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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    Kim Sadie always has cracked me up. I hope ur mom is doing all right.

    I read ths all the time and I've added some extra prayers I know things are not looking good for some of you and I feel so bad.And if I could get this part of my puter fixed I can really go into it. But u all know who I mean

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!Going to be busy for a bit. There is a surprise retirement party for one of the nurses after work this evening. Monday after work all the nurses are getting together to toast out this last school year. The Egg Drop was a hoot and a half! A big bucket truck parked in the playground, took the student's contraptions to protect an egg WWAAYYY up in the air and then dropped them one at a time onto the pavement. I was surprised at the creativity and how many were successful in protecting the egg! Of course there were lots of cracked and smashed eggs. All in all, lots of fun!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Oh, boy, the weather guesser is talking possible heat wave (3 consecutive days over 90 degrees for this area) next week during the last few days of school. With humidity. Nothing like melting out the last few days! I cannot get over the number of kiddos who insist on still wearing sweatshirts and hoodies

    Chi--I have to admit I admire your self-control and commitment to the diet.

    Cammy Cat--I resemble that kitty!Love the Purrista!

    Creme Egg Cocktail

    Creme Egg cocktail


    60 ml coconut cream

    40 ml pineapple juice

    20 ml white rum

    20 ml coconut rum

    Juice of ½ lime

    To garnish

    Melted milk chocolate

    Tropical coulis such as Waitrose Alphonso Mango, Passion Fruit & Yuzu Coulis, frozen in semi-sphere moulds


    1. Prepare a martini glass by dipping the rim into the melted chocolate and leaving in the fridge to chill until it sets.
    2. Pour the mango and passion fruit coulis into something that can act as a semi-circle mould (ice-cube tray, egg cup etc) and freeze until it becomes solid.
    3. To make the cocktail, pour all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker, fill with ice and shake for around 10 seconds until chilled. Strain the liquid into a glass, then pour back into the shaker and strain again into the chilled martini glass.
    4. To serve, remove the egg-shaped frozen coulis and float it in the centre of the drink

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    Dan fixed my work part but he said he's fixed loads of them he has never seen anyone f... up one like me. He thought

    Latest Funny Cat GIFs | Gfycat

    it impossible.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    I don't know how I even did that I didn't htt edit it just went to the cat pic. see what I mean.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    One hr. for those few posts.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    I hear you, Cami. Only what takes me so long is Happy sitting on my lap, keyboard or in my face. (Takes me all day to do one puzzle, too--it infuriates him to see I want to do something that doesn't involve him).

    Bob came home early, so we walked to dinner. He's working late both tomorrow & Sunday. He's been on my case to book the dates for our NYC freebie trip and our timeshare week--but instead of sitting down with me and choosing available dates (which, of course, can't conflict with his echo-reading days, which I never know in advance), he's watching basketball.

    Tonight is our last night of sleeping in a room with an obsolete out-of-warranty decade-old window AC unit that buzz-hums louder than a plane coming in for a landing whenever the compressor kicks in...all night. Abt will be coming tomorrow to deliver and install its replacement. We vacuumed the coils, changed the filter, etc.--still didn't help. And they're using a different coolant now. Repairing it (even just replacing the compressor, which is no longer being made anyway) would have cost more than the new one, and almost as much as adding installation. Last night it didn't get down below 79F. We hit 91 today and it's gonna get hotter. Wed. night, it was 59F out--and our heat didn't work until I changed the batteries in the thermostat. Welcome to the weather rollercoaster.

    DOTD tonight was Cote Mas rosé--it's National Rosé Day. Earlier, I whirled some FairLife whole milk in the Aeroccino frother--it was the consistency of whipped cream--and poured in a shot of espresso. Sipped it out on the deck. Right now, I'm having half a can of raspberry-lime Spindrift seltzer. (Non-alc.).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Waking up to a beautiful day today! Mom comes home today, so this ayem I'm running into town to pick up a few perishables for her fridge, then picking her up at the airport around noontime, then visit with her for a bit and hear about North Carolina and kid brother and his wife and their pool.

