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how about drinking?



  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited July 2021

    cami: is that your kitty? The pics made me smile. Our Aelfric suffered through out west coast heat wave with a wet wash cloth draped over him while he laid on a TV table in front of a fan. I hope your face is less colourful now!! Wow! That looks like it really hurt.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Kim, good that Carl can get back & forth across the border. My main BFF is Nova Scotian (sole citizenship), with a Canadian passport. Her brother, a retired Mountie in Halifax, has a heart condition and, due to that and the political situation here, is begging her & her DH (American) to move back to Canada. But she can't even visit: apparently, a sick relative is not considered an "essential" reason, and a sibling doesn't count--only a parent or child.

    Happy is my little orange patch tabby boy. As long as he is feeling well enough to monopolize me when I'm in my chair & on the computer (like now), run downstairs at mealtime, and jump up onto counters to beg for food & treats, he's not ready to go. But there's only so much I'm willing to put him through in order for him to get a little better for a little while (if it even works), and anything that stresses him out (much less causes pain) is out of the question. At 14, no way will I allow the vet to cut him open to determine whether it's IBD or lymphoma--especially since the treatment for both is more or less the same. I won't even put him under for dentistry unless his teeth are causing him pain.

    Chicago put two states--MO & AR--back on to the travel "fecal scroll." Unvaccinated people from (or returning from) those states must either test negative w/in 72 hrs of entering, or quarantine 10 days. (I'm vaccinated, but no way am I visiting any hot spots). The NYTimes lists Cook County as "moderate risk" (Chi, at 1.1%, has the lowest positivity rate in the state) but NYC as "high-risk." Uh to the oh. But my upcoming little overnight Colbert jaunt will mark the first time I've seen my sister since Nov. 2019, and my first visit to NYC since July 2018. (The July 2019 overnight shiva-call trip I took to my cousin's widow in northern Westchester County doesn't really count, since I wasn't in the city).

    My outbound flight has been moved to LGA, so no "train to the plane." Will have to suck it up and take a cab to the hotel and a private shuttle service back to LGA. At ORD, I'm just gonna park overnight--cheaper than cabs or rideshares, easier than taking CTA.

    Rattled by the new Lancet article claiming that even light social drinking--even any alcohol at all--poses a high cancer risk. So if Bob doesn't make it home in time to go out to dinner (it's gonna rain, so no grilling), my DsOTD are water & coffee.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    So Bob got home too late to make any of the BYOB places, as well as find on-street parking. Weather forecast too iffy to walk to the Mexican place (which looked full anyway). So we went to our old standby Calo (where we've been eating since 1979). DOTD was a split of Moet Brut Imperial and a cappuccino.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Yesterday became a lost day. I was so tired that I literally fell asleep in front of the computer trying to write an essay. So I gave up and played couch potato all day. I feel much livelier this ayem and actually got up at a reasonable time, too! So back to class for me today, got to do a little bit of ketchuping. Sadie was happy to have me home and was curled up at my feet all day yesterday.

    Cammy Cat--it was a busy day the other day, and I did end up resting up from it yesterday! Sadie does tell it like it is. I can't wait to see what she has to say to me about going to North Carolina next month! She'll get lots of attention from my cousin, so it should be ok. Going back to work after working at home for a year and a half is going to take some adjustment for Jodie, isn't it? I wish her good luck!

    Goldie--Everyone is aware of Aunty Diane's condition. Her refusal to leave the house is a major change in her personality and was the change that finally got her family to get her in to see a doctor and get a diagnosis. The medication helps quite a bit with that, there are times when she will go out and visit someone she knows, but they are few and far between. I didn't take pics of the gardens, I wish I had. Taking an IV out isn't hard, as long as it's not a PICC, just a peripheral IV. Wash hands, open a gauze pad, have a band-aid ready. Put on gloves if you have them (Not required for you, but good practice anyway). With one hand hold the IV in place near where it goes into the skin. With the other hand carefully start pulling off the tape and clear dressing holding the IV in. When all that stuff is off, gently pull the IV back, it should slide right out. Press the gauze square on the place there the IV went through the skin for several minutes to stop the bleeding. When it stops bleeding, cover it with a band-aid for a day. If you see a bruise starting above the place where the IV went in, hold some pressure on that spot for a few minutes, or ice it for a little bit.

    Teka, you are braver than I am! I can barely LOOK at that combo!

    Illi--Phenergan is a very old, but very, very effective anti-nausea treatment that I am very sorry to see not being used so much any more. I'm glad it's working well for you, too.

