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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    NM, a few ideas for ya! The rain cloud looks pretty simple and I like the Mr. and Mrs Potato Head. And you would think a Minion would be pretty easy. YES, forgot our anniversary! Maybe because we were together for so long before we got married? I don't know. I agree, this stuff needs to go away. People have become too lax. The few places I do go, hardly anyone wears a mask. I still refuse to go out to eat, just groceries and doctors. When I was getting my shots the other day, 2 nurses came in from the hospital, which is just down the road. Not wearing masks. I hear one of the gals tell them they should put one on, espcecially due to what they are there being tested for. REALLY? You nurses, you come into a doctors office, unmasked, to get Covid tested???? Thank you for the anniversary wishes.

    Sandy, thank you to you too.

    DH mentioned to to his oldest, the one with kids, that he didn't want anyone here but for a few hours. That when we were all together in Phoenix, the noise and all the people were too much for him, that he likes it quiet. Her response was "I think we'll just stay home". All of the kids are adults, his two are 42 and 46, kids are 13 and 16. But why would you cop a tude like that when your dad is as sick as he his? Going to town tomorrow, have to take DH as there are things he has to do. Also going in to a medical mobile place to see if they can transport him in the future if he ends up in a w/c. Have our guest Saturday, not sure if they are spending the night or not. DH is napping longer than he used to, but when we have company he doesn't. Before it was about an hour, now it's closer to 2. Seems like he's only up for about 5-6 hours, nap, up for 5-6 hours, bed.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! We dodged the bullet at school, the students in quarantine due to their parent's being COVID positive tested negative, so no school outbreak! At least we'll get through the holiday weekend without having to do contact tracing and such. Now if we can just figure out how to get parents who won't take their kids for COVID testing to do that we'd be in better shape. I just do not see how keeping a kiddo home for 10 days and supervising the school work sent home, and not being able to take them out anywhere is easier than making a phone call and scheduling a test and calling the school with the results. Not to mention that it means that other kids and families that may have been exposed will never know for sure. And people wonder why this stuff is still circulating so widely.

    Sadie says we should start acting like dogs. Sniff butts, if someone smells sick, run away!

    Goldie--Oh my gosh what a great set of ideas!Thank you!DH's oldest really did cop a tude with that response. A few hours together on what could be a last Thanksgiving is an opportunity for a memory that they are going to miss now. Isn't it funny how a nap can be skipped when there is company? I imagine DH is napping longer, that trend will probably continue. I hope the place can help with transportation if DH starts using a wheelchair.

    The weather people were just talking about sunset now hitting 6 peeyem and will be earlier than 6 peeyem in a week or so. One of the advantages of working a job that gets out a 3:30 most of the time is driving home before full dark. I had barely noticed how much earlier it's getting dark!

    Malibu Sunset Cocktail Recipe Poster Vector free download

  • piksie
    piksie Member Posts: 132
    edited October 2021

    Good morning! I have a couple of questions.

    NM, what grade do you teach? My hat is off to you! My bestie just got her first teaching gig at 49. 30 first graders who have never been in a classroom. I'd last ten minutes.

    Jazzy and Goldie, do you know each other personally?

    I've yet to make it to Catalina. I got half way on the ferry once, but we turned around because of the weather. tMy upcoming cruise is to Ensenada. I'm going with a couple of girlfriends and being from San Diego, we've all been there enough to just stay on the boat while it's docked. The adults' ony section of this particular ship has the jacuzzi and pool close enough that they can get toasty, and I can stay cool. (Xeloda requirement. Boo.) We considered not getting the drink package at $56 per person per day, but they will definitely get their money's worth. And if I don't like my one $16 drink, I can just get another one. Plus specialty coffee and wine with dinner, it will all work out.

    Do any of you still have children in the house? My 13 yo has always been a little feisty, but he's gone absolutely bonkers since school started. I met with the VPs of his current school and sister school today to consider transferring him to get a fresh start and (hopefully) select better friends. He's been suspended twice for these stupid TikTok challenges. He gets one more chance, then he's off to military school. I think part of it is that my cancer is becoming more visible to him, and a cousin during a bicker said, "well your mom has three years to live!" Ugh! Family therapists are booked three months out around here, so we're waiting...

