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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Cami, I missed you yesterday. I should have known it was you that bumped me into the pewl! I sure miss you and wish they could figure out the problem.

    Jazzy, I wish they would buy up property and flip in our little town. It's so run down and looks horrible. I've lived here 20 years and I'm still amazed at how people live. It's a very very poor community. Rex is very protective of little Nora.

    NM, I hate cleaning the fridge, but one of those things that needs to get done on occasion. You mom telling everyone everything sounds like my mom. So I did the same thing, only told her stuff that I didn't care if the whole world knew. My mom never knew I had stage IV cancer. I'll bet Sadie was happy to get that bone.

    Gosh I hate this heat. I packed over 50 orders yesterday, I thought I was going to be done early but they kept trickling in. I had one order that was 12 boxes, each at 45 lbs. And let me tell you, it gets hot in that big metal building, like 110. And no relief in the near future! Our 10 day forcast...


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    NM- when I have not been working (in between contracts in the past mostly), I make a list of things that need cleaning, fixing, etc. I try to clean out my fridge reguarlly but in a bigger way a couple times a year. I am going through my cabinets right now again, threw out a bunch of stuff in the bathroom like old skin care products, etc. I think you will find a lot to do and perhaps get more done on your decluttering too. Do you still have the dumpster?

    Goldie- don't be surprised if that undervalued community for the real estate market comes your way eventually. I think investors are looking everywhere to renovate and flip and many who work remote are moving out of places like CA and other more expensive locations too. We have a lot of the Silicon Valley types coming here as we have a tech community here too? That is so sweet about Rex and Nora. My sister has a golden and she was very protective of my SIL with her health issues when she was still at home. They make great service dogs as they are natural care givers to people. Best dogs ever (okay besides Sadie......)

    It was wicked hot here yesterday and the heat has my GI system worked up. We are getting some afternoon t-storms though and wondering if monsoons are starting early? We hope....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Good morning- busy day already started but found this fun music. Anyone know this is? Paul Stanley? I didn't and he is one of the lead singers of the old 70s group KISS. I was not a fan of their music, but have to say I really like this remake. I think old rockers do some amazing stuff later on in their careers.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    Cat Helps Clean The Floor - Señor GIF - Pronounced GIF or JIF?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Anyone heard from JCS ?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day! Yesterday ayem I got right onto doing class work and never did read emails or pop into the lounge here! I've been fretting a bit about the 3rd writing assignment for this week, there are usually 2. Anyway, I'm doing pretty well so far in class, not progressing as fast as I thought I would with the cleaning and decluttering. I'd rather sit and rub Sadie's belly than clean house, I guess!

    Goldie--Sadie was very happy to get that bone. It kept her occupied for a couple of hours. I think she may have hidden the rest of it, I can't see it around anywhere and I'm sure she couldn't have eaten the whole thing in that time, it was pretty big! Wow, that kind of heat is hard to work in. I hope you at least have a fan or two to move the air around, and that you are careful to drink enough fluids.

    Jazzy--I do still have the dumpster, and it's pretty nearly full again. I may have to call for a second pick up this month. So I guess that means I am making some progress, right? I'm not a fan of KISS either, I am amazed that this guy's performance!Love the bar in the shower! Age has some advantages!

    Cammy Cat--where did you find a cat that imitates my Silly Sadie????

    image alt="Friday Freeze recipe">

    Friday Freeze Ingredients

    Blend all ingredents in blender at highest speed. Consistancy of the mix should be "semi - thick:" not so thick that a spoon would stand by itself in the mix, but not as thin as juice. If the mix is too thin, add sherbet, if too thick , add equal amount of juice and alcohol. Pour into glass and place in freezer for 15 minutes.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Jazzy, how would one renovate and flip an already run down and old trailer! Lots of folks even living in just an RV. We have the heat but no moisture. As for JCS, I'm only acquainted with her here and don't have any other personal info on her. Certainly wishing her the best with the horrible news she received.

