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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Top pic- Apple hand pie (also think it may be referred to as an empanada) in a green chili, pinon nut and native honey sauce

    Next pic- everything that was made yesterday including top left- carne adovada (pork in a red chili sauce with a cilantro crema, a fresh spring roll, steamed bass in a green mole sauce)

    After that- some small bowls of both the red chili adovada sauce for dipping the skewers in and the green mole for the fish

    Last food pic- sea bass with the mole sauce that was steamed in banana leaves

    Bottom- my new cook book!






  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021

    Love the food pics!

    My weekend has been great! DH and I took the travel trailer out this weekend for Jaws on the water at Lake Travis near Austin and enjoyed a nice snack plate, a new Reisling (Schmitt Sohne) and did some floating 😁


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    NM, I think Sadie is getting a little more used to sleeping in in the mornings since you are not working? I hope you are able to make it out today, whether on the water or in. I too start packing a couple weeks early. Lay my clothes on the bed in the spare room. More so I don't run into the problem of, oh shoot, I want to take this, but it needs washing! I can do laundry at my brothers, so I am often wearing the same thing for 2-3 days. But I'm not going anywhere special, and just seeing family, so doesn't really matter. I had forgotten that you met Julie before.

    Jazzy, always out doing something different and exciting. Yay you! Did you make all those dishes? And can you tell us what they are. We are still hot and still no rain, at least not in my hood. We had a cell that was heading right towards us, I said to my DH, watch it split right at us or disipate. Well, it did just that! No rain and still in triple digits. How is your sister doing and her MIL, or was it an aunt? I don't remember, but do recall someone else not doing well and quite elderly. I go to Phoenix on the 20th.

    BabyGirl ha ha, Jaws on the water! Nice looking snack plate.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Goldie- I edited my food pics post from my laptop as it's hard to write a lot from the phone. See the updates above for details on the dishes. This was an observation class, not hands on but my next one will be hands on.

    Ill- I love that Jaws on the Water thing. Jaws is one of my favorite movie series ever. What a fun idea. Snack tray looks fab too!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021


    IT'S ME

    Ok I have the watermelon now and mustard o I have to try it and bring u the news.

    Lori I am glad u closed down aand I sure hope financially it will be fine. don't want that worrying you u have enough on ur huge platter to keep ur mind going. It's time for u to step back and think about urself and I hope u do. BTW every pic I see on here i enjoy so much.

    Kim ur always running around and with all of this u still make sure u have the time for ur mom. U'll never be sorry about that, ur a great DD and of course ur wonderful with Sadie, I envy that.

    Sandy good choices got me hungary as usual so I had PB and jelly. No comparison but better than nothing.

    Jhl and Illi sounding good ,.

    My latest find on TV is Father Ted, about 20 yrs old, British and super funny to me it's so irreverent and I like that type of humor. An I'm back to watching Leverage, so my TV world is expanding.

    I feel so bad for Les we've been talking a lot lately and she told me she feels like I have cancer again no matter what I say Joey feels the same way. They r both needlessly worrying I have to finish my tests just to prove it to her so this is the week.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Cami- keep us posted on your test results. It is hard to get all this done and wait for results. Creates lots of worry. They love you and are just concerned. We love you too sister.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Cami, keep away from the mustard! DO NOT put that on your watermelon. You can put it on your PB & J tho!!!! LMAO! All joking aside, I do hope you are right about the cancer and that they are all worrying over nothing. You have always been right about that in the past, so praying it continues. What are they going to do?

    As for us, we are fine financially. No worries there.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021



    First pic is day three, second one is day nine and has improved. Just thought I would show you girls LOL. P.S, don't look at my wrinkles!! Losing all the weight made them show... woe is me..

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Cami, there's always bangs (to hide the banged-up stuff). That's some goose-egg you've still got. Arnica & ice-packs--I'm not kidding.

    I'm fine, just been busy with life happening all around me. We've been alternating going out for dinner (when Bob gets home early) with dining in (either restaurant leftovers or late suppers, sometimes solo). Thurs. I made halibut, Fri. we went to Cellars for salmon, last night I made ribeye & veggies, and tonight we had an early dinner at RPM Seafood on the Riverwalk (the latest table we could get was 5:15 pm, so we grabbed it because we'd never been able to snag a res. before). DOTD was Graham Beck Brut rosé (South Africa).