    Next week at school will be busy, if short. Monday I go in early to help with the vaccination clinic at the high school, then meet my school at Moose Point State Park for the rest of the ayem. Drinks at one of the nurse's homes after work. Tuesday is another early start for the second day of vaccinations, back to my school, 5th Grade Recognition at the end of the day/ Wednesday is the last student day, kiddos out at 12:30 peeyem, Wednesday, Women and Wine in the evening. Thursday is the last working day, inventory and office clean up, maybe some re-arranging for next year. I'm excited and scared all at once, not having any income until September feels scary, but I am so looking forward to being able to concentrate on doing stuff around the house and classwork. Sadie knows something is up, she's keeping pretty close to me and doing all sorts of silly things to get attention. Gotta love waking up to doggy butt breezes! Phew!

    Cammy Cat--Mom is doing good, aside from messing with her reflux medication. I'm looking forward to seeing her later today!

    Chi--It's going to seem really quiet with the new window AC! I don't use mine often, but when I do it's a Godsend!

    Good Morning to everyone!Seems quiet in her lately. We must all be getting summer-busy!

    image alt="Heat Wave | Mr. Boston Drinks">

    Heat Wave



    Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled hurricane glass. Top with grenadine. Garnish with peach. Serve in a Hurricane Glass.

    From <>

  • lola12
    lola12 Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2021

    Hey All,

    I have been loving Fresca grapefruit with the new Royal Crown Apple whiskey. I know, I know, but if you have the ingredients, try it. In fact, Fresca with lots of ice and flavored vodka is awesome too.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Hi ladies- stopping in to say hello to my drinking pals. I hope everyone is having a good start to June. I am trying to slow down this weekend (Cami will say "now really jazzy?") Been a really hectic few weeks. I opted out of another weekend get away this weekend I had been invited to up north as it was just too much to do with a busy May, with things planned and unexpected. We will call this weekend restoration weekend.

    Short work week and our new phase of the project is starting and my colleague who had to go back overseas due to a family emergency is going to be gone another week. Our new member is still easing her way out of her old job (trying to fill that vacancy) so jazzy is just working to carry things along right now. As one of my friends said, they are lucky to have me to keep this going right now. I am pretty good about letting things go when the weekend rolls around.

    New Mexico started a new vaccine lottery program and you can register if you have had at least one vaccination and will be required to show your CDC card for proof if your name is drawn. There are weekly drawings for $250K by region for five weeks and then a grand prize of $5K to be drawn in August. Mark my words, if I get that grand prize, I am RETIRING, lol.

    My sister has most of the services planned for the memorial service on 6/27. It will be outside at a the location where their ashes were both arranged to be interred, and there will be a small gathering there afterwards. I talked her out of trying to do something at the house, I will be staying there along with two friends who will be coming in from out of state (and bringing a dog) and just thought it might be a bit much for all the people, pets, etc. I am going to be doing part of the eulogy and going to start working on that this weekend. I have been thinking about some fun stories of good times when we all spent time together, did some vacations together, etc. My sister really wants this to be a celebration of her life. I am not wearing black either.

    It was super rainy when I was in Denver last week (but given we never see that here, kind of nice too). It's been cooler going in to June but was into the mid 90s today and that is the forecas for the week. There was rain around the area today, but none at my house. The summers have been very hot here for a good 10 years now and getting hotter each year. Monsoons do feel like they may be starting early though, usually they being late June to July but we have had more rain lately. My garden says yes please.

    Hoping everyone has a Funday Sunday. Stay well friends and enjoy your summer vacations as they are starting.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Hot, hot, HOT here. 3 days in a row of 90s. Bright side is that (for now) it's dry with an evening breeze--good walking and deck-dining weather. And the good news is that it no longer sounds like a crop duster is buzzing our bed--the new AC is quiet. It was neighborhood-new-AC day: the installers said that we were today's third house in two blocks for delivery & installation.

