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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021


    Kim sadie always cracks me up. U must be running from something scary way deep down that dream was weird all right. Ur drinks are fab this month.

    Lori what ur DH asked u was awful does he want u to worry cuz he could have looked it up if he was really thinking about it. IDK But I did think ur helpers were funny, not for u tho.

    Jazzy ur job is actually sounding better all the time so maybe u should give it some time. Ur pics are great.

    Illi u too ur pick of drinks are perfection girl good job.

    LOL Teka liver kim said but I didn't know what it was either;

    Wow Sandy what a mess u had glad it was all cleared up.But it sounded like u had a good weekend tho and the food sounded like I wanted some right now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    I feel likee I was pushing my luck.

    Beaver u and I chime in when food is mentioned we like the same thing LOL

    celia Misty, and the rest where r u gals.

    Well I spent the whole day in the hospital the other day, my fault but I ddid get a lot of tests done. I fell but this time I banged my head and leg into a wall hard. A huge egg popped up right away Leslie got hysterical and off we went. She call the paramedics so that's why I got so many tests my forehead was all black and blue and my eyes in no time the next day my nose cheeks and chin were all bruised I look like someone beat me up. But Jodie and Les talked and Jod came over and started crying when she saw me. It's really hurting tho Dan calls me every so often to see if he can do anything for me. Bob saw my pic and called and was the same way what can I do those guys are goofy like my kids Joey can't look at me this would be good at Halloween. But alas it covers my wrinkles.

    Joey hasn't come out to anyone but me and I told u so he's being quiet about it. He's 17 and probably has a lot to take in. Personally when u love someone that doesn't make any difference in how u feel. I've have gay friends and it never bothered me anyway why would it. so he has to learn when it's comfortable to come out and that's probably why he wants to go out of town for school. So I came out to u gals.

    U know if I miss anyone I don't mean too. Has anyone heard from JC.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2021

    Oh for God's sakes Cammi! You fell? I mean just like me? I've only fallen a few times.... That one time off of the telephone pole, I mean walking in the alley..... when I broke my hip & had a rod & a few screws put in.... just like a car engine! And then I tripped on a little step & fell on my face against the gate latch, and hit the corner of my eye on the steel latch! Missed my eye by not very much! So I just laid there.... I had a 1/2 can of paint that was running all over.... with me in the middle of it... So I just laid there for a few minutes, pushing it off the walk-way into the little drain gutter, and made sure I could get up. WHAT A DAMN MESS!!!!

    So then I got up, went & got the hose, and tried to wash the rest off the carpeted walk-way, into the parking area. You are like me with my Grand-sons! I love them no matter who or what they are.... they are 30 and 33 now, and we will SEE them at the end of this month! I am so excited! Sheri is bringing Chase, then he is going back to Orlando, then Brandon is coming out, and they will both go home together!

    I'm just hoping and praying my Husband remembers who they all are! Every day is a new adventure.... And I have to just know that "things" will not get a lot better, and that I have to pray we have a million more tomorrows together.

    So do they laugh at you when you go to the store? Just color the rest of your face to match the bruises.... because mine spread all the way down my neck! Put some little ice packs on your face.... or cover it with ice cream. Or just stick your head in the freezer for a few minutes. Just some helpful hints.......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2021

    Ran across this on FB! Must have been a sure-sign for me to repost for that Cammi & me!

    May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Nightclubs are reopening, but only vaccinated people will be allowed...'

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Happy Twofer Tuesday! We had a lovely day here, Sadie and I spend quite a bit of time on the deck. Cloudy today, thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon. At least it's not muggy humid! In my class we've been working on a big paper, part by part, and now I have to put it all together and it's not going as smoothly as I anticipated. So today will be alternating working on that and housework/decluttering. My life will be run by the timer today!

    Goldie--Dick is fine now, back in his assisted living apartment. Mom spent most of the day there yesterday visiting him. She can go visit him, but she can't eat lunch with him, even though he sits at a table by himself like almost everyone else there. I think they are still requiring mask wearing, too.I can imagine the negative comments are getting tiresome, and good point about needing 2 hands to do anything. One neighbor did set off a nice fireworks display last evening, didn't last long. Other years there have been a bunch of them all up and down the road, not so much this year. I heard fireworks were hard to find to buy this year.

