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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    See the source image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2021

    Nora is indeed adorable, Lori!

    Karen, so sorry Israel is locking down again--but better safe than sorry,

    The anniversary party went off without a hitch. By the time my SC friend arrived at our house the rain had stopped. But between his Parkinson's and Bob's bum knee, we drove so I could drop them off. My plan was then to drive home, park in the garage, and walk back--but there was an available spot right across B'way from Cellars. Amazingly, of all the guests who'd RSVPd "yes," there were only 3 no-shows: my sis & niece, whose flight was cancelled because nothing could land at Midway (and all domestic flights into O'Hare had canceled--only the transatlantic ones could take off from abroad because they'd be in the air long enough to divert if necessary); and my godson's fiancee, a food chemist who was stuck at her lab in Schaumburg because the roads there had flooded. (We had them pack up a dinner for him to bring home to her). In all, there were 28 of us, and the restaurant was full and "made their nut" (and then some) for a Saturday night.

    DsOTD: guests were greeted with Laurent Perrier champagne or their quaff of choice. With dinner, we poured Meiomi Pinot Noir or a Castelli de Jesu Verdicchio. We never did get to make speeches or give a toast because we were all too busy eating, drinking, and schmoozing (including catching up with friends we hadn't seen since March 2020). My other godson, who lives in Seattle, had already sent his regrets because his wife is due in less than 2 weeks--but as of Sat. night she was already Braxton-Hicks-ing. Not just that, but in brutal triple-digit heat--and no AC! (We didn't have any A/C when we lived there either, just a box fan and a swamp cooler).

    Last night we went to Big Jones (low country Carolina cooking) for our actual anniversary. They're still getting the kinks worked out of their QR code menus (we had to keep re-scanning), but it was still great. Our cocktails were comped (Old Fashioned for Bob, because they'd run out of their famous Artillery Punch at brunch; and a "Pileated Woodpecker" for me: rye distilled in the neighborhood, ginger syrup, muddled strawberries, Angostura & blood orange bitters). I had cava with my food, Bob had a microbrew brewed a few blocks away.

    Today the Got Junk? guys came and relieved us of our dead sofabed. Tomorrow La-Z-Boy will be bringing our new recliners--at least they said they would. The rain held off most of the day, and it was just light drizzle rather than storms. Farmers' market offerings weren't much--no sour cherries coming in for another couple of weeks. Bought snow peas and cilantro ($1 a bunch, because I've given up on keeping my own crop from "bolting"). Interestingly, they were selling black raspberries, which we have growing in abundance. Bob eats them "on the hoof" on his way to & from the garage.

    Wasn't gonna drink today--but cracked a bottle of Mumm Napa "Santana" NV brut to celebrate the results of Bob's ortho appt: Turns out he has plenty of cartilage remaining in that knee (more than I had in either of mine), but just lots of edema from arthritis. They drained 30cc of fluid (a bit more than a shot glass full) and gave him a cortisone/lidocaine shot--no need for Orthovisc yet. He's already feeling better and walking faster.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Well, we didn't get to the lake yesterday, waited until almost 7 peeyem for a package delivery that was due by 1:30 peeyem. Give the heat and humidity already this ayem, we are definitely going today. So thankful for the AC in the bedroom last night, and so was Sadie!

    Morning, Cammy Cat--yes, I am going to school for myself to geta Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. I don't have anything going on with the elementary school for now, that will start up again in late August. For now I get up in the ayems, do school work, then putter around the house a bit during the peeyems, and lounge in the evenings. I'm sorry to hear that Joey is going through tough times. Sometimes being away from home is a good thing for a young adult. Good to hear your GF got to be with her grandchildren. It must be hard seeing them so infrequently. One blessing of dementia is not knowing about things like cancer. So much easier on the mother that way. I am so sorry to hear about the rift FF created between Jodie and Leslie. He is such an ass, alright. Someday, all that will come around and bite him in his, I hope. And there is nothing wrong with coming here and being all about you once in a while! That's what we are hear for! What are the tests coming up about?

    Jazzy--hugs and safe travels.

    Beaver--glad to hear son is responding to treatment! That is good news. So is DH's report and MIL's improvement! Yes, I am going to start getting that stuff in today. Promised myself. And Sadie!

    Librarian--thinking of you, prayers and hugs!

    Chi--so happy the Anniversary Party went so well! That is an amazingly low number of no-shows for the weather you are having, and all pretty understandable. And the sofa is gone, and the La-Z-Boys coming is good. Sometimes buying from the farmer's market is easier than growing your own. Great news about DH's knee!

    Wedding Anniversary

    1 1/2 cl of campari bitters

    3 cl of Vodka

    12 cl of Orange Juice

    3 cl of galliano herbal liqueur

    Shake with ice and strain into a glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited June 2021

    Sandy - sounds like your anniversary week-end was a great success.

    Regarding Israel, we will wait till the 9th to cancel as a lot can happen between now and then. Sending our daughter the required paper work to go to Misrah Hapanin (Ministry of Interior) tomorrow to apply for our Ishur (permission to enter). I applied last week to the LA consulate. Better to have it and change our mind and not travel, rather than not apply and things get better. Had a nice visit with DD#1 - she heads home on a 6 pm ish flight to Buffalo then will drive the 1 1/2 hours home at close to midnight (can you say worried mom)!

