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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Chevy- I am glad you are getting good information. It is often shocking to get any news about any change in health, but know we always feel better when we know there is a plan to deal with it. That is really disturbing about the hearing loss beause of BC, that is a new side effect I had not heard about, but just read up on it and appreciate you sharing this. I have had some ringing in one ear off in one ear and did have an ear infection last year from the pool, but do have questions about that ear I am going to talk to my new PCP about when I see her. They have a whole big hearing center at the hospital, might as well get some things checked out. Loosing our abilty to hear, see, etc. is scary indeed. I am glad you are feeling better sister.

    Its hot and smoke here this week, AZ wildfires send the wildfire smoke our way. Yuck.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    to the heat school was dismissed at midday yesterday, so the 5th grade ceremony was changed to this morning. Today is the last student day, tomorrow is my last contracted day. Wednesday, Women and Wine get together this evening, many of the ladies are teachers. At least the humidity is supposed to break today.

    Sadie is looking forward to the break in the humidity, too. She enjoys the bedroom window AC as much as I do! Being able to sleep makes dealing with the heat a bit easier.

    Chevy--Your daughter will be a big help while you get your eyes fixed, I am sure. Glad you are less afraid, and you are entitled to have any initial reaction that happens, that kind of news is hard to deal with right at first. I did not know about the link between tamoxifen and hearing loss until you mentioned it. So not fair.

    Chi--Colby is in Waterville, about a 40 minute drive from where I live. Good on your landscaper's son, Colby is no easy school to get into, let alone get a full ride scholarship! What is he planning to study? So glad to hear Heidi is doing well after her procedure! Sounds like your Farmer's Market is a wonderful place, with a great variety of goods!

    Jazzy--be careful in the smoky air, that can be hard to live with.

    The Graduate

    1 1/2 oz of southern comfort peach liqueur

    1/2 oz of amaretto almond liqueur

    1 oz of Pineapple Juice

    Shake over ice, strain.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    BabyGirl, IKR, re the meatloaf! I hope you get to do your meet up with the BC gals.

    Jazzy, glad you are in recovery! But you had lots to do and some fun as well. Carry on my friend! Yes, Moab was hot, but not much hotter than it is here. If you happen to do Moab in the fall, I recommend the La Sal loop road for a fall colors drive. Beautiful drive through the mountains. I guess it was pretty smoky here prior to our getting home. Not bad this morning. The lodge is nice and they have a museum in there too. You can stay there at the lodge and they also have cabins on the river. Not cheap, but nothing in Moab is! We used Hilton points for ours.

    ED, I'm so sorry you are dealing with the eye issues. I hope it's not as bad as you think. Especially since you have to be a care taker for George. I hear ya about just wanting to sit down and cry! Love, hugs and prayers coming your way. That was nice of your brother to send the hearing aids and glad they work. Just sorry for the reason he sent them. I hope you can get used to them.

    Beaver, lol at the cataract complaint! I can see all my wrinkles and what a shock if all of sudden I would see them.

    NM, 91 in your office, YIKES! Do you at least have a fan? Sorry you missed out on the pewl. The view we had during dinner is the first pic. Yes, he ordered meatloaf. But what got me was the price of meal at $28.00! Oh well. The cannon shoot was fun, we shot 3 bowling balls. Enjoy your WWW tonight.

    Sandy, glad all went well with your fur baby. The picture are gorgeous, but not mine. Just grabbed them from the internet as they are better than anything I could get from a phone!

    Tomorrow is my infusion, so driving to Phoenix. At least I get to go by myself! I call it vacation!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Hi ladies- busy week, hot week but smoke is less intense today.

    Goldie- be safe going to PHX. I am sorry that going to get treatment feels like a vacation day. I worked for a company once doing a merger and aquisition project and they made us work 6 days a week for months and I ended up doing oral surgery on my birthday just so I could have a day off. So girlfriend, I know the feeling and sometimes we just get a break from one hard thing to do something different. Hope you are feeling okay after this and it is keep the beast at bay.

    JCS- thinking of you and hoping the doctors are finding some good answers to your new dx for good treatment and care. Just really hard news.

    NM- you are almost done with the school year. Yay for the summer off, fun times with Ms Sadie, Women and Wine, kayaking and more. Glad your mom made it back safely.

    Here is a pic of what is blooming in jazzy's garden right now.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Heidi had been fairly loopy through last evening. We kept her confined to the guest room, but Bob missed having her sleep with us, so he slept in there last night. During the night, she regained the strength to jump on to the bed, to sleep on his chest. She's back to her old self--carefully taking stairs, finicky about her food (but eating lustily when she decides that flavor suits her for that particular meal) and swatting Happy when he comes near. And climbing up on to the suitcase in the office closet that is her sanctuary. Still giving her her buprenorphine (the vet said to give her all of it) to control whatever pain she may still have. (It's constipating her, but we were told to expect that).

