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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Oh dear NM. Sorry about the positive case. Quarantining all of 4th 5th graders, yikes! Me thinks there is going to be lots of angry parents! And like you said, all the other contacts, on the bus, where in the public have they been? Is there more you have to do now at home, since it's the weekend?

    How sweet of Sadie! I can't believe she brought you a piece of pizza and didn't gobble it up herself.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Got the Pfizer booster yesterday. This shot is kicking my butt. More tomorrow 🙏

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Jazzy, I hope you are feeling better today.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Good morning friends- she is rising like a phoenix from the ashes today! I got the booster on Friday as you saw above and this vax was much harder than the other 2. I had a sore arm developing on Friday but was able to work through the day okay, and went to bed early but woke up at midnight with the worst chills, headache and my arm was throbbing. I took some tylenol and went back to bed, and did not feel great in the morning but by early afternoon, the worst of it had passed. I ended up having to cancel yoga, an art gallery opening I was going to stop at to see a friend's showing, and a dinner last night. The friend who I was going to meet for dinner had the exact same problem though, she got the vax thursday and was very sick and was the one to postpone. Another friend also got hers Thursday and all of us have had a strong reaction so if you are planning to get one, just clear your schedule to be ready for what follows. I am glad I got it, as I need the protection!

    Pushing through a lot of go lives right now and so looking forward to my week off in another month. Still no firm ending date for this, the people who want to figure that out keep postponing so I think my director may just say I will be with the project until a certain date, then he is moving me off. He told the other two they can continue on to finish it up. One of the people who has been involved with this and has been a thorn in our side told us Friday it was her last day (she has another job) and that was actually good news for us; will make our final time on this effort a bit more do-able. As you can probably tell, I am ready to get off of this thing asap......

    Anyone heard from Cami lately?

    Goldie- I feel for you sister with all you are dealing with around your health, DH's health changes, and family expectations. I know others have said it but it's time to say no to the expecations of others for you to host them, cook, clean up after their visit, etc. I have a mantra I tell myself whenever I have something coming at me that is too much and that is "I have done too much for too many for too long." I think it is true for almost every woman, we are just expected to keep giving and doing for others no matter what. Sometimes we have a hard time saying no to family, but they can be the worst with this stuff. I would flip the conversation to say you would love to see them but they need to figure out some accomodations somewhere else and if they want a meal, then they will have to help make it. Why not go out to eat? I know you may have some limitations with some of these things based on location, but it's worth putting it out there for some alternatives to have a holiday together without the burden of everything on you? It isn't a no then, it's a how about this instead.....

    I have taken my bulk shredding to Staples here but expect they are all different. I think that price is about right but with the volume, it would be expensive. Unless you just drop off a bit at a time.

    NM- I read your posts and enjoy hearing about the adventures at school. I can tell how good of a move this has been for you from the last few places you have been. Never a dull moment with the kiddos. How is school going with being back to work again? I am sure your schedule is very full. Sadie definately likes you at her beck and call. But you are her world so we can understand that she misses you a lot when you are not around? How is your mom doing? The wine and women group looked like great fun.

    Ill- how are things going with your continued transition to west TX? Did you say you were having some scans again?

    Chevy- I think you are finding some ways to help your DH with some things he enjoys. Walking is good, cinammon rolls even more so. Change of scenery always good. I hear the Denver area is getting weather, there was a bunch of snow up north last weekend that brought way more than the usual for this time of the year. Mountains here usually start getting some snow late Sept here but we have had a lot and earlier this year too. Our mountains here in the city (Sandias) got snow last weekend which is pretty early, but have seen it before in October. I hope we have a wet winter, we are hurting for water here, it's getting serious.

    Teka- how are things in north country? Any pretty foliage?

    Gotta get to some to dos and planning on swimming later today. Sunday afternoon swims are my favorites.

    Have a good week ladies!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited October 2021

    Jazzy, I had my scans a few week ago, all good below the neck but there’s 2 tiny new spots in my brain, so targeted radiation is planned for Nov 10th (gamma knife no. 7). Moving is nearly there but a friend’s medical emergency popped up and that’s been the priority (more on that later).

