrow is another day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Cami, come celebrate your birthday with us.

    NM correct, not my kids. So I guess you are taking mom to the airport? Poor Sadie won't know what's going and where her mom is. That's alot of vaccines you got in. The 2 grands that were here this past few days are not vaxed, ages 12 and 16. The 16 yo doesn't want it cuz he doesn't like needles! But he also has aspergars.

    JCS, that is horrible that they forgot about you, not right at all. I don't mind scans, but an hour and a half? I'm guessing your kids are not able to help? What are they doing with Ziggy?

    Our babygirl got to go home last night. Not only were mommy and daddy happy, but so was her big fur brother. I will continue to pray for her that the seizures didn't do any brain damage.

    May be an image of dog and indoor

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    See the source image

    See the source image

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    What I did yesterday! My neighbor wasn't available to help, so I was on my own. Didn't get them all done, took me all day to do this. And some of them weigh more than 40#. Sorry for the glare, I couldn't get a pic without it.

    DD1, hubby and kids were here, it was their last day. DD2 and her hubby arrived, will be here until Friday.

    I think Rex likes his little sister!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump day! The immunization clinics were quite successful, vaccinated 101 people at the high school between the two days, and 81 at the middle school on Monday. Round two on the 6th and 7th, right before the end of the school year. That will go a long way towards getting schools back to normal next year, at least at the middle and high school levels. Now to get the younger kiddos vaccinated and we will be in good shape for next year!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone, and be sure to get out and enjoy the good weather if yours is as good as ours.

    Birthday Party for Cammy!!

    Librarian--oh my goodness, what a terrible experience! How can the staff not know a patient is present and waiting? So not right. And you should be able to get some Xanax or something, the anxiety of situation like this can be devastating, not to mention not helpful. Praying for you.

    Goldie--Yes, I'm taking Mom to the airport. I'm going to stay at the airport until she gets through security to make sure something doesn't go wrong. Then she's the airline's responsibility until she gets to Charlotte, then she's my brother's for 2 weeks! So glad baby girl is home. The pic with the fur brother is so cute! And that is a lot of orders packed up!Good Job!

    Birthday Cake Martini cocktail recipe for the perfect celebratory libation. | Inspired by Charm

    Birthday Cake Martini


    • 2 ounces whipped vodka
    • 1.5 ounces amaretto
    • 1 ounce white chocolate liqueur
    • 2 ounces half and half
    • Honey and sprinkles for garnish


    • Begin with two shallow dishes or plates. To one, add a teaspoon of honey. To the other, add the sprinkles.
    • First, rim the edge of the martini glass in the honey, and then dip it in the sprinkles. Set aside.
    • In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine the vodka, amaretto, white chocolate liqueur, and half and half. Shake vigorously.
    • Strain into your prepared martini glass.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Cami, Happy Birthday! Hope that hunka-hunka-burnin' "Dream Team" can hoist a few with you!

    Karen, my heart is in my mouth too. Will it ever end? Praying for your DD's safety & peace of mind.

    JCS, you're in my prayers too--hope they can fix what's wrong and that it's not more mets. Xanax sounds like just the ticket right now. Incredible that you have to wait >3 more weeks to see the back specialist. Don't they know that what you need is not mere "elective" treatment?

    Beav, I hear your DS' doctor warning him to stay off the internet. Same here about my ocular melanoma--if I didn't have two specialized oncologists to talk me down off the ledge I'd be a basket case right about now.

    Lori, so glad your little Nora is finally home and hanging with big brother Rex (and that he's so gentle).

    Illi, glad you're doing okay. City just announced that Lollapalooza & Pitchfork will go on as planned, at full capacity. Vaccination proof or a negative COVID test will be required for each day. Local legal analysts agree that private entities do have a right to set their own stricter mask & capacity limits and require proof that patrons do not pose a contagion hazard.

    Been remiss about checking in here, not because of any dire circumstances but just letting life-getting-back-toward-normal "get in the way" of posting. My HK had been away on vacation, so I spent 10 days as a combination cat-mattress/waitress/servant. Heidi is so finicky that she has me popping up & down like a Duncan yo-yo. And Happy is clingy.

    Slight change in plans with the kids--they couldn't get the venue for the weekend before Jazzfest, but they were able to get it for French Quarter Fest--so that'll be their honeymoon.

    Here in IL and Chicago, the Gov. & Mayor are following the CDC guidelines about fully-vaccinated people & masks. The masks will still be required on gov't buildings & all public transit, including planes & ferries. Also, within airports. As to restaurants & stores, that's up to the management. Personally, I've worn masks for so long now that it's no big deal to put one back on before I walk into an establishment. I don't want anyone to feel I'm putting them or others at risk--and I'm certainly not gonna be that person who argues "But the CDC says I don't have to."