    We went to Mon Ami Gabi last night. DsOTD were Marquis de la Tour Rosé Cremant de la Loire with the soup, and Gustave Lorentz dry Riesling (Alsace) with the main course; instead of dessert, a couple of decaf cappuccinos.

    Tonight, Bob's medical partner said she was bringing BBQ to the office. We assumed that she meant Filipino BBQ. Instead, she went to The Pit in Chicago Ridge--so Bob brought home a slab & a half of ribs (sauce on the side), pulled pork, brisket & 1/4 chicken, plus coleslaw and corn on the cob. I had half a slab of ribs and coleslaw--and whatever else Bob didn't finish I froze.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2021

    Hi all enjoying reading of everyone's travels. Commiserating with you Chevy - dislike Ophthalmologist 😕 and hope all goes well. Had to laugh at Goldies "vacation" comment. I remember once working so much during a computer installation project in Dallas that I woke up about noon on a New Years day....not noteworthy except that our exhausted team had left the restaurant after a late dinner on New Years eve about 9:30 PM. No one even had the gusto to celebrate. Too pooped to party! To this day I recall being so thankful for that long stretch of sleep.

    Finished this with tonight's dinner: a delicious pinot noir.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Yesterday turned out to be a lazy day. The power was out at school, didn't come back on in time to have class yesterday. So the 5th grade recognition has been changed to this ayem. The thunderstorms that rumbled through took the humidity away with them, left a nice, fresh breeze behind. The Wednesday, Women and Wine (all 4 of us) got together at a local restaurant and had drinks and dinner on the deck. It was so nice to see a full and busy restaurant and catch up with people. It's funny, most of the masks being worn were on children. Some of the staff wore masks, some didn't.

    The Maine Department of Education has come out with a statement eliminating the distancing requirements(3 feet between kiddos except when unmasked, then 6 feet, 6 feet at meal times) along with a statement that all schools are expected to be full time in-person next fall. The current distancing still holds for summer school, though.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--Yes, I have a big box fan in my office and it does help, as does getting OUT of the office into the hallway periodically! $28 for meatloaf sounds like a lot of money, but I supposed, given where you were it was to be expected. I did enjoy the WWW get together. Enjoy your mini-vacation!

    Jazzy--beautiful blossoms in your garden!

    Chi--glad to hear that Heidi is recovering nicely and back to her usual self. That BBQ sounds like quite the spread! I can't imagine how much the partner must have brought to the office if Bob brought home that much. Nice little stash to have in the freezer.

    Reader--that must have been some installation project! You all must have been totally wiped out. Nice looking bottle of wine!

    This is the drink I had at the restaurant yesterday evening:

    "The Rosé Bouquet"


    • 1/2 bottle chilled rosé wine (I used Miraval)

    • 4 oz. gin (I used Hendrick's)

    • 2 oz. St. Germain

    • 8 oz. cranberry juice


    Pour gin, St. Germain, and cranberry juice into cocktail mixing glass. Stir. Add chilled rosé to mix. Pour into individual glasses, over ice (if desired). Garnish with rosemary sprig. Serves 3-4. Cheers!

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited June 2021

    So, I had 3 frozen margaritas with lunch and just posted on FB about the tacos being so delicious that my panties, may slip off. Lol, I’ve had too much I think but it’s not stopping me tonight. Yikes!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Ill- your pants may slip off, gurl you are cracking me up!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Well, yesterday turned into a 12 hour day! 12 hours of sitting on my arse! Took almost 6 hours to get home due to the road being closed for a fire, so I had to just sit and wait. Thank God it wasn't any longer. Was telling my onc about this being my vacation and asked me if he wanted me to have him book me for next week. We got a good laugh at that. Tuesday was 6 and a half hours driving home, yesterday the 12 hours on my arse, today is town and DH has labs. I need a vacation!

    LOL Babygirl!

    NM, I think your last day is today?

    Karen, how are things with your youngest?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited June 2021

    Goldie, arrgh for the traffic as well as for the fire!

    Mae, how you feelin' this morning? Pants still on? 😉

    Day 5 of workers on the roof. Basic part was done day one, the guy who does the metal work has been here for four days but he isn't nearly as noisy as day one. So much for the time estimate of one and a half days! Obviously the person who made that estimate did not take into account the complexity of our multiple peaked roof!

    Jazzy, travel or rest this weekend?