    NM, that housework isn't going anywhere, so don't fret over it. And I'll bet Sadie agrees, since she gets extra belly rubs because of it! I try to get things done outside or in the warehouse early, before it gets unbearable. The house stays cool with the swamp cooler. This class you are taking, isn't something you have to do for school, or just something extra that you chose to take?

    Well I had a good scare Wednesday. Long story short, I couldn't get the tail gate on the truck to close, parked it up by the house and had DH come out to look at. Well, he told me to let go of it and he tried to slam it, well it came back down and just knocked him backwards on the ground. He fell flat on his back, his head bounced off the ground. Thank God, he fell in dirt. Hard dirt, but no rocks. Almost everything here is rocks. However, he did fall on one rock, about 2-3 inches, but shaped like a pyramid and that hit in his back somewhere. Thank God (again) his head did not hit that. He is pretty sore and his neck hurts pretty good. He has large nodules on his elbows from the RA, his right elbow has one that is as big as a large egg. He must have hit it when he fell and this morning it's swollen and hot to the touch.

    Yesterday we had to go to town to meet with our financial advisor, shopping and lunch. Came home and packed orders. Also did some before we left for town. Today I have to go for my injections. Would have went yesterday, but didn't know it had arrived. So out this morning to get orders done before I leave. No rest for the wicked!

    The picture on the right is what DH's elbows look like, except bigger.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sadie and I had a wonderful sleep in this ayem lying in bed snuggling and belly rubbing and listening to the rain and wind.So relaxing. Got up and fixed breakfast for us, now Sadie's gone back to bed! Gotta love a dog's life.

    Goldie--the class I'm taking is part of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program I'm in. I know the housework isn't going anywhere, but neither is it getting done, and it's starting to bother me. Maybe that's the motivation I need to get working on it. A big part of the whole deal is that I just physically cannot do as much all at once as I used to be able to, so things take longer and I get frustrated and then stop doing them entirely. I have got to get everything caught up so I can then work on keeping up with it, that will be much easier. My goodness, you must have been terrified when DH fell over like that! I'm so glad he didn't hit his head on any rocks, hitting his back is bad enough. He must be pretty sore in the elbows, too! Life sure is keeping you busy!

    Just got off the phone with Mom. 1 hour 12 minutes. I did get caught up with a lot of stuff. She's all worked up about a phone call she got from someone who was asking for a lot of information (birthdate, social security number, etc) but wouldn't say why he needed it, she wouldn't give him the info, and wouldn't take the number to call him back from him. Sounds like a scammer to me, at least she didn't give out any info. But now she's worried that there's an overdue bill out there somewhere so she's digging out all her financial records and taking them to the bank to be reviewed. I think I managed to talk her out of that, but she's going to go through all her stuff anyway, so there will be confusion to come, I'm sure.

    image alt="Run for Your Money recipe" style="">

    Run for Your Money Ingredients

    Pour the strawberry schnapps into a shot glass. Add the sour apple pucker, and serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited June 2021

    Last nights DOTD was Coronas with lime, partly because of a power outage in my neighborhood to to some equipment issue (an ice chest full of beer seemed appropriate) and partly in celebration of s stable brain MRI. Lazy weekend, cardio and Herceptin on Monday, then back to clearing the house.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    This mornings parade through the back yard




  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Been remiss in posting here, as life has continued to happen. Nothing major, but time-and-attention-consuming. Bob's R knee has been getting worse & worse, but he stubbornly refuses to do anything but wear a neoprene support sleeve and use a cane (a shillelagh, actually), He finally made an appt. to get hyaluronic acid-cortisone shots, but can't be seen till the 28th. I told him to order his own x-rays and send them to his ortho, but he demurred, saying the ortho will do all of that (and even MRI in-office if need be). If he needs a TKR and can't wait till he closes his practice in Dec., he will have to stop working except for telehealth visits--or me chauffeuring him around from hospital to offices & back--and start living on our retirement funds.

    Tues. night we came home to our big window AC downstairs humming & buzzing...even though I'd turned it off! Only way to make it stop was to unplug it. So just 2 wks after replacing the bedroom unit, we had to buy a new one for the first floor (18,000 BTU). The CPU board is shogThey can't deliver & install it till July 2 (first day of our HK's vacation in AL for her reunion). So when it gets hot we plug it in & keep it on; when it's too cool (even set to 75 it's really chilly), we unplug it.

