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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Misty - congrats on your retirement.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!Hmm, I thought this was the beginning of a 3 day weekend, but it looks like that is actually NEXT weekend! Oh well. I'm going to Mom's after work today, taking her to the airport at some ungodly early hour Saturday ayem. At least the pick up time is a reasonable 11 something ayem.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--I want to see Mom get through security, then I know someone will be available to her if she needs help with things. Glad you survived the company influx. I wish I was close enough to be able to help physically.Hugs.

    Chi--Good points, about the discrimination thing.

    Misty--Congrats on the retirement!

    Karen--I heard on the news there is a cease-fire agreement, has it made any difference for your DD yet?

    Prepare yourself for the weekend with a refreshing Blackberry Dark and Stormy. Light and fruity, and just boozy enough to make the perfect summer drink. Print the full recipe at #cocktail #blackberry #rum #gingerbeer #darkandstormy

    Blackberry Dark and Stormy Cocktail


    • 1.5 oz dark rum (like Gosling Black Seal Rum) or a spiced rum
    • 3.5 oz ginger beer, chilled
    • 1 lime wedge
    • 2-3 mint leaves
    • 5-6 fresh blackberries (+ extra for garnish)


    1. Place lime and mint in a shaker and muddle by using a muddler or the bottom of a wooden spoon to smash the lime and mint together until juices are fully released
    2. Add blackberries to shaker and continue to muddle for 1- 2 minutes.
    3. Pour in rum, place lid on shaker and shake vigorously.
    4. Fill an old-fashioned glass about 3/4 full with crushed ice. Pour the contents of the shaker over the ice and top off with chilled ginger beer.
    5. Garnish with a fresh blackberry and a mint leaf. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Kim - time will tell how long things will last. Thanks for asking. 1 more week and I'm more or less down except 3 special cases.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Sandy, lol at the descrimination!

    Karen, I too heard about the cease fire.

    Hi Misty, glad you are enjoying your retirement.

    NM, I hope everything goes smoothly with your mom tomorrow. Sorry you thought this was the holiday weekend, but now you get an extra week looking forward to it. I looked up that browntail moth catepillar. The rash looks like it can be pretty bad. Seeing them in the webbed mass they form, I think we called them tent worms, but I didn't know they were poisoness. Unless what I'm thinking of is something totally different Thanks for offering to help me if you were closer.

    Well, this should be my last vent, since the kids are leaving this morning. I knew in the afternoon DH said he was going to make mozzarella cheese sticks for a snack. So I'm working most of the day packing orders. I see the air fryer out, so I know they had them. I go outside to grill some brats and come in and ask if I need to make the mozzarella sticks. "No, we already had them." Do you think they came outside to ask me if I wanted any? I didn't want any, but that's not the point. And if I say anything to DH, he will turn it back around on him and say what a horrible husband he is, he will start crying and apologizing. So not worth it to say anything.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited May 2021

    NM, hope you can catch a nap on Saturday since you will have a very abbreviated night. Will Sadie be with you or does she get to stay home?

    Karen, first thought when I heard about the cease fire was also wondering how long it would last. There's not a very good track record, is there? Prayers for your DD and the safety of her household.

    Misty, sounds like you have been busy since retiring. It is great to have time to do those things that have been waiting in the wings! I've been retired a good while and still am not certain how I found time to work.

    Goldie, sounds like in your situation the squeaky wheel (commenting that you would have liked being asked) does not get the grease. Good for you for not adding to your aggravation, go out behind the "barn" and have a good scream, if you have the energy.

    Sandy, logical discussion of why a fully vaccinated section would be legal. Thanks, I had not really thought about it.

    Cami, good to hear from you when you can.

    Here we still do not have a diagnosis for our son. Specialist in "solid tumors of unknown origin" seems to be as stumped as everyone else and paints an extremely gloomy picture. They are starting some basic chemo next week. Also DS and DIL are now working with an integrative oncologist who is connected to MD Anderson and has been very responsive (had a zoom meeting with them the evening of the day they contacted him and had looked at DSs MDA records already). DH has his test for peripheral artery disease next week so basically we are hanging on around here waiting for more information. That oh so familiar waiting, at least the sun is out today.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Beaver, I was hoping that "tumors of unknown origin" would maybe be a good thing. Continued prayers for your family.

