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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2021


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good morning,. Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Happy first day of long weekend! Now if only the sun would come out for a bit and the temp get over 50 it would be really, really nice. But we need the rain, so I guess I'll just cope. Mom called last night, she's decided to mess around with her medications while she's away and I couldn't convince her to wait until she gets back to that. Fortunately, it's not a really important med she's messing with right now, so the worst that will happen is she will have more heartburn. Now if I could just make her understand that it takes more than one or two doses to see a change in a condition! I swear she expects instant results.

    Sadie has decided that the new morning routine will be for her to get me up so she can potty and eat a couple bites of breakfast no later than 6:00, then she will go back to bed while I get ready for work, or get ready for the day. We had another discussion about "day off" and "sleeping in" but I don't think it had much effect, she just rolled over and stretched out even further across the bed and pillows. Sigh.

    Karen--YEAH!I've got 9 more working days! It must have been nice to see people's real faces. Meeting through a computer is workable, but not terribly social feeling.

    Goldie--that hydraulic lift looks amazing! I can imagine just how much of a help that must be. It's nice DH doesn't want you working on the weekends, but does he understand that you are doing the work of two plus taking care of him? Something will have to give, sooner or later. Enjoy the trip to Moab.

    Chi--Wow, a tree taking out 2 cars and sending a person to the hospital must have been pretty intense! I hope you don't have to play chauffeur too much, and that DH's car can be fixed quickly. Sounds like the anniversary party will be quite the gala event!

    Cammy Cat--that kitty is so funny!

    The Hydraulic Vest

    Drink Type: Shooter



    Mix in a shot glass. Must be drank extremely fast, with a large intake of breath just after swallowing. Lovely!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Sandy, sorry about the car. Sounds like you know a lot of people, to fill up a whole restaurant for a celebration!

    Cami, I sure wish I could help you with your computer. Why can't SOMEONE help you? Are you just not understanding?

    NM, glad the meds mom wants to mess with are not real important ones. My mom was like, if there's a pill for it, I'm in. There's a pill to fix everything, nevermind about trying to fix it on your own, cuz that most likely involves changing something she didn't want to do, such as eating habits. DH does understand I'm doing the work of 2, and often cries about it, but then it's easily forgotten and he easily gets mad at me for something I may have forgot or did wrong. I just wish he would get out of this negative attitude, it's been 2 months since his diagnosis. Then he sits on the couch and rocks, drives me nuts! I don't see that anywhere as part symptom or SE.

    Not much going on here. My neighbor that has all the animals and shares her grandkids with me, her husband is in the hospital with Covid and pneumonia. Mask mandates have been lifted here and he works at Home Depot. When I'm out, I would say more than half of people are not wearing masks.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    Well, turns out that the dealership in Oak Lawn closed before Bob could finish up at Christ Hospital--and there are NO Ford dealerships with service depts. open this weekend. I was able to call a local mechanic (who himself was about to leave for his holiday) who said that if the engine light was on steady (it is) rather than flashing, it's safe to drive the car till it can be checked out--Bob is en route home. This mechanic is in our neighborhood and reopens 9am on Tues. (everyone's closed till Tues.). He says in the meantime we can go to AutoZone and use their self-service scanner (plug it in to the diagnostic port beneath the dash) which will Bluetooth a diagnostic code to the store's computer. Or just leave it in the garage (and NOT go to work tomorrow or Monday) and use my car to go anywhere.

    Also turns out the fallen tree took out FOUR cars yesterday--and at one point the waves on the lake were 11 feet, washing over the trails and even the shoulder of the road. Good thing he didn't try driving home last night--though poor Heidi (a Daddy's Girl if ever there were one) was meowing all night wondering why he wasn't in the bed with me or on the couch in the den watching TV.

    Not sure where we're going for dinner, only that I'm not cooking again and it's too chilly out to walk anywhere. Maybe we'll go to Cellars so we can figure out the party menu (if we wait till brunch tomorrow, they won't have enough time because they get slammed for brunch--especially if it's as nice out as they're predicting--and dinner service starts at 3).