    Cammy Cat--love the kittehs washing the glass door! I must have been running away from something in that dream, that's for sure. I wish I knew what, then I'd know what to work on! Teka's french toast was in the shape of a human liver, I just couldn't see past that to figure out what it was!Heavens, that sounds like quite the tumble you took! The bruising you can get from that kind of thing is horrendous to look at. I don't blame Leslie for getting upset, seeing a big egg pop up like that is pretty impressive even when you are used to seeing stuff like that! At least it got Jodie and Les talking again, if only for the moment. And you are right, Joey is still the same guy, and always will be. 17 is a hard age no matter what else is going on in the world. He knows he has your support 100% and that will help.

    Chevy--great helpful hints for Cammy! I remember your fall onto the gate latch, you posted pics and they were pretty frightful!

    LOL at the nightclubs!!

    Faceplant drink

    Ingredients to use:



    image alt="Grain Alcohol">

    Grain Alcohol



    image alt="Orange juice">

    Orange juice



    image alt="Vodka">



    serve in a rocks glass over ice and hang on!

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021


    chevy I told u not to show the latest pic of us, I put the one from yrs ago when we looked gooood. I remember ur falls but all our falls would have been worse if we weren't such great pole dancers, our bodies are like rubberbands and bend all different ways. OH IN the freezer yea like to see urr ass in one for sure.

    Kim u r always so busy can't u just ignore like I do. I would love to spend my time with Sadie and just take it all in and enjoy.

    Lori ur another one jeez if anyone comes over just say u actually live there. for me that explains it all.

    My taking a shower alone has been put on hold for now til I feel more steady all this time and one fall got me shakey I'm such a baby. Well one more test to take and I'm done for a few months o I'll call today. I broke my puter more Now if a sentence disappears it actually comes back but all the letters are backwards??? Plus I broke the letter S I have to hold it down differently now.

    Hey everyone.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Teka--thanks for the picture I will never be able to unsee. Ewww... (I'd at least have used Gulden's Brown or Maille Dijon mustard--IMHO French's is just gross, good for only baseball-game hot dogs washed down with flat warm Diet Pepsi or Bud Light).

    I too am sporting several nasty bruises--over the past couple of days I was viciously attacked by inanimate objects in my home. Have a big swollen discolored yellowish one on my L thigh; still have no idea what I did to so anger the sharp corner of the oaken arm of one of my new chairs that it felt compelled to repeatedly poke my thigh whenever I exited the room. Only way to prevent it is to look down at the arm and touch it when near the chair, Gotta look on Amazon or Wayfair for some non-ugly "antimacassars:" those chair or sofa arm covers our grandmas used to crochet. Or dig up the foam rubber "bumpers" we used to pad sharp furniture corners when we were toddler-proofing the house for Gordy 36 years ago.

    The other attack came when I opened the fridge door and a full bottle of champagne tumbled out, bouncing off my R shin before it hit the floor. (Fortunately, it hadn't yet been opened and the floor is wood, not tile). Almost instantly I developed a huge hard purple "goose egg" right over the tibia (and the crimped foil edge of the bottle's cork-covering "capsule" scraped the skin). I immediately elevated my legs and iced the shin 20 min. on/20 min. off for a couple of hours; also took an Aleve and slathered the lump with first Voltaren gel, then a CBD balm stick, and finally arnica gel. The bruise & scrape are still there, but the bump disappeared before sunset and the bruise is fading. (Using the arnica on my thigh bruise as well). So though the recliner attacked my thigh, it helped my shin begin to heal. Win some, lose some.

    Yesterday's DOTD with burgers on the deck was the remainder of the 2011 Williams-Selyem Pinot Noir, with an Aperol spritz for "dessert." Tonight, we went to Artango (Argentinian steakhouse) for dinner; with the salad & app, Pierre Delize (Bourgogne) Brut rosé--served in very retro champagne coupes (of the shape that is legendarily-reputed to have been made from an impression of Josephine Bonaparte's boob). With the entrees, a 2017 Tinta Negro Cabernet Franc from the Mendoza Valley of Argentina.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Oh Cami, I'm so sorry you fell. How the heck did that happen? And what tests did they run? I'm glad you weren't hurt any worse, OMG. Glad to hear that the girls are talking, but it's sad that it had to take something like this. I hope they continue. As for Joey, it might be good for him to go away. That's a big step to take, especially in another state. Do you think he's ready to take that plunge?