    NM, I hope everything went smoothly at the airport with your mom.

    It's nice to wake up and not have to worry about taking care of others! Other than my DH. But anymore, I'm not sure how to care for him either. The depression, the crabbiness, he does not get dressed, he sits and rocks. Hoping to get out in the garden today, but we have been having high winds. It's so very annoying!


    High Jamaican Wind


    1 1/2 oz Myer's Rum
    1/2 oz Kahlua

    Fill a rocks glass with ice. Add the Rum and Kahlua. Float the Cream on top.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday! Got to be a busy one for me, since I really did not do anything yesterday after dropping Mom off at the airport. I slept on Mom's couch, which is comfortable enough, but Mom still has the heat on in her place, and it was hotter than hell for sleeping, to my way of thinking. Not that there was much sleeping going on, Mom was up puttering around, packing and re-packing her shoulder bag, going out to her car to look for something, not remembering what she went out for, coming back in and mumbling and grumbling about that. She didn't actually settle down to sleep until 2:30 ayem, and her alarm went off at 4 ayem. Anyway, got to the airport, I start to pull in to park next to the doors where she has to go in, she gets all agitated that I need to move down further and park next to the other set of doors near the car rental kiosks. So I pull ahead to that set of doors, she gets out and looks and then says "where's the ticket counter? It should be right here by the doors." I point the ticket counter out (back by the first set of doors) and she says "You mean I have to walk all the way back there??" No, Mom, get back in, I'll circle around and park by the first set of doors, like I started to in the first place. Thank God Above it's a small airport. I sat in the car and watched her go through check in and go up the stairs/escalator to the security area. When I left she was chatting with a security guard at the top of the stairs.I came home and fed Sadie, who was not pleased with my not being home overnight and said so by sitting and barking at me steadily for 10 minutes. Then I pluncked down in the recliner and got some real sleep. Then I dozed off and on all day, went to bed at 9 and slept like a log until 5:30.Now I've got to get the last paper for my current class written and submitted, and clean up around the house, and try to get some mowing done, and get some laundry washed and dried, and heaven only knows what else I will find to do!

    I got a text from Mom after she got to Charlotte. And a phone call in the evening so she could brag about going swimming in the pool, almost. She waded in up to her belly button, then the lower level of water was getting too cold.

    Karen--I'm on the count down, too, only 2 weeks of school left! I did not realize it was THAT close!

    Goldie--the browntail moth caterpillar rash is pretty itchy and can be quire miserable for folks who are particularly sensitive to it. I think I've seen them called Tent worms, too, but I'm not sure. They are an invasive species around here, and we've only been dealing with them for a couple of years. Apparently the hairs have a toxic coating on them, or are toxic themselves, I'm not sure which. At least they are easier to see than the ticks! The tick population has dropped off considerably since the playground and surrounding area was sprayed. And Mom is safely in the custody of brother and SIL for the next 2 weeks, the apartment is being looked after by the neighbor lady and the landlord. Glad the visitors will be leaving soon. And I figure you are entitled to at least one more vent after they leave, just to finish things off. I hear you about the mozzarella sticks, wanting them or not it would have been nice to be asked. And it probably isn't worth saying anything other than venting here. Here you can vent and let it go and we all understand.

    Beaver--Oh, I napped all day Saturday! I felt much like I did after working a night shift when I got home, decided to get comfy in the recliner and only get up and do something if I really wanted to. Sadie stayed home, Mom doesn't really like having animals around, too much hair and dirt and smell, you know. I am still praying for your DS and everyone involved. Such a terribly difficult situation to be in. Prayers for good test results for DH, too. Enjoy the sun.

    Goldie--That DOTD looks Marvelous!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! It's hard to believe no one has been in the Lounge since I was yesterday. Everyone must have had a beautiful day and been very busy, which isa good thing.