    A simple go-to for the pool party

    • Freshly squeezed grapefruit
    • raspberry vodka
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    NM, hopefully with the kids at home, there won't be any issues. Hmmmmm, tell Miss Sadie I don't want anyone sniffing my butt....LMAO! Glad you liked the ideas, it was fun looking too. I haven't much noticed it getting dark early, but for quite some time now, I've noticed it getting light later in the mornings.

    Piksie, NM is the school nurse at an elementary school.

    NM, I hope you don't mind me speaking for you. I know you are gone for the day and won't be back until tomorrow morning. As for Jazzy, I don't know her personally (yet), but have known her on here for quite some time. We were planning a meet, as we each would only have about a 2 hour drive. And BOOM, Covid hit! Sorry about your teen. I don't do Tik Tok, but I heard one of those challenges was to slap a teacher! And no one knows how long you or I, or anyone else for that matter, has to live. Kids at home not me. I have a 38 yo daughter that lives in the VI and a 42 yo son in MI. My husband has 2 girls, 42 in Reno and one in Oceanside that's 46 with 2 kids. Come to think of it, I don't think anyone that posts here has children at home, or no children period. Have fun on your cruise, when do you go?

    Today will be an all day trip to town, lots of stops to make. One to the bank to finalize the sale of the business. My little Nora went for her follow up EEG yesterday. Unfortunatley it's still abnormal, but better than before.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited October 2021

    Piksie, I love Catalina! DH is from Long Beach, I’m from Huntington Beach and Catalina was our first weekend trip while dating. I’m hoping we can do it again next year.

    Goldie, the baby is very cute, love those pic on FB too.

    Good morning everyone

    NM, thanks for that recipe, I may rename it Mountain Sunset and enjoy it at my cabin beach bar.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited October 2021

    Oh illimae, I forgot about your cabin beach bar. The Mountain Sunset would be perfect there.

    Goldi, I loved the Halloween costume ideas. Your husbands daughter was a bit snarky. You think she should realize how sick he is and want to spend any time with him that she could. I think she may be sorry she missed this one day.

    Piksie- I am a widow and have a son who's 42 - married with 8 kids (2nd marriage he had 4-she had 3-they had 1 together), a daughter who's 39 divorced with 2 kids, and a son who is 26 and he lives with me. He pays me rent and does a lot of stuff around the house and yard that I either can't do or really just don't want to. I always thought 13 was the weirdo age. I remember being13 thinking my parents were dumb, by 14 I was a little more normal. My sister works in the school system and she said something about the TikTok stuff, but I really don't know too much about it, she made it sound more like vandalism. I have always been on the east coast and plan to go out west - I would love to go to California.

    Jazzy- Last year I talked my sister into going to NM to see the balloon festival there, but she broke her ankle. It would have been my first trip out west- we wanted to drive so we could see sites along the way. Maybe next year, and hopefully it will be free of covid.

    Went to a barbeque place tonight with some former co-workers, it was great seeing them. I don't miss the job, but I do miss them. I had a bahama breeze, just because I really like rum.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Looks to be a nice, if a bit cool, weekend here and I am looking forward to it. The next few weeks are going to be pretty intense, with getting the pooled testing program up and running and getting the required health screenings done. But things are coming together. This weekend is my chance to concentrate on getting some winter prep stuff done around the house.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Picksie--I'm a school nurse. I teach 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders things like your arm isn't broken if you can use it to throw the ball back to the kid that hit you with it, your ankle isn't broken if you twisted it at recess but could wait an hour and a half to come see me about during your math test,the different feeling inyour belly after you poop is not a stomachache so bad you are going to die and then puke (always in that order!). I cure migraines with ice packs and put bandaids on microscopic scratches and stop kiddos from bleeding to death (their words, not mine!). And I listen to their troubles and help arrange for families to get food and clothes and housing, and intervene when a kiddo talks about suicide or seeing a family member beating up another family member or doesn't want to go home after school because a parent's new partner is "doing bad things" to them. AndI monitor quarantines and COVID testing for teachers, staff, and kiddos sent home with symptoms or living with a family member with symptoms and who has tested positive. I check the playground and ball field for brown-tail moth caterpillars and ticks regularly until the snow flies. There is never a dull moment. I have a number of friends who are teachers, and I would not last in their position more than a day. At least as the nurse I can have them line up outside the office and see them one at a time!The cruise sounds like a lot of fun. I have no children, and I hope things get better for your son. Things must seem pretty hard to him with everything going on, and particularly your health.