    NM, Sadie will be happy that school is winding down! Your thunderstorm decreased the humidity? Would it were so here!

    Chi sandy, heidi's post dental work reaction sounds much like our dog's reaction after dental work. He was really wonky for a day or so. No teeth lost but did have some work on his gums. He was back to usual fairly quickly.

    Hello to everyone else and wishes for all of us to have a good weekend however you define that!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem. The weather has come off cooler so cuddle up time was very nice. Lots and lots of belly rubs for her and cold nose nudges for me if I started to fall back to sleep and stopped rubbing. That lasted until she wanted breakfast.

    I did get a chance to see and say goodbye to most of the 5th graders yesterday. Most came in the morning for their ceremony, several came in throughout the rest of the day. Got my office tidied up and rearranged so I can see out the office door better, kiddos like to lurk right next to the door where they can hear everything but I can't see them and don't always know they are there. In the fall I'm going to put up one of those little stick up mirrors on the opposite wall to eliminate any blind spots! Cleaned out a lot of outdated stuff, got rid of a lot of junk, most of which is now in classrooms or central storage. Why there was a drawer full of crayons, pencils, pens, notebooks, pencil sharpeners and the like I do not know. That stuff is all gone and PPE stuff is stored in that drawer. I also found probably 500 toothbrushes (I stopped counting at 300), almost as many mini tubes of toothpaste, and a bag of 500 little plastic teeth on strings for putting baby teeth in when they come out at school. I was able to box up about half the dental stuff and take it to another school nurse who can use it. There is still one filing cabinet to go through, it has all the student health records in it as well as some other records, I'm going to go through that stuff more slowly next fall when I get the health records of the kiddos coming into 3rd grade and figure out how I want to organize that stuff after figuring out what is needed to be kept and what is historical and can go. What I'm most pleased about is getting the desk drawers cleaned out. I hadn't done much with those except move all the previous stuff to one drawer in case the other nurse that used to work there needed or wanted any of it, but since she's left to sell real estate, I figured she'd gotten what she wants. Another huge batch of pens added to the central supply pile! I found 3 rulers! I now have my bottom "comfort" drawer all set up with room for coffee pods, space for a lunch bag, and my little basket of "necessaries" (antiperspirant, body wipes, cough drops, tylenol, a bottle of Static Guard, a package of the floss gizmos for picking stuff out of my teeth, panty liners, cough syrup, all the little things that a working woman might need on a bad day at the office).

    Illi--sounds like you are feeling GOOD!Go for it, Woman!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Goldie--yup, yesterday was the last day. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about things right now, but I do have plans and a strategy to get the house and yard truly decluttered and cleaned up. It will be nice to see some real progress there! I can't imagine being stuck in traffic for that long. One can get thoroughly sick of sitting in a car!

    Beaver--seems your roofing estimate was just a bit off! Yeah, here when a thunderstorm comes through it's usually triggered by a cool front coming in under a warm front, so it signals a change in the weather. The change may not last long, but it usually does change!

    Recess Thyme

    Recess Thyme

    4 ounces lemonade

    2 ounces agave wine or tequila

    1 ounce muddled fresh berries

    ½ ounce thyme simple syrup

    About 1 ounce lemon-lime soda, preferably Sprite

    1 thyme sprig

    2 fresh blueberries for garnish

    2 fresh strawberries for garnish

    1 slice orange for garnish

    In a shaker, combine the lemonade, tequila, muddled berries and thyme syrup. Pour into an ice-filled glass and top with the soda. Garnish with the fresh thyme sprig and a skewer threaded with the berries and orange (1 blueberry, 1 strawberry, the orange slice, another strawberry and the last blueberry) placed over the rim of the glass. Serve immediately.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2021

    Hi gals! It's so fun reading what you gals say about things I was worried about! It all just scared me at first, because I was thinking what if I can't drive!!!

    But I'll get my first appt on the 22nd, and I called back & tried to schedule the surgery right away, and sure enough, I have it on the 24th! I go this Monday to my PC for some sort of pre-surgery stuff, then for follow up, back to the Doc close to me on the 25th & July 1st! So glad to have it all planned out!

    I just didn't realize what was going on, until I had my eyes examined. I thought they just made the print smaller everywhere!!! And I could get my eyes to focus after awhile... But when I finally covered my right eye, I can hardly see out of my left eye! I can see "things".... but it's like looking through wax-paper.

    I'm really lucky I think.... I just don't FEEL as old as I am, Hah! I tripped on our back step, pulling the hose, and went down on my hand & elbow, and got SOAKED with the hose, Loopy

    And I could pull myself up with the little table & chair I have out there!