    Lost another couple of lbs. Hopefully, by my weigh-in in Aug., I will weigh a tad less than when the NP scolded me in May.

    I've been spending a lot of time online reading about feline IBD & intestinal lymphoma, because Happy has amped up his vomit game. He still eats voraciously and mooches morsels of "people" food, but is losing weight and doesn't really want to play. I've decided to feed him smaller portions of foods he tolerates (or even loves) but more often, so that it'll make it all the way through his narrowing small intestine. Fecal testing ruled out infections & parasites as a cause. Will take him for ultrasound if the vet recommends it, but if that is inconclusive I have a tough choice to make. He's 14, and the thought of putting him under for an endoscopic biopsy is bad enough; but do I really want to put him through an exploratory surgical biopsy? If he were younger with the possibility of more years ahead, I might consider it (symptoms first appeared a couple of years ago); but what if whatever they find can't be successfully treated? I'm inclined to let him tell me what he wants: so long as he can still leap up onto my lap for purrs & snuggles, excitedly climb the kitchen cabinets at mealtime, jump up on to the counter or dinner table, and derive pleasure from life I am inclined to just go with the flow. I don't think he's suffering...yet. Will ask the vet tomorrow what she'd do if he were her kitty. Certainly not going to put him down unless, like Matthew & Pickles did before him, he starts retreating from human contact and just sits on the floor.

    Anyway, my first overnight trip is coming up in two weeks...literally overnight. My sister in VA scored two tickets to a taping of Stephen Colbert's show on the 19th, so I'm flying into NY (she's taking the Acela) and we're sharing a hotel room in Times Sq. (Bob doesn't have time, of course). I'd stay longer, but I have my ocular-onc appt. the day after I get back. Flights are insanely expensive, but booking them with the room as a package cut the tab nearly in half. Since she wasn't able to get here for my party because flights were canceled, this is the first time I'll have seen her since we both flew into Miami for our cousin's funeral in late Nov. 2019. (We flew in and flew back the same day). She's also going tomorrow with a friend (they're driving up & back the same day), so she'll let me know the lay of the land as far as where to eat and whether there are taxis to be had. (I will get a ride to O'Hare, take a cab from LaGuardia to the hotel, and take subways both from the hotel to JFK and from O'Hare home--should be easy with only an overnight rolling carryon). And given the vagaries of Chicago summer weather, you better believe I bought the trip-cancellation insurance!

    I briefly considered Amtrak till I remembered my last disastrous trip: Gordy & I (after school & work) were traveling to meet Bob at a medical conference in Indianapolis. He had driven, so taking two cars would have been stupid. But there was an airline strike so we figured we'd take the train. It was 2 hrs. late leaving from Union Station and made every possible mail stop en route, even having to painstakingly switch locomotives & tracks. Instead of pulling into Indy's station next to the hotel, it arrived at a spur at the Greyhound 3 am! We were starving (all we ate was a shared bag of M&Ms on the train, and the room had no minibar, not even vending machines in the corridor). The conductor let us sit in first class, but still...either it was stifling hot or arctic, depending on whether the A/C kicked in. So until we get something remotely resembling the Acela or even standard European trains here, the only trains I'll be taking are CTA (or Metra commuter rail if we ever get concert tix for Ravinia). I'm telling you, the TGV in France & the AVE high-speed in Spain have spoiled me!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2021

    Cami - I hope you feel better than you look - the bruises look painful. Be careful!!!

    Jazzy - room AC in family room, ceiling fan in our bedroom and tower fans. We have hot water heat so it would have to be a swamp cooler which we don't want.

    DH's pcp told him that he is retiring in October - he is telling his friends who are patients personally plus sending a letter to all patients. DH has seen him for probably 25 years or longer. At least DH is not yet on medicare since he is still working and has insurance through work so. it will be easier to find a new doctor. His pcp gave him 3 names, one my late parents saw, and I gave DH my pcp info, so. that's one of the first thing on the agenda for today. His pcp is a solo practitioner.

    The trip is on. PCR testing yesterday and more paperwork to do tomorrow - all so stressful.

