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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!Guess who just figured out that Halloween is on Sunday, not Monday? Yup. Thought I had this weekend to pull together a costume. Oh well, hope I'll do better next year. I'll throw on my Thing 1 shirt and go with a partial costume. I do have to admit that I'm looking forward to a sleep in tomorrow ayem. Will have to have a discussion with Sadie and negotiate a getting up time that works for the both of us.

    The overall number of COVID cases is decreasing, according to the Maine CDC, but we're seeing more and more in the schools. I finally realized what is happening, more and more families are using home tests, which we accept positive results from, but which are not reported to the CDC, and so are never counted as official or confirmed cases. So entire neighborhoods have at least one positive tested in each house, but not one is going to be counted. What I struggle to understand is why people will go out and spend $20-$30 dollars for a home test when they are struggling to pay rent and other bills, when the official tests are free.

    Chevy--Wow, that is wonderful, what that teacher did with the student who was knitting!

    Goldie--the News Flash was supposed to be a funny story inspired by my Halloween name and end from your post. Wow, you are in for a busy week! I hope the new neurologist is more helpful that the current one seems to be.

    Beaver--thunderstorms can really bring down some rain at times! It feels nice when the humidity gets cleared out, though.

    Illi--glad to hear that the tornado warning didn't progress!


    Morning, Karen!

    Vampire Bite Spike Black Cherry Lemonade Halloween Cocktail

    Vampire Bite


    • 4 oz. lemonade
    • 2 oz. Cherry Vodka
    • 4 oz. Black Cherry Soda


    1. Combine lemonade and vodka in shaker. Shake vigorously.
    2. Pour into serving glass.
    3. Top with Dark Cherry Soda.
    4. Garnish with frozen cherries.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Beaver, we had a big storm like that, I think it was 6" in one hour, and where I live, that just caused lots of damage and flooding, some road impassable.

    BabyGirl, good deal on your tornado warning. Glow in the dark PJ's and your radiation mask, I bet most people (unless they know you) would have a clue. Did you get the pj's to glow?

    NM, well now, aren't you the clever one! I went back to my post and yours to see it in the story. So indeed, supposed to be funny but went right over my head! Bummer you got Halloween mixed up. You'll have to let us know some of the great costumes that the kiddos wear. Would be nice if you could do pictures, but a big no no I'm sure.

    Karen, are you dressing up? Anyone else? Not me.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2021

    I may wear my usual for Halloween--a black Tee shirt that says " This shirt IS my Halloween costume!"

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2021

    Lori - I don't dress up - and this year keeping the lights off - the past few years we've had maybe a dozen kids - some kids have moved into the neighborhood, but still not worth the hassle and have left over candy to eat when I don't want the calories.

    Kim, our cases are at all time high since last December!!!! - and hospital ICUs are running out of bed....of course its the unvaccinated that account for 75% of the cases - not sure how the kids are fairing. I haven't heard on any at either of my schools.

    My microwave is on the way out - door not shutting properly after 14 years. Don't want one quite as big but nothing tiny!

    Gorgeous fall day today, but the weather is changing!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Hi ladies- happy Saturday and Halloween Eve. I am doing th candy thing this year, but decided to just put a table outside with some candy in little plastic bags and not answer the door. Sunday night is my time to get organized for the work week ahead and I have four clinics going live this coming week with the biggest change for them (plus another we are currently monitoring for two previous go lives). Do I sound busy, yes I am. Plus I am a fan of the HBO series Succession which runs on Sunday nights (anyone else watching?) My neighborhood gets really slammed with trick or treaters and although I don't usually do it, I am this year because the kiddos missed out last year. We were heading into the winter surge here around this time last year so the city and state really discouraged the trick or treating thing.

    Speaking of surges, despite the fact that all the covid numbers are coming down again and we are 72% vaccinated in the state, our numbers are NOT coming down. They looked like they were leveling off the beginning of October, but they are up again. I think it's probably from the recent balloon fiesta, large group gatherings with folks from all over the world probably didn't help. But if that is true, we should see the numbers come down soon as we are a couple weeks out from the end of the event. The strain on the healthcare system here is endless and I am in the middle of that stuff.

    I made it to my first year on the job this week and went out to celebrate with my co-worker who started with me, and the other woman who joined our team this spring. I think you saw my turkey plate, it was yummy and we also all got to go desserts (apple pie for me). I get the last of my benefits kicking in like matching on my retirement, long term disability and also eligible for FMLA should I need that in the future. I had my review yesterday with my director and found it to be an "interesting" conversation. All in all, I did okay but we don't get promotions or raises based on merit because its a state and county funded org vs. private. I got my raise earlier this month and a co-worker told me they tend to give them annually so I feel my goals are being acheived. I should be out of this project in a few more weeks, god willing and on to my next adventure.