    Lots up in the air for us with that but otherwise all good!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Ill- I will be in your pocket on 11/10 sister Heart. Also wishing the best for your friend

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2021

    Hi gals! So good to have someone to talk to... It just helps to talk, bounce our problems off someone else... someone who cares, right? Yes Miss Cammi... where did you go? Not out on the streets again, right? Gettin' too cold to be out walkin' around anyway!

    Lori... Like everyone tells me... take care of yourself too.... We gotta stay healthy to take care of others, right? Our oldest Daughter wants to go see an Elder Care attorney when she comes out here next month. I mean just because she might think 84 is older, doesn't mean I don't know what I am doing.... I have it all taken care of.... Our house is in our Daughters' names, and they are on our accounts, PLUS we should have enough money saved to take care of us for a long time, if we have to move from here.... I will take care of my Husband forever, but if something happens to either one of us, I will not want to live here alone.... or even WITH someone. I just pray I can stick around long enough to always take care of him.

    Funny, how you have to think of those things when you get older...

    Otherwise, I am always out working in my gardens, or I even cleaned out my closet! THAT was a job! I guess you don't need to keep clothes that you bought when you were just married, right? Hah! See, my Grandma and my Mom always saved everything... We never had much, and in those days, you hung onto things until they wore out. Guess I don't need to do that now, right?

    I just thank God I feel as good as I do, and still have my wits about me, as my Mom would say.... SillyHeart And good-luck miss illimae!

    Thanks Jazzy.... always good to hear from you... Sorry about the problems with your vaccinations! I was always afraid of after-effects also... but we didn't have any problems... Just a sore arm, after the booster! I'm going to get the flu shot one of these days.

    You know I lost my Brother last month, because he didn't want the vaccine! Now, this morning, his Daughter texted me that his wife. of 63 years just passed away last night... She was in poor health... dialysis 3 times a week, dementia, and they were going to move her to a nursing home from the hospital, but she got worse, and refused the dialysis... the Doc said it would be "kinder" for them to move her to hospice... she passed away the next morning....

    So one of their Daughter's is just broken hearted... First her Dad, now her Mom... They hadn't told her that Kenny passed away, because they thought she couldn't take it... So she couldn't have ever gone back "home".... to Maybelle Carter's Assisted Living in Nashville.... and now they are together... The Daughter is sending me a little framed picture for me to add to my Brothers spot out in my garden, with his Urn. It's just a special place for me to think of my brother.... and then his wife will be with him also.

    Okay gals.... stay safe.... xoxoxo

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Chevy- that is really hard sister, first your brother then his wife. That has to be devestating to the children. Double losses back to back are the worst, been there with family. Hugs sister.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Chevy, so sorry for losing first your brother and his wife.

    Don't feel too resentful about the suggestion to see an eldercare attorney. I'm only 70 (Bob's 72) and actually used to practice estates & trusts. But I tell you, I SO want to put our plans in the hands of an expert--I have several (younger, of course) colleagues who specialize in estate planning & wealth-management for folks our age. What with two cancers, COVID still going around (low here in IL but will probably rise again now that the weather's getting colder & people are moving indoors), a son whose needs as a "launched" soon-to-be-husband are far different from when he was barely more than a toddler--when last we wrote our wills--Bob restructuring his practice and our house beginning to be a bit too much to keep in repair (we won't have our HK forever), I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about what will happen to our retirement fund & assets when, inevitably, "we can't take it with us."

    Meanwhile, our HK won't be back till Wed. She hasn't been away this long since the start of the pandemic. Happy has started to get the runs now--Bob & I have to get him to the vet tomorrow. I'm going to tell her point-blank that he should not get an intestinal biopsy (unless they can do an ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspirate). He was first dignosed with feline IBD back in 2019; but even if it's progressed to lymphoma, the treatment would be the same, at least at first: prednisone & (maybe) cycobalamin. He's 14--why put him through a surgery that would add to his misery? And he's not ready to go--he still loves to eat, cuddle, face-snuggle and be petted. We just want him to feel better for as long as possible.

    Whole bunch of annoyances & aggravations large & small--too many to list right now, as I need to get to sleep in order to corral Happy into his carrier to go to the vet in the morning. It's been an "interesting" couple of weeks (not as bad as in the old Chinese curse).