    And as far as requiring proof of vaccination? Well, something miraculous happened to us Sunday: we went to a ball game! Yup, the White Sox set up a special priority-seating section with reduced ticket prices, strictly for the fully-vaccinated. They did check our vax cards to make sure. We had to wear masks whenever away from our seats. We hadn't been to a stadium in over two years--but the scent of popcorn, hot dogs, funnel cakes, etc. brought me back instantly. And it was a joy at the rest room (despite having the usual wait in line) to be able to wash my hands for 20 seconds in hot water--with no attendant nagging me to stop dilly-dallying. And the Sox won at he last possible minute (2 out, bottom of the 9th)!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    image Thank you for the Bday wishes. I'm reading but my puter is still a mess No one can figure out what I'm hitting cuz it doesn't happen in front of them.

    I'll be back later but I'm praying for all of u such hard times for so many


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! There's been a shift at school, instead of collecting huge numbers of ticks I'm now seeing kiddos with Browntail Moth Caterpillar rashes. If it isn't one thing it's another! Masks are now off for kiddos while outside, per the Me CDC. The superintendent hasn't issued a decision on that yet. When asked about contact tracing with masks off on the playgrounds, we were told that the teacher monitoring the playground should be able to tell us who was within 6 feet of the student in question and for how long. Really? I can't see one person keeping track of all the minutes each student spend within 6 feet of every other student for 25-30 kiddos, every day.

    Sadie has decided It's warm enough to jump in the wading pool to cool off. I had hoped she'd wait until I got the leaves and stuff cleaned out of it and fresh water put in, but such is life, right? As long as she is happy.

    Chi--glad to hear life is getting back toward normal for you! Hooray for getting to go to a ball game! I like the idea of a special section for fully vaccinated people. But I wonder how long it will be before someone files a lawsuit claiming discrimination? Or maybe I'm just being pessimistic.

    Happy Day, Cammy Cat! The computer will get itself sorted out eventually, I'm sure.

    Cracker Jack Cocktail


    2 oz. Finagren's Irish whiskey

    1 oz. Amaretto liqueur

    1 oz. butterscotch schnapps

    3 oz. Canada Dry ginger ale and lemonade

    Caramel corn or Cracker Jacks, for garnish


    Step1 Fill a 16-oz. cocktail glass with ice; set aside.

    • Step2 Stir together Irish whiskey, Amaretto, and butterscotch schnapps. Top with ginger ale; stirring gently to combine. Top with caramel corn or Cracker Jacks for a garnish and serve immediately.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    NM,Good for you to stay at the airport and wait a bit on mom. We dropped my DD off one time and left and had to turn around and go back for her for something, I don't remember what tho. Good that Sadie didn't mind her dirty pool. I had to look up the browntail moth catepillar.

    Sandy, glad the kids were able to the plans changed to their liking and that you got out for a little normalcy.

    Karen, continued prayers for you and your DD. I can't imagine how you are feeling.

    Cami, did you do anything special for your b-day? And what is your computer doing that no one can figure out? We sure miss you.

    My last set of guests will leave tomorrow morning. I survived! But his kids are useless! You never offer to help one bit. They say "oh if there's anything you want done, just ask". Well, I'm not asking. Why can't you just do it without being told. You are a grown ass adult in your 40's and you just sit around and watch tv all day and let me do it all. Nevermind I just spent all day out in the office sending out orders, having stage IV cancer wears one out pretty quick. But that's ok, let Lori do it all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Oh, and last night's (Wed.) DOTD was flat Mumm Napa DVX 2009 cut with seltzer. (Too expensive to pour down the drain; and too much sugar in Aperol to make a proper spritz. Might use it for my next pan of choucroute, though). Will chill another bottle for tonight's leftover sashimi (Bob brought it home at 11 pm!) and salad.

    A discrimination lawsuit over the "vax-only" section will fail: vaccination status is neither a "disibility" under the ADA, nor a Constitutionally "protected class" (race, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). Not only that, it's not that the unvaccinated can't get into the stadium, only that they have to pay regular price and can't sit in a special section--just as an arena reserves the right to refuse seating in the wheelchair section to anyone except the disabled & a companion. Even "ladies' night" lawsuits have failed--because men aren't denied entry, only the free or reduced-price tickets. If kids & seniors can get a lower price, so can the fully-vaccinated.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2021

    Hi all! I need to go back and read to catch up, but wanted to stop in and say Hi! My last day of work was April 23rd, I like being retired, but I am still busy. I am catching up on cleaning out closets and spare rooms that ended up being a hoarders nest, and the yard work is really way behind. I did get the pool cleaned out and the area around it so kids can swim. My work family had a breakfast and gifts on my last day with a tea party theme. My kids had a get together after work at one on the local restaurants, it is all outside by the water and very nice. I will write more later...after I read up and find out about y'all.