    Sadie say Woof to everyone, and says everyone should spend time soaking up the sun and chasing squirrels.

    image alt="Royal Monday Morning Recipe | Food & Wine">


    Ingredient Checklist

    • 1 ounce fresh grapefruit juice
    • 1 tablespoon raspberry preserves
    • Ice
    • 3 ounces chilled club soda
    • 2 ounces chilled Italian grapefruit soda, such as San Pellegrino Pompelmo


    Instructions Checklist

    • Step 1
      In a cocktail shaker, combine the grapefruit juice and preserves. Fill the shaker with ice and shake well. Strain into a chilled flute or coupe and top with both sodas.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2021

    Hey! Not sure that I have told everyone in this group. I was recently diagnosed with leptomeningeal carcinoma. So far,I have been in the hospital as I had a major reaction to the procedure of the ovvetectomy. Hope that does not indicate my reaction to the chemo! Anyway. The days are getting shorter. You have been so very supportive and willing to put up with me


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    NM, love your patience with your mom, but I can relate. Funny about the door drop off spot. Good girl, listening to mom, even if you know you are right! I'm sure Sadie has forgiven you by now. Nothing wrong with having a lazy day. And your mom must have been exhausted, after only having a few hours of sleep. Those catepillars are quite invasive in MI and I think I had some one time in one of my trees here in AZ. Glad there won't be as many ticks. Yes, to come here and vent can make one feel so much better! And I have not said anything.

    JCS, you did not tell us. I'm so sorry, and sorry you are in the hospital. Looks like this is very rare. I can't find what ovvetectomy is. Take care and I hope you are home soon.

    I was outside all day yesterday. It was beautiful out and just a slight breeze. Saturday was just miserable with all the wind. My helper is not coming again this Monday, so working solo, but not as many orders as last Monday. This is my brother, the one I stay with, and his a NORA ble grand baby. He will go by Pop Pop!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,308
    edited May 2021

    Librarian - I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. In some ways I guess it's a relief to finally know what's going on. But certainly not what you wanted to hear. Hope your hospital stay is short and the upcoming treatment is effective at giving you more quality time and is not too harsh.

    Goldie - what a cutie. The baby & the brother.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2021

    Hi ladies- I just wanted to let you know my sister's partner passed away over the weekend. She has been very ill for a long time as you know, and more recently in a changed state of health. I am working to help my sister get the services for June planned and looking like the second weekend right now.

    I had some friends in town this weekend visiting and have not seen my good friend for over 7 years. We were fortunate to have the time together to reconnect and had a great time, and they left ABQ on Sunday. I got the call from my sister that same morning after their departure.

    I have other things planned for trips, and still doing one this weekend that has been planned since forever. My sister agreed I need to go and just wants me out for the services in June. I did opt out of another local invite the first weekend in June as there is no way I can pull off three weekends away in a row and with working FT. No airplanes for close to two years and now two short trips in a short duration. I am glad I am vaccinated and can go.

    Many of you asked through time about our family situation and wanted you to know how much that meant to me and also wanted you to know this news. I will be back after things are more settled.

    Much love to all here. Lubs ya!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,308
    edited May 2021

    Jazzy - holding you in my thoughts as you help your sister through this difficult time.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Jazzy, I was going to ask about your SIL, since you hadn't mentioned anything lately. But then you said you would not be checking in until June sometime, so I didn't. I'm sorry to hear of her passing. And it does not make much sense to go now. I did not go when my mom passed. I made sure to see her every day when I was there though and spoke to her almost daily on the phone when in AZ. I hope your sister is doing as well as can be. I think she hung on much longer than was expected. Blessings to you and your family.

    JCS, sending you my love and prayers. I've been reading up on your diagnosis and your other post. Such devastating news, not one that any of us wants to hear. Like others have offered to me, I wish I was closer to offer some help to you, a hug if nothing else. Have you told your kids? How is everyone handling it? Hoping Ziggy has someone else to watch him.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Today I will be sitting in with the school counselor who is teaching about puberty. Should be a really interesting, and probably great fun, time. These are 5th graders we'll be working with, some already show signs of development, some don't.

    Sadie says Hi!

    Librarian--oh, my dear, I am so sorry to hear about the diagnosis and the reaction to the procedure. Please keep popping in so we can try to give you something to smile about once in a while. Hugs and prayers.