    I am heading out to meet a friend for a late afternoon foliage walk and some early dinner. Hoping everyone here is having a nice (or maybe just do-able) weekend.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2021

    Funny story - I was meeting with a 5th grade student on Thursday and he was telling me about his vacation and that it was for his grandfather's birthday - he goes to say that his grandfather is officially a senior citizen as he turned 65!!!

    Gorgeous fall day today - sat outside this afternoon reading to catch some rays! The weather is changing starting tomorrow and will damp, cold and rainy. On Thursdays, I am at school where I have playground duty for 35 minutes in the morning and 60 minutes at lunch. I told the AP that when it gets cold out, I'll be wearing my snow pants and heavy coat. I'm covering this school for a maternity leave through January, so I won't have too much winter, but I freeze these days!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    During my walk yesterday



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Beaver, perfect t shirt!

    Karen, I haven't passed out candy since I moved to my last house in MI, almost 40 years ago. But we lived in the boonies. I'm not a fan of the freezing cold.

    Jazzy, new job or just a new project with your current employer? Pretty trees.

    Off to Phoenix this moring, be back on Friday. I should be able to check in on occasion. In between all the visitors!

    DOTD: Oogie Boogie

    Oogie Boogie Halloween Cocktail Recipe

    • 1.25 ounces Green Apple Vodka
    • 1.25 ounces Sour Mix
    • Lemon-Lime Soda
    • Black Rimming Sugar
    • Candy Worms

    Begin by rimming your martini glasses with black sugar. (I picked my black sugar up at World Market and those fun cocktail napkins too! How great are they?!)

    First, flip your glass upside down and dip into a shallow bowl filled with water, or use a lemon or lime wedge to rim the edge of the glass.

    Pour your rimming sugar onto a plate.

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Well, it's a fun day now that I've submitted my paper for class for this week. Healthcare finances and financial statements are NOT my cup of tea, for all that I do need to understand them better. I did get pretty frustrated with this week's assignment of linking financial statements to quality of care. This is the one time I miss in person classes, this would have been a topic of discussion in the class or in the hallway or during breaks or after class over coffee. The online discussion thing just isn't as engaging and satisfying, primarily due to it taking days to have a conversation. But, I got it sorted out, and got some help from classmates, so all is good.

    This ayem started out very dark, rainy and windy. Now it's sunny and windy, with some sprinkles from time to time. The wind really is blowing, though. More branches will be down in the yard, no doubt, by the end of the day.

    Goldie--my little funny stories like that seem to slide past almost everyone! But I have fun writing them, so I keep doing it. There were some pretty cool kiddo costumes, princesses, various dinosaurs, superheroes, and a bunch I didn't recognize and never heard of. No pics, those have to be done so very carefully that I just don't. Particularly since I am often alone with a kiddo, I can't afford to have the slightest hint of impropriety.

    Beaver-- I wore my Thing 1 t-shirt as a sort of costume, it worked pretty well. Like your idea, too!

    Karen--here in Maine we have an 80% vaccination rate of eligible people, and about half of the people in ICU are fully vaccinated but with underlying medical conditions. So we've got a situation where hospitalization is going up while confirmed positive tests are going down. And yet more and more people are sick and testing positive that I know of. Fortunately, out of all the kiddos testing positive, only half have any symptoms (mostly cough, sore throat, runny nose) and only one is really sick (fever, cough, congestion, malaise, body aches). Entire families are testing positive the community. It's getting crazy.

    Jazzy--You do sound busy, I don't blame you for not wanting to do the trick-or-treat thing. Congrats on finishing the first year at the job! I did see the turkey plate, looked very yummy! Sometimes I wonder why we bother with performance appraisals. They really don't seem to mean much unless someone is getting fired. Just another box to check off on the things-we-have-to-do-to-get-paid-by-Medicare list.

    Karen--LOL!I will officially be a senior citizen in2 more years! I hope you can keep warm during recess duty! I see the teachers with that duty starting to bundle up already. Not quite the snow pants and parkas, yet, but they are coming!

    Beautiful pics, Jazzy!

    Goldie--ooh, that Oogie Boogie sounds SOUR!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Goldie - same job, different project

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Happy November!