    DOTD: Seghesio Zin 2019 with dinner at a churrascaria.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday, it's not. Found out Saturday that even more students have to quarantine due to being exposed on the bus. That left my school with 9 students who don't need to quarantine. Needless to say, the school is going remote this week, except that the 9 not win quarantine can come to school if they want to. Which I personally think is a crazy idea, but I'm a nurse, not an educator. So I'm going in to the school to work, cuz I don't know if there will be any students there or not, and it's easier to manage everything from my desk where I have all my stuff.

    Sadie is limping around, so I think she's hurt herself, although I can't imagine how or when. She's not eating her food, but will eat anything I'm eating, not sure if that is being spoiled or another sign something is wrong. At least she can still get up and down from the bed when she wants to. I'll be keeping an eye on her.

    Goldie--When I went in Saturday afternoon to make more calls I expected to get some angry responses. I was really surprised, only one parent swore at me, a couple were angry but not with me, most were actually kind enough to thank me for working so hard for their kiddos! I couldn't believe it when Sadie gave me the piece of pizza, too!

    Jazzy--glad you got your booster, sorry it's busting your butt. Hugs. Sorry to hear your friends had strong reactions, but glad to hear so many of you are getting the added protection. Sounds like the project is getting bogged down again. It will be good for you to have an end date, maybe that will motive the decision-makers to pick an end date and get moving. Even better that the thorn is gone! This has been a good work move for me, that's for sure. Even now with the mass quarantine in place, it's busy but not crazy. And I actually feel like I'm making a difference for some of the kiddos. Mom is doing well, she's getting together with some friends pretty regularly, I'm using the excuse of high COVID rates where I work to not join them for the bean suppers. The churches haven't restarted the bean suppers, they get together and each cooks something to bring and share. Mom usually cooks the beans. And I don't blame Sadie for wanting me home all the time. She really got used to that this summer.

    Morning, Illi! Prayers for your friend.

    Chevy--sounds like your mom and grandmom held to the old "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without" saying! Your nieces have been through so much recently. I'm sure they are devastated. And yes, you do need to take care of yourself, all caregivers have a special responsibility to take care of themselves.

    Chi--I'm sorry to hear the Happy is having digestive problems again. I know the worry when a pet isn't 100%. Thinking of Happy and you.

    Recipe card for LX Purple Bloom cocktail

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Well, just when you say "things couldn't be worse," the fates say "Here--hold our beer." Between my HK being away for 2 weeks, Happy's gut, several paper cuts that wouldn't heal, two giant cat scratches on my foot, an ingrown fingernail (!) which I'm hoping not to get infected, my debit card getting hacked, a $400 water bill....

    This a.m., when I got up, I reached across from the toilet for something I'd put on the shelf and.....YEOWCH! Back strain #4 in as many weeks--and this one's the worst in over a year. It's almost completely locked up on the right side--been alternating ice (because it's a fresh injury) & heat (to relax the muscle), trying to do stretches. Having to use a Rollator, cane, reachers, etc. So far, nothing seems to be working, except the mantra ""it's only pain" every time I have to do something--like waik--even though it hurts like hell.

    Obviously, had to postpone Happy's vet appointment till Thurs. (when, hopefully, my HK can help). So far, today, he's been somewhat considerate.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Well, I got through yesterday at work but it was tense at times. The teachers had 2 hours to put together packets and gear for parents to come pick up, imagine 4 teachers trying to print off worksheets and info for 15 to 17 students and only 2 printer/copiers to work off. There was some serious grumbling going on! The principal did get the decision to let the 9 non-quarantined students to come to school changed, so everyone is going remote. What packets didn't get picked up (most of them) the Guidance Counselor delivered, it took her 4 hours! On the other hand, I didn't get as many calls with questions as I thought. I did get one call telling me there is another student who has tested positive. And given the number of symptomatic parents and kiddos there are, I'm betting there will be a lot more.