    DOTD last night was flat champagne (whatever didn't go into the choucroute) cut with seltzer, followed with Zevia ginger beer, seltzer and a squeeze of lime juice.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2021

    Aw geez miss Cammilla T. Loosely! I remember when I bought my first computer from the flea market one year! I didn't know beans about it... So my youngest Grandson helped me figure it out... He was 11.... And I just kept learning, and screwing things up, until I am probably the oldest kid on the block, and I can STILL usually TRY to unscrew something I did.

    Have Joey spend some time with you.... show you how, or something.... don't get discouraged..... Go find something fun to do, or else just go drink.

    Or even Google your computer a question... like I do on my phone.... ask it something.... anything, like how old Goldie Hawn is, or HOW TO DOWNLOAD DIRECTIONS ON GROWING MARAJUANA... Something useful!

    I've been working out in our spare garage.... You know I save EVERYthing!!! I still have some old silverware I bought before I even met George... I bought it from Rena-ware when I was in high-school, working part-time for Mountain Bell!

    Then our neighbor came out, and SHE is going to give some of the stuff to her Grand-daughters! Janie took a lot home to give to her neighbors.

    Do you guys get rid of stuff when you buy something new? It's like I never learned to throw things out... just like my Grandma & my Mom!

    Okay.... looks like rain here.... I sure hope so....! I just mowed the lawn, and we could use the water!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Another chilly, gray day here. At least it didn't rainyesterday. I got the first paper of the second class half done yesterday, will finish it up today. I also got one load of laundry done and a good chunk of the kitchen floor cleaned up. Sadie keeps knocking over the trash can, so I've got to figure out something to stop that. She's even knocking it over when it's empty! I think she does it just to bug me. I'm pretty sure she' s not really hungry, she is doing this even when she hasn't finished her food. The vet says she's a perfect weight. I think she just like people food and hearing me yell at her!

    The other day I overheard people talking about how there wasn't any flu this year, and how they probably won't get the flu shot next year since the flu seems to have gone away.Made me wonder what is going to happen next flu season. The flu did not go away, hospitals did not have to report flu hospitalizations and deaths this last year, to ease the burden created by reporting and treating COVID. Labs still had to report positive tests to the CDC, and there were positive tests reported this last season. I hope people aren't thinking the flu is gone!

    Goldie--I've not come across the sitting and rocking thing with any of the neuromuscular diseases. I wonder if DH would talk to a therapist? Getting that kind of diagnosis is a lot to deal with. The negative attitude certainly isn't helping him or you.And you are right about people liking to take pills so they don't have to change behavior. Mom generally resists taking pills, but when she does agree to, she expects instant results. I'm still finding it funny to walk into a store and not see everyone with masks on. Maybe because we all still have to wear them in school, makes it seem to different. I see very few people wearing masks in public now.

    Chi--wow, that's a lot of trouble to go to finding out what is wrong with DH's car! And the trees took out FOUR cars! Wow. That must have been some storm. I take it there was a lot of wind?

    Chevy!!!I love the useful questions! I do not get rid of something when I buy something new, unless I'm replacing something. It's going to be very interesting going through my basement this summer, I've got boxes I moved in and never unpacked, and stuff I know I have totally forgotten about. But tossing them will be a whole different story once I look at them again!

    Irish Trash Can

    Irish Trash Can


    • 1/2 oz gin
    • 1/2 oz light rum
    • 1/2 oz vodka
    • 1/2 oz peach schnapps
    • 1/2 oz blue curacao
    • 1/2 oz triple sec
    • 5 oz Red Bull Energy Drink


    • Fill a large Collins glass (or tall, slender glass with a 12 oz capacity) with ice. Add all the liquors, and stir thoroughly.
    • Last open and drop in a full can of Red Bull upside-down. The can will float at first, then as the energy drink empties, it will slowly sink, turning your drink green as it does.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2021

    Sandy, I sure don't see how someone can tell you a car is safe to drive just because that light is steady on, instead of blinking, without seeing it! Those are some pretty big waves.

    ED, I don't really hang on to stuff, but I would rather sell it if I can than throw it away. We have a ton of stuff in our warehouse in town, we were going to have a garage sale. Well Covid hit, so it's been sitting in there for over a year. I'm hoping by fall. I would be more than happy to give stuff away, but we aren't around other people or family. Good for you to still be able to mow the grass.