    ED, I too remember your fall, horrible! I don't recall about the paint tho. So happy you get to see the boys, enjoy the excitement of the coming visit as well. Will they stay with you? I too hope that George will remember them.

    NM, I like how you use a timer. It sounds funny, but so sensible. I'm sure you will ace your paper. Glad things are ok with Dick. And thank you for sending me that information.

    Cami, what do you mean, showering alone in on hold? I thought you always had help. Is that how you fell? Do you have a shower chair? And/Or something to hold on to if you have to step into a tub?

    Teka, I have not heard or seen that challenge. No thank you.

    I've been having a heck of a time with DH's IV, so when the nurse came out she changed it and also said she would look into getting a PICC line and finding out why they didn't do that to begin with. We shut the business down! That will be a huge weight off my back. Nora is 2 months old already, I get believe it!

    May be an image of baby, indoor and text that says 'TWO MONTHS NORA NORA RYANN'

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Nora and mommy on July 4th, and Nora and daddy.

    May be an image of 0 people, including Lindsay Sieli, child and standing

    May be an image of Anthony Sieli, child, standing and outdoors

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021 cute!

    Cami, hope you're recovering from that fall, and that you don't try to do risky stuff when there's nobody there to watch out for you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Goldie- that little Nora is adorbs. Love all the red white and blue. And your neice had that baby two months ago? Wow she looks great too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    It's me

    Jeez Sandy u got bruised all in one day. But u know what to do right away I don't. BTW I'd like to hear a little more about ur food u ate it always sounds so good.

    Lori Nora is beautiful and those pics. r are so cute. Oh I don't have a tub now just the shower so I don't have to pick my leg up which is difficult for me. But I have bars and a chair that's why I tried myself, but my head feels a little fuzzy still, they said it would for a while. Just getting in and out I do use my cane but my balance is a little off anyway, basically that's why I do fall just not like this time. My tests were just the usual for a head injury. But the test they advised me to take was really the same one my Drs. want me to take so I finally called my dr. to ask specifics on where to go in the hospital etc. My face is still all black, blue and purple....but to Joey it's just shaded <being color blind> Lori what do u mean the business is closed, for good or just for now. u didn't plan on that yet right??? Well it has to be better for u, u had to take on so much.

    Did I miss something where is everybody??? I know they're around somewhere.

    Have a good one.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2021

    Now miss Cams! So when did you start showering alone? I thought your ummm "friends" were always there to lean on... I mean... I remember taking a shower with George one time at his folks house when they were gone...! Hah! Of course we weren't married, and only 19, but isn't that what you did then?

    We have a shower in our tub... actually when this house was built, it had an out-house! But we moved in in 1964, back to our old neighborhood, and we put the shower in. It is up against the one wall, AND the back wall, so I can hang on to everything whilst I shower!

    Cam! I got an idea! Just go run through the hose! With no clothes on! See if your neighbors call the cops!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    oK Chevy ready to go swimming now looks like it. And when did I stop running under the hose, it's been yrs. like it's been many yrs. since u doubled up on a shower besides being a good Catholic girl nothing happened with me til I met u. I was a follower then not now but then and u led me down some crazy pathways of some good polin'. Sorry I surpassed you but my legs are longer than yours and we know what that means.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Jazzy, I said the same thing to my niece, about how good she looks after just having a baby.

    Cami, again, I am so sorry about that darned fall. So you just got kind of dizzy and fell? Funny how your face just looks shaded to Joey, perhaps that's the best. Yes, we shut down. It's just too much on me and it's so hot, triple digits and there is nothing to cool that building except a ceiling fan. It's a metal building, so you can imagine how hot it gets in there!

    ED, lol at your comment to Cami "when did you start showering alone". And then to run through the sprinkler. You two are too funny.

    NM, you and Sadie out swimming?

    Thank you for the sweet words about Nora. I can't wait to meet her. Helped DH with a shower this morning. They moved his IV to his hand and I have to cover it so it can't get wet. So putting a bag over it pretty much leaves him one handed. Here is a pic of him, the difference in 3 months, how much more bent over he is. Look at the cabinet handles and his head.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2021

    Now miss Camera D. Philomena... WHAT? You don't run "under" the hose, you run "through" it! Dang it! Yeah? And ANYbody's legs are longer than mine... Hah!