    Goldie--I've learned over theyears that it's better to just go with what Mom wants and then do what should have been done. Mom gets less agitated and wound up that way and things actually get done quicker in the long run. Mom can spend a lot of time arguing about something when she puts her mind to it! What a wonderful picture of aNorable and PopPop!

    Morning, Minus!

    Jazzy--Please give your sister our condolences. Your sister's partner has been quite ill for a long time but that doesn't make the loss any easier when it happens. Hugs.

    oaks lily cocktail garnished with two skewered blackberries, served on a bar cart

    Oaks Lily


    • 1 1/2 ounces vodka
    • 1/2 ounce orange liqueur
    • 3 ounces cranberry juice
    • 1/2 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
    • Garnish: 2 blackberries
    • Garnish: lemon wheel


    1. Add the vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, lemon juice and simple syrup into a highball glass, then fill with ice and stir gently to combine.
    2. Garnish with 2 skewered blackberries and a lemon wheel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    NM, I like that DOTD! Oh boy, today should be interesting at school. Can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow! How is mom doing at your brothers?

    After Nora, I have since had a little girl born to my cousins DD, and my HS friend became a grandma to a little boy. 3 babies within 2 weeks. I think Covid may have something to do with this....what do y'all think? Leaving next week on Tuesday, I think, for Moab. No camping tho, will be glamping at the Hilton. Glad we have lots and lots of points, rooms are $400 a night!

    JCS, thinking of you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    JCS, bummer to hear about the lepto. I'm hoping your hospital stay will be short and that treatment can slam the brakes on it for a good long while.

    Jazzy, my condolences on the loss of your SIL. May her memory be for a blessing, and may you and your sister find comfort. (May the One who makes peace bring peace to those who mourn).

    Beav, still no dx other than "solid tumors of unknown origin?" So maddening! But perhaps an initial course of broad-spectrum chemo will produce a satisfactory pathological response nonetheless.

    Lori, Nora is truly "aNorable!" And it's really easy to tell that you & Pop-Pop are siblings! Quite a family resemblance.

    Somewhat disappointing news at my 3-mo. ocular onc. appt. The melanoma seems to have grown by two tenths of a millimeter, though it is still classified as "very small." My onc is not at all worried--he considers it "stable" and says that during the first year after brachytherapy, these tumors wax & wane slightly. (At 3 mos. it shrank by the same amount). He also said that while my chart says "ciliary body" (highly vascular) melanoma, it's more of an "iris" melanoma, which carries the best prognosis of the three types (the third type is choroidal--toward the retina, and usually not diagnosed till it is large enough to cause symptoms). I asked if I'll be able to walk Gordy down the aisle next April, and he replied that if I can't by then, it won't have been cancer to blame. He said that for my peace of mind, we'll follow up next in July (a year after it was diagnosed) rather than August. Another factor is that their fancy new ultrasound scanner is "in the shop" again, so that could cause slight discrepancies in assessing size. (The tumor's location just behind the iris makes it difficult to visualize). Had I not discovered that pesky floater in my other eye, he says the tumor would have grown undetected till it'd be too large to treat without damage to my vision. My retinas are fine, as is my vision.

    I did have something of a scare Sat. morning. I had just finished breakfast & flossed. I rinsed and then my tongue touched what felt angular, like a bit of bacon between two molars...which then moved. I then felt a pinprick on my tongue and spat the thing out: it was a black carpenter ant, which flew away. No idea how it got in there--maybe climbed into the straw of my water bottle. I rinsed and spat and rinsed and spat again--and to my great relief iit didn't sting--what I felt was its leg. I'm fine, but was kinda shaken for an hour or so.

    DsOTD were a breve latte out on the deck, and a pineapple Bubly over ice with dinner (a leftovers-salad). I'm not losing weight, so I'm trying not to have wine (not even 2 or 3 oz.) every night. I went solo to brunch on Sun, morning (Bob worked all weekend) and my waiter plopped a glass of cava down in front of me. Oh, well.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited May 2021

    DOTD is water but yesterday it was a bottle of Reisling (Barefoot) from Walmart, picked up on a whim while we were on our way to the cabin for a long weekend and to haul out household stuff. I had it all to myself and enjoyed it, now to try others to see which I like best. Here’s a couple pics from the mountain.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I had put the puberty class on my calendar wrong, it's actually today, not yesterday. I was disappointed to find out it wasn't yesterday. It should be a pretty good time, I can't wait to see what reactions we get. There's a new trend emerging at school, kiddos come in to see me to get bandaids put on a scratch or scrape and just stand there looking at me without saying where the scratch or scrape is. When I ask they tell me, but the I have to ask specifically for them to show me to get them to pull up a sleeve or pant leg. It's actually rather funny, it's like they think I can see through clothes or read minds or something! If I ask "Can I see it?" they say "yes" and stand there. I have to tell them to show me where it is. Such literal thinkers at this age.