    Most of our dining this week, except for a local sushi bar Tues. night and pre-&-post Cubs game mini-meals last night (don't ask--the game was a goat rodeo, giving me 1962 Mets flashbacks), was at home. Cobbled together Mon. night from farmers' market stuff & Swift & Sons leftovers--no wine, just half a Blue Moon Light Sky; pan-fried fresh fishes on the grill (so as not to stink up the house) with veggies Wed. & Thurs. night. The sushi was accompanied by rosé Cremant de Loire; the fishes both night were both Pinot Grigio--Wed. night's sable took a Ruffino, and Thurs. night's walleye a Borgo Leone from Friuli, both 2019. Last night with oysters before the game, the same rosé Cremant as Sun. & Tues. nights; with cheese & charcuterie after, a Nebbiolo. Tonight? Dunno--Bob's working. Thus far, a FairLife chocolate shake with a shot of espresso late this aft.

    But we had major excitement yesterday morning--during the night's storm, we heard what sounded like a rumbling "boom" next to our bedroom window, followed by an even louder thunderclap. We thought both noises were thunder and rolled over and went back to sleep--until the phone rang in the morning. It was our next-door neighbor telling us that the century-old linden tree on the parkway in front of their house had fallen, mostly on our house (but enough on theirs to block their front stoop too)! Looked out the front bedroom window and saw a canopy of branches lying atop a corner of the roof over our porch. Went downstairs, opened the door, and found the tree had totally blocked off our porch and the gangway to the backyard! We were essentially living in a tree house. (The linden was in bloom and smelled insanely wonderful, like honeysuckle--good thing it wasn't one of the black locusts out back, which would have stunk to high heaven).

    A neighbor out walking her dog noticed a charred streak on the roadway side of the trunk--it had been struck by lightning! (It wasn't wind, because nothing was uprooted or blown over, not even our patio chairs). That explains the thunderclap immediately after the "boom." The city did come out with chainsaws and removed the debris, freeing our gangway & porch (the only exit we had to walk to the train station to go to the Cubs game--had we walked out into the alley, that'd have added two blocks to our trek, which would have been even tougher on Bob's knee). Amazingly, the only damage we had were a couple of bent gutters (which may even be able to be straightened). But our neighbor's gutters were torn off right down to the mesh & hangers. And there's enough rot inside the tree that it can't be saved--the city will return and remove it.

    Will post pics soon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    My tree adventure:



    And looking at the house next door:


    Forecast for tomorrow puts all of Chicago into a zone of "enhanced risk" for severe storms: large hail, deluge rainfall, lightning, high winds and possible tornadoes (flashback to last summer). To put things into perspective, that tree came down when we were only in the "marginal risk" zone. Just paid our homeowners' insurance.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I took my fun day yesterday, didn't do much of anything in the way of housework or classwork. So today I have to start back at being disciplined and getting stuff done. Part of the thing yesterday was talking to Mom in the morning. It's better if we talk in the evening, cuz it doesn't interrupt any momentum I work up during the day. Anyway, that's the excuse I'm giving myself this ayem. Probably time to start setting the alarm again and getting up at the same time in the ayems, that will help me avoid staying up half the night watching movies and such on TV. Ok, time to stop whinging and get on with the day!

    The weather was interesting yesterday. Started out with some rain here, Mom got deluged. Then it cleared out and was sunny and pretty for the middle part of the day. Then a line of thunderstorms came through. Nothing much here but some rumbles and little lightening, but just south there was a tornado warning up for a little while! There are a couple of places that got some wind damage, but on the evening news they were talking about microbursts and straight line winds rather than a tornado.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Illi--Hooray for the stable brain MRI!!!Enjoy a lazy weekend, you deserve it!

    Jazzy--beautiful parade through the backyard! Love the "Bucket List Rainbow Riders" logo!