    Beaver--Morning, and have a good shopping trip with the pupper!

    Welcome, Elderberry!

    Chi--Carl is actually retired now, and has not been across the border to visit his family since COVID. He's still waiting for the border to open up enough. It's been hard for him, he usually goes home for a week or so 2 or 3 times a year, he's in his 70's as well, and much of his family is older, some in declining health. He worked in the logging and woodworking industries, sometimes he'd work one week in Canada cutting logs, then for a couple weeks in the US building cabinets or houses, where ever the work was available . He actually built the house they live in from the ground up almost single-handedly. I'm with you when it comes to the health of my furbabies. As long as they show signs of being happy, able to do things they like, not in pain, things are ok. No treatments without high rate of benefit. Glad I haven't see that Lancet article, and I'm not going to go out and look for it, either. I swear, just being alive is a high risk factor for cancer!

    Five Before Flying Ingredients

    Pour the bourbon whiskey, Southern Comfort, creme de bananes, brandy, creme de cacao and coffee into an Irish coffee cup or glass. Pour the cream carefully over the back of a teaspoon, so that it floats on top of the drink, and serve.

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Cami, Joey is the smart one, to not eat the watermelon! Is Jodie glad to be back to work and are the girls still talking?

    BabyGirl, like I said, hadn't heard of it, and I did not get the itch, thank God! That Xeloda in large doses can be brutal. I think I started out on 4000, the cramping and everything else was horrible. At that time, I told my husband I wasn't doing this, that this was not an option for me, I'd rather die. 3000 wasn't even tolerable, so I ended up at 2500. But I still had horrible H/F issues. I'm so glad you are not having any SE's.

    Beaver, I'm with you on the watermelon, wouldn't even entertain the thought! How is your son?

    Hi and welcome Elderberry.

    Can't blame you with not wanting to do much with Happy, due to his age. And considering his age, at 14, he seems quite spry!

    NM, sounds like Sadie has forgotten all about the fact that you left her home all day the other day. If you are falling asleep at the computer, then yes, you need to rest and re coup. She's really gonna be mad when you go back to work. I think it's good when a dementia patient doesn't want to go outside. My dad was like that, so there was never really a worry of him wondering off and getting lost. The IV is out, was no biggie, just as I thought.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2021

    Sandy, we are in a similar pet situation with a 14 year old dog who is blind and somewhat senile (he pees whenever he gets the urge, including in the house even though he used to be very good about asking to go out).

    That's the dog who was scheduled to "see" the eye vet yesterday. We did not get there. On the way we had a fender bender with front end damage to our van (repair estimate of around $2000). We were concerned there might be radiator damage so called and rescheduled the appointment and came home. No leaks found, the vehicle is drivable but it will stay in the garage until we can arrange the details to get it repaired.

    Our son is doing a bit better. His last blood work was the first he's had that showed an improvement in his hemoglobin without having received a blood transfusion. His color is better but he still tires much faster than usual and has to be careful to not overdo. Bone marrow biopsy yesterday, pet scan next week. The integrative oncologist he is seeing is very pleased with his response. Fingers crossed for continued improvement!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2021

    Oh My! Teka and Cami, I can't believe that you actually did the watermelon/mustard taste test. I passed on that one when I first read it....but...if y'all said that it was great, I probably would have tried it.

    I did not get the perjeta itch, I don't know if its because I had it and Herceptin along with my other chemo stuff, then just Herceptin for a year. I agree that Herceptin was easy.

    Bever - I am glad that your son is doing better.

    I got back from a trip. I took my mom and we drove to upstate NY to see family then went up to see Niagara Falls. I was so happy to see the cousins and Niagara Falls was beautiful. I want to go again.

    NM - have a great time with your family for vacation. Sounds like fun. I love when we get a group of family together and meet up somewhere. We haven't done that in years.

    Karen - I am so glad that you are going to see your daughter. I think I would be so excited to concentrate on packing.

    Jazzy- I think the cooking class was so great. I am going to google and see if they have something like that in my area. Probably not in my county, but in some of the bigger cities.

    Baby sitting today, so I have to take one to dance class in a bit.