    NM, I looked up the rocking and the best I can find is people do it when they are over stressed. Perhaps getting bad news and that it releases endorphyns. However, I'm pretty sure he was rocking before his diagnosis in April. I asked him some time ago, and I think in winter, why do you sit there and rock. He said I don't know, maybe cuz I'm cold. So maybe from the ATV accident? I don't know. I'm with Sadie knocking over the trash just to bug you! Gotta love her. I think there were less flu/cold cases, due to people wearing masks, but do not think for a minute they are "gone". That's just dumb. I will be wearing a mask for a long time. Maybe the rest of my life.

    It's been so hot here. I can only go outside and do things for like a half hour, then I have to come in and cool off.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Lori - thanks for asking about SIL. He is quite well. Still building his stamina back up - night and day since before surgery - sorry that they waiting so long. Things are calmer in Israel. Younger DD is doing well. How are you doing? Hope you get to relax in Moab.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    A steady "check engine" light does not indicate an emergency. Likely causes are burned-out dashboard fuse, automatically-programmed to light up at a particular mileage interval, or a faulty oxygen sensor (the sensor that determines how "lean" or "rich the fuel/air mixture produced by the carburetor & injectors). AutoZone's machine could not read nor generate a trouble code in a hybrid engine, so they sent him to JiffyLube (he was overdue for an oil or filter change anyway). Turns out 3 of his 4 oxygen sensors were faulty. In a post-2005 car, they should be replaced every 60-100K miles (and his car is pushing 200K). They didn't have the time to replace the sensors yesterday, so he has an appt. Tues. morning.

    DsOTD yesterday were (with a late-aft. snack) half a can of Blue Moon "Light Sky" citrus weissbier (3.4 gm. net carb per can). Pretty good. And my usual flute of cava at Cellars with dinner.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 2021

    Sandy - glad that your DH's car doesn't need major work. Taking my 2006 in on Wednesday as the A/C is not working.

    Rainy day today - went to Costco this morning and been puttering in the house the rest of the day - dusted the living/dining room - not such a big room or so much furniture but way too many things to dust - pottery that DD#2 and I made over the years, bone china tea cups that were my later mother's. family photos - then stopped to look at snapfish albums I made - haven't made any in several years but the ones sitting out on the coffee table are 2009 - 2013 or 2014. Looking at photos of my late parents with my children when they were young - they were younger than I am now - and a very special photo of my late grandmother and DD#1, DH with his late mother, my late FIL and then school photos from the kids - of the 2 big kids they are from early 2000s. Many memories.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited May 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Memorial Day! I'm waking up to notices that the speed limit on I-95 has been decreased to 45 MPH because of SNOW. Yup, It's SNOWING in places. Just unbelievable! Where it's not snowing it's raining. I can see on the deck where it's been snowing but now it's the very, very cold rain. Sadie is NOT impressed. Neither am I. No wonder she let me sleep until 7 ayem!

    Goldie--Interesting about the rocking and stress. I do like to rock myself, and my recliner is a rocker-recliner. There is so much about human behavior we don't understand yet. You and I both know the flu hasn't gone away, but every day I talk with people who want to believe that it has. You can send some of that heat here to Maine if you want!

    Morning, Karen! Photo albums can be so fun and nostalgic to look at.

    Chi--it seems like there are so many things that could make a "check engine" light come on that it's practically meaningless! I hope the oxygen sensors aren't expensive to replace.