    This picture was taken just last week!

    Cammi, I just love you! Thank you for meeting me here, and having so much fun with you! We've never even met, but we must be sisters, somehow.... Hah! We've been through a lot together, right? xoxo

    Why This 67-Year-Old Woman Took Up Pole Dancing - YouTube

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2021

    Lori - sending you hugs - your plate continues to overflow.

    It's like a furnace in Denver today - 101!! Oh the news just said 102!!! Tomorrow predicted to get to 100 then I think it's going to "cool" off.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Lori, hugs and prayers for your strength and equanimity through all this. I hope they can slow the progression of your DH's disease.

    Cami, when my late FIL was about to move in with us, we put heavy-duty hospital-grade grab bars on all the walls of both our tub/shower combos (but we don't use the 1st floor one because the water pressure sucks). Between the bars, the rubber tub mat, and the towel I always have slung over the curtain rod (I use it like I used to use the overhead strap on the subway when I lived in NYC), I hope I'm pretty secure getting into & out of the tub (and staying upright while I'm in there, (Knock wood, kinahurrah, scutta malocchio, etc.). The brand of arnica gel I use is Boiron (homeopathic, one of the very few homeopathic remedies that actually works). I bought it at CVS--you can probably find it at any pharmacy or health-food store. Bob started using it on his knee too. Works to soothe sore muscles & joints, besides helping fade bruises. (And Benefit makes a very good full-coverage concealer called "Boi-ing." You can get it online or Joey can pick it up for you at a Sephora, Ulta or Benefit boutique--the closest ones to you are probably at Oakbrook mall or the main street of LaGrange).

    Karen, triple digits? Ouch--nearly as hot as AZ. We hit 93 yesterday. Today we didn't even get up to 68! More storms coming up this weekend. Of course--it's Bob's weekend off. (He's calm about it, okay with just watching soccer & documentaries). And all of next week too.

    Last night, we had Laurent Perrier champagne (part of the stash from our anniversary party) with salmon & American sturgeon roe, and the remaining Tinta Negro cab. franc with our leftovers from Artango. (Various grilled meats). Tonight, more of the bubbly with halibut I pan-seared on the grill. Earlier today, at the Middle East grocery, I picked up a couple cans of Pellegrino's newest "Essenza" flavor of unsweetened seltzer: Blood orange & black raspberry. (Speaking of black raspberries, we have only a few remaining to be picked in our yard, and about a pint in the fridge).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Looks Like Wednesday's post didn't go through so trying again:

    Good Morning, Loungettes

    Happy Hump day! I had to double check the calendar and the phone this ayem, I really thought it was Thursday and I was a day behind in my school work! Nope, only Wednesday, so still on track. Another pretty day shaping up after the rain yesterday ayem. No thunderbumpers. Warm and a little bit stickyish this ayem, so going to get some mowing down first thing after breakfast, then work on the paper and housework, and probably a trip to the boat landing to swim this peeyem.

    Cammy Cat--aww. Kitteh tired out by the puzzle! Oh, my dear, I do ignore stuff all the time! If I didn't do that so well my house would be sparkling and decluttered already, the yard caught up and gardens in. Your computer sounds like my mother's, she presses an "i" the computer prints out a "7" among other things. Computers can be crazy!

    Teka--you actually TRIED this? YUCK!!!!!!!!What a waste of good watermelon!

    Chi--wow, what did you do to get your household objects so mad at you? Time to bring in a mediator and arrange a truce!

    image alt="Proper Cocktail Humpday">

    Strawberry-Lime Rickey


    2/3 cup hulled strawberries, quartered

    2 tsp sugar

    1 lime

    3 oz gin

    1/2 cup chilled soda water

    Lime wheel and strawberry garnish


    1) Cut your lime in half. Juice one half, and slice the remaining half into quarters.

    2) Combine the juice, lime quarters, sugar, and strawberries into a pint glass and muddle until well mixed and sugar is dissolved.

    3) Add gin; cover and shake for 30 seconds.

    4) Strain mixture into two rocks glasses.

    5) Add ice to each glass and top off with soda water.