    Hello to all I missed.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited July 2021

    We made it after much stress, delayed flight ( 1.74 hours) out of Newark because of lightening strikes - PCR and serology testing upon arrival - husband's results are back and he is out of quarantine - still waiting on mine. DD#2 joined us last night. The original Airbnb we rented was a dump, guy was very rude, so we found another place (more $, bigger and 1000 times nicer) and left. Hoping Airbnb will refund our money. Owner of the dump said we were spoiled Americans and it wasn't an Airbnb but his apartment. So why was it listed on Airbnb!!! DD and husband will go out and get Shabbat dinner and whatever else we need and I'll enjoy reading my book. Not going to stress about it. Tomorrow we may go relax on the beach. Sunday we take DD back to her apartment - studying for finals and we head south for 2 days and she will going us again next week-end.

    Have a great week-end.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Boy did the heat and humidity build up again here yesterday. Sadie and I spend the whole afternoon in the bedroom with the AC, it was just so miserable. The stalled front is supposed to move through this afternoon and trigger some potentially severe thunderstorms. We'll see if that actually happens. Mom had Dick and a couple of friends over for lunch yesterday, I can't wait to hear how that went.

    Goldie--Sadie is pretty good at forgiving me once she thinks she's punished me enough. She probably is going to be unhappy when I go back to work, but hopefully we'll all settle into a routine pretty quickly. It does help when someone with dementia doesn't want to leave home, it does take that wandering and getting lost concern out of the picture. Glad the IV is out without trouble.

    Beaver--Yikes, on the fender-bender! Glad there isn't more damage and I don't blame you for not wanting to take any chances with driving it until you found out more. Belly rubs to the pupper. So good to hear your son is doing better. Prayers for good test results.

    Morning, Cammy Cat!

    Misty--I am looking forward to visiting with kid brother and his wife! Haven't seen them in way too long.

    Morning, Teka!

    Karen--Glad to hear you arrived safely, sorry about the Airbnb fiasco. Enjoy your time there!

    Shakespeare In Love


    50ml gin

    10ml maraschino syrup

    10ml peach liqueur

    25ml strawberry juice (blended strawberries)

    1 strawberry (for garnish)


    Add ice, strawberry juice, and maraschino syrup to a tumbler and stir. Pour in gin and peach liqueur and stir again to ensure it's well mixed and garnish with a strawberry. Super easy!

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Karen, glad you made it safely to Israel and found a better lodging option. Stay safe and Shabbat shalom.

    Beav, great that your son is doing better--may that continue to be so!

    We went out for tapas last night (Little Madrid, a hole-in-the-wall BYOB). So we drank the remainder of the Mumm 2012 DVX brut with the cheeses & paella, and a Nirea 2014 Spanish red blend (garnacha & monastrell) with the charcuterie & meatballs.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited July 2021

    Hi to all: I come here to drool over the photos and ingredients for cocktails ---- even though I am pretty much a "classic martini" kind of girl. Too late for me to never touch alcohol and too old to give it up entirely. I enjoy the conviviality of sharing drinks with friends and family. I enjoy a glass of cold white wine siting on my rocking chair on the back porch in summer and listening to bird song. Remember when they said don't eat butter because of the fat, eat margarine. Now they say margarine is way worse than butter for your health. Eggs bad. Eggs good, especially the yolk. Coffee bad. Coffee good, it has antioxidants. What are the cancer stats in France with all that wine, or Germany/Britain with all that beer? I cannot live on air and dew, everything else seems to have or will have a downside.

    Wishing you all well with all the crap that is happening now. Stay safe!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Current situation on Jazzys patio



  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited July 2021

    Love the blue toenails, Jazzy!

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2021


    Your supper and backyard look marvelous! Can you tell us what is in each container? I am very, very familiar with what is in your bottle :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Hi ladies- thanks for the compliments. I did those toes before I went to Denver over Memorial Day and they are still looking really good almost two months later.

    What was jazzy eating? Asian fusion that included fat chow noodles with pork (right), some orange chicken with friend rice (center), and some calamari with a mint sauce. I also got some lettuce wraps too, but not seen here and for the weekend.

    JHL, this wine brings back some good memories as I used to travel a lot to northern CA on business with an exec job back in the 1990s and went there one weekend to do a tour of their champagne caves in Sonoma. They do some really nice sparkling but this was my first bottle of wine from them in awhile. Sounds like you know them too?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! The promised thunderstorm came roaring through yesterday peeyem, with torrential rain and some pretty good gusts of wind, lots of loud thunder, too. The humidity has cleared out and the temps are about 10 degrees lower. Not sure how long this will last but I plan to take advantage of it. Poor Sadie was totally miserable yesterday until I turned on the AC in the bedroom for her (and, yes, for me!) It's good to see her interested in eating this ayem.