    DOTD was Mumm Napa Brut Rose Reserve (and an ounce of the remaining The Prisoner red blend),

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Going to be a bit of a work day for me, though, as I need to finish up and submit this week's paper for class. Picked up Mom at the airport without toomuch difficulty, she was sitting inside waiting for me to come in, I was waiting in the cell phone call area waiting for her to call. She finally called and we got that worked out. "Why didn't you just park outside the door where you dropped me off and come in and wait?"Ah, because parking there and leaving the car unattended is not allowed. You are old and might be able to get away with that, but I can't!" We stopped at a local restaurant for lunch, Mom had only gotten "a couple of little cookies" and a cup of coffee on the flight. (Brother and SIL offered to make her breakfast before taking her to the airport, but Mom said "no"). Then Mom spent most of lunch and the ride home complaining about how SIL got upset when Mom interrupted her, and wouldn't let Mom help with chores, and how negative SIL is about everything. It really doesn't sound like the SIL I know, so hard telling what was really going on. Anyway, Mom is home safe and sound, her clothes and such were shipped day before yesterday so she'll get those in a while. Her laptop and case are too heavy to carry so she's never taking those with her again. I tried to get her to use my rolling carryon, but she can't lift things up to put in the overhead compartment (I told her a flight attendant would help her, especially since she was using a wheelchair to get through the airport but she wouldn't listen). But now Mom is home, and starting to think up things she and I can do together this summer while I'm not working. I'm going to have to have a bit of talk with her pretty quick, I want the time off to be mostly for me to be at home working on stuff around the house and with Sadie, kayaking and swimming, not dancing attendance on her every day. I know she's lonely, and it's been hard for her not being able to get out because of COVID, but that's winding down, she's fully vaccinated, just about everybody she knows is fully vaccinated, outdoor things are starting up again, some of her friends will be arriving to spend the summer here over the next week or so, and she has all kinds of plans for gardening and such around her place. I'm sure she'll call me almost every day, and that's ok, I can put the earphones in and put the phone in a pocket and talk (well, mostly listen) and be doing something else at the same time for that hour or so.

    Well, I certainly hadn't intended to go off on a long spiel like that! Sorry!

    Lola12--I love Fresca, but I've never tried it with flavored vodka or anything, I'll have to get some on my next shopping trip! Sounds like a great hot weather drink!

    Jazzy--restoration weekend sounds like a great idea! Enjoy yours. I'm shaking my head at all these lotteries and incentives for getting vaccinated. Where was all this stuff back in January and February when I was getting vaccinated and not getting any incentive except being able to keep working? Isn't being able to go back to work and have places opening up again enough incentive? And I'm still waiting to hear about the plans for giving front line/essential workers a year off with pay and extra while the rest of the population works overtime and can't have vacations and loses hours and benefits. Arrgghhh, I seem to be in a grump mood this ayem. Never mind me.

    Chi-funny how the neighborhood had anew AC day! I bet the whole neighborhood will be quieter now!

    Sisco Vanilla Serves and Drinks: SiscoVanilla Drinks The Grumpier Old Man April 25,2018

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    NM, it seems like only yesterday that you took your mom to the airport, and now she's home! I hope she had a wonderful time and I hope the trip home was uneventful. Schools almost out for you, I think this week some time? I'm sure you'll figure something out to tell mom when you aren't, or don't want, to spend time with her.

    Hi Lola and welcome.

    Jazzy, I don't think I would wear black either. Times are changing and like you said it's a celebration of LIFE, not a mourning of death. Glad you are taking time to recoup. No rain in my neck of the woods. Nice incentives for the vaccines.

    NM, I had to lol at your comment tho. But you are right, so I don't think you are being a grump.

    Sandy, yay for the new AC.