    Snow on the Beach Martini

    Snow on the Beach Martini


    • 1/2 cup coconut cream
    • 1/2 cup Blue Curaçao
    • 1/2 cup white rum
    • 2 cups ice
    • Small dish water
    • 1/4 cup white or blue sugar crystals


    1. Place the coconut cream, ice and alcohols in a good quality blender and mix well, until ice is a consistent and smooth texture.
    2. Dip the edge of the martini glass about 1/4 inch into water, and then dip into a dish filled with the sugar crystals to create a sugared rim. Repeat with 4 glasses.
    3. Pour 1/4 of the cocktail mixture into each glass and serve.
    4. Serves 4.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2021

    O2 sensors are cheap to buy, but a bear to replace because they're installed inside the dash. It'll be about $200, but Bob adores that little car. Replacing the sensors would further improve his gas mileage, with which he's obsessed (he's gotten it up to 50mpg at times, loves to see that "jungle" sprouting in the eco-readout). He's waiting to switch to an all-electric till there are more charging stations--or until he retires and doesn't have to commute between our N. Side home and his SW Side hospitals & office and near-W. Side clinic daily. (He says he will close the office Dec. 31--and that our 50th anniv. will be the "last happy office party" because the Christmas party will be sad).

    Went to Fogo de Chao last night. DOTD was Le Courtage Brut rosé cremant de Bourgogne. Wanted their Brazilian Guarana orange soda too, but they don't offer the diet version any more. Bob had a blood orange Manhattan.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited June 2021

    It has been so dry here, we are hoping for rain soon. Everyone's yard looks horrible. I am planning on going to upstate NY at the end of June to see family, my mom will be going with me.

    JCS- so very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I am praying for you and your family. Please keep stopping in, we truly care about you.

    illi- love the animal pictures. I like barefoot wines.. at least the couple I tried.

    goldie - next time the kids come and they tell you to tell them what they can do to help, just plop yourself down and make them a list of all that needs to get done and take a few days off.

    Jazzy- I feel very sorry for your sister, I hope she won't have a bad time.

    NM - Its nice that your mom got to go and spend time with your brother. It will be a nice break with school being over.

    Karen- How scary for your daughter in Israel and for you too. I have been praying for Israel.

    Hello to everyone, I hope Cami gets the computer figured out.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I got a lot done in the kitchenyesterday, it looks much better and much less ignored that it has for some weeks. Still a ways to go, but at least I can see progress. At least it wasn't sunny and bright yesterday so I didn't feel like I was missing out on nice weather. Now I've really got to start working on the mowing, the grass has gotten so high that Sadie is coming in all wet from running through it! It'll be easier to keep up in a couple of weeks when school is out and I can get outside and take advantage of the dry weather and not depend on it being dry and warm enough to mow after work.

    Chi--$200 isn't too bad a repair bill, all things considered. Do you need special equipment to charge the electric car at home? I've wondered how long/far an electric car can go on a charge.

    Misty--It was nice to have an entire 3 day weekend all to myself. It sounds like Mom and brother and SIL are having a pretty good time. At least I'm not the only one that can't make Mom's phone work the way she wants it too, neither can my computer programmer brother!

    Teka--me too!

    shell back rum summer cocktail recipes - in the Mix Magazine

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Just a short post, as I have lots to do to get ready to leave tomorrow morning. I like my husbands comment of "we have lots to do today", "I", have become "we".

    Karen, good news re your SIL and baby girl.

    Misty, good to see you. Enjoy the time looking forward to your trip as well. I always do. Very dry here too.

    NM, when it's gray and gloomy out, that's when I don't feel like doing anything. So glad you weren't feeling guilty for not being out in the nice weather. Mowing the grass was something I always enjoyed, but we had a riding mower too. As for the rocking, I like to rock to, or sit in a swing, but what DH does is on the edge of the couch when he sits. I found this.If people suddenly begin rocking back and forth while sitting, especially if they are in the midst of a stressful or upsetting situation, it might be the body's way of trying to release an overload of tension. Stress can come from many sources, including emotional, mental, physical and even chemical. Rocking releases endorphins which in turn fight those stresses.

    If people suddenly begin rocking back and forth while sitting, especially if they are in the midst of a stressful or upsetting situation, it might be the body's way of trying to release an overload of tension. Stress can come from many sources, including emotional, mental, physical and even chemical. Rocking releases endorphins which in turn fight those stresses.

    Why Do You Rock Back and Forth When Sitting? |

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    AFAIK, you need a 220V outlet into which to plug an electric car--probably a dedicated circuit. More and more parking lots are installing chargers--some, like Whole Foods, free for up to an hour; others, like Walgreen's, take credit cards much like the bike-share stations.