    On the other hand, when I got home Sadie was back to her usual self. And up to her usual tricks.I put her arthritis medicine in her kibble in the mornings, and she hasn't been eating as much and not getting the pills regularly I realized, so before I left for work I give her the pills in peanut butter to make sure she got them in. So I think it was the arthritis bother her and not getting the meds regularly. So now we have a new step in the ayem routine, pills in peanut butter. Crushed up pills in peanut butter, so she doesn't suck off the peanut butter and spit out the pills!

    Chi--oh my goodness, when it rains, it pours on you! What a collection of misadventures! Praying your back pain eases up very soon and nothing gets infected and Happy stays relatively well.

    Rain Killer tropical cocktail with light rum, aged rum, lime juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, simple syrup, and bitters

    Rain Killer



    Shake all ingredients with crushed or pebble ice. Pour unstrained into a tall glass and garnish with mint, lime, krazy straw – the works.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    I guess I never posted this yesterday. So here is that. I will be bock!

    Jazzy, looks like there's light at the end of the tunnel for you, on the work front. Thanks for the suggestions, always appreciated. I still don't know what's going on for TG and his girls, but I will say's the LAST time. I won't do it again. Not only expensive for the shredding, but no need to go to Flagstaff, but they have the same places in Phoenix, but still not worth it to me.

    Babygirl, get those rat basTURDS zapped outta there! The gamma knife, is that when you have to wear that halo?

    Chevy, I too hope you can take care of your DH for a long time to come. I think that as good as you feel and have no signs yourself of any of these issues that pop up when we get older, that you will not get any of them. I can take care of myself, and my DH, it's when he wants to start inviting people over to stay! As for the lawyer, it may be a good thing. We did ours, and learned that you can have people in the will, but if it's not in a trust, it still has to go to probate court. Therefore taking longer to settle. I'm sorry to hear about your SIL, but if she had no QOL, sometimes it's just better. I feel badly for their children tho.

    Sandy, hoping all goes well with Happy today. I agree with not having surgery at his age.

    NM, I hope Sadie is ok, that the limp is nothing serious and the not eating her food is due to being spoiled with people food. OH DEAR, the whole school except 9 children? That's crazy, and can't be good! AND, will everyone actually quarantine?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Sandy, sorry about your back and all the other stuff. I hope your back is doing better today, along with everything else.

    NM, will the kids be comeing back to school after the quarantine period? Praying Ms Sadie will start to feel better.

    Had to go to town yesterday, so that was my day. Heading to Phoenix first part of Nov. Doctors for both of us and I have scans. Be there for about 5 days I think. DH has to invite everyone he knows to come and see him, since he hasn't died yet! He seems to forget we are still in a pandemic.

    Our insurance gal, and possibly her DH

    The couple that was here while I was in MI.

    Our old dental hygienist, and possibly her BF

    Ex sister in law and her DH

    He wants to go see his ex MIL

    Another friend who just had a baby and has a 3 yo, and possibly her DH

    Geeze, who have I forgotten? Would any of you like to join us?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2021

    I don't think I've been on here all month. I'll catch up another time. Sending hugs to all who need them.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited October 2021

    Hello friends it has been a while. I so enjoy reading everyone's posts - the good, the bad and the ugly. I've been and my DH has been recovering from breakthrough covid. We were vaccinated in March and are so glad we were. I was convinced for a few days I had a nasty sinus infection but because we had been to a wedding we got tested. Both positive. We are doing ok, now out of quarantine. We have another wedding coming up and DH won't go. He said he's done with all this for now which I understand. I'm going, masking, and praying for the best.

    Keep well everyone. Glad Sadie is on the mend. A virtual hug to whoever needs it for the sadnesses a number of you are experiencing right now. 🤗🤗

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Today was Bob's birthday--#72. We opened champagne (Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs 2013) at midnight, for both him and the Chicago Sky winning the WNBA championship (the only major league championship we are likely to see here till at least June--and that's if the Bulls & Blackhawks don't self-destruct).

    Our HK had left Birmingham Mon. night but had to turn around and drive back when they developed tire sensor trouble at 3am. The closest place to get it looked at was in town, but not open till this a.m. She texted that she finally made it home tonight by 6pm.