    Had our dinner yesterday with all of our friends, was really nice. Prior to going to the restaurant, DH wanted a picture with everyone in a spot that City Slickers II was filmed, cuz this is where he wants his ashes spread. I told a few of the friends that I really felt uncomfortable about all this and found it quite morbid. Wanted to say to DH "So how did you like your funeral?" but I kept my mouth shut. We aren't talking much, he's pissed me off. Pulled into the gas station to get some coffee, my foot was on the brake and we were talking. Well I hadn't put it in park and so when I took my foot off the brake, the car rolled. Well he commented something like your driving scares the hell out of me. Anyways, I'll be glad to get home. Nora was 1 month old yesterday and my son hit 1 year sober.

    May be an image of baby, dog, outdoors and text that says 'ONE MONTH RYANN NORA'

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited June 2021

    Goldie, darling pic of Nora and friend! Good to hear you had some nice time with friends.

    NM, when I taught I really enjoyed those summers off. Sounds like you have some great plans.

    Sandy, in our neighborhood, it is not new A/C installation, it is new roofs. Big hailstorm not too long after the Big Freeze did a lot of damage. The materials for our roof were delivered last Monday but it has rained everyday since so there they sit on the ridge line. Our 25 year shingles only made it for 15 years in the Texas heat and storms. We are hoping it won't be A/C, we have two units one of which was replaced last year and the other is still the original. Forecast is for heat index over 100!

    No real update on our son. The current diagnosis is stage 4 cancer from tumor of unknown origin. He is getting chemo every other week and is basically hanging in there. Had to go back for a blood transfusion after the first chemo.

    We just keep on keepin' on. DH and I both have dental cleanings this coming week, my car goes in for oil change

    and check up and DH is scheduled for an arterial ultrasound (still working on the mystery of the leg pain and swelling). Our exciting lives...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Goldie - love that photo of the baby & golden 😍

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2021

    Just a fun picture of when I used to take acrobat lessons with my teacher at one of our shows... and NO! I don't think I could do this anymore... Hah!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited June 2021

    Chevy, cool pic, look at you go!

    Hello everyone :)

    DOTD (or bottle actually) is a Hive and Honey Reisling. It’s good but the Barefoot was more to my liking.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Chevy--ouch, ouch, ouch just from looking at that pic! (Not to mention a touch of vertigo, too).

    It was nice sleeping with just the whoosh of the AC, rather than that loud buzzing.

    Bob is working late tonight, so it's just me for dinner. One natural grocery got in plenty of Michigan-grown strawberries, and they're yummy. Unlike the Driscolls (even the organic ones), they need nothing else--no sweetener, no cream, not even a drop of balsamico.

    DsOTD: when I got home from the grocery, a decaf almondmilk sugarless mocha out on the deck, as I watched the planes come in for landing (fun trying to identify the airline from just the tails--when the angle is right; the bellies (Atlas, Delta paint their names on them), and the paint jobs. Spirit, DHL, FedEx and Southwest break up the silver & white monotony. About to go back out and have some bubbly. Rough night ahead--gotta have Heidi done with eating by 10pm (shutting her in the den, where her carrier is, with a water dish & disposable litter pan); even rougher morning trying to get her into the carrier & to the vet by 7:30). No help from Bob there--he's in no shape to do anything but hobble; and HK doesn't come in till 10:30.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Off to work early for the vaccination clinic, then field day at a local park, then the afternoon at school, and evening with the nurses. Going to be a little hard knowing this week is the last time I will see some of the kiddos. Some are moving up to the middle school, a few are moving away. But such is life, right?

    OK, now there is a news item going on, there is a plan to put electric car chargers in about every 30 miles along I-95 and Route 2 here in Maine. Do electric cars really need to be charged every 30 miles? That makes them awfully impractical around here!

    Goldie--It did seem like Mom's trip went by fast! I think she had a pretty good time, but right now she's pretty focused on the less fun times and swears she won't go for 2 weeks again. And I will figure out something to keep things reasonable this summer. It will be easier when her friends get here this week. Your DH really does seem terribly focused on his death. I know it takes some doing to get used to a life-altering diagnosis, maybe this is his way of coping. The one month pic of Nora is so sweet! And congrats to your son on 1 year of sobriety!