    Goldie--I don't mind you speaking for me at all.Glad the Nora's EEG is better. And it's absolutely amazing how much a babe can gothrough early on and be perfectly normal by the time they start school. She is such a cuitie, even in the head wrap!

    Illi--I say go for renaming the drink and enjoy!Post a pic for us, too!

    Misty--I hope you and your sister get to see the balloon festival next year. This COVID thing has got to end sometime, even the Spanish flu pandemic only lasted 3 years and that was without a vaccine! Of course, it was also without widespread air travel and the sheer number of people in the world there is today. Glad you had a good time with the former co-workers.


    Murse Margarita

    To make a batch of 6of these mursey-margaritas, mix

    1 1/2 cups of tequila,

    3/4 cup Triple Sec,

    3/4 cup fresh lime juice,

    2 tablespoons sugar,

    crushed ice to your liking.

    Rub a lime wedge around the rim of your glass and dip into salt for the full effect.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Good morning friends- happy Saturday! Hope everyone is having a good start to da weekend. It was a busy week at work and my co-workers have been in and out of the office with stuff, which has left me carrying a lot again. As much as I like my team, I am not into being the one holding down the fort constantly. That being said, we will be done witht this project soon and found out what is coming next for me which is a better fit. Our team will be split up and assigned to new things, which I knew would be coming. The new project is more IT oriented, and is big and very high profile. That will put me with the movers and shakers, which I like. It's a two year project and will keep me busy as I work to get to 2025 and then decide what next? And my raise went into effect this week which I will see in my next paycheck. Mo money! I celebrate my year anniversary with this job end of the month, can you believe it? There have been times I have not felt I would make it through, but perseverance pays off I guess.....

    The balloon fiesta has had a good run this year. The balloons and glows went off perfectly the first full week, today the winds are up a bit so they didn't go up. They have a finale tonight where they usually do a final glow and fireworks but wonder if that will happen? Tomorrow morning is the final mass accent which may happen if the cold front moves through before then. Mistyeyes, that is too bad about your sisters ankle and not being able to come in the past but next year is the 50th anniversary of the event, you should come for that as it's gonna be a blow out!

    I went to see a concert with Pat Metheny this week and was just blown away by it. Although I have loved his music forever, I will say I have never seen so many types of guitars played with so many kinds of music before. He is truly a master of the guitar, and love his ballads the best. His CD Under the Missouri Sky is one of my all time fav albums, and he played a lot from that. He had two young musicians traveling with him, one was a percussionist and the other was an amazing keyboardists. He talked about the importance of bringing along the young musicians and how fortunate are they to be able to tour and be mentored by him? I left mezmorized. And I was reminded how much I have missed live music. You had to prove vaccination status and we were all masked too.

    Speaking of the vaccine, my hospital started offering the boosters this week. I am getting mine next Friday morning and hopefully will not have any reaction. I heard the Pfizer efficacy drops way down after 4-6 months so I am all for it. Our Covid rates were dropping but are up again and hospitalizations are still high here. I worry the crowds on the balloon field may bring another surge. The healthcare orgs are struggling to keep staff still.

    Got some things to do but hoping all of you have a good weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    One of the fascinating parts of the concert was seeing him play the Pikasso guitar.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Jazzy, I haven't attended (or played) a concert live since Feb. 2020. So envious that you got to see Metheny!

    Regrettably, I won't be able to go down to Birmingham overnight Wed.-Thurs. to console my HK and her family for her sister's funeral. Bob can't take proper care of the cats (he doesn't feed them the right way--foods & scheduie--even when I leave instructions; scoop out the litterboxes; and deal with Happy's emesis or Heidi's hairballs). Never mind the basics of housework, either. (Which is one reason we have our HK a few hrs. each day M-F). Gordy's work hours (and lack of a car and price of rideshares) make it impossible to come over and fill in. Our friends who used to do that on weekends when we were on vacation won't be getting home from Canada for another week. It's basically my HK & I who take care of our furbabies (which was how I was able to go to NYC overnight). Even so, when I go shopping I have to get home no later than 7:30 lest they miss their dinner and leave visible evidence of their displeasure.