    Chi--Those little hole-in-the-wall places are so much fun to discover!

    Elderberry--welcome to the HTL, we'll have the Tenders stock up on napkins to manage the drooling. I love the cannot live on air and dew comment! So very true!

    Jazzy--oh, my, what the situation you have on your patio!

    Summer Garden Cocktail Recipe

    Summer Garden Cocktail


    2.0 oz. Rutte Celery Dry Gin

    2.0 oz. lemongrass ginger tea

    2 slices of cucumber

    2 mint leaves

    1.0 oz honey water (2:1 honey to water)


    Shake all ingredients and double strain into a Coupette or Martini glass

    Garnish with a cucumber slice and mint leaves.

    From <>

  • Onlyme64
    Onlyme64 Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2021

    ok, I been out of treatment going on 2 years and almost 3 years from being diagnosed and going for my 6 months check up tomorrow.

    So, I been losing weight, exercising like crazy, eating healthy and cut back on drinking. Did drink more on vacation than I normally do I don't drink everyday.

    Now found out my mother in law age 80, just diagnosed and she doesn't drink. She is er/pr positive, as I was...So that threw my thoughts on alcohol, I was under the impression if you drink that will cause breast cancer and it coming back

    Can someone please help me understand this? How someone who doesn't drink gets it and like my sister who drinks like a fish and she didn't get it. Yes, I drank prior to my diagnosis. But again don't drink like I use to.

    How worried should I be with drinking and how much is considered dangerous for recurrence?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2021

    Onlyme, alcohol is only one of many possible risk factors for breast cancer. Your MIL's two biggest risk factors for breast cancer are that she is 80 (age) and female (gender).

    As for you, if or how much you drink is a personal decision and a possible discussion with your MO. The lifestyle changes you describe are very healthy ones and congratulations to you on making them.

    My personal decision on drinking (wine in my case) has been to be more moderate but not to eliminate alcohol. Not a great challenge to be more moderate as since I've been taking Tamoxifen my tolerance is way down! More moderate for me is no more than 2 or 3 glasses of wine per week, and some weeks not that much. Again, for me, at age 80 enjoying a glass of wine with my husband is worth the potential risk it may create.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Beaver, glad to hear your son is doing ok, better than hearing the opposite. And sorry about your vehicle, I do hope it's not anything too expensive.

    Misty, Niagra Falls is definately a site to see. Sounds like a nice trip you had with your mom.

    Teka, loling about what you want with your tea!

    Karen, glad you made it safely. But like I said, it didn't know it was so soon. Enjoy the time with your DD.

    NM, you said mom and Dick had some friends over, where did they do that? Regardless, that's nice! Also glad that the two of you were able to stay cool. It's just too hard to do anything or get anything done when it's so hot.

    Sandy, a restraunt that you can bring your own booze?

    Elder nope, can't live on air and dew. I think you have to make your own decision on the drinking. I have continued to drink, I'm German and Irish, so you can imagine my drink of choice! Stage IV for 7 years and still counting.

    Lovely set up Jazzy, looks so relaxing.

    Onlyme, just because of what you said, some don't drink and get cancer and vice versa. Same with say someone that exercises all the time, eats healthy, not over weight, doesn't drink/smoke and gets cancer and then the next person who is not healthy, over weight, drinks/smokes etc. doesn't get it. I know people who never smoked and they got lung cancer and many that smoke like a chimney that never get it. It's a crapshoot! Sorry about your MIL. Oh, and welcome to the lounge!

    We got more rain last night, but it was a pretty big down pour, which is never good. Then some nice steady rain, that I'll take!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited July 2021

    goldie: I am Irish/Scottish, French and German. I like beer but these days it sits like a rock in my gut. ;-( So it is wine, whisky and martinis. Life is a crap shoot. Apart from my fondness for moderate alcohol use, I had lots of strikes against me -- dense breasts, started my period at age 11, finished at 56, never had kids , have NF1. Would never having had so much as a sip saved me? No regrets about my choices. I had fun along the way.

    Can you please send your rain to BC? We are on fire. There are hundreds of wildfires all over. So many places on are evacuation standby. And it is early in the wildfire season. This does not bode well.