    We walked last night to a local pub to dine in their garden. I had a glass of the house Shiraz, and Bob had a Bloody Mary.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Hi ladies- stopping back for a quick hi today. Been a really hectic few weeks.

    Services for my sister in law are scheduled for the last week of June. Mostly everything came together last week, few details getting worked out. I helped to contact some of our extended family. One of her family members who was close to her was finally told today (she has been in the hospital for the third time in a month). I can't help but feel in many ways they are calling each other home now. The services for my SIL will be on Sunday 6/27 and my job gave me a couple days off around that weekend for bereavement leave, and travel booked.

    Some changes on the job again and they pulled our team out of the new department I was hired to help build, but working now for our director who hired us. That happened a couple weeks ago and felt like a mixed blessing, some better structure for us, but also some more risk added to this situation. I am giving this through the summer to get worked out and will see how this new phase of work goes. I have always felt they did not think through enough of this before they hired us, and now think they realize this. There are a lot of new good work opps around now, so less concerned if I have to jump again, which I hope I don't. Getting a bit old for this......

    I had friends in town the weekend before last and had a great visit with them. Really nice to reconnect with her and meet her new guy. I would have really loved spending more 1:1 time with her, she lost her husband after a long illness earlier last year and think we had a lot to talk about, but not really possible with a new partner present. But in the end, it was good to reconnect in person after seven plus years. Felt like a lot of socialization after so little over the winter, whew. I got the news about my sister in law the following morning on the tail of this visit.

    This past weekend, I had some long standing plans to visit a friend in Denver and since the services are not for awhile yet, I continued on with my plans. This was my first time on a plane in over two years and felt weird preparing to go. Then it all came together and went pretty smoothly but things take longer with airline travel right now. Will help me to be ready for the next plane travel end of this month. We had a great time visiting some of the sights in the area, had some good eats, good catch up time, etc. So very green there with all the rain they have had (you CO folks know what I mean) and it rained a lot while we were there, but it did not stop us either. Got home pretty late last night and am back to work today.

    I had a third thing planned this weekend to do an overnighter up north to the Pecos but opted out. She does this every summer and has other people going, and does this every summer so maybe next year. This girl needs some time to decompress after the past few weeks.

    Will be back again when I can. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Lubs you all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Counting down the days until work is over, kiddos are getting weird and anxious and cranky, teachers and staff are getting tired and cranky, parents are getting very cranky. It doesn't help that the rooms are either boiling hot (like my office) or very chilly. Ah, well, only 8 more school days. . . .

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--interesting info about the rocking. Apparently I have way more stress than I thought cuz I rock all the time! But now that you point it out, I see this a lot in the kiddos at school.

    Chi--I'll have to keep an eye out for charging stations, I don't think I've ever seen one but there must be one somewhere around here.

    Jazzy--sorry to hear about the job changes and issues. You and I may be getting a bit old for the job jumping routine, but that is the way of things now-a-days. And maybe it will all work out in the end. I'm gladyou get to attend the service for your SIL. Your sister will no doubt appreciate the support of family. So nice you had a chance to reconnect with your friend. I bet it does feel like a lot of socialization. It still feels funny to me to walk into a store without a mask. Is flying very differently managed now? I can imagine you do need some rest time to recover from all that you've had going on!

    Image may contain Drink Cocktail Alcohol Beverage Bottle and Juice

    Paper Plane Cocktail


    1½ ounces amaro (preferably Nonino)

    1½ ounces Aperol

    1½ ounces bourbon

    1½ ounces fresh lemon juice, strained


    Combine amaro, Aperol, bourbon, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice and shake vigorously until outside of shaker is frosty, about 20 seconds. Strain into 2 coupe glasses

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    See the source image I keep on trying.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021


    Jazzy I'm so sorry to hear about ur SIL This time for ur DS is difficultsending prayers her way.