    We went to Mon Ami Gabi with the kids last night. My DsOTD were Marquis de la Tour Brut Rosé with the appetizer and a glass of Sancerre with the entree. Tonight with leftovers I had a little of the Chenin Blanc from earlier in the week. Also bought some Red Line Decaf espresso and Xeno's Decaf coffee beans today.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2021

    Halloween kitty | Cute cat gif, Cute cats, Cute animals

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2021








  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I got so wound up with the last class assignment that I got up and jumped right in and didn't do much of anything else Sunday and yesterday. Still took me all day Monday to finish it. I really should have worked on it all day Sunday so I had yesterday for myself, but after working in to the afternoon I decided to take a break and never went back to it. Yesterday I alternated working on the assignment and sorting and switching from the summer to the winter wardrobe. The getting up and doing something physical every so often was a big help in staying focused when I was sitting at the computer.

    Got a couple of emails over the weekend, a teacher and the principal developed COVID symptoms during the weekend, both have tested, one is negative, the other is waiting for test results. One student's negative test came in over the weekend. So for now we are all good, let's see how long it lasts!

    Jazzy--Wow, hard to believe your 1 year anniversary at the new job is coming right up! Seems like it was just a couple of months ago you made the switch. Being the dependable one in the group is a bit of a pain in the anatomy after a while. Glad you've got a change coming up and one to a better fit for you. I bet the balloon fiesta is amazing to see, particularly the final glow and fireworks. The concert sounds like a great time for you! I've been seeing that more and more events like concerts are requiring proof of vaccination or a negative test for entry. It's getting kind of scary reading about the staffing issues hospitals are having right now. I hope the treatments being tested and showing promise work out, that will give us another whole line of defense and control. Thanks for the clip!

    Chi--You need one of those plaques that says "This home is run for the convenience of the CATS"! I've got to admit I'm shaking my head, how can someone who got through medical school and the specialty work after, who is trusted to write prescriptions for dangerous medicines including opioids, not be able to follow the relatively simple directions for taking care of cats? It baffles me.

    Cammy Cat--the kiidos are way too smart nowadays in some things, but totally at a loss in others. Their attempts to tell time can be hilarious. I love it when they say their tummy ache started "right before I came here, so about 5 hours ago." And I do not remember being so dramatic when I was that age, but I suppose I must have been.

    Big City Cat Cocktail


    • 2 oz Tom Cat Gin
    • 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
    • 2 dashes of Angosutra Bitters
    • Garnish with cherry and orange twist


    In a mixing glass add Tom Cat, Vermouth, and bitters. Add ice and stir 50 revolution. Strain into a glass. Add garnish.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Misty, if you can get to the balloon festival, I highly recommend it. It is quite the sight to see. If you're thinking next year, you better look at hotels now. They book way in advance for this. You might not even be able to get anything for next year.

    Jazzy, I'll second what NM says about your 1 year coming up. Time flies! Sorry they leave you carrying most of the load, so yay for changes in the future.

    Sandy, my DH is just like yours in ways. Has never done anything domestic, dishes, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, bathrooms, make a bed, nothing!

    Cami, I'm always doing too much, cuz there always too much to do! Sometimes I'd rather put that foot somewhere else and the longer one too! I don't think anyone skips over any of your posts.

    NM, you've been busy. I hope Covid remains low in your district. Time for winter clothes, it snowed here last night and this moring, temps in the 20's.

    Had our friend visit, which is why I've been MIA. She brought her mom and son. They were here for probably 7 hours on Sunday, her son on his laptop the entire time playing video games. When they got here, I kind of scratched on his back, as he was leaning over on the island (on his phone playing games) and say "Hi Adam". He says nothing. Me, "I SAID hi Adam". Him, "oh, hi". He won't look you in the eye when he talks to you. His mom told him to put the computer away while we eat. I just grilled burgers. Well, he scarfed that down and got right back on his puter at the table while we were still eating.

    TG is still up in the air with DH girls. Now they want one to come TG and one at Xmas. SURE, lets make even more work for Lori. Sorry if I already told this. I would just rather have them all at one time and be done with it. No one seems to worry about what Lori has to do.