    Chi--What a pain in the anatomy about the AC unit! It must be really inconvenient to have to plug and unplug the unit while you wait for the new one. I hope Bob can get through what he wants to before his knee gives out entirely. Holy Moly about the tree getting hit by lightning! At least the only damage is to gutters and not to the house structures. That must have been an amazing sight to see. I'm glad the city got it cut up and cleared out enough for you to get in and out without adding blocks to your travels!

    image alt="Greek Lightning recipe">

    Greek Lightning Ingredients

    Pour into a mixing cup with 2 or 3 ice cubes, and chill to make a shooter. Strain into a shot glass or test tube.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    it's me here we go. All these storms all over. Sandy what a WOW about that tree. I didn't hear anything sorry all that happened.

    Illi GREAT NEWS I hope ur feeling well too.

    I wish JC would let us know how she is doing, I've been thinking about her too.

    Lori how can u possibly keep this up. Ur really pushing urself. The pic I saw was really nice tho of the three of you but ur poor DH ever since his accident he just hasn't been the same I pray for you cuz u really need them.

    Kim ur always to hard on urself do the work when u feel like it not many of us feel like we did 10 yrs ago and can do what we could before. Just enjoy Sadie after all u work ggo to school and that's a lot right there and u help ur mom any way u can.

    Jazzy those pics are amazing and ur just in ur yard??? Is work going OK I hope so.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    OK I went really slow and got that far so I don't know what the problem is.

    Oh I got a 75.00 gift card opened it and went to use it and someone else used it first. So another 2 months of waiting. I see where they charged it Razor parts??? I called the place and they couldn't stop it and Visa couldn't either How do people get these numbers before I even open it. They're brilliant. But I'm mad. I got my storage ottoman and bench they have some assembly but I won't have all this stuff around me showing to everyone and hide all this chit finally I have the room for these. OK I'll close now

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Gift cards get "remotely pirated" all the time. The numbers on them are easily visible to store employees (or even people waiting in the checkout lanes where the cards are displayed), and those packing the cards for mailing out. All they need is the number and CVV code on the back. Nothing can be done, alas. They're as good as cash--better, in fact, these days because few people will accept cash any more. We even had to use plastic for the vendors roaming the stands at Fri. night's Cubs game.

    Last night's DOTD, with a couple of grilled hot dogs, was a can of "calamansi" purée seltzer. It tasted like a cross between carbonated pickle juice and Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray Tonic soda. Oh, well, not all experiments succeed. (Coulda used a little sweetener & maybe a dash of vodka, but that'd have defeated the purpose). Maybe the litchi purée seltzer will be better.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Happy Funday Sunday friends- also happy Father's Day for those of you who still have your dads, or have sons that are dads, or husands who are dads. And it's summer solstice too, wow this day is full of celebrations summer celebrations isn't it?

    New Mexico is still a blast furnace with temps of 100 daily and no end in sight. The heat dome out west is in full force and even though it is hot here, other places are much worse than here too. Well, I will get a break when I go to CA this friday for the long weekend and for the services. Highs there in the mid 70s. I got out in the morning to water and do yard work and at dusk and am indoors the rest of the time.

    I am pretty ready to get to my next trip Friday and finished writing up the eulogy today I will share as well as picked a poem I like too. My sister is feeling nervous about the gathering, but everything seems to be coming together okay. I was going to wear this dress I bought from Chicos, but decided it was a bit too bright and festive, so I found something else yesterday at Dillards that I like better (sage green and white) and will wear that instead. My sister and I agreed that we were not wearing black for an outside service in the summer, but we both found new outfits for next Sunday we can be comfortable in. I am finishing up the packing today and will have the morning off friday here to get things in order to be gone again for a few days.

    Cami asked about work so here are the updates there. My co-worker is back from being away a month and is back in the game. We did a kick off this week with one of our departments on the new phase of work and the other one is tomorrow. We have some clinic visits to do as well as some key meetings and the next four days will be busy. My colleague needs to be able to carry things for a few days I am away and our other team member is in training as she gets up to speed, so hopefully everyone will be able to go with the flow and carry along fine. I am honestly looking forward to a break from the place for a few days. The good news is I have four day work weeks until July 4th weekend, but that also means I will be running hard during those short weeks.