    Stay cool and safe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Oh my NM, so glad that man got out of the trailer! Did your mom not know you were coming over? Glad you were able to let yourself in. I don't think you live too far from her, right? And yes, you need to get out and do some fun stuff, summer will be over before you know it. Sorry the late package put a damper in your afternnoon.

    Karen, this damned Covid BS, I'm so over it. I hope it doesn't ruin my plans for Michigan end of Sept. Sorry for the mom worries, but glad your DD came to visit.

    Cami, what do you mean when you say Marty won't be ready to hear it for a long time? Does he not want Joey to leave? Of course no one does, I'm sure. I'm so sorry about the girls, I forgot what FF said or did to cause this. I know this breaks your heart. And my gosh, rant all you want. We've all been there.

    Jazzy, you should be home by now. Glad everything went well and hopefully you had safe travels.

    Beaver, glad to hear your son has a bit of good news. How is he feeling? And thank you for wishing for so much for me!

    Sandy, glad your party went well. Happy Anniversary! Yay for new furniture. Glad the draining and shot helped with Bob's knee.

    Leaving tomorrow for Phoenx, be back on Thursday. DH starts an infusion, to hopefully slow the progression of the ALS. They will have a nurse come here on Friday and she will show me how to do. First month is every day for 15 days, next two months is 10 days in a row. I also get my infusion, which I don't know if MO is going to change my treatment or not. I'm supposed to go get an echo, but don't see the point if they change my treatment.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    Mornin ladies. let's see how it goes...

    sandy ur party couldn't have gone much better under the craziness of these times. Food and drinks sound perfect and being with everyone even better and good news about Bob's knee is turning out well...all in a couple of weeks. did gordy and Leslie come, somehow I missed that.

    I like ur summer plans Kim sounds like u evened everything out just for ur comfort and u should. U need that for sadie too. And it does sound like u live pretty close to ur mom <good thinking>or u just make it sound easy.

    Karen we are all cheering for ur trip hoping it happens with plenty of safety. Oh ur mom feelings come thru all the time honestly I would hate to have either dd so far from me so ur really strong.

    Jazzy u must be home now and of course hoping all went as well as could be expected.

    Lori I thought I told u all that Joey is gay I think that's the reason he wants to go away to school and Marty doesn't have a clue he just wouldn't take it well at least at first. It doesn't make any difference how I feel about him of course. but don't u remember when he was little how he LOVED women so I don't get it but if it was 25 yrs. ago he'd have a much harder time with all of this so I give him all the support I can, nothing can stop a grandma's love so it is what it is. He actually told me he was by and I told him pick one not fair to others. I did tell my sister and he told Jodie but that's it so far. the boy he hangs out with is not his boyfriend he told me that would ruin the friendship eventually and he'd rather have a great friend.

    My 2 tests that r coming up have to do with more cancer, but they could be wrong so I'm really trying not to think about it at all. I'll know in a couple of weeks. soon enough.

    If anyone hears from JC please let us know.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited June 2021

    Home last night & back to work.

    My SiLs resting place below


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2021

    jAZZY that's beautiful

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2021

    Jazzy, your SIL's resting place is beautiful!

    Cami, if you did tell, I don't recall. I know you told us (Mary and I) that you asked him awhile back and he said NOOOOOO, I'm not. Well Mary and I discussed it and agreed that he was, he either didn't know it yet, or didn't want to tell. I think he told you because of that time, and you told him you didn't care. So that is why he confessed to you. I sure hope Jodie doesn't tell FF. Does Leslie know? Being gay, or bi, doesn't change who Joey is, he is still the amazing young person that we all know and love. I have 2 gay brothers and I love them both dearly!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited June 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Sadie and I had a lovely swim at the local pond yesterday. She was very eager to go for a ride, didn't need the ramp to get into the Jeep even though I think it's a higher jump up that Pearl was. When we got to the boat landing she headed straight for the water, was in and swimming before I could get it! She just paddled and paddled and then found a place to sit in the water. She tried to "save" a youngster who was swimming there, too. Time came to go home and she was one very tired pupper! She walked sooooo slowly to the car, and I needed to lift her up into the back seat. She did use the ramp to get out of the car when we got home. BTW, Sadie wasn't the only very tired one after that nice long swim! Boy, did it feel good. Planning another trip this afternoon. I don't think its going to be quite so hot and sticky today, at least it doesn't feel like it yet this ayem. Still very glad for the AC in the bedroom. I've got a ton of clothes that need to be put away in there, and I'm going to go in periodically and work on thatto get out of the heat and stickiness.

    Karen--I can imagine you are worried about DD#1, although she should be home by now. I don't like those long drives after a flight, either.

    Goldie--Yes, it is good that the man and his dog got out of the trailer. It's quite the mess. Lots of stuff being collected to help him out. I had told Mom that I was going to bring her stuff over Saturday ayem, but I didn't get there until just after noon. She probably forgot, or got a call to go see her friends from Florida. I have a key to her apartment in my wallet for just such things and emergencies. It's no big deal. A lot of times if I say I will be by in the morning, she gets it in her head that I will be there by a specific time, and if I'm not there at that time that I forgot or changed my mind. It's always better to set a specific time with her, and I didn't do that cuz I wanted to wake up when I woke up and enjoy a leisurely breakfast first. Have a good trip to Phoenix. Good luck with DH's infusion, hope it works well for him. When will you know if the MO is going to change the treatment?