    Karen having ur DD live where she does, u r a strong woman. These times are so difficult for so many but when it's ur DD it's beyond so much. <<<prayers>>>

    Hey Teka!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    NM- the only thing I would say that is different about flying is that I don't think they have all the support needed for the ramp up in travelers yet. Examples of that would be around the baggage claim process and off site shuttle I saw Monday night coming in. There were three flights that came in around the same time late Monday evening, and one one crew to unload all of them. When I went up to the baggage claim, I thought "way more people here than just my flight" and then saw three flights listed. The overhead said one baggage crew, three planes to unload, please be patient. Fortunately, my bags came through relatively quickly but did wait longer than I usually do.

    I park at an off site parking area here at our Sunport when I travel. They told me when I was heading out Friday evening to call when I got in Monday, as they were not running regular 20 min shuttles to and from the parking area to the airport during the pandemic. So I called as soon as I had my bags and was out to the pick up area. I was the first to get on the shuttle, but that thing got packed and then there were people waiting and no doubt had to wait another 20-25 for him to go back, empty his van and get back over there.

    I definately don't want to change jobs again. It was a big decision for me to take this job and go back to work FT after being self-employed 14 years. This job has not turned out to be as good as expected, but also don't want to jump again if they can work this out. I do accept that if this doesn't work out, this job may have served a purpose to get me re-employed after being self employed for a long time. That was the big jump and it's hard to get FT work after being self employed, I had tried a couple times in the past as things changed with work opps the past few years. There appears to be a high demand again for what I do, and I am getting multiple contacts daily about work opps. I just need to keep working and having benefits for another 4.5 years until I can get to Medicare. I know my goals. I am a survivor.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Jazzy, the last time I flew into Midway (Nov. 2019), each baggage carousel served two or even three incoming flights. Midway is a much smaller airport than O'Hare, of course--it is a single terminal with three concourses arrayed from the food court like spokes on a wheel. O'Hare has five terminals, three of which are contiguous, and each of them has at least two concourses (except for 4, which is for small private planes, and 5, which is for both int'l and now a gate for a handful of SW Airlines flights). SW pretty much runs the show at Midway (there are a very few Delta & American flights there). We will probably be flying next in Sept. or Oct.--we are contemplating a Viking Mediterranean cruise from Malta that goes either up the coast of Italy to Barcelona or into the Adriatic to Greece, Montenegro & Croatia before returning to Malta. My ocular melanoma, while currently stable, lends a sense of urgency to our "bucket lists."

    The kids are in Yellowstone, celebrating both Leslie's birthday and her sister's wedding in Grand Teton Nat'l Park. They flew from O'Hare to Bozeman & rented a car. This is Gordy's first post-pandemic flight, and Leslie's second (she flew to Houston earlier this spring to see her parents). When they went to the TX hill country for Christmas (where Gordy proposed), they drove--dog & all.

    We went out to our long-time mainstay Italian restaurant tonight. I'd been putting it off for so long, as I really can't eat anything there that makes it "what it is" and what we used to go there for: no pizza (they make four types), no pasta. But I was able to find something keto-friendly--and a split of Moet & Chandon White Star to wash it down with, chased by a double decaf espresso.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Chi- that sounds like a fabulous cruise. I have been to Malta, you will love it, and Croatia is on my bucket list too. But no international travel for me for this year at least. So glad the kids are getting a break, I love the Jackson Hole/Yellowstone area.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Gordy Instagrammed photos of the special private tasting dinner they had at the Tasting Room at their hotel's restaurant in Chico Hot Springs for Leslie's birthday. I'm drooling.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy thirsty Thursday! It got pretty warm and sticky yesterday, the weather guesser is talking about possible thunder bumpers this afternoon. Some end-of-school get-togethers are being planned, all off campus and involving alcohol! It has been one heck of a year for everyone. Next week is the last week, got vaccination clinics, field trips, step-ups and graduations and all kinds of things going on. Gonna be busy!

    Momcalled last night. She and my SIL spend the day in the Emergency Room at the local hospital. She had been having heartburn really badly (she's been messing with her acid reflux medications) that morphed into feeling hot in different places that traveled around and feeling very, very tired. Nothing wrong with her heart, no blood clots, no stroke. She didn't say if they found out what it was, so I suspect they told her it's the reflux and she should stop messing with the meds and give one a chance to work. Now she can't wait to get home. I pick her up at the airport here on Saturday.