    Cami- Who is giving you those and can you let them know? I just read Chi's note and think there are a lot of people able to lift those numbers off the cards in the stores. I buy gift cards now on Amazon and send them electronically for a bit more safety. Is Joey out of school now?

    Chi- wow that was a close call with the tree branches missing your porch roof! I have had some close calls like that before with trees coming down and nearly hitting my dwellings. I hope there is no residual damage. Sorry Bob is having problems with his knees.

    Goldie- I hope your DH is doing better. You sound very busy.

    NM- you sound busy with your class work and just enjoying summer. I have a garage project I am having trouble finishing with decluttering but need to make it happen to create better access when the reno project comes in another couple months. I hope you can get out in the kayak this summer. Maine is so lovely in the summer. Glad your mom is doing okay for the most part, although having tnose moments.

    Well ladies, I will be back July 4th weekend. Hope you have a great wrap up to June and good start to the month. It's hard to believe we are almost half way through 2021.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    DsOTD: breve cappuccino, and a can of pineapple Bubly. That calamansi went down the drain. Sipping on a pourover decaf as I type this, watching the weather report with trepidation. Just saw lightning--not raining or blowing yet. The "main event" storms will hit the lakefront (where I live) between 11pm-2am. "Extreme rotation" is being reported to the west. Expecting to spend some quality time in the basement tonight, lit by flashlight, watching the radar on my laptop & tablets. Ah, summer in Chicago.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Just came back up from the basement after the tornado & severe T-storm warnings expired. Bob was delighted to sit by the fridge down had beer. We had our cells, flashlights, this laptop and a cell-enabled iPad. The local channels had some glitches on their streams: NBC5 suddenly began buffering and repeating ads on an endless loop; ABC7 had no sound (but did have closed-captioning).

    Cami, how close are you to Woodridge? It got hit with an EF3 or even 4 (as did Naperville). Microbursts in LaGrange too.

    Anyway, we're celebrating no more trees falling on our house (at least not for tonight) nor the basement flooding--so the post-midnight DOTD is Old Weller Special Reserve (wheated) Bourbon. It was a Father's Day gift from Gordy & Leslie. Sipping while I type, watch the rest of John Oliver, and have Happy sitting on my chest & lap and purring. (He was freaking out with us down in the basement during the thunder & wind gusts--while Heidi was just chilling on the rug as if nothing was happening).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Another beautiful day shaping up here. Nothing much new going on, working on papers for class, working on decluttering and house cleaning. Keeping Sadie happy with belly rubs and ear scratches. Talking to Mom on the phone.

    Cammy cat--cute kitteh! Too true that none of us can do what we could 10 years ago. I'm just having trouble adjusting to the change, I guess. Or maybe I just don't want to accept it. Anyway, I'll get through it. Sorry about the gift card number getting stolen before you had a chance to use the card. People are so crazy these days.

    Chi--it's amazing how many places won't take cash anymore. I had to look up calamansi. Interesting sounding fruit hybrid. I'm not much into sour so I probably wouldn't be brave enough to try it as a drink, but maybe sweetened, as you mention, it could work. I hope the litchi tastes better!

    Jazzy--I had forgotten yesterday was the summer solstice! I'm glad you and your sister decided not to wear black, that would just be too uncomfortably warm no matter what the temperature is. Sage green and white sounds perfect, not black, but not overly festive. Subdued, I guess, is the word. Sounds like things at work are busy but manageable. I hear you about the 4 day weeks, nice to have long weekends, but getting 5 days of work done in 4 can be hard. I am pretty busy but getting some pleasure reading time in every day. I do need to get the kayak out soon, but need to get some more stuff cleared out of the garage first. I really should just break down and hire someone to help me get through all this stuff! Safe travels and try to have some fun, too. See you after the 4th!