    Cammy Cat--I do live pretty close to my Mom, its about a half hour drive, maybe a little bit more in heavy traffic. Well, Joey being gay doesn't change that he is a wonderful grandson and very caring and conscientious young man. It's sad that Marty will have trouble with that, but that will be Marty's issue to deal with, and, if he's smart, he'll deal with it within himself, quietly, and not create needless problems for Joey. I still think it's a good idea for a young adult person to get away from home for bit to develop their own personality and lives and independence. Praying for good test results. Not liking the idea of more cancer.

    Jazzy--that spot is absolutely lovely.



    Yellow Labrador Cocktail

    • 1.5 oz. gin
    • 4 oz. apple juice

    Mix and serve over ice. Stir well and serve.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited June 2021

    Lol, I love that pic of Sadie! Good girl.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday and first day of July! Plans to go swimming got shot down yesterday, just as I was getting up to put on my swim suit and get the blanket for the back seat KABAM! A rather ripsnorting thunderstorm came through. The weather radar showed a few more behind that one, and severe T-storm warnings were up, so Sadie and I stayed away from the water. This morning the temps are 10 degrees lower in the house, the humidity is down from over 70% to 61% and it feels somuch nicer. Still a bit cloudy, we'll wait and see what happens weather-wise today.

    I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamt I went to a signing by a favorite author of mine. The signing in a book store moved to a little party in someone's home, with the author staying there. I drove over to the home, parked Pearl (yup, I was driving Pearl again!) and went in. I didn't know anyone but they all seemed to know me. We were all doing some kind of work while talking about the author's book series. Here's where things get weird. The author was Mercedes Lackey, who writes scifi/fantasy novels, and is my very favorite author. But, we were discussing the Stephanie Plum mystery series, actually written by Janet Evanovitch, my second favorite author! It got dark out and I decided to go home, left the house and got in Pearl, started driving and realized I was lost. So I drove around until I saw something I recognized, a huge brick building a lot of people sitting outside listening to music and speeches. I used that to get back to the house I just left, but parked on the other side of the house and not in the driveway and went in the back door. Sat and chatted a while, then tried to go home again, left through the front door and walked around trying to find Pearl. Got lost again, came across the same building, found the house and went in the back door again but followed a strange man downstairs to the basement and we found secret tunnels. I got scared and ran back out of the house and was running around looking for Pearl so I could escape when I woke up. I wonder what that was all about???

    Illi--that was the look I got one morning not too long ago on my third try to get out of bed and start the day. She wanted more belly rubs and was upside down to me, it was hilarious.

    Jazzy--nice place! Where is this?

    Strawberry Thunderstorm | Icy Vodka Cocktail


    2 ounce Vodka

    2 ounce Cranberry Ginger Ale (You can buy cranberry and ginger ale separately as well or just use Ginger Ale)

    Mint to Garnish (Optional)

    Strawberry-Mint Ice Cubes (Fills 1 Ice-Cube tray)

    5-6 Strawberries

    3-4 Mint leaves

    Juice from ½ lime


    ICE CUBES: In a blender; add roughly chopped strawberries (stem removed), mint leaves, lime juice and a splash of water. Blend well and pour in an Ice Cube tray and let it set in the freezer for a couple of hours!

    DRINK: Lightly crush the strawberry-mint cubes. I use a cloth and place Ice Cubes on it, cover and gently crush using any object in your kitchen. If you have a bartending set; you can use the crusher as well.

    In a small glass; I prefer Whisky glasses for this drink. Fill the glass half-way through with crushed strawberry-mint ice cubes; add in Vodka and cranberry ginger ale. Mix & Garnish with Mint leaves or Enjoy as is!

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Good morning ladies- just a quick hello as I am working my way back into life here after the memorial service trip. Everything went fine, but of course, totally exhausting physically and emotionally. I was staying at my sister's house along with two of her friends (plus some pets) and it was far more socialization that this girl was used to after all this pandemic time. The service itself went well, started with a private inurnment at my SILs resting place (the first photo I shared a few days ago) and then a service in another area that included a covered tent area and some food after. Lovely cellist too. I did part of the service with a poem and a reading about some memories about my relationship with my SIL. A few folks came back to the house after and one would not leave (why does that always happen?)

    The only time to enjoy anything was an outing to a restaurant that my sis and I used to take our mom every summer when I would visit her out there at her assisted living years ago, called the Rusty Pelican. The four of us went, and had a great seafood meal; enjoyed a wonderful swordfish meal, and we shared a nice bottle of Mondavi Fume Blanc. The second photo I did was out the window by the water where we dined.

    Got home late Monday night and will say I just am NOT enjoying the airplane travel right now. Lots of delays along the way, and some of it related to what we know is true, not enough staff to support the ramp up of all those out and about for summer vacations. I don't plan to get on a plane again this year, and hopefully when I feel ready to take a full week off early next year, things will be smoothed out.