    But THANK YOU all, for talking about that surgery! My Brother had it done in both eyes years ago, AND he also has Macular Degeneration. I read the report, and mine is the "dry" kind, and I am taking Preservision for it! So I'm good... I mean as good as I can be, right?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited June 2021

    Well, I over did it yesterday, not the first time or the last. Woke up at 4am thirsty with acid reflux and puked so violently that my throat is killing me. Looks like soup today and minimal talking. But, I did have fun.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Ouch, Illi! Been there, done that (which is why at the wine-pairing dinners I have a few sips of each, lest my esophagus go full-Vesuvius on me later).

    Speaking of which, last night was Cellars' Fess Parker (Santa Rita Hills n.w. of Santa Barbara) winemaker dinner. "Welcome drink" was Stillman unoaked Chardonnay (from the winemaker's "side hustle" Sonoma vineyard). With the scallop appetizer a fully-oaked Ashley's Chardonnay; with a Thai vegetable curry, Rodney's Dry Riesling (similar to an Alsatian, but a bit heavier body). With the salmon, Santa Rita Pinot Noir; with cassoulet (yeah, in June), Santa Barbara Syrah. With a chocolate-based dessert, "The Big Easy Red" blend of Rhone-Ranger varietals: Grenache, Mourvedre, & Syrah.

    Tonight we had leftover BBQ (wrapped in foil & reheated on the grill to avoid heating up the kitchen too badly). My DOTD was Blue Moon "Blue Sky Light" low-carb weissbier.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Time for me to put the calendar back up so I can cross off days and keep track of things now that I don't have to go to work for a couple of months. I'm going to spend one day a week with Mom and schedule several fun things in for myself throughout the summer. I can see already that I'm going to need some help with some things, but I think I know where I can arrange for that. It does feel rather odd to not have to be thinking about my next working day, though!

    So far Sadie seems to be happy getting me out of bed by 7 for her breakfast!

    Chevy--glad things are feeling better for you. Sometimes we just need a little time to react to surprising news and get used to the idea. Sorry about the tumble, glad you didn't get badly hurt,but I have to admit I chuckled at you getting all wet! I tell people that getting down is easy, watching me getting up is the entertaining portion of the visit! But that's getting harder and harder to do every year!

    Illi--I'm glad you had fun, even if you did overdo it. Sometimes the fun is worth the aftermath!

    Chi--that winemaker dinner sounds absolutely MARVELOUS!!

    raspberry and lemon rose sparkler

    Raspberry and Lemon Rosé Sparkler


    1 1/2 pt. fresh raspberries

    2 tbsp. sugar

    2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice

    1 bottle sparkling rosé, chilled

    Sliced lemons and raspberries, for serving


    1. Smash raspberries with sugar and lemon juice in a pitcher. Top with sparkling rosé. Serve over ice with sliced lemons and raspberries.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Good morning friends- seems like it was memorial day weekend and now here we are right into the middle of June already. It's been hot here in NM, after a nice cool spring. Seems to be the way we go anymore, nice low to mid 80s through Memorial Day and then BOOM, it's 100 every day. This week, the temps rocketed to 100 plus here in NM (southern NM was up to 109 one day). My cactus are blooming away in the heat, and the bees are loving it. The news about the worsening drought out west has us all very concerned, with projections the Rio Grande (which has dried up south of here the past few summers, may be completely dry by the end of the summer. One of our reservoirs (elephant butte) is project to completely dry up too. Yes, I am worried about our drought and water supply, we are in trouble and more wild fires here in the west too.

    I have been getting our new wave of work started for our team and with my cohort still gone this past week, but back on Monday. Bringing along the new person in our meetings and will say I am tired of carrying the team after a month now, but we will get her going next week and then I will be stepping away for a few days end of the month to go to CA for the memorial services. They should just make me the manager of this team as I am doing all the work to bring this team along anyways, right? Healthcare in the pandemic......

    My sister in law's obit got published a few days ago finally so I was able to get that sent off to some family and closer friends of the family for my sister. When I have not been around family when someone passed, it sort of feels surreal for a time, but with that obit, it feels a bit more real as we go forward. I have to write up and deliver part of the eulogy and going to get that done between this weekend to next. My sister is doing okay for the most part, she has her moments. The last of the elderly relatives is out of the hospital and was told about the passing of her neice, and think she is really struggling with everything. So much loss and change for that family this year.