    Yesterday was my all day trip to Phoenix for my infusions.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Edited to remove photos

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Life is getting interesting at work. Absenteeism hit 15% yesterday, and none of it is COVID so far. Still got a bunch of kiddos out with respiratory symptoms, and there is a lovely respiratory virus going around despite masking and everything else. Not that some of the adults in the building are really paying attention to the masking thing except when kiddos are in the room. And they wonder why this thing is getting passed around! If COVID does get into the school it will spread like wildfire and everyone will be surprised, except me. And I am getting so tired of getting after some of the adults. If you are going to come to work sick (but not COVID) keep the damned mask on!!!!! Especially when you share a room with another adult!One's been sick, the other is now out sick. At least people put themasks on when they see me.OK, grumbling over.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Goldie--I'm praying COVID stays out of my school, but preparing for it coming in any day now. If the respiratory thing that's circulating right now gets identified as RSV or something fun, we'll be in outbreak status, with so many out sit, kiddos and teachers.Kids on the phones and laptops is getting to be the normal thing these days. I hear it's a real problem in the middle schools and high school at times. Its going to be a very strange world in a couple more decades, one where no one looks anyone in the eye, everyone communicates through a box, and everyone's spine assumes a permanent hunched over posture. I don't blame you for wanting to have the kids there all at once. There doesn't seem to be much thought about how the visits affect your work load. Hope the infusions went smoothly and the travel was uneventful.

    Great pics!


    Cheshire Cat Cocktail

    1 0z of Cherry Vodka

    1oz of Blue Curacao

    1/2 0z of Strawberry Vodka

    1/2 oz Grenadine

    2 oz Sprite

    Purple sanding sugar or make your own sanding sugar


    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    NM, that would make me so angry, the staff that put their masks on when they see you...grrrrr! My niece, Nora's mom is a nurse and she said they have a lot of babies in with RSV. And you are right, there is no thought as to what this adds to my work load. I wish I would be here in a couple decades to see what the world is like with the kids we have today. My grandson 16, is the only one in the family that is not vaccinated, and it's because "he doesn't want to". Well then, you shouldn't have to do something you don't want to! The parents don't know how to parent.

    Well yesterday, DH wanted to go outside and do something to our mini excavator, as it broke down in our driveway. So I have to go get the quad for him to ride to it. It's not far, but he can't walk that far. So he gets there, and in less than 5 minutes he's panicking and telling me he's going down, he tries to hang on to the quad to get around and get on it, and doesn't make it. Down he goes, in the gravel, it's cold and windy out...GREAT!

    So I go up to the barn to get a blanket to try and get that under him and off the gravel. He tries to scoot closer to the quad. I go and get another blanket to put under his knees. Well, he doesn't have any muscle to move his legs. So he rolls on his stomach, gets up on his elbows and I move his legs for him, lifting them up and pushing forward at the knee. Finally I get him on all 4's, but he still can't get up. Let me go get my little garden seat. Back to the barn for that. Move his legs forward some more so he can try and pull himself up enough for me to scoot this seat under his butt. It works! From there he was able to stand and get on the quad, ride back to the house and pray I can get him in the house. He holds onto the rail on the ramp with one hand and me on the other side. He gets in the door and practically collapses on the bench there. This all took me about a half hour. So I know now, he can NOT stand for any more than a couple of minutes.

    It's things like this that no one understands, on top of everything I have to do, you never know when something like this is going to happen and I have to stop what I'm doing to help him. So that whole scenario took about an hour or so.

    Have the solar guy coming over this morning to check our battieries, something's not right.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2021

    Oh hey little Lorrie... I am so sorry.... I've been there, done that! I just feel so bad sometimes, and sometimes I lose my patience! I don't mean to, and I have to learn that he CAN'T help what is going on!

    One time he tripped coming up onto our back porch... He yelled, and I was right there.... I ran around front, and Kelli, my next door neighbor just happened to be out, and heard him! She yelled.... "Do you need Nick to come over?" and I yelled "YES!" I was running around front to get our other neighbor, but Nick came over, and we helped him up onto an outdoor chair, so he could get his bearings, and relax a little!

    He uses a cane whenever we go anywhere, and it gives him mental support mostly I think... because he really doesn't lean on it.... But it probably helps!