    Beaver--wow, sounds like a lot of damage to roofs inyour area. A heat index over 100 is crazy! It's going to be in the 90's around here. Lots of schools closing at midday today because of the heat. Still praying for your son. Such a difficult and scary thing to be going through. Praying for your DH and upcoming tests, too.

    Morning, Jazzy!


    Morning, Illi!Reisling can be very good, but very sweet. Barefoot is a good brand. I like to get the single serving cans once in a while.

    Chi--good luck getting Heidi into the carrier and to the vet this ayem! Sounds like a really challenge!

    Cocktail of the Week: Heat Wave - Las Vegas Weekly

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Beaver, we are still having fun! I am so sorry they can't figure things out for your DS. How is he doing with the chemo and over all? RE "our exciting lives", life is grand when we get older...says no one ever!

    Jazzy, are recouping well?

    ED OH MY! No wonder you were so good on the pole!

    Sandy, it's nice to get any fruit that tastes like it's supposed to. Hard to find here in AZ, since most of it comes from CA, which is mostly GMO products. They look beautiful, but have no taste whatsoever.

    NM, bittersweet not seeing some of the kiddos again, but new ones will fill that void. Enjoy the field day and of cours your WWW evening. DH INDEED is focused on death, and no matter what I say or do, it doesn't change, so I just let it roll (off my back) and ignore it. If that's how he wants to spend the rest of his life, and he lives another 4 years, he's going to be miserable for a long time.

    Thanks for the sweet comments on Nora and Rex, and look at that smile on Rex's face!

    Heading out later today to another friends place and will be shooting bowling balls out of a cannon! Then heading home tomorrow sometime. DH picked up the tab the other night for 9 people, $500 plus! But it sure was good. Several of us got salmon, other orders were prime rib, lamb, shrimp meals.....and my DH gets.....wait for it.....remember we are in a high class steak house........he gets MEATLOAF.....yes meatloaf! $28 FOF MEATLOAF!

    Here is a pic of the lodge. The restaurant sits in the back overlooking the Colorado River.

    See the source image

    Here's a view from the other side. That center section is open, that is where we sat.

    See the source image

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,308
    edited June 2021

    Chevy - my thoughts echo Goldies. I immediately remembered all the stories about pole dancing!!!

    Goldie - If you're willing to share, I'd love to know the name of the lodge & restaurant. Absolutely beautiful.

    I don't post often but do read about everyone's "doings" and wish everyone well.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Minus, it's Red Cliffs Lodge, the restaurant is The Cowboy Grill. Link below. They also have a winery, Castle Creek Winery.

    Red Cliffs Lodge - Moab Hotel & Adventure Headquarters

    Castle Creek Winery - Red Cliffs Lodge

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,308
    edited June 2021

    Thanks Goldie. My brother moved to St. George from Phoenix a couple of years ago, although they still have the cabin in Mund's Park. (But they kept their doctors in Phoenix and Los Angeles & Salt Lake City - so I get it about the long distance driving.) I think they would enjoy this lodge if they ever stay put long enough.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited June 2021

    Lol, meatloaf?! I hope it was the best he’s ever had but I agree, WTH? I’d never choose that at a nice restaurant, only at home or a diner.

    Water only today but I have a German Reisling to try later this week, I’ll report on it soon. I’m meeting some young stage IV girls for lunch Thursday, one I know well and two we haven’t met yet. We’ll be heading to Berryhill because I LOVE their fish taco’s, I also see a margarita in my future :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Hi kids- quick break at lunch time. Goldie wants to know if I am recovering and yes I am! I had a good weekend getting back in to my routines, catching up a home, going to swim and do yoga on different days. I came in to this week feeling good and the least tired I have felt in a good three weeks. But I did that to myself too, busy social schedule but then a few other things that went on in the middle too. Whew!

    Goldie- Moab is just one of my fav places on this planet. I have not been up there in SO long, like 20 years but am thinking about it next year. I am putting that restaurant on my bucket list. I bet it's hot up there, we went in June long ago and it was just blazing out in the sun. I hope you and DH are enjoying a break from all the hard times lately.