    My back still doesn't want to "play nice." The one good thing, though, is that having do do things sloooowly and painfully does help pass the time. And I was able last week to get to the dispensary and buy some 1:1 CBD:THC ointment, Greasy, but seems to work better than the straight CBD stuff from the boutique. Happy has been my cuddle-bunny, and hasn't puked since Fri. night. (Waiting for the other shoe to drop). Haven't been able to get down to the basement to check his litter-box deposit consistency, but I'm not smelling foul odors wafting up the basement stairs. (I can do stairs only twice a day: once in the morning to get to the first floor and then at bedtime).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Things improving: HK returned today. Getting more used to my back's limitations and was even able to go out on to the deck to check the tomatoes, have a cappuccino and watch the planes come in towards O'Hare. It was our last T-shirt weather till probably late Oct. or even next spring. Still wearing scrubs as PJs, but it felt nice sitting out there (though it was a bit painful getting up from the patio chair). My new glasses arrived (same shape as my current ones, only a flattering cherry-red), and the prescription is perfect. As soon as I can drive, I will take my current (violet quartz crystal tortoise) ones and sunglasses into Warby Parker to have my new prescription installed. (Those are the only two frames I own that they still stock and are therefore eligible for lens replacement). I will go through the rest of my frames and see which I still like enough to re-lens, and take them to the local indie optician.

    I think I will be okay tomorrow to get dressed, out of the house & drive to & from the vet, and then dinner out with Bob & the kids. My HK & Gordy will help me get Happy into his carrier & to the car; Gordy will have coffee at the diner next door, or stay in the car (they're letting only one "pet parent" at a time into the building) until we're ready to bring Happy home. We will likely need to schedule an ultrasound in order to do a fine-needle aspirate biopsy--unless the vet decides to prescribe prednisone in case he has lost too much weight and/or starts feeling more uncomfortable. This morning was his first puking since Friday night.

    Bob is bringing home wings & salad, so will likely have a bit more bubbly before switching to Bubly.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I couldn't get on the site yesterday ayem, kept getting an error message. Not sure what was going on but it seems to have fixed itself.

    Things are work were pretty calm yesterday. Got a couple of calls from parents who got their kiddos tested (negative) and wondering if they can come out of quarantine. A local youth athletic club leader is telling parents that the quarantine rules have changed and athletes only need to quarantine for 7 days (not true in Maine) so we've got a bunch of parents getting angry about being told their child has to stay out of school for 10 days and cannot play in school sports for 10 days when they are going back to community sports sooner. The CDC is leaving it up to School Nurses to "educate" these club leaders, and we have NO authority whatsoever, but the CDC won't call and talk to them, and they DO have the authority! Arrgghh.I swear it's the adults who are the worst to deal with sometimes.

    Goldie--Sadie was back to her usual self that afternoon. The not eating is probably because I have been going overboard with hooman food, she's eating fine now. Yup, all but 9 students in quarantine, so the school went remote for the week. And no, quarantined kiddos have been seen in the local grocery story, playgrounds, at community sports, daycare centers, and one is in Florida for a Disney vacay. Just shaking my head.Everyone comes back to school next Monday. Good heavens, you DH is wanting to be a very busy social butterfly!

    Morning, Karen!

    Reader--So sorry to hear you had to deal with a breakthrough infection! Glad it wasn't worse. Don't blame your DH not wanting to go to the next wedding.

    Chi--Happy Birthday to Bob!Your poor housekeeper! That must have been worrisome for her. Glad Happy is doing well. Also glad your back is doing better.

    OK, running late this ayem, time to head to work. Have a good one everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Hey Karen!!

    Reader, you were vaxed and still got Covid? But glad you are pulling out of it. I wouldn't go to the wedding either. Altho, with all the people my DH is wanting to get together with, might as well be a big event.

    Sandy, good luck getting to the vet. Enjoy dinner with the kids.

    NM, I didn't think they would all be quarantining. I agree with you about the adults being worse. It will be interesting to see what happens when the little ones come back. I hope nothing tho. Hmmmm, I wonder why you couldn't get on yesterday? I didn't have any problems. I didn't post, but I did a drive by! Glad Sadie is doing better.