    His problem is the Dementia, and all that goes with it.... We DID drive out to get my oil changed! Then we walked around the little town, while we waited for them to get my car done.... We walked to the bakery, then go across the street to sit in the coffee-shop! We sat & talked, just like regular people! It was so good to get away, and think of something else! We walked slow, but it was good for BOTH of us, Hah! Went BACK to the bakery to get more sweet rolls, stopped at Costco to get a hot roast chicken, and a couple other things... Just good to get away.... and think of other things!

    I just know I can help with some things, but I can't make him do a lot of things he doesn't want, or think to do... like eat good food, but I have to remember the Al-Anon prayer... like my Mom used to do...

    The Serenity Prayer Art Print

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Sending love to the sisters who have sick husbands 🙏

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! The Wednesday, Women, and Wine ladies got together last evening at a little winery near where I live. We reserved one of the fire pit tables, comes with a tasting of a choice of 4 wines, makings for s'mores, and a glass of wine of choice. We booked 2 hours back to back because I knew one hour would not be enough for us to sip and gab. We each got a personal sized cheese plate, too. We planned this for October thinking it would be cool and the fire would be nice, not thinking it would be 75 degrees! The temp did drop a bit when the sun went down and made the fire feel really nice. This little place makes mostly fruit wines, tending toward the sweet end of the spectrum, which I really like. For all that the rest of the group tends to prefer dryerwines I noticed that every one of us bought at least one bottle on the way out!

    Sadie was miffed that I was home so late. She was asleep on the bed when I got home, cracked one eye and glared at me when I woke her up, and simple did not move off the pillows. I went back to the living room and opened mail and read a little, when I went to go to bed Silly Sadie had shifted so she was lying right down the middle of the bed, head and tail and feet stretched out, taking up just as much room as possible. I had to fit myself around her to get under the duvet. At least she gave me the pillows!

    Goldie--yeah, the staff that put the masks on when the see me are starting to really irritate and anger me. I just know I'm going to say something one of these times they come to asking if a particular kiddo should be in school or needs to be tested. I keep thinking "You can't be that concerned, you won't keep a mask on, even when you are sick and know it. So quit picking on the kiddos." I'd like to be a fly on the wall in a couple of decades, too. This generation that doesn't have to get shots or go to school or whatever if they don't want to are going to be in an interesting position if they don't have working parents to support them since they won't want to go to work, or pay bills, or do anything but play video games. And my goodness, what you went through to get DH back up off the gravel! That was a lot of quick thinking and problem-solving. It's probably naughty of me, but I wish that had happened while company was there to see what it's like and what kinds of challenges you two are facing. I hope the solar battery issue was an easy one to fix.

    Chevy--Your outing sounds like a wonderful time for the both of you! That prayer is wonderful one for many, many situations. I bet it's helped a immense number of people.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Listening to the news, another nursing home is transitioning out of long term care, closing 60 out of 86 beds, transitioning them to assisted living due to "MaineCare payments fail to cover the costs of employing front-line workers, and the number of unvaccinated workers."

    From <>

    So much for all the talking head saying the vaccination mandate won't affect health care staffing.

    Change the vaccination mandate to an immunity mandate like all the other diseases and watch healthcare workers come back.

    image alt="">

    Fire Pit Pact Cocktail


    • 1 ounce KOVAL Barreled Gin
    • 1 ounce KOVAL Barreled Peach Brandy
    • ½ ounce honey syrup
    • 4 drops ginger bitters
    • Juice of ½ Meyer lemon


    Add all ingredients to a mixing glass over ice and stir until chilled. Strain into a coupe glass and garnish with a lemon twist

    To make honey syrup: Heat ½ cup of honey and ½ cup of water in a small pot at low heat. Stir frequently until honey dissolves to avoid boiling. Allow to cool and store excess in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Pics from the Wednesday, Women, and Wine get together:

    the sunset view

    Not me

    May be an image of Beth Robbins Mitchell and outdoors

    Also not me

    May be an image of Sarah Robinson and outdoors

    May be an image of text that says 'DragonAly Farm E Winery Stetson, Maine'

    one of the glasses I bought:


    The bottles I bought:


    Witches Brew

    50% Cranberry and 50% Rudy, which make a great Sangria Tasting Wine!