    Sadie said to say Hi to everyone as she went back to bed. Lazy pooch!

    Goldie--I haven't heard anything from Mom or my brother or SIL, so I'm thinking things are going well. Let's see, nine months ago it was August. Height of summer in the middle of a pandemic. Yeah, I bet these are COVID babies!

    Chi--I'm glad the doc thinks the melanoma is stable, and even more glad that the diagnosis is actually a better one than originally thought. I would have been totally freaked out to have something in my mouth MOVING! Glad you didn't get stung. So you went to brunch and the waiter served you a glass of wine you didn't order? It must be someplace you go often if they know you so well!

    Illi-I've had a few of the Barefoot wines, and think they are pretty good. Quite the range of wildlife out there on the mountain!

    image alt="Grasshopper drink with mint sprig on blue cloth">



    • 3/4 ounce green creme de menthe
    • 3/4 ounce white creme de cacao
    • 3/4 ounce light cream (or single cream, in the UK)


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Pour in all ingredients.
    3. Shake until chilled.
    4. Strain the mixture into a cocktail glass.
    5. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Gosh it's been quiet in here. Sort of!

    Sandy, my brother and I do resemble a bit! Sorry about the news on your eye, but not as bad as could be. Good that he will look at it again sooner than later.

    BabyGirl, enjoy your mountain time. You sure deserve it.

    NM, still waiting to hear about the puberty stuff! I know it's tomorrow.

    Today was town day, yes all day, with PT/OT. Our container is coming in the morning and I probably have close to 100 to get out! Well, that's not happening! Not possible. But I will be out there all day packing. Leaving for Moab Wednesday and our friend Tammy may be coming out again this weekend. Her and boyfriend will also be meeting us in Moab. So I may be MIA for a few days. DH has on our website that we will be closed for 10 days to go visit with friends for one last time....(eyeroll).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2021

    Hi all just popping in to say hello. I read everything and enjoy the adventures or stories of daily life; and pray for those needing it. Librarian I was sad to read of your recent diagnosis but echo someone's comment wishing you greater longevity and strength than anyone might predict.

    Goldie may I ask what business you are in? It sounds very active and like they need a few more of you. 👍

    The other ight we had fish, corn and caprese salad. Had to top it with some Niagara wine. Yum! With recent blood test results I need to start lowering the sugar content in my wine 🤣 😥

    Have a good rest of the week friends.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    DsOTD: this afternoon as I sat on my deck "planespotting"--we're in the O'Hare flight path and I like to see if I can determine the airline without binoculars--I mixed a little "Zevia" brand Stevia-sweetened ginger beer with seltzer over ice in a big acrylic wine glass. After a late dinner (with Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs NV Brut Reserve) I resumed sitting outside sipping in the dark--but suddenly felt a sharp pinprick on my back. Within a few minutes I felt pain in my upper L back. Bob took a look and said there was a bright red streak (he called it a "linear rash") right along where I hurt! I freaked out--couldn't be shingles because I had both Shringrix shots a couple years ago. I gave him a lighted magnifier, and lo & behold he said it was some kind of insect bite--the red streak had gotten shorter & paler, but wider in area and there's a big raised whitish welt in the center. He took a pic, which I sent to my PCP. Meanwhile, applied some Benadryl cream and popped a generic Benadryl. Hoping it's better in the morning. No idea what stung me (right through my shirt), as those flying ants, bees & wasps are not nocturnal. Can't imagine a gnat or skeeter could produce something that huge.