    The good news here is that I flew home to rain Monday night. Monsoonal rains are here with a punch, and it's been raining off and on since I got home (and sounds like even before I got home) and should be doing so into the weekend. It has cooled things way down and some of the highs earlier this week have been in the 60s after being 100 through most of June. Whew. We have a good start to the summer rains and hope it continues.

    Work is as busy as ever and two more days to go until the long weekend. I can do it!

    Will be back this weekend and wishing everyone a good start to July. New Mexico completely opens today 100%, no restrictions.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2021

    Jazzy, although it has been years since I was there, I remember meals at the Rusty Pelican as being sooooo good! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Thanks for the memory.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! A friend came over yesterday and helped me get the riding mower running again after a few years of non-use. Took most of the day, 2 trips to the hardware store, one trip to a restaurant (our standing practice, he helps me with stuff like this around the house, I buy him a meal or two) but a good bit of the front lawn is now mowed, two sapling trees taken down, and I feel much better about getting the house and property cleaned up, decluttered, and back in shape. Got our next project picked out, taking down another sapling and trying to get rid of a couple of stumps in the dog's yard that we'll tackle in a week or so. I was planning to do some more mowing today, but got up to a nice steady, gentle rain that we need badly. So today will be inside the house stuff. Sadie was really happy to see Jim, he was with me when I found her and she chose me, and had been around quite a bit before he got married (they divorced a year or so ago). It took a moment for her to remember him, but she did and then she started jumping around and running around like an excited puppy! But I did a lot more lugging and tugging and such yesterday than usual, and my whole body is telling me so today!

    Jazzy--I'm glad the memorial service went well. There does always seem to be that one person who doesn't know when it's time to leave, doesn't there? The restaurant trip sounds like it was enjoyable and relaxing and full of memories. I have mixed feelings about the trip I have coming up next month, but since it's purely to visit my brother and his wife, delays and such really won't matter. Our weather broke yesterday, it was down to the 80's from the 90's but without the humidity, it felt wonderful. This morning the temp is down to the 60's with the rain and feels energizing and refreshing. We really need the rain here, too. And I wasn't even thinking of the long weekend coming up, I knew it was the 4th, but not thinking of it like a holiday, an effect of being off work for the summer, I suppose!

    Morning, Beaver!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Cami, fingers crossed about no new cancer--and that if they find any, treatment will not be uncomfortable. The fact that Joey has loved women since early childhood doesn't mean he's not gay: homosexuality is sexual attraction to one's own gender, not antipathy to the opposite sex. (A man who dislikes women isn't "gay," he's a misogynist). I have always had many gay male platonic friends, and they in turn have platonic women friends and love their female relatives too. (My ex-BIL is gay and he is still friendly with my sister and her DH. I even went up to WI back in 1980 to get their divorce finalized, and we all went to the disco afterward). Joey is whom he is and is no less amazing and lovable for it. I hope Marty can eventually understand (if he doesn't already and just isn't saying anything). Gordy & Leslie did indeed come to the party, of course!

    Jazzy, glad the memorial service went well and you got through it and the traveling wasn't too rough on you. These days, people who hadn't yet gathered much with their vaccinated friends, hadn't dined in a restaurant or had not yet attended any kind of event or gathering are having emotional difficulty "getting back into the pool," so to speak. After 15 months of being super-careful, it's tough to shift gears. I fear what'll happen if the case numbers continue to rise again (IL's test positivity is up to 1.1%, compared to 0.7% as recently as Monday) due to the Delta variant and plunging vaccination rates. Yeah, Lori, I'm "over the COVID thing" too, and will resent having to start mitigating again--but I have seen so much misery & death among my "circle" since the pandemic began (including my own PCP) that I will suck it up, pull up my "big girl pants," and do it if I have to. I still wear a mask on transit, after getting my car back from a valet, whenever a repairperson or installer comes over, and of course wherever else it's still required. (And on long walks on high pollen/mold-count days).

    So the recliners arrived Tues., and I'm slightly disappointed. The leather is dark brown, rather than cordovan, and the wood is oak instead of cherry--as we'd specified. But it took 3 months after we ordered them (they had to be built in NC and the process was slowed due to the pandemic), and I'm not willing to go through it all over again (and sit on dining room chairs to watch TV in the den). They are quite comfy, though. They still have a slight varnish smell (La-Z-Boy says it's food-grade varnish) but should outgas w/in a few weeks. Same thing happened with our memory-foam mattress 20 years ago. In the meantime, we keep the den window open whenever it's not hot enough outside to run the A/C in there.

    Our new living room A/C was installed today. It has wi-fi connectivity (as does my fridge) to be controlled by my phone or computer, but I'm not gonna use that. I prefer to be (or at least consider myself) "smarter" than my appliances, thanks.