    Couple fun things this week, the two slabs of my first choice of granite came up from the mothership in AZ this week and went to see them Thursday. They are totally matchy-matchy and really beautiful cuts and we called to verify with the countertop folks the slab dimensions were what they wanted. I signed to have them held and so excited to have another step done in the process. I am heading out shortly to Lowes to look for a new dishwasher to go with this reno, as well as fixtures for the new bathroom sinks. The install is targeted for end of August. I also signed up for an in person cooking class at a place I like to go in Santa Fe for the weekend after the 4th. Determined to have some fun this summer.

    Goldie- you had one long day driving back and forth to PHX for your infusion. I hope you are able to rest a bit this weekend, but know duty calls too. Thank you for the info on Moab, thinking I may do a trip up there next year.

    Badger- no travel this weekend, I have this weekend and next before I go to CA for the memorial services. Trying to get some final things done to be ready for that trip, along with my reno project stuff. Doing a lot of self care too, got a massage planned this week, swimming 3X a week and doing yoga.

    Ill- I am sorry you barfed. I hope you are feeling better. We play and we then pay these days sometimes, yes?

    NM- glad you are to your summer off. Miss Sadie says yay too and been waiting for you to be here play mate.

    Chevy- glad to hear you are doing better and have some info to be ready with all you need to do. You've got this sister

    Cami, Cami, Cami-where are you?

    Teka- hoping you are enjoying the beginning of the best months in north country.

    Got to get going to my errands. Looking forward to a refreshing swim later. Blessings to you all this weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Beaver, sorry the roof is taking longer than anticipated, but it will be nice when it's done. I assume metal roof? We have a green one on our house.

    NM, laughing at all the stuff you found in your drawers! That's nice that you plan to spend a day a week with mom. You will be surprised at how fast summer vacations go by!

    ED, you need to quit this falling chit. So glad you didn't get hurt any worse. Surgery is 24th of this month? Glad your DD is taking you. Is DH ok home alone?

    BabyGirl, hopefully by now you have recouped! When is your get together with the gals from here? I hope you can post pics.

    Jazzy, always busy! Safe travels on your upcoming trip to CA. How long will you be there? Been horribly hot here too. Being in the mountains, the nights are usually cool, but not this week! Do we get to see the new kitchen remodel when it's done?

    Not much going on here. Looked at my labs yesterday, one of my markers went up over 1000 points! Get a few things done in the morning before it gets too hot, then only out there for 10 minutes or so, do one thing and head back in. Just too hot to stay out any length of time. But I'm not at a loss to do things in the house.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    I tetotaled yesterday--it was a blah sort of day after going to buy gas & groceries, and I was mostly too nervous to want to eat much for dinner anyway. Why so nervous? Because today was the second annual online version of the Gebhard Woods Dulcimer Festival, and I had to teach two workshops via Zoom. (Last year's virtual festival was much more rudimentary, without workshops and with only cobbled-together collections of videos submitted by performers). Now, not only have I never taught on Zoom before (the few times I've taught music online, it was only one-on-one, using Skype or FaceTime), but I'd never initiated or hosted a Zoom meeting! (Can you tell I'm a retiree? Teachers, stop laughing). I've joined meetings, kaffeeklatches, choreography rehearsals and even traffic court, but never started any. I also, as a performer, suffer from a particular form of insecurity known as "impostor syndrome:" I'm always terrified that I will be "found out" as not being everything I'm cracked up to be. (I am far from alone in this--you'd be surprised how common this phenomenon is, even among many stars).

    Not only that--I had to write tablature for one of the pieces--and the only sheet music I could find (I use the notation as a guide for rhythm, note values & time signature) was in the keys of either F or G--and most mountain dulcimers play in the key of D ("DAD" tuning--bass & melody strings D, middle string A--or in whatever key, bass & melody strings tuned to the tonic, aka "I" chord and middle to the dominant, aka "V"). Now, when I first figured out and played this piece years ago, it was on a baritone dulcimer which could handle the key of F (strings tuned F-C-F) without sounding tinny or "watery;" and sometimes I could coax my standard dulcimer up to the octave version of F-C-F. But the thought of asking 25+ online students to retune and possibly break strings in the process--not every dulcimer player has a baritone, nor even more than one dulcimer--was positively agita-inducing. (The standard notation is important for hammer-dulcimer players and guitarists who read standard notation and want to sit in on the workshops). I don't have the necessary transcription software, not to mention any that's transposition-capable--so there I was at the piano, with sheet music, staff paper, and a lowly pencil. . Add to that the fact that not having gigged during the pandemic (except for those two live shows I recorded up in Madison), I am rusty as all get-out--especially on songs that aren't my originals nor covers that are in my performing repertoire.