    Need to get busy for the day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! I managed to get 4 trash bags of junk, clutter and trash out of the kitchen yesterday. It's amazing how much stuff I just stop seeing after a while. Still got a ways to go, but progress is actually visible! Aiming for similar progress in the pantry today.

    Sadie slept through most of it yesterday. Although she did come out and inspect a couple of times.

    Jazzy--wow, what a cooking class that must have been! I bet you enjoyed it greatly. Driving into a dust storm must have been an interesting experience, or maybe that's something you are used to? Seeing the horses and colts must have been great fun. Glad to hear theoral surgery is healed and plans moving forward. I have a tendency towards overpacking for trips, too. I do the list thing, I will sit and make up a list and tweak it endlessly and then use it to pack by. If I find myself wanting to pack something not on the list I challenge myself to take something else off the list. I've gotten so I can pack for a 7 day trip in a carry on and a large purse/overnight bag. My program is about 2 years long. Exactly how long depends on how many breaks I take between classes. Classes are scheduled so that I can take one right after the other without a break, or with a 2 week break in between. I actually have quite a lot of access to my instructors through the class platform, e-mail, and phone. I'm getting written and recorded feedback on my assignments. I do wish there was a bit more discussion around the discussion questions sometimes, I do miss that aspect of in-person classes. But I love the convenience of being able to do the work whenever I want to, and not being tied to a class schedule. The apple hand pie looks yummy! The food is very pretty, too.

    Illi--oh, my, I can't imagine watching Jaws while floating in water! That is a really fun idea! I bet you had a great time. You really have a way with snack trays!

    Goldie--Sadie may be getting used to sleeping in a bit. We didn't get out to the water yesterday, I got caught up in repotting and working with my house plants, next thing I knew it was getting dark out! Getting in or on the water is on the list for today, if it doesn't rain. I'm going to start working on the packing list for the trip to my brother's right off, seeing as how that is coming right up.

    Cammy Cat--I do try to make sure I spend time with Mom pretty regularly. I know I'm blessed to still have her in my life and I know I won't have her forever. I'm sorry Les thinks you have cancer again, and I'm glad you are getting the tests done to put everyone's mind at ease. Let us know what you find out, ok? Oh my goodness, what an egg you got there! Gravity is so mean to pull all that bruising down over the face like that.

    Chi--I think you are right to let Happy tell you where he's at. As long as he can do things and seems happy, life is good. It doesn't sound like he's in pain. The feeding schedule might make things a lot better. It's so good you have a trip to look forward to! And getting together with your sister will be so special, since the last planned one got interrupted by Mother Nature.

    Lightweight Traveler

    Aged bourbonWoodford Reserve 2oz

    Simple syrup 0.35oz

    Lemon juice 0.35oz

    Ginger beer 1.5oz

    Cucumber 0.75oz

    Mint 0.06oz

    Ice cubes 7oz

    Ice ball 1piece

    • Place an ice sphere into the rocks glass
    • Place 3 cucumber slices, 5 mint leaves into a shaker and muddle
    • Pour in 0.35 oz of lemon juice, 0.35 oz of sugar syrup and 2 oz of aged bourbon
    • Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake
    • Finely strain into the rocks glass
    • Top up with ginger beer and gently stir
    • Garnish with a mint sprig, a cucumber slice and a teaspoon

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Hi ladies- quick hello before my cleaning company comes and busy day ahead of work. Supposed to get some monsoonal rains later today but we will see. They keep saying that but it has been going to other areas.

    Cami- oh dear sister, you are very bruised up from your fall. I hate to see this but am sending you much love.

    Chi- my sister had a cat with that intestinal lymphoma. He was having problems to start with vomiting and diarrehea and then got to a point he was so thin and was just excreting a gel. I was visiting once when this was going on and knowing my sister lets everything go on too long with her pets when they are very sick, I told her when she came home that her cat was very sick and needed to go to the vet asap. We took him over the next morning, he was diagnosed with the cancer and was gone in a month. Just some warning signs for you as you are trying to figure out what is happening to your kitty. It is not an uncommon thing for cats as I understand it.

    Ill- did you know it's Shark Week?

    Goldie- I am glad you are okay financially!