    On Tues. we went to Mercat a la Planxa (founded and formerly run by Iron Chef Jose Garces) for upscale tapas--and had a nice rosé cava and then with the meat courses a Catalan blend of tempranillo, garnacha, monastrell, merlot and cabernet sauvignon. Stormed like crazy, but only while we were in there. Wed. night I made corvina (from our weekly fish CSA) out on the deck, grilling veggies too--drinking Mumm Napa Santana brut. Last night, with the leftovers (out on the deck), I Coravined 2015 Williams-Selyem Anniversary Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir. Not sure what tonight's DOTD will be. It's still cool enough to wear long sleeves when dining outside, maybe even bring a jacket. Heat returns tomorrow, rain returns Tuesday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Another gray and gloomy day, still in the 60's but only drizzling a little rain right now. I hope the clouds will clear out for tomorrow, most fireworks displays are scheduled for tomorrow. At least Monday is a holiday if things need to be moved out a day. I don't plan on going out to see any fireworks, the neighbors usually do a pretty good job of that. I'm kind of surprised that they haven't been shooting some off every night for the last week or so! They don't bother Sadie like they used to, I think because her hearing is pretty far gone for lower pitched noises like that. She does notice the lights, though and that can make her jump and bark. When Sadie first chose me she would hear thunder and hour before I could and she would cling to me like static electricity until I figured out what was going on and told her it was ok. Then she'd settle down, but up against me somehow, and watch the storm with me. Now she sleeps through them!

    Chi--I've got mixed feelings about the lifting of mandates and mitigation practices. I still feel funny going into a store without a mask, but find myself having to run back to the car to get a mask before going into a business that still requires one cuz I didn't think of it when getting out of the car. Still waiting to hear from the state Dept of Education what the rules will be for schools come fall. One source is saying that with the end of thestate of emergency all the guidelines about masking and distancing are gone, but the state DOE site says guidelines for fall are coming, so who knows what will be. Everyone is expecting different guidelines for elementary and pre-school than high school due to the vaccination situation, and no one knows what to do with middle schools. The one thing that really struck me was the announcement that the updates with the Maine CDC director have ended. Since February 2020 I have been following the updates that started out daily M-F, increased to daily 7x week for a while, then varied from daily M-F to 3 x week, to 2 x week to once a week up until this last week. That these updates have stopped actually makes me feel rather cast adrift. It was the one most dependable source of information throughout the whole pandemic thing. I'm sorry the recliners aren't what you ordered. With all that waiting you'd think they'd have been sure to get the order correct! I don't blame you for not wanting to re-order. My brother and his wife ordered a couch for their home in April, it still hasn't come, and it wasn't a special order, it was a stock order. So the whole thing for them is transportation, they're told. Furniture trucks repurposed to carry essential goods. It makes me wonder just how fragile our infrastructure really is.


    Pin on my things

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Both the Chi. & IL DPHs have stopped giving regular updates. Last we heard from the CDPH commish, she said the mitigations won't be re-strengthened, as the city is still doing well. (IL's increase is due in large part to a couple of religious camp retreats downstate, with almost no attendees vaccinated nor masked--they say their "freedom" is more important. Then after the events they go back to their towns & rural counties and spread the Delta variant around). I always keep a disposable mask in my car and a color-coordinated cloth one in my purse wherever I go. So used to wearing one all these months that having to put it back on is no hardship for me. And a recently published stress-test study showed absolutely NO impact on O2 uptake during exercise while wearing a cloth or even N95 mask--so those who claim it impairs their breathing are really dealing with an emotional or mental health issue like PTSD or claustrophobia.

    Last night in my front room about 10pm I had finished watching one PBS show and had started another, when my cats started begging for attention. Heidi briefly walked behind my TV & A/V racks and then jumped up on the back of my recliner. Just as she began to nuzzle me, the TV went black--I looked at the DVR and it too had turned off. (The circuit on which my computer stuff, chargers & lamp are on is fine). The remotes wouldn't power anything on. I inched my way around the extreme clutter and saw (with the aid of a flashlight around my neck) that the power cords had been knocked out of the wall outlet. As I contorted myself to get behind the racks and plug them back in, the TV fell off its pedestal. I noticed a couple of HDMI cables had been chewed, and one's metal plug was so trashed it broke off. I traced the set's and components' power cords to a power strip, pushed the button to reset it and...nada. (No "on" light).. Checked the breaker box down in the basement--nothing appears to have been tripped. Electrician (who knows my circuit breakers from his work replacing the line out to the garage last year) is coming over soon to check the breakers and test the outlet to see if it's the culprit (it's an old-fashioned 2-prong non-grounded outlet and the plug from the power strip has one of those gray rubber "cheaters" whose prongs may also have been ruined). If he can get that circuit to work again (I think it'll need replacing with a 3-prong grounded one anyway), next step--even before I buy new HDMI cables & power strip--will be to try and power on the TV and see if the fall had damaged anything (the screen surface looks fine).

    If the TV is not OK, I will be shopping not just for new cables & power strip, but also a new TV and a Geek Squad setup & service appointment. I bought the set about 5 years ago from a mom&pop electronics store down the street (which also used to rent videos) run by an old Albanian lady, her two surly sons, and the German Shepherd she keeps by her side. Everything we've bought there, they only delivered & plugged in, with no explanation before leaving. I don't trust Amazon any more either (the set in the back I bought Bob last fall doesn't use Alexa, which totally bums him out). Now that stores are back open, I won't buy anything I can't see and have demoed first.