    Autumn Fizz drink, classic cocktail, alcoholic beverage, whiskey sour, cocktail, mai tai, distilled beverage, rickey, cocktail garnish, highball,

    Photography by Jessica Orlowicz


    2 oz Alibi Gin
    .25 oz lemon juice
    Agave nectar, to taste
    Sparkling apple cider
    Garnished with thyme and apple


    Pour gin in shaker, add lemon juice and agave nectar, shake, and then pour into a high ball glass and top with sparkling cider. Garnish with fresh thyme and an apple slice.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited November 2021

    Teka - that is WONDERFUL. Thanks for posting.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Jazz - beautiful colors

    Kim - CO vaccinaton is good, but its the unvax that have close to 80% of hospitalizations - and hospitals are almost at capacity - one is already on divert. We are at the highest rate of hospitalizations since the pandemic. I had a special education teacher try to argue with me today - doesn't matter the topic, but she was WRONG!!! On an IEP, she filled in all my part without any consultation!!! Tomorrow is my last day at this train wreck of a school - mostly due to new admin - I do really like the SW and other MH staff, one sped teacher and a few of the gen ed teachers that I have worked with. Next week I take on a new vacancy till it is filled. The new school is 10 minutes from my house. It's a more affluent neighborhood and I've mostly worked in lower income schools for most of my 30+ year career, so this will be different.

    Cold and damp today and some rain. At 5pm it was 37 - supposed to be in low 40s tomorrow. DH and I both had work to do tonight so he decided to skip the nightly walk as its so damp and cold!!!

    Sweet dreams.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Case & test positivity have risen slightly in IL since Friday--case 2%, test 2.3%; but here in Chicago it's fallen to 1.6%. We're not hesitating to dine indoors in restaurants (we and the staff still mask) and even went to the movies ("Dune") yesterday (everyone lowered their masks only to drink & eat). It's chilly enough now that dining outdoors, even in a tent near a heater, would make my nose run; and amazingly, we still have allergenic levels of ragweed pollen! We are 2 months triple-vaccinated (and my shot was a full, not half, dose of Moderna), so we feel a bit more confident--but not gonna throw all caution to the wind. Still driving, self-parking when we can find a spot. Bob works so hard and late that I'm mostly cooking/nuking leftovers during the week because I'm too tired to go out (and places open late enough are few & far between); besides, the kitties are getting needier & needier (typing this with Happy between my chest & lap, head blocking the screen, one paw on my left forearm and the other trying to work the touchpad).

    So to catch up: Sat. night I had a French blanc de blancs brut (from Limoux) and a Pinot Noir from Pays d'Oc. Yesterday at brunch, a Virgin Mary. And at dinner last night, a brut rose from the Lambrusco region of Italy (the same area that used to make that sweet fizzy red plonk back during our college days). Back to coffee, water & seltzer till my (gulp!) weigh-in on Wed. I will point out that at least 2 lb. of the weight gain will be due to having to wear heavier clothes than I did in Aug.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Happy Election Day. I hope everyone will vote or has already voted. It sounds like early and absentee voting has gotten much more popular since COVID.

    Funny, Teka!

    Morning, Minus!

    Karen--how can that teacher think it's ok to fill out a part of the IEP that is outside their education and scope of practice? That takes real egotism. Glad the new school is so much closer to home. It will be interesting to see how the financial status of the community makes a difference in the school functioning.

    Chi--I have this amazingly funny picture in my mind now of you with Happy sprawled over you interfering with your typing and view of the monitor!

    The Running Mate

    • 2 ounces bourbon
    • 3/4 ounce cranberry juice
    • 3/4 ounce lime juice
    • 1/2 ounce simple syrup

    Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and shake. Strain into a martini glass. Garnish with two raspberries and one blueberry on a toothpick.

    From <>

  • Jewelweed
    Jewelweed Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2021

    "The only actual orange that interacts with AIs & CDK4/6 inhibitors is the bitter, aka Seville, orange. They're too bitter to eat out of hand, but traditional English & Scottish marmalades are made with them--so if you like marmalade, go with the sweet stuff."

    Oh man, I will miss my Scottish marmalade, but this is good news. Based on my reading, I was worried that I would have to avoid *all* citrus. I suffer from SAD, and have found that burying my face in an orange pretty much cures it. Thank you for posting this!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Kim - remember the sped teacher I complained about - well after the IEP meeting today, she told me it was the best one that she has ever had and on my way out at end of day, she thanked me for all my help!! Finished up my coverage at that school today - the young new SP will be good - she is a go getter - even after the "dear in the headlights" look this morning when I was trying to show her stuff. Sweet kid.