    Chi--glad you hear you survived the storm! It sounds like you have quite the comfortable set up in the basement. Funny how the kitties react differently to the situation.

    image alt="Tornado recipe">

    Tornado Ingredients

    Mix everything except cola, sugar and ice in a glass. Stir in the sugar, add ice cubes, and pour in coca-cola. Stir three times.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    NM- any of your friends in the area have a teenager or college kid out of school who might be able to help you with some of that clean out work during their time off from school this summer? I know many have summer jobs with tourist season, but you might find a young person who is looking for some cash under the table.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    BabyGirl, always like to hear "stable". I hope that's the case for a long time.

    Jazzy, love the parade in the sky. Nice that you get to see that periodically through the summer/fall.

    Sandy, sorry about Bob's knee the tree on the house. Glad the damage was minimal.

    Cami, I'm really sorry about the gift card. Maybe they should just give you cash. I hope you get the money back. I know the cards make it easy for online purchasing, but you could also use PayPal.

    NM, like you, I didn't get a whole lot done this weekend. I wasn't totally lazy, but could have done more than I did. So glad your mom knew well enough to give out that information, but I'm sorry it got her all flustered that maybe she had an outstanding bill somewhere.

    Jazzy, mid 70's sound devine. Safe travels to CA. I hope you are able to enjoy it.

    I got about 6 more weeks of work, they we shut down. I can't wait. The heat here is just horrible.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021


    Oh Lori what u consider lazy is a whole different world than what I consider. I really hope u'll be slowing down very soon.

    Sandy I just can't figure how they get the CVV number I made all the phone calls then I remembered maybe Joey can hack into it but he wouldn't do it to wipe the slate clean.He knows way to much now and h won't teach me. I told him he can use it for good not evil. I made it to the basement last nite <the first time> waiting out that horrible storm

    Kim ur another go getter but don't know it, in so many ways. Extra rubs for Sadie and take it easy.

    Hey Teka.

    Extra prayers for JC.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited June 2021

    Greetings! Things here have been busy. A co-worker and I used to get up real early and go to breakfast before work one Friday a month. Now that I am not working, we still meet up for breakfast once a month and she fills me in on all the office gossip and what's new. I enjoy seeing some of my old co-workers. I have been spending time with the grandchildren. Today I have my DD's 9 yr old daughter and am picking up my DS's 4 year old son later today and his 15 yr old daughter from her friends house.. My son has 8 children - He had 4 from his 1st marriage and married a girl with 3 and they had 1 together. So the ages range from 4 to 19. My daughter just has the 2 girls. My mom and I are leaving on the 27th to drive up to NY. We are first going to see a friend of hers in Sterling, NY, then we are going to Niagara Falls, because I have never been there, then to Horseheads, NY to see family-then home. My mom sometimes drives me crazy, I hope we will both survive it! When we get to see family we won't have to be together so much, and can get a bit of a break from each other before we drive home.

    Goldie- I don't know where you get all of the energy you have to do all the work you do! If you could box that up- I'd buy! Your poor husband, glad he didn't hit his head on a rock, Hope he feels better from this soon!

    Jazzy-I always think it is so cool that you can see the balloons from your home. I am glad that you are able to be with your sister, I am sure that will help her so much.

    Chi- that was a scary storm you had! Glad that it did not do real bad damage and no-one got hurt. Hope your husbands knee gets better. It is funny when doctors don't go to a doctor when they something.

    Illi- glad your scans were good and you got to celebrate. Love to hear about your celebrations, even the ones that make you pay for later, being sick. lol

    Cami- Hope you are doing well with the storms in your area. I am sorry about your gift card. I am really sorry that the world has so many people that would steal from others. It will make me think twice about gifting someone a gift card. I think Jazzy's idea of gifting an Amazon gift card electronically.

    I too think of JC often.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Waking up to a very sticky, muggy morning, with thunderstorms predicted for off and on during the day as a front moves through. This afternoon might be a good time to find the car ramp and see if it works with Sapphire and take Sadie swimming.

    Lots of excitement in the neighborhood yesterday afternoon. I turned on the scanner after the first fire truck went screaming by. Turns out there was structure fire down the road. Just saw a report on TV, it was one of several mobile homes on a family property. The pics show it was a total loss, as in burnt to the ground. There was lots of excitement about a large propane tank nearby for a bit. They're trying to find out what started the fire. No people hurt, it sounds like no one was home when it happened, the fire was reported by a passerby. I'm going to find out what the family needs and see what I can do to help.