    All these years of feeling smug about managing to avoid mosquito bites might be coming back to...uh...bite me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! The puberty class went really well yesterday, there were so many questions that we only got halfway through the curriculum, and will be doing an extra class to finish up. I was amazed at all the questions the boys came up with, mostly about pregnancy. Nary a question from the girls until later when I took a walk around the playground at recess, then I got a bunch of questions from some of the girls. What did amaze me is that even before getting this class on male and female anatomy they have had classes on the difference between gender and biological sex and are already used to hearing about transgender, cisgender and gender identity. Seems a tad backwards to me, but I'm not a professional educator. I think my favorite question was "Why do we need to learn those big words? It's easier to say balls than testicles. It's embarrassing!"

    Sadie says Woof! She had a great time in her pool yesterday afternoon in all the heat and humidity. Then, because I forgot to close the bedroom door, she went in a stretched out on the bed. Fortunately, she only got the comforter wet! Another advantage of making up the bed every morning!

    Goldie--Wow, 100 orders sounds like a lot to get out! Do what you can and try not to worry too much about the rest. Enjoy the trip to Moab. Is DH being a bit dramatic or is the disease really progressing very quickly?

    Reader--What a beautiful looking meal! I bet it was very tasty, too.

    Chi--oh my goodness, what a surprise that bug bite/sting must have been! I hope it subsides very quickly.


    Mosquito Bite


    1 oz. Vodka

    1 oz. Sour Apple Pucker

    Splash Melon Liqueur

    Splash Grenadine


    1. Add ice to shaking glass and pour over vodka, sour apple pucker and melon liqueur. Shake too chill.
    2. Strain into shot glass and add a drop of grenadine.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Reader, dinner looks very inviting. We sell irrigation products for gardens and misting systems. Our main seller and our product is soaker hose. So when sending out 500' rolls, they can weigh as much as 45 lbs.

    Sandy, that bite sounds scary. I hope it's better today. Forgot to comment about the ant in your mouth....ewwww! What's with you and the bugs lately?

    NM, sounds like the girls were too embarrased to ask questions in front of the boys. Interesting that you have to have a second class. As for the orders, what gets done, gets done and what doesn't can wait until tomorrow.

    Temps in Moab are predicted to be in the mid to high 90's. We will be in a little bit higher elevation, but it will still be hot.

    EDIT: Forgot to answer you NM. DH is not being TOO overly dramatic. I would say progression is slow, but he always has something negative to say about being dead, or not being here. He is dramatic when riding in the truck, throwing himself all over the place. If he drives, which he is not allowed anymore, one hand on the steering wheel and the other in his lap. When I drive, he's grasping with both hands and flailing all over the place. When sitting on the couch, he sits there and rocks, drives me nuts. And almost every day has to have a nap and then goes to bed by 4 or 5. Still losing weight, down below 215 now, he's 6'2".

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Yeah, I've always been creeped out by "tiny livestock," whether crawling or flying. The Benadryl worked--no sign now that anything ever stung me. My PCP thinks it was probably a "sweat bee" because skeeters & flies can't penetrate the tight weave of the scrub top I was wearing as a shirt. Anyway, won't be dealing with that again for quite a while because the mercury has plummeted into the 40s, with rain. Not gonna be "sit on the deck weather" again till at least the end of next week--we may not even make it to 50 tomorrow here by the lake!

    Gordy & Leslie flew into Bozeman yesterday and are en route to first Yellowstone and then the Tetons (for her sister's wedding this weekend). Hope they get some decent weather!

    (Typing this now with Happy on my chest, between me and the laptop--purring like a motorboat with my chin resting on his shoulder blades).

    DOTD was the last of the bottle of Williams-Selyem 2015 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir (only 3 oz. left, so actually uncorked it rather than Coravining it again).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I am so looking forward to the 3 day weekend. Mom called yesterday, she and SIL were cleaning up from a late lunch and then heading out to the pool again. Temps in the 90's, Mom was talking about how hot, hot, hot it was. It sounds like she's having a good time, so that's good.

    I'm listening to a news report about incentives for getting the COVID vaccine and wondering where all that nice stuff was back in Jan and Feb when I got mine! In know keeping my job is a nice incentive, but I really wouldn't mind being eligible for some of the lottery money or free meals that are getting handed out now. Oh, well, such is life, right?