    Does anyone like absinthe? Not that Godawful Czech anti-freeze neon coloured stuff that idiots ignite but the real stuff. I have a beautiful replica absinthe fountain and a collection of spoons, even the glasses with the bulge at the bottom to pour the absinthe in before dripping in the water . Too much hassle to fill the fountain with ice water etc for one person so I have to wait to get a least one person to share "The Green Hour" with me. My DH is not keen and the pandemic ended visits. Now all my friends and relatives had have their two doses . A little dance with the Green Faerie is in order.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Current situation at a local winery



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021

    Jazzy, that’s a great situation to be in for sure, enjoy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Elderberry, I'm really sorry, but not sharing my rain. We need it too badly! We too have lots of fires here in AZ and in the west in general. Sorry for being so stingie (sp)! Maybe someone further east is willing to share? I do not know about this absinthe, and the fountain, and glasses with a bulge. Guess I'll have to Google. What does it taste like?

    Jazzy, Ima liking that sitchiation!

    Yesterday was DH birthday, so I told him I wanted to go to this place in town called The Truck Stop. It's kind of like a flea market. Sellers with their crafts, farmers, food trucks, etc. Then get groceries afterwards. Oh boy he says, I get to walk around for a half hour and then go sit in the parking lot of WalMart. What a life. I really hope I won't be here next year. We leave here in the truck, which is a real rough ride on our road. DH was just sitting there pouting, he forgot to hold on, because when he does, he can pull and push himself around like he's going to get thrown out of the truck. Then complains about how he hates the road. Well when he was sitting there pouting and not holding on, he wasn't bouncing around! I had to stop at my neighbors for a minute, then turned around and took him home and went by myself. The place was packed and nowhere to park, so I just went on to get groceries. If someone continually says they just want to die, then why take the pills and do the IV meds to slow down the progression of the disease??? I don't dare ask him that, cuz he will turn it back around on me, like I want him to die or something like that. Grrrrrr! The friends that built the ramp for us are coming today to put grab bars in our shower and change the oil in my FJ.

    DOTD: Absinthe

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Waking up to gentle rain and gray skies this ayem. Got a PowerPoint presentation due for class tomorrow, worked on it yesterday, and I just realized it's not quite half done, so today I have to really buckle down and work on it. I was thinking this assignment would go a bit easier than the others but it doesn't seem to want to gel. Still, it is coming together, so I'm trying not to worry about it too much. Going to be a 3 or 4 cup of coffee ayem!

    Onlyme64--Welcome to the HTL!I hear your questions. Here's my opinion:First, the research does not show that drinking alcohol CAUSES breast cancer, or any other cancer. The research shows a CORRELATION between drinking alcohol and developing breast cancer. The research shows a CORRELATION between obesity and developing breast cancer. The truth of the matter is that medical science does not know what causes most breast cancers, or most cancers at all. The research shows a correlation between being female and getting breast cancer. Being female does not CAUSE breast cancer, or med would not get breast cancer and they do. The research shows a correlation between drinking alcohol and being diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer, but does not prove alcohol CAUSES the recurrence. Women who never drink alcohol get breast cancer and get recurrences, too. Correlations give clues to where to find the causes of diseases, and help guide research, but are often takes as proof of causation when that is not the case.Second, all this is statistical information. Statistics only apply to groups of individuals. The onlystatistics that apply to an individual woman is 0% or 100%. She does not have breast cancer or she has breast cancer. She does not get a recurrence or she does have a recurrence. There is no way to know what is going to happen to any individual woman.Third, quality of life is important. Quality of life means different things to different people, and that is what drives our choices and decisions regarding treatment and life-style changes. For me, quality of life means enjoying things like a glass of wine with dinner or a drink when out with friends, eating food that tastes good, not feeling hungry all the time, and not living in a state of fear where every decision is made based on fear of a recurrence. A major study by the American Cancer Society showed NO CORRELATION between eating a plant based diet and recurrence of breast cancer. So I eat what I want and like, with the usual attention to moderation. I drink wine and cocktails with the usual attention to the circumstances (I don't drink and drive, I don't drink when with friends who do not drink, I don't get drunk, I don't drink in inappropriate places). I asked myself how I would feel if I got a recurrence after abstaining from alcohol, strictly controlling my diet, and doing all the other things that one is supposed to do to prevent recurrence, and how I would feel if I got a recurrence after drinking occasionally and eating as I like and not losing weight. In the former scenario I would feel angry, betrayed, unhappy, miserable, and as if I had wasted my chance to enjoy life. In the latter scenario, I would feel disappointed andunhappy, but glad that I got to enjoy life for however long a time that was. As others here on the boards will tell you, this is something to talk over with your MO, who knows all the details of your situation. My MO was of the opinion that women with a history of breast cancer should never drink alcohol. Her definition of moderate alcohol intake was 3 drinks per week (1 drink = 3 oz of wine, 1 oz harder stuff, or 12 oz beer). Different Docs have different definitions and recommendations. My drinking habits were very much in line with that definition of moderate drinking before I was diagnosed. I generally saved having a drink for special occasions. Since diagnosis I probably drink more than before. I don't save having a glass of wine or a drink for a special occasion. One of my favorite things to do is sit on my deck with a glass of wine and a good book and read while listening to the birds and watching the sunset. This is my thought process on the drinking and eating after breast cancer thing. My opinion. I know women who have very different opinions and thought processes and have made different choices, and those are best for them and I support them. It's a very personal decision with lots of elements to think about.