    Jazzy--great idea, I've done that in the past. I'm going to have to look around and see if I know anyone who has teens or young adults looking for some under the table money.

    Goldie--Not getting a whole lot done is not the same as getting nothing done, right? So, time to focus on progress, not what's left to do. As long as I make some progress every day eventually it will all get done, right? Be careful working in the heat. Mom will get over her fluster eventually. At least I know she won't give out info on the phone.

    Cammy Cat--I hope the trip to the basement was just in case, and no damage to your new place. So much can be done online these days for good and for bad. I'm glad Joey has limits to what he will do, even for you!

    Misty--I do miss the gossip from the places I used to work at, so I'm a bit jealous of you and your friend getting together once a month! Sounds like quite a trip you have planned, I hope it goes smoothly. It's good to have that bit of a break in the middle of the trip.

    image alt="Acid Trip recipe">

    Acid Trip recipe

    Acid Trip Ingredients

    Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    My basement is rather primitive. Yes, we have two old dining chairs, a fridge & laundry pair in the front (plus two litterboxes) and wine racks in the back, but it's stacked with boxes and instrument cases. The inner room (actually, the east half) has the only fully-enclosed no-windows room in it: a tiny bathroom (which we stopped using after a water rat surfaced in the toilet 20 yrs ago); but we call it "the snake pit" because of all the stuff we have stored there. Amazing that back in the day my band used to practice there before it broke up. The basement definitely needs waterproofing too--it has cracked and peeling walls. The outside has been sealed, but the inside looks awful. We definitely don't have a rec room. The first four years we've lived here it flooded three times (replaced carpet twice before giving up and just painting the concrete floor) before we put in first a check valve and then a strong sump pump. The only truly safe place in it (even though we've covered the windows with cardboard & plastic) is directly beneath the stairs leading down to it--a very, very small space indeed.

    The whole house desperately needs work: the interior staircase to the second floor needs reinforcing & re-carpeting; the windows leak air (one's cracked), the exterior woodwork (window & door frames) need repainting, as does all of the interior except living room, kitchen, dining room, den, office & bathrooms; the solid plaster ceilings in the master bedroom & pass-through room to the office are cracked & peeling. We have so much stuff that preparing for repainting, re-plastering & new windows would be a nightmare. (Not to mention what to do with the cats during all that). My guts tie up in knots at the mere thought of it.

    Waiting to hear from our gutter service whether the bent gutters can be straightened or need replacing. Sent them photos. Our neighbor's gutters are far worse--the tree actually tore one off, taking part of the fascia with it. They're still in CA (he's working remotely, she's teaching a weeklong ballet intensive); his mom (about our age) is babysitting their two little boys.

    Last night's DOTD was 2011 Williams-Selyem estate-grown Pinot Noir--I Coravined it. It was delicious, albeit a tad past its prime,

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Cami, I will be slowing down. How are things in the new house? And how is Lu doing?

    Misty, nice that you still keep up with your co workers. That is a big family for your son and lots of grands for you! Have fun on your trip. Niagra Falls is pretty impresive. Are you going into Canada? As for my energy, there isn't much! I just have to do it, or it doesn't get done.

    NM, glad no one was home when that fire hit and also that the propane tank didn't blow! Did you and Sadie make it swimming?

    Sandy, with all that work that needs to be done to your house, I think I would want to put a for sale sign up!

    Had to go yesterday morning to the warehouse in town to load up hose, ugh! And then unload it back here. We have decided to just ship orders on Mondays only and putting that up on the website, so people know. And I can have my neighbor help me. This came about as DH is wanting to have Tammy come back over, and then his other friend and his wife. (They can help with stuff, he says) I told him I understand what he's saying/wanting, but what he doesn't understand is it makes MORE work for me. As if I don't have enough to do as it is!

    Weather is still horrible as are the fires here. Good thing I don't have to head to Phoenix as my route is closed due to one of the fires.