    DOTD last night at Cellars was some of the Laurent Perrier champagne left over from the case we'd paid for at the party. More of the same from the opened bottle this noon at brunch--and we (actually, I, because Bob's working today & tomorrow) brought home the remaining 6 bottles. Waiting for the electrician now. Oh, and also had to rehire my exterminator, as we have ants in the kitchen again near Heidi's food dishes (and yesterday, in her prescription kibble). She's begging for kibble now, so I have to hand-feed it to her and discard the leftovers. (Happy can eat only his prescribed vegan kibble, which the ants won't touch...thus far). Trying to type while Happy is on my lap messing up the computer and smearing my glasses.

    Tonight's DOTD, with various leftovers, will be non-alc & unsweetened.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Good afternoon ladies and happy July 4th weekend!

    This week went quickly, super busy after I got home Monday and into Thursday, better the last two days of the week. Some things are starting to shift on this project in a good way and think we are going to do okay in the end. Plus two really good peices of news this week from the job- they are doing a "pay equty" review and some people who have been there awhile getting pushed up to more competitive salaries or hourly rates and everyone is getting a raise the month of their job anniversary date. I should know more in July what that increase is. But then even better than that, something I had missed in an e-mail where we can convert some sick time to vacation time over an excess of three days. They give us tons of sick time at this job, a bunch for major (like a short term disability) and then also minor sick time for those days you need here and there or if you need to be out for a few days to a week. The minor is what you can either convert to sick time or actually cash out! I have worked in places where you can cash out vacation time over a certain amount but those are usually for long timers who accrue so much they can never use. Never stayed long enough for that. Anyways, one of the REALLY hard parts of taking this job is having to accept a starting vacation time of only two weeks which is just not enough. As of this month I will have three this first year and am happier now. I liked my job this week!

    Nothing big going on this weekend, just a lot of catch up from being away with house stuff and errands. Also have my second car in for service today, may get her back on Monday. I am meeting friends tonight for a pizza outing and that will be my only social time this weekend. I just needed to decompress this weekend after everything last weekend and have a lot more social time coming up this month. I love my long holiday weekends in the summer time.

    Chi- I am sorry to hear they delivered the WRONG color for your new chairs. I find getting anything right with things I buy or with service needs or with things I buy a crap shoot. I am chasing down a new dishwasher now I am trying to secure for my kitchen reno next month and that is hard too. Will you keep the chairs or have them come back for them and swap them out?

    NM- with respect to visiting your brother, just give yourself more time with the air travel, and expect things to not flow as easily as they did in pre-pandemic times. When I went to Denver over Memorial Day, it was a direct flight up each way, this one had a connect and you may find the connection times longer between flights but you are going to need them too. All my flights took off late on all segments and those two hours in between helped with delayed arrivals. I hope you have a good time and get to see some fun new places. The story about the neighbors building something for your mom in the dark made me chuckle (what were they thinking?) And be ready for beligerent people on the flights, many balk at masks but those flight attendants will take no crap from anyone. No mask? Get off the plane then.

    Cami- so am I reading that Joey has come out to everyone? As everyone knows here, my sister is a lesbian and I also had a neighbor friend (guy) who came out as gay in the 1980s. I think we all knew he was and although nothing was openly talked about back then, I always felt like it was no big deal. I do understand parents sometimes have to adjust to the idea, and my parents did with my sister too for the most part. Hopefully Marty will adjust, seems like men always have the bigger adjustment to these things. Is he going to visit some of those colleges he is interested in this summer? I hope you are doing okay too sister.....

    Beaver- that is cool you know the Rusty Pelican, I figured someone here would. It's a treat to eat indoors unmasked with my family and was a great afternoon of memories for sure. And mouth watering indeed!

    Goldie- how is everything with you and your DH too? We got a good four days of rain here and it's sunny again but monsoonal rains are here and some storms around the city. Are you getting rain at all?

    Ill- how are things Houston? Anything good to eat or drink this weekend?

    How are my friends MinusTwo, Celia C, Misty Eyes and Teka? Who am I missing?

    Got some laundry to get to and may poop back in to tell you more things about more things. Lubs ya!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021

    Jazzy, I haven’t been out too much. I’m not vaccinated due to a severe allergy and lots of people are unmasked, so I stay away from indoor crowds. We will be having hot dogs, brats, watermelon and cocktails at home tomorrow.

    I saw this and had to share, lol.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Sorry, well not really, since we are not supposed to appologize! Just been busy. Tammy and her BF came, only stayed one night. We got all the hose moved. They are both hyper, and just too much to deal with. BF let a pallet down on Tammy's foot, then he was just throwing hose from the truck to us to stack and hit the young kid in the head that was helping us. There was more, but we just told them there wasn't anything else we needed help with, so they left.

    NM, you had asked when I would know if my treatment will change. I have a teleconference with MO Tuesday afternoon. I had labs drawn Thursday, but haven't looked at them, don't want to. That was def. a strange dream you had there.

    Sandy, bummer about the chairs. Hopefully they don't look too bad, but glad they are comfy. Hope the tv is ok too.

    Jazzy, I hope you get a nice big fat raise! Not much rain here, not enough to do anything except make it humid! I'm hoping for no problems with my flight to MI, it is a direct flight. Gal we know in Moab, works for EMT, vaccinated and got the Delta variant of Covid. My mask is staying on. LOL Covid vs Zombies.

    BabyGirl, I'll take the wine! Cute glass.

    Teka, first pick looks like some corned beef hash with butter, can't tell the second one.