    To add insult to injury, I got nipped and scratched Friday evening by Happy--I was unboxing some new underwear I bought at Costco, and apparently I was taking too much time emptying out those boxes he considers his playthings. So he expressed his displeasure on my left forearm; and I had to practice while wearing gauze dressings to prevent infection. (The bandages came off today). Then I discovered to my horror that my lovely new manicure had left me with L hand nails too long to cleanly fret, and R hand nails that were long enough to scrape the strings as I held my pick. Had to clip back my nails and then file them smooth. So by this morning I was a nervous wreck. Bob went to brunch alone--all I could manage was coffee. Fortunately, the teaching wasn't as traumatic as I'd expected--although I never did figure out how to make half the screen consist of me playing my dulcimer on one side and the "gallery" of participants on the other. (There's a way to do that using a second device--but I've never Zoomed on a phone or tablet, just my laptop. I also couldn't figure out how to use backgrounds, so I had to do some tidying up of my front room. I guess "Luddite-ism" is a continuum). The most frustrating thing was that because of delay & feedback, I couldn't have everyone try to play along with me; and unlike when I teach in-person workshops at festivals, I couldn't go around the circle to see the students' fingerings & offer technical help.

    So we definitely had to go out for a nice dinner to celebrate "getting over that hump." We went to Swift & Sons steakhouse; so our DsOTD were, with appetizer, Couche NV Brut Champagne (biodynamic, late-disgorged); and with the entree, Ken Wright 2019 Willammette Valley (OR) Pinot Noir.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Beautiful day shaping up here. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't have to rush through things today since I don't have to go to work tomorrow. It's going to be a bit of interesting change until I get a new routine going, I think. Sadie has decided that 7 ayem will be our get up time for now. Wake up time is around 6:30 ayem, with belly rub and cuddles time before her breakfast.

    Mom called last night. She has hearing aids that she rarely wears because she is afraid of losing them. So she didn't wear them on the plane to or back from North Carolina, cuz she would be wearing a mask and every time she takes a mask off she knocks out one of the hearing aids. OK, I can see that. But now she can't find them at all. She has been all through her computer bag and purse (the rest of her clothes and things she shipped back and forth). She wants me to search through my car and see if I can find them. My guess is that she plugged them in to charge up before leaving NC and they are still there. I'll talk with brother and SIL later today and have them keep an eye out, too.

    Well, look like I started this yesterday and never finished it. So I'll keep going.

    Update: Mom found her hearing aids, plugged in charging in the usual place where she said she looked several times already. SMH.

    Jazzy--We do seem to have dropped into the middle of summer, haven't we? I bet the cacti are beautiful. The drought sounds worrisome, though. I bet you are tired of carrying the team but it sounds like things are getting better on that front. I can't imagine writing and giving an eulogy, that must be an emotional task. And even harder for your sister and the rest of the family. I saw pictures of the granite on Fb, it looks very pretty. I think Sadie is looking forward to some fun and play this summer. So am I!

    Goldie--It is amazing and amusing what you find when you clean out an office that wasn't yours! Probably much the same if the office IS yours, for that matter. I imagine the summer will fly by. I hope the marker result is a fluke or mistake.

    Chi--hosting a Zoom conference is rather different from joining one, isn't it? I bet you did just fine, though. And people are pretty patient with the technology, I think. I'm sorry it didn't go as smoothly as you would have liked. I still bet everyone had a good time and appreciated your working with them. Happy must have been very eager to get at that box to do all that you!

    The Vacation Cocktail



    Muddle ginger, lime juice, and syrup in mixing glass. Add all but spiced rum. Shake with ice. Strain into chilled cocktail glass and float spiced rum on top. Garnish with mango. Serve in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Hi friends- quick hi here during a bit of a break on this busy Monday. It was a scorcher yesterday and over 100 and going to be so today too and all week. I was reading in AARP this past months issue that many retirees are thinking about going north vs. south to retire because of the changing climate, wild fires, bad hurricanes, etc. People are migrating north!

    NM- I have done eulogies for all the direct members of my family who have passed between 1992 and 2012. My brother died young (40) from a rare disease and that was by far the hardest one, and not for the writing of it but the delivering of it that got me. I remember right before I had to get up to deliver that message (there were four of us who spoke), I was a hot sobbing mess. I prayed hard to get a moment of peace to be able to calm down and get up and do that, and fortunately it came. Everyone since then has been easier, not sure why but think for me, it was that they all had lived much fuller lives and something about that felt a bit easier. Writing a eulogy for someone you feel gets taken too soon is the hardest. My sister in law made it to 70 (which may feel young to many of you and get that too). I guess it's just different for everyone how you feel as you go through these things.