    Still don't know what's going on for TG, other than the one DD and her DH from Reno are coming. Also talked with Tammy the other day and she wants to come for a weekend. She just invited herself. I'm seeing more changes in DH. We used to sit at the counter to eat, he had to stop that and sit at the table. He would also make his own dinner, since usaully it just involves throwing something in the micro wave or making a sandwich. Well, the last two days, he says, would you mind doing it, it's real simple. At night, he no longer stands to use his urinal, he sits on the edge of the bed. He couldn't stand at the fridge yesterday long enough to look for something (I was outside) he had to hurry up and get back to his chair so he could sit. He gets up around 5, nap between 11-1 (2 hours, used to 45 min. to an hour), then back to bed at 5. He's having a little bit more of a struggle breathing, especially when laying down, and drooling a lot at night. And I need company!!! Worked in the garden yesterday, cutting back and shredding papers. My neighbor came over and helped in the garden for an hour and a half. I told her, you help me, I'll help you. With whatever you want. She's painting inside the house, but will wait until cooler weather to start that back up again. Have to get outside chores done before the S flies.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    DOTD: Zombie Slime

    Green Slime Martini


    For cocktail:
    1 ounce vodka
    1 ounce peach schnapps
    1 ounce sour apple schnapps
    1 ounce coconut rum
    1 ounce sweet and sour mix

    For blood slime:
    3 tablespoons corn syrup
    1/2 teaspoon red food coloring

    Rim Instructions

    1. Mix corn syrup with red food coloring.
    2. Dip the rim of martini glass into the mixture, and slowly spin the glass to coat it.
    3. Turn the glass upright and the blood will begin to drip slightly. Set aside.

    Cocktail Instructions

    1. Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes.
    2. Shake well and pour over ice cubes into slime-rimmed martini glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day! I'm having a bit of job getting my butt moving this ayem. Glad it's Friday, and looking forward to having the kiddos back in school on Monday. Madeabunch of phone calls yesterday, lots of kiddos without symptoms, many have tested negative. I was so sure there'd be a bunch of positive tests by now, glad to be wrong about that.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Goldie--I'm not sure what was going on with the site the other day, I kept getting an error message that said if you are the owner of the site check the something-or-other log. Probably it was either out a very short time or it was a problem with my internet access. It's looking like nothing will come of this exposure. At least no in-school transmission, which is good. I can't control what kids catch from their parents, but I can try to keep it from spreading inside the school!

    Sounds like things are getting harder for DH. Would having a stool in the kitchen for him to sit on while looking in the fridge or making a sandwich help, do you think? I can imagine you do need company, glad your neighbor came over and you can help each other. Hugs.

    That Zombie Slime looks crazy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    NM, that's great that the virus didn't take off like you thought it would. I hope it stays that way. As for a stool, it would just be in his way with the walker, because of the island. If he wanted to, he could sit on it. He says he's afraid it will roll out from under him when standing up. But all he would have to do is push himself to the counter, then it wouldn't roll out from under him. I think he just looks for ways so that he doesn't have to do.

    Nothing going on here, same ole same ole. Working on stuff outside while it's still nice and shredding those papers. My pile doesn't even seem to be any smaller!

    DOTD: Witches Heart

    The Witch's Heart Cocktail – A dreamy, whimsical and magical Halloween Cocktail made with Blackberry Shimmery liqueur! Are you brave enough to drink The Witch's Heart?

    1 jigger apple brandy or apple vodka chilled

    1 tsp grenadine

    2 jiggers (or to top up) Homemade Blackberry Shimmery Liqueur (see notes) chilled

    Powdered dry ice optional

    Martini glass to serve


    Add about 1/2 - 1 tsp of powdered dry ice to the bottom of the glass (optional).

    Place the apple brandy and purple shimmery liqueur in a shaker. Add 1 ice cube and shake for a few seconds to chill the drink. Strain the drink into a martini glass. Top up with more purple shimmery liqueur if necessary.

    Pour 1 tsp of grenadine syrup, about an inch from the surface of the drink - the grenadine should sink to the bottom, creating a "bleeding" effect.