    NM- I packing list does help. I also say, do your best to bring what you need and you can always buy something there too if you need extra, right? I went on a yoga retreat to HI once in March with a friend (my first time there and stayed near Hilo on the big island). We spent a couple really nice days by the water in Hilo where it was warm and sunny, but were out in a rainforest area at the retreat center and it ended up raining and was cold the entire time we were there. No one had the right clothing. I remember popping in to this gas station when we took a break after visiting the Volcanic National Park there and found a great warm sweatshirt and wore it the rest of the time I was there as my outer layer. And yes, the cooking class was great fun and plan to have some neighbors over soon for martinis and tapas with my new cook book of ideas.

    Gotta finish getting ready for my day over here. Everyone stay well this week and watch out for the sharks!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Oh Cami, that makes my heart hurt, oh my gosh! You poor thing. When are your tests and what are they? What on earth did you hit your head on to cause that goose egg?

    Sandy, congrats on the few lbs, and good luck with Happy, hopefully he can let you know what he wants. Glad that he doesn't seem to be in pain.

    Karen, you meant the trip to Israel? If so, a bug huge YAY for you. I'm sure DH will find a pcp he likes.

    NM, 4 trash bags of junk, I'd say that's quite the accomplishment! I hope you and Sadie made it out today, you know summer will be over before you know it and school back in session. We are leaving next week for a little trip north into CO, for maybe 6 days. So I need to start packing too! It IS nice that you still have your mom, and even more so, that she pretty much has her faculties!

    Jazzy, still no rain for us, boooo hoooooo. That is my garden crying!

    LOL Teka, letting Joey be the relief taster!

    I'm liking this retirement bit, or should I say, I'm liking not having to pack those huge heavy orders in the awful heat!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    hi everyone,

    Oh it took Joey and I forever to take those pics. We were LOLing so much of the time, he asked me how can I LOL so much when it hurts so bad and I told him as long as it's not life threatening why not. And he said I'm the most colorful grandma he's ever known. what a goof.

    Lori it must feel great waking up in the morning without a list of things u have to do for work. And as long as finances r good YAHOO for you it's about time you can lay back some and not feel so pressured. I know u still have a lots to do but at least that's done.

    Karen everything seem good for ur DD now right. i'm so happy u get to see her wow she lives so far away, I don't know how u stand it. Ur a brave and strong woman and very blessed.

    OMG Kim u r really movin; and decluttering very quickly, once u start u can't stop. U people make me tired just reading BTW I always enjoy ur posts especially about Sadie and her craziness.

    Sandy I feel so bad for Happy at least she's not in pain,that's about all u can be thankful for. And I know ur taking really good care of her so who knows how much time she has left. Could be a while

    Teka test goes on tonight I'll let u ll know.

    Saying Hi to everyone HI


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2021

    Thanks, Cami - yes I am very blessed with my kids - two are so far away but as long as they are happy, I'm happy.

    Lori - yes, Israel. I'll believe it when we get on the plane and then we arrive do the PCR and serology testing and get out of quarantine, I'll be happy.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021

    Cami, that injury looks so painful, I’m sorry.

    Jazzy, yes, I’m a big fan of shark week :)

    Hi everyone, I had my Herceptin infusion today, so not drinking tonight, just rest and my reality show guilty pleasure, Big Brother.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Going to spend the day with Mom today. She's got a bunch of places she want to go to, I'm going along for the ride and to get out of the house. I've discovered that expecting 2 days in a row of major decluttering/cleaning is too much for this old body, as soon as I tried to start in again yesterday I found all kinds of aches and pains that made it hard to move. So I focused on class stuff yesterday instead.

    About 3 weeks till my trip to N.C. to see my brother and his wife. Starting to get excited about that!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Jazzy--I keep reminding myself that it's possible to buy things other than souvenirswhile on vacay. That's one of the advantages of renting a house for the Disney trip next year. We've done that before and have a bit of a routine. The day of arrival includes a trip to a local grocery store for breakfast foods, snacks, and drinks, and a trip to a local Dollar Store for shampoo, conditioner, body wash, sunscreen, moisturizing lotion, and forgotten things. No need to mess with liquid limits at airport security, not wasting much money when leaving the leftovers behind. I remember buying a sweat shirt at Disney one chilly evening, it was one of my favorites until it literally wore out! In all honesty, the packing list is less for clothes than for remembering to take all the charging cords and adapters, head phones, ear buds, and electronics, and also includes things like stopping the mail, and other pre-trip prep stuff. Hope you get some of the rain you want and need soon!