    ED, how is that eye doing?

    NM, I got to DH's infusion just at the end and the nurse that came here Friday, she was very nice, but quick. So I didn't have time to write everything down. We had trouble with the first flush. They did not put in a pic line, she said it was perhipheal? And that was probably why the trouble. Anyways, I'm a bit confused as to the saline and heprin. Before the medicine, do I do saline and heprin, and do I do both at the end? It seems like at one point, before or after, I only do the heprin. I'm sure it's not critical if I do more than needed, as opposed to not doing enough. But I don't want to run short of anything.

    Yesterday when administering his medicine, he says to me "what do think would happen if you put bleach in there?" I knew where he was going, so I just said "you would have some clean blood." He replies "I imagine it would kill you", I say yes. He then goes "hmmmmm". If he lives another 5 years and this is how it's going to be, I'm going to go nuts!

    We closed the business. I'll get our last orders out Tuesday and we are done!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Raining again, here. Still that nice, gentle rain that the farmers must be absolutely loving. Of course it comes just as I can finally get the yards mowed and cleaned up, and I really want to be doing that, but such is life, right? Sort of like it always rains after washing the car?

    Mom called yesterday just before dinner time. "Are you coming for dinner or not?"

    Ah, was there a plan for me to come to dinner?

    "Well, yes."

    I'm sorry, I missed that conversation totally. When did we have that conversation?

    "When I called you the day before Dick went into the hospital."

    We never talked on the phone that day, Mom.

    "Are you sure?I must have planned to call , got side tracked, and then figured I had."

    You must have. I've already got my dinner almost ready.

    "Well, that's ok, the beans didn't turn out right and it didn't make anywhere near enough for all of us anyway."

    All of who? Who else is coming?

    "No, one, I'm going over to Bob & Sharon's camp for dinner and bringing the beans."

    Then why did you think I was coming to your place for dinner?

    "Because Bob and Sharon said you could come, too, if you want."

    Shaking my head.

    FYI, Dick had a spell where he was unable to speak and not really with it, was taken to the hospital Friday ayem. According to his daughter, he was fully awake and talking fine by the middle of the day, and as of Saturday they were waiting to hear from the docs about the tests they ran on Friday to see if he'd had a stroke or another mini-stroke or what. The hospital only allows one visitor per day, his son stayed Friday, his daughter Saturday, and they were going to make out a schedule of who gets what day to visit so Mom could get in to see him.

    Chi--Is Illinois still in a state of emergency or has the gov let it lapse? I'm getting the impression that the states of emergency are being let go all across the country now. Do you have any idea who/what has been chewing on the cables? It sounds like the power strip burned out in whatever happened, and that may have saved you from damaging the TV and other equipment. I hope the TV is ok. Isn't it fun to try to type with the fur baby helping?

    Jazzy--I'm glad there is going to be a pay equity review where you work. I think that kind of thing is going to be really important to keeping people working in health care. It's discouraging when the new kids coming into the field are getting paid almost as much as someone with 40 years in the field and two degrees more education! One nurse I used to work with would quit her job every other year, wait for it to be posted, and apply and come back to work in the same job. Last I knew she was making almost $10 an hour more than the nurses who were working beside her for the same number of years but who did not quit and reapply. Wage compression is a real thing! I've worked in places where earned time could be cashed out once a year. You had to keep a minimum amount of earned time (covered vacation and sick time) in your account, and could cash out all the rest. Another employer required cashing out any earned time over a maximum number of hours. I was told that employers don't like people who build up a lot of earned time, cuz the company pays it out at a higher rate than when it was earned. I will give myself plenty of time when I go to North Carolina and back. There is a 1 1/2 hour layover each way. One of the advantages I have on the way down is that by flying out of Maine, morning flights are usually origination flights, most having come in the night before, so delays are less of an issue unless there are weather problems. Frankly, I have no issue with wearing a mask on a plane, in fact I think it may be a benefit. The mask catches some of the moisture in exhaled breath, so the inhaled air gets a moisture boost through the mask, and is less uncomfortable than the really dry air that is usually on planes. Whatever. It's only a few hours. I've been doing this for up to 18 hours per day at the nursing home and at least 8 hours per day at school, so 5 hours is going to be nothing. And I would love to see the flight attendants get tough with the anti-maskers! It's about time someone did!

    Illi--I chose the wine!!!!!

    Teka--is that corned beef hash in the top pick? And what on earth is the bottom one, all I can see is a human liver, and I'm pretty sure liver, from any animal, is not served with syrup on the side!

    image alt="4th of July is here, which means it's time for Independence Day cocktails!! If you're looking for 4th of July cocktail recipes, Independence Day drinks, or fun summer cocktails, you need to check out this board! Here we have tons of red, white, and blue cocktails and they're all perfect as Independence Day party drinks. Independence Day jello shots, slushy 4th of July mixed drinks, simple red, white, and blue shooters, we have it all!!">

    Bomb Pop Shot


    1 Part Blue Curacao

    1 Part Pina Colada Drink

    1 Part Cherry Vodka


    1. Add blue curaçao to base of shot glass before layering over pina colada drink.
    2. Next layer cherry vodka on top.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Hey, Goldie, looks like we bumped into the pool!Meet you at the swim up bar!