    Goldie- of course I will share the reno pictures with you. I did find my new dishwasher this weekend and will go back to purchase it in July and get delivery scheduled when the new stock arrives at Lowes. The install is scheduled for end of August. Glad I got started early with this project as getting products and services lined up in this pandemic is difficult, nevermmind the housing boom here and everywhere.

    Back to work. My colleague is back and bringing her up to speed while I keep the boat afloat.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2021

    Kim.... Does your Mom have Beltone hearing aids? My Brother sent me the pair he bought for his wife, but because she is bed-ridden, besides getting dialysis 3 times a week, and doesn't know much of what is going on... So she can't/won't wear them.

    Anyway, I guess I'll just hang on to them.... very expensive.... He doesn't want them back... I tried wearing them, but the piece that goes into the ear is custom fitted ! So they hurt my ears, AND they are so LOUD, I would have to get them adjusted, and Beltone says it would only cost $500 for that! Also with their life-time warranty! I HAVE Costco good hearing aids, so I don't want that extra expense for rechargeable hearing aids when mine work perfectly... It's funny, because when I tried them in my ears, everyone was like SHOUTING, and I could hear all sorts of things that I didn't think I needed to...! I swear I could hear a fly in the house... Hah!

    So what I'm saying is I can't hear AND I can't see.... Hah! Went to my PC for that check-up before the surgery next week... I'm in really good health, for someone my age... wink,wink!

    Waiting for Xfinity/Comcast to come out! I got a new modem, and tried for over an hour to get it to work, blah, blah! Finally the Text-team that couldn't do anything, DID give me a number to talk to an actual person! Appt is for now, until 4. Funny thing is, it is working PERFECTLY! Damn! When we left, it had quit working.... I was going to cancel, but when we came back from Docs it was working fine. It works, then quits! But guess I'll have him look at it I think it just had to tune in to the air-waves! Right? We'll see... Man, I'm too old for this baloney!

    Worst part my Husband HATES any kind of upset, changes to his schedule, or working coming in... The Roofers, the Plumbers etc! Sometimes I just DO it, and he has to DEAL with it...

    So I'll be glad when today is over with.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Cloudy and rainy today after a beautiful breezy day yesterday. After I got my paper finished and posted I spent a good part of the afternoon on the deck reading and enjoying the lovely weather. Sadie alternated between basking in the sun and splaying out under the fan.

    Jazzy--I don't know about retirees migrating north, but the real estate business here in Maine started booming during the pandemic. I have a friend who is in real estate and she has sold a lot of homes sight-unseen to out of state buyers looking to get away from COVID hot spots to someplace safer. I hear there is less of that now, but homes put up for sale are often under contract within days. I can see where writing a eulogy for someone taken too soon would be very, very hard.

    Chevy--I'm not sure what brand Mom's hearing aids are. They seem to work well when she wears them. The problem is that when she is wearing them she speaks so very softly that Ireally struggle to hear and understand her. I know I have some hearing loss, and I have an inexpensive set of rechargeable hearing aids that I'm working on getting used to, but I won't wear them around Mom, she'll make fun and then tell everyone she knows all the details. Mom doesn't want her health or money issues discussed with anyone, but it's ok if she tells the world about mine! I'm having trouble getting used to the background noises, especially with the fans running. The new modem seems to be awfully finicky, I hope they can figure out it's issue and fix it. I can imagine DH having trouble with changes in routine. Sometimes things just need to get taken care of and then his reaction dealt with!

    Bahama Breeze recipe

    Bahama Breeze Ingredients

    Combine all ingredients in a blender with 2-3 ice cubes. Pour over ice cubes in a tall glass. Garnish with an orange wedge and a cherry, and serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    Cat GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHYI'm still reading ladies so I'm around. No one has a clue what's happening but I'm here so don't think I abandon anyone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Sandy, hoping you don't get an infection from Happy. I would be tempted to not give up the box after that!

    NM, funny that your mom looked EVERYWHERE for her hearing aides, except where they are supposed to be! Glad she found them though and that they weren't lost. Ha ha, about your mom telling everyone your stuff, but it's hush hush on hers. Glad you had a nice relaxing day yesterday.

    Jazzy, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your brother and 40 is way to young. I understand what you mean about it not being as hard for your SIL, due to her age. I always grateful to having lived to the age I am, as there are others not so fortunate, especially children. I don't know that I could do a eulogy, I would crack. Real-estate is hard to find around here too, even rentals. We have lots of folks coming in from CA.

    ED, I didn't know hearing aides were custom fitted. Funny you thought everyone was shouting. Sorry about the troubles with your tv. My DH got pissed off and canceled our satellite tv, and FUBO, which is a streaming service. I hate it! And of course if the internet goes out, no tv. Or buffers constantly during a show, very annoying.