    We went for a walk after dinner and it started raining - I had my big long down coat on and it is soaked!! We did our normal 25 minute walk. at lunch I walked for 10 minutes but it was only drizzling.

    Going to see our Toronto kids for a long week-end in a few weeks. DH was able to use mileage points to "buy" the tickets - he tried in the morning yesterday but didn't act on it and it the afternoon they were gone. Then by chance he tried again this morning and seats were available. I will take one day comp time from the summer and leave a little early the day we leave. Now we have to book tickets to see DD#2. DH doesn't have enough points for tickets, I do for 1 1/2 tickets (points on cc) so would have to pay cash for the balance which is about 1/2 the price of a ticket, but DH doesn't like the flights. Will wait and see.

    Not much else to report. Stay safe, warm and healthy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungetttes!Happy Hump Day! It was an interesting day at work yesterday, had a kiddo making suicidal statements. It's the first time I had to run the suicide prevention protocol myself, the school counselor usually did that, but she left a couple weeks ago. Don't know when her replacement starts work, and the new person is a social worker and not a counselor, so I'm not sure how that will affect how these things will get managed. Time will tell, I guess. At least it all ended well with a bunch of needed services being put in place.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone and reminds everyone to stretch out after getting up, every time, b/c it feels GOOD!

    Jewelweed--Welcome!Interesting info about oranges and Ais and the CDKs. Thanks for sharing! Pull up a stool and visit a bit, tell us about yourself.

    Karen--Nice of the teacher to thank you! Glad the person replacing you is going to work out well. Your poor down coat, I hope it dries out well.

    The Patriot Cocktail


    2 oz Bulleit Rye Whiskey

    0.5 oz maple syrup

    1 oz cranberry juice

    3 dashes Angostura bitters

    Cinnamon stick for garnish


    • Add all ingredients (except garnish) to a mixing glass with ice and stir until chilled.
    • Strain into an Old-Fashioned glass over fresh ice.
    • Garnish with a cinnamon stick and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Just a quick check in. Infusion went fine, MO will video call if needed after my scan results are in and we'll discuss possible treatment changes, due to my TM's going up. I told him if we didn't check TM's, I would still be on my original treatment, as I don't feel any different than I did 7 years ago. I haven't had scans in over 2 years, so there's got to be progression there, altho I don't feel it. Anywho, visits are actually going ok, today DH goes for w/c fitting, tomorrow new doc for him and Friday is the current one. I got me another baby fix. Only a pic with the newborn tho. But had so much fun with her 3 yo big sister, she is such a sweetie.

    Karen, I couldn't believe what I read about that person doing your IEP, that's crazy! Glad you will get to go see your DD1 soon, and hopefully DD2 in the near future. How is your SIL doing?

    NM, it was sad to read about the little one talking suicide. I hope it all works out ok. You wouldn't even think at that age they would even know what that is. Do you know if it was because of bullying?

    Hi Jewell and welcome. Interesting about the oranges, but may I ask what prompted that? Like NM said, pull up a bar stool, order a drink and tell us a little about yourself!


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2021

    OMG Goldie what a dear little girl! Thanks for sharing her with us and bringing a smile.

    I echo the sadness at knowing a child was feeling so desperate. NM what a tough thing to handle but so glad you did.

    I'm still trying to get rid of low grade fever and a tickle-cough left over from my case of breakthrough covid. Will be asking my Dr. If I'll need a booster or not.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Actually, it's not just bitter oranges that interfere with AIs, but also grapefruit. So not only no English marmalade--at brunch you can have mimosas but not Palomas or Sea Breezes. The two fruits interfere with the enzymatic pathways used by AIs and the angiotensin-receptor-blocker (ARB) class of anti-hypertensive (blood pressure) drugs--but in opposite ways. Sevile oranges & grapefruit block the action of AIs, but they increase the potency of ARBs--causing severe drops in blood pressure that could lead to shock. (There used to be a non-drowsy antihistamine called Seldane--and grapefruit juice made it so powerful that the combo caused severe inflammatory-cytokine "storms" that actually killed enough people for the drug to be withdrawn from the market). The good news is that all other kinds of oranges (including valencias, cara cara and other navels, blood oranges, mandarins), kumquats, limes & lemons are fine if you're on AIs or ARBs.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! The Wednesday, Women and Wine group are having a Temporary Thursday get together this evening at a nice restaurant that isn't open on Wednesdays. It'll be my first time there, but I've heard really nice things from the ladies who have been there before. I'm really looking forward to it.