    Beaver--At age 80 EVERYONE should enjoy something despite the risk once in a while, IMO!

    Goldie--Mom had Dick and a couple they know over to her apartment. I haven't heard yet how it went. I'll have to call her or run over and see her later today and find out.

    Elderberry--I like Absinthe!I have a glass and couple of the spoons, but not the fountain. Like you say, a lot of fuss and bother for one person.This is a bottle I mail ordered some time ago:


    Jazzy--WOW, what a spread! Wish I was there!

    Morning, Illi!

    Hugs and prayers for JCL.

    Death in the afternoon

    Death in the Afternoon


    • 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) absinthe
    • 1 teaspoon simple syrup
    • 4 ounces (½ cup) Champagne or Prosecco


    1. Pour the absinthe and simple syrup into a cocktail glass. Top it off with the sparkling wine.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited July 2021


    I’ll just add that with stage IV, do what makes you happy.

    DH and I are planning a small surprise birthday party next weekend for our friend/houseguest with all his favorites, frozen pizza, chicken tenders and booze, lol. He eats crap unless it’s what I cook for dinner but he’s got an ostomy (so?), so not all good agrees with him or his bag. Margarita pics to follow.

    Goldie, sorry you DH is a pain. I hope he can come to terms with his situation, be inspired by how you push through your own medical issues and find his drive to enjoy what he’s got, rather than sulking.

    Hello to everyone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    Visual search query image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021


    elder none of the furbabies r mine but I did have them for yrs. and miss them. And Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder but mever had it.

    Jazzy I want to live on ur patio food drink GREAT.

    Misty glad ur getting around and goingplaces it's good for you and being ith ur mom makes it better.

    Lori and Kim thanks for explaining everything so well i really helps s many. I talk about my sister 81 and she has her 1 to 2 glasses of wine every day before dinner stage IV for many yrs. and she's oing fine. I personally don't drink but it wouldn't bother me to drink <only cuz I take opiods> or I probabbly would.

    Karen all this traveling fir me in such a hort time. Good for you. I'm so happy for you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    Sandy u have so many choices being close to Downtown there is every kind of restaurant and cafe and bar imaginable to go and enjoy whatever u have a taste for, altho the suburbs have built up over the years in fact some of theem opened a separate location out west now we have lots of places too. People who aren;'t familiar ith this area don't really know but u can walk to some we really can't. I really like the BYOB one, seems like more fun.

    Well Jodie isn't talking to me now I never should have told her what i think. Cuz FF was the one who did all of this s,o he got his way by breaking us all apart. I never thought this could or would ever happen, not to us growing thru all we did nd being so close all of our lives. When I saw my 2nd husband starting to he was out the door so fast he was shocked. To bad not sad. Ithought that she would see it now after these last few monthsI was wrong. Next week we are having a family reunion which I love but he is going Jodie can't even see no one can even stand him

    she would feel terrible if she knew but she really thinks it's just us. I can't say anymore I did enough damage.

    OK talk soon.


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited July 2021

    NM thank you for your thoughts and reasoning about drinking, research etc. It's very helpful to me.

    Goldie a big hug 🤗 to you....your DH is a tough one. I'm sorry and I admire the the way you seem to decide what you'll take, then take matters in hand to improve what you can.

    I'm missing commenting on a lot of others but read and follow. Also prayers for LCS. Wish there were an update but it does not seem anyone knows her off of here. Hoping shes enjoying life and exceeding predictions.

    No alcohol today due to busyness then fatigue. But I've had my quota this week including pinot grigio, a chardonnay/blush (below) which I normally don't like but was good, and an awesome white wine sangria.