    Add about 1/2 tsp of powdered dry ice on top and serve with a stirrer, so that your guests can stir the "potion" to create that shimmery, smoky effect.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited October 2021


    I love that Witches Heart! How do you make a homemade blackberry shimmery liqueur?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    jhl, I can't answer that for you, but here is the link where I got the drink. It shows how there.

    The Witch's Heart - Halloween Cocktail - The Flavor Bender

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2021

    NM, good news for no in school spread. Hoping you can have a relaxing weekend.

    Goldie, you find the most interesting thematic drinks! Keeping you and your DH in my thoughts, such a stressful time for you.

    I've been reading but not posting. This has been a mixed news week for us. DH had a breast biopsy last week with benign results reported today. On the other hand, I've just been diagnosed with gout and true to my usual, my gi track is very unhappy with the new meds. Too many of the SEs are in common with those from Tamoxifen! Yuck.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Waking up to a pretty looking day today. Temps got back up in the 60's and 70s yesterday after being in the 50's a good part of the week. Looks like the school will end up with 2 official positive testing students and one unofficial (home test). The three kids hand out together all the time, so not clear if in-school or out of school exposure, although I'm inclined to say out of school since they wear masks at school but don't outside of school when they are at each other's homes. It seems the quarantining and going remote for the week has kept this one from becoming a full-fledged outbreak. It's going to be great to have the kiddos back on Monday!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone and recommends giving a pet a good tick check every night at bedtime because it feels like a massage and helps pets sleep better. Sadie got two last night, she kept nudging the kindle out of my hands until I did her second check!

    Goldie--I hadn't thought about the walker, that would make a stook impractical. Most walkers with wheels have brakes on them, maybe he doesn't know how to set the brake? Or doesn't have the hand strength? But like you say, he can push it up against the island and that will work fine. You are finding some fantastic Halloweeny DOTDs!I'm loving them!

    Morning, jhl!

    Beaver--very glad DH's biopsy is benign!So sorry about the gout and new meds not playing nicely with the other meds and your GI system.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Beaver, I use Google and try and find something that goes along with the conversation at the time. Right now it's getting close to Halloween so I Googled Halloween cocktails. I think that's what NM does as well. But anyone can post a Drink of the Day. So glad your DH had a benign biopsy, but sorry about your gout and meds issues. How is your son doing?

    NM, so so glad it didn't turn into a huge outbreak and only a couple of the kids got it. Sweet massage for Sadie. Does she return the favor? Altho the walker is new, the brakes don't keep it from completely rolling, so he doesn't trust it, he does have the strength.

    DH does not get up hardly at all anymore. He walks from bed to chair, or chair to bed, when he gets up in the morning, takes his nap and when he goes to bed. The only other times he moves about is to use the toilet (not to urinate) or take a shower, which is every 2-3 days. He has not come to the table to eat, he asks me to bring it to him in the living room. He doesn't even make his own microwave garbage he eats. I find his new vocabulary to be I can't, would you mind..., Could I ask you to...,Can I have...,Can I ask a favor, Will you do X or get me X. I read in my research someone with ALS saying you have to decide if you want to live with ALS or die with it. I'm unsure where DH is on this. Or am I just not understanding how debilitating this disease is. If he loses the ability to bear weight, I don't know what I'll do.

    DOTD: VooDoo Magic

    slideshow photo


    1/4 c ice

    1/2 c orange juice

    1 1/2 oz black vodka

    1/2 oz triple sec

    orange wedge, for garnish

    In a cocktail shaker, add orange juice and triple sec over ice. Shake well, and strain into a glass.

    Using the back of a spoon, pour black vodka slowly into a glass so that the vodka sits atop the orange juice and triple sec mix.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited October 2021

    Goldie, I’m sorry you both are dealing with these issues. Was your DH a happy doer before ALS or was he a complainer type? That might determine what’s attitude vs legit symptoms. Either way, I hope he can find some motivation, this is no way for either of you to live long term.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Was able to get downstairs today with just the banisters instead of the cane. Yesterday was the first day I didn't have to use the Rollator. Happy seems to be doing a bit better with the prednisone--he still puked this morning (to protest that I didn't wake up and feed him before his usual time), but much less copiously. He still eats like a horse, though, and is ever more ultra-affectionate.