    COVID cases are leveling out here in Maine, similar severalhundred new cases per day, similar number in ICUs, similar numbers on breathing machines as for the last couple of weeks. Finally at school we are down to only one child in quarantine at the moment. Next project will be a vax clinic for the youngsters.

    Serious frost showing all over this ayem, had the same yesterday ayem. Fall has truly arrived!

    Sadie says HI!

    Goldie--great baby pic! Glad the infusion went well. Praying the scans do not show any progression. It's not fair to be in a situation where you feel fine but have to worry about TMs. The suicidal comment issue was related to bullying, but I think that is the tip of the iceberg. But now it's being addressed, for which I am grateful. Lots going on for DH, too, it seems.

    Morning, Teka!

    Reader--Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, remember the usual advice, lots and lots of fluids and lots and lots of rest. At least as much as you can manage.

    Chi--good info.

    Jack Frost Cocktail Recipe Watch The Video Tutorial | Drinks, Christmas drinks alcohol recipes, Martini ingredients

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori - thanks for asking about SIL. Thankfully he is doing well. The baby is adorable.

    DD#1 had her first cholesterol test yesterday and results are borderline. She has her first mammo in about a month - baseline mammo. She is pretty pro-active about her health and pushes for what she wants. She is buxomy (more than I ever was) so I hope it is not uncomfortable for her. I haven't had one since Dx (nothing to mammo) and its been 30 years since my 1st one, baseline, so I don't remember what it was like. The only one I remember is after DD#2 was born and a couple years old and I got yelled at from the person bringing me back and still in the waiting room that I shouldn't have come cuz I was still nursing and it makes it hard for the radiologists. I should have turned in a complaint about her, but I didn't.

    73 and blue beautiful Colorado skis. Supposed to be nice all week-end.

    Kim, in my district it is the SPs and SWs who do most of the safety protocols (suicide risk reviews, threat assessments and self-injury). the nurses resist doing them even though many are trained. School counselors can also do them. They never get easier.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    I'm feeling pretty old right now: my baby boy Gordy (now 37 and engaged) is on a statin and an ACE inhibitor--just like his dad! (And has rosacea, just like his mom; has also been wearing progressive-lens glasses since age 33--earlier than either Bob or me were).

    DOTD: Mumm Napa 2014 sparkling Pinot Meunier. Not to celebrate anything, but rather to soothe me after a text-messaging glitch caused by updating my phone's OS--and a futile evening with AppleCare trying to resolve it. (When I try to text certain numbers that are Android phones not on T-Mobile, the messaging app inserts a "1" before the number, making it 11 digits long and triggering the error message "Invalid number--please use a valid 10-digit number or short code"). Tried every suggestion online and from AppleCare techs, to no avail.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2021

    Goldie0827, what a beautiful baby. I have never posted on this topic before but on another someone and me were posting about drinking which led me here. I am watching my great nephew 2 days a week and it is wonderful to hold a baby again!

    ChiSandy, Me too! My oldest daughter (42) just got bifocals. She has type 2 diabetes but is in denial and won't go to MD. She was having abd pain and went to a immediate care...her blood sugar was 200. So you never stop worrying or giving largely ignored advice. It upsets me greatly but I can suggest she see (and get a) MD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! The Wednesday, Women and Wine Temporary Thursday get together was really fun, in a beautiful venue, with great food and some new faces to get to know. It's also the first time I've spent over $100 on a meal for myself in ages! But worth it.

    Good thing dinner was worth it because Silly Sadie was NOT HAPPY with me getting home so late. I got the cold shoulder treatment until I went to bed, then I got the Ninja Paw treatment off and on all night. I think I have bruises from her nails from a couple of her more energetic pushes! But she seems to have forgiven me this ayem after I put a treat in her breakfast bowl.

    Karen--I cringe every time I hear about a healthcare worker making a statement like that to a patient. Making it hard for them? Really? Are we expected to plan our lives around the convenience of the mammogram tech?Right now my school doesn't have a counselor or social worker. I've met the new social worker, but I don't know when she starts. So for now I'm the only one in the school full time to do them. The principal travels between 2 schools, and would (and did) come back to do an eval/review. It's not an easy job, that's for sure. The amount of time the process takes up surprised me, and made me realize that I need to set up some sort of arrangement so I can have a block if uninterrupted time. Trying to make confidential phone calls with kiddos knocking on the door for bandaids and ice packs was challenging.