    Sadie says Hi!

    Goldie--Wow, slinging around 45 pound rolls would wear me out in a hurry! Is DH having trouble chewing and swallowing or just not hungry? That's a lot of weight loss.Funny how he uses both hands when riding but only one when driving. I can imagine how the negativity can be hard to live with. Hugs.

    Chi--Yikes, that's quite a temperature dip! There was frost warning in parts of the state for the last couple of nights. Heat advisory on Wednesday, frost advisories for Thursday and Friday. I never heard of a "sweat bee,"I'll have to look that one up!Nothing like working around a furbaby, is there?

    image alt="Jack Frost Cocktail Recipe Watch The Video Tutorial | Drinks, Christmas drinks alcohol recipes, Jack frost drink">

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    School's out for the summer!! - but I still have meetings etc as I'm working on 3 legal cases - 1 meeting today, 2 on Tuesday and then on the 6th I'm traveling out of state to assess 2 students - of then writing reports and follow up meetings - more than I bargained for - one case turned into 2!! At least lots of comp time to use next year. Yesterday my team met for the first time in person (since before Covid)- at a park - it was so nice to see people NOT through a computer screen.

    Keep forgetting that this is a long week-end. No plans except to finish weeding the yard.

    Have a great week-end.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Wow Sandy, 40 degrees! I'm not looking forward to the temps in Moab. Glad your bite from the tiny livestock didn't cause a problem.

    Karen, you had me singing Alice Cooper's song! How are things with your DD in Israel and with your SIL?

    NM, glad your mom is having a nice time. DH does not have trouble eating or swallowing (yet). I think it's just from the muscle loss and the lack of doing anything. Hardly any walking even, and he no longer does what little bit of exercises he was doing. He expects me to get everything ready for the trip (leaving Wednesday morning), get the garden done and timers put on. I still have stuff to plant. We can "close" the business by turning off the cart, but he doesn't want to do that until Tuesday. So he expects me to get all the shipping done before we leave but doesn't want me working on the weekends. WTF, I'm not Wonder Woman.

    As for the heavy rolls, they are in boxes and I have a hydraulic cart that I can put them on that raises and lowers, but I still have to pick them up to put them on the cart and take them off. I actually got it for DH when he was starting the ALS, but we didn't know that at the time. He was having trouble walking with the drop foot, not as strong as he used to be and problems with his back and left leg. So it's been a God send.

    I got about half of the orders done yesterday, with the business and then cleaning my kitchen and some other things, I worked from 8 am until almost 10 pm. Needless to say, my energy is quite low today.

    See the source image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Well, even though Bob has the weekend off, I'm alone (except for the kitties) tonight. He called to tell me the "check engine" light came on in his Fusion Hybrid, and the Ford dealership (out SW near Christ Hospital) can't get a look at it till noon tomorrow to tell if it's safe to drive any further than a mile or two. He was able to get a room at the Oak Lawn Hilton, but I can't get down there till tomorrow: holiday getaway traffic is awful and the thunderstorms are about to roll in. Early in the afternoon rush hour, a sudden gale caused half of a huge tree next to Lake Shore Drive to fall on & total two cars, sending one person to the hospital. So tomorrow morning he will go to Christ Hospital (about a half mile from the hotel) to read echos & EKGs, then to the dealership. If he has to leave the car there, I'll have to come get him--and then basically be his chauffeur all weekend (or longer) till his car is ready. Either that, or I'll be without my car. This being a holiday weekend, there are no rental cars available. (Even without surge pricing, an Uber between here and there is >$100 each way).

    Also putting the ribeye steak back in the freezer, as I'm not gonna waste it on just myself. (We're going to Cellars tomorrow night to plan the menu for our anniversary bash next month--we have enough RSVPs to take over the entire joint that night). All things being equal, I am tempted to drink something tonight--except it's too cold to drink a chilled glass of bubbly or light Blue Moon beer (3.5 gm net carb per can). So maybe a hot cup or two of Constant Comment tea. I'm not even in a red wine mood, regardless of what I'll have for dinner.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021

    It's me, I can not get this puter right it's even going crazy on my email and FB but not when anyone is here. So I'm reading just not saying anything