    Morning, Teka!

    Goldie--Yup, 4 bags. I now have empty drawers. Next are the cabinets. There's one next to the sink, a corner cabinet, quite deep, that I never use, don't even remember what is in it. That one should be quite the adventure to clear out! Keep enjoying the retirement!

    Cammy Cat--Love Joey's comment about the most colorful grandma! Sadie sends tail wags and kisses.

    Good luck with the travel plan, Karen!

    Here's to an easy treatment appointment and enjoying guilty pleasures afterward, Illi!



    Good Fortune Cocktail


    For the ginger syrup

    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 1 3-inch piece fresh ginger, thinly sliced

    For the cocktail

    • 2 oz. rye whiskey
    • 1/2 oz. fresh orange juice
    • 6 dashes orange bitters
    • 3 to 4 oz. club soda, for topping
    • orange peel, for garnish


    Make the ginger syrup

    • In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine the sugar, 1 cup water, and ginger. Stir to dissolve the sugar, then increase the heat to medium high to bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, then simmer. Cook 15 minutes, then strain out the ginger. Cool to room temperature before using. The syrup can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

    Make the cocktail

    • In a large glass or cocktail shaker, combine the whiskey, 1/2 oz. of the syrup, orange juice, and bitters. Stir to combine. Pour into a lowball glass filled with ice, and top with the club soda. Garnish with the orange peel. Serve immediately.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Cami, that oh so sweet Joey to help you with the pictures, I love that kid, or should I say young man.

    Karen, I sure hope things don't change for your trip. When is it planned for and for how long? Is your DH going with?

    BabyGirl, do you get Perjetta with the Herceptin? I get both and it's the easiest treatment I've ever had, other than having to do that drive every 3 weeks.

    NM, I hope your mom didn't forget you were coming over! Nothing wrong with taking a break for your body! After all, we aren't getting any younger! I know what you mean by those corner cabinets! My 2 on the floor in the kitchen have like a lazy susan shelfing, but not the top ones.

    Took a look at my TM's finally, one only went up 70, and the one that went up like 1000 last time, came down 450. So I am pleased with that and hoping he keeps me on the H/P. Like I said, it's so easy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source imageTEKA,


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021

    Goldie, yes, I was on H&P from the beginning. I only dropped Perjeta last September when we switched to the Herceptin/Xeloda/Tukysa combo to better treat my brain mets. I agree H&P was super easy, my only issues were the perjeta itch but that was not often. Glad you’re handling it well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021


    I did it Teka I had to let u horrible it was, not just horrible but disgustingly horriblef

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2021

    Lori - great news on your tumor markers. Yup, DH and I are traveling together. 17 nights. Need to complete a couple documents just after midnight and all should be good to go. We have an 8ish flight so we are leaving for the airport at 4:30. Guess I won't be getting much sleep! Pretty much packed - just a few last minute things to finish up.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump day! I had a good day with Mom yesterday. We poked around through a big old antique store, well, half of it, and had fun looking stuff over. Then we stopped for lunch at a little place where we could eat outside on the deck. Good sandwich, but boy was the service slow! Then we went to visit with my Aunty Diane (Mom's sister) and since it was her birthday, we stopped and got a cake to take with us. Aunty Diane and her partner, Carl, have really wicked green thumbs. They have the most beautiful gardens, and are growing hops, mulberry trees, cherry trees, in addition to lettuce, swiss chard, peas, squash, rhubarb. And then there are the flowers! Poppies, cosmos, things that I 'm not sure what they are. Carl is French Canadian, speaks strongly with the accent. His family still only speaks French Canadian at home in Canada. Like most of the men in his family he has dual citizenship, US and Canada, to make it easier to work for the logging companies on either side of the border. I can understand him most of the time, but the names of some of the flowers I was not sure I was hearing correctly. Aunty Diane was 10 years old when I was born. She clearly has dementia of some kind, and is even taking medication for it, but won't do the testing to get a definitive diagnosis. She almost never leaves her home now, and for a while wouldn't let anyone come visit, either. She repeats herself a lot, and kept saying she hadn't seen her younger grandsons for 2 years, but I know that can't be quite true. She was also saying she only sees her daughter/my cousin once or twice a year, yet she came while we were still there, and I know from talking with her she visits her Mom at least once a week. I was surprised to see how old Aunty Dianne looked. I suppose she's not going to look like she did in her twenties now that she's in her 70's, though.