    A peripheral IV line is one that is very short--the whole catheter is usually an inch or so long. Easy to place, but not as stable as a PICC. The thing with the heparin and saline is to remember "SASH"

    That stands for Saline, then the antibiotic (or whatever medication is being given), then saline, last heparin. The heparin is supposed to help keep the IV from clotting off, so we want some in the IV catheter when it's not being used, but we do not want the heparin and the medication to mix, so we use saline between the heparin and the medication. Putting bleach in the IV is a bad idea. It would hurt like hell, it would cause all kinds of damage to the skin and muscles at the IV site, and it won't kill anyone. Not enough would be able to get into the system to kill a person, but enough to create a lot of painful damage that will someone will have to live with for the rest of their life will get in. People who try to suicide this way usually end up with a huge, draining, painful crater in their arm. Sometimes they can give themselves a heart attack or stroke that way, but usually they survive it and have to live with major disabilities after. Only if they are exceedingly lucky do they actually die by putting something in their IV other than an overdose of narcotics or some other drug.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021

    D’sOTD were fresh squeezed lemonade and now I’m having a watermelon vodka slush, yum!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    So it turns out that the culprit was the outlet, not the circuit. Best we could tell is that when the plug got yanked out, a wire in the outlet (likely on its last legs) burned out, broke or otherwise shorted. We were able to run a heavy extension cord over the "pass-through" opening from the nearest outlet in the living room and plug the power strip into it--and the system sprang to life. The TV is intact. The trashed-plug and gnawed HDMI cables ran from the TV to the A/V receiver--which we haven't used in years. (I still bought a couple of new cables to keep in reserve). Our cat Matthew (who died in Jan. 2015 at 19-1/2) liked to gnaw on cables--which is why the cables got all gunky with Bitter Apple spray and collected dust. (He also killed our previous receiver by peeing on the rear panel, causing a spectacular multicolor fireworks show, but that's another story for another time). The electrician thinks that there may be another outlet on the same circuit that might have a bad receptacle--but we'll wait till our HK gets home next Mon. from her family reunion down in B'ham, because there's a lot of stuff we'll have to move (and likely, discard).

    DOTD: Aperol Spritz, which I made (and am still sipping) both to reward myself for the mile walk to the beach to watch fireworks, and calm my nerves from the nonstop fusillade still going on in the neighborhood. (Freaked out Happy enough that he puked up his dinner and then clung to me). The fireworks I walked over to watch were a professional show put on by a small nearby country club (Saddle & Cycle--every bit as elitist as it sounds) along the lakefront; but there were fireworks all around--lots of them set off by police at the next beach about half a mile south, plus DIY ones all over. I left for home after some morons began setting off Roman candles and aiming them at the high-rise condo balconies--and then a real firework that exploded sideways, sending embers all around.

    As I did last year, I'd DVR'ed "A Capitol Fourth" and the Macy's NYC fireworks show (the only way we were able to see fireworks during the middle of the pandemic); but there's something about watching them in person--and sitting with people, especially families, oohing and aahing with everyone in unison. (And definitely something to be said for--unlike 2019--not having to jockey for parking and then walk, hauling chairs & a cooler, to a suburban municipal display & concert, and then crawl through traffic and detours afterward). Definitely worth having to shake the sand out of my shoes and hose off my feet and orthotics when I got home. (Not sure if I'll play the TV versions back).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday! Day after the 4th of July! Most of the fireworks were postponed to today due to the rain and fog yesterday, a lot of parades were cancelled. So sad for something so many people were looking forward to after missing them all last year. But today is dawning clear and bright, so there should be some good shows tonight. I was surprised, I only heard a few firecrackers from the neighbors. Maybe they waited for today's better weather, too.

    Sadie says Woof!

    Teka--ok, now I can see the French toast! They do look delicious.

    Breakfast Bread Bonjour France French Freetoedit - French Toast Cute - Free Transparent PNG Clipart Images Download

    Illi--lemonade and watermelon vodka slush, great drinks! I bet you enjoyed them!

    image alt="17 Drunk Watermelon Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock">

    Chi--glad you could find the problem and it's fixable. Even more glad the short didn't happen in the middle of the night when it could have smoldered and started a fire! Love the description of the cat pee incited fireworks show! Sounds like you got to see a lot of fireworks before things started going sideways (pun intended). In person is better than recorded or transmitted, that is very true.

    image alt="Cat and electric socket - vector clipart">


    Blue Cocktail Recipes for 4th of July

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    NM, I guess mom forgot to ask you about dinner, but thought she had. Cute story. Sorry to hear about Dick, I hope he recovers completely. As for the bleach in the IV, I'm just tired of the "suicide" comments. Besides, you need 2 hands to do all this, and with the IV in his hand, he would have to try and do it with just 1.

    Ok Teka, I see the poached eggs now, I thought it was butter, and french toast. I think I might go make me some poached eggs!

    BabyGirl, watermelon vodka slush, sure sounds refreshing!

    Sandy, good you got things figured out and the telly survived.

    No fireworks for us. I can't believe some places out here are even having them, due to how dry we are. Had a real nice steak dinner, with shrimp scampi, baked potato, fresh corn off the cobb (local corn I get every year and freeze) and garlic bread.