    NM- good morning. I think the stations are just for people to charge up along the way. Smaller and easier than having them all in one area like gas stations. More hybrid and all electric cars are coming. BTW, how is the new Jeep? What did you end up naming her in the end?

    Chevy- oh you and that pole gurl. LOL.

    Back to work, be back soon. Anyone want to see some pics from the botanical gardens in Denver? I got a bunch.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2021

    Hi gals.... I'm a little worried about what's going on with my eyes! I made an appt with I-Care, and had a bunch of tests, and it's been 2 years since the last.

    I kind of feel like I am looking through wax paper sometimes... But I had a LOT of tests, and they are going to notify Denver Eye Surgeons for me to have cataract surgery! My Husband had this done years ago, so I know about the drops, and the patch and all... THEN I have to go back for my other eye! DAMNIT!

    But I'm even more worried about the Macular Degeneration that they say I have! I will start on my Preservision pills to see if that helps... I know I'm "older".... but I lost my hearing from Tamoxifen, now THIS!!! My Husband can't drive, so our Daughter will take me when they call back...

    I knew something was going on, but with taking care of my Husband, and I just thought it all would go away, and get better! Sometimes don't you just want to sit down and cry???

    Janie just called me back, she will take me for any appointments....

    Do any of you have Macular Degeneration? I don't know if it is the "wet" or "dry" yet... they will send me details of the office visit, not that I can understand them.....Snooze

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Chevy- I had both eyes done for cateracts a couple years ago. I got diagnosed at 58 and by the following spring, things had gotten much worse. I was shocked when I found out, but also learned sometimes cateracts grow slowly and other times they change quickly. Cateract surgery was very easy compared to other things I have been through, but know in your world with your husband's health and so much on your plate, this must be very overwhelming. Sending much love friend. And yes, a good cry from time to time does help.

    I don't have the macular degeneration but maybe some other ladies here can help with what you need to know.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited June 2021

    Chevy, agree with Jazzy that cataract surgery is relatively easy. Only complaint I had was one shared by a friend: Didn't know I had so many wrinkles until I could see better!

    I do have macular degeneration but my ophthalmologist says it is stable (for several years, starting pre Tamoxifen) and believes it is due to the stress created by my elongated near sighted eyeballs rather than being age related. So my experience may be different from yours. I do take Preservision, Dr. said it wouldn't hurt and might help!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Yesterday was quite the day. The vaccination clinic went really well, got everyone through in about 40 minutes. It helped that graduation practice was going on at the same time. I got to the park where my school was having a field trip before the students arrived. Beautiful spot! One bandaid and lots of sun screen dispensed. Back to the school building, we had been hoping the superintendent was going to call a half day, but she didn't. By 1 peeyem it was 91 degrees in my office. At least the classrooms were a bit better and had windows to open. Today is supposed to be warmer, and the buildings are already heated up from yesterday, I'm not looking forward to being inside at alltoday. But probably will be a full day, the 5th grade step up ceremony is this afternoon. I am not looking forward to being outside in the sun and heat and humidity for that, but it shouldn't take long. After school was the nurses' get together and it was a great time! I wish I had realized Robyn had a pool, I'd have taken a swim suit and joined the kids! So today is day 2 of the vaccination clinic, then to my school, then we see what happens. The weather is supposed to break overnight tonight and the humidity and heat start to drop off tomorrow.

    Sadie says Hi, and tells everyone to stretch out on the floor under the fan where it's coolest!

    Goldie--Wow, what a view that must have! The pic is Beautiful. I can't believe DH ordered meatloaf! At such an upscale eatery that must have been some wicked special meatloaf. Shooting bowling balls out of a cannon sounds like a really fun thing to do! Can't wait to hear more about that!

    Morning, Minus!

    Illi--sounds like a good get together you have planned! I hope you enjoy the Riesling and the Margarita!