    Our most popular wine, Candle Waster, with a hint of cinnamon that is sure to spice up any party!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    ED, I'm glad you and DH got out for a little bit. My DH can no longer use a cane. Nothing exciting, but at least you got out. My DH can no longer use a cane. My son has the Serenity Prayer tatooed on his forarm.

    Thank you Jazzy, you are always so sweet.

    NM, that Sadie girl cracks me up! That's what you get for staying out late...LOL. Glad you had fun with the girls. Love the wine glass, but not sure about cinnamon in wine. You will have to let us know. If someone else had been here, I wouldn't have had to do so much to get DH up! As for staff not wearing masks, do you have meetings? Could it be brought up there "in general", as to not point fingers. Or and email sent out, staff letter? One of the cities here had to go back to home schooling due to staff shortage and bus drivers, all sick from Covid.

    Our solar guy came out, he said those 4 batteries were shot, and the rest may not last but about 6 months, we have 24 total. So DH has been shopping for those, they are not cheap, $800 each. Good news, we only need about 8-10 of them. I've been shredding paper, as we have stuff from as early as 2002. Business stuff, mainly orders. But it has peoples credit card numbers on them. Granted they are expired, but our name is on those papers too.

    May be an image of one or more people and tattoo

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited October 2021

    NM, I love the glass and those wines sound really good! I had a blueberry one DH picked up in Washington state on his travels years ago, it was delicious.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Student Led Conference day today, so no kiddos in the building today, so I'm planning to get some filing done and some other things that I have a hard time doing with steady interruptions. I broke a record this week, Tuesday or Wednesday I had 14 office visits from 12 kiddos. Prior record was 12 visits. Let us hope this record holds for a bit!I have one student in quarantine due to a parent being positive, student is symptomatic and getting tested, so I may have my first positive coming up. The sister school dodged the bullet, the sibling there tested negative. This stuff is getting SO tiresome!

    Looks like the Moderna vaccine third dose has been approved, at the half dose level. I'm glad the dose is reduced considering how I felt after the second dose. It wasn't too, too bad, but it wasn't fun, either. One of today's tasks will be to find out when the booster dose will be available in Maine.

    Sadie say Woof to everyone! She had to nudge me along to get out of bed this ayem. I'm just a bit tired out for some reason.

    Goldie--I love cinnamon, and love the cinnamon in the wine. I sometimes add cinnamon to the coffee beans after grinding. I will gorge myself sick on cinnamon rolls given the chance. I'm just crazy about the stuff! I have done a couple of all staff emails, one about masking specifically, and one about RSV with a strong message about masking in it. Hmm, maybe I should use the 15% absenteeism to put out another email and talk about masking. I"ve missed this month's staff meeting, but I can get on next month's. Wow, those batteries are expensive puppies! Sounds like you have a lot of shredding. Do you use the shredded paper in your garden? I hear a lot of people do that. That prayer looks great in that tattoo.

    Illi--thanks, I think the glasses are great fun. My favorite blueberry wine is from a winery in Bar Harbor, just outside Acadia National Park.

    With a rich cinnamon syrup & the scent of blood orange, this Cinnamon Spiced Old Fashioned Cocktail will keep you (and your company) cozy on even the chilliest days. |

    Cinnamon Spiced Old Fashioned with Muddled Blood Orange


    • 1ozrich cinnamon simple syrup(see recipe below)
    • 1/2ozlemon juice
    • 3ozbourbon
    • 3-4blood orange peels
    • Dashes orange bitters
    • 2cinnamon sticks,for garnish
    • Ice cubes

    Rich Cinnamon Simple Syrup (Makes 1 Pint)

    • 2cupsgranulated sugar
    • 1cupwater
    • 1cinnamon stick


    To make the cocktail:

    • Muddle the blood orange peels in the bottom of a cocktail shaker, releasing their oils. Add the cinnamon simple syrup, lemon juice, and bourbon along with two ice cubes to the shaker. Shake until chilled. Pour over ice into two rocks glasses, adding a dash of orange bitters to each. Garnish with the muddled orange peel and a cinnamon stick to serve.