    Sadie was not happy that I was gone all day. She came to greet me when I got home, the sat and turned her back to me forgood part of the evening. Then when we were getting settled into bed for the night she nudged and pawed and pushed at me until I was way over on the edge of the bed and she stretched out right down the middle and on all 4 pillows! Her usual spot during warm weather is along side my legs directly under the ceiling fan. It took some serious belly rubbing and sweet talking to get her to give me a bit more room and one of the pillows.

    Goldie--Nope, mom didn't forget I was coming, but she almost forgot she was supposed to go to her friend's last evening to say goodbye to the part of the crew that was leaving to go back home. Well, the TM results don't sound too bad. Kind of mixed results, I guess? Glad the treatment is easy!

    Cammy Cat--umm, I think we told you that would taste pretty terrible, didn't we?????I cannot imagine that combo being anything BUT disgustingly horrible!

    Morning, Illi!

    Hi, Teka!

    Karen--have a great trip, praying everything goes smoothly for you!


    Fields of Travel



    1. Add the Chartreuse liqueur, zucchini water and bitters to a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
    3. Top with the sake.
    4. Garnish with a skewered cucumber ribbon.

    *Zucchini water: Process 5 whole zucchinis through a juicer (which should yield 1 quart). Add 1 ounce fresh lime juice, 1 ounce raw cane sugar and 1 barspoon vitamin C powder.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    LOL Cami, at your cat meme, ie the watermelon challenge!

    BabyGirl, I have not heard of or got the Perjeta itch. Thank goodness! How are you doing with Xeloda? What dose?

    Karen, are you already on your way? If so, I had no idea it was that soon. Well, if it is, safe travels and ENJOY my friend.

    NM, sounds like you had a nice day out. Sorry about Aunty's condition. Does her husband or your mom see it? Did you happen to take pictures of the garden? Oh my, Sadie cracks me up, such a stinker.

    I'm ok with the TM's, the 70 point rise is what I usually see, as they hardly ever come down. But seeing that other one come down so much really excited me. I'm hoping the big rise was just due to all the stress, and now I don't have as much. We finally got some rain, FINALLY! However, the nurse was supposed to come today to take DH's IV out, and right now it's too muddy for her to get here! I can't imagine it's too hard to do, I would think I could do it myself. NM?

    Cami, what an odd position for a cat to sit!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021


    YAY Karen everything looks good, safe travels and I know u'll enjoy. I'm happy for u and ur DH

    WOW Kim busy day sounds like a good one but I don't blame Sadie she really tells it like it is and does what she wants she always cracks me up. Ur mom seems pretty good especially for staying out that long and ur aunt too. Hope u'll do some resting with Sadie then she'll be happy tonight.

    Teka Joey wouldn't do it even for me. Does anyone actually eat that or just me. LOL That combo gets no stars...NONE

    These days r all running into one and then Kim without u working it looks like ur talking about a weekend. Jodie has gone back to work 3 days a week now. She has to get use to taking the train downtown all over again. She'll work from home Mondays and Thursdays seeing how that works out. 1 and 1/2 yrs working from home is a long time.

    OK talk to u latah.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021

    Goldie, Perjeta itch can be maddening and I’ve heard people quit because of it, luckily it was a rare thing for me and only lasted a day or so.

    I started Xeloda (cape) at 4,000/day but quickly found that the nausea and vomiting was too much and the common GI meds weren’t working. Dose was reduced to 3,000/day after two cycles and I was prescribed Promethazine (Phenergan), which is and old timey antihistamine, also used for motion sickness and I’ve been great ever since. No hand/foot, fatigue and I very rarely get nauseous with no SE preventative meds.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2021

    I've been following the watermelon challenge. Cami, you are a braver soul than I am! I'm not willing to ruin two good things by putting them together and can only imagine what the taste must be (& the image is enough).

    Busy day today finishing laundry, taking dog to eye doctor (an hour's drive from home) and do grocery shopping. Such an exciting life I lead!

    Keep well, or at least as well as you can, everybody.