    Jazzy--The new Jeep and I are getting along quite well now, she's called Sapphire. Right now I am really enjoying the ability to turn her on from a distance and let the AC run for a bit before I get in!

    Chevy--Oh my goodness, what a time you are going through! I hope the cataract surgery makes things a lot clearer for you and the macular degeneration can be kept at bay for a long, long time. All that would make me sit down and cry, that's for sure. Sometimes that's what we need to do so we can then get up and deal with stuff.

    Morning, Beaver!


    Swimming Pool



    • Mix ingredients well, pour into a hurricane glass and float the blue curacao on top.
    • (To float the blue curacao- Place the bowl of a spoon very close to the liquid in the glass and close to the inside wall of the glass. Pour Blue Curacao very slowly).

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2021

    Thanks you guys! I really appreciate it! I just wanted to cry after I left the Ophthalmologist! I have an appointment with the surgeon on the 21st... Then he will schedule the surgery on one eye at a time. My Daughter will take me, because they dilate my eye... I'm okay with all this, because you all make me feel better!

    And I'm taking Preservision for the Macular Degeneration... I'll talk to the surgeon when I go in for the cataract! Now I'm not as afraid!

    My Brother just sent me his wife's new hearing aids from Beltone! DAMN! I can hear EVERYthing.... but I think they have to be adjusted... I mean that hard piece that fits in the ears! I'm used to the soft domes in my other hearing aids. His wife is now bed-ridden, on Dialysis 3 times a week, and she can't use them... I'll take them in to be adjusted.... Hah! But they cost over $5,000 dollars! I lost my hearing from taking Tamoxifen when I had BC years ago! I have a certain gene... The Tamoxifen caused a stroke near my 8th cranial nerve, so I woke up one morning & couldn't hear....

    Oh well.... Could be worse.... right? Love you all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Chevy, cataract surgery is indeed a marvelous thing. Mine were "ripening" for over a decade before I had my first one done in 2016. Before, "looking through wax paper" was an apt description. Add seeing backlit faces as silhouettes, and being unable to see the frets on my guitar neck inside an unlit tented stage facing the late afternoon sun. After the bandage came off, it was amazing how bright and clear everything was--especially the color blue. Had the other eye done two months later. Both times I felt well enough to go out for breakfast afterward. I chose my lens implants to correct for distance, not reading--presbyopia advances with age, so I'd still have needed reading glasses eventually. My insurance wouldn't cover multifocal lenses, which sometimes can increase glare.

    Lori, those photos are gorgeous!

    Kim, how close are you to Colby College? My landscaper's son just got a full scholarship there (he was also accepted at U of Iowa, but that'd have left him 200K in student loan debt).

    It was less tricky getting Heidi to finish her Sunday supper in time, and then down the stairs and wrestled into her Pet Taxi, than it is for Happy. Brought her home at 4pm yesterday. Poor thing had to lose 4 teeth. She was very loopy from the anesthesia--and we are giving her strong pain meds BID for as long as she "tells" us by her behavior that she's hurting. She did wolf down a can of Fancy Feast (spurned her moistened kibble) and a bit of water, but decided to treat her disposable litter pan as a bed. We're feeding her every 2 hrs., because the vet said to temporarily stop controlling her weight until she's healed. She finally did start using the litterbox to do her business when we gave her a bigger one filled with her "familiar" litter. She's a bit more sprightly today, but we'll give her one more night confined to the guest room before we let her near stairs (or Happy, for that matter). She even jumped on to my lap for an extended petting session. We have a followup on Fri.

    Yesterday, my neighborhood's farmer's market started--and, blessedly, it's from 3-7pm instead of the morning. Bought some coffee beans from a Guatemalan vendor who owns the farm down there but roasts here in Chicago. Got Bob (who came home early when he had to cancel office due to his nurse getting into a fender-bender) two each of tamales & empanadas, which he wolfed down. Also pasture-raised eggs, baby leaf lettuce, arugula and shiitake mushrooms. The farm where the berries I bought Sunday were grown sells there too.

    DOTD was Mumm Brut Rosé Reserve.