    6) Garnish with a lime wheel and a half-strawberry.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Well, yesterday got off to an exciting start. Just about the time I was getting up the power went out. It was out for a couple of hours. By the time it came back on I was desperate for my ayem coffee fix, so I did that and made French toast for what I supposed could be called brunch, since it was almost 10 ayem. Then I jumped right into finishing the essay that was due to be posted for class yesterday, which was a bit of struggle with the power blinking off and on every so often. It takes my old desktop forever to reboot these days. And Mom was calling off and on all day, too. Her laptop isn't working right, shewas trying to get in touch with the Dell folks and needed their phone number, and then she needed info about the laptop (I had ordered it for her online cuz her then laptop wasn't working), then she needed the phone number and address of a couple of furniture stores cuz she's looking for a couple of stools for the breakfast counter, and then she called to ask me questions about my tablet cuz she thinks she may want one of those rather than a laptop, and then there was the call when she was trying to find my phone number, couldn't find it in her phone, and was trying to see if she could find my phone number in a text and she didn't know how she ended up calling me, but at least my phone number is back in her phone!

    Goldie--That timer trick has saved me a bunch of trouble and gotten me through a lot of stuff. Usually, If I can just get started on something I'll get it done by the end of the day, but getting started can be sooooo hard! I'm doing well inmy class, and so glad to be at a point in my life where my grade isn't EVERYTHING like it was back in the Bachelor's Degree days. I'm more interested in learning the material than I am stressing about the final grade. I'm glad the nurse changed out the IV, that one did not seem to be working well. Hopefully this one will work well until they get a PICC in. Congrats on shutting down the business! That will ease things up quite a bit for you both. Nora is so, so, so ANORAble!Quite the patriotic get ups they are wearing!

    Cammy Cat--the walk in shower must be a lot easier for you than stepping over the side of the tub. But even with a chair and hand rails you should make sure someone is around when you get in and out of the shower! I didn't realize Joey was color blind, or didn't remember. That kind of facial bruising can look pretty fearsome until it fades.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Chevy--LOL!!! What an idea to give Cammy Cat!!!

    Goldie--Yes, Sadie and I have been out swimming twice now. Wednesday it was a nice warm but not overly hot day, so I took us to the boat landing, Sadie ran right in and swam around, I waded in just up to my knees, that water was COLD! Way colder than on Monday. The weather wants to alternate between hot and muggy to rainy and chilly. Bathing suits and fans to sweats and blankets. Looks like we're going to get what's left of the hurricane/tropical storm/whatever it is now through the day today. Having an IV in your hand really does make doing some things a lot harder, particularly showering. Boy, he really is more bent over!

    Chevy--boy, you do have long legs!!!!!

    Karen--you must be broiling! Are you able to keep comfortable?

    Chi--I ran across some of Pellegrino's Essenza recently, tried the black raspberry, it was very good!

    Long Legged Model Recipe - Blue Chair Bay®

    Long Legged Model

    Blend all ingredients in a glass with ice. Garnish with lime.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2021

    Kim - I walk early in the morning - by 7:00. Yesterday I met a gf for tea and we gabbed forever but were shaded. When I got home, I spend the afternoon in the crawlspace consolidating, purging, donating - yet so much more to do. It seems to be a never ending task. Plan to do some more today as high is predicted to be 100, then cool off in the low 90s and high 80s. We actually hit 102 yeaterday - at the start of the news 101, then later on in another weather report 102. Record was in 1989 103. I think Denver has only had 99 days of 100 degrees since they've started keeping records and we've already had 4!

    Cami - how are you feeling, besides all bruised up. Yes, as the other gals say, wait til someone can be near you getting in and out of the tub/shower.

    Lori - how do you feel about closing the business? It was a lot of work for just one person.

    Sandy - you sound pretty bruised up to.

    Chevy - love the pole dance photos. It's never to late to start back up Happy

    Stay save

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2021

    Pole dancing - I can't even .....-)

    Sandy & Cami - I am sorry to hear about your accidents & hope the aches & bruising go away quickly

    Lori - I can certainly relate to your heat (105 degrees here) & wanting to get rid of work that is hot & exhausting

    We had a cold dinner tonight - cold cuts & with melon (watermelon, cantaloupe & honeydew). We paired that with a crisp Sauvignon Blanc.