    It's a scorcher here all week, I think we hit 110 yesterday. I'm hoping the jump in my markers is due to all the stress I've been under. I don't want to change treatments, Herceptin/Perjetta are the easiest by far. I'm noticing some decline in my DH, voice changing and he seems to tire easier. He's getting a lot of cramping too. I'm being more understanding with him, especially seeing this decline.

    DH was supposed to have 3 months of medicine delivered last Friday. It's sent next day with Fed Ex, as it has to be refrigerated, $12,000.00 worth. Well, they didn't bring it. So I put a note on the door telling them to return to sender, name of the company, and that it was supposed to have been delivered on Friday, that it was $12k worth of meds. The gals continues to tell DH that she was way out in Witch Wells, which is quite a ways from here and she broke down, and we didn't need to leave a nasty note. I did not think it was nasty, do you?

    But on a happier note......

    May be an image of child and dog

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Speaking of real estate, a friend posted this.....

    With the current rate of inflation, the invasion of Californians and the outrageously out of whack real estate market, this is what $200K gets you in Flagstaff, AZ... and all on a 5401 sf lot!

    May be an image of outdoors and tree

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Goldie- thank you for the kind words. That Flagstaff property looks like just not much for $200K. The NM market has been undervalued for some time, but that started changing a few years back as more big businesses starting moving here. And with the real estate boom, there are a lot of junky properties that are being bought up, renovated and flipped. I have constantly had investors trying to buy my property with their texts, e-mails, and other things in the mail. I always laugh that my house is for sale for a million bucks. I heard yesterday some family in other areas are looking to sell their properties now and downsize with kids grown. Sellers market!

    I see Nora and the golden are now the best of friends. Cutest picture ever. Glad things are better there. Sorry to hear about the med stuff, I hope you can get what you need for DH replaced soon.

    NM- I heard a lot of people are moving out of NYC. Between 911, Hurricane Sandy, and the pandemic horror last year in the city, many people want out after too much the past 20 years. Many New Yorkers have second homes up along the coast from CT to MA and moving those homes to work remotely long term. But also heard many are buying and going up north all all the NE coastline. I hope you don't get too crowded up there. You sound like you are having a good start to summer.

    Hi Cami- good to see you here! I always enjoy your kitty funnies.

    Gotta get going to work. It was anywhere between 101-105 yesterday in the city. The weather today shoud be equally as yucky.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    What is it with men & change, anyway? They get squirrely about it, as well as about any uncertainty they don't themselves cause!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Chi- well that is a good question, I think most men like things the same and mostly convenient for them. They perceive change as not good as it usually means they will have to adjust to not having what they want. That is my experience mostly.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day, although that doesn't really mean much to me must now. It feels decidedly odd to not be living life around a work schedule. I did not realize how much structure a work schedule gave my life. So I'm working on developing some good habits and concentrating on deep decluttering and cleaning the house. Tackled the fridge yesterday, I was amaze at how much I threw out that was outdated or would never be used. I don't even remember where some of the stuff I found came from! But now I can see everything in the fridge and won't be finding old science experiments! Sadie had a wonderful time with one of the bones I found way in the back that I had forgotten I bought for her.

    Morning, Cammy Cat!Glad to know you are still around!

    Goldie--Yeah, I love the way Mom said she looked over where she usually plugs them in "many times" but never saw them. I still think she thought about going to look there but never actually did due to getting distracted by something or other. I learned a long time ago not to tell Mom about certain things, only tell her things I want known all over the place and by people I don't even know! I'm sorry to hear you are seeing a decline in DH. I imagine it does make it easier to be patient with him. I don't think the note you left was nasty. Poor driver probably got a lot of notes that were nasty and no few verbal lashings as well. I would think she would know if she has refrigerated or time sensitive deliveries so that she could make arrangements for problems like breaking down. Or is that too logical? AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL at the real estate offering!

    Jazzy--I think my summer is starting off pretty well. Getting things accomplished every day, even if not as much as I plan to, but still making progress. I'm hoping it doesn't get too crowded around here, too, but it's getting more and more built up as time goes by. At least my weather is better than yours! Warm, in the 70's and 80's, not so humid, nice breezes. Makes being outside comfortable. I'm getting in some serious deck time in the afternoons.

    Chi--men are strange creatures, indeed.

    image alt="French Summer recipe">

    French Summer Ingredients

    Pour chambord into a wine glass filled with ice. Add sparkling water, squeeze in a slice of lemon and orange, and stir.

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