    To make the syrup:

    • Combine the sugar and water in a small sauce pan and bring to a gentle simmer. Add the cinnamon stick. Let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup has thickened slightly.
    • Remove from heat, leaving the cinnamon stick to seep, and allow to cool. Transfer the syrup and cinnamon stick to a sterile jar or bottle and store in the fridge for 4-6 weeks.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Yesterday's lunch with the girls. Who wants some ?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Morning BabyGirl.

    NM, I hope your student tests negative. Good luck on the staff and masking! I'm not a cinnamon nut, but do like it. I do not use the paper in the garden as there are lots of staples.

    Jazzy, I'll have some, but you can keep the jalapeno!

    Awfully quiet in here. Where is everyone?

    I'm noticing changes in DH, almost monthly. He now needs help dressing, he can't sit at the bar to eat, has to sit at the table. He used to be able to stand at the island and fix his plate, not anymore. I have to set everything on the table for him. His naps used to be 45 min. to an hour. Now it's closer to 2 hours. He see's his doctor first part of November. And I have scans, not looking forward to that. But it's been almost 2 years since I've had any.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    All of the boxes of papers I have to shred!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Take those to Staples or Office Depot next time you are in Flagstaff Goldie

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Jazzy, I can't find on Staples website that they have shredding services. Office Max does, but it's .99 per pound! It would cost me a fortune, plus I can't fit it all in my car. But thanks for the suggestions. I'll just whittle through it, a little at a time.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, it's happened. Got a positive COVID case in my school. The news came in about 2 peeyem. Not a school transmission, child caught it from a parent, as did the siblings, so there are related positive cases in the middle school and the high school. I wound up quarantining all of the 4th and 5th grades, half the school.Around 40 close contacts so far with more to come from the bus ride exposures. Thank God Above that all the adults involved are vaccinated and don't have to quarantine. Needless to say my easy afternoon of filing and drawer cleaning out didn't happen. Did get some other stuff done before the stinky stuff impacted the rotating blades, though.

    Sadie was not pleased with me getting home so late again--almost 7 peeyem as opposed to the usual 4:30-5 peeyem. I sat down with our usual Friday night pizza and blathered on about the positive case and the adults who aren't making properly, and how many families I talked to that are going to be struggling to find child care or have to give up work hours, and how COVID needs to just GO AWAY, and on and on. She snuck a slice of pizza out of the box without me noticing, then dropped in my lap and looked at me as if to say "Yup, you had a bad day, Eat, you'll feel better." I was shocked silent, just looking at her for a moment, until she nudged the pizza and let me know that if I didn't pick it up she would eat it!And yes, I did give her another slice all for herself.


    Goldie--I didn't get lucky with this last test. But I was pretty well prepared, and the contact tracing work is mostly done, the initial CDC and DOE reports are in, and the big long close contact list is partially done to send in. Today I expect there will be lots of email work answering questions. I'm sorry to hear how DH is declining. That must be so hard to watch. I hadn't thought about the staples in the shredded paper, I guess I still have the old habit of tearing off any staples before shredding from back when the machines would get jammed up by them. And that in oneLOTS of shredding! Around here there is a company called SOS--Shredding on Site. They have a big truck that looks a lot like a garbage truck that they drive to sites, often offices but will stop at private homes, too, and shred papers and then take them away for disposal/recycling. I hear it's not cost effective for routine home use, but when a few boxes to shred it can be. I bet there's something like that inyour area. Sometimes it's worth it to pay to get a job done and out of the way.

    Jazzy--I hadn't thought of taking the shredding to Staples, etc!

    This seems appropriate even though we've had it before:

    Quarantini with honey drizzled inside.

    Quarantini Cocktail


    • 3 oz vodka (or gin)
    • 2 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
    • 2 tablespoons honey
    • 2 tablespoons water


    • 1 packet powdered vitamin c


    1. In a microwave safe bowl, microwave honey and water for 60 seconds and stir to combine. Allow to cool for a few minutes. Add 2 cups ice to a cocktail shaker.
    2. Add vodka, lemon juice and honey mixture to a martini shaker. Whisk to combine. Then add ice to top.
    3. Shake, and then strain into a chilled martini glass.
    4. Garnish with a lemon twist if desired.
    1. ADDING VITAMIN C: If you want to add vitamin c, you can add it directly to the shaker when you add the rest of the ingredients or you can rim the chilled martini glass with vitamin c.

    From <>