    I wish I had the ingredients last night to make this - Tremblement de Terre

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Boy, did we get some rain yesterday. It came down in torrents at times. At least it wasn't the cold rain we've been having! It's going to take a while for everything to dry off today. Sadie came in from her morning constitutional with very wet feet.

    Next February's trip to Disney World is on! My cousin who is planning the whole thing sent me the email with the tickets yesterday. She wanted to get the tickets bought before the price went up. She's got a house all lined up and reserved for us, too. It will be her, her husband, me, another cousin from Maine, and the guy who was best man at planning cousin's wedding. It is going to be so much fun, and there is a manned launch from Kennedy Space Station while we are there we plan to see. Sometimes the planning and anticipation is as much fun as the vacation itself!

    Karen--I don't think I could manage in that kind of heat for that long! The weather sure is going crazy all over. Good for you for getting up and going so early in the ayems!

    jhl--neither can I! Cognac and absinthe, who ever thought of that combination? I have the absinthe, maybe I'll get some Cognac next time I go shopping!


    Vodka 2oz

    Ginger syrup 0.35oz

    Yellow apple syrup 0.35oz

    Apple juice 1.5oz

    Lime juice 0.5oz

    Green grapes 1.5oz

    Ice cubes 7oz

    • Place 8 pitted green grapes into a shaker and muddle
    • Pour 0.5 oz of lime juice, 1.5 oz of apple juice, 0.35 oz of yellow apple syrup, 0.35 oz of ginger syrup and 2 oz of vodka into the shaker
    • Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake
    • Finely strain into a chilled cocktail glass

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Cami, what is it with you and computers??? We have walk in showers too, we just have to step up about 4" or so. I don't have a tub in my house.

    Karen, it's hot here too with triple digits. This is the 3rd summer now it's been so hot the entire season. My garden is not liking it. I'm quite relieved that the business is done, huge weight lifted off my shoulders. How are things with your DD in Israel?

    Sandy, I hope you don't pull that curtain rod down with the towel slung over it. Loved the way you explained it "the overhead strap on the subway".

    NM, I think when you are not working, it's easy to get off track on the days of the week. For me it's when we go to town, which is usually on Friday. So if we go on a different day it throws me off and makes me think the following day is Saturday. Funny comment to Sandy "what did you do to get your household objects so mad at you?" Oh my, what a time your mom was having. You must just sit sometimes and shake your head! That's nice that you take the class to learn and not because you have to and you're working on a good grade. I'm hoping when DH starts his next cycle, we can get a PICC. The only reason I can think of, is they wanted to see how he handled the drug? Nora's daddy can be quite the silly one.

    JHL, only 2 ingredients for your cocktail, grab them the next time you're out. Where do you live?

    NM, that's awesome about your trip to DW. You should try to hook up with Julie, and maybe Cyndie. Heck, Julie would probably meet you there! I totally agree about the planning and anticipation as part of the excitement. I'm in that mode now with my trip to MI end of Sept.

    Nothing going on here today, just cleaning. Too hot to do anything outside.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I've got this week's classwork all caught up, so I'm going to take today off from the computer after my morning email and HTL check in. No excuse not to get some picking up done around the house. Maybe a swim or take the kayak out this afternoon, we'll see what comes to mind.

    Sadie was kind enough to let me sleep until almost 8 ayem. Apparently she is willing to wait for breakfast that long and no longer of a morning.

    Teka--I am going to start a packing list pretty soon. My cousin is taking care of most of the details. We've done this trip before, and we have a great time every time. The last trip we made there was a very long time ago. We are all looking forward to the time together. I have my tickets, the house rental is confirmed, just waiting to be able to book flights now.

    Goldie--It's possible they are waiting on the PICC to see how DH does on the med. But they should have talked with you about the plan, its supposed to be YOUR plan, not theirs. It is easy to lose track of time when I'm not working. Julie and I met at Disney World once, before the Disney Cruise the bunch of us went on a few years back. I'll have to check with her and see what we can do!

    sunday game day drink for football party or tailgate

    Sunday Funday Punch


    • 2 liter lemon lime soda
    • 1 bottle prosecco
    • 2 cups vodka
    • 2 cups mango orange juice
    • 2 cups pineapple juice
    • oranges, sliced (extra for garnish)
    • strawberries, sliced (extra for garnish)