    Sadie says Woof and reminds everyone to find a comfy spot to curl up and nap away the day!

    Cammy Cat--Good Morning!Love the surprised kitty kat!

    Jazzy--it sounds like flying hasn't changed a whole lot. I don't blame you for not wanting to change jobs again, I don't want to, either. But I won't stay in a bad situation, although that doesn't look like it will be an issue at the school. But it is nice to have options. 3 more years for me before I qualify for Medicare.

    Chi--how big were the incoming flights? I can see a big difference between three big planes and 3 little puddle-jumpers! I bet the kids are having a great time. Yellowstone is on my bucket list of places to see. It must be really hard to go to a restaurant and not be able to order the specialty dishes. Gladyou could find something you could eat.

    Image may contain Drink Cocktail Alcohol Beverage Bottle and Juice

    Paper Plane Cocktail


    1½ ounces amaro (preferably Nonino)

    1½ ounces Aperol

    1½ ounces bourbon

    1½ ounces fresh lemon juice, strained


    Combine amaro, Aperol, bourbon, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice and shake vigorously until outside of shaker is frosty, about 20 seconds. Strain into 2 coupe glasses

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    I have decided to eat as strictly keto as I can, with a large enough meal, at breakfast/brunch. Also, even when eating out, avoiding the starch & sugar & limiting my wine. No dessert till I get home--and even then, either berries or something Atkins-friendly under 4 gm. net carbs. My NP says that, ironically, I don't eat often enough; I'm just not hungry between brunch & dinner, and sometimes I even feel uncomfortably full in late afternoon. (Could be the cat on my lap squashing my gut). The hardest part is no food or drink except water (and my CBN & sugar-free fiber gummies) after 11. I generally get to bed around 1:30-3am, and (except for days when I have a morning appt.) get up around 11-noon. (11 on weekends, because I'm the only one feeding the cats). And yesterday, walking at least 1 mi/day, now that the weather permits it. (Baby steps).

    I realized that my weight began to creep up in late autumn when I discovered keto cereals, especially keto granola. While going through the shows I'd recorded on my DVR, I would have a bowl as a late bedtime snack, then another, and then my guard would completely disappear: Cheerios, cookies, dried fruits, etc. I realize now all those are "triggers" for me. Also, late dinners (after 8)--necessitated by Bob's hours when he works late but still wants to go out with me--are playing havoc with my diet & metabolism.

    My "cheat meals" will be the wine dinner next Thurs. and our anniversary party on the 26th. After that, I may go even stricter (induction). Since the dulcimer fest will again be virtual, no chance of being tempted by the ice cream vendor. And it's a good thing I'm not a fan of frozen custard, nor of the "flavor of the week," because my walks--fitness or shopping--inevitably take me past Lickety Split on the corner. Were it a gelato shop I'd be back over 200 lbs. again. I was 211 when I began Invisaligns in early Apr. 2019 (because you have to wear them 20-22 hrs./day and brush & floss before putting them back on, snacking becomes a true PITA--the retainers are a bit more forgiving because I can leave them out for 3 hrs. at a time before I can sense my teeth regressing). 196 a few weeks later when my MO, alarmed, referred me to the hospital's weight mgmt. clinic, and 175 when my first appt. there rolled around in June 2019. Bottomed out at 142, which is my goal again--but will settle for 150. (Still fitting into my size M tops and size 10 bottoms).

    Might drink tonight, with leftovers, probably some rosé bubbly....or maybe just Bubly. Must...avoid...Aperol spritzers....

    BTW, I have everything on hand for that Paper Plane cocktail, but am not at all tempted to drink cocktails--even when I fire up the Drinkworks for Bob.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    For Cami - a purrista


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    Latest Funny Cat GIFs | Gfycat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    I'm trying again.

    Jazzy u'll know if this job is the right one.

    Sandy good for Gordy and Leslie. And've really lost a good amount of weight, not easy I know.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    Lori I hope ur relaxing as much as u can,, u really need to. All u r doing is loads for anyone I WISH U HAD REAL help. I can understand ur DH but it's to much for u.