    Chi--Isn't technology wonderful when it thinks it knows better than we do?

    Kid1919--Welcome! It must be great fun watching your nephew.

    One of the cocktails I had last night was a

    Highbrow Society

    High Society Recipe | Absolut Drinks


    Pear vodka

    Domaine de Canton (ginger liqueur)



  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2021

    Sandy, if my phone did that I would be in serious trouble as in our area the 1 must be included when making a phone call so all the numbers in my contact list have the 1 in them. Hope you get it worked out.

    I am finally beginning to feel better after having an allergic reaction to the gout medicine. Meeting with PCP on Monday to discuss where we go from here...

    Re drinking had champagne last evening in honor of our 59th wedding anniversary, a day late because we forgot to chill it for the anniversary dinner! Still enjoyed it!

    NM, interesting cocktail. So many of the combinations you post I would not have thought of. Glad you had a good, albeit expensive, night out--you deserve it ( let Sadie know that, too, and then give her an extra belly rub).

    Edited to correct autocorrect!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Reader, so sorry about that cough and fever, seems like lots of folks get that from Covid.

    NM, glad your numbers are leveling out with Covid. I only keep track of our little county and the one next to us. But our numbers have to be going up in droves, as no one wears a mask. Whoa, that is a hefty bill for a meal, but you sure deserve it is right. LOL @ the Ninja Paw treatment.

    Gosh Karen, that was uncalled for, that nurse yelling at you for coming in for mammo while nursing. There are always nicer ways to say things to people! Glad your SIL is doing well.

    Sandy, that sounds like a big PITA with the extra 1 in your phone numbers.

    Hi Kid, and welcome. How old is your nephew you are watching.

    Beaver, at least chilling the bubbly was the only thing you forgot, DH and I forget the whole date!

    SOOOOOO glad to be home finally. DH will be getting a loaner wheelchair on the 15th. There is a point system they use to determine the progression of ALS. Things like can you dress independently, with little help, with a lot of help, or not at all. Each question has like 4 options. He went from a 35 last time to 31 this time. He will also get a bi level machine soon. We will be changing doctors, he likes this young gal and so do I. I like the current one, but they are dragging their feet on my DH's needs.

    Thank you all re the baby pic. Gosh, how can you not love holding one of God's special creations! I've really been getting my baby fix lately and I'm loving it!

    LOL, DOTD: Babyfood Cocktail

    1. Fill your glass 4/5 of the way with Champagne.

    2. Add half a pack of baby food, or to taste.

    3. Plunk 3-4 raspberries in the glass and add a sprig of mint.

    The instructions for this are rather vague because we all like our bellinis a certain way. I suggest you add as much peach baby food as you like! Add a fun stir stick so that you can keep mixing any peach that winds up on the bottom of your glass.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Yesterday got off to an exciting start at school. Got a call from a bus driver, wanted the nurse to come out to the bus as soon as it arrived. He had to make a panic stop when a pickup truck pulled out in front of him, came within inches of a collision, wanted the kids looked at before they got off the bus. So I got to practice my triage/mass casualty incident skills, that I haven't needed to pull out in years. In the end there were 18 kiddos with various levels of scared, but not one single injury. Not even any red marks, no bruises coming up, nothing physical at all. All the safety features on the bus did what they were supposed to do, even for the kiddos that were standing up and facing the back of the bus or jumping up and down in the seats when it happened. A couple kiddos with stomach aches came in a little later, but they got better when reminded that Friday lunch is pizza. That whole thing got everyone wound up for the morning!

    When I was telling Sadie about the day's excitement she was watching me so intently it was almost eerie! When I got done she rolled over and let me know that belly rubbing a dog is very good therapy for frazzled nerves after an exciting day. She was right, too!

    Beaver--Sadie says "thanks" for the extra belly rub! It was a good night out and it really did do me good, I slept particularly well that night, even if it wasn't for as long as usual. Personally, I think Sadie likes hearing about all the gossip and goings on when the Wine Ladies get together. She has a reputation to maintain about being the boss of the household, though.

    The School Bus

    2 oz Amaretto

    3 to 4 oz Orange Juice

    3 to 4 oz Beer (lighter, summer style recommended)


    Fill a tall glass with ice. Add 2 ounces amaretto. Fill the glass half-way with freshly squeezed orange juice. Fill the remainder of the glass with beer. Stir and enjoy!