    1. Add Sprite, mango orange juice, pineapple juice, vodka, and proscecco to a large pitcher.
    2. Slowly add sliced fruit to the pitcher. I like to use sliced oranges and strawberries.
    3. If you have time, put the punch in the fridge for 1-2 hours to let the flavors combine.
    4. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Happy Funday Sunday friends- hope everyone had a decent week. Jazzy was up to Santa Fe yesterday to a cooking class to learn some new recipes at a new class (NM Fusion) at the cooking school there. It had a lot of great Mexican dishes (mole, mexican corn, etc.) and put a twist on it with some other things like green chili. I have not done one of these classes in a few years and loved my return; not only do you come away with some tasty dishes, but learn a lot of great tips for cooking/baking from the chefs. Most have worked all over the country in various high end restaurants and the stories shared are great. Yesterday we heard about our instructor meeting Julia Childs in Napa Valley and some fun stories there. I came away with a new cookbook from them (a mini on salsas and tacos). I am all about sauces, salsas and other toppings. I will post some photos of the meal after this from the pics on my phone.

    I have not been up to Santa Fe since Feb, and with everything opened now, and the first market now under way (International Folk Market), it was quite the mob scene. I opted out of a visit to the plaza after I drove over that way and saw the cost for parking, all the people, etc. I stopped at a few other places on the outskirts of the city, and also grabbed some groceries at Whole Foods to take back with me. It was nice to see the rains have greened up the areas between the mesas, but still ran in to a big dust storm coming down yesterday. At first it looked like a thick tornado, but not moving fast enough and think it was just a fat dust devil. After I got down this large hill that brings you up around 1000 in elevation, there was a herd of beautiful wild horses grazing closer to the highway near a fence including two beautiful colts. I have not seen them in awhile, and its always a treat.

    I went to see my oral surgeon on Friday to check in on my healing from the tooth extraction and bone graft in Feb. Everything has healed well and I will get an implant done in mid Sept. Next up is my first apt with my new PCP next Friday and thought they would have sent me a new patient package by now (I work on the clinic processes there) but will put some things together in case I don't get one. My medical history and meds alone will take time, plus I am going to need a bunch of referrals to new specialists. Time for my annual imaging too.

    NM- congrats on planning another trip. I have a trick I do when packing which is about a month before, I put an open suitcase in a room and start putting things in I want to bring based on what I will be doing (outdoor things, nice dinners, etc.) I also check the weather before hand closer to the time for any final changes. I find I tend to overpack and bring stuff I never wear and this helps me to have the right stuff. You have your trip to see your brother coming up first, right? Its nice to have trips to look forward to again. Your schooling sounds like it's coming along, remind me again how long the program is? Couple years? It is nice to be able to do things on line, I did half of my Stanford program 11 years ago that way (half on campus too as I wanted to have access to the faculty and some of the international students in my program).

    Chi- I hope you are feeling better from the bruises. Are you doing okay?

    Goldie- it had cooled down here the week before last with arrival of the monsoon season but was back up to the 100 mark the past couple of days. Supposed to be cooler today, we hope. I am glad you were able to close the business and know that probably comes with a lot of mixed feelings too. At least I felt that way when I finally closed my consulting business last year after 14 years and with the return to FT work. I really hope his providers can help him have a good plan to take care of his health with this illness. Things have for sure changed for him. And are you due for another trip to PHX for your infusion? You have much on your plate, you need a platter......

    Teka- what is going on in north country this weekend?

    Chevy- it's hard to keep Cami off the pole, just sayin. Hope you and your DH are doing okay. My dad had early Alsheimers (got it late 50s to early 60s) and watched what my mom went through there with everything so my heart goes out to you.

    Cami- you doing okay sister from your fall? I can't wait to hear where Joey applies to college and all the places he gets accepted. May he have many good choices and good scholarships to go with those.

    Karen- I have a good friend in Denver (also a Karen) who has talked a lot about your strange weather this year. So much rain this spring (it was raining the whole time I was there over Memorial Day, but heard it's been super hot there too. The whole west is in a bad place with heat this summer. Do you have AC?

    Mistyeyes, Celia C, JHL, Ill, who else am I missing- hoping your weekend is good.

    Time to get to some chores and hopefully a swim later. Enjoy your week ladies and be back next weekend for sure. I will post some food pics from yesterday for you foodies.